Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Oct 1963, p. 8

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__ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 1, 1963 epaategratrervses $eRae ees? #32 PALS Playmates and brothers are Thomas William and Alexan- der Charles Ferries, sons of * Mr. atid Mrs, A. C. Ferries, Jr., Hortop street. Tommy celebrated his first birthday, July 30, and Alex is three and a half. The boys are the grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. 'Ferries and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Rundle, and their great-grandmother is Mrs. James Collett, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio Sian. Saas bet ce roe tata rie Sell ean [Conant H and 5 _ September Meeting The Conant Home and School Association held its monthly meeting at the school with Mrs. William Tymchuk presiding. Mrs, Elwood Buckler gave the secretary's report followed by. the treasurer's report, read by Mrs. Ernest Hilts, Mrs. Wil- liam Tymchuk announced the child study program which will be taking place at the McLaugh- lin Collegiate for an eight-week period, which is open to anyone 'wishing to attend. Mrs.' Wiliam Tymchuk then introduced the executive and chairmen for this year which follows: President, Mrs. William Tymchuk; vice- president, Mrs. Elwood Buck- ler; recording secretary, Mrs. Eric Foshay; treasurer, Mrs. Desmond Taylor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ronald Elliott; chairmen, Mrs. Ernest Hilts, Mrs. Albert J. Shortt, Mrs. Clifford McQuarrie, Mrs, Ken- neth Bait. The corresponding secretary's report was read by Mrs, Ron- ald Elliott. Mrs. William Tym- chuk then called on Mr. D. Peel, principal of Aonant School, to address' the parents. Mr. Peel told the parents that re- port cards will only be given os 'mothe Would He-Man Dear Ann Landers: | enjoy-| ed the letter from the 'flat- chested school teacher who "filled with cotton what God had forgotten." It was an amus- ing letter and seemed to make sense when I read it, but now I'm not so sure. I'm a fairly attractive 18-year- old girl -- another one of those. whom 'God has forgotten." I have been tempted many times to go to a lingerie store and buy myself an improved figure, but one thing holds me back. What effect would such de- TO COMMENT ception have on a husband when Mrs. R. V. Sheffield wit jhe learned he had been tricked? comment at the fashion show I hope my letter doesn't sound being sponsored by the 16th too stupid to print. I really Parents' Committee, Oshawa |Would like an answer. Girl Guides and taking place READY FOR STUFFiNG Dear Ready: No real man isecreaabel would attach any importance to this whole cotton pickin' issue. UNITS, GROUPS Go to the lingerie shop, out three, times instead of four. In place of this there will be an interim report sent home in Oc'ober with students which will. say how the child is pro- |gressing and where help is need- ed. Mr. Peel then announced that he hopes to have some of the books from the _ school library on display at the next home and School meeting so 'UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES WOODCREST H AND S Woodcrest Home and School * Association's first meeting of -the 1963 season by welcoming * the parents and teachers. » The minutes were read by the «secretary, Mrs. Philip Jeyes. Mrs. Charles Hawboldt, treas- urer, gave her report. During 'the business session tentative plans were made for a card party to be held in January, and 'a family skating night is to be arranged for the later part of January. The Kindergarten Tea \shown and workers are stilllsee how the cheque from the Mrs. Roy Mercer opened the|needed to knit, sew and em-|Home and School meeting so broider, also to help on booths.|Mr, Peel .then The bazaar will-be held in No-\the teaching staff which is as|"° vember. accepted. The executive end of the year. auxiliary. for next Tuesday with Mrs. C. The resignation of Sergeant-| at-Arms Mrs. Lloyd Burkett was|tong: Grade 1, Mrs. C. Lamb; willlGrades 1 and 2, Miss B. Mc-| carry out these duties till the! Killop; Grade 2. Miss G.| the executive and parents can| | introduced| | follows: Kintergarten, Mrs, A. C. |Robertson; Grade 3, Miss D. One new member was_ ini- 5 tiated and welcomed into thea Girurds Grade vig oy A social evening was planned es "icici ag ser aap Intosh; Grade 7, Mr. R. D. A, Vermoen as convener for re- ' freshments. The Zone Social will | Sees nn gehen all Mead Mg Honey, and take care of what 4 God has forgotten. AUXILIARIES Dear Ann Landers: What can \I do about a 46-year-old wife ST. STEPHEN'S UCW who thinks she's a teen-ager? The monthly meeting of St.| Our 17-year-old daughter is Stephen's UCW was held in theja sensible, popular girl whose)'Y church recently with the presi-|friends, both boys and gitls, | sk-racord is so good, I also| dent, Mrs. Charles S. Rundie,jenjoy congregating im our presiding. jrumpus reem. We are not ob- The meeting opened with the|jecting -- in fact, we're happy singing of Hymn No. 376 andjto have them here, but I do Hymn No, 346 was used as|believe that my wife should not r. rayer. jhang around (wearing Capri The minutes were read by| Pants and a low-cut blouse) the Mrs. Jack Cook. Mrs. Ray |entire evening and behave like Smith gave the treasurers|Ne of the kids. port. | My wife is an excellent A®nominating committee was\¢ancer and is up on all the formed with Mrs, Cook, Mrs,|/@test, but our daughter tells Carson Heard and Mrs. Ste-|me she finds it embarrassing : aids the z at when her mother does . eet ee mashed 'potato and the horse, y ; _ asked!the rabbit, the money and the to bring to their next unit meet-|rest of those foolish dances. ing clothing and blankets to be! My wife insists she, is really ae to Algeria and Hong Kong.|chaperoning the kids without e worship service was Un-letting them know it. I would jder the leadership of Mrs. Alexijike your views on this. Thank Ferries. The Bible study was|yoy taken from the book, "The Up-|_TWINKLE TOES' HUSBAND per Room", His Bride's Falsies? Wihe doespass._ou! Feastarity? -------- ohio Resent my eye. Your wife is reliving her girlhood and giving that 17- year-old a run for her money. Parents SHOULD be at home when their teenagers entertain but they should not plunk them- selves in the middle of the group and try to be one of them, Mothers who are young in appearance, and lively hoofers as well, should make every effort to cut down the voltage in the presence of their daugh- ters' boy friends. Often without realizing it, they are competing with their daughters and this spells deep trouble. Dear Ann Landers: I have been married for 30 years to a man who is turning into an over- sexed alcoholic. He drinks almost a case of beer every night and even more on weekends. When I tell him he is becoming an alcoholic he points to his work-record (he has not 'missed a day in six years) and insists that people cannot be alcoholics if they stick to beer and work regular- | I admit it's amazing that his \find it amazing that he can be |so amorous just before he passes out -- which he does almost every night. Is it possible that he is right and I am wrong? Can it be that ja person who drinks only beer is safe from alcoholism even if He says beer makes him feel good but he insists he has never Geen crunk i fis -- nie ow about this? --AGGRAVATED EDNA Dear vated: Your hus- band is full of hops. Beer con- tains alcohol and a person can | get knee-walking drunk on three bottles of beer or less--depend- ing on his threshold of toler- ance, . ' Beer drinkers are especially difficult to help because they usually deny that they are alco- BEARGE BENTH. Vite Mw SAnssnar ey SPAS NRRRsAUNS ae Om MONTREAL (CP) -- Lillian Larmour, a ~ customs" "broker (ii Mamiiwn, wea wooas ao brokerage business for severa' years but claims "it's a man's field."" Only about 10 per cent of customs brokers in Canad are women, she says, and the percentage is lower in the United States. Miss Larmour he. 's her own firm. holics, And there is no help for a person who refuses to admit that drinking is a problem. | | | | Due to faulty elimination can be relieved overnight with the help of | DR.CHASES K:L PILLS and the Grade 1 Tea was held lielli : hin ntaualt September 24 and September 25,/take place on October 8, a a ta n: | v consecutively at | Woodcrest|/Rummage Sale on October 23,| Followi sik anteanuce jon the Bay of Quinte Confer- School at 2:30 p.m. and a social evening with the, Following the introductions, ence which was held in Whitby. -- The next Woodcrest Home and|Men's Branch as guests on Oc- groups were separated with the| In Newtonville, on Tuesday, ~ School Association meeting will|tober 29. teacher of st _ for a dis-/October 29, from 2.00 to 7.00 be held at McLaughlin Public) Members were reminded that Sueaton iii seed By helene the Presbyterial Fall « Library, October 8, 8.00 p.m dues ast be paid up till the parents aha psp Retrarh-| a, wil! be peid. pee <4 i end of Ss . mittee) sy hiker Phe mmm eptember, 1963, to be/ments were served by the ex- for the October meeting will be the 1963-64 proposed budget for|eligible to vote in December. ecutive an ra others discussion and acceptance. Reported in Oshawa General Miss B. Mckitiop's. olaia gone ti oe eee " Mrs. R. Mercer gave a con- Hospital, Mrs. David Rollo, and|the banner. Janes Randall and Mrs. Stephet =~ Cise report on the Ontario Fed-/Mrs. Kenneth Mitton: sick in deny all and Mrs. Stephen eration of Home and School/Hillsdale Manor, Mrs, Walter : gg durin \ leadership training camp held) Wilkins; at home, Mrs, Leonard|'S. George Hamilton,' opened| Refreshments were served at) : ----= this summer at Lake Couchi-/Mitchell, Mrs, Charles Williams,|th¢ service with a prayer, fol-the Close of the meeting. | Can = ching. "lowed by the ord's Prayer Sherry ZG Wl = Mrs, E, A. Werry introduced ------, Sieuer UcW_iand singing of the 23rd Psaim.| CONFETTI CHARGE vow WD the teaching staff to the par- nit 2) Miss Madeleine Sinclair read) ,,9yG : ents: Grade 1, Miss Marilyn, The regular meeting of Unit 2\the scripture lesson. (CP)--Couples who fideo geo Adams; Grades 1 and 2, Mrs.|WaS held in' the Friendship|. The Presbyterian Men's Choir, fetti: thrown pad efin con- 'Jean Jeffery; Grade 2, Miss Room at Albert Street United|conducted by Mr. Matthew|ried at a Seas Catholic Berid Nickulanien, Mrs. Robert|Church. The leader, Mrs.|Gouldburn, sang "My Father for|church here will have to pa Rogers; Grades 2 and 3, Mss George Sanders presided. Mrs.|Another Night". Mrs. B. Mont-|a small fee. The mone er 'Marion' E. Dickey; Grade 3,|Sanders opened with the UCW|gomery and Mr. J. B. Me-\cover the cost of 'savite the| Mrs. Carol Reading; Grade 4,/Prayer. |Gregor received the offering. | stuff swept up raat gli a, ied Flag 3 Athol Robertson opened Rs" Peter Gilbert introduced " arlene Flath; Grade 5, Miss|the devotional period with the|the Rev. Inya Ude of Nigeria,| _ Helen Alsop, Mr. David|Lord's Prayer followed by sing-|the guest for the evening. Mr.) 30 DAYS OVERSEAS i n a geo .. Mr. pong td Hymn 388, Mrs. Kenneth|Ude was born in Nigeria, | (OCT. Ist -- MAR. Ist) racey, Mr. Roy Gavey; Kin-|Mossey read the Scripture. Mrs.| Mr. Ude spoke on "The Mean- ) dergarten, Mrs. E. A. Werry, | Robertson then gave the reading/ing of Thank Offering"'. | pishmmectimatigs Rama 7 W) i Mie Cam Rally... lot "A Reviee te Geb ae ". FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL ro. Miss C. J. Rutley's kinder-|John Westlake read a poem Eig Saga ied _." ead (OSHAWA) la Vitti lt - Cl e : : r garten and Miss M. Adam's|called "The Greatest Test". |McDonald then thanked Mr. SoH CANADA'S WINES OF DI: relief, Dear Husband: Chaperoning| Mrs. Saywell gave a report|-------- BIG, 16-PAGE FULL COLOR CIRCULAR FILLED WITH... "New Decorating Ideas! "New Furniture Trends! Grade 1 tied for first place in) three members were report-(Ude for speaking and Mr] the room count. ; A report on Mental Health|" Sick. Gouldburn and the Presbyterian al} Men's Choir for their music. | was delivered by Mrs, vV.| Mrs. Sanders thanked : 504 SIMCOE ST. S- OSHAWA Rogers. members who helped with the|The service closed with a hymn| Ci 6 ton 2 ae ee , Mrs. Leonard Brash intro-|Catering during the summer,|Selection and benediction. S Hour Services ». duced the speaker, Mrs. Lloyd pig aag were asked to sell) Tea was served afterwards ices teu Bee Courtice, past president of the tickets for the "Old Fashioned|in the West Hall. . Oshawa and District Home and|Tea" to be held in the church} -----------___ » | PHONE 725-0643 MAPLE CLEANERS TINCTION " Exciting Savings! School Council. jon October 17. We have a rum- Mrs. Courtice spoke on "The|mage sale on September 30, and Home and School Association":|@ bake sale on October 31. Mrs. Mrs. Alan Hill thanked Mrs.|Sydney Williamson reported on Courtice for her message. sending 20 cards to members| Serving refreshments __ this i a sickness and sym-| rronth were the mothers of Miss! Pathy. | [SRAYO C. Flath's Grade 4, and Miss| Refreshments were served by| Aunsus-Graye | H. Alsop's Grade 5, under So-|Mrs. Charles Naylor and Mrs. CARESS CORT ANY : clal Convener Mrs. Donald Dick.|Robert Bent, followed by a 282 King W 1ae;9881 RUG LEGION AUXILIARY No. 43 °°C2! half hour CLEANING | \ THIS IS THE CAR that will put a smile on your face and a Twinkle in your eye... The Ladies' Auxiliary, Roya! ARVILLA McGREGOR WMS Canadian Legion Branch 43 held} The fall Thankoffering ser- its weekly meeting with Presi-|vice of the Arvilla MaGregor dent Mrs. Norman McEvers WMS was held in Knox Presby- presiding. Bazaar goods werejterian Church. The president, FOR '64 There's 5 Different Lines for 64 e@ CHEVROLET e CHEVY Il @ CORVAIR e CORVETTE AND INTRODUCING THE _ CHEVELLE " See Them All RIGHT NOW OPEN 9 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. DAILY |} ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND W. LIMITED 725-6501 Let us supply Your HEATING OIL this Winter ! Now is the time to change to Lander-Stork for the new heating season ; . . you'll know you ore getting only top qaulity oil . . . delivered on time, automatically . . . ond accurate, ceritified measurement. ' adel acacia ELS And, os a residential customer, you'll receive FREE onnual furnoce cleonout and tune-up and radio-controlled Emergency Service right through the season . . . gudronteed service by our own staff of fully qualified technicians. Make the change now . ... just pick up your phone and dial 725-3581 for imme- diate, courteous attention. euaees tte PHONE 725-3581 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA ote : Cherney's FURNITORE oe * a ae ee

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