see Fa] : ILD GUIDANCE : snnons 208 ie. re wt ang te fe, Timed Chair-Sitting i Se oh Enforces Discipline terically cries a long while orjwhen he had been pun has a tantrum, your way of iso-jenough not to repeat the act?)can lating him may prove success-/ Whereas your child sent to|Ponsibili ful. He may be able to know/his room might get effective when he is' ready to rejoin the} punishment -- the: some} 2a' By GARRY C. MYERS, Ph.D.|mothers In this column I have in-jand char: sisted that when a tot or older) the avera, child is made to sit in a chair} Furth for punishment, the time he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsdey, September 12, 1963 aa ste 2§ 2F ; ; refrom, disci group. children might get into deviltry; If the punishment is Ee but bart for But suppose he were the only|while there and enjoy the ex-/and consistent he ma child, or that he deliberately|Perience. to repeat the mother. not re, the first two in-|disobeyed you if you told him| You say that his deciding how'which he was punished. il dollop of whipped cream for a lazy day dessert. 3 Z FOCESETELESESLSOCES EEL ET SENT POTTED PODER TUS EO STENT TEST TH) Allan Leslie Bent is cele- ®brating his second birthday today. His sister, Geri-Lynn * Anne, was three years old * May 5. They axe the children 'ONE OF US HAS A BIRTHDAY, TODAY... of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerald Bent, Waverley street south, and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Jr., Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. must stay there ( 15 to 30 min- be announced right away. My reason is that the child cannot by screaming, crying or plead- ing change theaclock and win a shortening inishment. A mother o 'our years old, and a if 48 months writes from ph, Ontario: "T heartily advise the use of chair - sitting for punishment and successfully employ it with my three children. But I dis- agree that the mother should set the time limit. "To me the success of the system is based on 'letting the child take the responsibility of deciding when he is ready to conform to more acceptable be- havior, I get far more co-op- eration if I tell the child he can come down from the chair as soon as he decides what he is going to play with or as soon as he can play nicely with the other children. If he returns to the former misbehavior, he can Percy Bent, Whitby. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Pov-ell, Oshawa, and Mr. George Taylor, Hampton. --Ireland Studio Blinds, Stoves, By ELEANOR ROSS > Do you have pet houseclean- "ing peeves--chores you despise "although you know full well they «must be tackled? ; "= We have our peeves and we "try to ease the pain by tackling "the jobs in as efficient a man- Ther as possible, and with the ebest cleaning tools. * Our terrible trio concerns it- "self with keeping the Venetian blinds in fine fettle going right Sby the oven and ping the «bathroom as clean and neat as ossible. ; © Spring or summer is really the best time to tackle clean- fing blinds because then it is =possible to do the job outdoors. If there is a child's wading "pool handy, fill it with warm water and a pine oil cleaner. If you've no pool, use a big tub. = Housework's Terrible Trio Bathrooms orderly array, the tub should be cleaned after using -and the sink should be sponged. We also use a general - pur- pose cleaner in the bathroom and keep it there, together with a long - handled sponge. _Just two minutes on the part of each member of the house- hold will help cut down the weekly cleaning routine, which is quite a chore as you well know, for it includes disinfect- ing, cleaning and deodorizing tile, metal, porcelain. and glass. = Line up all the blinds and "stand them in the water. Sponge "the slats, then take the blinds out on the lawn and hose them ° down for rinsing. SDRYING UP » Dry blinds by laying them flat "on the lawn until the water runs Soff. Putting them on a beach towel will keep slats free of Serass cuttings. Hang blinds up wand let them finish drying at Mthe window. » If you get the urge to do the blinds in the winter, or if you "are a city apartment dweller, «pine - clean the blinds in the bathtub. Hang them to drip Sover the shower rod--or lay «them flat in the tub until ex- =cess moisture drains off. » We try not to let the oven get too messy. So after we have [cooked a food that is especially «»Spattery, we soak the racks in| "a solution of grease-dissolving Cpine oil cleaner and water. & To apply, we use a sponge or «8 household cleaning pad which mhas been dunked in a pine "cleaner -- we have no favorite ».brand--and swab the inside of the oven. We let the cleaning {solution set to do its best work, eethen rinse racks and oven in-' "side with hot water. =GET HELP » As for bathrooms, the thing *t do is to enlist helping hands Sand insist that they really do h person who uses the m should tidy up in small ways to make the big phelp. » ba = clean-up job quick and easy. » Towels should be replaced in CONVENER Mrs. R. V. Sheffield is gen- eral convener of the Get- Acquainted Tea for the Uni- versity Women's Club cf Osh- awa and District. Mrs. George K. Drynan, as host °|For Tomorrow soon be returned to the chair for further contemplation, "From the beginning I have used isolation as a discipline, always putting the burden on the child to decide when he " could return. I found that as _ You may experience a feel-)young as 14 months the ghild ing of restlessness now, a yen|got the idea when I isolated to try something new -- any-|him. thing to get away from the monotony of the usual routine.|IN here georges oe But watch your step. Stgrs| "At first I use r . frown on Cldkseteking at the}When the child screamed in a moment, so diréct those excess|temper, he was sent to his room energies into constructive chan- -- Oe ac Ike teint y nels only. oud as you A won't bother anyone. When you FOF THE BIRTHDAY are finished, we'll be glad to see If tomorrow is your birthday,| you again." +g gg tk Reoypie ar that, ia ei few times I tine wi e beginning of Decem-|them to their rooms, gree' ber, you will. embark on a fine|them cheerfully as soon as the veda where ee ies an Lindy ® gig' seo ~ = ships fare concern Some un-|three times it became automa- pete wry phe counts and|tic--they trotted down, had a short trips taken toward the|/good yell and then returned all latter part of the montn and in|smiles and we picked up where early: January could broaden|we had left off without further your horizons considerabiy and,| comment. nett Tee Bes To cated them. te charekting. 1 ew ance during the same { . in er Seen conga a4 oa "alas ala a tee sentimen interests: a o June and July of pening year Ai ment, a Bye a arg pri- : vacy where they could do any- A oy angen and finan- thing they pleased -- including cially, you may not exyerience/ ji%° 7 might add that displays any dramatic changes but,/of temper are now rare and through a program of steady | riet " vege nik cae perigee My reply in part: I could be- h que ideas, yOullieve that your way could work should be able to make more very weii for you and other progress than you provatiy an- ticipate just now. Good boosts along these lines will oc:ur in DEE ces THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA nervous tension and extrava- gance in mid-November and March. LADIES Ne baby sitter, no cor fare Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Styiist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 December--an all - around good month for you--in February, Walmsley & Magill March and mid-1964, Avvid buth 9 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA will welcome to her home at 459 Mary street morth, all members, prospective mem- bers and past and present scholarship winners on Wed- nesday, September 18. MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service jour . (RRS ERSESE ESE SC SERS SER BSR DER ee es FUR-TRIMMED - COATS Fur is. : the forecast for fall, as fashion lavishes coats with the most elegant ond luxurious trims ... Mink and more Mink... Lynx, Fox and o wealth of other fur favorites. Add fabulous fabrics, superb silhouettes thot reflects the new trends .. . and you've the coat of your dreams, here now! Priced from $79.95 to $169.95 UNTRIMMED COATS from $59.95 A (RAL 72 SIMCOE NORTH A Small Deposit Will Hold 725-1912 CLASSIC BEAUTY 7 PRINCESS MARINA Design by Bluebird For the finest in fashion see Bluebird, guaranteed perfect diamond ring. BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness 10% DOWN - EASY TERMS BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING W. PHONE: 723-7022 utes, varying with age) should|i- BUY OF THE MONTH! ot NYLON ana FOAM LIVING ROOMS AT SENSATIONAL SPECIAL PURCHASE SAVINGS! VERSATILE 4-PIECE SECTIONAL Just imagine the many arrangements pos- ible! Handsome moulded foam backs and reversible foam cushions. Tastefully up- holstered in textured nylon; choice of colors. '279 94" 3'/2 SEATER - SOFA AND LOUNGE CHAIR $199 min $909 2-PC. SLANT ARM SUITE 85" 3 Seater Sofa & Lounge Chair $189 So much beauty and lasting quality at small cost! Stunning massive arms and batks in moulded foam, reversible foam cushions. Nylon covering; newest colors. ABOUT OUR FREE DECORAT- ING SERVICE IT PAYS TO BE SURE... This is Vic-Art nationally acclaim- ed for advanced design and sound crattsmanshpi, backed by materi- als of quality, as- suring long satis- faction. It pays to be sure! OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PARKING While You Shop iy FURNITURE FLOORS PLUS 15 NEW ROOM SETTINGS 2-PC. SOFA-BED GROUP Serves Double Duty SQ Moder luxury around the clock. The sofa, converts to sleep 2, and matching lounge chair makes a striking ensemble, Bouyant : moulded foam and nylon fabrics, See Our Large Display of Living Room Furniture and Accessories at Savings! a? | "FABULOUS New Style-Seffer for Fall '249 "Bonanza" by Vic-Art styled by a leading designer 'on lines of exquisite simplicity that highlight the beauty of the rich swirl grain Walnut veneers. Notice the tall tapered legs and sleek molding pulls. Group consists of large triple dresser, framed mirror, roomy chest and panel bed plus comfortable innerspring mattress and matching box spring. "GALA WALNUT" 6-PIECE OUTFIT 154-156 SIMCOE S. ..- WHERE YOU ALWAY GET A "GOOD DEAL!"