Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Aug 1963, p. 12

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FZ THE CIMAWA TIMGS, Tuseday, Auguer x7,.1702 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants |Building Trades \Musical Services 2--Personal ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account-| ant, 323 King Stree' West, Oshawa, Tele) phone 723-122; | Excavoting -- YALE, FRIEDLANDER and CO.) Sand, Gravel, F Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus| fees in Bankruptcy 64 King Street East. 728-7371, j And Top Soil Dump Truck Reosonoble Rot ACKERMAN Loading j if es | PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ! lturing and repair instruments appralised.|New Brunswick iJ. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, | Optometrist |c |pay accounts at Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond y oan, jointed janmiac Street West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. posi hole digging and fenci able rates. Telephone 725-1 172) Auto Parts _|OARLINGTON Garden sod, manure and evergreens, s, also ng MERVICE CENTRE | Loin re Greve Repairs to All Makes a ena angat LICENSED MECHANICS | . Loaders, 'Pucke far hive i7 pm | TRANSPORTATION for two to Toronto, @, TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Ple. downtown Domin dally vicinity Eaton's of Canads, aoe Phone 668;2779. jon 'DODD and SOUTER HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char) 2 \Bank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 725-4597 tered Accountants, "i "te. Street BOWMANVILLE: iP | Marie Murduff: will 'be in East, Oshawa. Ontario, 725-3509. | Painting and Decorating | Oshowa, September 3 and MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, ard rte wuw BALL tales for ener fangima| 4th. Phone. Genosho Hotel Co,, - Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, Cortoge _ RESO eeo a uuuue/Ond painting. Free daiitaotes. Call hd on these dates for appoint- ¥2> Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ajax BARGAIN 'moving, rubbish removed 7297. ment ELECTROLYSIS CAR feavi ng August 20 for Fredericton, Desire two passengers. Telephone 726-0341 between 7 a.m. and Tele Removal of superfluous hair, PAINTING AND DECORATING | CONTRACTORS 723-464) Painting, Paperhanging. Gyptex, Full Wall Murals |S----Pets & Livestock Spray Pointing |SOxmR, purebred, with pedigree, fe- i e 4 0 months old, Has had all needies, Tor SL et eared NIGHTS 725-7426 ise horses for sale, pinto mare, 4 Wh 20890, Whitby MO &4131. Cali after 6 p.m 655-4670, \-- WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac| 5 Mate AND | countants, 114 King Street Bast, OshOW8ilOcnawe, Whitby. Reasonable (CARTAGE | Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond), pped and insured, 728-3661 Burrows, CA. 728-7554, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered, Dressmoking j Actountant, Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping |----------- " inicciininttimcessnets| Centre, 725-9983 | ORESSMAKING alterations, pant cutt| HAROLD &. DEWAR, Accredited Pub-|0% 0xPerienced, reasonable rates. Mrs.) 'ic Accountant, Commercial Buliging, Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476 286 King Street West, Oshawa, 728-22 BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Servi ce. Gardening c and Supplies Personal Service """| MODERN GRILL | Service, ap ne and garden mainter-| SAVE AT WESTERN [== 08 Sonic Bor B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Mode Pies and Desserts WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 bay gelding, three - van stallion, 99" train na 4 En win Street East year - old) Telephone Bow-| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for teiking = strain. Apply Mrs TE 'RANAD, IGS OF LEATHER WERE "FASHIONABLE, AMIDE FOR DARFUR. GIRLS INTHE FORMER EGYPTIAN SUDAN. "eg 4Wi$ HEW SPECIES oF LASIOGHATHUS ARE. On TKIL OUTER EDGE OF THE LIPS. * act iaoin 14 1) hty 4 KE WATER FOWL, FAMILY Ait trumPafinr SWAK, 16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 22--Oftices, Stores, Storage By R J. SCON Hh to be trained as stock clerk. Apply 'Ox's. 7 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, FUEL ons abd wanted, full or time, for Whitby. Alex, Oshawa, mA Monunin's nein BAM LEFIELD NEAR orders. area. Cer Bow |W necessary. Apply proce 4% i, ao rent or sele, on Wilson Road blocks from King. All relay 4 bulidinge 3? x 62, with Lerge WAITRESS WANTED, experience not! jack Perry Harry ©. Perry Ltd, 25|three apartments now rented, necessary. Apply 580 Ritson Road South. |Bigor Street West Oshawa. parking lot, 725-7938. WOMAN fo come dally and care forl$AL@s$ COMPANY requires young man, FOR RENT three children while mother works. bed with @ car to train as company Cedar Street. Telephone 728-6967, fon Cel [oe ay ¥ forte Medico! or Dental office. HOUSEWIVES, parttime, earn $300. fe ee | Siccramaaie! i $400, extra for Christmes im Approximately 700 ~ ance, pleasing volce. Apply Mr. son 726-1352, WOMAN to look after three child two schoolage, and care for home. Park CLASS A mechanic required. Capable of wholesale benefits. , For partieulers, iF feet. Close to downtown area, 4 you have sold, vacuums, brushes, sid- write Box 103, Oshawi Times, ___ling, books; This is the Golden Opportun-| Parking avulable, Electrie REQUIRED immediately, middieaged|ity you have been waiting for, Excel- he 'Ane it lady to care for !wo school-age chil-lient training program. Top commis ated. Fc. information ¢a' dren, one pre-school. Light household/sions. Qualifications are neat appear: 725-5132 duties, After i fi.m., 728-3439, Jack- SUITE Road ar fter 7 evenings, 725-9641, faking ch: . Write B 106, Oshaw WAITRESS experienced. Steady days. Times, eee = ey OF MODERN Apply Si Soutnend Restaurant, 5 Bloor Bast.| jaan JERIAL positions to those who AIR-CONDITIONED NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. anti more|qualify. $500 monthly salary plus com-| QEEICES AVAILABLE Y. calalogue helps you to get plenty of Send no money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free 16, catalogue. Monarch Card Co., 217 Cannon, Hamilton, Dept. lly be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toy, to mission. Two energetic mi to service Watkins localit Apply 24 friends and neighbors. No experience|Colbourne Street East. After 6 necess. Our exciting, _full-colored age 25-45, Approximately 1000; sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR BOAT BUILDER OR CABINET MAKER RELIABLE giri or woman to mind two children while mother works, Also house- 3 Busi DACHSHUND puppies, purebred, Rea- isonable prices manville 623-3430 |GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, six months tunity for right party, 263 oid. , Telephor 723-1 | POINTER --- German, short hair, "regis- | years oid, good on pheasants, He 623-5478 am | $125 Bowmany gee North. 723-3446. JAMES A, MacDONALD, BA, LLB,) F ayo r r tact Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-| | SUMMER collages for sale. Lake Scu- fe. The Commercial Bullding, 286 ca PATRICIA "TUCK | GUNSMITH log.' Winterized'* lakefront cottage, two MAKE OFFER WANTED -- oir' for light housework du West, Oshawa Ontario. Client. parking | -- } 18 BOND ST. W stor, stove, heater,| les while mother works, three schoolage| 'vailable. 72-4716 of 725-4717. 74 BURK ST v > Large Jot. $6500.) 'Ailes CNN: DIN 6Sh78 BOODT AND DONALD, Barristers and| OSHAW, 725-4587 Guns bought, sold traded lafter 5 TBM, : vised : PRACTICAL nurse, permanent position.| Solicitors, etc. @ King Street East. | Ammo, reloading equipment, | HOUSEKEEPING €otiages, Kennisis| 524 Simcoe St. South Apply Box 107 Oshawa Times | Teiephone 723-2201. |Mortgages i components ake, Aug. 17 on to Thanksgiving week. __ ere or woman, to live in. General 4 } After ho Whitb jena for fishing and autumn color. Mrs,|------------------ ---- d duties. No cooking required.) Srora, eter Wie King Street Mest, ell FIRST AND SECOND mortgegm tele] !T@" Pours \Vhitby 668-2497 |Chsrnden, 'Bon 420, Haliburton, Ort Dial 728-2503 ry 7259278, Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, |eieements purchased spi 728-9731 Vitesiadt 4 Oe CENTRAL {narra WANTED -- Also short) ~~ oc. Bie Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL.|§ tie Ee res 1 ; |COTTAGES and lots on the Black order cook and part-time dish washers. | 778-8832. aehdrardntt River 10 miles north of Uxbridge. Ix ly Mr mpbell, Genosh tel } fa cenepation tie urveyors ' m x ge. pply Campbell, Genosha Ho' EHETONTON, ORYIAN AND [PRIVATE on fore ani is, antes fo Toan Wo Fim AWD TROLLOPET On Celephone Black River Securities, UL 568 SQ FT | MORDOGM, Barriers olor, Noltny*" greats," ats) LUat Nand GANS uf EaNE teat er | ent coe' tor appointment - FI. (CLERK REQUIRED | r ic, } ry ) M D hy 2 . . three-bedroom A- 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Sieg ings td Seo ing wrens vegies ph Sob Misano ns _jfrarne style cottage August 25 on. week- |FOR SHOE STORE | Ontario, 773-3446) Residences: T. K PI ova AROS .|DONEVAN ANO FLEISCHMANN, ends, mid-week, weekly, Conveniences. OFFICE SPACE i Creighton, QC; @. M, Drynen, QC FUN to read "Personals" in theitario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue! 723-4435 : Experience not necesso 720-8554; G, |.. Murdoch, 723-4788. Mor? on. Don't! prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-8632 STR WNT errs = gents Gages and agreements of sale bough! miss the messages you'll find there! STURGEON LAKE, north shore, 3 miles : | Good starting salary, Apply sed bald daily. ITV * ; west of Bobcaygeon, 150', lake a¢| On seco-¢ floor in three ad | In person SEPH FMANGAN," OC. Barrier | . | --Radio Repairs with perfect sate, natural d | : i Sclicltor. Money "to loan, Otfice 145] Need A |WHITBY TV. Aeris ana tower service. neoc" nicoly shaded by maty a, reen| joining crevs. Will rent os | Tammy Fashion Shoes | Dia! 668-8944. er t , lot rivate i a King Street Gast, Oshawa. 728-6732 fe ie oad r-round, hydro at F 79 Simcoe North Pre ea | Been ood EO Aad unit or separately. To inspect ------------ - | 'McGIBBON end BASTEDO, Barristers, Mortgage Loan |QUARANTEED repairs to ail makes|'0 lf desired. Newall ' ' RESPONSIBLE | Solicitors. Cilents' funds available for PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST 2 er eu agg ompson Elec. ry Realtors, Minden and i Airsi_mortgeges 2 Simcoe Street North] iN! 14¢ and 2nd MORTGAGES | tronics, Eillott. 723-9792, Fred, 82532 PHONE 723-4523 | 728-7336, Charles . MeoGibbon, Qc; st.ang 2n 45 | gem agRRHIO Rye RD: | TURGEON LAKE | | Eiger ¥. saviess, OC: iin Gi | OL URG nirvana 4 SALESLADY em oO : Z, T SAUMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- te sah ae tihng uae | tor, etc., 13}: Simcoe Street North} Tortgages pu ; od Lo er eer. watertnnr. 4 T ord department Office 723-110: Residence 725-5542. rates, your mortgage prob- | For Oshawa and | cottage with boots, winter- {18 ON Tasete: Peper neat OF fis lems glad'y discussed. No | é ee , ae 14--Employment_ Wanted | retail store. Experience es- A Bookkeepin it Surrounding Districts zed, fully equipped, good + } i ookkeeping fees. No waiting. Immediate epee oP : : page é COMPTOMETER operator requires sential in all phases of re- DOKKEEPING Services, income Tex| service for quick results, | Guaranteed Satisfaction ond. duck huntnig. work to do at home, also will do typing eed tail sal Solary 'eturns Statement prepared. BC Ser. (CALL AON Ie 123: 3291) "t | Please reply stating full particulars to, COrding reta soles ary | vices, 708 Newman Crescent, 668:8252. | or 725-25 Paul Cieslar, Prop | jfox 46, Oshawa Times, , | will depend upon experience. | | See, --~--| | Telephone 723-7852 WILL GIVE experienced re to baby) pool, to | Building Trades 511 Dean Ave. 725- 0500 | ifr sid loa lor children in my home by. day or week,| €PIY Webi ah aSrsini hte celeron large fenced back yard Telephone " 723 SULLDOZING and excavating. Free MORTGAGE ns estimates. Cali Taylor pa 2% Hil- eres! Drive, Whitby 668-5612, LOANS ROOFING -- aii types cal repairs. Gharenteed. Call Walter - Walibriage, Moneys for first mortgages pando Interest ot 7% CHIMNEYS bulit sidewalks and stoops, Open Mortgages msc brickwork F. McCann, Brookiin No bon 655-306) No (8 wus a ; oc r val 0 ROOFING, sningies; root Grae tor vahiG and gable jouvers installec. Siding, carpentry alter- ans. Workmanship, materials guaran- teea. H, Tucker 728-0826, pur ROOFING, corcrele floors flat roofing] Fast service Ovi speciaity. New work end repairs M. F. SWART Lorge and smei jobs. L. end H. Roofing 'rd Construction, 725-6937. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY 262 King St. E cleaner, Mortg gages and Agreements Moneys for second mortgages ra ast Oshawa, Ontario eas nvviled furneces vecuureed." re 723-4697 estimates, 723-2997 SOUT, per caus cu gece a aman Cineye troplecn' tdorele, 'sens| MORTGAGE MONEY 2 ctl atos OR atocets | AVAILABLE PLASTERING Low Interest New ond repairs, stucco, cement work, parging. base- ments. Remodelling. Work- | Residential manship guaranteed. Free | ~ gatinintck City and Dist A. WOODS 728-3420 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Maccbiie Summer Pr ope Valuations Arranged rict rties Vacant Land ation Roofing, eavestroughing | Mortooge Gr Assoc inting, beard fh ting. General aa | SU MM Ek RLAND inds. No job too big or Franny ceneeemse: | SECURITIES "Call us anytime j | IMITE D "P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne FE. | 112 Sin « é Telephone 728-2061) | Oshawa, Ont Classified Ad Rates _ 25 WORDS OR nad * 5-3568 Better described offers get fa 6 consecutive days: .......esecass 3 consecutive doys...... Cie ee eas ere ~ Count eoch word, Initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. Ok ON es ie aa ce be 15¢ !f not paid within 7. days, charge rate lies Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 8.50 . Ecch additional line per month 1.60 (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements.) DEROLINES Word ods. 5 p.m ay £ ous Classified Display 2: 30. p.m.. day ous Births, memoriams, cards of thonks -- 9 a.m. day of publi Lost and Found = .....2.i4.5.... 8:30. a.m. day of publication. Cancellations end Corrections----8:30. a.m: doy of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshawe Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise. ments submitted otherwise than in ng, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement price charge for a single insertion of the ad error occurs. mor beyor rtisemen? in which tne The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classity advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times wil! held responsible for more space than thot error occupies. The publishers endeavour. to reproduce si tising matter correctly, but assume no fia y of adv it ony Ineccurocies In ony form ere contained there! in, h the not be actual adver- isement ART'S GUN REPAIR For Sale or Rent | if | | Wayne Appliances | ¥ | it i bs) HAWA ELECTRONICS Guoranteed Parts and Service TV REPAIRS DAY OR EVENINGS 728-5286 TELEVISION SERVICE All Makes. Sets Repaired in your home. __Telephone 723 "lati. TV TOWERS A} Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA Een a TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED | OSHAWA TV . it as For. Rent "145 King West--~728-1607 | | |Plumbin and Heatin "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" BEATTY HAULAGE | s * 9 5-----Farmer's Column AL "TYPES Of repairs and remodeling : 725-21 56 |new and used materials. Reasomable| FARMERS, need tires? Call "BIII", your Barristers lrates Estimates free. Dial 723-1193,; Dominion Tire representative, 725651) or BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, \Instruction J, Foley evenings atter 6 7263 a Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage |ALL PLUMBING and "Heating suppiies,| CASH on r Highest prices paid} funds available, 4d King Street East,|PIED PIPER Nursery School, corner|Teiephone 72 far H. Stark,|ON dead and ppled farm stock, Tele 774-1107. Res. 9% Fe ait oe offer ng pre-school!! td, Plumbing, heating ane Engineer-/pnone collect Hampton 263-2721, Marg: Tous §, ST e Barrister, Soii-|age TRevitration for fail terra," Pe, imi ae Sinece Siraet South ch I AeA Beh he heal ob co OE citor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King) formation telephone 725-7529 BALED straw, 20 cents @ bale, Phone Street East, 7234943. Mortgage monies -|Rug- Upholstery Service 728-801 ' LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA win sal | ave. able 9chool, Ballet, Tap, A st r 5 SHESTERFIELOS re uphoiste red. and 7 Trail RALPH JONES, BA and. THOMAS WH.) pre. schoot ne restyled, Free estimates. See our mate-|/ m=! raters GREER, Associate Barristers and Solici-| saturcs 7, Masonic|flal for recovering Dalton Uphoistering, snliitclainntnie tors, 130 King Street East, 728 sete *S0nIC ae Charves Street. 723-7212. REDUCED TRAILER raies, Tep-a-Long| '1 i Fal A Bbw Fel a Morigage loens avaliable, LEARN TO DRIVE HAVE YOUR chesterfield sults Tactory | 2c Miller's, Ajax. Dial 942-3491,| 'MANNING F SWARTZ and RONALD L.| -C ! lrebultt. Low prices Telephone 728-3781 RENT_A- TRAILER SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. aie es Evenings, 728-2429. Kennedy Upholsterin RET Maney to loan, Henry Block, 262 King Oshawa Driving School [Fyenings edy ering op hg AE aga a ne DAY or EVENING CHESTERFIELDS rebuli?, recovered) Hitches supplied } tke new, Why pay more? Our s arel Moving boot and cabin HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN| Lote Models ndards reasonable. Setisfaction guaranteed Mat-| ving boot and cabi Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street | Automatics Dual Controled, |fresses rebu'lt. Oshawa Upholstery Co.,| trailers, East, Oshawa. R. B. Humphreys, 8 tee fatten 10 Bond West, Dial 7250371 mie é @. 5. Boychyn, QC) W. A. Hillman, LLB. OSHAWA AND WHITBY amesTERR anaes | MONTY'S BA SERVICE Othice: 725-1177 Residence: 728-4326. " i , $ ELDS and oid chairs re if : Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604, NHA and other! CALL. 728-0091 covered epee Get the best for less at AT GIBB 'Mortgage funds | avoliable. oe 2m PIANO ca Art i bbgein 1c mecoe South 725.913) JOSEPH C. VICTOR, BA, LLB, Bar! r, Solicitor and Ni ii m ' 3 2 . fiater, Solicitor and Notary Public. 5 Sim) C) ASSICAL and POPULAR (Sales and Service 9 semen Properties ee Help Wanted Telephone after 5, Bow- ' MODERN wel! equipped beauty salon) vith annex barber shop. Excellent oppor- For Information, | telephone 7% 4159, HOTEL SITE in Montego Bay, Jamaica,| Including private beach, preliminary drawings for apartment hotel and bro chure on financial possibilities. Property worth $200,000, but other comitments force sale at $170,000 requiring $50,000 down, Write for brochure and aerial photo- graph. John M, Leckie, 451 Manse Road, West Hill, Ont ~~ BROOKLIN HOTEL | BROOKLIN, ONT FOR SALE OR RENT APPLY M. COLLIS | 78 King St. West, 725-0332 AFTER 6 P.M. 723-9210 Excellent tax benefits available,| EXPERIENCED girls wanted for talior \shop to sew by hand and machine. Must speak English. Steady work ali year laround. Apply In person.. Harry Sheriff, Street, over the Rose urant upstairs GIRLS required for fine assembly ul soldering ai wiring experience on elec- | tronic components preferred. Stark Elec | tronic Instruments Lid, Alax. For ap) piintment telephone 942-2120. |EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply 'in per-| son, Terrace Restaurant, 120.Brock Street North, Whitby CASHIER REQUIRED BY LIFE INSURANCE CO. To take charge of small local office, Age 25 to 35, Experience in cash and office routine necessary 5 DAY WEEK 8:30 to 5 p.m. GROUP HEALTH AND PENSION PLAN Write Mr. W. J. Atherton BOX 44 OSHAWA TIMES Experienced, with own tools. Apply Repay ty [sy i wile ak ah "Ot phone 725-798 roo oe. ZO CHARLES St. WHITBY 668-8511 YOUNG MAN required to fill full position in prominent MEN'S WEAR STORE No experience necessary. Write stating oge ond edu cation to Box 4, Oshawa Times '18--Mole or Female Help Wanted |DON' keep furniture you're not usi sing. |Turn tt into cash fast with an inexpe sive Oshawa Times Classified Ad, Just dia} 723-3492 now for an experienced Ad Winter time STENOGRAPHER, accurate of figures for downtown Oshawa off'ce, Previous| experience in genera! insurance business MIDOLE-AGED woman or girl to do jlight housework. and look after three- lyear-old, live in, weekends off. Telephone |Alax WH 2-2757 before 2 p.m |LADY, middie-aged, with car to assist) -- and -work in Oshawa) jwith cosmetics ~\office - salon, Write Box 102, Oshawa} |Times._ HOUSEKEEPER, "good "COOK, preferably FOR SALE ONE CHAIR BARBER | BUSINESS VERY GOOD FACTORY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT AIR-CONDITIONED SHOP age 50 to , light duties while mother works, five ir, liberal time off. Write Box 39 Oshawa Times. WANTED AT ONCE sales clerk for eve- hings, 6 to 10 p.m., clothing and chil- dren's wear department. Experienced pre- |AVON CALLING! Women who want to Ih successful and earn good money inj) their spare time. Money back ge eshin| makes Avon cosmetics very much mand and easy to sell, For interview. | write PO Box 512, Oshawa, 9694. |CHATRS, "tard and banquet. Tables, les, chureh| WILL ¢ Give dey, evening "and weaker ie runners th Fox rentals, 412 Simcoe |" Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls | Coffee Urns } Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 WHEEL CHAIRS Repairs, Sales, Rentals, Also Hospital beds, walkers, bed- | .side commodes crutches, | canes, slenderizing machines and roll-owoy beds 725-1644 RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT folding chairs, hand plones, nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking | guns, tape recorders, TV sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell --| shampooer, porta' cooler, } aahamniaitiers, air condition- | er, flight bags, megaphone j speaker, strapping moc hine, | baby carriages, C.C.M. "'ex~ | ercisers, sewing machines. } Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart. | CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 ;. mm, slide camera; movie | projector slide projector, | movie camera, screen, sun- gun, binoculors, GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- c - tric hedge clippers, post hole Cd D " SUPPLY? LIMITED | @ugers, lawn mowers, lawn ; follers, garden sprayer, seed- 728-81 80: | ers, lown sweeper, - fence | Stretcher, post drive, tree W lb Di { pruners, scythes, iawn area- e r ing-- igging | tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, |BILL LEMON, well digging, cleancuts,, flame gun deepening, compresser work Phone CAMPING EQUIPMENT | 728-0911 7 ' |WILLIAM KROONTIJE, well digging,| jc. Posen jcompressor work, clean-out and deepen-| / i jing 468 Park Road South, 728-3864 pee lanterns, WELL DIGGING by machine, 1d pasicnah eed edhe adaatal ling in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 C | 2 jackets, out nut Street West, PO Box 32%, Whitby, | | 68-2563 or 668-3809 cation.) ]--Women's Column STAN S| pening and Rentals Ltd, PERMANENTS on special. Page Halr-| 223 King St. W., Osh [ress oe ee eee «Phone 723:3224 |2--Personal 12--Articles. Wanted 1F "YOU have a drinking probiem, write! PLANO Nanted good used upright | Box 333, wh thy, or call 668 34. ak mode Will pay cash Tele ephone 728- 2695 ~ LEN PULLAN SHAW ENGLISH TAILOR AUTO WRECKING CO. Specialist in: garment altero- : ' for Wrecking tions, etc.. Invisible mending, ¥ at Lis scrap iron | dress alteration ! t ught, 10 PRINCE ST li day. Phone 728-5311 | 725-231 139 BLOOR E.| care to infants 'en. Vicinity | south end Teilonone 1 4569, | WORKING MOTHERS! qualified da care available at Peter Pan Day tide ery, 58) Simcoe North. Call 7a. 2604, MAN. with chautfeur's licence end car,| experienced in avlo mechanics, desires| position. 728-2592 or 728-6992. 16--Female Help Wanted -- | EXPERIENCED SHORTHAND _ | TYPIST required by manufacturing company BOX 109 OSHAWA TIMES ~COSMETICIAN - Saleslady required to run | cosmetics department. Ex- | perience with franchise - | - preferred. Apply Box 4%, Oshawa Times APPLY appearance, li arsportat _ | Jeekson, ferred. Apply Box 47, Oshawa Times. oon 17------Male Help Wanted now for permanent Phone supplied, CARPENTERS Required for Oshawa Whitby 668-8751 Coll after 6 p.m Pickering WH 2-240) Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- pliconts. Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work. Fuller Brush Co, Ltd. Apply: Tilden Office; 14 Albert St.; Oshawa, Fridoy, 104 am . to 9 p.m. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MAN TO LEARN [Room AND BOARD, in modern deco Gentlemen. Good meals, RETAIL SHOE BUSINESS With good possibilities of ad- vancement, Reply in cwn handwriting, enclosing refer- ences, stating age, education, experience to BOX 43 OSHAWA TIMES Boys, Boys, Boys 12 years and up. Salary plus commission, full time now, Part time af ter school starts. Should earn $20 to $25 weekly. Apply Room 34 Alger Building King East 3 to 4 p.m. only position! | Men between 18 and 25 years. Excellent) jireini ing program Qualifications are neat) eble io speak with public Mr. j make-up and conditioning preparations prefer- red. Salary will depend upon experience. Write BOX 108 OSHAWA TIMES located in Ajax" Applicants must be exper- lenced dictophone and short- hand typist. Please phone Ajax 942-2120 for appointment. | DREW CHEMICAL LIMITED EXPERIENCED | TYPIST | With Switchboard ond Gen | eral Office Experience Required immediately Excellent Salery and Company Benefits. Telephone Mr. Robinson Ajax 942-0150 CLERK GENERAL OFFICE WORK | 'WAITRESSES Must Be Experienced FULL ond PART TIME For appointment Dial Bowmanville 623-3373 FLYING [ DUTCHMAN MOTOR HO HOTEL TOYS- FUN-$$$ WE ARE LOOKING FOR LADIES WHO WANT TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY BY WORKING EVENINGS SEPT., OCT., NOV. We will train you as a demonstrator, To sell a ae line of toys. Commission, Cor. essential. No investment, de- liveries or collection, CALL. NOW 668-5253 Folowing up orders, check- ing poyroll, etc | Must be oble to toke dicta- tion ond onswer correspon- | dence, Must have experience. Excellent salary could be of fered to person 'with the right qualifications Apply by letter Stating experience. --. References and expected salary. CURVPLY WOOD PRODUCTS ORONO, ONT. \ invoices, | j '17--Male Help Wanted | YOUNG MAN for TIRE TECHNICAL DEPT, Minimum of Junior Matricula- tion necesary with on aptl- ' tude for laboratory work, Good oportunity for advance- ment, Complete programe of company paid medical, hos- pital ond insurance benefits. Apply personnel: office DUNLOP CANADA LTD. Whitby 668-3361 COMPOSING ROOM APPRENTICE WANTED Position open for Bright Boy. Must have good ed- ucation, to learn typeset- ting and composing room work. Knowledge of type- writing essential. Apply at switch-board for appli- cations, No phone calls please. OSHAWA TIMES HELP WANTED MEN. By an. all Canadian Company MEN . experience required but:c . who are interested in uld be course. Guaranteed weekly draw ance, Transportation available if y ove a selling coreer. No previous helpful. We give full training plus bonus:and group insur- Ou have no car you ore not satisfied with your present work and want to go ahead in a new field and earn'a better than average income, call in person fo 299 Simcoe S Our mar Age no barrier if you are sincere ager an interview at treet Sout will be interviewing ali of next.week starting today. and can qualify, | WANTED TAX! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 Ask for MR. T, L, WILSON: TELEPHONE 123-3474 23--Wanted To Rent | FAMILY of five want two or three bed room apartment or house by 1, Walking distance to downtown, THREE: or four-room self-contained fure nished apartment or flat for and October: Enquiries 668-2374, SMALL HOUSE (fwo bedrooms), wanted by business couple. Possession October 1, Telephone 723-4574, |24- - ~Houses For Rent |NESTLETON - -- M-acre farm, 2 ecres workable, seven-room insul-brick house, (ots barn, $68. monthly. Blackstock 986-4349 SEVENTEEN ACH ACRES of of level lana. e for market gardening the heart Oshawa with lovely py room Mirch $110, monthly, Ask for Mr. Arthur Weln berger. Phone 723-7244. Joseph Bosco Realtor, -- | AJAK = Three-bedroom bungalow, furre lished recreation room. Immediate poe jsession, Telephone 9 to 6 Monday fe \Friday, Alax 942-5691. \25-- Apartments leosy three-room 6 'apariment, |furnished including jeerdineed heat end jwater provided. Working keeietd preterr- ed. Private entrance. Immediate posses |slon, 728-9017. J ARTHUR Street, 295 two spacious rooms, | | | NEW | RESTAURANT | OPENING IN WHITBY | REQUIRES DISHWASHER and WAITRESSES Part or Full-time. THE COACH HOUSE RESTAURANT 939 DUNDAS WEST | Call For Appointment Whitby 668-4592 completely furnished, semi-private en- trance, Sult couple or two willing te share, Available August 15, $63 monthly Including utilities. Telephone 728-2753. ROYAL Street, 82, three-room epartment, wired for heavy duty stove, bulit in cup boards and sink. Heat, lights and water suppiled. $50 monfhly. THREE-ROOM apartment, tlie end hard wood floors. Continuous hot water, ree rent, Telephone 725-7877. RING -- twobedroom aperioatty with refrigerator and stove. Telephone 942-5124, THREE-ROOM furnished 8; convenient, Near South G Malage Road. | THREE-ROOM third floor, trance, heat, hot water supplied. o ous tment, . Apply 20--Room and Board hydro. .723-4495, UPPER apartment, three rooms, om heated, ceniral. Telephone 726-2653, ROOM and board, five-da packed, parking, near th 55 Park 80ad outh. home. | parking facilities. DOWNTOWN erea, room and board share, preferably 723-1795, Dial 725-4177. &, close to North GM, friends. CHURCH STREET, 217 -- board for gentieman, ae done. GM workers only. B-9523 ND BOARD for "gentiem South General Motors, Five-day week, $15. Mill Telephone 725-7754. $14. PER ling to share rooms. Single beds, |phone 728-3396 or 725-9910. Street, Te week, lunches| and! |downtown, General Motors only. - Apply for two gentlemen to Telephone Room and newly decorated,|~-- clean front room, good meals, Telephone Tele- TV privileges. a7, | WEEK. Suitable for men will- THE DIPLOMAT New luxurious apartments. Controlled entrance, modern lobby, Air conditioned halls with broadloom, Laundry room on each floor, Apply at site 340 Marland or Apt. 107, 345 Gibb St. or Phone 728- 4283. Beautiful Two Bedroom 725-2879. A rtmen ROOM and bosrdgood meals, lunches Ground Floor pe ent * 28- Fi . me Centrally located. Phone 726. 4 piece ceromic tile both- ner panne | LOOM refrigerator, stove, willing 76 share room. "Single beds. { 4 ICunches packed. Home. cooked meais.| Woshing machine, -- dryer, Extras: panelled living room ond dinette, copper hooded fireplace, wail to wall corpet- ing, carport, sundeck, hood and fon obove stove, $125 monthly, Aftet 6 p.m. call 725-1209 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS ELEGANT PILLOWS By ALICE BROOKS Smocked pillows -- easy and fast to do! Use velveteen, cor- duroy, heavy cotton, silk.. New smocked pillows -- they are smocked on the wrong side of fabric. Pattern 7269: trans- fer; directions 124 in, round, 12 square, 13% bolster. Thirty - five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle- craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont, On- tario residents add. 1 cents sales tax. Print. plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft Show stars smocked accessor- ies --it's our new Needlecraft Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to- you designs to knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quilt, Plus free pattern, Send 25 cents now! Want-Ads Don't PRINTED PATTERN 4952 SIZES 2-10 HAPPY SAILOR By ANNE ADMAS She's irresistible -- the little girl who wears this saucy sal- lor dress with side pleats to flare it out widely. Easy-sew in crisp. cotton with contrast braid and bow. Printed Pattern 4952: Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 takes 2% yards 35-inch. FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (no stamps please) for this pattern, Ontario residenis add 2 cents sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to. ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. PATTERN FREE!' Mail cou- |pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat- tern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send Cost-They Pay 50 cents for Catalog,

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