Wedassday, September 2, 1963 For Honoring Sir Winston LONDON (Reuters) -- A new Proposal to henor Sir Winston Churchill -- now 88 -- has raised a knotty problem for Britain's constitutional experts. Briefly, the proposition is that the veteran statesman and Brit- ish Second World War leader who will not run aga'n for Par- liament at the next general elec- tion, should be made an honor- ary member of the House of Commons. The idea has been brought to ge the notice of Prime Minister j : Macmillen. It is primarily a ° . matter for the legislature--and . & pol..icians say it involves big F 4 enags. : Here's your golden opportunity to win extra cash for Christmas... for a winter vacation... These were pointed out in a ' ' for anything your heart desires! Every time you visit DOMINION you will receive a free "4- bor prime Miitigter Earl Atioo IN-A-ROW or 4-OF-A-KIND" card. These valuable cards come in four different colours--RED, who said he had never heard "a A GREEN, BLUE and BROWN. Piles air "1 anil viele to Take your card home and dip it in water. One of the following numbers OR letters will appear 4 e. 4 . no one in supporting any rea. i ' in two corners of the card: able pro| or P for to great man, but as an 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A old House of Commons man 4 ; agg agg ig cape ll wo: a COLLECT 4-IN-A-ROW -- COLLECT 4-OF-A-KIND -- posal for diluting its member- i is ship by adding to it a person ee j Collect any four:in a age itor above) from Collect four of the same number, each card mot élected by the electors for ee ; : 2-3-4-5 up to 10-J-Q-K, rinted in a different ce on @ real constituency." ' os cards printed in the same 1 (red, green, bluevand 100 No one as yet xnows what the : e av Colour, ANd WIN, .......se00e rown) and win... RR 8 TA reaction of Churchill will be to : N the proposal. As a dedicated ; 70 W ; Collect four of the same /etter, each card House of Commons stalwart, he a, : ete " es Bee Collect J-0-K-A all cards rinted in a different colour ry "4 "Aloe, deaplte, his inoue ae oot printed in the same colour, $500 fred, Sond wih blue and dous attachment to the lower A ONG Wi. 3. cs senedeeess rown) IN. sevcvessees house and its institutions. 2 ' A a yw GRAND PRIZE! F oe | eines If the word BONUS See back of card for In: Canadian Sale RR 822% \ BONUS serescyeiinsean icination onto] QQ % Beer ee i i 20 vi ; '" i y i r " ees Lass eo Boosts Wheat : : ae eaeetey Check these 55 Ways to Win-- rt In U S. 2 ; 'en, RY \) ie \ From 2-3-4-5 up to J-0-K-A, there are 10 gitterent winning combinations {n each of four Expo ents FY - colours, a total of 40 different ways to get A-ROW. From four 2's (all different colours) ; 4 four A's (all different colours), there are 13 = to get 4-OF-A-KIND! There are also 00 "BONUS" prizes, plus a grand prize of $1, grand total of 55 ways to winl TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -- Soviet Union's recent purchase ei cae tee We of $50,000,000 worth of wheat "eit Sean a 5 re 8 gt) ant fF producing ® boom in wheat GET YOUR Saori nn CARD 2i®\ CANADA'S CHOICE, CANADA'S GOOD tei ra a i \) . TENDER, FLAVORFUL RED and BLUE aay ie : 0m BRAND STEER BEEF " Monday the purchase has made He predicted that some 10,- 00,000 bushels of wheat will leave here between now and the end of the navigation season in mid-December. About 30 lake and ocean vessels will be needed to carry the volume, valued at-about $20,000,000. Because 'most lake ships that carry grain from the Great Lakes to transfer elevators on the lower St. Lawrence are Canadian and .ill be used ex- clusively to haul the Russian gtain, a shortage of lake ships already is being felt. Some older vessels, which have not been put into service this year, probably will be com- missioned to carry the U.S. grain, Johnson said. Johnson said the demand for wheat is so great in Europe that the price for a bushel in Toledo has risen from $1.70 on ane 1 to a current high of Wheat Growers Urged To Cut Back Acreage WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada - @an sell every bushel of wheat that can be moved into export sition by July 31, Trade Min- Ger Sharp said Monday, But and Agriculture Min- ister Hays, making a quick Prairie visit hard on the heels tale to Russi, candeneg Praia) EASY TO CARVE growers to cut back on future p ; wheat acreage. Mr. Hays said a 10-per-cent reduction in wheat looks like a safe target to ensure manage- able surpluses from year to year, 1 Mr. Sharp and Mr. Hays d spoke to a press conference here after visiting Canadian wheat board offices. Later, in a speech to a farm Story sald. Russia's ce vova] CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ' GRADE "A" EVISCERATED 8 TO 14 LB. AVG. MATURE wheat purchase means about : rece ere, | STEAKS OFROASTS late, this sale means additional sales income to' the average wheat grower during the pres- ent crop year of approximately $2,000, i mammoth transaction better de- scribes the impact of this sale $2,000 additional dollars to the average producer." He invited Prairie support for the Liberal party--now a poli- tical barren land for the gov- - choc sat lope 3 ae e IDEAL FOR HAMBURG OR MEAT LOAF FRESH He struck out -- indirectiy- et former agticulture minister ' j Alvin Hamilton as having usurped wheat sales credit pro- 4 \ perly due the Canadian wheat/ 4 board;+ ae ' 3 i: " 3 y