Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1963, p. 15

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SEARO MEW apartment TERT" mote controlled entrance, rived poll The Diplo mat, 728-4283 or 340 Marland. for sale. Six. gslow, oll furnace, aluminum gar -room brick bun; storms, public schon! across the street. 668-2930. 27--Real Estate for Sale nace, corner of farm, all lend. CENTRE beg he diet two fu kitchen and aralaked Toad, also 'urnished| $2 eet ing. |water, Handy fo 401. Phone Bowmanville! housekeeping roam One parking. BUILDING lot 66' x 166' with sewer and workable house castle, Ont. completely furnished apart- ow Bagge rarigeraor television antonne, loundry facilities, on couple preferred. ie 7 Ein 'Street East. 'THREE-ROOM ment. THREE bedroom brick house residential district, all services, = * schools and shopping centre. $2,000 down Busi-/2nd take over Mrperalor, rapes, near" sheppng Canto a. grounds and be lot, 25 miles bush Cabin, 8 x 16 Pigg serine tas uae apartment, dared cn ae ae, arecone 728 2218 after 5 o'clock. taxes. Apply H, *] Ontario. se Own your own.) hunting ror ot Oxnwn, Ces Mcintyre, Fenelon Fails,| level land, mortgage payments $86.68|;oo™" Including faxes. Alex. 942-4735, Whitby] tou 700 ACRES close to Port Perry, brick loors hout, oll fur- house, tiled fi throug! 'Gi Ae npae 200 ACRES on Hwy. ah 3 tee a 194 CHEVROLET, al! In good condition, $75. Telephone 725-8602. HEVROLET Biscayne, white, stand- hey ' ret Interior. whitewalls, aoe discs, back | windshield wash- ers, 723-4887. Wenemasion" oeellend condition thr through- out, 324 Ritson North 199 ¢ Bel FORD, 8 cylinder, stick. Excellent sl oedbtion. Sacre, 'Also 1932 Ford road. ee ea aes than. oh 1 26--Rooms For Rent bungalow, attached garage. schools, churches, ches, bus 7 rT -- Fur ROAD SOUTH, 256 ed room. Sat sis a eoenat ieee stop, Plaza. COLLEGE HILL area, modern six-room: Close to all Landscaped, finished, 723-2950, in range, broadioom matic door. T galow with beautiful view of city, bullt- refrigerator, television, new) and drapes. Garage with auto- Fs Simpson Road, 'ceuitiwnod Park, 942-0994, 1957 'CHEVROLET ane ag radio, Excel-| lent condition throughout, $750. dpa ras 79. THREE bedroom, fully winterized insu! brick cottage, ed Ta itetisieienlineoins FURNISHE" room, suitable for two twin beds. Restricted use of kitchen. T (668-8432 before Nn a.m. and after 8 p.m. WHITBY King and Pitt Street, large cor- ner lot, three bedroom bungalow, --. Call Bowmanville 623-5278. West Beach, Bowmanville, | now all srventenee. Full price $2,000 If cash. |-13959 METEOR, country sedan, was $1,695, $1,295. Seawsy aa Ltd., 200 Dui ps West, Whitby, 668-: 1957 FORD 'A-1 condition, Ideal CENTRALLY located bung HURON STREET--Bungalow, four 2 bedrooms, including schools, Telephone 728-2779 after 4 0" Sra are ne furniture, ir 'clock. paved drive. Telephone 725-08: Ke REET, 58 -- Fur lalla ay pit : Aq General grind office. eg iy pea fies, adult home. Telephone 723-; bed wen mo NICE FURNISHED pened $ Sacarat utes' walk to bus stop. C PRIVATE SALE _ $13, 900.00 brick large liv- pr Telephone 725-0393. ing room, wool broadioom in COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, continuous hot water, central' to down- town be General Motors. Quiet, Tele for ELGIN EAST, 12, housekeeping room singel Bag sno hot pjate, ge living, halls and master bed- room 27' x 12' rec room built in bar, extra 12' x 12' playroom. All mahogany fin- ieved. agg aap? to -- schools, h Apely 'above Feng 725-2659. FURNISHED room. Sleep accommo- dation only. Clean and ge Ps Apply 77 Gibb Street. io min. walk Psa South G.M. For appointment, L 725-7426 AFTER 6 Fi furniture. Telephone 728-1720 evenings. four rooms and three-piece bath, Pi 'heated, Asking $8,500. All offers |considered. Beigl o sold to close estate. 'OR Tne New eight-room home with to customize, Best cash offer. Telephone 668-8084, . 1953 CHEVROLET Vs-ton pick up. Deluxe cab. Good condition, 406 Kent Street, Whitby, after 6 p.m. HEVROLET four-door hardtop whitewalls. Top 'shape, Air, radio 'aie ; ib, excellent CH Alax.| V8, sh. Apply 27] 29-----Automobiles For Sale <7----Auromonies Tor oe". HRYSLER fires and motor. Tee yraliers Torephone 725013, Siand-|1961 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, needs minor paint work, $875, Also 17) cu. ft, lg Telephone 728-0026. 1952 ghd gg sedan, Cheap trans- 32--Articles For Sale TELEVISION set, Admiral 'Deluxe, _21- inch, Like new, A-1 operating condition. $150 cash or best "ae Fiero Reagroos . change to color bi seen to be appreciated, Mr. Krohn, 159 Tulloch Drive, Ajax. Telephone 942-6725. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking, Mg oe -- paid. 220 portation, 728-1738. hardtop, telephone] Yoon sue gt ae 7 $400. Tele- Phone 728-1238, VICK two-door hardtop Seremneticy bandh condition. $400, th East. 725-1 32--Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES,' Seturdey, September 21; Eee bd nig adding machines, sup- plies, rentals, sal Syn) 'service. All ma- chines pivrenaboot a Cook's Office Equip- ment, 10 Richmond Street East. 728-8300. DISHES, glassware, linens, en- books and som furniture. By appointment fg sikes Evelyn Bate- lephone 723-3290. man, tel WEDDING gown and veil, size 14, worn 14 FT. Fiberglass saa motor, trailer, gas tanks and. all acces- rk ged $750. Oshawa Marine and Service, 1180 Simcoe North. 728-0031. Te » nylon and lace, street length, $35. yh gg ppretbn | + THREE rooms of furniture: bedroom, liv- OLET two-door coach, good teen cor, 475. Telephone 728-1238. 1955 io cll aie noon call 725-8505. = PONTIAC, -- tga? radio, p.m. through-|livered. Call 725-3476. GOLF cart and bag. Nine Irons, three woods. Telephone 728-5490 ate oe i anc kitchen, condition. Sell together "telephone, 723-190. ANTIQUE corner cupboard, of drawers, drop leaf table. Tospbone after 6 p.m. 725-8202. 5000 PRUNED Scotch Pine Christmas| trees, orders taken now. Cut and de-|form USED car parts, Cell tires all sizes, spindles and wheels for trailers. Apply 509 Bloor East. Dial 723-2281. gol You. mn English' china, pg with' bee rockers, good gin, Solsitens 725-3338. By KEN SMITH MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada's railways are oe themselves: ApPIY|for a major--but they hope not impossible--job in pond to the! ports the 228,000,000 b of wheat and flour purchased by Russia UPRIGHT piano and ¥ good tone, new keys, new he $200, Apply 109 Hunter Street. 725-7497. H| ENGINE, Bi and Stratton, S$ hp; pene Se eee Wa igpeo es. BD PHOTOGRAPHY 35 mm single lens re- ex Bessamatic camera, $300 new. F2 lens. buy. 728-2554. matic transmission for for 951 Bulek Buick. Tele-| phone 728-7127. $695. Private 'olial Pickering 942-211: Fag bg Mink fur coat, % Bg size 14) lo 18, Whitby, 668-31. [egal beri In oils from Ideai|to 1953 PONTIAC aa good mechanical|for condition, radio, new clutch, battery, good: tires, $125. Telephone 725-2314. 1956 VOLKESWAGEN, good condition, FIVE room brick bung: with one clean home. Ca: Doug Gower, at Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286. $8,900 FULL PRICE. 5 terior finishing. Ajax 942-6735; 668-5644, jalow on La Salle|7 Avenue, just listed, geen vad only $1,500| down mortgage, oats Dr Solid brick house, all services, close to schools and shop- , |ping. Bargain for handyman, needs In- Whitby rome oe upholstery, rebuilt motor. a Ponta: power equipped, eg) accept trade, after 4:30 p.m. Telephone 725-3673. 1958 .OLDSMOBILE, power haven. equipped, radio. In good condition. Apply 3 East- 728-00: 1963 CHEVROLET pao agra tic, power steering, power low mileage, one owner, peel a '1958 Meteor Ra agon, low mileage, one owner, 1958 Meteor convertible, V8 auto- matic, radio. 1954 Chevrolet, good cond tion, 1954 Willys, good running condition, cheap transportation, $100. Phi Pontiac, gooc condition. These be 1180 Simcoe Street North. automa hy Christmas a After 6 p.m, cail nny. 668-5910 325 Brock IODING gown, floor length, size 12, nylon, Finger tip Net isl crown; also crinoline. Telephone 6: North, 33----Market Basket TOMATOES, reo or green, $1 be six. per bushel, jart basket; Spanish Fontonse 5c containers. COMPLETE sei oF am windoen for bungalow. Telephone 728-8280. condi-| FORCED TO SELL, ie furniture, ap- pliances, Due fo 1964 styles arriving, Your |S! gain our 'oss, no warehouse rage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. CANNING tomatos, $1 per bushel. Bring containers and pick your gn ng Don Lin- ton, 1 mile east fof Raglan, a Five-piece chrome suites, $29.88; three- -- four-seater pong hor! some with 1963 CORVAIR Monza sedan, _ fully talls. Call 728-2100. FARM 200 acres near Madoc. Heavy duty wiring, good water supply, For de- equipped. Must sell. No reasonable offer refused. Telephone 725-7634. 1955 CHEVROLET se wagon, good 551 DEAN AVE. ONLY $1500 DOWN {ltd hah PONTIAC INN, rooms with running water, TV lounge, parking. Telephone 725-9035. WESTEND -- Furnished room In quiet home. No meals, Washing facilities. Free parking. Telephone 728-6927. TWO furnished rooms, sult lady, willing fo share with elderly lady. Telephone bh in on ORES CDOS ey SOUTH END -- Large furnished bed- rooms, private entrance, parking, gentle- men only. $7 weekly. 723-1359. GLGIN EAST, 23, furnished room for gentleman, housekeeping privileges. Close to down town. Telephone after 4 p.m. 723-7814, PARK ROAD SOUTH, 109--Single room, In private home, for gentleman. Free an space. $7. week. Telephone 723- caRDOvA ROAD -- Room with kitchen privileges, in private home, two minutes to South General Motors. Woman pre- ferred. Telephone 725-1308. OPEN HOUSE Kingsmere Gardens King Street East to Missionary College, south two blocks to Mode! Homes on Gatineau Street. OPEN DAILY 4 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. Salesman on Duty FURNISHED rooms for rent, for ladies or gentlemen, near General/ Hospital, on bus route, Telephone 725- 8576, Your. choice of fully serviced lots and plans. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROO/AS Available in private home: Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 Built by HOGENBOOM CONSTRUCTION Sold by JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 27--Real Estate For Sale TELEPHONE LAKEFRONT -- $2,500. Two bedroom 728----7377 EXCELLENT HOME Beautiful hollywood style kitchen, Completely Winterized Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. body, motor and tires. 72! 1959 SIMCA, good condition, excellent tires, $250, Apply 351 Ritson North. 1960 CHEVROLET,. Biscayne, four-door, 1955 CADILLAC, ba ea godd con- dition thr backs, your choice sane 88; teepiecs bedroom Seed ore dressers. tilt mirrors, $88.88 ire system, battery, "ete. Telephone | wi 725-555: ing with pump, $98.88 with rade All above new Also TOMATOES for canning, delivered by the bushel, $2. Call Brooklin, 655-4676. Planning the giant ship operation has not yet advan to the stage where the railways can start allocating box cars and locomotives, but its magni- tude makes it 'clear the CNR and the CPR will have to throw all their resources into the job. Says CPR Vice - President R. A, Emerson: "It obviously is a _ job, but in terms of what tainly wouldn't say it is insuper- able." The publicly owned CNR says it is figuring on having to go all out. "But we feel we can han- SWEET corn, 25c. doz.7 = pg pick ;;your own. Fe tal farm north of Brooklin cuf off Simcoe North. Vern Powell, Brooklin, 665-3034, 1958 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door hardtop, with extras. Best offer. Can be seen at the Spur Station, 78 Bond Street West, 25-0930. standard shift, metallic green, A-1 condl- tion, $1700. Call 12.30 noon 725-4933, 30--Automobiles Wanted 1957 FORD Fairlane sedan, body in good condition, V8 automatic, white wall tires. Radio. Telephone 72! of used ranges, refriger- pet televisions, Honest Ral's, King Street, 728-9191. iz nay re ot cucumbers. Whitby 660-0893 after 6 TYPEWRITER, Standard, one portable; eee 24total cash register; electric add- aniston, Very reasonable. 723-4434, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Tele- plone 725-2162 or 723-4245. \DEEP freezer, 17 ft., in good condition. Reasonable price. Apply 491 Avenue. Fairleigh ith ton Road West. Agloma Orchards. ier $1.00 and bushel, Bring your own containers. "Thicke son Road North, half-mile north of Taun- 12 ACRES of cucumbers, Whitby 668-3893 after 6. p.m. TOMATOES $1 per bushel; 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, bive finish, radio, white walls, very clean and excellent running condition, Telephone 728-9095. 1959 FORD 2-dcor, was $1,395. Now $995. Seaway Mctors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893, LOOK ONLY 3 LEFT Builder will or mortgages. accept trades Built-in ranges, interior dec- corating, custom built kit- chen units. Large vanity wtih colored fixtures, Don't delay. Only $1,000 down. Call Horry Bates 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES 1960. AUSTIN, 850, price $550. After 4.30 p.m. telephone Dunbarton 939-3038. 1957 CHEVROLET, two-door, new motor, custom radio, one owner. Private $895 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted'"' Talk 'Cash' to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 CUSTOM made box trailer, Cheap, $45. Telephone 725-9: ALUMINUM camping trailer, Inside to be finished. Musi sell. $175 or best offer. Telephone 728-2687, GUNS, Custom blueing and cleaning. Get yours done now betore the rush. bane Corner, 10; Byron Street 'South, Whitby. RANGE, electric, heavy duty, $75; refrig- or best cash offer. Mrs, Clarke, Whitby. 668-8587. 31---Automobile Repair erator, $50; bre by 25 per ogg tat cabbage, cents each; $ priced according phone 728-4839, 34--Lost and Found LOST -- Plain'wide gold wedding "band. s-| Keepsake, vicinity Lakeview Park picnic grounds on Sunday. Telephone 725-6457. LOST: Girls' brown framed glasses, vicin- ity St. Gregory's S and Church dle it, although there may be a strain sometimes,' says a spokesman. Both carriers agree that any delays in emptying the trains Priat the ports once the operation starts could success, MUST MOVE FAST Mr. Emerson said in an inter- spoil chances of Siview that the grain cars will (elt tires.|to size. Please bring containers. Tele-|haye to move and move. fast. "Prompt loading and unload- ing of the trains will be cru- cial," There has been no official es- timate yet as to how much of the total shipment will go en done in the past I cer- is through the Lakehead, the east- ce See sh = ey the west coast. using Seaway, or carried down system by lake vessels trans-shipped at Montreal. - Once the seaway is closed winter--the official closing set for Nov. 30--the figure they will have to carrying the wheat and flour te Saint John or Halifax. Since the shipment is to completed by July 31, 1964, tim a crucial factor. The CNR and apf laid 'i total of about 106,000 box cars _ available, with about 30,000 nor- mally involved in moving grain. More can be thrown into the job --provided they are not needed to carry other commodities, TEST NEW DRUG LIVERPOOL, England (Reut- ers)--An anti-cancer drag made from herring eggs, herring sperm, salmon and other fish is being tested, it was announced A an for Evans Medical, a local drug firm, said the drug is being used in a limited way and un der close watch. He emphas- looked on as a cure. Street, Monday or Tuesday. 728-9725. Buick V8 motor, 1957 PLYMOUTH sedan, sell for cash or will take pick-up truck In trade, Apply 53 Harmony Road South, 723-2334. 1955 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, radio, whitewalls, safety belts. Body, motor. in good condition. $450. After 5 evenings, 723-1426, 1955 PONTIAC, four door, good ped Inside and out, phone 723-1918. 1958 Ie hardtop, silver blue, $400. Tele- HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 power steering, brakes. New white wall tires, extra snow tires. Private. 668-5152. 1956 VOLK pick-up, 32--aArticles For Sale GUN, 12 gauge Remington pump, new Appi line, $7. All 'in vibe eoeiions T0599 PLYWOOD boat, 15 ft, 35 hp Johnson motor, Tee-Nee trailer. $800. Apply 509 Peel Street, Whitby, after 6 p.m. **!36--Legal COMING EVENTS THE CORPORATION OF percha cleaner repairs, all makes. Parts, brushes, hoses. Guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines, Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Service. Call anytime 728-0591. KITCHEN Annex, coal or condition, $20. Telephone 655-3554. MUSKRAT back jacket, medium size, Ex- cellent condition. Sacrifice, $60. Telephone 725-6394. wood. Good Brooklin, ly 613 Rosmere Street. ally new, radio, good snow fires, new plywood platform, $550. or best offer. Cail 725-5223. 1963 MERCURY Monterey, $800 down or trade. Balance 36 months. Apply 205 OPEN bungalow, verge garage, on treed lot, large panelled living room with fireplace, kitchen "7 counter top range, built-in oven. G. Newell, Bkr., Whitby, 668-4703. Toronto WA 3-9513; Pickering WH 2-5770. OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. LINDEN STREET lows ond split-levels, prices os low os $13,950 with $1,350 down, directions: south on Wilson to Taylor east on Taylor to models, s. D: HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 $440.00 DOWN to one N. H.A, mortgage, 6 room solid brick bungalows with attach- ed gorages, located in Ter- race Estates, Whitby, no sec- ond mortgage, no semis, fully detached, full price onl $13,715.00, carries for $10 monthly, interest, principal and taxes, storms and screens, twin sinks, plastered walls, sodded front and rear, etc. models for viewing located i West Hill, call AM 79719 for directions. MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. WHITBY CLASSIFIED SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West. Whitby 668-2563, poe aad age couple -- "ag apart. ean. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, stip covers, drapes, Fitting @ specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FURNISHED ROOM in adult home, for gentieman pera? ot cone' Breakfast optional. Te Telephone 668~ Leste Kitt Kitten, white, | ina ad 'and grey, 4 months old Anewers 2 _ anne Children's pet. Telephone 668- Attention Hunters We rent canoes, boats, motors, box trailers, decoys ond shotguns, WILDE RENTAL SALES and SERVICE WHITBY 668-3226 Apple Pickers Wanted Apply in person. MONDAY 7 A.M. ~ RED WING ORCHARDS 214 miles west of Whitby on No, 2 Highwoy rifles LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ST. CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL AREA $13,200.00 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, newly decorated ond beac Reasonable down payme: required, Corries for $89. 00 monthly including taxes. Only 4 yeors old. It would require much more to re- place this home. See this home without delay. Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345. supine LOT x 117 $3,200.00. full price. Terms to, suit. Close to schools. Good homes in immediate built-up oreo. Call Ed Drumm et 723-9345, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshewa, Ontorio Open Evenings 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. KINGSMERE GARDENS FEATURING 14. exciting new models, olf with built in stoves and ovens, ond fully decorated, down pay: ments starting at $1,310, with N.H.A. financing; dir- ections: King Street East to Missionory College, tum right and follow the signs, > i, HYMAN real estate limited GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 TRI-LEVEL --- 7 room on Fernhill Blvd. You will like this home with its arrange- ment of rooms, large living room and well planned kit- chen which looks out on the fenced yard with a patio and space for the children to play in safety. JUST LISTED -- in Apple Hill 5 room brick bungalow with carport. 3 bedrooms and 4 pe. tiled bath. Bi 1t dive 728-6286 HOUSE tupin Drive, Whitby UPRIGHT player piano with bench, $125. Telephone 668-5429 or apply 205 St. Peter Street, Whitby after 6 p.m, GRAVITY oll furnace, without burner, all duct work, Perfect condition, $25, Tele- phone 725-9826. GAS stove, four burners, clean and rea- sonable. Telephone 728-9871, 1958 CHEVROLET coach, $995. Seaway Motors Ltd. West, Whitby, 668-5893. as $1295. Now 200 Dundas with steel $120. BOX trailer, 4 ft. x 6 fts frame, good for boat transportation. Telephone Pickering 942-2117. LLOYD baby carriage, nevy blue and white, New condition, $20. Telephone 723-1487. ONE set acetylene forches,, new condi- tion, After 6 p.m. telephone 723-1634. 1960 ZEPHYR eg was $1,190. Now $875. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 668-5893, 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, two - door hardtop, sports model, bucket seats, aufo- . approxi. STUDENTS (A super val typ! aper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ee Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. matic stick shift, power steering, power brakes, radio with rear seat speakers, Seat belts, tinted glass. Loaded with extras. 723-9721; after 5 p.m. 725-1676. 1960 THUNDERBIRD, two-door hardtop, was $297. Now $2,495. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 668-5893, DINING room suite, six pieces, includes corner cabinet. Will sell complete or sep- arate. Telephone 333. WE buy, sell and exchange used furni- ture at ening you have. The City/co-- Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. 1954 FORD pick-up truck, $185, 1954 In- |ternational, Boned $250. Both in good 5760. 1957 FORD hardtop, V-8, 623- a CONTINENTAL bed, 39", iin new? din- trench CHAIN saw in good cone > blade, new. chain, $40, Telephone 728- ette fixture; boy's navy blazer, coat, 723-9746, M4 to 16. T COMPLETELY new bedroom sulte, rug, ing |TV included, also paintings on the wall. $350 Apply 581 Ritson Road South. PIANO. in first class condition. Apply Mrs. Lewis Stinson, Blackstock. ing etc, Best prices in town. Try Do minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, PETERBOROUGH boat, 15 ft., H Lark motor, heavy ~_ tilt trailer, Apply 264 Athol Street Eas: SIX volt fast vane charger, $65; Hy- 250 amp. Lincoln, $395; air compressors, Power steering, radio, new motor, reason- able. Telephone 723-9305. 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 cylinder, standard, 2-door hardtop, equipped. Motor and body in A-1 condition. $575 or best offer, After 4 p.m. 725-4065, 1963 IMPALA Chevrolet, 2-door hardtop, 900 miles only, V8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, etc. $3,150, Private, 728-2328. Apply 793 Grierson, What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call ot the store 16% Bon mounted, will sell separately. with racks, $45, Apply 53 South, telephone 723-2334, CABIN trunk. renenene 668-3161. BABY carri Gendron, _ bassinette, swing, also chi i's scoofer. All In excel- lent condition. Telephone 728-0364, TRAILER, 1957 Glendale, 36 ft» sleeps io ice onl) A equipped. Must sell, 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air four door, radio, A-1 shape. Best offer. Can be financed. Trade accepted. 728-7781. 1962 CHEVROLET Fleetside V2 ton truck, commercial rec, like new, low mileage, ue. or best offer. Apply 25 Grenfell ree' ph tld enn Reon 1960 CHEVROLET four-door Bel Air, automatic transmission, radio, like new $1,550. Five to choose from. Barlow Mo- fors, 428 King Street West, 1960 AUSTIN Cambridge sedan, was $1,145. Now $895, Seaway Motors Ltd., 28--Real Estate Wanted 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 668-5893, 1959 FORD four-door six cylinder low TRADE late mode Buick on down pa' ment on fairly new by yan 3 . bedrooms, recreation Preferably with a yard in clean district, Phone mileage, like new, $1195. Barlow Motors, fA bond King Street West. "Used Ford with Loader and backhoe $2500. Coase 310B backhoe. w/Looder and 4 H.D, 5 Allis Chalmers w/ loader (2) Used |.H.C, 450 Diesel with Loader on rub- VIKING, wringer washer, excellent con- dition, $35, Apply 961 Willowdale Avenue, | Oshawa. PIANO, in good condition, $110. Telephone 725-0129. ONE complete fan unit for furnace. Good T 725-1630. . Used Steam Cleaners $350.00 and up. All Units reconditioned. New Case Light Industriel Equipment. Roe Tractor & Equipment Ltd, 277-3161 Cooksville, BE 9-4030 evenings BOAT, Fibreglass, 17 ft., 75 hp motor, full Mag hs top, Price $1,400, Tele- phone 668-47 PIANO, pain reconditioned, pitch, new felts, $200.. Té concert GO HUNTING with hunting supplies trom Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth- landyboy, all accessories, 35 hp electric Evinrude draulic curb lack, $25; portable welder peeery. and portable, from 6 to 60 cubic $65 and $425; aerial ladder truck Trailer. Harmony Road THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the council of The Corpora- tion of the City of Osh- awa at its meeting to be held on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1963, at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa, intends to pass a by-law to closé up that ALEXAND Hi Greos OSHAWA FAIR SEPTEMBER 23, 24 ond 25 RA PARK jlarness Races Monday and A ag cx Afternoons Contest fe) 4-H Club Achievement Dey Wednesday Afternoon EXHIBITS TO September 25th INTEREST EVERYONE Adults 75¢ -- Children 12 to 15, 25¢ Children' Under 12 Free part of Baldwin Street shown on Registered Plan 302 which lies north of the north limit of Glid- don Avenue and to au- thorize its conveyance at a price fixed by the said by-law. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will be pre- judically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED .AT OSHAWA THIS 14th DAY OF SEPT- EMBER, A.D. 1963, L. R. BARRAND, Esq. City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Hohmann after 6 p.m. 725-7001. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, aupil- cators, chequewriters, ne ggg three hundred new and used. We sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Equi 1960 PONTIAC coach, 6-cylind like new, $1495, Barlow lantors. 42% King Street West, VLA. Oshawa area: Write Box 221 Osh- awa Times. wantee to buy -- three bedroom brick that could be purchased under 1959 OLDSMOBILE convertible, was $1,845. Now $1,445. ee as Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893, 13 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2-door, auto- WANTED AT ONCE 5 room bungalows, also 1% storey homes, Genuine buyers waiting. Carl Olsen, Realtor. Call Henry: Stinson for fost ection: 723-1133, evenings 725-0243. matic, hardtop, 4,000 miles, radio, power equipped. Telephone 728-0924, 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne 4-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, power brakes, steering, ee extras. Immaculate condition, Dial 1960 VALIANT sedan, automatic. One owner, $1,395. Apply 476 Lowell Avenue. Dial 728-4172, 1956 De DODGE, customized, V-8 with power pack, rolled 'and pleated upholstery, Do ided with office or bedroom, 5% % N.H.A. mortgage car- ries for $82. including taxes, 7 ROOM TRI-LEVEL on a Crescent with other. lovely homes. Family size kitchen, separate dining room. Large living room with stone fire- place. 4 pc. tiled bathroom also 2 pc. washroom. Walk- out basement to a nicely land- scoped rear yard. This home is only 7. years old and is in very good condition. FULL PRICE $8,900. -- 4 room bungalow on a good sized lot with fruit trees and jarage, Hardwood and lino- 29---Automobiles For Sala minion Royal Masier tires. After 6 a telephone 728-3734 site TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. 1957 PONTIAC, fare deluxe station- wagon, é-cylinder, automatic transmis- sion. bargain for quick sale $795. Aomy, 590 Annapolis. Telephone 728-4334. 1958 CHEVROLET four-door Gardens 6 cylinder automatic, many extras, In A-1 condition. Call 728-6427, 1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, In good pt $125 or bst offer. Telephone he KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid oft Trade up or down Aways top quality 1958 BUICK, - chrome Package, power steering, automatic transmission, radio. One owner, Make offer, Toronto 444-7498, 1956 CHEVROLET 5 Station wagon, Va automatic. Telephone 723-1639. 88 PLYMOUTH, "hardin, 'auiomatic, 0, or bes: ler, Also 1956 Dodge Parts. Call 728-5455. ae 1952 'CHEVROLET, 900d body, st starter and brakes, good runnii "re dl sale $80. T. 928 0137. seeds leum floors, Full b y LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- 3 bedroom split level. Large picture window in finished recreation room. Walkout basement to patio, 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Owner an- xious to sell, SNACK BAR AND VARIETY STORE -- with 5 room apart- ment. Business fully equipped and asking only $6,900, RITSON RD, NORTH -- 2 acres of land with 4 bedreom home, Good garden with fruit trees and stream at rear of property. Can be bought under V.L.A. and also divid- ed into two lots, Real good value at $14,900 For full particulars cal] 723-1121 725-3867 725-4330 725-8069 725-4362 725-3454 728-5581 728-0569 723-2537 Young 723-7183 Lucos Peacock 725-4330 9 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, S, Irene Brown Jean Peacock Leon Monitius Tony Siblock Roy Flintoff Steve Englert Steve Zurba Corson Dic BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust Eost of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1963 CHEVROLET Nanaia 4-door ae 6 cylinder, automatic, power steer! wheel discs and tala #000- ph ng $2,975. Telephone, 7: 989 CHEVROLET pari wagon, new res, recent motor |ob, 1 cond Telephone 725-8166, sees wie i950 CHEVROLET sedan, good runnii condition, good tires; 'new battery. Mae be Seon at Rokinson's Esso Service Sta- $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 tion, Simcoe South, 1954 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 automatic, power brakes, radio, clean well kept car. Must be seen to be appreciated. Best offer over $200. Pickering 942-4984, 1959 DODGE Mayial be ih yfalr, original | paint and and new brakes, new baad good $750, Telephone 728 : oo 1989 PONTIAC, 6 ee Strato Chief, radio, seat belts, floor mats; Exceltent GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM .-A. SERVICE Ritson, Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 Condition. $1,150. 368 Highland Avenue, 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air, mechanical! sound. Fair boay and tires, trans Portation, $95. Whitby 668-! 1959 VAUXHALL Siticawager $495. Will accept trade, Good second car. Private sale, Telephone 728-3618. PRIVATE SALE, 1961 Pontiac sedan, Standard six, new radio, whitewalls. Im- 668-4095 a! VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd, S, Oshawa 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. renee up, or down. Liens po DODD MOTOR SALES Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. ANTIQUE GUN ED Telephon- Oshawa 725-8183 Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard de 4 SPECIAL NOW .. We install drapery A by at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, BF, GOODRICH STORES Tires, Batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget plan, 725-4543. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Admission Ticket Gives You RED BARN WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, SEPT. 23 Free Chance On Door Prize 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 54 and 57 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) Jockpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 REGULAR.GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS. OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES NORTH OSHAWA FREE ADM TUESDAY, --EXTRA ISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. WEST 8 O'CLOCK $150 --_-- -- mtg each line plus Card $50 5 -- $30 Games 2. -- Pwned Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. "53, 56 EARLY BIRD GAMES BUSES--. 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS In The Estote Of Walter H. Krantz, Deceased All persons Waving claims against the Estote of WAL- TER H. KRANTZ, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Machinist, De- ceased, who died on. the 23rd of August, 1963, must HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appliances. Name brands at biggest discounts any- where. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on King Street East. Varcoe's Road, open iu te dally, 9.30 - 9.30, Telephone 728-91 BUYING or selling furniture or appli- rise Kall Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or and Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today 723-7827 T.V. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 74 Celina Street, Oshawa FALL FASHION FABRICS CEDAR TREES For hedges, etc, Choice qual- ity guaranteed. Free esti- mates and delivery. Now is the time to plant. Phone Clarke 612 file their claims with the undersigned before the 15th day of October, 1963, after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims so filed. ° DATED this 17th day of September, 1963. LOUIS S. HYMAN, King Street East, Not) f 'a, Ontario, Solicitor for the TURKEY Supper at Centre Street United Church, Saturday, Adults 690 KING ST. EAS PLUS $10 EACH H SHARE TH GOOD PARKING Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM T AT FAREWELL FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL--$180. in 56 Nos. -- $20 Con. JORIZONTAL LINE REGULAR JACKPOT--$100, in 57 Nos. -- $20 Con, E WEALTH NO CHILDREN, Pane Oct. 5. 4.30 p.m, on. $1.75, Children under 12 years $1.00. LaBine Quits Fight With Gunnar Mining TORONTO (CP) -- Gunnar Mining Ltd. announced Friday Woolen, Double Knit 60 Inch idths $7.95 DARK COTTONS iene i" and oo er Yi BELTONE Now Open Fridays Until 9 P.M. For your convenience 422 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 89c to $1 98 FLANNELETTE Ploin Colors per yord Be Patterns and Stripes, per yd. 9c Brocades, Metallics, Velvets Velveteens and Corduroys Vogue ond Butterick PATTERNS * SEWING NOTIONS GOOD" BRAND FABRICS 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 28 King Street West 'Special Clearance Sale Complete line of Fibreglass and Aluminum BOATS Motors, trailers, everything must go to make room for new line. UP TO 30% DISCOUNT AND OVER No reasonable offer refused. Oshawa Marine and Service 1180 Simcoe North Bowmanville 623-5551 728-0031 the end of litigation in Ontario Supreme Court, lauched last Jan, 31 by Charles LaBine Sr. in an effort to prevent Gunnar from acquiring McNamara VARIETY SHOW ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM 8 P.M. ~ EXTRA BUS SERVICE EUCHRE pai each pills "Felany a. mck aera Egan mete ROO Euchre Party Victory Lodge 583 8 P.M, MONDAY, SEPT, 23 Orange Temple -- Bruce Street Lunch and Prizes ADMISSION 50¢ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27 ADMISSION $1. Corp. Gunnar Mining said Mr. La- Bine's litigation costs will be paid by Gunnar. The action was being dismissed on consent of both parties, it said, adding that Mr. LaBine would maintain his investment in Gunnar. Mr. LaBine was previously reported to hold 52,000 shares in the company, of which he was a director amd co-founder. The dispute began last Nov. SKIN DIVING CLASSES RuMMAS SALE C.R.A. GIBB STREET 1:30 P.M. MONDAY, SEPT. 23RD. Sponsored by Margaret Hamilton Group St. Paul's Presbyterian Church START. OCTOBER 1 Equipment and air supplied. Register with DON CRANFIELD 331 PARK RD, S. 723- 2284 LIONS BINGO Wednesday, Sept. 25th 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION Watch Tuesday's Paper © 26 when Mr. LaBine launched an appeal to shareholders for proxies to be voted against a proposal, approved by Gunnar's directors, for the company to buy McNamara, After a series of injunctions caused several postponements in a shareholders' meeting to consider the deal, the plan was approved by a wide majority of stockholders Jan, 11, Mr. Bine started court proceedings three weeks later, Gunnar bought McNamara for $8,000,000 cash and 800,000 BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, JULY 6th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go shares of Gunnar. Children Under 16 Not Admitted 3 BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, SEPT, 7 7:30 P.M, 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30. $40, $50 ' JACKPOTS - ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH FA Railroads Groan | At Wheat Moving

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