THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 27,1963 3 US. BUSINESS WEEK Procedure Derails Rail Strike Talks By JACK LEFLER NEW YORK (AP) -- Settle. ment efforts in the strike-threat- ening railway work rules dis- pute were derailed again last) | are scheduled to put into effect work rules changes which in time would eliminate the jobs of 40,000 firemen and eventual'y 65,000 workers. The unions have said they would strike the mo- mated 19,500 this week as the automakers slowly moved into output of 1964 models. The indystry looked back with satisfaction on the 1963 model year, in which more than 7,000,- 000 cars were produced, STEL HALTS SLIDE Nearing a bottom on its down. swing, steel production, : just about held its own last week. U.S, mills turned out 1,742,000 tons, only 6,000 tons under the previous week, Americans' personal income rose to a record annual rate of |$464,300,000,000 in July on gains |posted in the construction, trade pod iment the changes became effec- The railways and the five on- ive train unions agreed last week : to binding arbitration at the| MAYBE TOO LATE urging of U.S. Labor Secretary; It was doubtful that a bil Willard Wirtz, But efforts to get) could be pushed through the the abitration going crumbled|Senate before some time mext because of failue to agree onjweek. Then there would be procedure. time-consuming consideration in After meeting with manage-jthe House. ment, labor and members of| yen if a strike is averted Congress, Wirtz announced it} é was "impossible to reconcile|the protracted threat of a shut. these differences." down has hurt the railroads. An | ong service industries. The total This threw the long - stand-|/:dustry publication, Railway! $1 790,000,000 higher than in ing controversy into the lap of|/A8@, Said a ig hn gd shippers Jane and $21,000,000,000 above Congress, which has been asked|Showed many have diverted sig-|j.1y 1969, Sales of surable goods by! by President Kennedy, if alj|nificamt freight volume to high-) other measures' fail, to enact/Way, waterway and air cal-) manufacturers rose two per| cent in July, to go eight per) legislation turning the dispute "e*s- over to the U.S. Interstate Com-| The big news out of the auto-icent above July 1962. merce Commission for settle-;mobile industry what that Gen-| President Kennedy called the! ment. jeral Motors, Ford, Chrysler and|state of the economy good but An ICC decision would be|American Motors will makejindicated he would be worried binding for two years unless front seat belts standard equip-|if Congress doesn't emact the superseded by a negotiated/ment after Jan. 1. Laws requir-|income tax legislation. agreement. ing seat belts will become ef-| The price of steel - reinforc- The big question was whether fective in several states on that|ing bars was raised for the first Congress could act fast enough|date. Rear seat belts will be of-/time in two years by Inland ito head off a strike on Aug. 9./fered as optional equipment.|Steel Co. Other steel 'producers \That is the date the railways!Production of cars was esti-;were studying the move. CAPSULE NEWS CITY AND DISTRICT 12-Mile Limit _PLEADS GUILTY : Talks Started te enn street, Monday pleaded guilty to a charge of having care and OTTAWA (CP) Negotia- BAN FILM tions began here Monday with) LONDON (AP) -- The South | THE MEN FROM INTERPOL Carl T. Rowan, left, U.S. assistant commissioner; CID, ambassador to Finland, enter- Scotland Yard, and Clifford tains members of the 32nd Harrison, chief of the Royal Int 1 Congress in the Hel- f ye m eeity, See Canadian Mounted Police. : --AP Wirephote Others, from left, are: Fjalar Race Issue Dispute Ends Anglican Rally By CARL MOLLINS jstudy groups in the afternoons.; Bishop William Glyn Hughes TORONTO (CP) -- Church-| "The answer to that will be/Simon of Llandaff, Wales, pro- men representing 44,000,-/seen only after the members of/posed "deep and swift" changes Anglicans around the world|the congress have gone homejin the Anglican Church. If the emerged in an energetic mood and spread their influence," he|church failed to survive neces Friday from 11 days of 'some-|said. |Sary adaption to a modern, cos- times acrimonious talk about) The man who drew up the/™opolitan role it would simply | themselves, other churches and/program, Bishop R. S. Dean of|Prove the Anglican communion the world \Cariboo, B.C,, said: jhas outlived its usefulness, Jarva, chief of the Finnish police force; Sir Richard Jackson, president of the In- ternational Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), and VISITING THE OTTAWA FAIR the Liberals Sept. 25 provin- cial election campaign. --CP Wirephoto New Democrat | Raps Policy On Education Canada Central Exhibition in Ottawa Monday. Mr. Winter- myer in th ital to open Ontario Liberal Leader John Wintermeyer ad mires toy stuffed dogs as he tours the FORT ERIE ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1963 control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated and was sentenced to seven days in jail..He ap- r i : the United States on the Cana-| african government has banned -- "3 ee Me tuknk dian government's electionithe Peter Sellers film Heavens} yy... ; ia ' pledge to impose a 12-mile fish-|Aboye because seven scenes ing limit in coastal waters in-)show a Negro on equal terms Canadian, Robinson 118 mp's Pride, No Boy 112 enden, Turcotte (A)117 tan, Harrison 115 FIRST RACE -- Maidens, foaled injAl Canada. Purse $2100 for 2-year-old fillies, 6 furlongs. Later Mel, Fitzsimmons 119 My, Valentine, Burton 119 London Liz, No Boy 119 Ciboulette, No Boy 119 Saromar, Simpson X1i4 Italy Princess, Harrison 119 Miss Shepperton, Dittfach (A)119 Tir Pan Aliey, Robinson (A)119 Menette, Potts 119 Heliofields, Turcotte 119 Magistrate's Court Bronze Turkey, Simpson X102 pe ! IN CUSTODY A--S. Rotenberg and R. Gian entry mee" 7 istead of three miles with white men, British Lion a ica - | QUINELLA BETTING | KINGSTON (CP) -- Donald nee Films reported Monday night. | A 16-year-old transient Mon- | {C. MacDonald, New Democratic ALLARD RETURNING day was remanded in custody SEVENTH RACE -- Fury Stakes.Party leader, attacked the On-| OTTAWA (CP3:-- Maj.-Gen REBELS ACTIVE \to Aug. 30 by Magistrate F. S. [Purse $7800 added for S-year-olds, filles:itarig government's education| Jean V. Allard, 50, the first Ca-| TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) ,\Ebbs in Oshawa Court on a Balakiair, Robinson 120 policies Monday night and ac-inadian officer to command a Nin, dunisia (2 -- '\\charge of theft under $50. David Menedict, No Boy 119 spokesman for the Charles Wilkins pleaded guilty Pen Drift, Gordon 119 Hay Lily, McComb 119 Also Eligible: Lissy Missy, Walsh XX112; Bratty, Remillard 119; Bive Popper, Wick 119; Fair Clyme, No Boy 19, A--C. E. and J. D. Simmons and V. Martin Jr. entry SECOND RACE -- $2500 claiming, foa!- @d in Canada. Purse $1900 for 3 and 4 year-olds, | 1-16 miles. Fisherman's Luck, Dalton 113 The Avenue, Dittfach 118 Devon's Pet, McComb 106 Stormaway, Hale 113 Silveriam, Walsh X103 Janilyn, No Boy 106 Top Glitter, No Boy 11) Currytown, No Boy 116 [M THIRD RACE -- $2500 claiming. Purse} a__. $1800 for 3-year-olds, 6 furiongs. | Verbal Battle, Turcotte 111 Guliding Wave, Simpson Xi04 Bobby Brier, No Boy 109 Peter Wrack, Dalton 112 Gardens Win, Walsh (A)X104 Right Bower, Simpson X112 Chariey's Pak, Dittfach 109 Snow Lane, No Boy 10< Peppy's Pride, No Boy (B)I1) Quality Lad, No Boy 1) All Brief, Lanoway 115 | | Cesca, Turcotte 120 Alibhai Flower, Dirtfach (A)115 Ontario Holiday, No Boy 11! Allergo, No Boy 113 Shy Bride, Fitzsimmons (A)120 A--Hillcrest Stables Limited and Golden West Farms entry EIGHTH RACE--$4500 claiming. Purss2 200 for 3-year-clds and up, about 1 1-16 miles (turf course |Chalmoogra, McComb 118 }Aurora Fox, Walsh X113 |Saqueador, Turcotte (A}116 European Flight, Hale 115 Last Dividend, Walsh (B)X113 jFair Eclipse, Dittfach 116 |Vedas, No Boy (B)110 Whip Out, No Boy 116 Wings of Flight, Fitzsimmons (A)118 ary's Reward, Robinson 110 R. Gian and T. E. Hays entry B--Mrs. L. Lear entry POST TIME 2 P.M. CLEAR AND FAST Malaysia Ready By Mid-September cused Premier Robarts of seek-|British army division, will re-| jing a "blank cheque ratherjturn to army headquarters in jthan a mandate" in the Sept. 25/October to take up new duties lelection, |He has been commander of the "Too little and too late has/4th Division of the British Army jbeen the hallmark of the gov-jof the Rhine in West Germany ernment's record in the field Ofisince November, 1961 education," Mr. MacDonald told) ae ja nominating convention at- WHOOPERS ADD ONE jtended by about 75 persons, | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- "If this is a record upon/dian Wildlife Service's joy at jwhich they are running, they|sighting seven whooping cranes ldeserve to be defeated because/has been tempered by concern they've been running to eatch|that a recently-hatched crane up for the last 15 years with|May not be ready for the 2,500-/ the developing problems -- and|mile flight to wintering grounds! they've never quite succeeded in making it," He said the education depart- ment had been so completely biased in the past toward the academic approach to education that it was 'incapable of even grasping the need for technical and vocational training." As a result, in Texas. The recently hatched) crane and three adult pairs| were sighted on an Aug. 15 aerial survey in Wood Buffalo National, Park HEADS STUDENTS OTTAWA (CP) -- David E Jenkins, 25, a law graduate of! the University of Alberta, has |Larry Vita, head of Surfside 6 Angolan} rebel government-in-exile said] here Monday nationalist guerril-| las have intensified attacks on} Portuguese. military installa-| tions in that embattled African} colony. He said 340 Por'uguese| soldiers and 80 nationalists have) been killed in the last 15 days. SEA GAMBLE LEGAL MIAMI, Fla, (AP)--A_ gam- bling casino, to be built on partially submerged ocean reef: 30 miles south of Miami, scheduled to open Dec. | is 15.| i Floating Homes Inc., said Mon- day that the casino, known as Atlantis Isles, would be out of} federal and state jurisdiction,| ehereby permitting legalized) gambling BOYS SUFFOCATE | INDEPENDENCE, Ore. (AP)} to theft of a shirt from the Kresge's store in the Oshawa Shopping Centre Saturday. The magistrate ordered the remand until the youth's parents in Van- kleek Hill can be notified, 20 DAYS Drunk driving and leaving the scene Of an accident earned David James Walker, 31, 1424 Simcoe street south, 20 days in jai the charges Monday in Oshawa Magistrate's Court. In addition jto the jail sentence, his licence will be suspended one year, and his car will be impounded three months. IS REMANDED James Bremner, of East Whitby Township, Monday was remanded to appear in family 1 when he pleaded guilty to | The Anglican Congress, which; "A number of delayed - aC-| ERASE BIAS had hardly begun last week|tion bombs were planted here.") "Hy. said the church should abe when delegates clashed over, He declined to identify what.|qicate its place as England's church involvement in race re-;Where, how and when they willl tate religion, erase its West lations, wound up with another|explode. ern bias and an aura of middle. vocal battle on the same issue.| pRIMED DAILY jclass respectability, endorse African delegates criticized a The bomb that congress lead-|MOre flexible forms of worship draft message for its failure tojers were priming almost daily|and remove the bishop. - con- include-a strong denunciation Of|<ince it was planted last Sat-|SCious barriers to church union racial prejudice. The final ver-lyrday is a program drafted by|/N Some areas sion described such discrimina-|jeading bishops for "'mutual res-| Bishop Simor, {fn company tion as sin, called on the church pendence" in the 70-nation Ang-|with others, urged creation of a to support the defence of civilljican communion. |strong central command in the rights and expressed shame) Bishop Stephen Bayne, the|Anglican communion to co-or- that 'barriers of race shouldiformer Seattle, Wash., prelate|dinate global work. Action an- still persist in the life of the!who has been Anglicanism's|/nounced at the congress seems church," jexecutive officer since 1960 and/certain to fulfil! that proposal. j | ai ; MSEY INTERVENES ja power on and behind the} Bishop Bayne's London-based yg not Pg tye gr tt of Scene at the congress, predicted) operation is to be strengthened other resolutions tacked on|the manifesto could turn out Olby the appointment in the next failed, however, when the Arch-/P€ either 'a lead balloon" or alfew years of eight regional liai- hisho p of Canterbury, pr.|supreme reforming instrument/;on men, who will meet a' least Mishael Ramsey, strode to the|it the church. annually The heads of the 18 ; The program calls on the 18i\members churches are to start court Sept. 5 on a charge of threatening bodily harm. The when the chil- microphone and said the con- gress was not supposed to pass) Argo Bound, Walsh X110 Rea anaieier ake. Sitter, been officially installed as na-/Three boys suffocated Monday 8 : churches in the com- i "e@ eV: No_ Boy tional president of the Nationalinight in an abandoned freeze member churches in the jmeeting at least once every two att, KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters)|dren of wartime marriages be- {A)109;_ Mirenchu, No Boy Cluny Miss, No Boy 107. A--Garden City Stable entry 8--Mrs.. L. Lear entry POURTH RACE -- $2500 claiming. Purse $1900 for 3-year-olds and up, 1 1-16 miles. Dougs Chop, Turcotte 112 Harry Hotspur, No Boy 112 Swampscot. Fitzsimmons 120 Brian's Boy, Harrison 112 Dea! Me Aces, No Boy 98 Handiest, Lanoway 117 Yola 2nd, Dittfach 112 Whitville, Simpson X113 FIFTH RACE -- Port Colbourne Day, $5000 claiming, foaled i $2100 for 2-year-olds, & Wedded Bliss, No Boy | Maple Way, Turcotte 119 Aged Dust, McComb 117 Barleycorn, Harrison 117 Swinging Summer. Hale 114 Stern the Tide, Dittfach 119 Our property, McComb 122 Sweet Magic, No Boy 114 Alert Alex, No Boy 122 SixTH RACE. Order of Alhambra, $4000 'claiming.' Purse $2200 for 3-year- olds and up, 6 furlongs Chinese Bandit, Turcotte (A)1I7 Chilly Filly, Walsh X110 in Canada. Purse forione "j The Malaysian Federation of i\Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo, originally scheduled for Aug. 31, will be formed in mid-September, Mal- jayan government sources said! |Monday The sources jnouncement of the date would said formal an-) gan seeking education and the hard core of unemployed youth continued to grow, the govern- ment had to undertake a "phe- nomenal expansion" of second- ary-school technical and voca-| LONDON (CP) -- Jazz singer jtional facilities, Stephanie Wise of Toronto is go- _The meeting nominated twojing back to show business. The NDP candidates for the elec-|Daily. Express says she has tion, Lavada Pinder, 30-year-/signed a contract to appear at Federation of Canadian Univer- jsity Students, it was announced Monday BACK TO SHOW BIS |be withheld for two or. three days to give United Nations teams, in the British Borneo ter- ak and North |Borneo a chance to survey local |political opinion about the fed- jeration. Usually well-informed sources in Jesselton, North Borneo, said Monday that Britain was pre- pared to grant self govern- ment to North Borneo on Aug. s. 3 a en OSHAWA CAT CN The expression on the face of Toye-Wah-Ling, a Siamese eat owned by Mrs. R. L. Mac- Gregor of RR 2, Thickson's road, shows complete self-con- fidence as she gazes sternly' @t the spectators. Toya-Wab- a anata. WINNER Ling has good reason to be proud, having won' the prize for best Siamese cat at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. She seems to be Si 2 to herseif. "how could anyone doubt that I am the best cat bere" old social! worker whose hus-|the Establishment Club in Lon jband is studying medicine at/don's Soho district starting next |Queen's University, was named month. Miss Wise mar i the jto contes: Kingston riding while|Rar! of Listowel, former Bri ; Vincent Maloney, 43, an indus-|governor-generai of Ghana, |trial worker from suburban|1958 The two were \Glendale, will run in Frontenac-|earlier this year Addingt sascha ee Ae | WILL MAKE LOAN NEW DELHI, India (Reuters) No Permit iron' sini (a For Turkey ish in divorced Tj chest near their homes. | are Allen John Keller, 5, the json of Mrs. Joy Amouak, andj |Richard Speden, 11, and _ his} brother, Wayne, about 8, sons} of Mrs. Frank Corillo { LIVE ON 16 CENTS NEW DELHI (AP)--The av-) erage person in India lives on! three-quarters of a rupee (16 cents) a day, according to a sur- ,|vey made a year ago and given} to Parliament Monday. Gulzari/ Lal Nanda, minister of planning, labor and employment, was de- accused did not appear in Osh- awa Magistrate's Court. NO BAIL Lorne Murray, 150 Simcoe street south, Monday was re- manded by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs to Aug. 30 on a charge of theft under $50. The accused was remanded in custody with- out bai! CARE AND CONTROL William Keeler, of Sunder- land, appeared in Oshawa Mag- istrate's Court Monday charged with having care and control of resolutions Opposition by an un-} identified speaker was smoth-| ered in a burst of applause for! the primate. Dr, Ramsey later declined an} invitation to define what the! 1,000 delegates had accomp-| lished ai their open sessions each morning and in 37 closed| munion to arrange priorities for both giving and receiving help on a global) basis, rather than looking after local needs first and donating the leftovers to work elsewhere, Its immediate aim is to boost the communion's budget for mission work during the next five years by $15,000,- 000 to $65,000,000. Other possible time - bombs might involve attacks by cong- fe speakers on the old time jreligion and against the tradi-| tions, organization and | even) some basic dogma of the Ang-| Returns After 2 Searches Fy jyears. | With such efforts afoot to tighten up the organization of the Anglican church, talk about inter - denominational unity re- ceded Bishop Bayne, reputed author of the statement that "the vo- cation of the Anglican Church is to disappear" in church union, publicly pledged -- halfway through the congress never to use the expression again. Said the Archbishop of Can. terbury on the final day: 'The Anglican Church is not disap- pearing and neither am I." nying a Socialist charge that 60 per cent of India's 462,000,000 people live on 0.19 rupees (four cents) daily a motor vehicle while intoxi- cated. He was remanded to |Sept. 12 when he will appear in | Port Perry Court. Production of natural gas in Ne caae Canada totalled 936.6 billion) The Oshawa Fire Department cubic feet in 1962--nearly three| Sane > two fire alarms times the production of Monday, both on Harmony road five] years earlier. BOOSTED GAS jOne call was to grass fire near | Halliday Manor and the other to} ;a combine machine fire. There} Importing jsigned here Monday. The loan,| jto be repaid over a 25-year pe OTTAWA (CP) -- Import a! jmits no longer are required for! SRS CRUSADER jwere two routine ambulance calls. jriod, will be used over the next |few months to buy a wide range jof British goods the importation of turkeys into Canada, the trade department; Now that September is draw-| lannounced Monday. ing closer we're really doubling Turkeys were removed from|¥P on our efforts. Each year we! CHILD INJURED Oshawa police were notified late Monday that three-year-old Kerrie Cziranka, 660 Taylor av.) Residential School on James Bay. Sounds like a reai adven- ture and we wish her luck. Of PETERBOROUGH (CP) --!SHAKES DELEGATES Dayid Thomas, 16, pita ade Canon Max Warren, head of returned home Monday follow-\the English Church Missionary ing two weckend searches for| Society, shook delegates in their him by «police in the Peterbor-| first working session by steer- ough area, ing near modern theological Saturday, police followed A@jideas about the nature of God trail of blood from an over-!that some churchmen denounce turned motorcycle 18 feet to the a; heretical and others, includ- Otanabee River where they ing Archbishop Ramsey, di Started dragging operations miss as 'confused.' : | Sunday, a constable found) The church and Christians| Thomas sleeping peacefully on|have no monopoly on God, he| the banks of the river, south of said, because the Creator is in| the spot where police hada} human experience -- includ-| searched. : jing, for example, the work of| Hours later, police were! atheists Karl Marx and Sig-| searching for Thomas again| mund Freud. | when he walked out of a hos-/------___ NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Real Estete Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W. the import control list under the, spend the summer preparing course it will be a little incon- export and import permits act/for these annua! fall events and)venient for visiting -- the ony effective Aug. 21. las usual the end of August has/way in is by train or plane, or | The restrictions were imposed|found us in a muddle. If any-\dog sled. We know she's look jin mid-1957, and since then thejone has watched our weekly ef-|ing forward to this new exper- enue, was struck by a car injp'tal after a visit by an uniden- front of her home earlier in thejtified friend. They were sti!! evening. jsearching Monday. He had been The little girl was treated for|adm tted with facial and possi-/ a bumped head at the Oshawaible back injuries. i jCanadian turkey industry has/forts at Lakeview Park and atjience as she always has and jsubstantially increased produc-|the harbor he would think we jtion and improved its market-|were trying to wear out the jing techniques, the department/grass with our constant tramp-| |Said. jing in circles. Our precision The annual import quota for|drill is done without commands turkeys has been 4,000,000|/so as a result we need lots o pounds in recent years, but last|practice. Two of the Sea Cad year imports dropped to about/Officers have been kind enough 2,500,000 pounds jto help us out and we hope with) Hite wma |their tutorship we'll be able to The United States state de-| polish up a bit. Can't have Mate partment welcomed the Cana-|Nesbitt returning from h dian. government's decision to/holidays and finding we haver op gg oom restrictions On}been holding the fort proper An official said the U.S. has|_ Tt!S weekend we're at camp been trying for years to get this|@8ain. Unfortunately the Exhi- curb removed, charging that it/bition was a little too much was a breach of Canada's obli-|competition so our numbers are gations under the Genera | 4 F Agreement on Tariffs and|ie¥ to face the wilderness of Trade Newtonville. But we shall per-! isevere. DISMISS CHARGE Bey 'Cranston, our crew mem A charge of auto theft against|/bet from Manitoulin Island has Walter Quider, of Dunnville,/decided (refretfuily I'm sure) to was' dismissed Monday in Osh-/!eave Rangering for a year's awa Magistrate's Court when|Missionary work at an Indian} the accused agreed to pay dam-' gura~aepe . ---- ages to a car owned by Lloyd Hinze, 31 Buckingham avenue. | The court learned that Hinze loaned his car to a friend Aug 23. Quider then took the car and .was involved in an acci- dentin which the car was dam- aged to the extent of $50. FOR PREFERRED ATTENTION PAUL ISTOW EALTOR 728-9474 General Hospital. She was re- moved from the scene of the accident by her father, Alex Cziranka. Police said driver of the car was George Gauld, 19, Fev No. 2, Receme School, King- ston. will try her best. Like a true Ranger she'll be into every thing. Maybe come back heap big warrior, All joking asid though, we do wish her the very best of luck and hope she has a grand time. I do hope Mrs. Duquette sur $909 DAMAGE vived our little visit of last]! Damage resulting from a car- week. But that's what you zetibus collision Monday afternoon for inviting the Rangers over.|totalled $90 according to Osh- She does bake nice cakesjawa police. The vehicles col- though. But I suppose after hav-jlided. at Tresane and Cubert ing three Rangers in the family |Streets. Driver of the Oshawa she's gotten a little used to us,| Public Ulilities Commission bus We certainly enjoyed ourselves|Was James Joseph Shortall, 23, and Gloria provided very plea-|815 Arthur street. Driver of the sant rlainment with her|Car was Charles McLennon, 72, piano solos.even if we did have/378 Park road south. to twist her arm to do it. (emcee And with that I'm off again, back to scaring the snakes HOPALONG | nt nte ente DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 "KINDNESS % REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 | 12 Police said his motorcycle had struck a railway spur line and crashed. | Fender EATH A: TRUE-TRIMBEEF (5 12 King E--723-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only ! SLICED BREAKFAST uv. 59 BACON CUT-UP CHICKEN! Legs and Breasts 2 Ibs. 85- 19 SLICED 5 Lbs. § WRECH KILLS 8 LYON, France (AP) -- Eight) persons were killed and 16 in-) jured, three critically, when two suburban passenger trains col- lided Monday in a tunnel near ere, DID YOU KNOW? That Our Services Includes: Corpet Soles and Service Rugs and Furniture Cleaning Carpet Loa Fringing - Dying Mothproofing - ; ss $ ying Binding - Serging and 4} Siziny r Cerpet Cleaning or Office our Re-Uphoiste FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 728-4681 -2-3 NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. 174 MARY Sf. -- OSHAWA PORK LIVER t». MEATY PORK HOCKS