Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1963, p. 17

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a gc "gpa 18--Mele or Femele 25--Apartments 27---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale _|27--Real Estate for Sele _|27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sele THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Pridey, September 12, 1968 iid a ' 7} level garden soil, coach automatic. ' Heip Wanted © ron r) Om, ledy.|FOR IMMEDIATE sale. Six-room bunge-|THR close to|PRIVATE Sale -- Three bedroom, split- ie ACReS ion oe, 1957 PONTIAG coach sutematic. Good -- corner lo. Attached gar-|schools,, $1500. down to. first morigage|ievel brick home, large Kitchen, § par ott For Sale 00K short order e@ook|APPIY toe, "King "and" Pit Streets, Whitey |newly 'decorated. Dial 66-5134 mortgage. Southmesd area. Tele-/Wil rez. 1999 CHEVROLET 4door, condition, wanted, fu In modern restaurant. two Sa a ' pre phone LOT FOR SALE -- 52 by 117 feet, In| adic, one owner car. $1,290. Telephone Sa Bases oad Board |emvaoon heaps seaimes| APPLE ORCHARD [tttrtetiit ins tes ROU Seacia jecme Per an oer tn a cegts THREE-ROOM fu apartment, faxes, easy terms. ' 3 7770 CHEVROLET, good _ condition < oo agidlg "ta wtih tate fruit. 10 ocres, |%59" Joudch Bosco, Resllon, TITaI7. [call 7259008, CONVENIENT fo General Motors novi throughout . Private Sale, 460, Terms $20|teenhene 72-4701, ROOM snd board 'or respectable young . 6 yeory od. | f d i , : plant, fiv brick home, very monthly. : ae Casdion home, central to Mert GM. jenidied vimeits Orie y FIVE-ROOM bungalow, $2,000. _down.|condition, carries ~. monty "Ine Including |i9g9 BUICK, Le Sabre, hardtop, custom| yours done now Kony coon Street East Vale sehronens "Barking space ment, ower PICTURESQUE Take Fag eg ve ist "sen a Pvoe ta yaar. | radio, white wail tires, very low mileage.|man's Corner, gentiemen. .|256 Athol Bast. o felephone 668-5690 "Joseph Bosco, Telephone Whitby, 668-3405. Whitby. Lunches packet, eed. Also wall baby ait Infant Three-room Bunglow |e !sem. THREE-BEDROOM ranch type brick!igs5 "oLDSMOBILE, two-tone, -- 'own for working mother, Tele- pec! oe ge 7 gga fi BOX' "44 e 9 THREE a eran Tully Tnsul| bungalow with attached garage, fireplacts| lexcelient condition, good tires, $808. prove g Airc a. hospi AW, In immoculate condition. full' panelied L-shaped recreation room. 1271 Mackenzie, 725-1999. aL sear | 723-4127 after § p.m. OSHAWA oom. ply ances. tor i $2,000 If cash.|Price $17,000 with $6,000 cash. Take gg Begg ROOM and board ee St ari Large fot, centrally located; spe MHA. morienge, Call Whifby 60-48 'be |1956 CHEVROLET, standard 6 fourdoat|and Beverly" marraas Wnches pore, fe North, Whitey. Rooms $2 night, $18 week. PHONE 725-1063. listed. LaSalio Avenue, Vteie Ade: hla re hae ed Honest Cal's on King Street ma tewree! GUIDE R eee brick benaaio,oa crater"! 28 Real Estate Wonted |i CHEVROLET bat Ai, cinaur|o%* Raed com 'z neue ROOM "ana arg 1 cat Sean reer coLuMeUs wn 2-door hardtop, equipped. Motor| 2 Telephone . Home pl iran for ee ee week, sony COLUMBUS three rooms with bath, Lod 723-1121 STARTER HOUSE $5500 psc kyl j fats th wens [Five wo room i with| and body in Al storie. Best offer.| tyPEWRITERS, GM south plant. Apply 1304 Cedar Sireet.|furnisned, separate entrance. Suit work: quickly. Call new and ask for Ike Perry, attached garage, ol! or electric HiNG,| After 4 p.m. call 725-4065. les, service ROOM and board tor gentlemen to share, 102 op retired couple, $70 monthly. Ofe! : An inexpensive 5 roomed | $s); Jape boon Bosco Realtor, ee ge rene Some, rte ge i958 VAUXHALL" door, "new. re, "In single bed. GM workers preferred, Tele-/ fore area yeama| FOR SALE OR RENT--113 | house for the young econo. |Zooe----~care ce ped Ronan excellent condition. Telephone oe a. egg one fer ae pg geal vpataeapar Harmony Rd, N. Oshawo-- mical couple planning to live | with 'sat for sale, Now. on long 29----Automobiles For Sale eee NCOROLLY tenes ana ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen, Term eoin have private 7 room stone and brick ranch reason to save for @ |term lease to reliable ._ We regret -Must see 10 8p New| Free ao, tern, BM Peay " france. No children. Avaliable Ockober'T.| bungalow with over 1900 sq. larger house in the future. |2nY, misinterpretation a ur bred een ee CS Cail ater § pie Peat. leh ROOM AND BOARD for Fe Aad cr it ble ft. of living space, 2 stone Taxes are only $100 and its |Leask Real Estee Broker, Bowmen-| 729-4172... ? 1953 CHEVROLET sedan, $125; 1953 Chev- willing to share room, | single beds, THREE ROGR, se¥-envtalves, "fornlehed fireplaces, gd ne * very central, / ville, 623-5919. cURY Se oe Wonawnoee a ee. a lunches home ed ale ee ee here c mtr i, inj tached garage, 40 x . WHITBY, Hazelwood Drive -- Aftractive|trade, Balance 36 months. Apply 205) . -- Leundry done. "GM workers only. Tele: eeMairiet, Con 728470. "| recreation room. Selling at BROOKLIN HOME [bungalow $ rooms, lovely fireplace. |i upin Drive, Whitby mie oration, eae Teen 7 ema | aes. 6Fa PER WEEK, Sutaba To pen wil|PONT Tuan na, ee ntl woth Teme] 900." OR will rect ot $150 $12,000. are aer ant ae wuindowe wall ogy 'work, #156 cash Telephone 7202072955 AUSTIN ACS, "doer, excallent CO eator i ' out basement tc r beh Mn: ab I andl cette 0: uxsinentedlak. ied fil cal phone' 7383096 Peat oe re [via foeto, osed TE ge ig es a per month with possession Oc+ Very centrally located 3 bed- | 19. schoel, $13,900; Ds We sdiiison Reali i9se Bh sgh Bt ca tee Poel Telephone O74 se tober Ist. room home only % block to | Estate, Don Stradeski, 728-8423. _inew tires, white wi 1955 PONTIAC, 4door sedan, radio, 22--Offices, Stores, Storage|>>----Rooms For Rent 4 BEDROOMS--2 storey brick | school and 5 minutes to the |INCOME OPPORTUNITY: Gur new Tat CONT: styat"seutn or Telephone Oz36, Tisbs,|vhitewalls,satehy belt, Body, motor in FORRENT ROS ran S| home in nce faction, | far Cond Che a (ear al Sat cer PONTING co needing ™ n n Sr SS or segs Mabie) of Cental' otfien, a oe. call a ; close to bus Pas schoo} ond Owner moved te -Matio, aay at Olsen Realtor, 723-1133 @r eve-| phone 728-2968. ne Chava Fr station wagon, Tele- ine Spanish, aiecirici whee 5 iso eer $3.50 each. Telephone 728-6802." ingle rooms, sleeping accom) four blocks from downtown, nings. ; , 'elephone 728-6708. imately 700 square j|modations only, adult home, very quiet A METEOR two-door, radio, good con-| org Automatic; radio pine ds 'condition. r= age ag downtown area, |2nd central, Call after § p.m. 723-3231. $12,500 with $2,000 down 200 ACRES WITH CENTRAL Sasliek. Soneaney mae eition._ Must sell, $485 or best offer. 1958 in A SB brakes, New white rol Man Rig pote go ena phone 725-2593, ont eet. Close ROOM for enifomon, willing to share,| Poyment, K treed street. Home all in. spotless condi- " walls. 39,000 miles. Best offer, Private.|ang Serta-peaic mattress, Call Mr. Camp. R Parking ovailable, Electri€ |near South GM, In clean home. After d LARGE CREE tion, Contains tmedeen Ailes wale MECHANIC'S chance. 1956 Lincoln 2-door| 648.5159, bell at 723-464 amplifier, golter cass. ted, Fer information call |p.m. call 725-8645. HORTOP STREET--North of tfully si od cupboard spaco. Good size dining room|nardiop, fully powered, good body. Needs) 7. ie a ar Goat hard (3. Stick| MAN'S aot for sale, maroon, In good Phone Write Post Office rin eS COMFORTABLE room for one or two| Rossland Rd.--6 room brick Beoutifully situated produce | ng living room, beautiful modern. bath- $250, NOH. _| shit, radio, $225.00. Tele-|condition. Telephone 725: 5 Port Perry, Ont. 725-5132 hot water, central] bungalow with attached gar- tive farm with large creek room with nel fixtures rena ell 1950 PLYMOUTH, absolutely In showroom! phone 668-2119. MEDIUM sized Colema eo eamimewn and General Motors. age and exceptionally nice oe fern aah eo ailic. riche test otiniressenees Gant Pa Way Wen teey) eerie gisiom T9#4 FORD 'converlible, evtemalic Wans:|with 45 gallon tenk, Both, in" geo ood condi|33---Market Basket - STORE FOR RENT FURNISHED room, Colborne and Sim- ela ag rigs go brick oghey y lorge on. Beret at fast on. thls one. Carl Olsen| radio, $395 cash. To inspect, 725-1393 Shen Aier's bee facohons ei -" feat at baw 12 ACRES of cucumbers. Whilby 6603078 PORT PERRY | Good main street location. | Approximately 18 x 60 ft. | Pius 40 ft, storeroom. Available immediately. Telephone Port Perry 985-7103 fruit trees and garden com- Seprate anvance rn by lity pletely hedged. Finished room call 723+ and extra 2 pc. washroom in DIVISION - eet, 3 nished| basement. This home is in |rooms for reat, hitchen fecttinien Tele-| excellent condition and priced |phone 725-8702 ot $17,700. ROOM Gainanie for two gentiemen, will- will Ing to share, single beds. Simcoe Street North. ATHOL AST, 177 -- Two single fur- fished rooms, sult gentlemen. Apply above address. Apply 435) DOWNTOWN--7 apartments with 4 car garage on large lot 82 x 199 ft. Property clear. Substantial down poy- 23---Wanted To Rent FURNISHED single room in adult home.) ment required. no cooking. Telephone 725 WANTED two bedroom unturnisned apart- ment. Dial 728-6006. pad ONE SINGLE: WELL ESTABLISHED BUSI- NESS In Oshawa with ex- one double furnished| 'TWO-BEDROOM house, in good condition, Telephone 728-3323. clusive area. Includes home In -- home near factory. with 2 apartments as well as with parking fecilities by October 15. No children. 725-5902. FARM WANTED. with three-bedroom house within .20' miles of Oshawa with|'™ option to buy. Telephone 725-4598. FURNISHED aaron and sitting room, pal TV; suitable for one or two gentle several trucks, Asking price $42,500. BANFF AVE, -- Excellent Also bedroom with two single beds. 725-2032, YOUNG COUPLE with no children re- quire three-room basement apartment with refrigerator and stove, by October 1, Telephone 725-0186. WANTED by October first, two or three- bedroom house, working couple with one child, north-east district preferred. Tele; phone 728-3307 after 6. SHEO light room i for gentleman, "central Dishees snore buildin Ay % 110 ft, Full ants Seed pueenre only, Apply 12) Price 800, nm ir Eas WILSON ROAD SOUTH. 3a | 4 ROOM HOME on French St. WILSON ROAD SOUTH, 25 -- Large, i unfurnishd room with 'sink and ghee Good sized lot with garage. boards. Private washroom, $60. month-| Broadloom in living room and ly, heat and hydro Included. Immediate dining room, This home is in excellent condition and pric- WANTED house, at least five rooms, in Oshawa, good tenants, excellent refer- ences. Telephone 728-2917. WANTED: four or five room house, close fo schools, in Oshawa. Immediate occu- pancy., Telephone Bowmanville 623-2063. ree badroom furnished or par- Iddie aged pie, Excaltent references, Apply Box he Ban: ewe Times, Whitby. SUsinEss ey would like to locate and ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private vera Call between 5 and 7 p ed at $10,500, 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW with lorge kitchen and dining area. Beautiful re- Creation room with bor. Fully 82 PARK RD. No landscaped lot and close to 728-8671 family with chigtane bedroom accommodation with ner ig Bg Please cell 8-2997 after 27--Real Estate For Sale HUNTING CAMP 186 6 pm. October 15t. or Sooner Went to rent with option to house purchase, two bedroom within 10 miles of downtown we. Before 5 p.m. PHONE 728-0004 25--Apartments ROOMS, furnished. Centrally located. Clean. Apply 168 Arthur Street. pegs DUPLEX, centrally located. Busi- ness preferred. Telephone before 6 pm. a518 bad. REGENCY TOWERS, conveniently lo ated modern buliding, by William Reid lon. acres of woods and bush with 25,000 Christmas trees 4-7 yeors old. 6 room house with hydro and good pg born and garage. On Hi OWNER MUST SELL TRANSFERRED 500. Priced a as, 900 with | on os. Vendor | will sf ir mon oO jovember 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW | to Hunters for $75.00, For full particulars call Includes paved driveway nice- or pert ia ro) ly landscaped extremely well Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. kept home situated on Ritson 1 Lucas Peacock Dick Young ond Kewortho, a soe Leon Manitius Tony Siblock down, Phone Millar Roy Flintoff Jean Peacock 725-1186. Irene Brown Lloyd Corson W. T. LAMSON Steve Zurbo Steve Englert GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St. S$. REAL ESTATE LTD. Realtors, . Spacious one and two bedroom suites, from $100. to $118 month- ly, Fully decorated and equipped with draperies, AM-FM a radio speaker, refrigerator ei For further in- formation all Jase, 723-2570 and 728-0569. MODERN APARTMENTS Quiet Residential Street Convenient To Park Rd. North and King St. West REASONABLE RENTS J. A. SHERIFF REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE 793 GLENGROVE STREET Saturday, 14 September. From 2 to 7 p.m. Six room clay brick bungalow, extra large carport attached, aluminum windows and doors, TV antenna, front and rear door chimes, exhaust fan in kitchen, wired for washer and dryer, nicely di id ond land: d. Owner transferred--must be sold this week- -end. Listed at $14,500 with terms. NHA 6% mortgage. You owe it to yourself to inspect this home. (North on Gibbon Street from Rossland Road to Glendale, turn right to Glengrove). SALESMAN ON DUTY 25 ONTARIO STREET PHONE: 728-1673 = For Information PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 725-7272 728-92 17 WHITBY CLASSIFIED for gentieman. Modern home. Dosen Street East. st. Telephone 668-5667. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompl service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. For RENT: Ore bedroom self-contained picasa suitable -for --, eveniee immediately. Te om ee sarc -- aaa tions, slip covers, drapes. ing 8 specialty. Mi a (648-2372. three on naw, Sondeng i id ridays. Dunlop, Henry Street area. Telephone BicveLe repairs, used Guaran- 'works, For sale or trade, 6-room bungalow In Uxbridge, 1500 aq. ft. of living space, built on-2 acres of land, V.L.A. approved, all eon- veniences, Call 668-5853 for further information, McCullough Dr., Whitby, 6-room brick split-level, fully decorated and landscaped. Full price $12,600 with $2, 000 down, one mortgage. Ask for Audrey Moore. Older sys, 2 storey house with 6 rooms. Full price $11,500 with $2,500 down, Oshawa--Westmount, storey and o holf, 3-bedrooms, master bedroom extra large, sunroom, 19' living room with fireplace, garage. This home is in immaculate condition, Ask for Phyllis McRobbie. Oshawa, large 10 room, 2 storey house well located, three bed- tooms plus a master bedroom suite, kitchen 15'°x 16', 2% bathrooms, family room, den, oak trim, double garage, all 'rooms extra large. Call 668-5853 for further information, Evenings Call 668-4088 or Bowmanville 623-7159 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5853 000 Pie op det George » 00 Charies Street, Whitby. Purdy, ty FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom bungalow. Newly. on. Central. Close to schools, Very large, fenced-in lot. Apply 950 Greenwood Crescent DAY CARE -- Good day care Canal In my home. Reliable parca avaliable. Call Whitby 668-4260, THE Town of Whilby has for rent on & monthly basis, five-room bungalow situ- ated on the north side of Highway 401,| ~ rent $90 per month. Apply 405 Dundas|: FOR RENT -- Large tr front apariment, centrally located on Brock Street bee 385. monthly, year lease. Jos. Shield, Real Estete Broker. Tele- phone 668-2874; evenings 668-2473. APARTMENT, three rooms with three bathroom, address end piace of Attention Hunters We rent canoes, oroda boats, motors, po neat "decoys fe wi [DE RENTAL w SALES ond SERVICE Harmony Vil age Means Much More Than Quality Built Homes Wonderful World of Color By SHEWAN Blending Root, Exterior Shades Matching the surrounding terrain. Treed lots, Completely landscoped, including City Boulevard. ener pag aand designed Homes Only $900 Down Hurry! Call Bill Millar 725-2557 W. T, Lomson This is one to inspect. Asking $38,000. Terms. FALL BARGAIN COTTAGE Completely furnished seven room cottage on lovely lot in Caesarea offered ot sacri- fice price of $4,500. Further reduction for cash, Contact D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN PHONE: 655-3195. J, A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. RLTRS., 46 Eglinton E., Toronto 12 SCHOFIELD- AKER GOOD INVESTMENT -- 2/4 storey 7 room house in the East End. Extras include two 3-pc, bathrooms, T.V. aerial, garage. Now ere os = moni sch. "$13,500 with $2,000 down. CHOICE LOCATION off Sim- coe St. N. Convenient to everything. 2 storey with 4 bedrooms, Large L.R. with fireplace, separate D.R., kit- chen has good cupboards and sunny breakfast nook, Div- ided bosement with Ree Room, Attached garage. Real Estate, Nath sod Telephone Henry PRIVATE SALE 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Large living room, Very large lot Full Price $11,900 Terms orronged. WHITBY 668-4643 PIANO, modern s\ short} style, used only @ time, In excellent Condition, $275. Can be Stinson, 725-0243 Ca eo' enn Peet cae eal 192 CHEVROLET, 6 Srinder ae WHITBY phone Whitby 668-3078, per transmission. 'o Gn al seen at 555 Cromwell Avenue. 1 Be . ANTIQUE GUN Paes reread at | P97 FOR, mG wad reg or] ON WaNTR " % ju! e a 608 CLAREN DR. Telephone Ajax 742-6552. bedi a 1956 FORD, custom line, V8 automatic, engine and transmission excellent, or offer, Call 728-0558. 1999 FORD GALAXIE, power steering, $275 1955 OLDSMOBILE, un BR GMC half-ton truck, Reasonable, Brooklin 655-4820. 1 galas etd atta super sport, feeder be black with red trim, power brakes, dual range, fransmission, radio, clock, dash, condition, $1495. or best ii padded window washers, new tires, in excellent | mal power fila he and aerial; 300 hp, gr Leet metallic brakes, many tras. Can be seen at 877 King Street East. 47 call 725-3673. 1953 FORD Yeton lepers ire, e's Feed shape, $325. Tel Ice Station, Pbarcoiget MUST BE SEEN to ~peracinia 1963 fl 1959 CHEVROLET sedan, good condition $795 for quick sale. Will trade, arrange WEDDING dress, size 10, peau de white, floor un $50; -- 2 rides. maids dresses, si ut geen one pink and one white, ae ' with matching head- pleces. $15 each, ang A Bells Hea Me gs preciated. Telephone 725-6) nf tlpp cone A -- 'iboalaa convert- Bowmanville, 623-2121. terms. mex Lupin Drive, Whitby. 1957 $' » good condition, reasonable. Apply br sar Rion North after 6 p.m. Phone 723-9911. Pontalc convertible, oor shift, V-4, bucket seats, fully equipped, low mileage. Will accept trade on late model foreign car, Private, Phone Brooklin New Homes Built on order Price $13,100 up LOW DOWN PAYMENT Andrew Schmidt & Sons Phone 728 - 8378 655-4622. 1955 CHEVROLET hardtop V-8, new tires, re-built motor. Best cash offer. 1957 Ford Ranchero, A-1 condition inside and out. Mechanically good. Best cash offer. Tele phone 668-8084. 1955 TRUCK Ve ton pickup, Dodge, excel- lent condition, will sell or trade for @ car, Apply 99 Elgin East. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Aways top quolity 1956 Chevrolet 6 Cylinder, Standard Mechanically sound and clean. Apt. 1, 1056 Ravine Rd. TELEPHONE 728-9374 after 6 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door automatic, | $¢8s0n é&cylinder, new paint. Good condition inside out. $395. Trade accepted. 723-2281. COAL furnace and ducting, $25. Apply 1088 Kingston Road West or dial 728-6408. COMPLETE aot OF dite ear GabT Sas | COMPLETE set of diving gear, used one' season, $125 or best offer, 728-8218. BOAT, 8 ft. Pram, custom built, plywood, Never been used. fet green. Tele 1963 CHEVROLET impale, sports coupe, Telephone 655-3750. 1954 MORRIS Minor, radio, new paint. Good running condition. Private, $150. After 6, Pickering 942-2117. 1956 BUICK four-door, in good condition, $300. Telephone LA phone ile, .623- PIANO, upright, Samia with bench. condition. Apply 246 Adelaide' Vv good West anytime. BOAT, 15 ft. plywood, with 35 hp Johnson eactre super quiet motor, 1100 Ib. capacity Gator trailer. All extras 1956 GMC Va-ton deluxe pickup, Good con- dition. $600 'or best offer. 728-5893. 1962 CHEVROLET Canaria black, red trim, whitewalls, radio, power steering, power brakes, automatic. One owner driven. Private sale. Terms $2,650. Dial 728-7586; evenings 728-2503. 1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, V-8 auto- matic, radio and extras. Good all around condition. Call 725-5783 1955 CHEVROLET, good condition, best (Bend conaitin, best offer. After 5 p.m. telephone 725-8505. $1,200 Will sel ly. Can be financed. Telephone |) separate! 723-1058. DRAPES, 'ioral, wall-to-wall, for and dining rooms. All for $50. 725-2042. gi Sunshine Tatsnene good or best offer. yoes000 condition. 'elephone after 6 p.m., CLARK 2+fon fork lift, good condition. Telephone Whitby, 668-8571. RANGE, ges, completely automatic, in new condition: dressers with mirrors; 1962 PONTIAC Strato Chief, two-door,|T ve, witiowellae dogt immaculate condition. $2,095. Telephone 1957 PONTIAC, ar ialnwenmn: 6 creer automatic transmission, gain for quick sale. 590 A Telephone 726-4334, 1957 CADILLAC convertible. Must sell. New tires, new top Good condition. 587 Ritson Road 725-3383. ie Many added features, Must ' be seen, Owner has lived here 14 yeors ond now requires smaller home, NEW 4 B.R. home in Brookside Acres, Features spacious L.R. with stone fireplace, wall to wall valances, Built-in buf- fet and china cobinet across one end of D.R. Eating area in kitchen with lots of ma- hogany finished cupboards, exhaust fan and copper hood. 2 pc. both on main floor. Upper and lower halis pleas- ingly decorated. le at- teched gorage. Features in- clude underground wiring end television antenna, Listed et $23,600.00, 723-2265 Open 9 to 9 -- Sot. 9 to § Pauline Beol .. 725-0239 Chorlie Chaytor .. 723-7996 Margaret Holl 723-1358 Reg. Aker .... 725-0201 ' Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Steve Macko ... 728-5868 Ken Morris .... 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. Free Porking CARL OLSEN REALTOR - 723-1133 CHURCH ST.--Live rent free in this modernized older home. Four rooms completed renovated for the owner, and two apartments to rent. Wide poved drive with large fenced back yard. 30 days possession for only $3,000.00 down payment. Call Bob Johnston at 723-1133, eve- nings 725-9365. HOSPITAL "AREA -- Excep- tionally well kept six room two storey home in this most convenient location. Home contains living room = with mantle, large dining room, godd size modem kitchen with plenty of cupboards, three goed size bedrooms, large bath with vonity, all new coloured bathroom fix- tures, nice size fenced yard, full size verandah, divided basement, oil heating. Priced right with $2,000 or $3,000 down. For appointment to see 'call Henry Stinson ot 723- 1133, evenings 725-0243. CLOSE TO G.M.--Spacious three bedroom brick bunga- low in beautiful condition throughout. Hos a walk-out basement, fenced lot, 'lovely landscaped with scenic view. This choice home is being offered for only $13,500. For further information call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- Inspect the fine homes being built by H. Kassinger in this choice location. Homes built for as low os $875.00 full down. payment, N.H.A. Mort- se0e, - the balance. Give us @ call. Open Evenings 299 King St. West KEITH PETERS Realtor - 728-7328 103 King Street East KELLY STREET $12,900. --_= Ra Esa Road, ron 75" x 150" laihy thew oF the country side over 1a0 8q. ft. 3 good bedrooms, d ing room. $79.00 poem interest ond taxes. 514% interest. SIMCOE STREET NORTH DISTRICT Immaculate 3° bedroom brick bungalow, ultra mo- sdern Hollywood kitchen, spe- cial light fixtures, broodioom wall to wall, thermopane windows, poved bry and garage, potio, 634% mort- gage. Asking $15; 500.00 CLOSE TO KING STREET 3 bedroom brick, split level entrance, 24 ft. family room, seporate laundry room and furnace' room all goin poved drive, must be se Real value et $15, 500.00, 728-7328. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 1963 PONTIAC, Parisienne, two - door beds with other . articles. Telephone 725-3311. , ELECTROHOME AM-FM record combination extension hi fi mm camera and accessories, + 35 + chrome: TENDER FOR WATER MAIN © Sealed Tenders marked "Tender for Water Main Contract W63-2", will); be received by the undere.. ee ered to 6 p.m., Thurss y. Sepnitiaee 19th, 1963. A contract is for the lay-. ing of approxima' 1230 ft. of 8" and 3120 ft. of 6" Fac ang ba the Ci lons specifica~\- pd oy be Poe: ot st ag ng Pd -- i t @ certie: oft ae je in the amount of © Lowest or ony tender net" necessarily accepted. J. diate ANNAND;: ee THE PUBLIC. UTILTT COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF OSHAWA ° 100 Simcoe Street Souths . v9 var ap a a hardtop, sports model, bucket seats, auto- matic stick shift, power steefing, power poh-rgge radio with rear seat speakers,' ts, tinted glass. Loaded witn ithe 723-972), after 5 p.m. 725-1676. 1962 MG MIDGET 9000 miles, seat belts, Pore lighter, tanneau cover. Telephone VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S, Oshawa 728-0921 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. SPOT CASH METCALF Real Estate Limited A0 King St. East: Dial 728-4678 CADILLAC AVENUE $13,900.00 with only $2,- 500.00 down for this 134 storey brick and stone, turing large kitchen living room and dining room--~\3 good sized = up--large landscaped jot, SUNSET DRIVE $12,000.00 with a reason- able down payment for this 134 storey brick Veneer home in a choice ldcédtion with large landscaped lot. OSHAWA\8LVD. rib 500.00---1% rey 3 droom hédme wih paved peat and gora: is home is spotless with/ very nice landscoping--ve central, WILSON ROAD $12,800.00--This home very suitable for a small family or retired couple--it has 4 rooms down----2 room apart- rented--you can live in this home for very small monthly payments, WARKWORTH BODY SHOP d Good gas and oil business and © terrific opportunity to in- crease the business~--4 bay garage lots of parking and some good 'equipment in- cluded--priced at only $15,- 600.00. Open evenings till nine Diol 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage Joe Maga ment up now Real Estate Led. 723-1133 Ken Honn PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DQDD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 BUYING OR SELLING ] TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Qust East of Wilson Road) |__ 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ~~ MUST SELL 1943 Pontioe Convertible, automatic floor shift, V-8, bucket seats. Fully equipped. 1962 BEL AIR 4door sedan, 8 cylinder, Power steering, radio, white- walls, including ee. extras. Telephone 723-4343 after § p. RIFLE 35 Remington (Marlin) Mercury outboard motor. giess seams and steering wheel. Cail yos-5703. SEWING machine trade-ins, guaranteed. Singer, automatic, portable, desk model, treadies, $15 ana up. Nothing down. Your Elna Dealer, 32+ Simcoe South. 728-2391. 30--Automobiles bs renal VIOLIN, music stand and case, perfect Ti 723-2007, NEVER eel) your ye or half-ton up until you see Hyland, "930 feanforth Avenue, Sercaien HO 1-6364. CARS bought, sold and exchanged, also! yt wanted for wrecking. 'arts. 725-2162 or 723-4245, CAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars|30 for wrecking. Highest prices paid. hae Wentworth East, 725-1181, * 100 CARS WANTED 75" Nelson Street. Telephone), ick-| SHOTGUN 10 gauge, uses 32 magnum shells; heavy duty Moffat 4-burner range; wedding gown, 14, 728-9924, ELECTRIC brooder for 500 ch twenty-three' bg 1S-dozen egg crates; four wooden dozen egg crates; electric debeaker, pe Coleman: '4-room space heater; Kenmore small heater, heavy duty range; cote aw Venetian blinds. Telephone} 5 Buying « New Cor? Sell your used car to "Ted"* Talk 'Cash' to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 31--Automobile Repair. CEDAR TREES For hedges, etc. Choice qual- ity guaranteed. Free esti- Phone Clarke 612 JACK SHORTT'S Auto Body (Rear of 183 Bloor East) special on rocker sills $19.50. Free estimates. Open evenings. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 32--Articles For Sale ~T.V.. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd. 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and applionces. For your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH THE BANK OF Low milsoge. Will oceebt | 7984401 oF call at the store ere Eg tat ale 16% Bond W. Brooklin"655-4622 |29--Automobiles For Sale ee oor" "Pe, @ @ oo, Ss * & (x) EP. s e 8 e @ tT * e & e # ® é & 2 e o..° 0° eee WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? SCOTIA PLAN LOAN For your convenience 42¥2 SIMCOE NORTH OSHAWA 728-0004 Drapery Fabrics Repular Price per yard $1, $8 We install drapery Pill at @ Nominal Fee =, M. and C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store | For decérating néeds Call us tedev ' high chair, $7; child's crib, ey, ronenie iowa anneal. tent conan Temene an after Hane mete GO-KART for sale, lve axle, with moter,| IN THE COUNTY COURT $95. Telephone 725-5013. OF THE COUNTY OF YORK role et ttn "hoe |p QETINEEN: Peet Street, Whitby fier 6 p.m. --_|ROLIN INVESTMENTS Spohingss. "One "loewtca® only. eres LIMITED, * Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, nal Plaintiff: "inte PETER COLLOSOFSKY, Defendant NOTICE OF = ASSESSMENT «* OF DAMAGES: a NOTICE thet this c=", oe oo the ee ae 1963. DATED this 11th September, 1963. ™, oh IN THE pot pcie heeve ettine to plat" OF THE COUNTY OF YORK dou Honor Ji ion in ek ys the Sth day of ay iy ROLIN' INV INVESTMENTS Now Open Fridays "Until 9 P.M, " ~ LIMITED, PETER COLLOSOFSKY, Defendant O 7 Oo m 7 oT NE 330 2 Fg at 4 7 $ i "i : 2FQ In ate: 7 & if 295 pi HES 53z os a°¢ 33 F z E i 2 : i Re : i tl q as 9, 2 Z. 2883 r : i i the defendant "M. Moore" 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshowa |32--Articles for Sale ALOW-Cost, LIFEINSURED NOVA SCOTIA The tremendous savings made on espe -- to our customers! for yourself! 3 only 18 hp. 1 only 28 hp. electric 4 only 40 hp. electric 4 only 40 hp. electric 2 only 75 hp. electric eee HANNAN MA "Evinrude Soles 20 RAY STREET, OSHAWA FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS the purchase of these units Is Look at the low, low prices Sale $51 0 1.00 $357.00. 695.00 488. 810.00 588. 925.00 650.00 (long shaft) 1299.00 895. 00 SEE EARL HANNAN RINE SALES ; 728-8853 and Service' «Continued on Page 18) SL SST

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