"TAKE MARRIAGE VOWS In Holy Cross Roman Cath. olic Church recently, Olive Marcella Marsh and Frank Alexander Sifrette exchanged nuptial vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Matthow Marsh of New Waterford, Nova Scotia, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Louis Surette of Oshawa and the late Mr. Surette Mary's Studio Formerly Of Whitby, Sharon Tutt Wed To William T. Dickinson A wedding of interest wa solemnized on Saturday, August M, in Melville United Church Fergus, when Sharon Lueille daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Don ald. Tutt, Fergus, formerly Whitby, became the Mr. William Trevor of Guelph, and Mrs, ¢ Islington The candlelight ceremony was performed by Dr, Dickinson father of the bridegroom, assist.) ed by the Reverend W. H Shaver, in a setting of giadioli, pink carnations ferns. Mrs. G. W. Waugh ot Islington sang The Shepherd's Psalm" and "O Perfect Love" accompanied by Mrs. W. H Gibson of Tillsonburg Given in marriage by father, the bride wore a gown of white organza fashioned with portrait neckline and bell skirt! flowing into a chapel train, Gar. lands of delicately appliqued] roses accented the graceful lines of the gown. A tiara of pearis held her finger-tip veil of silk iusion. and she carried a cascade b of pink S heart roses and white ca tions. Miss Heather MoGregor of Islington attended the bride as maid of honor while Miss Eva Jean Swayze of Tillsonburg and Mrs, W. J. Baxter of Wood- stock were the other attendants They were gowned alike in ap. peal blue organza over taffeta complemented with matching petal chapeaux. They carried old fashioned nosegays of white carnations touched with aqua ribbons. The winsome flower girl, Miss Cheryl House of Ot. tawa, cousin of the bride, also o! H, Dickinson of } her bride of Dickinson son of the Reverend Mr, Edward Curtis of Guelph was best man, The ushers were Dr, Mervyn Dickinson of Toron to and Mr, Ronald Dickinson of Rahway, New Jersey, brothers of the bridegroom, Mr, W Baxter of Woodstock and Mr Bruce Tutt and David Tutt of Fergus, brothers of the bride For the reception at ( munity House, Ontario Agricul jer College, Guelph, the moth of the bride received in leown of shel! pink embroide red] silk organza with matching hat om } white] gloves and shoes and corsage of andiroses She was assisted in receiving iby the bridegroom's moihe: jwho was attired in blue silk embroidered organza with shad ed hat, matching shoes and cor sage of roses For travelling the bride don ined a white suit with navy blue jana white accessories and cor sage of Sweetheart roses Out-of-town guests wore da at. tendance from Rahway, New Jersey, Victoria, British Colum bia, Ottawa, Whitby, London, Hamilton, Woodstock. | it, Mary's, Tillsonburg Guelph On their retura Mr, and Mrs Dickinson will reside in Guelph where the bridegroom is a member of the faculty of the Ontario Agricultural College The bride is a graduate of Macdonald Institute, Guelph and the bridegroom is a graduate of University of Toronto Schools, University of Toronto and the Ontario Agricultural College The bride is also a graduate of Whithy Public Schools and Whitby District High School Her father was principal of wore a frock of appeal blue or. ganza and carried a basket of! pink carnations Whithy District High School for twelve years until moving to Ferg Ss last year Marriage vows were exchang ed in Mount Zion United C shureh| recently between Anna Mar: jorie Wilson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Elmer J, Wilson, Bal: sam, Ontario and Mr, Carl Ernest Doane Arnold, son of Mr, and Mrs, Sherman Arnold Stouffville, Ontario, The Reverend T, H, Fleotham/®) officiated at the double ring! ceremony before ferns and! Friendship gladioli, Mrs, Alan Clark played organ and Miss Barbara roll was the soloist The father of the bride gave) her in marriage, The bride's |gown was of Italian peau de lsole with overskirt and train jand lace appliques, Her veil 'flowed from pearlized petals which wreathed her brow and she carried a bouquet of white carnations and stephanotis Her maid of honor was Miss} Mary Jean Jamieson, Oshawa, and Mrs. Jean Edey, Ottawa'| the Car-| Shirley Azzopardi Becomes Bride Of Norman Honsberger St, Bernadetie's Roman Ca- tholie Chureh, Ajax, was. the scene of the wedding recently of Shirley Azzopardi, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Agzo- pardi, Ajax, and Norman Hons berger, son of Mr. and Mrs George Honsberger of Picker ing. The Reverend M. J, Darby officiated The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a_ full ength cream" satin brocade gown with bateau neckline pointed, long sleeves . and jbouffant bustle back held by itwo brocade flowers which flow ed into a long train, A coronet of matching material held her scalloped veil of illusion tulle She carried a bouquet of yellow poses and stephanotis The bridesmaids, Louise Mary Anne Azzopardi, sisters} jof the bride and Miss Patty Scarf were gowned alike in gold peau-de-sole dresses with ibell skirts, accented with a soft rose at the back Miss Gail Tait, the maid of honor, wore a green peau-de-soie sheath dress with a green or ganza over-skirt, The brides, and Mount Zion Wedding Unites Anna M. Wilson, Carl E. Arnold Awin sisters and cousins of the | brocade, the bridegroom's sister was an atlendant, The Misses Muriel and Mar: \jorle Willows, Toledo, Ontario, bride, were flower girls, All the attendants wore pink streetlength dresses! .. with full overskirts of matching Wemen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's pate Dial 728-3474 | SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT | Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Adair wish to announce the engage- iment of thely granddaughtet, iRonnle Jean Chesebrough, to Mr, Harry Byron Robbins, gon IM Mr. and Mrs, George Rob. bins, all of Oshawa, The mar- riage is to take place on Sat: ig September 21, at 3.90 pm, in Albert Street United THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 26, 1963 7 Chureh, organza and rose headdresses brocade, They each carried a nosegay of white and pink carnations The best man was Mr, Mur- ray Stewart, Stouffville, On: Htario, and ushering were Messrs, James and John Wil: son, Balsam, Ontario, twin. bro thers of the bride, The reception was held on the lawn at Green: slope farm, home of the bride's parents, where her mother re- ceived, assisted by the bride. groom's mother, As the couple left on their honeymoon the bride Was wear: ing a rosewood - beige = en- lyemble with black accessories and a corsage of rosebuds maids and maid of honor all wore corone(s of matching ma: terial with two roses at the back and all carried bouquets! of gold and yellow chrysanthe: mums The best man was Mr. Don ald Arscott and the ushers were Arnold Coyne, Terry Scarf and William Taverner For the reception held at the Legion Hall, Ajax, the bride's) mother received in a navy blue French lace dress over organga, matching hat and white acces:| sories and a white corsage The bridegroom's mother as sisted in a. rust organga dress) over green print and a match- ing hat and accessories, She} wore a corsage of yellow roses, | After spending a few days at the Canadiana Motel, the couple left for a trip to northern Ontario. For travelling, the -- bride) chose. an ensemble of turs} quoise linen with while acces. sories and a white corsage Upon their return, Mr Mrs. Honsberger, will in Pickering and reside NEWLYWEDS Linda Jane Rowden' and Allan Patrick O'Donnell were married mount bride and Mrs den groom Is West- The recently in United Chureh is the daughter Earl Thomas Row Oshawa, and the bride he son of Mrs, Pat wr" VY, WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN !! Made with flaky Special This Week! DELICIOUS FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE pastry Special Fresh Peach Shortcake This Week! 43. SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725-3421 Whether Field, , i. ieee he m Schoo ool of Business: oe street North piece fe at inrarest arerest * is acere'v p wish®s who * ad ovhet tortor Leen toking you are just finishing schoo! or Business training techniques ore re i te WHY WANT THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS $522 SIMCOE ST. N, @ Day/Night School @ Speedwriting 4 yout eporeach ra take ian Schoo! ot Canad already working designed to wr POSITIVE PROOF That Students Receive An Employable Education at THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS et OR ow exce 4 Your! at VOUT tremely go me _ouraged thank vO * . te reach' + and wry subiet ages vet © . the tut ypils one nm the DUP eesti h you ; by wish ¥ is eg, CE a wrens Business * a care Ma Simple step perhom the vm ¥ a eet the in each ect OSHAWA recognize the v of reowng deme wo ado mt a to GY arcs or * and genuine * Very truly You HOOHOD rane Oahawe, OF REGISTRATION WEEK . . . Classes Start September 3rd PLAN YOUR CAREER NOW. Begin by THAN omens ter wr tase BPR cette zation, The f modern business, Every ¢ mc ft out On accented 7 ths raund PHONE 728-7081 Home Study Division Conedan of dian of Mr. , ENGAGEMENT Mr, iWileex, Saskatchewan, an jnounee the engagement of their idaughter, Dianne Janette, to |David Rae Halliday, son of Mr, and Mrs, C. R; Halliday of Osh. awa, place on Saturday, 114, at 11 am, Cathedral, wan, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, J, W. Parson, announce the forthcoming mar: riage of their daughter, Beyer: ly Joan, to Mr, Clyde Lawson }Beaton, son of Mr, and Mrs, iW, F, Beaton, all of Oshawa |The ceremony is to take place Friday; September 20, at 7.00 p.m, in Albert Street Unit. sled Chureh FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs Toronto, announce the forthcom ing marriage of their daughter, Lynn Lessiie, to Mr, David K Mosienko, son of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph . Mosienko, Port Perry The: ceremony is ta take place on Saturday, August $1, 1963 at 3.00 p.m, in Kimbourne Park ) United Church, Toronto PERSONALS Following the the Lee-Layton bridegroom's parents, Mrs, Donald Lee, for the bridal party at home on Montrave avenue day night Mr, and Mrs, G, Hans Haag. mans, Ravine road, are visiting his parents, Dr, and Mrs. G. H, Haagmans, im Zandvoort, Hol land September in Holy Rosary Regina, Saskatche- he ad ye aon for the and rehearsal wedding, Mr, their Fri- rick Edward. O'Don awa and O'Donne}! ell, ate Osh Mr Guests at the zzopardi wedding troit, Michigan, ana aunts of Honsberger from De- were uncles the bride: the Photo by Hornsby and Mrs, Ernest O'Byrne, | | Toronto, in the spring, with a Ralph Thurston, | entertained) Mr The wedding js to take! TO MARRY NEXT SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Thurs | ston, Toronto, announce to day, the forthcoming mar. riage of thelr daughter, Lynn Lessiie, to Mr, David Mosienko, son of Mr, and Mrs, | Joseph Mosienko, Port Perry, Mr, David Mosienko gradu. | ated from the University of For The bachelor of science degree, and is returning to university in the fall for post-graduate work, FINISHING And ENLARGEMENTS * COLOR OR BLACK & WHIT) DEVELOPING AND PRINTING IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs family and and and Joseph Chetcute, Mr, Alfred Chetcute, Mr, Alex Chetcute, Mr, Lewis Cheteute, Mr, and Peter Cheteute, Mr, and Charles Chetcule, and Mr, and Mrs, Rust Sinclair; from Malta, Mr, and Mrs H, Clark, Relatives of the bride: groom included his grandpar- ents from Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, H. Bridger, Mr, and Mrs R, J, Honsberger; and.» many close friends, Mr. and = Mrs William Searf, Mr, and Mrs Cyril Moore, Mr, and Mrs, D iThorley,, Mr, and Mrs, # Wright, Mrs, Margaret Mur ray, Mr, and Mrs, D, Pugh LADIES Ne boby sitter, ne cor fore Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronte Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS Premises PHOTO SERVICE 251 KING $7, 8, reston ALL SUMMER STOCK MUST GO! FIRESTONE HI-SPEED BICYCLE buy mow for these back-te sters. Complete with wh te enamel mud er Models 35. Gg as sh 30 werner tak SS Too) RIGID WALL WADING POOL Heavy 1 liner, 1° seam, Steiniess steel tubing with 66 4-PLAYER BADMINTON SET. Includes 4 racquets, net metal poles and 2 birds x 42 4,99 (gh Sang remoting gtemeeameeessy fo white with green, or Blue Seren wedde wow ony "7,00 FOLDING WEB SETTEE Seete 2 peapie, NOW ONLY | Check These Other Buys! CHAISE AND MATTRESS .........., REG aR 88 SLIDER RE 27.95 DMAISE DMAISE } 190 KING EAST L A division of FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER Company of Conade Limited . OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. All summer stock must GO... GO. 1g SOA Dre, in tod and compare the savings you con meoke ri now finest quality summer items, You'll really sove dollors Tent 4 Now! LAWN RAKES .. NOW ONLY ...... SAFETY VESTS... Reg 4.95 NOW ONLY . TOY SAND BOAT, Sifter, 2 pails end shovels. NOW ONLY GYM SWINGS. 2 swings and glider. NOW ONLY » Reg. 2.50 . 14.95 FIRESTONE 20" ROTARY POWER A real buy! 4 eyele Louson Engine with re coll start. 7" wheel with heavy duty ribbed tires, Full 20" cut. Cutting Height 1" te 314" Chrome plated "'T" Tyne hondie with THROT. TLE AND CHOKE CONTROL. Heow duty steel deck, $1.25 Weekly SHOP AND COMPARE Firestone NYLONAIRE BRAND NEW TIRES 13 MONTH ROAD MATARD GUARANTEE PAY-DAY. TERMS AS LOW AS 670215 c=