: Friends noe Kedron Couple KEDRON -- The Kedron com- munity met in the Lower Hall of the church recently, to honor Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Hannah' (nee Eleanor Mountjoy). «~ The vening was planned iby eo b prvsgy Bad and bag Douglas Love. Several games Password were enjoyed, with panel members 4: from the audience. A musical comedy, Biography of Marvin and Elea- nor from infancy to the present was presented. The songs were sung by Mrs. Douglas Love and Ron Werry, and the scenes were acted out by a large cast. sila Mrs. William Werry read an address and presented the young couple with a folding table and matching chairs, and ja large framed print of jautumn scene, The bride has been guest of honor at a number of showers before and after her wedding. Mrs. Earl Fice of Oshawa was the hostess for a miscella ous shower attended by i Mrs. Glen Hughes of Oshawa held a barbeque for a group of Eleanor's classmates at Osh- awa General Hospital, and pre-| lsented her with an electric tea i 3 z z 3 ' é WASHINGTON (CP) -- Can- ada and the United States will make another formal attempt next week to end Great Lakes shipping strife through a private settlement rather than through government controls. A well- source Fri- day confirmed an Ottawa re- port that labor - government leaders of the two countries will meet here, probably Wednes- day to discuss a trade union trusteeship over the Seafarers i z 3 hi : i i i i etl; oliteg gstis § : a i The Canadian government has warnea that unless a private settlement is found ending her- Columbus UCW Holds Meeting By MRS. E, LAVIOLETTE COLUMBUS -- The Evening unit of the United Church Women met recently at the home of Mrs. B. Ormiston for the first meeting of the Fall sea- son, 4 Mrs. G. Webber presided. The worship was given by Mrs. S. Cosway assisted by Mrs. M. F 23 3 zs ' i i i E i i z H i F be i z ; E F - 5 : I i i °3z ; i: A : g Ei i i gif fs fl ly gas 5 H a 3 z <§ j z i \ . ,MECLOSKEY -- Joe and Edith Russell) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Christopher Russell, 8 Ibs. 5 ozs., on Wednesday, 18, 1963 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A broth-| er for Joanne, Ricky and Patti. RANDLE -- John and Donna (nee Nes- International Union of Canada. /figh' US. Unions Halt Great Lakes Feud assment of Canadian shipping in U.S. ports, the government on Sept. 30 will ask Parliament to approve a government - spon- sored trusteeship over the Ca- nadian SIU. TEMPORARY TRUCE , At the same time it was in- dicated that American unicns sympathetic with the Canadian SIU have agreed to end harass- ment temporarily while negotia- tions are under way seeking a private solution to the labor t. This source said Paul Hall, president of the SIU of North America, has agreed to what amounts to a Great Lakes truce but has indicated to American authorities that the pressure against SIU opponents will be restored if the solutio nproposed is not satisfactory to Hall's group. Conferees meeting here next week include Canadian Labor Minister Allan MacEachen; U.S. Labor Secretary Willard Wirtz; Claude Jodoin, president of the Canadian Labor Con- gress, and George Meany, pres- ident of the American Federa- tion of Labor-Congress of Indus- trial Organizations. bitt) are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Laurel Annette, 6 Ibs. 8 ozs., on Thursday, September 19, 1963, at the Oshawa General Hospital. REED -- Donald and Joan (nee Duff) ere happy to announce the arrival of their' daughter, Jill rg ig Bagg egy ee day, Sept 9%, le ja General Hospital. A sister for Terry and Sandra.| Mrs. Allan Down and Miss Elsie Down of Courtice enter- Heyy viel ge Hinsley Lage tained a small group of Elea- nor's sriends at a supper party, and presented her with a maga- zine rack. Mrs. Grant Carson of Mt. Zion entertained in the bride' honor when she received many useful and attractive gifts. PARTY HELD On Friday evening the Young People's Class held a party in the Community Hall in honor of two of their members who are leaving this fall. June Davis is beginning her nurse's training at the Ontario Hospital in Whitby, and Michael Hurst is leaving shortly to attend the Prarie Bible Institute at Three Hills, Alberta. Both June and Michael were presented with kettle. Mrs. Murray Mountjoy gave a miscellaneous shower attend- ed by a large group of neighbors and members of the Junior) Farmers. Houlding. The Twenty-Third Psalm was sung by Mrs. M. Alexander. The program was taken from the book, "The Word and the Way", by Mrs. E. Laviolette, in the form of questions and answers. The. next meeting will be on Oct. 2 at Mrs. G, Smith's. NORTH UNIT The North Unit of the United Church Women met at home of Mrs. A. Smith with Mrs. E. White in the chair. The worship was taken by Mrs. W. Holiday assisted by Mrs, C. Naylor The topic was neighbor citizenship. Also a por- tion from the book, "'The Word and the Way" was read. Mrs. N. Gimblett took over for the program. Mrs. Glen Smith and her mother, Mrs. Lee of Greenbank, played a pianv duet. Mrs. J. Medland of Brooklin showed slides of their trip to the west- ern provinces. UCW HOLD MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the United Church Women was held in the Lower Church Hall with Mrs. Cosway presid- ing. She opened the meeting with words of welcome followed by a sing-song. ' Mrs. E. White and Mrs. A. Smith were, in charge of the worship. Their topic was Unity of Pur- pose, During 'the business it was decided not to have a turkey supper this year. A Presbyterial meeting will be held at Prince Albert on Oct. (nee Scott) afe happy to announce arrival of thelr daughter, Donna Leslie, on Thursday, September 19, 1963 at Ottawa Civic Hospital. __WRUBEL -- Joe and Rita (nee Car- dina!) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, Richard Karl, 8 Ibs. 2 ozs., on September 20, 1963 at Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. R. K. Millar and 4th floor staff. NAMES are important: Choosing a name for your child should be a real pleasure and others will want to know your choice. Name your child as quickly as possible and use the individual name in an Osh- awa Times Birth Announcement. Just call our Classified Department, give the facts, Including the name, and we will publish @ Birth Notice in the next edition. 723-3492. DEATHS nt inthe Oshawa Generel Hos. ye gre 'a es pital. on Friday, September ion Sutter 'or ert). Bell' and dear_mother of Mrs.|Kingston where he is beginning SH. Lender nea) Sister + ae. 4 the Applied Science course at of Osi 3 Mrs, F. ty mgt (Vera), Queen's University. Doug Scott Cig) Gohnar nth" yee. irs his" 'third "year of 'studies "at , * r o udies a Bell oe at the hype berg Ontario Agricultural College. Kedron and Maxwell Heights BF ae tag Bev ong Public Schools resumed classes ' this September with very few staff changes. Mrs. Leo Dorig is the new Grade 1 teacher at Maxwell Heights, and Mrs. Rice floral requirements for all of Pt, Perry is the new music spignnpeog teacher for the schools of East OSHAWA SHOPPING _ |whitby. CENTRE OBITUARIES Mrs. J. Miller was convener MRS ELI for the program. She read an The phe garg: igs dan j,|atticle entitled "The Bridge You 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM _|, 2+, deat of Mrs overt 3. [atce gute Friday at the Oshawa General Mrs. T. Scott rendered a piano BLAIR -- In lov Ing memory of my|Hospital after a year of failing|/5010. Mrs. J. Miller then showed Sie er He health, The tha 'on oy ae pictures of the bus trip to Col- Wy nar haa eer eae" [OL Fee, -- oor Born in Napanee, Oct. 11, : 1882, she was the daughter of The next meeting will be held God alone knows how | miss her the late Tt Stapleton sud Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. 23, at terian Cemetery, Kars, Ontario, LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement and 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE Metro Doctor Denies Bananas Cut Heart Ills TORONTO (CP)--A leading authority on heart ailments said Friday he disagrees with a sug- gestion by a United States path- ologist that if North Americans ate more bananas they likely would have fewer heart at- tacks. Dr. Gordon Murray, a direc- tor of the Gairdner Medical Re- search Foundation and a lec- turer on surgery at the Univer- sity of Toronto, said: "There isn't any single food that is a cure for anything." He was commenting on a pa- per on arterial sclerosis read Thursday to the annual meeting of the Alberta division of the Canadian Medical Association in Edmonton by Dr. R. Foster Scott, associate professor of pa- thology at Albany, N.Y., medi- cal school. The paper stated that the diet of East Africans consists al- most totally of bauanas and they do not develop hardening of the arteries, a condition that causes heart attacks. Dr. Scott said that by con- trast, all North Americans have moderate or advanced thicken- ing of the arteries. The diet of North Americans was about 40 per cent fat while that of the Africans:was only about 10 per cent fat, he said. Dr. Murray advised: "Eat what you like but in moderation. He is six feet tall CARPORT 10:0'+ 26:0 LIVING 12-9 15-0. KITCHEN un J oN 10-O-1\:3' 8-0+6-0 | a ' 1055 $QqQ.Ft. 39-0" rae side your easy chair. A lamp on the top shelf is just right|Would like a desk like this one, for reading and there is plen-|too. Pattern 402 makes every ty of space for magazines,|step of the simple : books and other things on lowerjtion clear for the home crajfts- shelves. Pattern 439, which}man. The desk chair is made gives actual-size cutting guides|with Pattern 224, the lamp and directions, is 50c. This pat-|Pattern 204; the initial book tern also is one of four in thejends with 401, Patterns are 50c Simple Furniture Projects Pack-jeach or your choice of any three et No, 62--all for $1.75. for $1.75. Send orders to The Home|Send orders to The Home Work- Workship Dept., The Oshawa|shop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Times, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Ont. HOME DESIGN NO. 442 This practical. room plan gives you a home that is adaptable to varying living requirements, Long living-din- ing room has two expansive window areas. Front location of kitchen is favored by many homemakers, and it features the popular corner sink, ex- tional sets. They are avail- able in Canada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this news- paper office (or from ad- dress below) is the latest design book entitled '"Cana- dian Guide to Home Planning and Design," price $1.00, and is tax free. This new edition includes information on Financing in Canada, Build- ing Construction Details, Land- scaping, Color Selection, In- terior Decorating, Furniture Arrangement, Custom Design- ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- lar and new designs to choose from. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints, cellent positioning of equip- ment and door to carport. Den could serve as a third bedroom if necessary. Rear bedrooms have corner win- dows and large closets. Full bath 'has separate towel cabi- net. A linen closet has also been provided. Design as shown is for brick veneer. CH-442-B is for brick, CH-442- F is for frame. Standard Builders Blueprints for this design No. 442 cost $15.00 for the first set and $5.00 for addi- The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontarie. Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE and weighs 140 p COMPOSER DIES LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Rose Davies, 60, composer of the ballad Wherever You Are and sister of the late film star Mar- ion Davies, died Friday in her home after a brief illness. in a home that Is lonesome today. Banal missed by her husband" Alvin ue In loving memory of BB ang ing iossiorye and wife of Au mig te Robert J. Bell mother, Audrey Viola Blair, who passed : ; yf 22, 1962. She was married in Ottawa, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS Gway on Sept. 22, 1962. Say/April 22, 1903, and lived in "\Coteau Ferry, Ottawa and Osh- awa, where she resided for the past 15 years. Mrs. Bell was a member of _a ce Nit By vg United Church And know of our ever lasting love. Group, Unit Taadly missed by her three sons, Wren,!7, UCW. She also belonged to Ly AF CRE Sat POW CONE Te Rucnees Chapter of the KELLOW -- In loving memory of a|/Eastern Star in Ottawa and the - dear husband, , ' we passed way September 7, "Sunbeam Chapter in Oshawa. in memory, a dally thought, Mrs. Bell was predeceased b <mudty taleees Oy wae Bey. her husband in 1939, She is sur ae vived by three, sisters, Mrs. K. tener, Erie Uench ol Sd ® on A me Oe ay vai Mrs. jember 21, 1945. . Ross (Lena), of Oshawa and imciierivow even" "" MelMrs. Taggart (Vera) of is survived ux tema, cata tay Age Bly by. one daughter, Mrs. G. HL. mother, Mrs. Rose Ovenden, who pass-|L@Nder (Inez) of Oshawa, one od. away, os tptember 20, 1960. granddaughter, Mrs, Benjamin suffered, Locke (Joy) of Oshawa and two great grandchildren. : The deceased is resting at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King street east, 'or-funeral service in the Chapel on Sunday, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. Reverend J. R. Leng of St. Andrews United Church will of- ficiate. Interment will follow Monday, Sept. 23 at 11 a.m. in the Pres- byterian Cemetery at Kars. The a eee bo gang an by x an of Parkdale United Church, Ottawa, LEONARD SHARPE, STIRLING -- In failing health for the past four years, Leo- nard Sharpe, RR 3, Stirling, died Thursday in Belleville Gen- eral Hospital. He was in his 73rd year. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sharpe, he was born in Rawdon township and was en- gaged in farming until his re- tirement a few years ago. He was a member of Mount Pleasant Church and also be- longed to Stirling Lodge AF and AM, No. 69. He is survived by his wife, the former Elna Snarr, a daugh- ter, Mrs. James (Ruth) Milne of Oshawa, and a son Burton Sharpe RR 3 Stirling A sis- ter, Mrs. William (Margaret) Johnston of Stirling, and three grandchildren also survive. One sister and two brothers predeceased him. Sadi issed pee Leona: " ly mis: ter-in-law Dore. a span cuisend MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument. Co. 135 King Street East 728-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. 723-1002 Office Oshowa 728-6627 Evenings Fergus Houswife To Head WI Group GUELPH (CP)--Mrs. W. B. Rettie of Fergus was elected president of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario at the annual convention Fri- TAKE SEAM - SIMPLE, sheath, add a cape that flashes from plaid to plain -- the result is a costume with million dol- lar dash. Printed Pattern A936 by California designer Edith Flagg has that look of casual nonchalance that's news this season. Wear it in town, coun- try, suburbs or travelling any- where in the world -- it's one of autuhn's most _ outstanding fashions, with.a choice of 3 sleeve Jengths. The Original of the dress is red wool jersey, the executive are: Mrs. William Makins, Stratford, past presi- dent; Mrs. J. E. Morlock, St. Jacobs, first vice - president; Mrs, Elmer Wilker, Tavistock, second vice - president; Mrs. SHIPPING ROSE Overseas shipping arrivals to REVERSIBLE CAPE PLUS SHEATH | man, sheer wool, double-knit wool, homespun, cotton, tweeds. Printed Pattern A939 is avail- able in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. Size 16 dress re- quires 2% yards 54-inch fabric; each side of cape requires % ola ¥% yard for contrast bind- ig. Send ONE DOLLAR for Printed Pattern A936 to The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 3c. sales tax. Please print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, with ZONE, Orton Burnet, Listowel, third vice - president; and Mrs. Ce- cil B. Barbour, Wellesley, re- cording secretary. cape is red on one side; black, white and red plaid tweed on the other, Equally appropri- ate fabrics are tamed, otto- Sweden rose 15 per cent in July, 1963 compared with the same period in 1962. i STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Next Week -- Watch for a Prominent Designer Pattern by Stella Sloat, ODORLESS BREAD BOARD One of our readers has sent in the following helpful hints for bread board care: A cut lemon (or lemon peel turned inside out) and rubbed on any cutting boards will keep them sweet and clean. After slicing onions on a board, sprinkle with bak- ing soda and a little water; this paste will remove odor, if left on for 10 to 15 minutes, WORN COPPER PERC QUESTION: I have a copper, stainless steel, chrome-plated percolator coffee pot. The inside is worn off and the copper shows; the whole bottom inside. Is this harmful? ANSWER: Copper in cooking utensils must always be coated or plated, The copper compound produced by the action of foods on the metal can be toxic. I sug- gest writing to the manufactur, of the percolator as to whether he has a replating service for his products. Harsh abrasives and cleaners should be avoided on plated metals as the coating is worn off with continued use of them. ENAMELING BLINDS QUESTION: We want to re- paint the woodwork in our bed- room. Is it possible to enamel venetian blinds? We would like them the same color as the woodwork, ANSWER: Yes. Wash the ve- netian blinds to remove all trace of grease, grime, wax, etc. When the surface is thoroughly dry, use a spray enamel in the desired color, following dicec- tions on the aerosol can care- fully. Blinds can be recoated while hanging on the wind ws. But be sure to protect surround- ing surfaces with sheets of pias- tic or newspaper. REPAIRING SIDEWALK QUESTION: How can I repair} a sidewalk that is cracked and sunk? Is there a cement that can pour over the old sidewalk that will bond well or one that will stick and not break up? ANSWER: In order to prevent future break-up and crackiug, proper drainage and proper fill underneath the sidewalk must be provided. Sorry to say but from your description, the walk should pe relaid, not merely re- surfaced, TAR ON CONCRETE 'QUESTION: 'What will remove tar from a concrete driveway? ANSWER: Make a thick paste of fuller's earth or other ab- sorbing powder and kerosene, being very careful of the fire hazard. Then, to avoid spread- ing the stain, apply a thick lay- er of the paste, covering more than. the stained area (to absorb the "spread" also). Cover with a | t t I i t i t t t f sheet of thin plastic to retard evaporation. As the paste dries, replace with fresh, until the tar! is removed. Before applying the paste, remove as much of the tar on the surface as possible, using a piece of wood or dull knife. HEATPROOFING TABLE TOP QUESTION: I have a small|' wood table we would like to use; there anf way to heatproof the top? quality varnish made with syn- thetic resin gives a heat-and- ed plastic can be applied to the plies dealers stock laminated plastic, REMOVING GROUTING on my bathroom walls. will dissolve the grout between say. A beer can opener, or other sharp pointed tool, can be used before you remove the grout, I a small stiff brush (an old tooth- brush is excellent for this pur- pose) and a chlorine bleach ing with clear water. This may improve much that replacement will be unnecessary. HOLE IN WALL youngsters. knocked a fairly large hole in a plaster wall. We plan to paint that room shortly. Is there an easy way to patch the hole? ing plaster can be used to re- pair the hole. Smooth the patch level with the rest of the wall of shellac; finish with paint. PAINT PEELING CONCRETE we had a garage built on a poured concrete slab. The con- tractor also painted the new concrete floor. The paint start- ed to peel and flake off within loose paint and painted the floor again, using a very good paint for concrete. Now it is again starting to peel and flake off. What should be done to the floor before repainting again to avoid a recurrence of the peel- face may not have been prop- erly etched and sealed before applying the initial paint coat Preparations are now available for this purpose at many mason- ry supplies and large paint stores, necessary to wait for the con- c say, but all the paint will have making it no longer rete to "weather". Sorry to ' MOSCOW (Reuters) -- The There are some 40,000 ballet students in the Republic of South Africa. GUIDE REALTY Buying or Selling! LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Trees. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 STUDIES SEA FLOOR Yuri Godin, the first Russian geophysical ship intended for studying the geological struc- ture of the sea bottom, now is en her maiden voyage in the Black Sea. She is the first. in a series of such ships being built in the Soviet Union. CBC-TV's Festival series re- turns Oct. 2 with the Stratford Festival production of The Mi- kado by Gilbert and Sullivan. = SEE) PLUMBING 'PROBLEMS ? Aad 125-1044 A house is as mod- ern as its bathroom. Why not modernize a your bath? You'll be surprised at how little the cost can' be. Call us today for a free modernizing estimate. All work is guaranteed. Prices? The lowest! @ BATHROOM & KITCHEN RENOVATIONS LORNE B. GOODMAN PUMBING & HEATING 758 MARY ST. OSHAWA COMPLETE PLUMBING SHOP in the kitchen for breakfast. Is ANSWER: Applying a top iquidproof finish. Or a laminat- able top; installation instruc- ions are available from the laminated plastic dealer; many, lumber yards and building sup- QUESTION: I have steel tile What he tile so I can remove it? It is very soiled and I would like '0 replace it. ANSWER: I know of nothing © dissolve the grout, sorry to o remove the grout. However, uggest trying to scrub it with Buy a chimney that's... SAFE #8 EFFICIENT @ EASY TO |SELKIRK | INSTALL INSULATED CHIMNEY @ SAFE . . . Selkirk's Insulated design means @ clean, dry chimney flue, under normal firing cons ditions. = EFFICIENT ... Your heating system will operate better and use less fuel with 'Selkirk's quick, positive draft. # EASY TO INSTALL...2 or 3 hours is all you'll need, and no special tools are required, ror* inate SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER arvei my SELKIRK METAL PRODUCTS LTD. North Augusta Rd., Brockville, Ont, 625 Wall Street, Winnipeg 10, Man, olution, followed by ample rins- the appearance so BUY YOUR SELKIRK CHIMNEY AT... OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS Ltd. HEAD OFFICE AND S COURTICE 728-1611 HOWROOM OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 QUESTION: My too-active ANSWER: Spackle or patch- SELKIRK CHIMNEYS NOW AVAILABLE AT... MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD 1279 SIMCOE NORTH e OSHAWA 728-6291 urface, then apply a thin coat QUESTION: Three years ago SELECT YOU: McCULLOUGH LUMBER Co. Ltd. 1270 SIMCOE NORTH R SELKIRK REQUIREMENTS FROM ... OSHAWA 728-4688 'our months, I wire brushed all FOR YOUR SELKIRK CHIMNEY SEE... BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. 436 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA 725-4704 ing or flaking? ANSWER: The concrete sur- BUY YOUR SELKIRK CHIMNEY AT... BATHE & McLELLAN 81 KING WEST BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. OSHAWA . 725-4761