4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, August 27, 1963 bundles of tobacco at the same time as three workers AUTOMATIC TYING ma- ehine costing around $2200 is shown in the above photo. The Automation Creeping Into Tobacco Farms By JOHN GAULT (Staff Reporter) KENDAL (Staff) Great from little acorns grow t smokes grow from g even smaller, Two ounces of acco seed will pro machine is owned by area to- bacco farmer Raymond Paret, The tier can tie larger two loading and unloading the) with his sticks' at the kilns machine. He admitted that it Mr. Foster discussed. thejwas no faster than two good method involved in picking to-/tyers and a handler,. but' added jbacco. It is not a simple pro-ithat it was less costly for own ess Of stripping each plant asjers and operators of the farms peed tiger ca bot My farm is the first in this Rucdnerae ; tom leaves are picked first On area" t, oN achine lu ta UE dete Mtn a Oh ee ach individual plant. Then aaa, and. I Pe girng how sho digs Seine ~* 4a possibly a week later, the sec-lwith the results. The one 1 am The seed required to plant 40 ond row is picked and process- vite out ih " oan pe ee acres of tobacco occupies @eq This procedure continues|;,cre is a hetier model costing smaller area than i tobacco! yntil ail 16 to 18 leaves ate re pels is at mod in an average cigare moved from the plant 'y Martin Foster, who operates} The picking covers six sepa-| - It save me, annually, a 36-acre tobacco farmhere be-|rate stages as each node on|#%ywhere from $1600 to $2000 in g to I. S. Mardles of Port/the stem contains only three '@bor costs alone, -- Hope, described the entire pro-'leaves. "The biggest problem in har. cess and evolution of the yearly| "It's usually difficult to get|vesting tobacco in this area is A n United Counties./any pickers early in the sea-/People. Transi m is one of the 130 now/son," he mused, "because of here for a few days w ing in Durham-Northum-|all the bending required to take 'ey get a little money in their off the bottom layers." pockets, take off for parts un Mr, Foster explained that the|_ There are eight kilns on the Known. present activity -- picking, tying|Foster farm equipped to cure) "Only about six ot and of the produce 1500 to 3500 pounds of tobacco-|workers Stay around for the marks only the halfway. point/'eaf each over an eight-day Whole season. The others are in tobacco's journey from seed Period. The 16-man crews fill/just out for a fast buck. The to cigaret jone ge per day in eight to ane : ing _-- Pe ght . : nine ours where farmed the Delhi area del ee = In the kilns, the leaf is sub. for 15 years but proviem green house planting and con-|Jected to heat: variances rang.|was not so acute tinues past the Christmas season| 2% from an initial 80 degrees "Up there if someone left I a Fahrenheit to a final 180 de-'could go into town and until the produce is finally| se shipped from the farm to mar.| 8s Fahrenheit, replacement in no time ket | Mr. Foster explained that/is no place here where the oe in the kilns/centre FROST DELAYS CROP was closely regulated because ne , He indicated that this year'sja sudden change could cause|DIRECTOR OPTIMISTIC crop was later than normal due|the sap to return from the stalk) P- G. Newell of Bowmanville to frost on May 25 which wiped|into the leaf and consequently) VN !5 one of 15 directors of the out his field-planted crop (eight|ruin the whole kiln of leaf Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco acres) and forced him and all/KIEN O1L-HEATED cn tart ce Ce ee other growers in the area to! 'The kilns are heated by oillor tobacco farming in Demon begin replanting. on this particular farm. There of tobacco farming in Durham As a result of this, he con-|were disused: coal Fathaces nto umberland and explained tinued, the entire crop was notleach kiln indicating the he: 5 function of the Association the fields until June 11 anditime use of that product and|, ae eal that there were about mst 3 did not begin until Aug-/Mr. Foster mentioned that the|" '@"ms in the United rar ust 12 s t with an average of 32 The picking, tying, and storlet'ts cae farms were heat- acres each devoted to tobacco ing is all done manually at the) Once the curing process is oh Be estimated the Foster farm. Sixteen persons| completed, the leaves are taken eg uty of to dal co Br own here ae ei hgh ge al ggrondt eg a pack-barn for storage andiin, wagers 7) SMYwhere in = pe By a Mes page then into a humidity - controlled) j,, dexcrthed the ey ia eh Gin cia ¥)"strip-room" where the tobacco)... scien as "a ctor to the kilns, six morelis graded into seven or eight|25_% member under the Farm & the stalks onto sticks and) groups according to its color, |PToducers' Marketing Act or ania ee ts This grading. process takes gated by erowers. throughout four people up to three months| O"'4tlo for the purpose of sell to complete and marks the last/\"& 'heir, produce and control step in the crop-year on the| "8 their production farm itself. He explained that the 40 per The graded leaf is then Cent cut in acreage enforced by shipped to Delhi, Ont.--head-|'%e Assoc Ontario quarters of the Ontario Flue-/SOWe'S this year was the re Cured Tobacco-Farmers' Mar-|S¥!t of the vast surplus still in keting Association to be graded Storage from last-year's crop for sale to tobacco companies 'We had two cold summers-in Ontario) Mr. Foster stated that the TOW and, consequently, the Liberal Leader John Winte2r-|Association designated 56 yepa-/QUality of tobacco produced was meyer will be the special sp*ak-irate grades on last year's crop Poorer We were unable to sel! r at a public meeting to bejand fixed a set price on each poi lrcah? than a smal! portion held in the Dr, Powers Sch*0..| grade of the tota op Ward and Hope streets, Port) "The companies were allowed . When Hope, on Thursday, at 8 pm to bid on the various grades!"€ sale Glenholme Hughes, Bowman- but were not allowed to bid Would go, le, president of the Duriam/under the price set by the Asso gg a y Liberal Association, an-/¢ ." he continued his a 1ced today that Mr. Winter-| "If no one bid on a certain, heavy-bodied meyer had decided to open the|grade the association processed crop. The Liberal campaign in Centraljand stored the crop and paid should he Ontario in Durham County asithe growers for it. (30 milion SUTPlus fr a tribute to Allan Beer, Beth-'pounds were stored in conv "The w any, the Liberal candidate focjed Air Force barracks in Ay}-/S® far. It Durham mer last year.) needed it A few years ago Mr. Beer "For their services. the Asso. W& needed purchase of the tving oak but som € Ns he to duce costing will ' t r nt workers come then out ten the Thece they ies Association Wintermeyer To Speak At Port Hope BOWMANVILLE on ked of Mr. as to predict how crop crossed his year's Newell good crop % export type of quality this year us dispose the t year has been good rained when w vas Warm when The only rea rast of e and that as sur s estion the c was elected warden of 'theiciation received one cent per/Setback so far was the frost in United Counties of Durham andjpound for selling and two ceats May that caused this crop to be Northumberland when he wasiper pound for storage and late -- I had to replant 21 acres only 34 years of age. He 's thelplus purchasing." _ myself youngest man ever to hold this He smiled at the sugg From here on in we are play high office that tobacco - farmers work a/Ng one large poker game with He is a brother of Bruce Beer, | few months of the year and thea "ature." MP for Peel County, who is the/retire to the tropics for ze Parliamentary Assistant to the) winter M4 Federal Minister of Agriculture.) "There is nothing seasona Auto Kills Boy, about the operation of the farm | D 4 Fi d 1 Although picking time is the! $ 0 period of greatest activity and) river fine publicity, the whole crop-scason} PORT CREDIT, Ont. (CP) -- tends some years to overlap so/A Port Credit youth whose cat that we are still shipping our/struck and killed a boy here leaf out in the spring while'July 26 was fined $10 and costs planting our new crops." Monday for careless driving Mr. Foster hinted that a rorm, Magistrate H. T. Andrews was of automation was entering the;not aware during the trial that industry. He said that one grow.|the accident used the death er in the area was using au'»jof James Hooper, 6, of Port matic tying machines which Credit eliminated the only true crafts-| The magistrate also said tt men involved in the picking-stor was tragic that the Hooper boy ing process. and a five-year-old companion He mentioned that Raymond/Slightly injured in 'the accident, Paret, a farmer to the north of/Mad been left to cross a busy his farm, was employing the)02d alone new device, although he, him-| Magistrate Andrews said the self planned to continue tying Court tries to fit the fine to the his leaf by hand "|amount of neglect and because i of heavy cour ts, totalling |BUYS TYING MACHINE almost $100, he was levying the | Mr, Paret seemed pleased|minimum fine of $10. co The above tier is the first in | find a. bd P Hast indicated that automation will slowly take over the jobs of these tiers on the farm of I. S, Mar- gies of Port Hope. The farm is run by Martin Foster at Kendal.. One tobacco farmer HAND-TIERS Mrs, Betty Goodlet, Whitby; Vivian Gor- don, Elizabethville and Marie Foster, Kendal are working the area --Oshawa Times Photo Whitby Oust Peterboro Girl Port Hope In Dairy Princess | CBA FIAVORE || once coitus ie ie hua af ic ico of RR 3 Peterborough wonisent nine years ago, It is the hg rd 4 tie ip the firial Ontario dairy princessjonly Jersey in their herd of 13 Pe Whithe tee Gunde ae preliminary contest at the Ca-/The other 12 are Holsteins Brooklin Farmer _ Wins Ewe Title TORONTO (CP)--Woodstock owned by N. D. Hogg of Ux- bridge, Ont., was judged best North Country Cheviot Ram at the. Canadian. National Exhibi- tion Monday The Lil-| Jersey reserve went to Brianlea Lloyd Skinner of Rockville M. Beath of Brooklin the best ewe title serve championship -- going Bagg, owned by Mr. Hogg championship owned by Tyrone, Ont owned, by Lance Ont. won tione to SEA-GOING LOOK --Oshawa Times Photo | with the re-| LONDON (CP)--A new pub| Exhibition. Shows Year Of Choosing FREDERICTON (CP) -- The Dunn international exhibition, billed as the first truely inter-|000 national collection of contem- Lord and Lady Beaverbrook, orary paintings shown in Can-\with the Sir James Dunn Foun- ada, opens at the Beaverbrook) qation, are sponsoring the show- Art Gallery here Sept, 7 ing at the rede yg sateen The opening will be the cli- brook Gallery, Lady Beaver- max of a year of selection by|brook will announce the winners seven experts of 101 paintingsjof the six $5,000 prizes awarded by the world's leading artists.) by the Sir James Dunn Founda- Works representing 22 bye ba on opening night. have been accepted and will be , considered by judges handing/ EXPECT MANY f out $30,000 in prize money. _ Prominent museum Age Rowe Organizer of the event aoe eo ge ad "~~ gor leader of the selection commit-| chutes ae pire Seeder tee is John Richardson of Lon-/\4) Mayor William T. Walker don, a writer and art lecturer) yiq 'anay a" vid to Condon "a who directed the operation from) jar. " "altentanen is" expected London headquarters for the! ; 0% apa " vin "f eel from the continent, year, . Judges for the event are An- Richardson arrived here ra ae : i cently and after viewing the drew Ritchie, professor of art crated paintings arriving for the history and keeper of the art opening, said: gallery at Yale University,. Pe- PICASSO EMERGES ter Wilson, chairman of Sotheby | "You never know what to ex. and Company, and Douglas ipect, From one crate will Cooper, formerly professor at lemerge a Picasso of a monu- Oxford mental nude 11 feet long and Curator professor Edwy F six feet wide; from another ajCook said the exhibition would Salvador Dali, a gigantic ear|be "the biggest one of its type 12 feet high with a Sistine Ma- ever held in Canada. It ranks ; donna painted inside; from yet alongside the major interna- janother, a Triptych by Jean tional shows held anywhere." Paul Riopelle." Following the Fredericton en- The works are valued sojgagement the Dunn exhibition jhighly that insurance brokers/will go intact to the Tate Gal- | have insisted no individual con-'lery in London signmen! being sent to Freder- icion exceed a value of $750,- WARRY SALTZMAN we ALBERT R BROCCOL! pause Bob HOPE Anita EXbéls FEATURE TIMES 1:45-3:40 5:40-7:40.9:45 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:30 Hope bags that most elusive of all species... an Ekberg*! | | * Rare bird . 42-26-36 extremely warm-blooded armel... natural habitat with men. runs wild Ballet Tap, Baton Twirling REGISTRATIONS 4-7 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 5 10-2 Saturday, Sept. 7 FOR FALL TERM FIVE ADAMS / LIONEL JEFFRIES aw ARNOLD PALMER ""'aite. og ""W™ ALBERT R BROCCOL! Smet HARRY SALTZMAN ""E" GORDON DOUGLAS oom reac sons sen sam (em GUM # Ai... OPEN DAILY P.M. cosxcarroon COURAGE IRENIE HARVEY C.D.1L.A, + N.P.T.A, 424 King St. West Phone 725-6122 YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE "DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES" With JACK LEMMON LEE REMICK T ENTERTAINMENT Is ADUL DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M, SHOW STARTS 6:45 got Their Funniest Adventure ! "MA & PA KETTLE WAIKIKI" Adventures Greatest Rogue "THE PURPLE MASK" in Technicolor Hyway. No. 2 1 Block East of Liverpool Rd. Phone 668-2692 KINGS OF COMEDY JERRY LEWIS AND DANNY KAYE "IT'S ONLY MONEY" and "ON THE DOUBLE" BRING THE FAMILY BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS PO SOTTO OSSHOHHSHOSSOOHOOECEDE | WEDNESDAY DU-KANES PLUS THE TOP RECORDS ADMISSION 75¢ DANCING 8:30 ~ 12 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK metals Nor THE BEACH HOUSE _OSHAWA-ON-THE-LAKE by. The loss gives Whitby the ag oh nampa sencce sees ewnion Compiseed Wueue AS, series in OBA playoffs 2-0 Fe ees aan ac peg, Bags averhes of a per Port Hope used three pitchers,,, >! 4 a Pha ns 4 eh Yicent on 1 papers She will at Doug Carey, for three innings tr we" ove her alte Peterborough Teachers Rick Austin. came on in. the father, Norman, gave het aicollege this fall and hopes fourth and John Smith. pitched someday to ieach either Grade the last two innings. The com ill 3 or 4 bined efforts resulted in givin Bo She defeated eritrants. from up 13 hits. and four walks eal wmanvl e Thunder Bay, Grenville and Es striking out five. Keith Jay sex counties caught: Edgar Eley, Tom Hodg- E t J d d Besides eight preli ary son, Rick Austin, Pete Moffatt n ry u ge wiser Foy will be competing in East London is a replica of cot Mi sng om had two} n the semi-finals which begin|@ Sauare-rigged ship of the mid- singles Smi Jay, Gary! toni Hy e tw «{/18th century. There are sound sel and Ray Symons each! Best Ram reat ol ng a nigel ettects of .creaking timbers, singled a f The ' ,,|seagull cries and waves and Deleweerd and Waters were. TORONTO (CP)--G. M, 2183 oe oe reutnee as akon ked "decks"? and scupyers he Whitby battery. Deleweerdjowned by Lloyd Ayre of Bow-|, ~ Camobelivitie. ranvenensina A sitaci allowed 14 hits, struck out six}manville, Ont.,.was judged best Winntcarts "Coanke | and Mac and walked four. Whitby's best Hampshire Down ram at the saial Bovko '18 of RR 2 Bar litters were Archer with two Canadian National Exhibition) Quin, pepresentin : Thunder doubles and a triple and Waters' Monday Bay District eshenine ' with a triple and a single The reserve ram 'title went to ~ ' Port Hope had four errors to|Ayre Acres, also owned by Mr, 9! her preliminary winners one by Whitby. The local team|Ayre seeking the title are: Valda Mc left 11 on base while Whitby left) The grand champion ewe was Cleary of Northumberiand only three stranded Ayre Acres 13T, owned by Mr.jCounty; Dianne Fierheller of cones Ayre and reserve was Ayre) York County; Elizabeth. Craw * Acres 16U, also owned by Mr |ford of Welland County; Jean Ajax Edged Ayre Crawford of Waterloo County, Emke Bros, owned by Emke|Weather Fish of Elgin County, Brothers of Elmwood, Ont. won/Rose Marie Sutherland, Brant B Peterboro the grand championship Coriie-|County y dale ram title The winner will get a 21-day The reserve grand champion-|trip to the United Kingdom E hibi . ship was taken by Wilson John' i : ar n Exhibition iis' "wea by Mrs. A.M Hutchison of Caledon NOW FZA, AJAX Peterborough Rite- ------ nee WINGS way warming up for their On . tario. Baseball Association play- offs, scored a 6-5 win over Ajax Blood Trail ALL OF 16 AND S ay in Ajax in an exhibition SHE KNEW ALL game THE WAYS TO 'The two clubs meet again in Leads To DESTROY A MAN an exhibition game Wednesday LAURENCE OLIVIER night at Riverside. SIMONE. SIGNORET Peterborough wil! be playing} S aWwa out their first OBA game against "TERM Orillia this weekend, The first! PETERBOROUGH City OF game will be held in Peterbor- police and firemen dragged the rr pc 'S -, ihr Otonabee River Saturday night| TRIAL Slated for Sep' in Orillia 'ly § " 'ad \ ' NMEN Ai Wade, coming in during the and.ealy Supawrren a tai of sn Atco seventh inning, picked up the os 4 ; nd win after he replaced Stabler on wl hainone from an overturned Pe mound. The loss went to! Near the bloodtrail at the BILTMORE 9 Rite-Ways tallied once in the) $d of Simcoe street east police second, another one in the third! on cing to David Thomas. 18. of - ' before getting two in the seventh 0 Potoe: . whe pests and two more in the ninth. Ajax about 10 a.m, Sunday Const and "Slghth, innings pg thse Barry Heard found Thomas it one in the eth ~~ sleeping on the bank of the ome y venture LAY sR cde asc Ae _._jriver south of the accident scene. 5 Thomas, his face bruised and Stock arket scraped, and complaining of back injuries, was admitted to 2 bd Civie Hospital Prices Down Hospital . authorities said Thomas departed the hospital BIG For Monda unseen Sunday evening after an y on friend had visited TORONTO (CP) -- Ti "teas opened Lt a - c Pi ii RA bt ponding Thee ase slightly on light trading on the 4 eunst 2n0Mas. stock meanest Ménéey a eee Police found the bike 26 feet tors continued to await further from where it had struck a rail- peasy pee Aad he init, rOad spur line into the Quaker' developments from the United Oats Co States on the proposed equaliza- The trail of blood began 18 tion tax P ati oti The foreign market which liar worn" and pipes "ga Thursday to give Hampered by hariiask fire merican buyers and sellers)mon drageed | ardiged p better facilities for trading al-|tittie a Pg A a te ready-issued anadian securi- and again Sunday morning i tes among themselves, had a\ The motorbike. registered to quiet day. One floor trader said) william Cassidv of Whitby. sus most people still seem a bit! tained $600 damage or -- as ty its workitigs. | ------_. a Among industria] losers Al- : cr oem goma and Du Pont fell %4, On- IN HIGH GEAR tario Loan % and Bell Tele- One hour of farm. iabor in phone and CPR % the United States produces four Banks rallied and closed|times as much produce. ag it ahead after earlier losses,|did 40 years ago Royal up one point to 75% and ~nnpaK ° Montreal % Other gainers included Cana- dian Collieries up 5% on heavy) volume and Dominion Foundries and Steel ahead 14 Royalite advanced 25 to 1334; following an offer by BA Oil to acquire approximately 320,000 outstanding common. stock shares of the company at $13 (U.S.) a share In senior anda rose \% Lake Dufault dropped 60 cents to $7.75 and Northcal two cents; o 3744 cents among speculative) mines. Coniagas Mines was up! four cents to 68 cents On. the foreign market Dick enson rose 10 to $6.50 and Mas-/ jsey Ferguson was quoted at 14.' b66G2O086G006086666' walt DiSNEY mmer Magi BURL DOROTHY DEBORAH - 93 TECHNICOIr® IVES -MPGUIRE WALLEY TODAY ONLY "THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM" tn Technicolor DRIVE OUT * TONI ALWAYS A COLOR C& ~ Tonight thru Wednesday ! Oren ar 6.00 SHOW STARTS 8:36 | OPEN AT 8:00 'SEVER ARTS meses an ASSOCIATES AND ALDRICH PRODUCTION summa Bette Davis an Joan Crawford » WHAT EVER HAPPENED PLUS GREAT COMEDY! aT | * TOON! CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! | ADULT ADMISSION STILL ONLY 75¢ OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE *« * 723-4972 |