" on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, September 11, 1963 'BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Natural Gas Plant "Goes Into Operation EDMONTON. (CP)--The Judy cubic feet of gas daily, recover- roads during spring when mus- Creek natural gas conservation|ing 5,000 barrels of liquid hydro-|k@g thawed. , one of the largest in Can-jcarbons and 30,(20,000 cubic feet _/ Towers, heavy equipment and eon without a major overhaul for 10 years. The power take-off of the ges regenerate one of the chemicals gases are used as fuel. The plant's processing trucked to the vessels and pipin; turbine runs a large refrigera- F Osh tion unit while the hot exhaust or awa gases from the tail is used to used in the process. Oilfield were built in Edmonton "and|yealed by Oshawa Wholesale ite, Pressure|timited, Toronto, in the com- were madeinany's semi-annual statement. in Calgary and brought in by!' Oshawa Wholesale Limited|British rail and truck. The compressors| which supplies IGA and Food were brought by rail to Barr-icity markets in central Ontar- head, the nearest railhead, and|;, "renorts record net earnings trucked the remaining 70 miles.| or' 9563 673 for the 28 weeks end- A staff of 17 men will be em- ed 'Aug 10, 1963, compared with Ea RC i Ts Tis Record Sales Wholesale Record sales and earnings and substantial growth are re- MURRAY BAY, Que. (CP)-- Industries Association of Can- Industry Minister Drury jada, Mr. ° é Tuesday night the federal gov- or Se 4 ernment expccts American andling assistance ¢o industry in many ways, we naturally ex-jbe given to those companies encourage, com-|which are parent companies of Canadian subsidiaries to put money into expausion of the coe a Secuee programs lof their own to expand their In a speech before the Alficapabilities and cnportuattien subsidiaries, even sand and gravel were ployed 2' the plant. net earnings of $420,945 for the pared with sales of $73,881,089 for soundly - based growth. [Expect Foreign Firms To Expand In Canada bey are not decisively differ. "Although we will be provid: "In the case of companies effort to abilities for research and de- Ma ot and their export ac- the greatest g their cap- vities."" Mr, Drury said the govern- plant 5 in! ration" thisjof dry gas. on i altro ihe brought in and stockpiled dur- month after 1 long struggle with} 'The dry gas will be piped 130 28 ended eT for the fiscal forest, muskeg and weather. | mijes pat eat to Edmonton in|!"8 the winter. NET EARNINGS pi dca as te er 28, 1963, | year ended Jan.|onich are British or United|ment recognizes that Canadian ut pam, etd IDPs nch ine andthe Bald M-gueatdon and turned te Myer cine ering wore 39) aee he begining of he cana bere, his meas nanee research ante companies operating oil wells in|d. 'arbons shipped by a six-inch/piant site and access roads inte| Caneda Bread Co, 14d., year| co's 0m 507,08 ange teeag o ime ag Sel that we expect your parentivelopment "at a level consistent the area, collects gas from 650|pipeline to Imperial's gas con-\Geep mud. When it dried rutslended June 29: 1963, $254,636; _ onary 9 - Ape : ay dat have been|companies to provide over-all] with Canada's long - term inter- wells in the rich Judy Creek,|servation plant Devon, Alta., 20\made movement difficult and|1962, $362,633. ig compar .86 cents on)ope nd one closed, bringing/management support and en-jests."" Oshawa Wholesale 1td., 28 558,598 shares outstanding in the)to 136 the number of IGG9 stores|couragement fer such programs] 'Therefore, govern: sist-| ¢: served by the Company. Four|and to assist by ensuring 'hatiance woul e perce ag . ohe Judy West, Swan Hills and Vir-|miles southwest of Edmonton.|caused heavy wear on trucks. : There the liquid hydrocarbons ded * 10: 1963,|8ame period last year. ginia Hills fields. ere the liq y A unique feature of the plant|weeks ended Aug Sales rose 18.96 per cent to ajadditional units will be opened|adequate funds are available. |form or another. It was hoped "Tt sometimes happens that|for instance, that the preseni|Mete Would be a dual structure will be processed into commer-|is the use of a gas turbine, built) $563,673, 99.38 cents per class A galteliece vteeined iar uaeeing cial propane, butane and gas0-lat Orenda Engines Ltd. in Tor-|and common share; 1962, $420,- ogg ' ete -- ae ~ z pa and a y ipeli nd other facili-| line. onto. The turbine operaies on|945, 75.36 cents. 788, . outlets will|procurement choices are avail-|development - shari: with a procurement Ea ca Construction of the plant pre-|the same principle as a jet air- Ruby Foo's Enterprises Ltd., Ray D. Wolfe, President, says|have been enlarged and im-jable in instances where severallin the pt: at peice Ff yo one divay prrarevlure dbo craft engine but is built of heav-|year ended May 31: 1963, $7%,-|sales for the full fiscal year proved. Two small stores will be|companies submit satisfactory be expanded. |dustrial develo; ment S & should exceed $87,000,000 com-|closed. proposals where price and de-| Mr. Drury said the industryjder another. ' ww OF. 4 Y perial Oil officials say the sented problems because of the bow res ot jer materials. It is designed-to/881; 1962, $40.526. plant will_proc:ss 40,000,000) remote location and impassable SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON ENTRY FORMS Dia dae kr 4500. WINNER EACH WEEK | SPECIAL! IMPORTED Roasts, cHops, stew LAMB in the BASKET. a iii SPECIAL! sHoRT SHANK--WHOLE or HALF LAMB LEG Ss. 49 GREEN BEANSZ | GQ: MARGARINE 2 '® AYLMER CATSUP-- SPECIAL! FANCY CUT SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOURS es DELSEY e ; ee , : Pork Side Spare Ribs- 53' tissues -2= Jo SPECIAL! SEE COUPON ron 25 EXTRA STAMPS spacau! ORANGE PEKOS SHOPSY'S BOLOGNA =~ .. = 39 SALADA TEA'BAGS. :: SPECIAL! FREE -- BUY TWO PACKAGES AND GET AN EXTRA PACKAG 2. = 55< 79 CORNE SHOPSY'S : SPECIAL! DUNCAN HINES ASSORTED D BEEF CAKE MIXES......& ~ OS: -- 2-ROLL PKGS,