Wataoctay, Restembee $8, 1968 om hk sek Se PTW tree, ASHTON TELLS RUBBERWORKERS t os BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The recent school bus dispute here clearly points out the need to abolish the present system of property taxes, Durham NDP candidate Harry Ashton told a meeting last night in the Rub- berworkers Hall, mS "Today we have a new type o fsegregation -- that of the owner of high assessment ver- sus the owner of low assess- ment which creates not only second class parents but in an archai¢ manner, due to no real A ifault of the local peopl in- 4 | volved. "We now find ourselves ex- tending it so that we have sec- ond class children, "The simple solution to this problem and to many of the problems that now beset both municipal councils and school boards is to remove from prop- erty all taxes which do not con- tribute directly to property and to derive taxes for personal ser- vices from general taxation. 'It is only in this way that |we shall get back to the basic principal of ability to pay. "This is a responsibility of your Provincial Government as they are the only ones endowed with the authority by the Acts of Confederation, "However, the fact remains jthat neither the Tories or Lib- erals have made any attempt) to correct it, } : -_ SEARCHERS CROWD DUPLATE TRUCKS ON WAY TO SEARCH AREA 400 Searchers Unable 2#ur When a a : Car Flips; pl og cpap rmnaalt tL ravine, BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) on | ; Noreen Anne Greenléy jis still/tors, as well as private citizens, nearly falling into a Bus Dispute Highlights Property Tax Dilemma "Their ignominious approach to this has been, for the specific reasons of which they are well aware, reasons unquestionably against the common good. school boards at-the mercy of what they call grants as though it was manna from ahove while in reality they are converting the public purse te a patronage ot, "At the same time, they re- communities." Bowmanville Youth Wins Auto Rodeo PORT HOPE -- A car rode jat the Port Hope fall fair, which pitted a chosen driver from each of four hot rod clubs jagainst the others im a test of }manoeuvring through an_intri- jcate course, proved to be a great attraction for both the male and female drivers who handle the wheel in the. every- day world. | Many under-age potential dri- lvers too were full of curiosity lin the contest and eager to ex- | "In this manner they have| | laced icipal and fuse to play their fair share in|' responsibility as they leave the|% municipalities to take the blame}. for mink coat taxes in naked|;,- pak Bee He AUTO FLATTENED IN TRUCK COLLISION Orono Man Dies In Car-Truck | Crash On 115 ORONO (Staff) -- A 10-year-| TORONTO (CP)--Leaders of,;and medical Ontario Leaders On TV Program care programs ' missing today, despite efforts ofjhigh school students and boy) But there was no trace of|Two American tourists escap-| more than 400 searchers who|scouts, Noreen Greenley, The searchers ed serious injury last night) combed areas west of Bowman-| The ywere organized by Con-|will all they,|when their car skidded on sd ville from 4.00 pm. until dark| stables Tracy Davis and Louis) vowed. roof across the eastbound lane! +last night. Phillips of the Bowmanville Po-| lof the 401, ip "GL a 7 s . No trace of the 13-year-old/lice. Pade eee west OL NET, | Wins Trophies Maple Grove girl was turned up} Almost alJl of them met at the] 'We won't give up until we' Robert -Falus suffered al won second place with a score|Bowmanville when the mishap by the searchers. She was re-|Dutch Reformed Church on ad ye Ag tegen pee beyand| minor cut on his hand and his| Bi ' s ' ransport- § £ S| wi ? - ; ° A ese ' | righ ae Sotardey rapt Ee webs traniper' liga) iwore & Dusivte worker, |Wive; Anna, only 8 pene bag At Port Hope lof 82. Jim Baking of the Peter. jocoueeet shortly after 11.00) Rn ; ' , : AMA | The search was continued pecide j - : orough "'Dusters" was in third|p,m, ;home after a bowling date with fe ta aie core Weis morning by members o Epi ela a 2 Ra al i PORT HOPE -- Garnet Rick-|place with.a score of 81. George] He was northbound on High- a rchers st of the falar na Dapiate wo rk e ri ocal ok a Montreal to Toronto at the time|#rd_ of Bowmanville, exhibiting)Tait of the Cobourg "Down-|way 115, just north of the Rail- The searchers, most o mifa an p Steve Melnuchuk, co-ordina-| 5 the accident shorthorn cattle at the fall fair,|shifters" with a score of 63 was/road Bridge when he came into e ace D lcarried home practically all! fourth. collision with a tanker-truck The course required forward|qriven by Robert McMurchie, co-workers of the girl's father|/Steve Melnichuk. tor of the searchers.said_mem- Mr, Falus said that he was|the honors in that section, One exception was the junior/and reverse travel in @ serpen-|1393 Wilson avenue, Downsview. at Duplate of Canada Ltd., in) The last of the group did notip ars oF the union would call off| 'Oshawa, scoured areas west ofjreturn until dark. They follow-|, scheduled union maviae to-| west bound in the passing lane.| jchampion bull which was won/tine manner through marker/McMurchie escaped injury. |by an entry of Frank Collie,|Pylons. The Allen car broke through the town from Scugog road tojed roadways "and cowpaths. night, "when a truck ahead, loaded the Maple Grove road. The y|They walked, almost shoulder) "w, wij keep on looking as|With some kind of livestock, I |Cold Springs. Simulated garage parking by/ine guard-fence and hurtled off The Rickard stock won sen-\forward and then reverse move: an embankment, landing. up- went as far north as the 4th/to shoulder through thick brush long as we can," he said. lthink, foreed me off on to the lior champion bull, grand cham-|™Ment was followed by right and| ight about 20 feet below the amine the cars which were| fh driven... jold Orono man was killed in a Eddie Dunn of Bowmanville,/car-truck collision about two the driver of the "Chauffers'|miles south of here last night, |Club", emerged winner with a| William Arthur Allen was on |score of 89 points. Terry Cleary|his way home from his job at of the Port Hope "Ramrods"|Goodyear Tire and Rubber in Ontario's three political parties|cropped up first in the question- faced each other on one televi-|ing,- . sion program Tuesday « night. m The result was largely a -- PRIME ISSUE? itulation of the platform each| Mr. Robarts was asked has placed before the elector-|Whether the proposed federal ate for the Sept. 25 election. ension plan, announced afier " The format called for the|"i8 Provincial government had leaders -- Premier John Ro-|St@rted action toward a previn- barts, Progressive Conservative|ci@! plan, had become the prime patty head, Liberal Chief John pated in the provincial cam- Wintermeyer and' New Demo- eratic Party Leader Donald) He replied that it had been agama atm make an open-|"pole - vaulted inte the cam- ing statement, answer report-|)oio,% ers' questions and then have De and there would have an opportunity to sum up. been little stir if the provingial Norman Campbell of the Ot-jelection had not been ealied for tawa Citizen, Milt Carman of/Sept. 25. He said he had ne fear that negotiations with the fed- eral government to settle' 6o return today, about three miles} Garnet Rickar Concession Road and as far|and woods, through corn fields) Ladies at thé Dutch Ref median." | orm-| I. south as Highway 401. and pastures, led Church will be serving cof-/ One of the onlookers at the the Toronto Telegram, Wilfred List of the Toronto Globe and Aside from the Duplate work-| Some were caught up on barb-|fee to searchers this afternoon.|scene said that he was driving ers, the search group included'ed wire fences. One high school) Anyone wishing to aid in the|in the eastbound lane and saw 'employees of Goodyear Tire student got a jolt from an elec-| search should go to the Church) the Falus vehicte leave the road jwhich is north off Highway 2)and go onto the median. - on Scugog street in Bowman-| 'As soon as the car. went on Swim Courses ° Begin On Oct. 1 ville. to the median, it flipped over BOWMANVILLE -- Registra-, Those interested should let The group is expecting ~ an and landed on its roof. It came . even larger turn-out today when|out skidding across the east- me searee will move farther hound lane," he said. "The lice report th: ane cet One Se 1 oe e police re} at the south ditch of the ¢éasthound search revealed two bicycles,\iane, Mr. and Mrs. Falus re- peagfl Bey was seoeried stol-| mained at the scene until Con- tion for the Adult Swimming|the Department know by Sep- Th . ae months G0. |stable Cooke of the OPP ar- Classes will be held at the Lions|tember 30 at the latest, @ missing girl was last\rived, They were taken to Bow- eee aie Cuan on Taseees,| seen wearing an orange sweat- manville-Memorial Hospital by |MINOR OCKEY er, white blouse, black jeans,|_ motorist, and released after October 1, from 7.30 to 9.30 p.m.} : we lolita han INS, | torist, : Minor Hockey Player's Cer- socks and black running| examination, ' Those interested in. attending tificates will be available early|$"0¢S. It was learned that she) Ron Mutton of McQueen's the Adult Swimming Lessonsinest week. All applications|#!8° may be Wearing a beige,\Motor Sales, Bowmanville should register at the Lions/must be returned to the Recrea-|!Mitation leather, three-quarter termed the 1963 four-door hard. Centre, Registrations will beition Office in the Lions Cen-|/e"sth coat. itop, "a total wreck." taken' on a first-come, first-ltre on October 15 and 16. Anyone knowing the where- "Ryarything on it is either served basis. : Coaches and managers are|#bouts of the. girl, or has seen|pent or twisted except the two A full series of instruction/needed for the minor hockey|her since 11.30, Saturday night/qoors on the driver's side," he will be held gn Fong heomoeg FA tne Those interested in help- pine Mage nc either the Bow-| «qj : Swim level up to the Royal Lifejing the youngsters learn the) ™&Mville Police Department or; yp; Saving Society Awards. Classes/fundamentals of hockey should|the Bowmanville Detachment etl vou ear er wnnnnees will be under the direction ofjcall the Recreation Office at the : c! ked radiator; twisted front W. "Bill" Bagnell, with. classes) 623-3379, Ext, 6. fenders and dented rear fend- scheduled to get underway on) The first practice sessions VISITS FIJI lers; a twisted frame; a smash- Tuesday, October 8 at 7.00 p.m.|will be held on Saturday, No-| Queen Mother Elizabeth will ed 'grille and bent wheel-rims There will be a few openings|vember 2. Coaches clinic on visit Fiji on her way to a tour The front seat was littered for teenagers, age 16 and over|Saturday, October 26, has been|of Australia and New Zealand| with sand and debris picked up who hold their aavarenetione planned. early in 1964. 'in the skid, } Red Cross Award, amd who are) a aaa see ss mec pee = Ser i ole Water | lie ee UY Safety Instructors of the future.) THE OSHAWA BOA jpion bull, senior and junior jchampion females as well as }grand champion female. The jaward for the best shorthorn jherd quite logically went to Mr. | Rickard. | In the Hereford section James | Winterbottom's entry was the two-year-old bull prize. Brigden farms from Brigden, near Lambton, won the award for the best female as well as the award for the best beef heifer, any breed, Karl Fabricius of Grafton won the best veal calf, any |breed. The best baby beef steer was Owned and shown by Hilton Minifie of Baltimore. In heavy horses Aubrey Toll of Blyth won. the four-horse hitch class with Victor Cookson of Bowmanville, taking second place. In the $100 stake Victor Cookson took first prize and Aubrey Cole took second and third-place money. LAKEFIELD FAIR Earl Dorrell and Sons of Nestleton won all the Leicester awards. Oxford prizes went to R. H. Daw of Bowmanville and Everett Mark and Sons of Little Britain. RD OF EDUCATION left hand parking. Another test had the drivers attempt to |make.the right hand wheels itraverse a narrow board, and) |then drive back with the left jhand wheels on the board. | | Thé final part of the tests) \required a safety check along) with proper answers te oral) | questions. | | Eddie Dunn wom the trophy) ldonated by J. Trotter of Trot- liters' Garage. Terry Cleary was | presented with a $50 voucher, Custom seat belts went to the third place winner, and George) Tait was presented with a pen) Jand pencil set. Magistrate Ronald B, Baxter,| iwho was im charge of judging} the car rodeo event, was re- quested to speak of his impres- sions formed by the contest: | "It has been a far greater |satisfaction to give two and a |half hours time to share in this la fine group of earnest car idrivers than to spend five min- jutes in court dealing with the jother type of driver who comes before me in court, those whose |whole ambition seems to be to \drive recklessly, sometimes on 'two wheels". | | | very rewarding experience with). road level. The truck was stopp- ed by the cable fence. It was still facing south after the acci- Allen is survived by his wife, the former Connie Sutcliffe of Leskard, and a _ 10-month-old) daughter, Trudy. He had been a resident of Orono for the last year and had worked at Good- year for the last three years. The accident was investigated by Constable Murray Joynt and Cpl. Emmett Crowe of the OPP, {CBC program, Mail and syndicated columnist Don O'Hearn were the question- ers on the pre-taped, hour-long The tightly drawn rules laid down for the three-way con- frontation lessened the chance of any possible personality clash and there was none. No occa- sion was allowed where any one of the leaders could lock horns directly with either of his op- ponents, each answering only questions posed by the report- Allen was pronounced dead by coroner, Dr. C, J. Austin of Bowmanville. Police said that he was dead when they arrived ers, After the leaders summarized their party stands during the stat t he contended, and i program only half, P z : some form of plan would prove successful and added that the matter was too serious te be subject to pressure. Also questioned on the pension issue, Mr. MacDonald plum for the federal plan rather the proposed provincial pre- gram, He had supported the pre- vinecial plan at firet because there was no other. "But now we've got some thing that is infinitely better," he said, The federal plan would cover everyone in Fon etacel on the scene, minutes after the mishap occurred. How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, le or talk? Just inkle # little FASTEETH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No my, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. not sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH today at WIN UP TO IN CASH The fee for swimming lessons | will be $3 for Bowmanville resi-(f dents and $4 for non-residents for the 10-week course. BOWMANVILLE CLIP THIS AD FOR CLASSES ARE TO ANYONE ENTER Oshawa Shopping Centre's CHORAL SOCIETY The Bowmanville Choral So- ciety got their season under- way on September 9 at the Bowmanville Town Hall. This group meets each Mon- day at the Bowmanville Town Hall at 8.00 p.m., under-the di- trection of Hugh Martin. All interested singers are wel- 'come to attend. The Society is in the process of casting for 'Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mika- do", which will be presented imext spring. | 'DANCING LESSONS Classes will be held on Wed- 'nesday afternoons and Saturday | "mornings at the Lions Com- *munity Centre. The Wednesday | 'c'ass is under the direction of) ;Miss Irenie Harvey and the 'Saturday class is instructed by 'Mrs. Shirley Fowler. There is instruction for ballet, | 'tap dancing and baton twirling. For further information call the Recreation Office at 623-) 3379, Ext. 6. | SQUARE DANCING There are stili a number, 'of openings in the beginners | 'Square - dancing classes held @t the Lions Community Cen- ter. + The class meets every Wed-| mesday, beginning at 8.15 p.m.| nd is under the direction of) Bill Carey. The first class will be held tonight September 18 at} ' Whe Lions Centre. Those interested in attending| these classes should get in touch | with Mr, Stan Norrish at 623- 2237 or phone the Recreation' Office at 623-3379, Ext. No. 6.' MEN'S BASKETBALL + Those interested in playing Town League Basketball should) get in touch with Ted Dadson_ at 623-2972 or contact the. Re- tion Office at. 623-3379, Ext REFERENCE ner Ae EVENING CLASSES carried on for a number of years for those interested in upgrading their education, acquiring new skills, or learning an art or craft. Detailed informa- tion may be obtained on registration nights at the schools listed. The Oshawa Board of Education is keenly interested in the educational needs of all of our citizens, To meet the requirements of those who are-not in the regular s chool programme, a special night school er adult school has been O'NEILL C. & V.I, ALGEBRA - 12... ALGEBRA - 13. ART... : BOOKKEEPING BUSINESS MACHINES : DRESSMAKING - ADVANCED FRENCH - BASIC FRENCH - 13... GEOMETRY - 11 GEOMETRY - 13... OFFICE PRACTICE j PHYSICAL EDUCATION . SEWING ; ae STENOGRAPHY - BASIC .* STENOGRAPHY - ADVANCED ., TRIGONOMETRY - 13 TYPING - BASIC + $008 vevevcecesee TYPING - ADVANCED .,......50e0eeee CENTRAL C. I. ENGLISH'. BASIC ENGLISH - INTERMEDIATE .... ENGLISH - ADVANCED ... ENGLISH - PRACTICAL . . ENGLISH - 13. i MILLINERY SEWING 2.20... DONEVAN C. L. ARE. x: BIOLOGY-13..... CHEMISTRY ~- 12 ... CHEMISTRY - 13 ose DRESSMAKING - ADVANCED GEOGRAPHY - 13 HISTORY - 13 SPANISH - 11-12-13 TYPING - BASIC McLAUGHLIN C, & V.I. TECHNICAL COURSES ART (COMMERCIAL) ..... AUTO MECHANICS--BASIC AUTO MECHANICS--ADVANCED BLUEPRINT READING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION : DRAFTING (MECHANICAL) --BASIC M&W. DRAFTING (MECHANICAL)--ADVANCED . 'Ty. & Th. ELECTRICITY (INDUSTRIAL)... Tu. & Th. ELECTRONICS (Radio & T.V.)--Basie .... M. & W. ELECTRONICS (Redio & T.V.)---Advanced. Tu. & Th. LAWN MOWER & OUTBOARD SERVICING . W, OR Th. MACHINE SHOP---BASIC .............. Tu. & Th. MACHINE SHOP--ADVANCED .......... M, & W. REFRIGERATION AND AIRCONDITIONING - BASIC M. & Ww, SHEET METAL--BASIC Tu. & Th. WELDING--BASIC ..... M. & W. WELDING--ADVANCED ADVANCED TECHNICAL EVENING COURSES THEORY COURSES, REQUIRING GRADE 12 OR EQUIVALENT, NOW IN PROGRESS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONSULT THE SCHOOL... M. & W. GENERAL INTEREST COURSES Night INTERIOR DECORATING (fell term) . w. MUSIC (Instrumental) Ww. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Winter Term). . RETAIL MERCHANDISING ., ; M RESTAURANT SERVICE ...... HOMEMAKERS RETRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Classes start in November - For information and courses available consult the National 'Employment Office GRADE 13 COURSES These classes ere now in progress. For further information consult the appropriate school. See left. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COURSES-- FOR DEGREE CREDIT AT M.C.V.1. ENGLISH 4 - (Shakespeare) PSYCHOLOGY 3 - (Educetional Psychology) Sterts Seturdey, September 21, 9:30 - 11:30 and every second Saturday thereafter. ECONOMICS 1 Sterts Friday, September 27, 7:30 - 9:30 and every second Friday thereafter, Z REGISTER WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO OTHER COURSES Other courses will be provided if filteem of more people moke a request in writing er register. The fellowing have been suggested already: SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT LAW FOR THE BUSINESS MAN LAW FOR THE HOUSEHOLDER CREDIT CARDS Credit cards will be issued to students whe meet the re- quired standard of proficiency. Classes Normaiiy Held Between a 100 p.m. ond 9:00 p.m. $10.00 per course to be poid at time of enrolment; no refunds ot end of term. Meterial fees will be charged in some subjects. O'NEILL COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE -- 301 Simcoe Street North CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -- 240 Simcoe Street South Telephone 723-4678 ks' Choisy Vision, Chek 14 DR. F. J. DONEVAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -- Harmony Road South Telephone 728-7315 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. R. $. MeLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE--570 Stevenson Rd, N. Telephone 728-9407 BOARD OF EDUCATION, OSHAWA , SK DRYNAN, 0... Chairman ' R. BACKUS, Business Administrator SS SS ee ee ee oe Ge oe oe oes oe ose cee cee ee Ge Gee gee Gee cee fee eee ee Ge Night eer eeeeee oe eeeeee veer w eres erese see eeeeees ee £ £22 £5: > oe @ SIMPLY CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE CENTRE AND ASK FOR FREE ENTRY FORMS @ DEPOSIT ENTRY FORM INTO BALLOT BOX AT FLAG POLE IN THE MALL @ ENTRY SELECTION THIS MONTH WILL BE MADE ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 27th AT 7:15 P.M, SEEEFTTTEY TEEEEEE f° RO ROH RO RLM RE" 00 ge go ge ge ge REGISTER in person ot the appropriate school Tuesday, October 8 or Wednesday Detober 9. Telephone 728-7531 The league is scheduled to get rway on Tuesday, October a the Bowmanville sd shopping centre