strat hme te Maem PPC oP WHITBY, and DISTRICT ns 8", |More Results Listed ae ete sei amice te meee! FOF Port Perry Fair ment presented or eater. the private pi 5 Paul Coath in jae of aie move the weeds and charge the laiming cost to the owner. By MRS, Half mile trotting race tel comer h ongy Bad 4 PORT PUARY --~ Further 1e-|Cochrane, G G, Cochrane, I Gent N. vtebeod, od, J, Wisteriotnne, 3. infringement on the personal) Are these two items of 1 rights of the individual for couti-latioe, he them asked: safrieye-(sults of the recent Port Perry|rane, I. Cochrane, 1. latenee Cte cil to ask a house owner to re-|ments on the rights of the in-|/Fair are listed: Bill Reid, Lloyd Noble. rand Champion Female ~- move a tree from his property.| dividual? Lady driver -- Mr, and Mrs. Sas. Winterbottom. Grand } ; CLYDESDALES as Councillor Coath had called) "They are very definitely in| Yeld Mare or Gelding -e sean G, Hill, R. Sad- Male "Pie ite motion by Councillor Bevan|the same category as m "another chip at civil rights" in| posed fosanen Bea an. vis Lob yn el B.. Dare, Special, best type = 1. Coch.|B Bailey. speaking against the motion at) «pne University of Toronto, Two-year-old Filly or Gelding|"#2* G. Cochrane, I, Cochrane, that time. last April, commenced work of|_."ponert Robertson. Saddle horse, English tack -- However, after spending con-/4 $30,000 research program to P g, n[Anne Mitchell, David Bre siderable time and investiga-lcombat dutch elm disease," he| Heavy Draft Team--6. B.icarnentier, Ken Flint, M, tion on the subject, ye 4 said, yp thang cy Down. A pentier. Champion Bevan presented council with) «« ni under J. F. ght draft team -- S. R. Saddle horse, western tack -- concrete evidence to support his Westhead the aideaae Ra. Dawson, Heber Down, Roberticxin Ambrose, 'Bruce wg 24 fn aw, Jn former argument, ed a pilot bylaw which, f adopt-| Robertson. Mickey Barnie, Eric M. Bailey, Laimer Bros, "To infer that such a bylaw,jed by the municipalities and thelper cians OR PERCHERONS|2°> Smith, mer Bros, H, Baird, M. as was formerly expressed, for/Provincial government, would! Reician yeld mare or geld- Po ley. rotection of the public asiset up a corps of inspectors toling © verdin Mark, Verdi|© nee x ter calf fe "chip at civil rights" is utter-ldo the very thing covered in my Mask, c. "Beckley. sd . Mare, over 11 hands and cal e rt bay iy fantastic," Councillor Bevan/motion, that is to enter on pri- -- G. Hayes, L, Sedore, stated, vate property and rethove dead|, Percheron yeld mare or " Cochrane, G, Hill. "Any legislation for the pro-/or diseased trees. ing -- Hughes Bros. A. Foal -- G. Hill, L. Sedore, tection of the public is good] "I also quote the fourth te-/>ackie and Sons, Hughes ior. Ray Cochrane, G, Hayes, Ross|B. legislation, and I state this|port of the Legislative Commit-|, Mare and Foal -- A. E.jHaion | oy gor |pe without fear of eontradiction,"|tee on Dutch Elm Disease Con-(Lackie and Son, A. E. Lackie) dit, 1D palit ee mec Hee Ne cOnionet, trol, dated November 7, 1962: [end Som, Tu Stephenson, C.lrontiet, G, Hill, G. Hayes, K. Be a BH" Guthrie, "Larmet : "I do not hear any objections! «phe Plant Disease Act, RSO|>UCKIey. Bacon. : to our own Building Bylaw No.!1949 Chapter 297, provides for|_ Fal of 1063 -- Mary Ellen a~@ iH D 1945, Sept. 1953, Sectioh 7 of[, municipality to submit a by-/Johnson, Merrill Johnson, Mer-| Foal -- = | Brea a 'Comers vga gy Any ary which permits our building it-lijw to the Minister of Agricul.|till Johnson, Mary Ellen John-/G. Henry, ayes, W. R. mer P wing spector to give notice in writing/ture pointing out the situation|S°", C. Buckley. Bacon, - 0} > re Mas : " over, to the owner of a building speci-/in that municipality with re-| One-year-old filly or gelding--| Colt or filly, foaled in 1962-- H. Baird, er Bros., H, fying unsafe conditions, and iflsurq to the epidemic of Dutch|Hughes Bros., L, Stephenson, C. « Morning, G. Hayes, D, Hurl,|™. g f P ' *"'|D, Hurl, N. Carpentier, Heifer, 'two he 'i wet -- iS the ower fails to put such/fim Disease, and spelling out|Buckley. Im Baird building in a safe condition, orjthe control measures to be Pro-yourdia Wily or gelding Colt or filly, foaled in 1961 -- L "hoes L RALLY ATTRIBUTED TO LACROSSE PLAYOFFS |éemol!s same, the building in-ltaken by the municipality. The| Hughes Bros., Merrill John-|®- Neweom @, G. Hayes, 'D.|Lraier POOR TURNOUT AT LIBERA spector may pull down, repaitipyiaw may include compulsory|son, L. Stephenson, L. Stephen-|Hurl, L. Weatherill, D. Hurl, [jr "potty ite Tear ane Possibly a championship 1a- leen Rowe School, Only 28 government under the leader- Mr. Singer and Duncan B, jor renew such building at the! measures that would require thelson' Pony team, -- ye G.I patra, ) HL jnoggn A t Whitb Cont party survivors turned out to ship of Premier John Robarts. Mclntyre, an executive mem- expense of the owner. the Owner of private property to de-| porcheron team, heavy draft Hill, Ray Bigg toon eager Com, fear years ead: oven saunity "rena. was to' blame hear candidate Samuel Hol- Shown above hong martes ~ ng Whitby Liberal wes Conn it get or glo poet 2 aed or i yoy Hughes Bros., Merrill Jobn- wet x, Smith, G, onl, R.|wet -- Larmer Bros., R. Batty, fer a poor tumeut at an On- lingswerth and Vernon Singer, are, Ot une mo pels property owners to temovelyay as to limit the epre ~~ Newcombe, M. Rye, L. Sedore.|H. Baird, Larmer Bros, d of; tario Riding Liberal Associa« MPP for York Centre deplore Schilling, Riding Association Sada Welds Bee octet way as to limit the sprea Percheron team, light draft 'Pony in' tes i Hate tion Rally last night at Kath- the Progressive Conservative president, Mr. Hollingsworth, --Oshawa Times Photo | 1 P an i gear Bagh pl Betele Hughes Bros., A. E. Lacklé and|end ae od batt N. ' smtih, N. ros. municipal inspector to have the|$0", Hunter McQuigge. Smith, G. Hill, L. Weatheriil, Dal on et Belgian team, h draft--| Hurl. LIBERAL CANDIDATE SAYS G arden Club F all tg arate a Fy Agog iene "4 "Mark. C. Buckley. ai x a le ny &. Bil, Ray rle. charged against the property, or| Belgian team, light draft -- Hill, Joe Guest. Larmer Bros., i, Baird. cetmiinatincat ee ade a right to sue the owner to re-\C, Buckley, L. Stephenson, Rus-|" yonnston's Special -- Mr. and| Sr. Get-of-Sire--H. ne e s cover the cost. The bylaw may|sel] Cochrane. i '¢ sonservatives Mu st Show Winners Named include provision for the munici- gp toes -- Four horse team -- a pality to share the cost with HACKNEY PONIES Hughes Bros., 8. R, Dawson, Fi Whitby Garden Club held ajJ. S. Paterson; 2. Mrs, E, E.|the property owner, or to pay|tHeber Down, A. E. Lackie and| Mare and foal -- G. Hayes, hd ' most successful fall show in|Bond; 3. Mrs. B. Pinch. the cost in its entirety. Son, Verdin Mark, Russell Coch-|Ray Cochrane, Foal of 1963 -- ar®r S Ov the rotunda of the Whitby] Class 10, Simplicity, one flow-| "Any such bylaw submitted|rane, Robert Robertson, L. Ste-|G- Hayes, Ray Cochrane. Colt % Community Arena, when --anjer arrangement with any--foli-/by a municipality doesn't take|phenson. = mea Sag oh gene nig Ray : t ~ P t excellent number of entries was|age, front view -- Miss Elaineleffect until it is approved by WAGON HORSES Colt or tilly foaled in 1961 -- i i dging. ; : ; 3.|the Minist Agriculture. If the Progressive Conserva-jtest he will be refunded the|to his giving evidence before accepted for judging Crawforth; 2. Mrs, S. Burns; 3. "Finally, oe fon 4 yl 'com-| 'Team, hitched -- Alvin Mark,|G. Hayes, G. Hill. Hackney The flowers were beautifully|Mrs. %. Van Horne. e their party they must|amount he was over-taxed, but/the Royal Commission? : : Coch-| pony team hitched -- G. Vernon, felire the Robarts 'overnment if no protest is made no refund) How many times since 1956|"isplayed, ey ono ---- Class ay Good Meine, 1: ein Setad Pebrvary 11 ines gg irae aye G. Hayes, G. Hill, in the tree ay eens | "LS lestnmeeeeth charant the coli f he Pog "doy been were introduced, offering 'the a tani, A bie as, a at the regular council meeting,| Single horse, hitched -- Alvin} Hackney pony single, hitched, Candidate Samuel Hollingsworth over taxing on liquor purchases|over-ruled when he has given exhibitor full scope for her Moore; 2, Mrs. R. Van Horne; February 18, 1963," he said. |Mark, Alvin Mark, Russell ia 13.4 7. a c. que said Monday night. is a conspiracy which included|the decisions in accordance with|#™maginative interpretation of!s vrs. §. Burns. Teen Wan Sites Oe Mae eocnrade, eee veer acktey pony, single, hitched, i issi i tcti j i Hackney pony, single, hitched, to 28 orters at-|/the former liquor commissioner,|previously existing de ment|the theme. adjacent to the public high-| pest horse on grounds -- re cokes a parte rally, in Kath-|the present liquor commissioner policy, and want wes te redo . bry pe a Mga enone rg He ny ways -- x so: ae Hughes Bros., Stroud. Pye nant one Phir C. Ver Gi Ze leen Rowe Public School last/and goes on up to the premier./on each of those occasions? un Mashie oud wade ers, accessories depicting sea-lmitien sit the toon tore ny| Best team on grounds -- §.|" Fine harness pony team -- L. The candidate further charged ; ' + pU heb on i eaane ore: the Conservatives are not readyla fra ctu the onset] Class 1. Arrangement, gladi- shore -- 1. Mrs. J, $. Paterson: [instructed to investigate, and if > Cees, Fees cag Mags ogg Whe Pca ment consists of a chairman of|for a medicare bill and said its|narty's advertisement appear-|°!@,. buffet or mantel -- 1. Mrs./7. Ni88 Me > Mrs. ¥'-/they deem fit, to authorize the|\CARRIAGE HORSES 'egg ue "ies 'A en the board and a bunch of arro-|medicare bill introduced into|ing in most Ontario newspapers|S: BUtS; 2. Mrs. E. E. Bond; . preparation of a bylaw to re-| One-year-old filly or gelding|POMY; e, . 7 gi wspapers/s" Mrs, R. Van H Class 13. Mexican Fantasy,| quire th Cousins, N. Smith, L, Cousins, gant men. the last parliament was not explaining 23 reasons why the Ts, R, Van Horne, oun foil quire the cutting down of trees|-- Bruce Lawson, Anne Mit- Smi Class 2. White and green ar-/'oWers, foliage and or accesso-|on private property adjacent to|chell. Two-year-old filly or geld- ao "The Liberal candidate charged] really a bill at all, it was mere-\voters should re-elect a Con- : ties depicting Mexico ~ 1, M must obey a govern-|ly a shell with nothing in it. rati 5 rangement, any flower or folli- picting -- i, Mrs./ highways. ing -- Bruce Lawson, Team,|TAKES PRIZES ee ee Mr. Hollingsworth charged| seo erent age -- 1. Mrs. R. Van Horne; |J. $. Paterson; 2. Mrs, R. Van| "This report was adopted by|hitched -- Ralph Sadler, Har. Malcolm Bailey took the t when it is a good govern- . ment--but he said the Robarts|bribery in a promised milk price 2. Mrs. S. Burns; 8. Mrs, E. E. Horne; , Mrs. O. te, 'oniag, | council after being moved byjold Patton, Ralph Sadler. prizes in the Aberdeen Angus wernment is unable to upholdjincrease to farmers, incréased Bond, Ms "a ag tae an 8, Councillor Davidson and second-| gingie, hitched, over 15%|Class. John Richard Son fs Sait hi ae on san ath wr es arter ig ~~ mend sy yond 1 Mra hen aes na Councillor Coath," heinands -- Harold Patton, Ralph| were pene ze winners in bas Short- tion was and the -- 1, . E. E. Bond; 2. Mrs./*- . ». - sa' allah! me ae Bee / S, Burns; 8. Mrs. J. N. Wilkin.| Class 15. Collection of asters,|" He summarized in adler, Harold Entes. pera ag cli EL bad faiths. He said the le}Centre, keynote speaker at last ment, flowers only, 2" to 4" Pas either way -- 1. Mrs. A. Wig-| Paterson, Program Committee on Dutch|@lph Sadler. McLeod, J. Winterbottom, C. ere fighting an arbitra 'ov-|night's rally demanded to know polar . saline what undertakings were given C il ston; 2. Mrs. E, E. Bond; 3,|_ Class. 16. Collection ofizim Disease. Special, best type -- Ralph|/Coad. Bull, one yr. and over -- According to Mr. Hollings-|to former deputy provincial sec- ounc ee Mrs. James Crawforth. dahlias, five blooms -- 1. Mrs.| (2) The fourth report of the|°#dler, Harold Patton, Bruce/n, Mcleod, J. Winterbottom. worth the people are being|retary Cudney after he tender- Class 5. Miniature arrange-|R. Van Horne; 2. Mrs. A. Legislative Committee on Dutch|/8¥5°2. Bull calf, under one yr. -- N, cheated out of sales tax everyjed his resignation in March) mrs. Gregory Carter attend-|ment, not more than 2" either| Wigston; 3. Mrs. Harold Brown. Elm Disease Control, ROADSTERS McLeod, J. Winterbottom, C. time they purchase liquor from Seige nga mae to recon-|.4 9 meeting for Regional|Way -- 1. Mrs. A. Wigston; 2. Prsgy 17. ne ¢ gladi- ) Our own Building Bylaw! Mare and foal -- Garnet) ©°24: 4 a government store. He said|sider his resignation. Chairmen of the Archdiocesan| Mts: James Crawforth; 3. Mrs. ¢ six spikes ts. R.jNo. 1945. Cochrane, Joe Guest, Earl Dur- C Gea Winterbottom, Py this cheating goes on all the| Why were these undertakings Harold Brown. 'an Horne; 2. Mrs. 8. Bums. 4) The P: vincia! x i . way up to the premier. not lived up to? he asked. Why|CWL Council Saturday after- Clans 6. Fragrant aicenserent Class 18, Collection of zinnias, x pores ~ i Weed Con-iward, Coad, N. McLeod. Heifer, two six blooms -- 1, Mrs. E. E. Foal of 1963 -- Garnet Coch-|yrs. old and under three -- y choo] 3 3. support A ' . eels Oe Siasind 2 Opterie! mae giving free s A og two blooms each of at Teast three his motion the following points: yy psseye a a entries from Cedar Brook Farm. el Vernon Singer, MPP for York tt Class 4. Miniature arrange-|colors -- 1. Mrs, S. Burns; 2.) (1) The pil 1 ang uncer =~ atton,| HEREFORDS goverment = Bae 8 Neneh of . en - to 4"|Mrs, E. Dilling; 8. Mrs. J. S.lusiversity or Toren Recears|Ralph Sadler, Bruce Lawson,| "Bul two yrs, end over -- N. Buyers are charged sales tax|did Mr. Cudney refuse to sign|noon, September 14 at St. Pas- d rt, fragrance a 5 s on the unit cater' then on the|the report of the provincial sec-|chal Baylon's Parish Hall, reausite -- ga + ol ag iliing: |Bond; 2. Mrs. A. Wigston; 3. Bh oe eae rane, Joe Guest, Earl Durward.|J, Winterbottom, J. Winterbot- total purchase, Maybe the goy-|retary which was given in evi-|Toronto. Mrs. A. Wigston; 3. Mrs. Mrs. J. N, Wilkinson. 1963. . ernment didn't steal a million|dence by Mr. Yaremko before) The meeting was chaired by i. N. Wilkinson. Class 19. Collection of mari-| A copy of this statement was|, 29° Guest, Earl Durward, Heifer, one Wi "old and under in dollars from you, but it does|the Royal Commission on)/Mrs. Clifford Noble, Arch-| Class 7, Matching arrange-|g0lds, 6 blooms--l. Mrs. J. N.|turned over to Town Clerk so "twory borg filly op. gelding two Sin C. cent We get it from the people of On-/Crime? diocesan first vice-president and|ment for buffet and coffee|Wilkinson; 2, Mrs. A. Wigston. |that any member of council Ron Heard. Leod ° i clifferent One-year-old filly or gelding|tom, N. McLeod, C. Coad. tario every year, Mr. Hollings-|| Why did Mr. Yaremko refuse|convener of organization de-|table -- 1. Mrs. J. §, Paterson;| Class 20. Rose, HT, one i worth charged. to explain in the on po or velopment and leadership 2 in. ita bloom, any color, named if pos- at inerested may obtain &/ 'Team, hitched -- Ivan Coch.| 'Heifer calf under one Lor He added if one should pro-'abuse of Mr. Cudney subsequent/courses. It was to acquaint the| Class 8. Driftwood arrange-|sible -- 1. Mrs. J. S. Paterson; fans, Bight Ror tcosggeu G. LB 4 Phas chairmen with their duties and/ment with flowers -- 1. Mrs. S.|2. Mrs. E. E, Bond; 3. Mrs. R. h . e ® to outline their plans for the|Burns; 2. Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson;|Van Horne, B ed Single, hitched, over 15%|_ Herd of five animals -- J. Fire Bri ade coming year. \8. Mrs. J. S. Paterson, Class 21. Rose grandilora,| DUIS hands -- I. Cochrane, L. Blight,| Winterbottom, N. McLeod, C. Mrs. Daniel Donovan, Arch-| Class 9. Victorian elegance, one bloom, any color -- 1. Mrs. I, Cochrane, G. Cochrane, G.| Coad. diocesan president, also attend- +|mass arrangement in bowl or|S. Burns; 2. Mrs. E. E. Bond; Cochrane. ed. vase, mixed flowers -- 1. Mrs.|3. Mrs..J. N. Wilkinson. 0 ap é ree Single, hitched, 15% hands Went a Needs New Home ae tat ech amir < Tom tl pestect Fit? mee sprays, any color -- ochrane, G. ochrane, G. WHITBY P ERSONALS ees, be Wignes: 2. rE, N. ase Cochrane. Thot's whot you will get If ooein latex or olll In a reply to @ motion at pany, and with the lowest fire Wilkinson. Half mile team road race --|f you have your next suit or coct Whitby Town Council last night,/loss of any town in the prov- |, class 28. Rose, Peace. one) councillor Joyce Burns|L. Blight, I, Cochrane, L. Coch- ; to have repairs made to the walllince. Mrs. W. J. Mowat, Ontariojcil will be held Wednesday|Divoom -- 1. Mrs. J. N. Wilkin-| oiceq her opposition at Whitby|rane, G. Cochrane. Now--thanks to Flo-Glaze of the fire hall, Councillor Des-| Demohstrative of their loyalty|street, convener of the dinnerjevening, September 18, at the|$00; 2. Mrs. E. E. Bond; 3./rown Council last night to the oe HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN --youcan have just as wide, mond Newman gave a report injis the 275 man-years of service|sponsored by St. Andrew's Pres-|home of Mrs. Greg Carter, 313, Mrs. D. A. Wigston. purchase of 200 maple trees for ' | © WM. N. LEISHMAN a choice for Exterior ' Ge general buen ssaen thee 8 aco Save. vet, elotranChrch Yous, Won iguaeiw ive Wy? ly HE i SCUGOG || wm. w us ee aa e meeting. said. en's Group entertained the " e, T,..'| Instead she proposed council . : "It is apparent," he said) He told council there is money|members of her committee at Ss heap g Foo Mrs. James Crawforth; 2. Mrs.jnuy the 200 FB ingg they be CLEANERS | Russ Reeves Interior Paints--1,322 dif- "that the present building is|in the five-year capital budget/her home recently. Present| du t 13 at Kathleen R Y./S. Burns; 3. Mrs. R. Van| of four different varieties. & Shirt Lounderers H 3 ferent colors! So now you: badly in need of repairs -- last for the erection of a firehall injwere: Mrs, T. Sloan co-con-|Scpor wits waccntive me "ln acne 95. Collection of petun-lop ui,.2, Msease, Sets, into nel] FREE Pich-ep & Delivery | sae Pont . 209) || 2 Paint anything outside ear and the year before we/1964, vener, Mrs. A. Andrew, Mrs. -- ass 49. Co nm of petun-/of these maple trees," she ex- i § 668- y of the Home and School Ass0-jias single or bedding, $ix/plained, * ote it gets into them PHONE 668-4341, all." patched up the roof, this year) It was then resolved by Coun-|G. Beattie, Mrs. W. J. Morri- ; " : We. propose shoring the walls." |cillor Newman that the property|/son and Miss M. Ross, Final ros pple Mage gra blooms -- 1, Mrs. J. §, Pater-| Fire fighting touches the lives|committee engage the services|plans were made for the dinner base Micha: ya ae son; 2. Mrs. 0. Moore; 3. Mrs.| Deputy-reeve George Brooks and well-being of every tax-jof an architect to prepare plans/to be held Wednesday, Septem- Staff eaching| Harold Brow. told council there was already payer, not a few or a group or|for the new Whitby Fire Hall to/ber 18 at 6.30 p.m, in the ' Ciass 26. Collection ofja motion to buy the trees and - ~ majority but all of us, gp me. " Charen Hall. Bs tt ¥, Kennedy, Bg Booed cae bteon d hang 'gooey Sette, otk Wneene --jhe would like to see them in said. ' le also suggested, the com-|well-known radio a x , erbo i = wef , is year. Councillor Newman then gave| mittee investigate the Municipal| sonality, will be guest er. Were Sunday guests at the home} Class 27. Collection of vege-| The matter was ,referred to council a brief resume of the|/Development and Loan fund for liddhay, oc el tir and Mee, of Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordison,|tables, no less than six vari-|the streets committee with full tole of the fire department inja possible subsidy of the proj- David ge is celebrating his 710 Byron street south. eties -- 1. Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson.|powers to act. Whitby. oe. 12th birthday today. His com- He said Whitby was probably; In closing he said a 111- panions of Palmerston School the largest town in Ontario with|year-old company needs and de-|? and friends wish him many hap- @ completely volunteer fire com-!serves a new home. is sof Ge Ge. | A ting for all executive BROCK 'VENING stows aT 7 AND 9 members a the Ontario Coun eg10) wuitsy FEATURE STARTS AT 7: & 9:25 | S : This, in its own terrifying way, _ Boy Escapes isa Serious Injury Durrett Debivery _ When Hit By Car LD na eie Debive'y, | A i%year-old Whitby boy 2 Concrete slabs for Patic end sidewalks. "--~__.../ jescaped serious injury, last night, when he was struck by a car in front of his home at 904 Henry street in Whitby while pee oe eres. . y = Aa Va 4 ney Graham Howes was ,. it Hates and eal OO or | 7 Lh Sah Cl mitted, today, for X-rays of his Sik he GALAL cite bay: Saute PONE NY AOR AR RE BROOME OF PTO LEA WINES "pays orwinean roses" | {s'< 2 : scarred. at 8.15 pin. aod. the 4 | 107 BYRON ST.S. occur: at 9.15 p.m. a e 4 i yg snopigagian © Ere CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD Exon i | Pas Reto ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 00 geal gf sage gar | 668-5862 - WHITBY twas Antonius Sillius, 104 Brock istreet north.