Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1963, p. 17

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ay orn my 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Recl Estate For Sela 27--Keai Estate Por--Scle_/27---Real Estate For Sale 27----Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 9, 1963 7 WAVine wi for ests 6 4. & 116-4. RA ply tn Street, Call 728-8378. Imerteeee far hte WINTER'S COMING BE COZY, COMFORTABLE FOR $1,100 DOWN Possession by September 30, Brand new bungalows, built- i we room fixtures, : a Bas today. wees ite the Shoppi entre on Cartier, Phone "Bill Millor 725-1186 W. T, LAMSON Reol Estote Ltd. TWO-STOREY ELGIN ST. EAST $1700 down buys this well kapt home. Easily converted fer apartment. Call Bil) Mil- lor i. 1186 or 725-2557, in T. LAMSON Real Estate td. , interior decorating - file floors, this one. Call Mr, John A, J. Bolahood L Three-earoon "orien tte home. Only four var old, Harwood and IMMEDIATE sale. $ix-room bu: IT'S FUN to read BAe yt in the Sol tei ger lOshawe Times Classified Section. Decorated. Don't delay on Rankine at 725-6544, td, rr te i ri iniby ihe . messages you'll find daily. Don't there| Place, + with Balcony over garage, Lot 70 ff, x 2' Live Bosco Realtor 728-7377, rent free, sine-room brick, three bathroom home on bus line, near school, three bedrooms, kitchen and living room for owner with two apartments to rent. Also garage -Call ike Perry 725-0303 or Joseph age. King 7) "Por nity erie BUSINESS brick house, two fireplaces, govble drive OPPORTUNITY "BOWMANVILLE Phone 728-8376, PRIVATE sale, 489 King high ash East, in bere garage. After 6 p.m. Dial 725-4481, JUST outside Cshawa, large newly con- On corner with clean paved street ond attractive sur- roundings. 3: bedroom rug brick bungalow with wall to wall carpeting cozy recrea- tion room, few trees flowers, ond shrubs, Full price $17,- 500. with good down pay- ment. 2 ACRES & HOME In Whitby, frame house, gor- age and garden land. 2 bedrooms with two unfinished bedrooms upstoris. Make Bungalow for Sale ngar Sun- derland, like new with all modern conveniences, new oil furnace, bathroom, 2 bed- rooms, nice kitchen with lots ef cupboards, living room with picture windows, full base- ment, hydro, water on pres- sure, Plus 40 acres to roam on for pleasure or profit. On good year round road, Low taxes, full price asking $9,- 800.00 good terms. 16 Acres near Beaverton--6 ° | room house, garage, chicken house, well of woter, hydro, nicely treed around the build- ings, low toxes. Full price only asking $3,800.00. Near Sunderland on Hwy. 12, modern, 34 acre garden with a lovely brick family home, 9 rooms, furnace, bath, hy- dro, etc. full basement, at- tached garage and many ex- tras, Owner being transfer- red, this it a lovely home end must 'be seen to be ap- preciated. Worth much more than the asking price of $12,- .0 Terms may be erranged. North east of Port Perry neor Little Britain, 2 acres, 4 rom home, bath, oil fur- nace, hydre, garage, ample water supply on pressure, Low taxes, full price asking $5,500.00 terms. Reach Twp, neor Greenbank, acres, room house, 4 bedrooms, smal! barn, hy- dro, water on pressure, Full price asking $12,000.00. Brooklin Village on Hwy. 7 and 12. Income home, 3 apts. all rented, oi! furnace heated, bathroom in each apt. hwd. and tile floors situated on la lot. Full price asking $12,600. 00 terms. Edge of Beaverton Village, 6 room brick bungalow madern, €onveniences, natural firé> place, large lot. Owner onxi- ous to sell due to ill health. Full price asking $10,500, terms. Oni Hwy. 12 neor Sunderland, country store and ga s pumps complete with ag ple drag = see this for price and s. Owner must sell, oa of Bowmanville on pav- ed road necr 401 Hwy. 98 ecres, choice level productive , 7 room brick home with el conveniences, netural fire- place, gta gerage, huge ell 'steel barn, stanchions, water bowls, etc,. new silo, 3 wells and pond. This is. a goed farm and may be bought @s a going concern with large stock and full line of modern machinery. Owner retiring. For full detoils see this one now. Near Village of Uxbridge, with @ large bubbling trout ereek, 98 acres rolling land, partly treed with older house and barn. A perfect retreat for the Cod mon. Full price $16,900.0 Brock Twp. 515 acres, 2 sets of farm buildings, some river fromtage, some farming land etc. Full price asking $35,- 000.00, terms. . Brock Twp., 100 acres, 7 room house, large barn, hy- A water on pressure, spring in pasture. Full price fie 000.00 terms. East of Uxbridge, 50 acre horse form with deluxe home surrounded by trees, good barn, box stalls, paddocks, ample water supply on pres- sure, hydro throughout, on good yeor round road, See this one it is lovely. We have several water front cottages reasonably priced, also several businesses with living accommodation. MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR SUNDERLAND ,ONT. PHONE 303 fomliy home away from the traffic, Nice place to retire toe Full price $13,700. * Gordon Osborne INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E, Whitby Dial 668-5431 39 ATHABASKA ST., OSHAWA GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 5%% N.H.A. RESALE--6 room brick bungalow with 4-pc. tiled bath. Nicely land- scaped with hedged: yard and patio. Natural fireplace. With @ substantia! down payment the balance carries for $53 per month, principal and in- terest. OWNER TRANSFERRED--3 bedroom ranch bungalow on large landscaped lot, just west of the city near schools, All large rooms and in im- maoculate condition. 6% N. H.A. mortgage carries for $87 including taxes. GRIERSON STREET --.North of Rossland Rd. 11% storey, 3 bedroom brick with large living room, dining room and kitchen. Lots of closet space throughout this home. Large sein gorage. Full price $ INCOME HOME -- 9 room duplex on Queen Street just behind the Library. Hot woter heating, large lot. Property clear. BROOKLIN -- Immaculate six room brick bungalow with lerge living room and dining erea, Efficient modern kit- chen and large lot, Close to schools and store, The price = been reduced to $11, pod end it can be bought $1,000 down payment. 6 ROOM HOME on Albert Street, just 2 blocks from King 'St. Large lot with gar- age. Full price $11,900. COMMERCIAL LOT with 4 room home on Wilson Rd. S. near King St. E. Good loca- tion for any business. Priced right at only $14,500. 634% N.H.A, RESALE -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large living room and dining room, Walkout basement ond paved drive. MARY STREET -- Opposite the O'Neill Collegiate, 4 bed- room family home. All. large rooms, Oil heating. Immed- iate possession. Convenient financing. The owner will carry the mortgage, MUST BE SOLD -- Ideal Io- cation for any kind of busi- ness. Lot size 60 x 190 ft. on King St. West with 9 room, 3 family home. Com- mercial zoned, WHITBY -- Income home-- large. 4 room apartment downstairs for owner, Separ- ote entrance to second floor which hes 2 kitchens and seporate bath. Brick bulding located on Annis St. Down Poyment $2,000. NORTH EAST AREA--3 bed- room bungalow on large lot with attached garage and poved drive. Large kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bath. Also 3 room basement apartment with pri- vate 3 pc. bath presently renting for $70 per month, Full price $15,500. BUILDING LOT -- on Ten- nyson Ave. 53 x 112 ft. Asking $3,500. Open daily -9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars: call 723-1121 Jean Peacock, Roy Flintoff, Lloyd Corson, Irene Brown, Steve Englert, Steve Zurbo, Lucas Peagock, Dick Young, Leon Manitius, Tony Siblock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. WHITBY CLASSIFIED * POR RENT: Twobedroom apartment,-706, 1985 CADILLAC two-door hard Street West. Available September| cellent motor, transmission and rad 668-8560. Ist. Telephoe WILL give competent care and super- vision to small children (any age) in my Monday to Friday. 20 years 668-2368. own home. nursing experience top. eg io. best offer. Telephone 728-9731 or 668-2497. DAY CARE available in licenced home, Fenced-in yard. playroom, hof lunches. Transportation can be arranged. 668-2472 structed brick bungalow, featuring larger' than usual kitchen with Hanover cup- boards, three large bedrooms, dining area off spacious living room and many extras Ae built-in garage. School bus at Builder bullt this for his own use. terly possession. Shown by appointment| by calling Ossie" opi 728-9714, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. 13 ft. King Street West Store with opartment above, huge turn-over, easy terms, OSHAWA APARTMENT HOUSE Eight suites, Central location in good condition, no vacan- cies, Good investment, M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker if JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD WHY Pay rent when -for only j $1,200 down: and monthly Bowmanville payment of $70. you can 623-5919 own this 6 room brick home top, large D, W. Wilson Kealtor QUICK sale. Carge-six-room-ranch bung t|!ow, recreation room, complete with fire- walk-out to built-in double garage, lot, close to schools and bus. $14,600. Don Stradesk!,} 28-8423, $440.00 DOWN to one N. H.A, mortgage, 6 room solid brick bungalows with attach- ed garages, located in Ter- race Estates, Whitby, no sec- ond mortgage, no semis, wy detached, full price $13, 715.00, carries for $1 monthly, interest, twin sinks, sodded front and rear, 0 models for viewing eerie West Hill, call AM 7-97 for directions. MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. To} principal _ and taxes, storms and screens, plastered walls, et, seat belts, good tires, $190. va, 628 Lansdowne Drive, telephone 728-4940. TEXACO King Street East. 728-9191. BOAT, T24t,_plywond runabout, call affer 723-478). 34--Lost and Found chines, downe Drive, Oshawa, 1958 VAUXHALL, four door, Take over monthly payments $38.40. No down pay- ment. 728-6712 after 7 p.m. Service, VEGETABLE (vice extractors, an and price. Atlas Juice Master Saleen and 125 on jam = Street, 725-4258, y size|vice, Call anytime 728-0591. ¥ HEVROLET | la, coupe, 6 p.m. gy A one yeer old. ieeten toe, eh ee ee PRODUCTS vse "Boer sper da Tale" om bed inor, int, machine, ina Winces! ¥ Bis Conte: mealan Pinene HE 67 KING ST. WEST Street' South, 726-2991, nn" 36--Legal__. 'np After 6, Pickering 942-2117. * 723-7822 VACUUM Cleanor repairs, x makes./i will not responsible for = 1955 BUICK, standard, two-tone, radio, ree Parts, | contri my name, on or many extras. Full price $150. 640 Lans-/32--~Articles For Sale nee guaranteed, rebuil ma-|date, 7 . = Willlam ¢, er, Oshawa. oe BUYING or selling furniture or "fences, Call Elmer Hampton, 163,229 1962 BEL AIR 4-door sedan, 8 cylinder, automatic, power steering, radio, white- walls, including many extras. Telephone) 723-4343 after 5 p.m. paint, new tires, with new 'garage, oil heat, 3 bedrooms, dining room, 4 pc. bath. Don't delay, ask fer Mr. 7" ot 725-6544 or 725. 22 AM SURE 6 room two storey frame suitable for duplexing, MONK STREET, Immediate posses- sion. Walking distance ~ to down town, ASKING $9,500 Easy terms. $11,900--$1,000 DOWN 6 reain solid brick modern bungo 3 bedrooms, PVANIGELINE DRIVE, Alu- minum combination windows and doors, walkout basement. Convenient to schools, church and bus That once you have inspected this home you will want to own it. 5 expertly decorated rooms, with modern kitchen: Both inside and out is spot- less. Asking only $1,000. down. To make an offer call eM Yeo at 725-6544 or 725- om FRENCH STREET 6 room, 1¥2 storey brick home. In spotless condition. Hardwood and tile floors, oil heat, private drive with garage, attractive grounds. Asking $11,500, with excel- lent_terms, Ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544 or 725-2217, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LAKE VIEW AREA $13,500.00 Three bedroom brick bunge- low, finished recreation room ond three piece bath in bose- This Ranch Bungalow with carport, 6 rooms, 3 bedroom modern brick on fully land- «scaped lot, MARION ST. Large recreation room. with extra kitchen, Convenient to schools, churches, shopping and' bus. For value we don't think you can beat it ot $15,900. It is a pleasure to show - see it for yourself to- day, R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 -- 46 King W. OPEN EVENINGS CALL Frank Meagher Jerry Barrow Steve Lehan Bert Peyton 4 BEDROOMS--2 BATHS VALUE PLUS--COMPAKt PRIVATE SALE $13,900.00 3 bedroom brick, large liv- ing room, wool broadioom in living, halls and' master bed- 12' room 27' x rec room built in bor, extra 12' x 12' playroom. All mahogany fin- ished. Close to all schools, churches, bus stop. 10 min. walk from South G.M. For appointment. CALL 725-1426 AFTER 6 mechanically perfect. Good offer. 7: . ture, including stalled and gueranteed by experts 10 years' experience, $50. 'rio Television, temphone 128-6781, LIVINGROOM suite, plece Ginette, etc, Also other TELEVISION Tower Special, 40 ft. struc- all channel antenna in- perl PIANO, Paimer, by Bell, Good ~ with bench, 725-0605. Centres Resent with) TYPEWRITERS, adders, 1959 CHEVROLET impela, four-door|,,, cators, . Shequewriters, . i commtomet hardtop, autometic transmission. New hui new and used. 1963 PONTIAC convertible automatic, regular V-8 power steering and brakes, low mileage. Still under guarantee, Terms can be arranges Private, Tele- phone 655-4622, ea 1961 CORVAIR' series 700, white, radio, seat belts, whitewalls tires; wheel discs, three speed floor shift, condi- 'almost new. Must sell | lin 655-3070, bedroom suite, six- ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. "5 Being Called sell, rent, cain Hamilton Ottice Equip- . Brook- coats, pile 'I HEATERS, two Coleman space oll heat- ers, dark brown finish, good condition, | 728- GIRLS Ceiling, me pleated skirts, ined ski sult, etc. All in ex- ie condition, sizes % to 10 years, nM "at Depressed ch $40, After 6 p.m. SEWING machine sale: Elnas, Singer, $15 and up. Pipe. dealer, 329 Simcoe Street "EASY" spiralator washing machine phone 655- tion, Telphone 728-1912, 1962 CHEVY II, custom deluxe, four-door, automatic. radio, white walls, washers, HOUSE trailer, custom made, will sleep' four people, $140; also 1952 Chevrolet sedan delivery, $90, Dial 728-7484, phone 728- with Yrs FA excellent condition, Tele- BEDROOM suite, "Kaufman of Colling- wood"', mere $150 or best offer, Tele TORONTO (CP)--The federal igovernmerft's move Friday help eight Ontario centres tract industny was welcomed with open' arms, but re- low mileage, like new. Must sell. Call Marga-et 728-1203. SPOT CASH. PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up ch TYPEWRITERS, GUNS. Custom biveing and cleaning, Get) Good yours done now man's Corner, 10; Byron Street South,| Whitby. berore the rush. condition, $20. Telephone 725-5490, | THISTLE aby carriage, two-tone beige. it they sented being called "depressed areas," Sports- |Good condition. Telephone 7: S*/ELECTRIC watr tank, 20 ope $10. Brantford, Cornwall, Windsor, ines guarantesd, Cook's Office ment, 10 Richmond Street East. adding machines, sup- plies, sales, service and rentals. All ma- Equip- slicer, 728-0836 or 300 Olive Avenue, 728-8300,| TAPE recorder, MEAT cooler, complete, large size, Suil- able for store. Coca Cola cooler; meat Webcor, Stereo, - $250; Pembroke, Timmins, Wallace ;/burg, Elliot Lake and Chatham were among the 35 Canadian centres which qualified for the or down, Liens paid off. Go HUNTING with hunti lies from| microphone with base, a used one year./tax incentives under the govern- DODD MOTOR SALES _|Peminion Tiret"Guna, ammunition, clot After 6 p.m. telephone 725- ment's stepped - up industrial ing etc. Best prices in town. Try Do TYPEWRITER, adding asi ashlnrogram, 314 PARK RD, SOUTH minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, register, calculator with credit balance| P'O8' 723-9421 |WE buy. sel' and exchange used Torni.\@"". division. Grade 13 school books, Mayor Richard Beckett of BUYING OR SELLING ture or anything you have. The City|Yery reasonable. 723-4434, Brantford said: "We certainly Tri TED CAMPIN 'ading Post Stores, 440 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East, 723-1671. LLOYD strolle;, condition, 728-1 283, high chair, both In new appreciate any assistance given us, but I definitely resent Brante 28--Real Estate Wanted | | MOTORS mately 630 sheets of letter typing |spindies and wheels for trailers, Apply are spews, oy, ier ay Oe. Ap-| 509 Bloor East. Dial 723-228), Ply Osha' Tim: Offi Whitby DRUMS, Ludwig, cymbals, bongos, , "607 KING ST.--OSHAWA 11} Dundas Street West. show ich ment. Modern kitchen with built in stove and oven. Fen- ced lot ond paved drive. €-. F Down payer $2,000.00 MET AL lollars. urry call Irwin Reol Estate Limited Cruikshonks no t 728- i i -467 5123 or 728-5205," ie eee BELLA-VISTA GARDENS SUBURBAN 6 homes nearing completion some of these homes with large lots - locoted 2 blocks off King St. East - prices ew | at $14,195.00 with. $1,129.00 down - some with carports 2 with es = suburbon living in the city. DOWNSVIEW PARK The Gorden of Eden - this beautiful rolling terrain fea- tures a lot of beautiful plons ond if you have a plan of your chocie bring it to us and we will get you a price from the builder of your -- you pick out your own 1 ACRE OF LAND One year old, five room brick bungalow, extra large kit- chen with double sink and fots of cupboards. 4 piece ceramic tile bath with vanity ond many extros including goroge. Substantial down Payment required and month- ly payments of $93.00 in- cluding taxes. On one open mortgage. Call WE ig Craik. pons a ot 728-5205 or ONLY $99 PER MONTH Large 3 bedroom: bungalow with extra bedroom in base- ment. Very large kitchen and Psy al AVENUE dining crea. Lot is well $13,800.00 -- Central to Churches, schools and shop- ping - 5% rooms - this home is only 2¥% years old - brick veneer - lorge hollywood kit- chen - large living room - 3 good sized bedrooms - toxes under $300.00. NORTH WEST N.H.A, RESALE 3 bedroom, 4 year old brick bungolow. Newly decorated, very close to public and separate schools, Only $89. per month aly Sings We have a few choice resales on the market and I'm sure one of these lovely homes will meet your requirements Coll Bill Johnston i 728-1066 or 728-5123, cae are reer tloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE a DIAL 728-4678 oo North Jack Osborne John Kemp awa, Ontario. Dick Barriage Joe Maga Open Evenings Ken Hann LAND REQUIRED COMMERCIAL ZONE ° Approximately 25,000 to 35,000 sq. ft. Minimum frontage 115 ft. Location -- Good traffic artery in Oshawa. WRITE BOX 130 OSHAWA TIMES SOLD 23 homes in August. Listings or gently required. Some all cash buyers.| We have customers waiting for all types! of property. Contact Joseph Bosco, Real-! tor, 728-7377. (ust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 bab lage lg A super bg lag are BANKRUPT and + some almost new. Bedroom suites com- plete, $59 up; 30" ranges, clock controlled USED car parts, used tires all sizes,| |tord being referred to as a 'de pressed area.' Our welfare furniture, chesterfields, $89 up; rugs, 8 drawers, vacuum cleaners, washers, re- 2 Real Estate Wanted _ drawers. v record players, chased. from bailiffs in Toronto. con's Road, o| °20 Telephone 728-919 hi-fi chests of $475. 7 kit, blue pearl finish, 728-1362. pe are down from last year and employment is up." Harvard amplifier, Telephone 725 FENDER Stratocaster gulter - ES pad Mayor Michael Patrick of Windsor, stated that the plan ANTIQUE GUN 's, Pur- WANTED Telephon« Oshawa 725-8183 Honest was "a tremendous move", he suggested the term "slow growth area" should have been Honest Cal's on King Street East. Var-|"' open 12 er daily, 9.30 Cal's, telephone 728-9191 THREE step fables and coffee table, gray HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appll-|: borite tops, black trim. Like new. $25 ances, Name brands at Seoee! Phx complete. 723-7: counts anywhere. We carry Restonit] sipiicisy pinnae and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Be ethno ei eer Bad Era Your authorized GE dealer, Contact phone Whitby 668-8649, ip used instead of "depresued.'" © HAD TROUBLES Mayor Allan Cousins of laceburg commented: "We've -| BRUNNER core Ib. |government ins) 'Also wa FLOOR Gold Seal coverings at "saat out || coverings, out they leum, Quaker Armstrong, Sandran, Balatum, Rexoleum, All slashed in prices. Clearance of discontinued pat- terns from 23c per foot. Congowal!l and go -- from Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. prices! | 799-18 pressure, two- en sromemace fralieer" hs. Telephone had our troubles here, but utt- employment was at its lowest level. Every community will be -- windows, 10 fluorescent lights, double tubes. One 39 Apply 19 Colborne Street East. 728-2061, tent 12° x 16 like new, 200 ft. of metal duct pipe with el- c.|bows, Also metal tire stand 4 x 10 feet. thankful for the aid." Mayor Garnet Newkirk of Chatham: "It will ce make our municipality more at more all slashed in pricel Wilson's Furni- » | ture, 20 Church Street. tractive to new indust BABYLAND bargains! Brand new baby|MOFFAT range, four Parone double' carrlages, from n 319. Full size cribs from cant engin" clock imer, €x-| Councillor Elmer §: th, act. $24, Folding si lers, $5; laypens, $9;\cellent ion, ust se! $85. Tele-| mm! + 4 springfilled crib mattresses, 3 Many |phone 728-139. f ing mayor of Ti ins: It's good news. Timmins has everye COINS -- maa Key George V ISLANDER houseboat for sale. 30' x 8', completely equipped, cutlery, dishes, pil- lows, air horn, tinguisher, life jackets, curtains, pots and bans, Aik } single lever control, burner stove, Tights, re refrigerator, Pull stand up head, 20 gallon fresh water supply. Sleeps 4 In comfort. & you would expect in a well found boat. Docked at Orillia. May be seen pointment. $2,850, will finance. Apply; PO Box 2, Galt. Phone Days, 621-4820; eve- nings, 621-6112. compass. anchor, Power, 40 HP Evinrude, generator. Pro- per cent to 25 per cent off book fire ex- cents. Far 6 nickels, $0 cent pieces, etc., By pric 29 Beech Street. Telephone Ajax 942-5095, thing for industry and all we need is this type of help." --. Charles Forman, vice + chaire 33--Market Basket electric man of the Elliot Lake improve» basket 40 cents, di containers, Varcoes Road North. rything APPLES, St. Lawrence, $1.75 per bushel ment district, where the popi ylation has decreased from 25,» 000 to 10,000. because of the closing of the uranium mines, seen by ap- FALL 29.--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale cept automatic, throug! offer, 725-2879 radio, elephone 725-5784. t trade, 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, 6 cylinder, A-1 Condition, Will ac 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne, Se et hard- top, 327 V-8 engine, low mileage, one owner. Apply a Gibb Street, Apt. 7, or hout. age mileage. 1987 CHEVROLET. six, standard Trans-| ove fully equipped. Perfect condition $850 or best 1955 PONTIAC hardtop In top shape, auto-|------ matic, two-tone, whitewalls and wb $595 Apply 135 Celina Street after $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down, Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 needs som * |body work, $150 cash, Telephone 728-2099, 1963 MERCURY Monterey. $800 down or trade, Balance 36 months. Apply 205 Vupin Drive, Whitby. 1959 RENAULT, engine good, ni 1955 FARGO Ve-ton pick-up truck. Tele phone Bowmanville 623-3177. Bedroom Suite ..., Bookcase Round Table $1 00. rein tear was $28 | SHOPPING Swivel Chair ......, Violin ond Case Items in very good conditi CALL 728-0210 ion SPECIALS T.V. TOWER Special 40 ft. Tower Structure with All-Channel Antenna Installed $50. Oshawa T.V. Supply Ltd, 361 Gibbons St. 728-8180 Fall Shopping Con be @ pleasure when you plen your shopping early while stocks are new and com- plete. September is the best Fell Shopping Month and the time 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible, }new tires, white with biack top and FOR: RENT Boats, Canoes, Car Top Boats, Outboard Motors, Boot 'Trailers, Tents, Stoves, Lonterns, Tent Trailers ond Cabin Trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas East . Whitby 668-3226 -- TWO Findlay space heaters; one kitchen fable, four chairs; one double bed. Tels- phone 668-2644. PRIVATE sale: Six room bungalow, oil furnace, garage, aluminum storms. Close to schools. Telephone 668-2930. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. BICYCLE repeirs, used bicycles. Guaran- (ee =6work. Pick up, delivery. Purdy, 649-5685. 1700 Charles Street, Whitby. something unusual and LOOKING for hard to ng A far-reached ad in abewer. It's inexpen- Classified is jaive too, dent dial Tas 3400 783-3408 today. LLOYD' REALTY List With Lloyd Then Call Your Mover $9,900. WEEK-ENDS SPECIAL V.L.A. Veterans! See this chcice 3 bedroom home this week- end, located in Pollards Subdivision. Only 6 years old, close to public and high school. Taxes $151 year. Non-veterans you can snap onto this terrific buy with $3,000 down and $59 monthly. Hurry call the listing man this week-end 'Bill' Horner 728-5123, BUSINESS MEN ONLY $5,000 DOWN ZONED INDUSTRIAL FULL PRICE $25,000 FULLPRICE LOT 52' x 417' Good brick 7 room house, new oil furnace, bath brick arage 13' x 30' Conant block warehouse 50' x 30' rented, Cement block body shop 33' x 21' rented. Cement block two storey warehouse 36' x 24' rented Frame storage shed 18' x 10'. Fully equipped lunch room at front of home Located on main traffic artery All buildings in good repair, and located in a choice rental area.. Large area suitable for additional build- ings or vehicle storage. This is suitable for almost any type of business olus retail store. For more informa- tion call "Bill" Horner at 728-2236 this week-end. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. OPEN EVENINGS . VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S, Oshowa 728-0921 ~~ "GENERAL REPAIRS _ PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 ALL MAKES OF CARS re |interior, in excellen condition. Apply 89 jOshawa Blvd. South or telephone 728-0236. lias VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, radio, seat belts, good condition, cash sale, Tele | Phone Whitby 668-3078, 1950 PONTIAC. Good running condition. Apply 33 Arlington Avenue, $75, Tele- What's My Line? Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances, your needs phone. Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16¥% Bond W. to put your Wardrobe, your home and your car in readi- For ness for Winter living. MAPLE nS lads 1963 BEL AIR "sedan, low mileage, V: _. | automatic, power steering, fadio, Bb discs, white walls, etc. Priced for quick |sale, $2,900. Telephone 723-3728, | 1953 METEOR standard, 4door sedan, In | Phone 728-)968. lgood -- condition throughout. Telephone) . Senet Drapery Fabrics |1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-tone, |radio, $700. Good condition. 723-4994. ular Price per yard sly Ad |198§ PONTIAC stationwagon, 6 cylinder, se CIAL NOW |standard, Red and white, body, {shape. $500 or best offer. 725-6245. KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200. DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade. up or down Aways top quality 1986 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door sedan, V8 standard, radio, A-1 condition. Best offer, 728-1027, 1956 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent corr dition. Finance with low down paymen: Apply rear of 183 Bloor Street Fest, Dial 728-9286. 1955 PONTIAG, In rene good condition, $200. Telephone 728-4969. mre ees |1958 CHEVROLET - impala convertible, '1956 Chevrolet 6 Cylinder, Standard Mechanically sound and clean, TELEPHONE 728-9374. after 6 Apt. 1, 1056 Ravine Rd.| TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (Al Makes and Models) CALL. 625-6553 14 Albert St. UW M ------ ee ed WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW XX Xxx mall LOAN THE 'BANK OF ~ NOVA SCOTIA WITH A LOW.-COST LIFE-INSURED ' SCOT [Plates 728-814 red, 6 cylinder, standard, radio. After § p.m, call 725-6200. 1955 CHEVROLET, station wagon, V8, automatic, new motor installed eye good condition, $350. Telephone 725-3979. 1958 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, new i jtone paint, good tires. Telephone 725-1939, Custom and Ready-Mad: DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices We install drapery aur at a Nominal Fee M. and C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa CLEANERS BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Cash ond Carry -- 4 hr, Service. 8 hr. Service FREE PICK-UP AND Mg DELIVERY SKIRTS, DRESSES, COATS, SUITS. 1 SKIRT OR | PR. TROUSERS CLEANED FREE With Even 7° Cleaning MAPLE CLEANERS said: 'It's a God-send," we Aurel Clement, chairman 'al Cornwall's industrial commis» sion: "This is the first ray. of hope to shine on the area the St. Lawrence Seusey wit completed in 1958." as DEATHS By THE CANADIAN Ottawa -- Charles Daoust, columnist and former sports itor of Ottawa's French + lam guage newspaper Le Droit. ~ * Bracebridge, Ont, -- Ki A. McMillan, 69, ak y oagl rector of the Toronto Star The Star Weekly; after nutes ing a heart attack, Ottawa--Sidney Pollock, 47, @ former director of intepenilobel organizations and budgets for the federal government and spes cial economic assistant in the department of finance, oo Detroit -- Fred Gaertner Jr; 72, former managing editor 'of the Detroit News for 19 years; after a long illness. Saint John, N.B. -- Judge Henry O. McInerney, 80, pro- bate judge for Saint John county for 47 years, Greensville, Ont. -- W. B; Hyslop, 73, president 'of Np vad Canners Limited of Greensville from 1928 until last May and a past president of the Ontario Food Producers Association, Helsinki -- Edwin Linkomies, 68, former Finnish premier who served a prison term as a Sec- ond World War criminal; of a heart attack. 504 SIMCOE 5S, 725-0643 COMING EVENTS . 1955 MERCURY igh tok transmission, good jor, body work, $149, North. 728-0031. 1958 OLDSMOBILE '98, four-door, hard- 'd-| top, power equipped, best offer or trade.| Apply 202 Highlane Avenue. « | 1963 MERCURY convertible, excellent condition, $3500. Telephone 728-1845. 1957 METEOR two-door, radio, {B00d con phy Must sell, $485 offer, 4517, needs inte 1100" Simcoe Street | 1955 OLOSMOBILE, 1950 GMC _half-ton truck. Reasonable, Brooklin 655-4820. 1960 CHEVROLET two-door, good tlon, whits walls, wheel discs, and faale $1,355. Telephone 728-4269. 1954 CHEVROLET 1 ton pickup, four- speed ty ly full year 1963 licence 1963 cHEVROURT Impala super sport, two-door hardtop, black with red trim, Power windows and aerial, 300 hp, auto matic, metallic brakes, many other ex- tras. Can be seen at 877 King Street East. 1982 DODGE service truck, also Ford *-ton truck; 1955 Bulck four-door, fully beh 1957 Cadillac convertible, Power equippe perfect condition. One owner since new. Must be sold to 'settle nol Apply 19 Colborne Street East, |30--Automobiles Wanted |NEVER sell your car or half-ton pick- up until you-see Nels Hyland, 1750 | Hanforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1-6364. {CARS bought, sold and exchanged, also |cars wanted for wrecking. Oshawa Auto Parts. 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725 725-2162 Or 723-4245, ~~ 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" 'fo the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN. MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 MARINE CLEARANCE 20% oO Motors & Boats 25% of All: Marine: Supplies SMITH SPORTS Supplies Limited 353 King Street West Oshawa Telephone 728-7341 FABRICS FOR 'BACK-TO-SCHOOL FASHIONS New Woolens $2.49 yd and up Printed Silks Double Knit Cottons Double Knit Worsted ools 65 to 72 inch widths $1.98 and $2.98 Worsted Wool $7.95 Stretchy Rayon $3.98 Suitable for siacks, various colors | Printed Corduroy VICTORY Lodge Euchre Party Konter ember 9, _ at 'ange Bruce Street, 8 p.m. Lunch wy -- Admission 50c. BINGO Eastview race ee p.m. Euchre Y monthly score, $5 'oleae rarer | Admission 50 cents. RUMMAGE selec children's clothing. West Unit No. 2, Centre Unite Church, Tuesday, September 1 wooDv! "BING 'CENTRE BINGO TONIGHT <8 8 P.M. RED BAR * EXTRA BUSES KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Joc Nos, 51, 54 EARLY BIRD GAMES E: | KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, W. While it Lasts $1.59 Also Vogue, and Butterick Patterns Threads, Zippers, Sewing Notions BINGO : St. Gertrude's Auditorium -GOODBRAND FABRICS 28 KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-5551 TO - NIGHT AT 8 P.M 690 KING ST. E. AT FAREWELL FREE ADMISSION = -- Snowball Jackpot $160-56 Nos, $20 Consolation Reg. Jackpot 55 Nos. $100 . $20 Consolation Good Prizes 29--Automobiles For Sale _{30--Automobiles Wanted | tl Tt ful stermatic. 990 egee nie 'Auto Wreckers "wari? 4 i * and fake over Dayen-Cal PEN wreeing.Mighes ree ml." 92---Atcles for Sole __33--Market Basket__» 155, PONTIAC, oe vn Cog a in --|a. F. GOODRICH STORES =--Tirss |SPARIGH_cnlama. five cont ve brand. ni es | i. mt 70.1550," 31--Automobile Repsir Baiterien Tory swe an eS ew ote caste cha Garege, Cour = AUSTIN Mini blue, low mileage, ~ nay hae ae 1} : corner. $625. Call 7250342 evenings. 'O Blosr Mig mun a rocker atte ipiliatig. "Oba Ton phan only, Pretty's| PEARS, Clapp's favorite, P| 1955 CHEVROLET, uoceer pred ind da Free estimates, Open evenings. |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327), _|day and ment ine "sy e iste outs, Trade accopiee, 7-281, HOUSTON'S GARAGE _|SEtLING 'wralure or sogllancei?, Wellin" mating and getch "fr 'ion on 1956 PONTIAC 4door automatic, radio! gnd SERVICE STATION Bioke's Furniture and Store, 4

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