Randall, Cedar street, and his grandparents Mrs. Edwatd Caine, Oshawa. Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 4, 1963 1] _|France for the past four years, ~|spent a week at home recently, _ |visiting his mother, Mrs. Ja '|McConn@#l and sister, Miss Pat- -lricia Me@onnell, Richmond *\his new posting at Camp Co- jmox, British Columbia. PERSONALS deau, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Germain, Espanola; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bylsma, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tuerk, (Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, Er- win Gaye, Toronto; Mr. andr Maurice Oharron, Blind River. Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Connell and famffly, who have been stationed at Marville, street east, prior to leaving for to let your fniends know that) lyou are back from your vaca-| tion. It ig a pleasure for us to Don't wait until it is too late, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brennan . = \and family have been spending "119 days at Water Lily Isle in the Thousand Island and visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Brennan and family at Gananoque. DANDY Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Haag-| mans, Ravine road, are arriv- ing in Montreal today aboard the SS Franconia from Rotter- are Mr. and --Ireland Studio dam after spending a month's vacation visiting members of his tell them through this column. Just dial 723-3474, extension 18, and your item of news will ap- pear without charge. Out-of-town guests at the Kloos-Reyenga wedding in Bow- manville, recently, were: Mr and Mrs. John Thies, Oakville; Mr. and Mrs. Harty Den Haan and family, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs. James Hayman, Hamil-) ton; Mr, and Mrs. C. Van Roo- yen, Hannon; Mr, and Mrs.' DOUBLE-RING Mr, and Mrs. Keith Gordon former Phyllis Catherine Wal- e. Medicated Cosmetics Answer Teen-agers Skin Problems Unless the doctor says those,cover-up in one? A delicate) pimples aré acne, you teen-|scenféd and tinted lotion whic' agers can, with the right carejhelps to camouflage eruptions and persistence, make yourjand give the skin a beg o skins over for school opening. [matte look like a gardenia Along with cutting out the|petal? Use it under powder by triple scoop sundaes and fried/day; use it alone at night to foods, get busy right now with|heal pimples. : some of the wonderful new aids) Jn the same series is a medi- in skin care «hich not only zero) cated compressed powder, to in on the cause of bumps and/yse at your dressing-table and blotches, but actually heal and/carry with you for touch-ups. clear -- and glamorize while] Here's a, powder that's exactly the good work goes on. like -- and is -- the finest A clean skin -- pore-deep|face powder, but this one is clean, is a must. For the next/formulated with a perfect bal- 10 days or so, give your skinlance of scientific ingredients to a thorough rub-a-dub-dub with] make it safe as well as helpful cleansing grains. At least twolror troubled skins, or three times a week. The) Final glamor touch -- an all dirt, 014 makeup .and genétal/cjear lipstick, in a smart gol- grime comes out; the old skin|den-and-silver case, accented sloughs off and what's under-|with a wide wedding band. In neath is a baby-soft, blooming] appearance and action, it's all joy. you've éver hoped for in a lip. Daily and before bedtime, | stick -- in the newest, fresh- wash with a medicated facejest, most desired new. colors wash. This jade-green, creamy|for autumn and winter. But, lotion not only furthers the/again, it has soothing, healing, cleansing process but has alliprotecting ingredients in there! sorts of beneficial ingredients|working for you -- as good as which' retard the spread of|they're beautiful on young lips. those harmful bacteria which|z Ronald W. Bilsk , D.6, cause infections. To close and minimize the pores, and reduce CHIROPRACTOR @ BURSITIS any tendency to oiliness, there's @ SCIATICA a medicated astringent that is) 100 King St. &. 728-5156 jcool and stimulating on the | skin, Ever hear of a_ medicated) face lotion that's healer and Tea leaves in watm allowed to stand in a sta} vase, will remove stains. Fini by washing with hot suds rinsing in clear hot water, «. PILOT CARB © The Automobile Asi London has women drivers Whe can be hired to pilot care through the capital's heavy traf. fie, : Ansus-G. 282 King BROADLOOM TILE YY McLean are residing in Ot- tawa folowing their double- | ring wedding in Knox Presby- terian Church, The bride, the ters, is the daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Alvin Allen Walters, 7 Oshawa, and the bridegroom ; is the son of Mrs. Jack Me- | | Lean, Toronto, and the late | Mr. McLean. ~ --Aldsworth Photography | For Your Holidays RESORTS Four Seasons TOURS Travel CRUISES econtoct 728-6201 Vficial Agent For All Airlines | and Steamships Mr. and Mrs. scien MENS AE, LEE ME SOE A LEE OT AE AE REP AE ' f The curly-haired young man thony Randall who was one year old in June. Tony is the Samuel Kloos Takes As Bride smiyintousne. | After a 14-month tour of Peter Van Vliet, Holland. ° . Miss Elizabeth Reyenga ete Me her ns Britton, formerly of Oshawa and Church was the setting in Bow-|Ann Reyenga, sisters of the ricia Jamieson, daughter of Mr ENGAGEMENT EASE BURDEN manville recently, for the wed-jbride, were her flower girls.jand Mrs. W. E. Jamieson, King) Mr, and Mrs. A. Elmer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James) with matching nylon overskirts,/their homes and their teaching! nounce the engagement of their)The Nova Scotia hospital here) --. Reyenga, Bowmanville and. Mr. |short sleeves and matching flow-| professions. wo? youngest daughter, Cheryl Mar-|has trained 91 certified nursing| ascot , Guests atic: s of a : | Mrs. Andy Kloos, Hampton baskets of assorted white and) "begs « |Gibson, son of Mrs. William|The mental hospital started the The Reverend John C Ver-| yellow chrysanthemums with|the Gay-Thibodeau wedding in Gibson, Oshawa, and the late| program in 1959 to train naré-| and Mr, Reyenga gave his) Mr. George Kloos, Hampton, | Catholic Lg aay pean Ait take place in St. Mark's United|tine duties of nurses to allow daughter in marriage. The bride Church, Whitby, on Saturday,/them to spend more time with . Jushers were Mr, John Wag-} white organza, with a scoop|enaar, Orono, and Mr. Peter! HER FACE CHANGES -- and fingertip sleeves. A full or-| The reception was held at the | Witt, a New York model who) ganza skirt was emphasized by| Acres Restaurant, Bowmanville,;earns $60 an hour, says ner) a Japanese sash at the back./ing. She wore a two-piece en@/figure and odd face." "If I > Her headdress was a crown of| semble of blue embroidered or-| were really beautiful, I would} with the natty bow tie is An- son of Mr. and Mrs, Antonio \Europe, Miss Jean Britton SOCIAL NO Rehoboth Christian Reformed| Miss Hetty and Miss Shirley-/now of Toronto, and Miss Pat- ding of Elizabeth Reyenga,/They wore aqua taffeta gowns|street, Whitby, have returned to|/Hawes, Whitby, wish to an- DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- Samuel Kioos,'son of Mr. andjered bandeaux. They carried iroln - gubettown garet Anne, to Edward Gorden|assistants in the last four years. | brugge performed the ceremony|snapdtagons and carnations. |St. Gregory the Great Roman|y_ Gibson, The marriage is toling assistants to take over 'rou-| jattended his brother, and the! wore a full-length gown of chalk- October 5, 1963, at 3 o'clock. patients. neckline with leaf applique trim|Kloos, Hampton MONTREAL (CP) -- Merola leaf appliques at the waist and/with the bride's mother receiv-/success lies in her "'skinuy > 0 gis seed pearls, holding a veil of|ganza over taffeta with white/have been typed," she says. white illusion. She carried a cas-/accessories, .and a corsage of|"As it is T can look 15 yeais) cade of dark pink roses and/pale pink sweetheart roses andj old in one picture and 35 in the) stephanotis on a background of|stephanotis. The bridegroom's|next. I can be casual or sophis- salal leaves and leather fern. |mother assisted, in a turquoise|ticated and seldom look the Miss Hennie Reyetiga, Bow: sheath~of organza over taffeta,|same twice" r manvillé, was her sister's maid|accented with flower appliques, | of honor, and Miss Helen Malda,|and white accessories. Her cor-|and matching e1'bow - length and. Miss Irene Reyenga, were|sage was of pale yellow sweet-|sieeved jacket, a corsage of| the bridesmaids, They were/heart roses and stephanotis. white and .nk carnations, and| gowned 'alike in dresses of daf-| The couple left on a trip to/white accessories. On their re-| fodil-yellow, silk organza over|Buffalo, the Thousand Islands,/turn, Mr. and Mrs, Kloos will! taffeta, with ballerina skirts andj Upper Canada Village and Mon-|reside at 351 Elgin court, Osh- everskirts. The fitted bodices/treal. For travelling, the bride| awa. | featured. scoop necklines andjleft wearing a blue silk sheath cap sleeves trimmed with stud- MAPLE CLEANERS | ded miniature bows. They car- ried caseades of summer yellow 504 SIMCOE ST. S$. OSHAWA Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service carnations and stephanotis on a background of salal leaves and yg dg leather fern, Their headdresses Weeh Pik-Up cna Dellvary "Your Fomily's Friend" were self rosettes, highlight- | PHONE 725-0643 | WARD'S | GIRDLE SALE STARTS TO-MORROW Wonderful values on fabrics ideal for Back-to-School fashions! Aw opportunity to sew and save with these specially 'priced materialst Pin Wale Corduroy Reg. 1.29 yd. 197. 3 Washable corduroy an excellent value. Red, brown, green, blue, | gold, black, tan plus other shades. 36" wide. New Fall Plaids 197 56" wide. - ya. Wrinkle resistant plaids, per fect for children's wear, Choose Kelso, Glengyle, Elgin, Mackinnon or Black Watch plaids, ante 1908 - When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.O.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" STOCK UP NOW SUPER PLENAMINS Valy ep 'od 200 sp, SELLING MULTI-VITMAIN AND MINERAL "Deodorant cad 1.25 Value This is a clearance of all our discontinued girdle lines, and some factory specials. 300 GARMENTS ALL-GREATLY REDUCED, Bufferin Tablets Alberto V06 Hair. Spray Plus VO5 Shampoo 100 mg. 500 Tablets a. 208 tse ; @ Bromo Seltzer 1.09... . 88¢ @ Crest Tooth Paste 1.09 . . . 89c @ Cleer-Sheen Shampoo 1.69 . 1.29 © Score Hair Cream .98 ... 79¢ e@ Vaseline, White Peroleum Jelly 1.29..... 98¢ "Look For The Yellow Ticket Values" Vitamin BRAND NAMES - Included are Gossard, Flex- Tablets ies, Daisey Fresh, Sarong, Silf-skin, BiFlex Secret Lady, Playtex. 1.89 Value 1,68 STYLES - Both pull-on and pantie girdles in high and low waist models. METRECAL SOUP Tomato, Split Pea, Clam Chowder 2 ™™ gap SIZES - Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large, but not all sizes in each style. BALLPOINT PENS 29c up GROUP NO. ? 20% Off Reg. Prices Reg. 2.99 to 6.99 GROUP NO. 2 331/3% Off Reg. Prices Reg. 5.00 to 16,50 ON SALE ON SALE ON SALE 1.50 to 5.75 | 3.33 to 11.00/2.39 to 5.60 SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Graducte Corsettiere in dept, to help and advise you ALL SALES FINAL DURING THIS EVENT WARD'S 31-33 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE: 725-1151. GROUP NO. 1 50% Off Reg. Prices Reg. 2.99 to 11.50 36" Broadcloth 4 4¢ Reg. 59¢ to 79¢ yd. "Sanforized" broadcloth at a saving. Fine quality cotton in an assortment -of colours, plus white. Printed Flannelette 5 7¢ 36" wide. ya. Downy soft flannelette ideal for sleepwear. Canadian made in an assortment of washfast colours and prints. 54" Wools Values.to 5.98 237, An outstanding saving! Mill clear- ance of assorted wools, ideal for skirts, suits, jumpers, in new Cotton Prints fall shades. Reg. 59¢ to 79¢ 44°. A saving of up to 35¢ per yard on good quality cotton prints. Suitable for blouses, dresses etc. 36" wide. WALKER'S . OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 728-4626 PRESCRIPTION ppteeteq CHEMISTS -- % CITY, WIDE PREE DELIVERY PHONE 723-2245 OSHAWA ROSSLYN PLAZA: -- 728-4668 ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3546 8 KING ST. E. ey a