ae yy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 4, 1963 EATON'S SEPTEMBER jn oF fy . mie a, fates ae, myn oe GPL ra, 20% Off Usual Price! Quilted Mattress Pads Strong white, quilted cotton "Santized'! Corners finished with elostic strips thet nip under the mate fress ond keep pad smooth. Well bound edges, THREE SIZES! Twin-bed size (opprox. 40 x 76") Ordinerily 5.95! Sele, eoch .......... pwn size (approx. 50 x 76") 6.95! Sale, eech Double-bed size (approx. 54 x 76") Ordinarily 7.95! Sole, each ........0000-. Irish Linen Damask Sets Made im Ireland! Four sizes--five hostess-favoured shades. A finely woven, beautiful 'background" cloth. In tones to set off your prettiest china: pastel pink, yellow, blue, green or white. All sizes approximate, EATON September Sale Prices, Luncheon Cloth, 52 x 52" Dinette Cloth, 52 x 70", with four 14" napkins. Set 4,99 with six 14" napkins, Set 6.99 Dinner Cloth, 64 x 84"; with eight Large Dinner Cloth, 64 x 102", 18" napkins, Dept. 226 = SATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 PHONE 725-7373 Store Hours: « Tea Towelling Sturdy, 22-inch tea towelling gay multi-stripes that compliment any kitchen -every .kitchen! It's wide width and a good, absorbent, serviceable by ong igs even more by buying 5 yards -- that will sew up into 5 or 6 towels -- only the ends to hem. 59 EATON September Sele, yord e 6." 2.19 1 0.99 = twelve 18" napkins. 14,99 Wool Motor Rugs Red Plaid, fringed motor rugs. You'll want one and so will your friends! A warm wool weave that's priced for the budget-wise buyer. The pattern com- bines red and black in a smart plaid. Approximate size 56 x 74" including eco it ene -- woven In "Hobnail" Cotton Bedspreads Puffy rayon tufts--treated to be free of lint--on a firm cotton ground. A dream of a spread in nine colours! Silver- colour metallic threads run between the tufts. Rounded corners and a deep bullion fringe. White, pink, yellow, green, blue, aqua, rose, toast or brown. In twin-bed (approx. 80 x 106") and double-bed (approx. 94 x 106") 8 ag sizes. EATON September Sale, each ....,......." Dept. 436 * BATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 - ' Ordinarily 11.95! - EATON September Sale, each Double Bed Size # : -Flennelette | Blankets Buy Now and Take Advantage of Sale Prices! | The thick, cosy nap of flannelette! An extra-long, tough-wearing blanket that EATON September Sale, pair you'll use the year round. Excellent qual- ity, firmly woven flannelette with borders of blue or rose. A blanket that washes as well as you wish it would! Strongly hem- med ends -- extra long for maximum tuck-in. Approx. 70 x 90", Zippered White cotton covers finished with snug-fitting box sides. Laundering is easy -- just unzip for simple removal. A sturdy protector for your mattress! Individucily packed. In bleached and unbleached cotton, To fit twin, %4 and double-bed size 3.99 mattress. EATON September Sole, each Dept. 436 24 x 36", toch . 6.66 were 20% Off Usual Price! "Chatham Purrey" Blanketss_ _ Double-bed size! Warm and fleecy, solid-colour blankets! You'll like the feather-light feel of this "Viscose"-and-wool blend: You'll like the colours too! Nassau pink, Ber- muda blue, Sea Island green, Sun Valley yellow, Trinidad red, Jamaica green, sandalwood, lilac and aqua. Matching 7" satin binding. Approximate size 72 x 90". eee eseeecereeees 9.56 Dept. 436 _ PHONE 725-7373, 20 x 32", polyethylene- a scotia 2.95 27 Dept. 436 Household Linen Sale Bath Mats, Lid Covers ' Give your bathroom a treat! Dress it up with o new Mattress Covers Sms ae'eurets cea tiful colours; pink, rose, light blue, white, ag BP ed brown, apple green, turquoise, yellow, black-ai white mix. Approximate sizes, tATon Sele Prices: Bath Mat Tea Towels Carnival-striped tea towels. Long wearing, ab- sorbent linen. The stripes are crossed by bore der lines of yellow, pink or blue. Neatly hem- med ends -- a towel ihot will stand up to September x 48", eoch constant use. Approximate size 22x32". 49 t - EATON September Sale, each 6" 2.79 Dept. 236 Os ace |I '. RPE ig Lace Table Cloths 25% Off Usual Price! Pa Four sizes--all at a special saving! Dainty lace cloths made of Madiera-type cotton lace in two tones of ecru. A lovely addition to your dinning-room decor! Sizes quoted are approximate. EATON September Sale prices: tuncheon Cicth (50 x 50'), Dinner Cloth (66 x 90"), 5.98 Ordinarily 3.98! : Ordinarily 7.98! Sole, each Ws Sale, each . Lerge Dinner Cloth (66 x 104"), Dinette Cloth (56 x 76"), 5.23 Ordinerily 9.98! Ordinarily 6.98! Sole, each Sale, each ' Dept. 236 BATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPTS. 236/436 PHONE 725-7373 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9