THE -CSHAWA- Fitvus;-Thumday, Beprember 12,1983 7 Nuptials at Northminster' Unite Grovine Gage and Paul Fletcher rovine Ruth Gage, daughter|gold and rust chrysanthemums | ( my 4 and Mrs. "Grover R.|Their headdresses were crowns ' ; Ghagp! became the bride of Paulfof autumn gold with a small ; d Hubert Fletcher, son of Mrs.|bow at the batk. : Freda Wayling, all of Oshawa,! Mr, Wayne Robinson was best ; ' last Saturday afternoon, in)man, and Mr. Nelson Hatfield Northminster United.Church. jushered. Both are from The Reverend H, Mellow offi-/Oshawa. ciated, and the wedding music| At the reception at the Sandal- ' : . i 'lwood Restaurant, the bride's was played by Mr. John Robert- W0Or neerent, ste | | we ; vi sh brown suit with beige accesso- % pe Cn. Given in marriage by herries and a corsage of yellow father, the bride was w@aring|c hry santhemums. _ She was a full-length gown of peau dejassisted by the bridegroom's soie, with a lace panel down|mother, wearing a two-piece the front, and a chapel train.|dark brown dress, brown acces- ° The bodice was styled with alsories, and a corsage of rust at scoop neckline, and _lily-point chnysanthemums. j sleeves. A crown of white flow-| The couple left on a honey- : ers oe ane Be eegerpini ey trip to Lake Placid, New : veil of white net. She carried a) ; ' white Bible decorated | with| tt ged tae viggltgges 4 E streamers ending in a horse-|cherry : N j Th T . id ' shoe of sweetheart roses. patent accessories, and a white ow Ss e ime e] e . 1 TCHR The bride's two sisters were/hat. When Mr, and Mrs. MR. AND ERS. ZAUL F LETCHER her attendants, Miss Lois Gage|Fletcher return, they will re- 'SAldsworth Photography was the maid of honor, and|tide in Oshawa. | Yourself Gg Handsome eee Ce n : Ce lagi iq | Guests were present from 3 Le Miss Beth Gage the bridesmaid.| : ' : Wiosests, the-refrigeratoi| : \Barrie, Newmarket, Aurora;! Cleaning Cottage, siitiiver with x vaking soga|T!Y were dressed alike 0 Toronto, Pieton, Bellevil| i ae =) ~Souglon This takes care of floor-length gowns of autumn)Kingston, Napanee, Preston, F irst P recautiai | curren! odors gold peau de soie, and carried' Pickering, Oshawa, and Weston. ene a ae -- ene Against the Winter[" SESW Een We Theses more 0 parting pees, LITA LAUREL | pany with the summer #ottage| than packing your clothes and) 9 turning the key inthé. door, If) you want it to weather the win-| ter without welcoming such un-| wanted guests as i mice and mildew, . " t siderable work to be dote. FPS Cea ee ae ees ee aaa ace, invite, usb to clin LOOKING FOR SAVINGS ?? | 'i Your Choice of a lie crag gg | CHECK THESE VALUES! block the squirrels' favorite en-| '| try, but don't assume that be-| F RED and WHITE } j cause the house is closed up| : ' tight four-legged _ trespassers} & e 4 can't get in. Tempting crumbs| my : left around gives them the willl 4; to find a way. Once-in, they're] | : " apt to bappily settle dowa, for ALSO TURQUOISE WITH BLACK nN \ the winter and then heaven help) ig . the poor cottage. LARGE ASSORTMENT CONSISTING OF: ' "@} > -- Plus -- ifo remove temptation. Scrub} @ STRAIGHT SIDE 312 Quart neveres Pot Bb core Bhd SGnen CMMnets @ STRAIGHT SIDE 23% Quart Covered Saucepan. thoroughly, Don't leave any sta- © 2 Quart TEA bog 8 CUP PERCOLATOR. @ DOUBLE board containers, Transterf BOILER. © 3 Piece OPEN SAUCEPAN SET. everything you want to keep for next summer to metal contain-/ . I y - -- oo ge well first % with baking soda and letting | OF them air thoroughly so they'll SELLING EACH | ' be sweet and fresh. to start we } with. FOR ONLY .. Now turn your energies to mildew control. Odors | | With the purchase dampness are manna to mildew.|] Sy\Waisy a Ven g1@)\me10)-0-a°V\ hf all @)-an 116) CHEERFULLY REFUNDED jl Swab out ali 'enclosed areas| . i a S s | : of any Man's Suit 30 bays ovenseas|/ 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER priced from 49.50 (OCT. 1st -- MAR, Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL OSH AWA SHOPPING CENTRE Men! What an opportunity to get that NEW outfit for Fall at a OME 728-6 Tremendous saving! YES! . . . it's TRUE, we will actually give PHONE 728-6201 e; ; you your choice of either a FREE topcoat or.Car Coat with the purchase of ANY suit priced at 49.50. Where else can you get a FREE OFFER like this? (Suit sizes 35 to 52). Remember . . . from THE NEW LINE OF nein. ES : a SO en we er = | 4 9. 5 O USE YOUR --_ -- Simplicity preg washer is equipped with a wo cycle timer. The long cycle for normal! iled fabrics : a) . 4 rE fier -sicghom a 4 However, this FREE OFFER is for a limited time only , .. so you'll have to CREDIT! and a short cycle for delicates or lightly soiled fabrics. By Sil ae are available for each cycle. } hurry! Come in Tomorrow, pick out a suit valued at 49.50 and take your i y, : I choice of a FREE TOP COAT or CAR COAT. ' oo SPECIAL WASHER FEATURES: : : & pe sig ape ale gp 8 Seth smooth pickup of spin speed, eliminating initial shock on mechanism and r aM tins provides years of trouble free operation. : ee e bad @ 12 LB, CAPACITY; full family size porcelain tub, saves No Down Payment No Finance Char ges on To Pay! time, reduces number of loads, DETERGENT SAVER INLET--Water enters the tub deragh mulueren secre toneplshing waar aa | y EXTRA SPECIALS IN BOYS' WEAR! 2 04 * £464 9emee AUTOMATIC SEDIMENT EJECTOR -- The sand, grit, or foreign objects'which settle at the bottom of the tub : pin cycle, , MEN'S Men's Long Sleeve BOYS' BOYS' are flushed out atthe beginning'of each spin cycle. rowernaric TRANSMISSION -- The most rugged: Model wae | D Ri LL S PO RT S PO RT FLAN N EL ic washer with a minimom et moving pars, and ated in sie : COATS 3339.95 $379.95 || _ PANTS sHiIRTS | COATS | sHiRTS EXCLUSIVE 2-YEAR F ' i AR FREE SERVICE For work or play Solid colors and patterns. won wow af bon, grey ont Sizes 8 to 16 Guarantee On All Simplicity Dryers brown, Sizes 8 to 16. Brown, green, grey, Reg. to 4.25 Reg. to 4.95 SPECIAL PRICE navy, checks. SPECIAL DRYER FEATURES: A Completely Deluxe Dryer in every way, and is a two ' | ; { : cycle dryer with an automatic dry cycle and a Time Dry ; , Y : 4 | ce Cycle, Three temperature settings -- High, Medium and é | Fluff enables you to dry all your fabrics to the proper | si oa 2 S degree of dryness. @ DOOR--A large 15" door opening Is equipped with magnetic door catches. An added safety feature, when the door is opened the dryer shuts off automatically oa the interior of the dryer is flooded with illumina- ion. AIR FILTER--This exclusive new air filtering applica- rs besghipi on to oy clean clothes with clean ? : ; f Men's Long Sleeve White ir--it's new--it's exclusive--it's Simplicity. ~ * : ' > } t; ° 14! to. GIANT LINT TRAP--Full sigé pull-out type lint filter, pe | B roa d cl oth Single and double cuff. Size 1412 eliminate: 4 : j i = me dryer door at the front of the cabinet? cess é 17. Sanforized shrunk, Compare with), @ SPARKLING WHITE PORCELAIN TOP . nasil $3 || SHIRTS 4.50 NOW .... ie. ® Demonstrated In Our Store Daily | pte Pop sy aren s22 g . 95 | , 36 KING ST. EAST - Downtown Oshawa Store-Side Parking--Drive in Off MeMillan Drive. | ne! ~ and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M j