Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 16, 1963 Cal! The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 « 8 a.m. to 18--Male or Female BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE S28! » Accountants Gardening and Supplies Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ALBERT HOSMAR, charterea account » ant, 323 King Stree' West, Oshawa. Tele 723-122) LOAM, sod, manure and evergreens, also pos) hole digging and fencing. Reason- able rates. Telephone 725-1721. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping/ Centre, 725-9953 HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited Pub- lic Accountant, Commercial! Buliding, 286 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-2221. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Servi ce. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled, Loaders, Trucks for hire. BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- tered Accountants. 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontari.. 3509. FALL SPECIAL MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527. 125 Simcoe Stree! North, erent Alax, WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 8-41 WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- countants, 114 King Street East, pvt Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G mond Burrows, CA. 728-7554. YALB, FRIEDLANDER and Co., Char- fered Accountants. Licensed . Trustees in Bankruptcy, 64 King. Street East. '728-7371. Auto Parts SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANIC 145 King West -- 728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE You" Barristers DODDS AND DONALD, Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street Telephone 723-2201. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl- tor, ete,, 1345 Simcoe Street North Office 723-110: Residence 725-5542. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrist Solicitor Notary Public. Mortgi funds avaliable, 36/2 King Street East, 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. LOUIS S. HYMAN; ~QC, Barrister, Soli- citor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Street East, 723-4943. Mortgage monies avaiable. » RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H. GREER, Associate Sarristers and Solici- tors, 130 King Street it, 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. East. Barristers and 1000 Evergreens, Blue Spruce, Shade size maple, etc. Oshawa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe North 723-3222 GARDEN SUPPLIES "TST TIME IN CANADA 15 YEAR 2nd MORTGAGES CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. LIMITED Avenue. CITY TV towcrs, antennas. 51) Dean Telephone 725-0500. TELEVISION SERVICE All, Makes. Sets Repaired in your home. Wayne Appliances Telephone 723-1411 The first and foremost Can- adian public. company in the field,. now introduces long-term 15-year open 2nd Mortgages on house less than 10 years old-up to 10 years , on older properties. For full details, call 723-2265, after hours 728-3376 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 360 King Street West "GRASS SEEDS" NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX Musical Services "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX "SUPERFINE" GRASS MIX | TIMOTHY AND ALSIKE SUBURBAN MIXTURE INDIVIDUAL GRASSES "FERTILIZERS" SO-GREEN |pa C.I.L. EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL MILORGANITE CL, 10-6-4 BONEMEAL SHEEP MANURE PEAT MOSS PEAT HUMUS z{Cooper-Ssmith Co. 16 Celina St. 723-2312 Instruction BURNS SCHOOL of Dancing, CD, TA, Knights of Columbus Hall. Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Acrobatic. 728-7902. JARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, MANNING F SWARTZ and RONALD L. . SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King " Street East, 723-4697, Residence, dial 772-29. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN Barristers, Solicitors, ;36¥a King Street East, Oshawa. R. B.' Humphreys, QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LL. Office: 725-1177. Residence: 728-4326. Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604, NHA and other mortgage funds avaliable, JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- fic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. JOSEPH F MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 14va King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North 728-7336 Charles C. McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Ht Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now. 424 King Street West, 725-6122. LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing School, Balle, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. LEARN TO DRIVE |P'ANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ |J Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, tuning and repair instruments appraised. | [Optometrist OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guaranteed Parts and Service TV REPAIRS DAY OR EVENINGS 728-5286. Service Calls $2.50 9 am.--9 p.m. Daily New 21" Picture Tubes As Low As $19.66 All Work Guaranteed Dominion Television 20 BOND ST. W. Call Now -- 728-5154 ic. Bs TUCK, RO, O; Please | at Bank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 725-: aol Painting and Decorating NEW FALL rates for paper hariging| and painting, Free estimates. Cali 725-) 7297, ist. D |PAINTING and paper hanging. Murals.| wowest prices. Guaranteed work. 35) years' experience, Jack Bradley 725-7584. | ~ DODD and SOUTER | PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 } ARMAS AAKKO Painting, paperhanging, spray painting, graining. 25 years' experience. Reasonable rates. _231 Huron St. 728-5719 Oshawa Driving. School DAY or EVENING | [Personal Service Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controled. OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-0091 Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Diners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 egreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East. 723-7232. Plumbing and Heating Well Drilling--Digging WILLIAM KROONTJE, welF digging, |compressor work, clean-out and deepen- ing 468 Park Road South, 728-3864, WELL DIGGING by machine, specializ-|------------- ing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest- nut Street West, PO Box 32%, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. 11--Articles Fur Rent 1H? 7055" aug COAST OF SouTH AFRICA BELONGS 10 A FAMILY SUPPOSED fo NAVE BEEN EXTINCT FOR MILLIONS OF HOW MANY YEARS HAS MAN BEEN 1M THE AMERICAS I 23,800, Help Wanted COOK -- Experienced short order cook By R J. SCOTT 26--Rooms For Rent 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 27--Real Estate For Sale ROOM for rent, furnished, suit working girls, After 4 p.m., call 728-4145. wanted, full tim, in modern restaurant. Dial Whitby 668-2751. 20--Room and Board SOUTH END, large furnished bedrooms, private entrance, parking, gentlemen only, Call 723-1359, COMFORTABLE room for one or two BRICK HOUSE, six rooms, three -bed rooms; garage Located at 185 Atho Street East. For further call 725-3308. inten erie Ui - am bpd bearoory bungalow, tot large paneled Siivieg a ath s counter fop ri ROOM and board 'for + men. good hi central to. North" 'CM Apply 5) Fi Street East, ROCM and board for gentlemen, near South, General Motors, lunches packed. Apply 147 Mill Street or telephone 725-7754, ROOM and board for gentlemen to share, single bed, GM workers preferred. Tele- phone 725-3955. ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen, near North GM Day shift preferred. Call 725-0312. TV privileges,| chen hot water; to downtown and General Motors. 723-9895. 'ange, built-ir oven. o 'Newell, Bkr., wnt," 668-4703 Toronto WA 3-9513; Pickering WH 2-5770 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, kit- and bedroom, with all utilities,| adults only, Apply 313 French Street. egg suitable for two fale yee will- to share, single beds. Apply 435 Be Street North, ATHOL EAST, 177 -- Two single fur- nished rooms, syit gentlemen. Apply above address. ir NAVAL 'ARE ARE FISK EVERY iis oapeeb, OR perl BOMB THAT EXPLODES AT SEA SIMCOE - Rossiand West area, comfort- able room, private bath, entrance, good meals, lunches packed, laundry, parking. Gentlemen; Abstainers. Apply 708 Car- negie, FURNISHED single room in adult home. no cooking. Telephone 725- 3205. ONE SINC one double furn bedrooms, in quiet home near fac! Telephone 728-3323. Se icant FISH To FEEDA 21--Room & Board Wanted LARGE, clean housekeeping room, in quiet home. Central, For a gentleman. 723-9225. HIGH SCHOOL teacher wants, in Oshawa or Bowmanville vicinity, large furnished room with possible board. Write Box 147 Oshawa Times. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage FOR RENT Medical or Denta office. Approximately - 700. square feet. Close to downtown area, |17---Male Help Wanted Parking available, Electric heated. Fc: information call "Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver' Tea Service Silver Candelabra SARGEANT'S RENTALS 725-3338 12--Articles _ Wanted WANTED To ) BUY -- - Piano In good cor dition. Please call 728-8864. WANTED -- Set of encyclopedia Brit- 1--Women's Col annica, In good. condition. Will pay cash. |PERMANENTS on ) Special. Page Hair- |dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 725-5363. 2--Personal cul pate wth So: "ie Noon meen |1F YOU have a drinking problem, write |Box 333, Whitby, or cat 4, WANTED daily ride to Toronto, Yonge and Bloor area, from Shopping Centre Telephone SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars . for Wrecking Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought, Open Saturday al] day. Phone {vicini ity. Hours 9-5. Please call | 723 3603, ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc..Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, September 23, 24 and 25. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for ap- pointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 |3--Pets & Livestock |DACHSHUND puppies, sonable prices. Telephone after 5 p.m., purebred, Rea- GREER AND are heed ee Solici- tors, etc, 114 Pag a 725-2278. HRN ahs "Peat ac, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, rg pew, |2nd CREIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Not ary Public, Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446; sale bought and sold. Building Trades CANVAS AWNINGS. Commercial and residential. Erection, repairs, storage. Canvas Products, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993. CHIMNEYS built, sidewalks and stoops Aiso_ brickwork. F. McCann, Brooklin, FRIVATE and corporation monies to loan on all types of mortgages; mortgages agreements of s Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. ALL PLUMBING and heating mypenes: Telephone 725-3521 Harold H. Stark, Plumbing, Heating and ehbinentic," 288 »|Simco Street South. | |SHETLAND pony, heading 'Barrister"). ne TYPES of buliding repairs, roofing.|good with children. IMMEDIATE y fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops. Gordon" May. 728-0394, Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans ANYWHERE = - Low monthly payments. Call Day or Evenings Mr. James 728-2868 Mortgage Funding 167 Rosehill! Boulevard Oshawa, Ontario BULLDOZING and estimates. Celi Taylor Brot My hil crest Drive, Whitby. 668-5612. ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing om specialty. New work and repairs. Large and sme' jobs. L. and H. Roofing end Construction, 725-6937. 'YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys built and repaired, gas linings in- stalled,. furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 723-2997. GENERAL weiding service. All kinds of metal fabrication and. repairs. feed 24hour service. 728-2525. Guaran NEED A Mortgage Loan? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST IN Ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Agreements for sale ond mortgages. purchased. Low rates, J. Foley. ALL TYPES of repairs ana remodeling, training, Reasonable Dial 723-1193, rew and used materiais. Estimates free. ~ WELDING Is Our Business REPAIR and NEW WORK Specializing in Pressure Work, Boilers, Vessels, Pipe Lines; etc, All work guaranteed. 24 Hour Service. GENERAL Welding Service 728-2525 rates, your mortgage prob- lems gladly discussed. No ACKERMAN Excavating -- Loading Sond, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck Reasonable Rotes PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing Painting, cupboords, floor tiling. General repairs of all kinds. No job too big or small. All work gauranteed. Financing s bank rates. Calli us anytim: uf Nellis, 19 Colborne E. Telephone: 728-2061 fees. No waiting. Immediote service for quick results. CALL ED WILSON 725-2539 OR 723-3291 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest |CHESTERFIELOS | Rug-Upholstery Service CHROME chairs beautifully recovered in exclusive patterned plastics. Chester- fields recovered, rebullt. Custom Craft Furniture, 728-7271. CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and restyled. Free estimates. See our ma- terial for recovering. Dalton Upholster- \I 75 Charles Street. 723-7212. re-built, _re-covered|- like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mat- tresses re-built. Oshawa Upholstery Co., 10 Bond West. Dia' 725-0311. CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs re-| covered like new. Get the best for less at| Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. Cali 728-645). Free estimates. VALUATIONS ARRANGED Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Members Ontario Mortgage Broker's Association Cartage BARGAIN erytime. Cail after 6 p.m, 655-4690, m moving, rubbish removed SUMMERLAND Sales and Service ART'S GUN REPAIR | GUNSMITH 18 BOND ST. W. Guns bought, sold traded. Ammo, reloading equipment, components. After hours Whitby 668-2497 728-9731 | | | JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Oshawa, Whitby Reasonable rates. Fully 728-3661, equippec and insured. SECURITIES LIMITED Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, aiferations, pant cut- ing, experienced, reasonable rates. Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476. ° 112 Simcoe Street Norht Surveyors DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, ee 4. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario! Land Surveyors. 11) Elgin Street East.) Oshawa, Ontario -- 725-3568 Classified 25 Better descri' 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one wees 1 Box number If not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies. Professional listings only, 3 Each additional line per month (Not applicable for astendnd 'divsnlaaaiea DEAD! ' Word ads Classified Display Births, memorioms, cards of thanks -- 9 a.m. day of publication. Lost and Found -- Cancellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. doy of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing,' not for more than one incorrect insertion of any price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves t according to its proper classification, In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more spoce than that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers e tising motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if. any inoccurocies in ony form are contained therein, ORDS OR LESS Offers get foster results, Ad Rates | Char. 4.1 2.48 Cash lines per month LINES 5 p.m. day previous 2:30 p.m. day previous 8:30 a.m. day of publication. odvertisement, nor beyond the he right. to clossify advertising indeavour to reproduce all adver- |Phone 725-6881. | | 'TV--Radio Repairs | GUARANTEED repairs to all "Etec TV, radio, ca* radios. Thompson Elec. |*ronics, 17 Elliott 723, 1792. Fred. TV TOWERS © AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe "© Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 } | THREE horse: for sale, |POINTER, German, years old, GERMAN + months old ana some grown dogs avall- able. hunting strain. Reasonably priced. |CASH on the spot. jon dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- |$1000. down, $6000. full price. ie 623-3430. TOY TERRIER puppies, three females, six weeks old. Brooklin 655-3244, $15 each. Telephone ) well. broken, Ff really Also wagon to fit) |Pony. Reasonable price. Hampton 263-2790) | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. SAMOYED, purbred female Samoy nine months, old, had all needles, Telephone 725- 3892. $45. pinto mare, 4- year-old bay gelding, three - year - old strawberry ruan stallion. Telephone Bow- manville 623-2910. hair, four Telephone ~ short h registered, $125, Bowmanville 623-5478. short-haired | pointer, s six Inoculated. Excellent John Pickering, Registered, Kuipers, two miles south of 942-2665. 5--Farmer's Column FARMERS, need tires? Call "Bill, your Dominion Tire representative, 725-6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7263. Highest prices paid pnone collect Hampton: 263-2721. Marg- jwill's Fur Farm. Licence 245-C-63, eq/EXPERIENCED girl for coffee bar and 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities TELEVISION and radio repair equip- |ment. Good supply to start business. |Will sell separately Make offer. After 5, telephone 723-1058. |14--Employment Wanted RELIABLE woman wit give good care to one or two children. Fenced yard. North Motors district. Telephone 726-6844. WILL care for children of all ages, in my home while mother works. Large play area. Brooklin vicinity. Brooklin 655-4426, YOUNG man five years' experience, two years local lumber retail business, de- sires steady employment. Call John, Hampton 263-2033. HOUSEWORK or office cleaning wanted by lady, by the day or weekly. Tele- phone 725-2938. LADY desires day work. Can supply "ref erences. Please cali daytime 728-9018; | evenings 725-2974, | WORKING MOTHERS! qualified day) me available at Peter Pan Day Nurs-| ery, 581 Simcoe North. Call 728-2604. bi. WILL GIVE experienced Yo child | in my home, day or eve , Garrard |Road area, between Oshawa and Whilby. | Phone 725-8812. 16--Female Help Wanted variety store. Telephone 725-3932. WAITRESS wanted, full or part-time. Apply | Mr. Campbell, Genosha Ho! OPPORTUNITY fo make extra e: 9s. Become a beauty counselor. Openings now available. Phone Mrs. Elliott, 725-9442, MATURE lady to live In and care for one child, while mother works. Week- ends off if desired. Telephone 728-7410. MIDDLE-AGED lad. with other Income for light household duties in exchange for room and board and small re muneration. Telephone Port Perry 985- 2806. COUNTER GIRL required for modern dry cleaning plant. Apply in person. Cardinal Cleaners Ltd.,, Highway No. 2, at Thickson Road. a BABY SITTER, two children, light house- hold duties, Live in. Phone after 5 p.m. Pickering 942-5082. GIRL or woman to live in, or part time. Care for two children. One school age. Light i 725-5494, 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent LOT FOR SALE -- $3,000., 380 ff. front- age, sand beach, hydro, telephone, . 95 miles, paved road, 60 x 40 ft, cement jslab foundation.. Will - divide.. Terms |ATlantic 2-6320. CHEMONG LAKE, | winterized lakefront veniences. Three Peterborough. . Large cottage, city con- bedrooms, furnished. |142, Oshawa Times, HOUSEKEEPING cottages, Kennisis Lake, Aug. 1/ on ™ Thanksgiving week- jena for fishing and autumn color. Mrs. |C. Harnden, Box 420, Halliburton, Ont. | Phone 2318 11--Articles For Rent THE easiest way to find a buyer for| the car you want to sell ts with a far- jreaching Oshawa Times Classified Ad. Just dial 723-3492 today for a helpfal, courteous Ad Writer. RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES -- oscillating sanders, disc sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sond- PLUMBERS TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTERS 'EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compress- ers, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT -- Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders. BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- . cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, | 'water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain host, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joinery sand blaster; power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening and Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 Write Box' NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. and more can easily be earned by - showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toy, to} friends and neighbors. No experience necessary. Our exciting, full-colored catalogue helps you to get plenty of orders, Send no money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 16, 217_ Cannon, Hamilton. ~ Typist-Receptionist Full time 9 a.m, --5 p.m. Write stating age, education and experience to BOX 117 OSHAWA TIMES _ JEWELLERY Sales girl wanted, experience preferred but not necessary. ; | DOMINIOF WIDE firm opening man-| |agement training program -- in Oshawa. | |We need above average men to train to-| By ward management for offices throughout | FARM WANTED with | three-bedri , |Canada, Spain, Japan, Okinawa, Austra-|house within 20 miles of Oshawa will |tia, Florida and Colorado, ages 20 to 38.|0Ption to buy. Telephone 725-4596. |Grade 12 educatior. or equivalent. jown car and be reasonably stable finan-| Oshawa, cially. |$11,500, Dependent upon experience ability. Call fo appointment 723-3911, jam, to 2 Preferably with General Motors ience. G.M. Dealer. Flat Rate Shop Steady Employment Employee Benefits Donald Motors 725-5132 |23--Wanted To Rent Must/WANTED house at least five "rooms, in| q good tenants, excellent refer- tol ences, Telephone 728-2917. is hr WANTED: four or five room house, close to schools, in Oshawa. Immediate occu- Minimum $4,500 per year p.m. ill T FURNISHED bedroom and sitting room, with TV; suitable for one or two gentle men. Also bedroom with two single beds. 725-2052. WILSON ROAD SOUTH, unfurnishd room with boards. Private washroom ly, heat and hydro included. possession. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROO,AS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 27--Real Estate For Sale 14 ACRES of good level garden soil, close to Oshawa, $5000 or best offer, or will rent. Telephone 723-2094. THREE bedroor fully winterized insu |bfick cottage Wes Beach, Bowmanville, all iences Full price $2,000 if cash. 23 -- Large, sink "igh cup $60. jonth- immediate --|pancy. Tel 623-2063. BUNGALOW wanted by three adults. Cen- fral location. Telephone 725-9751 after 7 p.m. BOAT. BUILDER or -- CABINET MAKER Experienced With Own Tools Apply 1710 Charles St. Whitby 668-8511 _ Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants. Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work. Fuller Brush Co, Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa. __10 a.m. to 9 D.m. GUARANTY October 1St. or Sooner Want to rent with option to purchase, two bedroom house within 10 miles of downtown Oshawa. Before 5. p.m. PHONE 728-0004 |24--Houses For Rent |SIMCOE NORTH -- Six-room, brick Frid |house, oll heat, three-piece bath. Near ridey, |bus stop and shopping. $85. monthly. 728- | 8840. 25--Apartments Call Bowmanville 623-5278. $440.00 DOWN to one N. H.A. mortgage, 6 room solid brick bungalows with attach- ed garages, located in Ter- race Estates, Whitby, no sec- ond mortgage, no semis, fully detached, full price only $13,715.00, carries for $107 monthly, interest, principal and taxes, storms and screens, twin sinks, plastered walls, sodded front and: rear; etc. models for viewing located in West Hill, call AM 7-9712 for directions. MANDERHILL FIVE room Len ee oe wi yee as. o. home. Hyman Real Satute Ltd., 728-6286, $5,000 EASY TERMS pa insul Beige winter- ized cottage ai 5 acres, of Meck lone cellent for gardening. NEW- CASTLE. Oil space heating, bathtub, septic toilet, elec- fang- $98 MONTHLY Includes principal, interest, and taxes on this attractive Hae bade rete poi , ree kitchen. MONTEITH AVE, Evening appointments only, Asking $13,500. CENTRAL LOCATION 'Income bungslow with two Apartment 2 has four rooms with shower and toilet. Forc- ed air oil heating. This pro- perty hos never been va- cont. Income. $135.00 monthly. Taxes only 215.- 00. Don't miss this, call be- foré .we sell it. NEW ENOUGH TO BE MODERN Old enough to show any de- fects. Atractive three bed- room bungalow HARMONY RD. SOUTH. Perfect condi- tion, nicely modern throughout, Bus at door, schools conveniently close. Asking $11,900. INSPECT TODAY AND MAKE AN OFFER. R. VICKERY 728-9571 46 King W. OPEN EVENINGS --- CALL Jerry Borrow Steve Lehan Fronk Meagher Bert Peyton REAL ESTATE LTD. Bill Irvine ROOMS, furnished. Centrally. located. Clean. Apply 168 Arthur Street, FURNISHED room, suit working lady. Apply 21 Gladstone Avenue. 728-0283. TWO furnished rooms, suit gentlemen. TRUST Young man required for ac- counting department. Banking experience a must. Good starting salary with annual increases and borus, FOR AN INTERVIEW Telephone 728-1653 LIFE INSURANCE OPPORTUNITIES Two experienced Life Insur- ance representatives and a Sales Manager to head 'our Life Department. If you ore tired of continual prospecting join a firm that has enough leads and clients to keep six men busy for a life-time. We are growing fast--why not grow with us. We have con- tocts in general insurance, real estates, mortgages, etc: Drawing account with top commissions, All interviews confidential. Call Reg. Aker at. Schofield- Aker Limited at 723-2265. | UPPER DUPLEX, centrally located. Busi-| |ness woman preferred. Telephone before |6 p.m, 725-1843, THREE-ROOM flat, furnished, private en- trance, refrigerator, use of washing ma- chine. No children, Telephone 728-5070. completely fur- range, heat, two-room apartment, nished. Refrigerator, | Telephone 725-2539 or 723-3291. FIVE-ROO ound floor ----jalso base t llarge, $60 monthly. Children welcome. | Telephone Port Perry 985- 7078, \einp STREET, 77 three-room |bathroom) apartment. Private entrance. }No children. Apply _ address. |COLUMBUS | three rooms with bath, un- furnished, separate entrance. Suit work- jing or retired couple. $70 monthly. Dial hae |MAIN FLOOR apartment, three rooms, unfurnished, als: four-room upstair apart- ment. Both have private baths and en- trance, No children. Available October 1. {Apply 178 Adelaide East. 728-7176. |TWO rooms, completely furnished Yor light housekeeping, Including heat, light and -water, Central. One or two working adults only. $15 weekly, 725-5227. THREE room furnished apartment. Heat- ed. $60 monthly. Apply 238 Dearborn Ave) nue after 4 p.m. | CHURCH | Street, 141: One bedroom and kitchen, suitable for couple, no: children. | | Apply above | WAYNE " Street, 68, Apt. 9: Four room __| apartment, private bath and entrance. {Adults only. Telephone 725-3938, |PORT PERRY -- Apartment, unfurnish- jed, two bedrooms, three 'piece bath, large |I'ving room, good sized kitchen, Available |soue-woan Port Perry 985-7103, FOUR-ROOM apartment with stove and refrigerator, on Somerville avenue. Available October 1, Please call 725-9807 for information. KING STREET EAST, 1389 tooms, unfurnished, heated, adults, ab- Stainers, $45. month. Telephone 725-1709. "MECHANIC with A Licence Products exper- ORTONO Avenue, "large $60 month. ~ Large hot water, hydro included, private entrance. apartment, arage and garden. Very land | Blending Roof, Matching the sur: including Cit Hurry! Call Bill Harmony Village | | Apply 134 Ritson Road South. 725-6696. | Means Much More Than Quality Built Homes Wonderful World of Color By SHEWAN Exterior, Shades rounding terrain. Treed lots, Completely landscaped. y Boulevard. Architecturally designed Homes available for immediate possession. . Only $900 Down Millar 725- 2557 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. _ OSHAWA TIMES. PATTERNS ELGIN STREET WEST -- Two-room fur- nished apartment with boards. Available October 1. Newly deco- rated. Telephone 728-9028. sink and ~cup-|' REGENCY TOWERS, conveniently ~ To. lo- cated modern building, by William Reid Construction. Spacious one- and two- bedroom suites, from $100. to $118 month- ly. Fully decorated and equipped with draperies, AM-FM hi-fi radio speaker, refrigerator and stove. For further iIn- formation call 728-1544, 723-2570 and 728-0569, PROMISE your children a pet? Well, you'll find just the right one offered in "Pets" in Classified. Turn to Classifica- tion 3 now '17--Male Help Wanted Apply in person or Telephone or Write For Appointment GORDON MOTT LTD. ' 300 Dundas Street East Whitby 668-3304 Permanent position for right applicant. Apply after 10 A.M. to Burns Credit Jewel- lers Ltd. 32 King Street West. CLERK TYPIST Local bank has opening for a_young lady who is interested in meeting peope. Must have good personality and appear- ance, Shorthand an advan- tage. Telephone 723-1135 "TOYS-FUN-$$$ WE ARE LOOKING FOR LADIES WHO WANT TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS 0) MONEY BY WORKING EVENINGS SEPT., OCT., NOV. We will train you as a party demonstrator. To seli a full line of toys. Commission. Car essential. No investment, de- liveries or collection, , CALL NOW 668-5253 |WE NEED two salesmen to fill our pres-| jent staff. Car essent'al. Call Mr. Vander- |water 738-1372. TV TECHNICIAN fo take charge of serv- ice department. Must be familiar with all types of domestic, electronic equip- jment. Apply in writing stating salary 'required, experience, etc. Box 71, Oshawa Times, Whitby, 1 IF You ore Interested In Selling Real Estate - One of Oshawo's Oldest and best known Real Estate firms Is interested In acquiring 2 sales people If they have the Following Qualifications Age 30 to 55 Good health Have a late model car Have had previous sales experience Have lived in Oshawa for ot least 10 years Must be willing to work hard IF INTERESTED, please write Bill McFeeters, Real Estate Manager, Schofield-Aker Ltd., By ALICE BROOKS Cheer up chores, and win smiles from everybody with these whimsical motifs. Cheerful crop of vegetables to embroider in 'the gayest colors on towels, cloths. Pattern 7029: transfer six 6% x 8-inah motifs; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattem (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly PATT"RN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRF'%S. 206 HANDICRAFT HITS in our bigx big, new 1964 Needlecraft Catalog, out now! See toys, fashions, crewelwork, _heir- looms, gifts, bazaar hits--every- thing to croc'et, knit, sew, weave, embroider, quilt, smock. Send 25c right now. Want-Ads Don't 360 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. PRINTED PATTERN SIZES 144-244" STYLED TO SLIM By ANNE ADAMS Beneath your fall hat -- the dash of a_scarf-tied neckline, the news' of side-buttoning. So young, slimming in silk, cotton, rayon. Printed Pattern 4966: Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 2Al4. Size 1614 requires 4% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, Dlease) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 20 sales tax Print plainly. SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- pon inside new Fall-Winter 'Pat- tern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send Cost-They Pay BR ld ap 50c for Catalog. ee ee ee wena variance

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