Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Sep 1963, p. 23

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SP Sei Wig _® '20--Room and Board 26--Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale |Z7--Real Estate For Sale |Z¥--Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 11, 1963 23 17--Male Help Wanted Room ¢ ia 5 i n D sedan, 6 cyli jlo, bookkeeper, capable o{/ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman,| OOM for rent, furnished, wit working | PRIVATE, 2-storey, att brick house,|PRIVATE Sale Tee bedroom. Paes 14 ACRES oe is garden ae, 199 pore tudor si sy voy radi " Bona ot ani loss, state ments|willing to share room, single beds,}9lris. After 4 pm.._call_ 7-S Pie Geen an, ae meee ecules merient Sartrole ores tee will tack, Taueen TAME 1 Or ereeh, Sis, Seaway Motors Lid, 200 ber|32-------Articles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale - lance sheets. ches "home cooked medi room, all ig steste, Aee a serlanes|Lounery 'done. OM workers Ghiv. tou leonstea alk ce bor erance, ail none! Street, phone 725-2738. FOR IMMEDIATE see. sx ao buna IMMEDIATE snes das West, Whitby, 668-5893, etn Fee vn ei $y SScaRCIAN wie i are rine ra exon, ic wore BRICK. MOUSE cera, Nae a "atk" Pree nk |. METEORTnc, wag coipp en Turon Sc." mes )| THREE single sow d sl ing accom-| walking stance 4 yi TV TECHNICIAN to take charge. of ser-)ROOM. and 'breattest St ee eaten, 'nly, aa it home, very quietltexes, easy terms. Shown by appoint-/Siree! East. For further Information, peti at Lernlly, cote Sh, cen meat lere. dark TELEVISION Tower Sacial 40 tt. ane vice department. 725-3443. and.central. Call after 5 p.m., 723-323 m only, Cal eorge Koorni 5 Dunda WATiby, 668-5893. @ nae il types of domes ee oe salety| se Pe We WEEK SUTSIC TST Ther wilh | MIDDLE aged ~ widow" with furnlahed| 285?» Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, 28--Real Estate Wanted _|insi-mowanci, power steering, brakes, i em ag te iting _ sta! salary men will-|MIDDLE aged widow with furnished THREE-BEDROOM ranch type brick machines, sup-/stalied ans ranted Op : in writing _ stating $14, PER WEEK. Suitable ror st apartment, will share with suitable bungalow with attached garage, fireplace, TRADE car radios. Tlephone °s yom aa a a r rT) -- : lence, $50. red, "haya etc. Box 71 Oshawaling' to share rooms. Jingle beds, Tele- woman. Private bedroom and parking full panelled L-shaped recreation room. ines Fs alae? ined bls ian After 6 723-7692. KEITH PETERS Price $17,000 with $6,000 cash. Take over 1957 OLDSMOBILE, ae trang-|ment, 10 Richmond Street East. fi ing man-/ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board, = NHA a IN Whitby 668-4451" bee] fosloo,, Tadley hitewall firvas ke tle son, program in Oshawa, [near north Genera! Motors. single beds, ROOM Se mercy wie ee arg el le ied 'ae, 'excelient condition, 60 rte Be! Tig with hunting We need above aero mices throughoutl Seacoast Wier area comment |Pim_ call 725-0665. Realtor 728-7328 da MONDHES CU Wn Ea LATE MODEL 51208. Ing ste Best prices Town. Try. Do Coneds, Spain, Japan, Okinawa, Austra- be roof, rie bath, entrance, good|CHURCH Stree', 174: Two single, one s mortgage for 'his three-bedroom brick 4 in COR nest Lo gt ten eal fia, Florida and Colorado, ages 20 to 38.) a.. iunches packed, lauridry, parking. |double, rooms for rent. Private entrance| 103 King Street East -- |home. Only four years old. Harwood and BUICK by in ceeehene casinos: WE buy, sell and exchange vied Tir Grade 12 education or equivalent. MUS! Cettiemen, Abstainers. 708 Carnegle.|Centraily located. Gentlemen preferred. file floors. Decorated. Don't delay on garage! pee vy After ture. or inything you iy a own car and be reasonably stable finan-| 5. aq Apply address above. $1000.00 DOWN--Compact {iis one. Call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544 ' ou cae Trading Cost Stores, 440 meee e Stree fe Shor' wipetelice® na r s Ore etn fat ware, nana] vungclow eae 'city -jmits = On down payment on fairly [PE ORD convertible, spain lb, Bes sabe mits te see. Vi *"0| 22--Offices, Stores, Storag to i 'and' General" Motors.| with forced air with oil fur: Pir PA eS bag bung] new bungalow, 3 or 4 bed- |offer. After 5 p.m. telephone 728-9 |mately 630 'sheets of size typing GARAGE 'for rent, also storage space, t., * | 723-9895. nace, 2¥2 rooms finished in | gistrict. 4 Tel ti ; Pre- | 1962 Ci EVROLES, 6 cyl ak ge (news print) tor only $1.00. Ap NEEDED 106 Elgin Street East. T Lith - - b it, 3% acre lot with | 798.8749. FOIE) FRCERTON | TOON: matic _transmiss Good clean car, Ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby OAK arate saite Like A Rete h Dealer for Osh- FOR RENT '|27--Real Estate For Sale raspberries and fruit trees. ferrably with larger yard in |$1,750.. Telephone paamansthe 623-5756. | \ as Street West. new, ns. or best offer, SoH Pickering, ' i 10,500.00. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, $2.00. down. istri 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air coach, Six cyr|BANKRUPT. and , mews anytime. ewa and Durham Co. Over : fi 7 Asking $10,5 Take over payments. Partially finished) clean district, tnaee pata In sary dae Sone kinhéed paw: ' 1500 families, where Raw- Medical or Denta, office. $440.00 DOWN to one N. recreation room. 'Telephone 668-5690. be- . ME elle SL2Nb, "Toléone "Cecabin ahi plats, 859 pi ' F. a leigh Products have n sold Approximately 700 square H.A. mortgage, 6 room solid , Bellwood Drive--$16,900.00 teen 1-5 p.m. Ph 725 57. 43 fo eight p.m. i 4 $89 up; rugs, chests ele Sion "Tichty' Weaker "Giiee Paataae > brick' bungal ith attach. | | --Inspect this beautiful brick |THREE bedroom fully winterized "Tnaul one , at 'awers, vacuum cleaners, washers, 3 for years, Real quay feet, Close to downtown bred. she alk las ted in Te and stone split level home brick cottage, Wesi Beach, i964 Hi CHEVROLET, four doors excaient| frigerators, record players, hi-fi's. Pur. TWO bedroom for permanent _ profitable i ilabl Electric ed garages, located in !er- ah i : 1 iences, Full price $2,000 if cash. ; . Telephone!chased from bailiffs in Toronto, Honest/chair, chrome kitchen set, All articles. werk, Start promptly. Write fockion rae a asco call | face Estates, Whitby, no sec- we ee Call Bowmanville, 623-5278. "-'29.Automobiles For Sale scuanle Sn We ena 728919 900d 'condition, mea leigh's, Dept. 1-310-232, were fe ond mortgage, no semis, fully nee J , NTRY HOME, HEVROLET, station wagon. Tele:| 95: D, two doot sedan, red andiWONEST Cale Saale 'and Appli-| pity ee Montreal. 725-5132 } detached, full price only spacious bedrooms wei t h Head es with. built-in ig i gags SORE al peel 1s e _ lie 1954 Buick, green. Telephone ances, Name brands at biggest Pai $13,715.00, carries for $107 double closets, attached gar- retired couple, wey iso ggeagABA 1963 MERCURY Monterey. $800 down or a caevROLEY Fardiog Wa tnd Beverty mattress carey, Renee ri (page i terms fo sult your budget. Can seen . ry *new YOUNG MAN STORE FOR RANT) monthly, interest, | eibicsateg 134 wiley grid a eee with appointment only. Arthur: Welnberg- rion pig huge 'aoy 205\tires, re-built motor. Best. cash' offer, Yor authorize' GE dealer. Contaci and taxes, storms and screens, : er, 723-7244, Joseph Bosco, Raltor, 728-|" 1957 Ford Ranchero, A-1 condition in- pectg Ms gfY nines. daly, 9.30" ivery. App! twi ink: lastered walls, will be considered, 7377. 1960 FALCON wagon, one owner, new edinsaclews if PORT. PERRY Te ee : car trade-in, mint condition, $1,395. Sea-|Side end out. Mechanically, good. Best}°20 Telephone 128-9 i sodded front and rear, etc. JUST listed. LaSalle Avenue, lovely three np Oa Hayden MacDonald} coos mein steer locatioh | model for viewing loegied in | $0200.00. Suburbon & Toor lied 'rick nie, ih ede any "anaem, "US" "as ocoanaRILR Ts GRE Ta POG bol at Rl i i Wh | | mimately 18 x 60 ft. beg ih gall AM: 7-978 with "oil theta aluminum pial, Asking "$12,900 with excellent| 1959 RENAULT, engine good, needs some|_'\--"- In 655-4820, jandran, vice, Call ie 728-0591, olesaie for : ' terms. Act fast as this home will be sold|body work, $150 cash, Telephone 728-2093. a CHEVROLET . = Pickup, four:|In prices. Clearance of discontinued pat-|BUYING or selling tu furniture or appli directions racy Plus 40 ft. storeroom. storms, lot 100 x 320. This is ly. Call now and ask for Ike Per full'year 1963 licence| terns from 23¢ per foot. Congowall andl ences, Cal iI" Eimer" Homptene 263,2294. oF Peoses "44 7 "Y:RANCH wagon, 1956 Ford Fairlaine, 9- wall coverl ft they go - from 39c. 1263-2695, ' spéed t f iotely. ! f : | telephone | MANDERHILL | Sonec™" ne etrorrem tea seu," cee nScEY asi ee as Ct ern 18----Male or Female Telephone Ready to roll, $795. Seaway Motors Ltd.,|two-door hardtop, . black with red trim,|BABYLAND 1 Brand new few "Bei cators,, cheg writers, ar strollers, $5; Playpens, $9;|sell, rent, service. Hamilton 'fice Equip i Include a duplex, triplex, fourplex, Help Wented Port Per 985 7103 Glengrove $t.--$15,900.00. ae r) rooming ree Phas good court 200 Dundas West, Whitby. 668-5893. power windows and serial 300 hp autor} rriegee, Fe from $19, Full size cribs from|three € investment, call Bob Johnston to-|7, mi metallic brakes, many ry REAL ESTATE LTD. |: fmmecntete. 6 teem ranch. (ee Gear Mere ok WHE FARGO Vton pickup truck. Tele|tran\Can be seen at 477 King sbreet Eest_|sPringfiled crit mattressen, $7. "Many|manh, 137 Brock" South, Li 58 E more all slashed in pricet Wilson's Furni- 1959 RENAULT ie. finished in eg ture, 20 Church Street. wig ea wnsnce ANY SEASON Is a selling season with os bungalow with large recrea- hos, 72548 our fine necessities. With our|23_-Wanted To Rent ' nings. 65. dally 2 tion room and many other Sal Motors "porih| 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible,| 30 wnite, rejoter, ia erful opportunity to estab- CONVENIENT to General Motors north extras, Must be seen. 728- | piant, five-room brick home, very clean|"eW tires, white with biack top and »-diseaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West Bedroom Suite .... i vision. ot hoagie infurnished sapart- pees a Prottaie ie beations of your own.) WANTED two bedroom u: "pf efie-otul Fen Dept.)ment. Dial 728-4006. ; | GUIDE REA Ty 7328. condition, carries $00, moninly including ee mre lin NS A ae Whitby, 668-5893, Bookeoke : eee oy po as r @, 1600 Delorimer, Montreal, | Two. | house, in good condition, taxes. ease cal jally Wallace, 1959 CHEVROLET sea: USED cer ---- vo Be : TOP with parking facilities by October 15. No 723-1121 78 farm, flowing clear water | 725-6297; Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377,| 1957 METEOR Rideau 5 500, 04 Todor ro. S705 for quick bale. eit Foil ppoceeiny ya eA aie $38. somttie i: pe ites all = [Ehildren. TI i og ° spring, 7 room home. Asking | JUST outside Cshawa, large newly cone [fully raulppe oo Nedt diag nae terms, 205 Lupin Drive, Whitby. Swivel Choir + 1509 Bloor Beat {ory 13-2281 ales. $5000.00 with $1500.00 structed brick bungalow, featuring are inh 668-5892, 1959 CHEVROLET station wagon, 6 cyl- Violin and Case ANTIGU ie tgp WANTED house, at least five Tooms, | HAIRSTYLIST font good tenants, excellent rt JUST LISTED -- East Oshawa down. 728-7328 than usual kitchen with Hanover. cu Inder, standard transmission, A+} condk ences, Telephone 728-2917. overlooking the city 7 room ' regsited Asada ae perense Kael rad fact bh oidcten tole oe fnaite oe tion, Don't miss this buy, $1,075. Mike's| Items in very good condition i Telephon- Oshawa 725-8183 oS WANTED: four or five room house, "zlose| brick and stone bungalow with | - feisene GUNRICGEraK Echter Oran orl chase or pte BA Service Station, Raglan, 655-3528, i SIMPLICITY, inane washer 975, sis Excellent wages and commission. |+, 'schools, in Oshawa. Immediate occv-| ~ gttached garage and electric garage. Sc us _at| ph Dy 68 Sas CREYROURT al die oa CALL 728-0210 My Westngouse television, "83 v door. Builder built this for his own use. "punning condition. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2063. : 4 1950 PONTIAC. Good running condition. standard, 2-door hardtop, ipped. Motor!" phone but not necessary, |P2ancy- rane raid <a heat. 4 bedrooms with lots of Early possession. Shown by appointment| , » equ Male preferred ry by calling Ossie Martin, 728-9714, Joseph phone 33 Arlington Avenue, $75. Tel@/ang body in A+1 condition, Best offer. rv OWER BRUNNER compressor, 150 1b. pressure, WANTED -- single room for lady, in : " the Osher te ae Ne closet eae reson tn Bosco Realtor, 728- 7377 | )_ 720-968. Cae After 4 p.m. call 725-4065, Special plead ree Inspected, $270. Also two- 1960 T IR hardtop, finished in| 1949 BUICK, Le Sabre, hardlop, custom homemade traller, $25, To 'ooking facilities, if possible. Telephone) living room, patio in rear. " TELEPHONE = geting facts | This is an exceptionally nice | REALTOR 723°1133 tree Doe motion sn tar BUIEK: Le Sobre, harp, atm] -- 4, PEC TWO or Three bedroom furnished or par-| home that you should see to- LLOYD RE ALTY way Motors Ltd. 200 Dundas West) Telephone Whitby, 668-3405, with All-Channel Antenna | WEDDING ress, size 10," peau Ge alo, NORTH-- be abe 1958 OLDSMOBILE, wor Installed $50. white, floor length, $50; also 2 brides. 728 - 9651 tally furnished house, Whitby preferred. day. Full price $17,900. STEVENSON RD. Whitby |Middle aged couple. No children or pets. : ' J \ fo ane 1955 PONTIAC stationveggon, 6 cylinder, Pr ga er pitts nein es Exeter actwnion PY > * 8! $12,900.Fuly! price for this por 'in choice weet end LIST WITH LLOYD standord. Red and while, body, 900d] Apply 1271 Mackensle. 7251099." Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd, |one wie" size 10 "nih he matching : BUSINESS lady would like fo locate and| split level home on a lot 55 location. Large 50 x 180 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER | i9g¢~powsIAG" Laurentian, four = door| 256 CHEVROLET, "standard %, 'ourdoer| 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 ___|Drects tga pepe Old established Oshawa |share two bedroom accommodation with} ft. by 224 ft. 3 good sized lot. Asking only $8,000.00 DUKE OF EDIN sedan, V8 standard, radio. A-l condition.|erauy 97 en eee WWE NA Line? BETERBORS bor tite: boats WenglGa eevee another lady. Please call 8-297 after! bedrooms, Finished walk out | -- with $1,200.00 down pay- BURGH | pest'otter. 72-1027 klhodh y ile top, Tas fs se tee Company requires a sales | p.m. . basement. Can be bought with ment. Call Bob Johnston ot SCHOOL AREA 1959 DODGE Mayfair,- two-door hardtop, Cita ode ah Bey ty Buying or selling used fur- all accessories, with trailer, Jed f | bo apgg Rca wit te ee Ie $800 down payment. sg evenings 725- $14,900. FULL PRICE iolahes in eg oral ge Al conaiiehy miles. New tires, body serie, custom! niture and appliances. For ciao, fa RT od 68 East Beach, mini Person, Tor sales | vith refrigerator and stove, by October! 9365. eoway ut radio. $395 cash. To inspect, 725-1393. your needs phone, : d ' 4 ROOM BUNGALOW insul 3 bedroom brick bungalow West. Whitby. 6685893. ---- = ENGLISH pram, biack with very and promotion work. Leena Let | brick on a good sized lot, NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE with attached gorage. Re- {i985 CHEVROLET, station. wagon, VE,||P yan oh esMOBILE., AT éondiilon: Volley Creek Furniture |900d condition, $25. Telephone 728-069, with frluit trees and garage. -- Four bedroom, one and quires a large down payment pra Le eT eletenet reser !Y*| Telephone 728-5747. 728-4401 or call at the store | SOAL furnace. and ducting, "$25. "Apply Octob: 1St Hardwood and Linoleum half storey red brick with on one 512% mortgage. ---|1958 VAUXHALL, 4door, new fires. in 16% Bond W. 1088 Kingston Road West or dial 728-6408, ctober y 7, 2 Fon PHOTOGRAPHY Bessamal Thirty-five reflex floors, Full Basement. seven rooms and garage, Corries for $87.00 monthly [10 RGNTIAT fwedeor sedan. sqvinged aa millimetre, singe, FZ lens, <ioks to five hundred Good working conditions. or Sooner Full price $8,900, This home near schools, transportation including taxes. Call _ Ed |Excellent value $895. Seaway Motors Ltd.,|1962 CHEVROLET two-door hardfop, CEDAR TREES Salary, commission and other | has just come on the mar- family dwelling. Try an offer Drumm right now at 728- |200 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-5893, standard. Must see fo appreciate. New built-in metre. Over $300 new. Excellent ue benefits. Want to rent with option to | ket so give us a call today. on this one, attractive terms 5123 or 725-9345, 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98, four-door, hard- Call after § p.m., 725-4452. : buy. 728-2554, purchase, two bedroom house . con be arranged. Call Wes. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited |t0P/, Power equipped, best offer or trade. rade of snow tires and one regular 670 x| For hedges, etc. Choice qual- COMPLETE ae aving. within 10 miles of downtown | LARGE 6 ROOMBUNGALOW | « Elliott ot 723-1133, eve- 101 Simcoe Street North, | abel" 202 Highiant Avenue. radio end antenna, $15; Alex Sciam. | 'Y,, guaranteed. Free esti- | season. $125 j i i rings .728-0581, j . 1963 MERCURY convertible, + mates and delivery, Now is WRITE TO Oshawa. Before 5 p.m. ie eg a Ae on a lot ng Oshowa, Ontario Sours Sabine, Sheena estas 1953 CHEVROLET sedan, $125) 195 Chav-| the time to plant, PHONE 728-0004 conibination living yp ed ADELAIDE ST. CENTRAL-- | a ee 1957 METEOR two-door, radio, good con- noe TOLRIWAO RS ee ick home, olf : dition, Must sell. $485 or best offer. iN hive. finish, radio Phone Clarke 612 BOX 136 ing room with picture win- Sik. eon Baek ee 668-4517. whitewalls, very c dows both front and rear. in excellent condition inside ci arena seas (ning $900. 728-9095. ELT E tly' 'si j ' ond out, located close to ; : hanigal condition, 6295. ihe 1963 CHEVROLET super sport, 300 horse BEL. ON rT . OSHAWA TIMES 24----Houses For Rent at $87 per pases ro North G.M, Conneins heats e@W Homes way inaarae is 200 "Dundas West,|power,, four-speed, $000 Miles. Can Be] 1 Open Fridays | Yery see condition. Apply 246 Adelaide ¢ ee-bed ful li room ivi Whitby. West anytime. Stoting age ond experience. [9° MONTREN. Tine mers. Fs mortgage. An excellent home pe Be kitchen, three : 193 CHEVROLET Bel Air, automatic 6/1955 PONTIAC, 4door sedan, radio, Until 9 P.M ONE man's sult, two pairs of 'slack |a.m, to 12, for the young family, d ° radio and other extras, white with red in-|Whitewalls, safety belts. Body, motor in Aidan winter coat, size 4, Like new. Call 'after SIX-ROOM house, situated near schools.) | A SALLE AVE, 2 bed. Built on order terlor, 5,000 miles. Private, Dial 623-5696. bret aoe tion, $450, After 5 .evenings,| For your convenience |5 p.m. 726-0811 Avaliable, lcnynedtately. Call 725-0310 be- room brick bungalow with tile -- back, and Pa pes leat bi cares. ) Linesin 206 iis) SIMCA, pod "condiion --yeatmatie| 42% SIMCOE NORTH gg he He op } floors. Near treed '0! transmission. $250, Blackstock, 986-4971. | Apply 351 Ritson North after 6 p.m, e 1100 Ib, SHOR, a Raa' chctaer| St. Hedwign school" Larger |, country. To. see. coll Henry Price $1 Ta cea att he ne caeegl aie freer, Al eras homies oH heated. ANEDIp. | Siater Stinson. ot 723-1133, even- rice $13,100 up KELLY DISNEY inde CONVERTIBLE, fully sulomalia #5] Custom and Ready-Made be financed. Telephone 723058. 725-6973. DEPARTMENT, 5 cree te ee | ier caverta tied | Sen S243 USED CARS LTD. _|sne_take over payment. call . ae ee DRAPERIES essere SS house with batt and back kitchen, Hoat- down payment, GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- NO DOWN PAYMENT 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Hie Lomaiapiacggil yew, avenge yy STUDENTS Pontes Ri Older commie 'eferred. Inspect the fine homes being WHITBY é _ 68-5891 $50. thly. Older couple pr BRICK RANCHER -- at Zion, built by H. Kassinger in this oe oi end sola or saaretree Sot ia sills Neseaniiitde' ace: tabs i + Beye ea : 725-5630. nasiteleae Apply 14 Whiting Avenue. Just minutes out of the city choice location. Homes built ' ran id ff Telephone 655-3750, . Two year course for : yee te, suburban living in this | for as low a& $875.00 full A d S h d ens paid o} y Brooklin District | -bigif*simny hme wih' 3 | Swe poment Gracwen- ANGTEW OCMMICT | Tuite: dow lac monn mar age mag} Drapery Fabrics pares ia va ie students age 18 to 30. bedrdoms, and alhatenveni. i Bae i gage. forthe bolonce. Give us a -- After 6, Pickeri ier Price per yard sl, A Telephone Brooklin 655-4829 ins October 15th, Six room bungalow, central ences, Large lot close to a call. ri ie al i silent cde PECIAL NOW 9c came = . ons evrole EK 'four-door. in goed condition, fori good condition. adults preferred, lease, $80 schools makes this an ideal ; $300, Telephone 728-6611 We inst drapery 'adhe Telephone Whitby, 1963. month, For appointment dial home for the young family, OPEN EVENINGS | yb 0 piety ie oNTiA 'aor Saaear a aia: ata Nominal tae ELECTRONOME-ANF IA 7osue7 ' } + radio, combination extension hi: fl speaker; 35 Education: -- Senior mat- sah WHITBY --. 5 room brick 299 KING ST. WEST | and clean. trode: Telet i M d C 'amera and accessori + chrome Brooklin 655-3661 om, eS 723-1133 /Phone 728 - 8378 Apt. 1, 1056 Ravine Rd. cei rage, Telephone Taos . an ¥ high chal, $i) chide erin tr roan. | ag ao "3 ag with yprivote drive. 3 beds 1957 CHEVROLET six, standard tran: ation unier mot mission, fully equipped, Perfect: conuition i peed Wiebke sate ues 3 Ree roams and good d li | uletion with, | ics, |25--Apartments room, Fenaod Cod tha a | TELEPHONE throughout. Low. mileage. $850 or best Physics, Chemistry ond one (FURNISHED room, suit working lady. offer. 725-2879, fa e of > wealan Apply 21 Gladstone Avenue. 728-0283. school and eed plaza, 728-9374 after 6 GO-KART for god Bing axle, with meter Me on ee ee TWO furnished rooms, suit gentlemen. Full price $11,900 Reol & Limited WINTER'S ble gy a Biot bor and 92. Toleehene 72 : . Apply 134 Ritson Road South. 725-6696. a eal Estate Limite if PLYWOOD boat. aed 7 35 hp rd ¥ t 962 CHEVROLET convertible, Black, ed PI ly in person to. |ROOMS, furnished." Centrally located. avalos Rs spat ltag at Ls 40 King St. E. $ ALL CASH $ trim, whitewalls, radio, power steering, Dr Goods Stor i] Peal Stroct; Whitey 'bfler'e fle ide ad ng! hana De ve il le Behl Lilla ith 4 bedrooms x d 2 bath. Dial 728-4678 COMING For clean cars we deal up or bal Biehs behest lle One owner OF as aE sai $ P. mt " 3 "3 wi an - . i iv rivate s ¥ a , furni and ee ee Mined conti easton. us Plt siree! rooms, 1-4 pc. and 1-2 pc, WILSON RD. SOUTH down, Leins paid off. 728-7586; evenings 728-2503." an ee For your decorating needs appliances. "Dn. location sive Goel tween 9-11 a.m, |East, Large hollywood kitchen. Sep- hae inish-- | BE COZY, COMFORTABLE NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 1958 VAUXHALL, four door. Take Call _us today Somiturs:. aid Singcoe South. "Tes. <. sas tet Shcanderh aparimant getty ie 6 bungelow plus finish-- | monthly payments $38.40, No' down pay- ACCORDION "120 'bass " Sliverione agin nde ee Siow Phone Ae arate dining room ond living ed room in attic, paved drive, FOR $1,100 DOWN 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY |ment. 728-6712 after? p.m. mr 723-7827 two-piece wine chesterfield. Both In good i>] sasite afer 7 pam room with fireplace. and garage, storms, screens, N Teleph 668 i962 BEL AIR , condition : veleeoaee 723-2094, broad- Basement has finished newly decorated, extra stool Possession by September 30, ew Telephone 668-3331 power Tata abiT RG 74 Celina Street, Oshawa RANGE, sect heavy @utys a in i ! ef k Street : HOLLYWOOD MOTEL, 600 Brock ree office and recreation' area in basement, partial rec. Brond new bungalows, built: VOLVO | walls, Including many extras, Telephone black and white, $35 723-4343 after 5 p.m. feria Sait two Irs, green, Sony fone 942-3809." GENERAL oe ger iy | ~ e Telephone partially completed This i 1 b t in ranges, interior decorating pnt Suites, three rooms from . - room. is is O real buy a wba : CENTRAL PARK NORTH $13,500.00 with $3,000.00 colored bathroom "fixtures, SALES and SERVICE 1951 MORRIS Minor convertible, good several car radios. Call Alex, ° = down -- balance on 1 open see them today. Opposite the JAKE & BILL'S condition, recent motor job. 35 miles per] , CANOE, Toseaes, ee marae heavy 728-3496. SOLUMBUS three rooms with bath, un- HOSPITAL fonlened, separate entrance. Suit work-| - 3 bedrooms, all attractively mortgage. Oshawa Shopping Centre on GARAGE gallon. $160 or offer. Whitby 668-5071. Ing or retired couple. $70 monthly. DM!! decorated, on an extra large Cort! Pho Bill Mill 1954 CHEVROLET Bel Air, jean, paste 655-3098. lot. Thts bungalow was new CONANT STREET 755 kirh W_T. "LAMSON GENERAL REPAIR and rile sae tires, 'Give Nee. ons, CHEST-CRERTOR: 21 cuble foot, $178) ae ED apartment, two| in 1959 and features Forced 7 room -- 2 story home, Real Estate Ltd. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE Abele x Hirsi del machine, peed condi 20--Room and Board bem iris, or gentiemen. Tele-| ' air oil heating, 4 pc. tiled | double garage, large. lot and 449 Ritson Rd. S. i955 CHEVROLET. immaculate cond. player 'with 10 long-playing. records, $50) AG aaa a female oon aes Tani. both with vanity and o fine storms & screens etc, Home TWO-STOREY Oshawa 728-0921 Tera Mk oe ara eee, tires. NEED A NEW Lawn-Master 4 cycle, 2¥8 HP, $307 i i i in excellent shape. Asking ELGIN ST. EAST GENERAL REPAIRS pth Peoitied a miu net $10; toys, men, good home, central to North GM.! APARTMENT three rooms, private bath,| ished recreation room in base- : , Apply 51 Colborne Street East, semi - private entrance refrigerator! ment. 6% N.H.A. mortgage, $11,000.00 with $1,500.00 ALL MAKES OF CARS 30--Automobiles Wanted STOVE-OR "FRIDGE? large size, sites 3 hove" Bieyls) BB gun, rd item Central.|stove, TV outlet. Available September 16. down, C2 zonings. 17 7 i pcre, sso i Cab at iat pe MO! Kine Street. East. Telephone) FOR SALE OR. RENT--113 BEATRICE. STREET hg Mg le wel yey it abs Ba bl pont rey cat or bikie Pick. cablaet, bean both $10. Phone 7ae-a0e7, in mother. Tel ite . verte 4 phone "728-9905. SELF-CONTAINED | bachelor apartment a tragaen § A choice home in a choice Ne eee. peg ty STATHAM tant ee Toronto, HO_1-69¢4, BUY' EM WITH A 33--Market Basket' is ig ei gto ba) ; cars wanted for wrecking Onna Auto rile acrdtntonicuerane na ACRES a4 eveumbers. Whitby oxy for and electric stove, mod BOM end "board five day week, wnches| bred Ten ciemerss, shower in beth-| bungalow with aver 1900 sq. a W. T, LAMSON Real Estate parking, "near Oe Oe eae ees cea Wiem aree| gree icin jg blab extra large 5 room home Ltd B.-A. SERVICE Parts. 1175 Nelson Street, dovntown, cert Motors only. YI Seo" tantly. Dial 725-3445, sel space, oe (living room 23 ft, long) ex- ' rs Ritson Road and King 725-2162 or 723-4245, 20 2008 3000 2000090 3000 peas ca $3. per bushel. -- Diev ey megan ay end ote tra' washroom with vanity, 723-4733 and 723-7712 __|CAKESHORE Auto Wretkers want can is i 1 i i res aa lon na jemen E-ROOM, self-contained, furnished ng I Cd Hi Ls eg tached gorage 40x 13 ft. | paved drive, garage, lot pro- $ ee ecng. Highest priees 'pela. 220 X Telephone 728-5 lunches packed. Apply 147 Mill Street or |bright, clean, adult home. Central, in recre ene room. ne fessionally. jandscdped, close SCHOFIELD-AKER TILDEN Wentworth East, 725-1181. : XXX XXX KKK 725-7754. good district. Call 725-0749. e -reduced price of $17,- to separate and public schools, 100 CARS WANTED ' ROOM and boord in quiet adult home,|PORT PERRY -- .Apariment, unturnish-| 900. OR will rent at $150 shopping, bus etc. Early oc- CAR AND TRUCK ; : Want Ads Rossland and Simcoe North area, lunches |ed, two bedrooms, three piece bath, large) per month with possession ncy on this on NEW HOMES Ni U Buyi N ? packed. Laundry done. Parking. 723:2690.|!'ving room, good sized kitchen. Available! October st. cupancy © is one. OW UNDER RENTALS uying a New Car? < . Port Perry 985-7103, ; BUILDING LOT CONSTRUCTION LOW LOW OOM and board tor To share, : Sell eT ed!t Five. ind fi Fiment, also sha i ie DOWN PAYMENTS, LOCAT- (All Mak id Models) your used car to "Ted Oe ea OE RTOS SO EE Larope aed. WANTED -- We have clients 63 x 114 -- paved street ED IN THE EAST END, 3 CALL 625-6553 Talk "Cash" to the New hold the key basement, garage and garden. Very aes : 9 Chilton" wales who requis homes in the all services prepaid -- gost 14 Alerts §¢ Cor Dealer and "SAVE" SSO seat Woah onl Gs wi Pom Perry, 985708. South East section pf the city, tha AND 4 BEDROOM PLANS. . able for two, double bed, five-day week, |-- ree 4 - referrably cl Polish GIVE US A CALL NOW. TED CAMPIN MOT! THE BANK F Naar, perth and west plant. Telephone) APARTMENT) 'modern, wo. bedrooms) Free oe re ete CORDOVA ROAD N.H.A, MORTGAGES, SPOT CASH 723-4494 - Res, pL ta NOVA SOgTIA fo Oct eae living - room. litenen, bathroom, etal --_ and Separate School, Extro larab6 yoem <bunoctow Wentworth ai javine, vacan' r | > Pert crag Gn rental for woininam|: Co" You Help Usi plus attached garage and | $10,500.00 -- A TERRIFIC PAID FOR 31---Automobile Repair Sere eriees SE PONE -724-110) etwon For full particulars eall mony other extra's. Large BUY--in a 5 room bungalow Good cleen cérs. Trade up' 32-- Arti 30. ° ' ; p icles For Sale lot with fruit located in @ good residential or down. Liens paid off. Ve blow Eos) ape an ior site } 9 o'clock and 5 WHITBY - "| landscoped REGENCY TOWERS 3100 10 8118 month 723-1121 'm : g and hedged, home in ex- area in the North End. Extras $19.50. F . CLASSIFIED ¥ i Ende & oir tuliging hep 'been| Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, cellent shape. Asking $15,- include all mew aluminum DODD MOTOR SALES r] viva Open evenings. TN Ae vtiats"h Rae's Steve Englert Stave Zurbg | $00.00 with reasonable down | storms and serans, "TV | $14 PARK RD, SOUTH OUSTGN'S GARAGE USED TELEVISIONS seeric ; cleaned, irene! servidaltiie' luxvrlous byllding. Fully gecorated.| Lucas Peacack Dick You ae ae on ong, pops Ba bal hed ir 78a and SERVICE STATION on soi vier lard, Chestnut | equipped " refrigerators, ranges, dra- Le iti n mortgage. jan Ss. axes only Strewt West, ine. PE AM and Pm rat icc het Ha Pig sicher OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL NINE ee ot move PRIVATE SALE TEXACO 1958 ADMIRAL TELEVISION j silp covers, drapes. Fitting 8 s LOSS IS YOUR GAIN. Be sure 1963 CH EVROLET PRODUCTS 1 Inch screen, slim line ehossis. ' riders. and 'levator. Call 728-1844, 7232870) Irene Brown Lloyd Corson i Mane ee nee re or 728-0569, rtier ails. ¢ ac LR ey lg gt Bg ge KEN HANN JACK OSBORNE | 9 inspect soon or it will be | Biscayne Coach, automatie, 67 KING ST. WEST PHILLIPS CONSOLE with Doors ns were Pie oy Per Tae THe DIPLOMAT: |_ Enh | Som. 3 DICK BARRIAGE Ladue ; abt oe pick ae "alae eee USED G. E. WASHER $19.95 1700 Che! » Whitby, pea New luxurious oaportments. | NEW 6 ROOM BRICK BUN- fect condition. Call Holden =r o Controlled entrence, modern | Whitby, 674 room brick bungalow featuring, family room pan- | GALOW with 2 cor garage | Bus, 728-6081, Res, 723. |>aT Articles For Sale "For quick sale. and white, Ce a conaition. Cost $a lobby. Air tly pps halls por ste yrovring he sno bg ho Peg i i located in Beau Valley. Fea- 3376, a Sirah ated he sialon HEVY DUTY RANGES F ' $24 95 Hh 10. Ti th if , 'ached garag ifully landsca: 7m espe iaplipeainehereniient-tibibeneimniapiiginia ane sigw| orn each floor Kook at cite: | With pool and filter system, Asking price'$15,500, call the office oughten ang nee BUYING OR SELLING -- rom, 24! Fon Ren? -- Tiresbeeroar bungalow. | fo d decor: Central, Clos to} 3. 107, fr Oppointment. 2 : : i ; Strate Cee MPH) 343 Cb Sor Phone 720: irenoce "i Ret Room, ana | TED CAMPIN 7 MACHINERY REFRIGERATORS Worden Wilson, 5. room brick bungalow neor th 'ot DAYCARE = Got a ears ava | 4283. bg and church, extra large lot, paene: To inspect oxk tor Full» a Te 73800 MOTORS Used. Ford with | . Rell references aval udri Ir rice only ; i ; Ao Ce Wy sa 26---Rooms For Rent coeaihihe with $5,245.00 down, im- | 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA | beckhoe $2500.00 Lent | USED McCLARY, reconditioned $49.95 Used SeNERAC ELECTRIC wosn: Machine.|FURNISHEO room, Colborne and Sim-| Oshawa -- Westmount St., st and a half, 3 bedroom house mediate possession. (Just East of Wil a A Le Resale. "Rooly wit: coe, refrigerator, stove, private bath) featuring 19' living-room with brick fireplace, 16' sunroom a Jerena th ha i. ee ete Massey 55. Tractor, Used G.E., AUTOMATIC DEFROSTER liam Martin. Telephone 655-4404, separate entrance, parking. Afler 4 P.M! Garage, this home is in immaculate condition, Full price $16,- "723-2265 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Massey 101 with Davis lead- This is o beautiful trade-in. Fue Town of Whitby hes tor rent on ace 724200, 000. For appointments ask for Phyltis McRobbie. Used 1.H.C. 4 iesel montniy basis a bungslow, situ-|WILSON ROAD SOUTH, 25 -- Large, Open 9 to 9--Sat. 9 to 5, S ef, eed 1G. 480" Diage é . Misrway al.lunturiene ream with 'sink, and Ge! Fairview district--custom built brick bungolow, featuring 3 : PRIVATE ALE with loader on rubber. Many | Pop-Up Toasters, Steam Irons --Hair Dryers tae Went wont 3 Bon ly. heat and hydro ineluded. Immediate| 'arge bedrooms, dining room, built-in china cabinet, attached Reg, Aker 72e0201. |. : other units to choose from. New, Limited Quantit each $8.88 a gorage, built on @ ie! x 180' lot, exclusive area. Phone for ap- Paige us vend sar aeae zee PLYMOUTH New Case Light Industrial ane ; Ys i Moord, uline Bea . é ine, automati i : : Attention Hunters ATTRACTIVELY eprncey en Cherlie Chaytor 723-7996 | mission' radio, white. walls, | Eduipment, ; F FURNISH ED ROOWAS Evenings call 668-4088 or Bowmanville MA 3-7159 Margaret Holl 723-1358 2 extra wheels with snow | i WAYNE APPLIANCS | Bill McFeeters 725-1726 | tires, windshield washers, seat Roe Tractor & i 4 -- "decoys / Available in private home. Ken 'Merridh 623-5406 Me ke ceate ink : : WILBE RENTAL | "en i oat OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE emma | "3695 '| Equipment Ltd. | 78 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Phone 723-1411 "SALES and SERVICE -N. | 218 DUNDAS ST. E. : 360 King St. W. ne abchageriey : i *\ wairey eeeaazs. ', | 728-8671 «sea ENTE. Chinas oe Dalida "|, Neos % (Continued on Page 24)

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