(JQ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 18, 1963 tice that they are roughnecks and he enjoys being with them. * ANN LANDERS -- Reach Fora Tistue -- Forget The Blessing Dear Ann Landers: If you; Dear Ann Landers: The neigh- think I am being silly, please|nor's sons are 11 and Fy ye almost 12 years old he say so and I will never bringiage They are undisciplined, im- up the subject again. But/nolite and they use bad lan- guage. I don't mean their gram- ar is incorrect. I mean they se vulgar words. : Our son, Lawrence who will be 12 years old next December, plays ball with these little hood- lums. Lawrence seems not to no- THRIFTY frankly I fee] hurt. In our family when someone}. sneezes, we always say "God), bless you." It is more than good manners, it is wishing someone well, This man I am going with is thoughtful and considerate in a great many ways. But when I sneeze he never says any- thing. I always say, 'God bless 'ou"' when he sneezes, and 1 ave even made a point of ask- ing him to do the same for me. Somehow he forgets. Last night I sneezed three times in a row. He sat and didn't say a word. I finally said, "Bill, I sneezedl" He replied, "Do you have a cold?" I' gave up then and there. Why is he like this? What can I do about it?--ROZETTA * Dear Rozetta: Blessing the Sneezer is a family custom which is learned early or not at al!, The person who is not condi- tioned to this custom is virtually deaf to a sneeze. Bill will never be a Gezund- heiter because it is not a part of his training. So give up al-| ready--and forget it. | Barvinok Branch Of St. John's Church Resumes Meetings The Canadian Ukrainian Women's Association Barvinok Branch, held its September meeting at the home-of Mrs. Nicholas Seminuk, Malaga Road. | The meeting was opened with) prayer. Mrs. Robert Sholdra, the president, welcomed all the members after the summer re- cess, and a guest, Mrs. Morley Parfinuk, and introduced Mrs. Rostyslaw Panchenko, a mem- ber by transfer from Grimsby, Ontario. Mrs. Panchenko is the wife of the new priest at St. John's Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Miss Anne Sabat, the secre- ta:y, Mrs. Steven Hercia and Mrs. Nicholas Seminuk, the! treasurers, gave their reports. The president thanked the committee for arranging the Hawaiian Luau, and Mrs. Paul Plishka for the use of her home. She remarked on the great suc- cess of the picnic and bus trip Children jearn from' associa- tion and I don't want Lawrence to pick up ay o° their nasty habits, My husband says he grew up in the toughest neigh- borhood on New York's East side and it didn't hurt him one bit. He has asked me to stay, out of this and to say nothing. I'm not so sure this is the best approach. What do you say?-- wmMw. Dear WMW.: If Lawrence is has|another room. heard all the vulgar words there are to hear--or he soon will. It is the home training that counts. If your son's training has been good the neighbor boys will not corrupt him. Say noth- ing. Should Lawrence spring a little primitive Anglo-Saxon in not tolyerate such ta'k aad furious, He thought it was sel- fish of me to "squander our nest there will be no more of it. Dear Ann: I know now thatiegg." doormats don't always know with them. my husband. He looked at mjnut. dull-eyed and said: 'Sv ;ou're unhappy. Now When I told him I was goingjevery day. I'm get to see a wae he a angry. He said there had never e been anyone crazy in his family,|and stupid as I once thougit and that I was imagining things.|Print my letter if you think 't Whe I told him I was going has value--STRUGGLING UP Dear Struggling: I do indeed money I had saved from thejthink your letter has value. to pay for the therapy with your home, just tell him you will! years when I worked he was/Thank you for writing. I asked him to please keep they are doormats. They just g0/quiet about my treatment, but around unhappy, with a vaguelwithin the week he had told feeling that something is wrong/every member of his family and mine. My mother was outraged. I had my first big think onjShe said I was blighting the the subject when I attempted to|family name. My sisters said discuss. my unhappiness with|:hey always suspected I was a : I somehow found the strength isn't that )to tell them all where to head in shame." Then he walked into/and now I feel myself growing stronger and more confident ting to know myself for the first time and to my astonishment I'm not useles: Sno ee 9 OE SN SE SAE LP RRO . . _ . a Sita cats ios * cessories. The fullness of the GETS LIBRARY AWARD attend the MCUiil library sciiod _ was sr gpagl ts a cum-| MONTREAL (CP) --Louise|this year. merbund and a short veil of Mary Orr of Montreal has been a HOUSEHOLD HINT nylon net was secured by To keep iron pots and kettles Marie Weyrich Gordon E. Hardy " i headdress of lilac flowers, She|@W@rded a $1,000 scholarship by Wed At Solina carried a nosegay of red the Special Libraries Associa- from rusting after ¢ 've beer i : __ {noses and white chrysanthe-|tion to study for a degree in|washed, wipe them "heron 'y The marriage of Marie Eliza-| mums. library science. She plans to dry, then apply a little beth Weyrich and Gordon Em-| miss Lynda Meyer, Oshawa, : - merson Hardy was solemnized|was maid of honor wearing all" by the Reverend R. L. Stainton pale blue dress accented with in Solina Community Hall re-|white lace and white accessor- cently. "The bride is the daugh-lies ter headdress was a pearl ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley|tiara encircled with pale blue Christian Weyrich of Whitby/roses to match her dress and and the bridegroom is the s0n|<he carried a bouquet of pale 9* Mr. Gordon Knight Hardy Of|piye chrysanthemums with a -- and the late' Mrs.lrose centre. lardy. Mrs, Gladys Yellowlees play-| Mt. James Hardy, Oshawa, ed the wedding music. was the best man and the ush- The bride was given in mar-jers were Mr. Frank Russell, To- riage by her father. She wore ajronto, and Mr. Donald Hardy, sleeveless gown of blue chiffon|Bowmanville. over taffeta with a matching} A reception followed in the lace jacket and pale blue ac- hall, EXCLUSIVE HAIR STYLING RUDY wzraiete, « E WILSON AD "$-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-E" Tights! SIZES 6 MOS, TO 14 YRS. FOR COLD WEATHER AHEAD ... extra -strong nylon knit for active youngsters! Seamless; reinforced elas- tic waistband. Easy-to-wash; in a gay array of colors. 97: to Pioneer Village p d for the students by the Sunday School committee. The family picnic committee, Mrs. Laurence Skeratow and Mrs, John Dutchak announced that, in the very near future, a corn and wiener roast shall be held for all members and their families; also that there will be a competitive program for both young and old. Mrs. Donald Sadoway and Mrs. Robert Sholdra were dele- gated to attend the executive meeting of the Board at St. John's Church to request that @ special class be held for the teaching of the Ukrainian lan- guage. | Upon unanimous approval, it was decided to continue finan- cially supporting the improve- ment of the Sunday School classrooms. Several fund rais- img projects were discussed in order to secure additional funds. Mrs. Paul Plishka will take charge. The Student's Day Dinner was| planned. Annually the Ukrain- | ian Orthodox students attending | any of the city's Grade 8 or| high school classes are enter- | tained by the members of Bar- | vinok. Mrs. Joseph Maga, Mrs. Steven Gonta, and Mrs. Donald Sadoway will attend to final de- tails and report at the October | meeting. | Mrs. Walter Kuck and Mrs. Joseph Maga introduced Mrs. Morley Parfinuk, who was ac-| cepted as a new member. } Mrs. Ncholas Seminuk, Mrs.) John Dutchak, Mrs. Paul Plish- | ka, and Mrs. Joseph Maga vol- unteered to co-convene a fall dance. | It was suggested that Bar-| vinok sponsor a New Year's| Dance. Mrs. John Kostik and, Mrs. Lawrence Skeratow and Mrs. Morley Parfinuk volun- teered to form part of the com- mittee if a dance will be held. Mrs. Robert Sholdra reported) that a Sunday Sc ool commit-| tee meeting was 1.eld with the} new priest, the Reverend Rosty- slaw Panchenko. Teachers for <° following year will be Miss Anne Sabat, Miss Carol Stezik, Miss Helen Yanchewsky, Mrs. Donald Sadoway, and Mrs. Wal- ter Kuch. Classes will resume on September 29, 1963. A short program was conduct- | ed by Mrs, Walter Gregorenko, | program chairman. | It was noted that,-after the June meeting Mrs. Dmytro Luchak, one of 'the charter members of Barvinok, transfer- red to Edmonton. A corn roast} was held in her honor at the home of Mrs. Walter Kuch and a presentation made. The following meeting will be the annual meeting with the election of officers taking place. | All members were urged to) attend | I "When you need "SHOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse .725-2211 "Home-Nu Care EVERYONE" REG. 99¢ nylons sizes 8Y% to 11. NYLON "BUY"! PAIR. Zeller's "'Rendezvous Supreme" seamless in glamour-sheer needle 15-denier. Run-guard in toe and welt. New Fall shades in own 400- Ue Reg. 3.99 Value MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, woven of fully washable cot- ton! 'Long-sleeve style with short-point. collar. Stay-brisht .88 stripes and checks in top Fall colors. S-M-L. Save $1.11! A GREAT MONEY-SAVING ZELLER EVENT! (CANADIAN "THRIFT-BUYS" IN MEN'S SHIRTS! ZELLE eS RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Great Buys for Fall! Shop now and "Charge-It"' on Zeller's Credit Plans DAYS ZELLER'S SHOPPING CENTRE CUSTOMERS "We know that our store is sloppy and cluttered up at the present time but we have a number of excellent buys available for you to offset the inconvenience". Also there will be tremendous savings available as we CLEAR OUT in preparation for our new renovated store. Inshort -- Our apology is -- "BIGGER BUYS". _ So come down and join the fun WONDERLAND OF TOYS! ONE LOW PRICE! EVERYTHING TO AMUSE youngsters! Huge selection in- cludes friction-powered racers, wagons, station airplanes, motorcycles, buses, robots, engines, police cars, animals, etc. Buy several! fire (ft Flannelette Buy ! SEW 'N' flannelette weather sleepwear! . Softly napped with hyginec finish, Look for .new nursery, floral and modern patterns! 36" wide. SAVE UP TO 50% READY-MADE LINED DRAPES! 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Ril neck and cuffs; snap-on pants; built-in feet. Nursery prints; sizes 6 to 24. mos, Reg. $1.79. -Weather Togs For K . 2.5 ] $3.99. Good-looking sport shirt, knitted of soft "Orlon" and Perma-stay ing colours; sizes B to 16, Save $1.42! REG. $1.29. Sturdy, washable pin- REG. whale corduroy! Crawlers, overe olls with lined bib, button should- tr strap; also boxer longies. Sizes 1 to 6x, assorted colours in group. COZY COTTON FLANNELETTE SHIRTS for little lads! Well-tailor- ed with long Sleeves; washable. Assorted' bright checks; sizes 3 to 7, Reg. $1.00. BRITISH-IMPORT! Al! wool "Slim Jims", perfection-tailored for the "young miss"! Smart ploids in sizes 7 to 14, Great buy! i wool! Long sleeves: collar, Eye-catchi OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 723-2209 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723-2294 us