. d _ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 18, 1963 29 tse P ' Ben geek: ty, meen s . y eogte ' ' PEGS ORE ORES ENA Se 2S os 3 scart ees ; aries a LEVISION LOG; | ras | am are ere] OSHAWA TELEVIS! ON Channel 6--Toronto i ¥ , fad THE SUP. THING Pre EL. iy BOWLING NEWS _ WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-I'V Channel 4--Buffalo eee \ SIXTEEN. ou SHOU : eevee WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester s the CFTU-TV Channel 9--Toronto | CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie ful opening nig! ww all tir , t 7 } nt. WEONESDAY Eve. 9:00 A.M, 63--Vacation Time ee ' / ' i with the boosted to en 6:00 P.M. : te teams, there wes honey 11--Romper Room 4-Leave it To Beaver " high of 16 teams, li--Family Theatre 9--Homemakers Health THURSDAY EVE. . : ls F ] i A some i lo ipl ane pre 4 #-2--Superman the Morning Movie Fee FM, E . ' = \/ "h was quickly removed when" sil 16 7--Jungle Jay Show 4--Popeye's Playhouse ! WS on lob and ready fo roll 'a N--Family Theatre were the scheduled time. oe ee tearly show Le Y STPHE SQUADRON LEADERS GET SOCKED,HEAD-ON By Sees The newcomers fo the league 5:30 PLM. 9:15 A.M. 7--Jungle Jay Show UTIVE OFFIC! special credit for their excellent 9--Sea Hunt SOchby's Cartoons. 4-Five O'clock snow A REMINDER FROMTHE EXEC ER. eration, particularly the boys on the 7--Early Show 130 AM. 2--Huckleberry Hound ; walting list, who saw fit fo be in Mt. 3--Qu McG: 7--Jack LaLenne Show ie 5 SS Se aitemon "Sa Bachelor Father 0:00 PM, . = garded hs tee tyne or hare tN % 6:00 PLM. 10:00 A.M. 9--Yogi Bear i MUST In any league. 9--Bilko N--Eddie Allen Show 7--Early Show . The Group 2 bowlers were by far 6--News 7--Girl Talk 6--Sir Francis Drake most enthusiastic and seemed to be 3~Three Stooges 4--Calendar 3-Yogl Bear . : j e their worth. There were 6:18 PLM, &-2--Say When 2--Rifleman % 'Bucaneers 'i Ihe bowling shows that Group + 8 10:20 A.M. 6:00 PLM. LOOKS GOOD, How DOT BE em om. gina Ro ine .,.| $-Bilko pu "| |ctoo 'neo the 'bowers, Some of te } Morning Magazine ...| SRN va KNOW shooters will have to sharpen up @ pg yen Weather con weet 3--Highway Patrol : BEFOR! In order to retain their spot in the 1 group next season, 645 PM. 4-1 Love Lucy 4:15 PM, oy i a WK = y' pace in G N--Family Theatre 11:00 A.M. a / : 1 with @ team fotal of 3720.10 take ani 6--Broadway Goes Latin 62--Huntley Brinkley 9--Bobby's Cartoons Ly points from Hank Sarnovsky's 1:00 P.M. 8-2--Concentration 6:30 P.M, Ron Swartz, Lou Hyman and Ed Johns 9--Best of Grouche 7--Price Is Right 11-9-6-43-2--Newsy Weather son were top men for Ron Jay's cl 8--Peter Gunn 4--The McCoys and Sports Hank Sarnovsky was the big man on 7--News * chee , dias | 6:45 PLM. ar Gallagher's squad took « 4 iy robe 9--Morning Magazine |1--Family Theatre one decision from Al Perry's entry tw? 3--The Flintstones 8-2--Missing Links $-2--Huntley Brinkley it was @ battle all the way a pagal bees: rh igh yg Bh 'ete and Glad: " % ety imes a gallagher, pa 7:30 P.M. ve 9--Sports Hot Seat winners. Edd Brown was head man for 9--Dick Van Dyk 12:00 NOON --Keyhole of club while Al himself had a good nigi &2--The Virginian 11--Storytime with Bill 7--News Central 0 SWORD y r r\ - y od 7--Ozzie and Harriet Lawrence 6--Seven-0-One . -- . Lloyd Sabins' club gained @ shutout over Reg Hickey's team and In --Maytiower Story 9--Noonday Report 4--Bat Masterson i 3 here. oak 4--CBS Reports Pelt eb of Z Lad it reg a Per when Hickeyia, Bishop een / = b 7145 PLM, 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford! ACROSS DOWN ' rir ice} | of Shore The four guys who shiek eof oat Mr, Fixit 4--News | 1 P.M, 1, Contour of 1, Design on pass i . serve a big hand as they refused to be 9:00 PLM, 12:15 PLM. fait bv An the body document SiLIEION IC} Giscouraged by the guy who took the V=-87th Preciner 9--Noonday Report ve al 6. Conflict 2. Geol. vein ' carat Fett The WOM beck Could bee 9--Ri 4--Speaker of the House 7--The Flintstones iy Alf iN lot longer. eon bs ' -" louse | 6--On The Scene 11.----~ angle sire | : Dutch Lugtenburg's boys managed to omy, Three Sons 12:30 P.M. 4--Fair Exchange ' beaver 3, Keyed . K i _|take @ two vi from Don Heme we ise Carleen $:00 P.M. 12, Large up with [All| YMC] | F ino starring while Bano and Mickey' Me. e Consequences N--Hennesey artery interest : ' ETT iLIAIL VE GOT AN Master were best for the Henning squade 7--Price is Right 7--Father Knows Best 7--Donna_ Reed from 4. Persevere . TRISIAI ; In-Group 2 it was George Russell's clue ¢2-Front and Centre | 4--Search for Tomorrow| $301. Finlay's Casebook heart 5. Before . 4ega Ja : 1 CAN'T READ MICKEY ag A the way with @ 354 team tole 4--Doble Gillis 12:45 PAM, 2--Brinkley's Journal 18. Worship 6. Feline George Russel tito "he conaderape 9:00 P.M, 4--Gulding Light ie 14, Bracing 7. Folds in help from Fred Schneider, Lioyd Corson V--surtside Six ' neh ate thread 26. Sea eagle . and Bud Kemp. 6-2--Kratt Myster 1:00 P.M, 1--Desilu Playhouse 15. Furniture ~ Bill Solomon' opped Theatre" Medic 9--To Tell The Truth supports 8. Italian 29, In any 4 decision. to Gent . Aig | Heer odicwnl FolStog 8-2--Dr, Kildare 16. Flesh river with Tony Stegwin ond bare' 'toner <The Beverly Hilibiies| 7--General Hospital as of swine 9. Agitate srewinn area? Promise for Taylor's crewe y | A--Meet the Millers 9:00 P.M, 17.Smoothes, 10. Cut roughly . 39, Loiters Buments cob phat yer i oll Greg 9:30 PLM. | 3-Popeye 9--Have Gun Will Travel | asclothes 18,Covered 83. Pincerlike 40. Woody two-loone for Elements boys, "s* 7--Our Man Higgins 1:30 PM, 7--Jimmy Dean 21. Correction with organ of perennial 4--The Dick van Dyke. |11--Mid-day Matinee |&3--Grindle i rroded crab 42, Primary | 4--Twilight Zi markin co! Show 9--Our House wilight Zone 34, Curtstes color 7--Atternoon Show + Oa typing material 7 49; Pollownant Bobee Lavergne rr seed pos 4--As The World Turns | 1 ouicist Detective 24, Presi- 19.Gold: Her. 35.Onthe _ iceman: 7 am Individual {teres = Group No. +7 The P.M. Shi a {= y i ean . F 'on Swai ; ror ue Elovenin' Hour 1 Pog hha Peat pal as yn piste! oo < % Eddie Brown 789 (364); Jock Spameay rer {a cNeramagatin £2-People Will Talk | 6-Political Telecast 27, Seasons, a9 2 [> [+ [5 Y b 8 [9 a seroveny" 4--Reckoning 10:00 P.M. vegetables i ugteni ro 73) Henning" ! 728 (313); Bert Harding 7: , Wh La in (Te EM. tg] 28 Gong Gy = edb etl hg aman in A Landscaipe| g--Home Cooking. sa veer a sheep c GG : wereae Maks bred Schneider 838 (344) niieas ee 4--House Party "ne jbitehcock $1. City: NJ, Rl cancel hed George Russell 766) 9-9- I-64 ews 2--The Doctors resents . Welsh . "Tony" Stogwin 735 ;Ray Cooney wee 3:00 PM athe Nulled OT ieaiee: WU, HURRY, KIDG// Ter: Dave Conboy 485 (301); ohn Car. f MA. | ; $--Metro Final 9--People In Confliet 3--The Untouchables 20 GY I JU6T HEARD 60 GOOD... inal, 23), Boden Laverone 6a) Lowa 4--Viewpoint 8-2--Loretta Young 10:30 P.M. IDMA 652. 7--Queen For A Day 9--Redi * 9 GINGIN'./ p; 11:20 P.M, 4--To Tell The Truth 7-Buttele Bills Footbal! 37. > MEN'S STORE LEAGUB 7-4--Late Show 2:30 PLM. m) league got off to @ flying stert en Vi--Sport of Kings 11:00 PLM, ; : Phage yg Sept. 10, with some excel Randy Dandy e 'Night "Metro dcHere's Looking at You) 1-947-6-43-2--News, 41. Variety of 11:38 P.M, t- y Sports willow 11--TV Open Line ¢ 1:15 P.M, 48. Roll of £3 -Tonloht Dea en. | Edge oF Nignt 9--Metro. Final tobacco $-Z Cars 400 PM. Viewpoint 44, Beautiful ie 11:20 P.M, girl with 9--Hideaway-Funtime - . THURSDAY &--The Match Game N--Sport of Kings 45, Kansas- 7 : Herdie with' We. - pi lowed closely by Bert " 7--Trallmaster 7-4--Late Show Missourt "Ties : é c Pre dad 7:30 A.M. é--Nighi sn : 2s fli Dabeuore Ta, reas tae rindi -- ° Ve a") ers are as follows -- J. Debeaupre 740, 05 Mac show 2--Captain Bob PO nodes 46. Dish of * ; : ef b rio F. Malor'70h, Jotn Olea Fou" aha Be 6:00 AM. Fb Mag Bnei greens een oer the nigh ah "¥ 4:30 PLM, 9--Pierre Berton Hour : 1--Captain Andy 1--Annle Oakley 6--The Detectives 47. Grayish- mova ean pari in Simpson led In this eaphan Kengerce ?--Mickey Mouse Club 3~--Suspicion blue >- 1 278, next was E. Allison 292, Frank 3 282, J. Randle 278, Perc r Tunstall 268, ¢. Corowell 255, Mk. Adorn | 258, We 253, H. Brown 253, 2 your | Healey 253, 7. Morrison 251, Bill Brace A * Pp ' a * ¢ " YOU CAN EXPECT QUALITY After you buy a new Pontiac or Buick, the next best investment you can make is ' Guardian Maintenance to kee THE BEST car running like new, better, longer, and with fewer costly repairs. "Guardian Maintenance' is your Assurance of factory |bury 251, 6. Pearse 251, J, Bent 23, andi recommended service for longer driving pleasure. | Only three teams were THE BEST THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHEN YOU USE... 226 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 iver Podiars "ii" Mallioanee : Toastmasters 1; Dixons Coal 2 Natione® ove tet ke ee JANE ARDEN Red Hardie's club just managed to take 4 two to one win over Gord Brown ang his mates despite @ spirited fight by' ine. MICKEY MOUSE 1 WANT 1 WANT STOP SQUABBLING, WOMEN!" ) THASS GOOD 'NUFF FO' LI HIM /T-1'"A m HIMIT IMA WASHINGTON IS SENDING ME !! EF THAR'S ANYTHING UNOFFICIALLY, YOU HIS ma PRINCESS? Ay SOMEONE, FROM THE. TH' JUSTICE. DEPARTMENT MOTHER? JUSTICE DEPARTMENT, 1S LOADED WIF--IT'S i TO THIS MESS 7 ) JUSTICE !! MAN LIKE YOU, WHO RODE ALONE AGAINST S/VE INDIANS ? THE LONE RANGER Y'SER, HIS NOSE TELLS HIM THAT WEVE GOT Foo «THATS INSTINGT ! RESULTS COUNT! aoe MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ Member of the Oshawa & District 'Real Estate Board MUGGS AND SKEETER Ls , T THE HOME OFFICES OF ATLAS NEWS nl Gore Bey é y SERVICE.... PP si) foe oo Be SHOT. fe Kop ( a Vedtigea 2 Le oe es B16 I JUST WANTED TO LO0K, ML LARRY. wat ?7-- SEB HOW YOUD LOOK CAN $ Ou, HELLO, WITH A POMPADOUR . ( come m? 4 OKA, SURE, COME @. Ores ee CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE Curtains, Orepes, Blankets, Ruge OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL LARRY BRANNON i