29-----Automobiles For Sale 31---Automobile Repair THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 26,1963, 15 163 CHEVROLET $$, two-door hardtop,|JACK SHORTT'S Auto Body (Rear of "4 i 'een with light green interior and|'83 Bloor East) special on rocker silis 2--~Articles for Sale black vinyi roof, ie automatic. Tele-|$19.50. Free estimates. Open evenings, 32--Articles for Sale 3 = phone 728-8200, Oe: LAK Auto Wreckers want cars|BOAT, Hansa, 17 ft., bg Beto toot "WANTED 1956 STUDEBAKER Commander; 19550 wrecking. Highest prices pald. 220/and equipment, $1,700. Tele Lelephon Oshawa 725-8183 9. Owner 27--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE SALE -- Large bungalow, two- car garage, sacrifice at $4,000. below costs, $19,800, in Pickering Village. Call Pickering 942-6403. PRIVATE sale, 2'% storey brick house, good location. new. oll furnace, 58 windows, 469 Mary Street after 6 p.m.|icaving city. Telephone 725-8084, pet Mitel nc a AOS 19S" PONTIAG, radio, "need cash, only $2800 CASH buys living quarters, store|$250. Apply 100 Buckingham or -tele- and dance hall, West Beach, S| onan ala ORS Re aN 1954 CHEVROLET, two-door, body with frame and wheels, generally overhauled,| A-1 condition, $200, Apply Supertest Sta- tun, Brooklin. 655-3611, 1956 METEOR convertible, power steer- ing good body, tires, mechanically A-1, Te'ephone 725-1777. 1963 VALIANT V20" sedan with auto metic, radio ete., under warranty. 11,000 miles, Afier 4 telephone 728-7182. 1960 AUSTIN HEALEY red, four seater, radio, flawless.. Must be seen. After ACHAT OF pod cardeh IGA ae aad 5 p.m, 301 Elizabeth Street, Oshawa, re a ved| eee road, two miles from Bowmanville, Full VROLET six, standard trans- price $7,800 with terms. Call Joe Bar-|™ission, radio, new tires, exhaust sys- noski 623-3393, W. Frank Real Estate|' and battery. Excellent condition. Per- i fect body. $825 or best offer. 725-2879. 1963 CHEVROLET Impaia super sport, two-door hardtop, black with red. trim, Power windows and aerial, 300 hp, auto matic, metallic brakes, many other ex- tras. Can be seen at 877 King Street East. 1963 PONTIAC two-door standard, white- walls, discs, perfect condition, 22 months warranty, Low mileage, 2600 miles. Low Price $2395. Call 728-6386. 1956 PLYMOUTH $205. Appiy 208 Lupin| Drive, Whitby 1956 "VOLKSWAGEN, good condition, radio. Telephone 728-7424. 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, automatic, radio, power steering, Apply $77 King Street East. 1963 MERCURY Monterey. 8800 down or 26---Rooms For Rent 27--Keal Estate For dale KING Street West, 377: Large, newly dec erated bedroom, quiet home. Laundry, irking, twin beds. Suit gentlemen 27, th East, 725-118) lin 655-4985, AUGUST SHOPPING SPECIALS AND BACK-TO-SCHOOL ITEMS This week Friends, Neighbors and Fellowworkers will be returning from Vacations and from Cottages and Resorts where they have spent the Summer season. School bells will soon begin to ring for the boys and girls to answer the Roll Call in schools and Colleges. Our Industries and Business Firms will begin the hustle and bustle of the busy Fall and Winter Season. WHITBY $995 down, six-room NHA bun- @aiow, attached garage, immediate pos- session. Dial 668-2318. MARY STREET -- two furnished rooms, bed-sitting 1oom and kitchen, close: to) hospital. Suitable for lady. 723-7100, oe Close! WILL FURNISH room, north-end, Some kitchen 2, PRIVATE SALE: Sacrifice on top price .imoved off the property by October 1 HOME for a good downpayment, Tyear-oldi-| te onable, 725-5860 bedroom' brick bungalow, in northwest) -- ihinshioee ~ AN D open ti jer. Telephone 725-7420 between|house, brick with stone front. Near south 9 i ane 4 yin ake 6 to 7.30 p.m. plant. Apply 248 Tresane Street. Sen eae $4390 DOWN, hard to believe, but true.|SEVEN-ROOM house, double garage, ---- ACREAGE Eight-room brick home is good condi : and hardwood floors, Taxes $65. Price t . Can be used as duplex. or)$7,000. Down payment $1,500. Mortgage Single 'amily dwelling. To be shown by|$4.. monthly 30 minutes drive north of appointmi only with Mr. Arthur Wein 27--Real Estate For Sale {27--Real Estate For Sale = HOUSE -- 3-bedroom and garage, to be Orhawa, close to schools, shopping, trans-|PRIVATE SALE -- No real estate, ten- parietian. newly decorated, Asking $13,900| year-old six-room, storey and a half vinage of Manilia on No. 7 Highway. ion, with two bathrooms, close to Shop-|Corner jot, turnace, two bathrooms, tile ping Centre. Full price only $10,500, very Oshawa, Phone 31R3, Manilla, Stanley berger 723-7244. Joseph Bosco Realtor. Black. sons. Call Gordon Brown, W, Estate Ltd., Bowmanville 623-3393, FOR SALE: Private, 3 bedroom, older style brick house on Roxborough $9,200 with $800 down For inspection doal Bow- manville 623-558¥, noon or nights. NEW _ thrae-bedroom brick bungalow, loeded with extras, just off Grandview) South and ready to move in, Only $12,950. with NHA financing. Call Arthur Wein- berger, 723-7244, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 28-7377, In Whitby, close to Anderson High School. Presently two bedrooms with room for two more in partly finished up- stoirs, Not fancy but a solid family home with garage and two acres. FULL PRICE $13,700 WITH ABOUT $5,000 DOWN fo bus, schools, hospital, privileges. Parking. 728-699: WICELY FURNISHED tworoom, Very central. Also single room. Free parking. Reasonable. 96 Centre Street or telephone 725-0953. FOUR-BEDROOM brick veneer bunga- low located §=Preston §=Road, Maple | Grove, Kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, all modern --_ convenien,es, fextra building lots, large garage, 150 ft. 623- ALMA STREET, 111 -- Near Oshawal General Hospital, furnished bedroom) home privileges, $35. month. Suitable} couple. Telephone 728-8818. FURNISHED room with garage, conven- Jent to South General Motors. FURNISHED bedroom, central, shift ° Moo heen one casera tneees| Gordon Osborne euekn hatin REAL ESTATE CCEAN, furnished light housekeeping | DIAL 668-5431 SCHOFIELD-AKER working lady, $7 weekly. Telephone 723- 7257, ELECTRICALLY HEATED -- 6 months old 6 room bridk -- ia racnh bungalow with attoch- ~ bedroom! ed garage. Located on o treed bungalow on large lot in north an of lot in Wreckide Acres, Fess village, $7,500. Call Jack Ricard, Frank Real Estate Ltd, Bowmanville.| tures include partial stone front, balance Red Cloy lfrentage. Telephone Bowmanville | 2539 |10ACRE SCENIC LOTS -- in beautiful setting on paved highway, 10 minutes from Oshawa. A real opportunity to own your own estate for as little as $3,500. full price, with low down payment. Only a few left, act fast by calling Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243 Carl Olsen, Realtor. RAVINE lot on Oshawa Creek. Chippewa Street, $2600. Telephone Brooklin 655-4742 Real Estate Limited 40 King St, E Dial 728-4678 HORTOP STREET One of. the. best residential areas in Oshowa close to all schools, churches shopping and bus one block, Here it is just whot you are looking for - 6 room brick bungalow with attached goroge poved drive situated on large well landscaped lot 50' x 248' now the interior of this home is beautiful in- cluding broadioom, in living room and holl, Asking only $15,000.00 ond worth every cent $600 DOWN -- $11,900 full price, $66 Crerar Avenue, six-room solid brick, two- Storey... Immaculate condition. Private drive. Telephone Toronto collect. ME 35-0684, BOWMANVILLE, Elgin Street -- Bulla- WHITBY -- $1195. down, 6room NHA bungalow, attached garage, immediate possession, Dial 668-2318. ing lof, 75 x 128, Suitable for duplex, all © ACRES of scenic rty with good Services. Near school, Terms ier wee, (i ilies' forth of Bow |cruld be arranged. Telephone 623-3855. manville, Full price $9,200 with terms.|BLACKSTOCK AREA -- 40 acres with Must be seen to be appreciated. Call Joe|house and barn, large pond, very nice Barnosk! 623-3393, W. Frank Real Es-!location. $13,500 terms. Call Jack Ricard, tate Ltd. W. Frank Real Estate Ltd, Bowman- FOR SALE or rent house and lot on|Vill@ 623-3393, % paved road, close to Village of Oakwood. | HOLIDAY $450. down Large kitchen, living room, bedriom,|eight-room brick home in good condi- bathroom. Apply Harold Graham, Oak-'tion on quiet street, close to Shopping wood, RR 1. Telephone 26R3. Centre, $10,500, full price, very easy 27--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE sale of fully serviced city lot, 75 tt x 200 ft. Beautiful view of lake and city. Close to Grandview Golf Course, acheols and shopping areas. Please phone 725-2987, NEWCASTLE -- 423-3393. These alert Business Firms in today's SHOPPING HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 9 BAGOT ST. 728-1679 ADELAIDE ST. W. 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, This house is well located for all schools, bus service and shopping, the living room is broadloomed, and hos a nice size kitchen and 4 pce, bath. Recreation room in the basement, ond a new forced air oil furnace. Garage and paved drive, well land- scoped. Price $12,000.00 with $4,000.00 Down pay- ment. For further information call John Field Days 728- 1679 evenings 723-2874 "GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 SIMCOE STREET NORTH---4 bedroom brick close to schools, Hospital and bus. Lorge living room with nat- ural fireplace, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 4 pc. modern bath and clos- ed in sun porch. This is an older home on a well treed lot overlooking Alexandra Pork. WHITBY---5 room brick with private drive ond fenced yord. Large living room, roomy kitchen ond 3 good sized bedrooms, Full price $11,900. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- 7 aportments with 4 cor gorage on large lot 82 x 199°, Property cleor, Sub- stontia| down poyment re- quired. 7 ROOM BRICK HOME overlooking Lake Scugog on @ quiet street in Port Perry. 3 » sun porch, liv. ing room with fireplace, seperate dining room. Large let with shode trees. Close to school, stores ond bus COUNTRY RANCHER -- |o- cated just outside the ctiy. Enjoy a spacious bright home with bracing air and lots of sunshine. Three large bed- rooms, extra large living room with fireplace, dining room and efficient modern kitchen. Extra large 4 pc. tiled beth with vanity. At- tached gorage and covered patio, Full price $17,000 HAIG STREET -- 5 room brick home with private drive and gorage. 3 pc. bath with extra stool in basement. Taxes only $162.00 Asking $10,000. with terms, 6 ROOM HOME on Albert Street just 2 blocks from King St. Large lot with big trees. Goroge. Full price $11,900. INDUSTRIAL LAND -- 914 acres close to Shopping Cen- tre, Excellent location with oll facilities. Must Be Sold. Price reduced to $15,000. BANFF AVE. -- building lot 50 x Full price $2,800, FRENCH STREET -- a good little 3 bedroom home priced ot $8,900. This home is in good repair with basement and new furnace. Modern kitchen and = large living room. Close to North G.M, end within walking distnoce of downtown. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Excellent 110 ft. For full particulars coll 723-1121 | Lucos Peacock Dick Young Leon Manitius Tony Siblock Roy Flintoff Jeon Peacock Irene Brown Lloyd Corson Steve Zurbo Steve Englert GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Brick, Inside - living room 18 x 14, seporate dining orea ---- 3 bright bedrooms. Well built home in a good crea. List price $18,500. SPREAD OUT There's room to spare most every- where - in this attractive ONE OF A KIND - 4 bed- room 2 storey home located in a choice North End lo- cation. List price $26,000.00 OUTSTANDING VALUE -- 7 room modern split level with cathedral. type ceiling over living and dining room, Yourigstown family kitchen, 3 lovely size bedrooms, Mo- dern tiled bathroom, Pro- 'fessionally landscaped lot and fenced stone patio. Close to Separate and Pub- lic Schools, Full price $13,- 800 with a reasonable down Payment OLDER HOME--6 room -- 2 storey brick --- Taxes only $140.00--Asking price only $9,500.00. This won't last long--call us today, 723-2265 Open 9 to 9, Sat. 9 to 5 725-0239 723-7996 723-1358 725-1726 728-5868 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. __ Free Porking _ Pauline Beal Charlie Chaytor Margaret Hall .. Bill McFeeters Steve Macko Ken' Morris JOHN .A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9p.m.) BOUGHT & SOLD SACRIFICE Forced Sole! Lovely little bun- galow in north-west area. Suit couple. Oil furnace, bath- room, aluminum siding. Base- ment, nice lot. Only $5,900, Call Mr. Rankine ot 725- 6544, mee You are looking for a 5 room brick bungalow which is beau- tifully decorated and main- tained, only 3 years old. Be sure to inspect this home located on a quiet street in the south-east section of town. Modern kitchen with built in stove ond oven, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, lot 50' x.105'. Asking only $14,200. But open to offers. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725- 6544 or 725-2217 TOWN LINE NORTH Lots of lend with this well kept frame bungalow. Bath, oil furnace, private drive, double garage. These ore just some of the features of this home.. Phone Mr. Rot- cliffe at 725-6544 $9,800 5 room 1% storey home with attached garage. 2 bed- floors,' fireplace in living rooms, herdwood and tile room, oil heat, lot 50' x 159°, Home in spotless con- dition both inside and out with park like grounds. An excellent buy with good terms. To inspect ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544 or 725-2217. $500 DOWN Five room bungalow, full basement, oi! heat, alumi- num siding, close to down- town, Finished with hard- wood floors and modern kit- chen. Must be seen. Phone Mr. Appleby ot 725-6544 or 723-3398. WE LIST ONLY TO SELL MORTGAGES ARRANGED, | WHITBY CLASSIFIED | | 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH | | | | | | | | DOWNSVIEW PARK Some of the most beautiful homes built in this rolling subdivision. Very central for example we have a large split level 4 bedroom home with built-in' garage and electric heat for only $17,- 070.00 with $3,236.00 down, It can be yours! BELLA VISTA GARDENS 6 new homes under con- strGetion - these have a floor area of 1100 sq. ft. living oreo, Situated on lots 45' x 173', Close to schools - bus, Priced at only $14,195.00. Also one with built-in gar- age only $14,600.00 - you can't go wrong on these Prices, OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne Joe Maga John Kemp | | LLOYD REALTY | LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER NORTH WEST N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom, four year old brick bungalow, Newly decor- oted, very close to public and separate schools. Only $89 per month including toxes.. Coll Bill Johnston now ot 8-1066 or 8-5123 $12,500 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom bungalow. with lorge living room and din- ing roo: off kitchen. This home has one of the nicest flower gardens in Oshawa, Only $2,500 down, Call Bill Johnston ot 8-1006, or 8- 5123. $10,900 3 BEDROOM FRAME $2,000 down, balance on easy terms, inspect this fine today, Only six yeors old and near public schools and high school. Lot is 105' x 165°. Coll Bil} Horner ot 8-2236 or 8-5123 LUNCH ROOM $4,200 Seats 15. Long established doing good turnover. Near G.M.C. main office. Lock up store. Will leose at $75 monthly including heat, hurry, call Bill Horner now at 8.2236 or 8-5123 CADILLAC AVE, $12,600 3 bedroom brick bungalow; with gorage. Situated very close to ail schools. Asking substantial down payment Coll Ed. Drumm at 8 $123 or 5.9345 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED OSHAWA, ONTARIO PAUL RISTOW REALTOR $5,000 Full Price ----~4 room bungalow on quiet stret, new furnace and wiring. Taxes $120. A Do-it-Yourself Dream. 1 year old 5 room brick with attached garage, walkout basement, 2 blocks north of King. Asking $14,000 with flexible down payment. $,000 Down -- 6 brick ---- Monteith Sr, BELL TELEPHONE TRANS- FER forces sale of this 6 room, co-op built brick bun- galow, situated on lot 100 x 165. Taxes only $259. Many extras -- $3,000 down. Im- mediate possession. Moke us on offer. $1,500 Down--7 room brick, 2 baths, gerage, exceptional condition, 3 blocks from four corners. room Grandview Gardens. Dame Fortune has smiled on us once | ) DOWN, six-room, twostorey 1 terms, Can be shown $500 DOWN, 'six-room, two-storey home| only with Mr. Arthur Weinberger. Phone in South end, large fot, low taxes, o must sell, Try an offer. Contact George! '23-7244-. Joseph Bosco Realtor. Koornneef 723-2859. Joseph Bosco Realtor.| BUNGALOW two-bedroom, 728-7377. SIX-ROOM brick bungalow listed at $12 located In Lake Vista close to schools, | North fully decorated, landscaped, "500|Side and out, |finished basement, Large | by appointment rug brick, newly decorated, in- it trade. Lupin Drive, Whitby. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe model, while, 900d condition, approximately 8,000 miles, one owner, $1,450 for quick sale. phone 728-1872, Balance 36 months. Apply 205 Tele- district, Immediate 28-8749. monthly is jor. Possession. 1957 PONTIAC i-door hardlop, Payments of only $92. Call Doug Gower/4s0 ACRES with large river through at S. D. Hyman Ltd., 728-6286 J M Village of Port Perry. |Property, Sportsman's Paradise," Nor: a district of Highway 7. Full price 623-3393, W. FOR SALE _ | wood |$3,500. Call Joe Barnoski |Frank Real Estate Ltd, red and white with black interior. Sharp looking car. Telephone 623-5589, 1958 OLDSMOBILE 98 Sfarfire, immacu- Jate condition throughout. equipped, Apply 202 Highland Avenue. 728-5657, Fully power. APARTMENT type duplex, upper and lower, almost new, newly decorated, large living rooms with picture windows, dinettes, modern kitchens, filed. bath- {rooms, large sir pga Well located, im- ;Maculate condition. Rent income $190 Apply to jmonth, For sale with $700 down or late |model car to reliable party. Low month! Messrs, Greer and Kelly, |Payments on balance. PO Box 220, Osh. Barristers, |awa. } Box 131, NEAR Manchester, sixroom farm home| , |in very good condition, V2 acre of various! Port Perry, Ontario. Good building lots in the kinds of fruit trees, garden land, $7,500. KEITH PETERS spree |tate Ltd, Bowmanville 623-3393, '28--Real Estate Wanted Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East | WANTED: A a:bedroom bungalow in good NORTH WEST DISTRICT district for cash buyer, also a 6 or $9500.00 spotless 2 bedroom 7 room, 2 storey home. Call Cari Olsen, Realtor, 723-1133, \ home, lorge lot, private drive with gorage. BURK ST, Brick home reno- vated 'with new furnace, new kitchen and 190. ft. deep lot with goroge. Mdke oan offer, 29--Automobiles For Sale 1961 CHEVROLET station wagon, |cordition, $1,925 Telephone 725-1053. 1958 PONTIAC, two-door, two-tone, yel- low and white, 6 cylinder standard transmission white walls and discs, $1095, Must be seen to be appreciated. Diai 723-1911 days, evenings 725-5125. 1955 CHEVROLET, 2door, new paint, aulomatic, 6 cylinder, good condition In- side and out, $495. Trade accepted. | 723-2281, 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, completely recondl- tioned. New crankshaft, bushings, tires. Must sell, $395. Telephone 723-4759, 1962 CHEVROLET Impaia hardtop, like |new, automatic power steering, power | brakes, seat belts, radio, rear seat speak- jer, electric wipers, windshield washers, whitewalls. Must sell. 728-6020, |1960 ENVOY station wagon, runs and | looks like new, white and red color, eco- |nomical transportation, $750 or nearest joffer, H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson Road South. 1959 CHEVROLET, impala, convertible, jfloor shift, 283 motor, radio, power! Steering, power brakes. Apply 200 Bond West after 5 p.m, 1961 SPRITE Mark il, red-black con. vertible, new condition, Apply 117 or 728-0937, ald _ |1959 CHEVROLET, impala, convertible, 283 cubic inch motor with floor shift, |Pewer steering, power brakes, fender- listin ' |skirts. Apply 200 Bond Street West, gs. 1957 FORD two-door, radio, nice Clean For sincere effort, court- cer, _Must sell, $595 or best offer. 668-4517, A 1954 PONTIAC sedan, excellent ine, | » excellent engine, eous service, experienced |custom radio, clean Interior, Full aciee help and fast, effective |$65. Telephone 728-0558. results -- | 1958 VAUXHALL, super new exhaust aya TT CALL US TODAY _ ist, be' sol"inls waen" Aorty Clot R. VICKERY : Street East, Oshawa. 1988 OLDSMOBILE Super 88, sedan, fully REALTOR 278-957 | 46 KING W. Open Evenings Telephone 728-2808 after 5.30, WE LIST TO SELL 1959 CH EVROLET, fourdoor, aulomatic, Ask our Clients. A} Ajax. 2 to choose from, good value $9,500.00 with $1,- 000 down and $10,500 with $1500 down, MANILLA. $9500.00 -- 6 room house with | acre, lo- cated on No. 7 highway, Call. 728-7328, farm--$7900,00 room hou Terms. Call 725-4162. WE NEED YOUR HOME to replace our SOLD clean, narrow whitewalls, Sacrifi Telephone 72-5674 ulead tee 1954 PONTIAC sedan, also 1952 Pontlac sedan. Both in good condition. Cheap for cash, Telephone 725-9971, 1956 FORD, * i joor hardtop, 28 POR, Aa, moar Har, VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 In Whitby - eight room, two storey..brich kome. Oil heoat- ing. Two bath rooms. Shade trees. Good lot. Price $14,000 with. terms Five miles. from Oshawa, Ks Ten room farm house, Div- ided for two families. Hydro, good corner lot, Shode trees. Price $8,900. Down pay. ment $1,000 ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid. off Trade up or down In Whitby --- Six room me- dern brick and stone bun- galow. Atteched garage. Baseboard hot water heot- ing. Fireplace. Divided base- ment Landscaped. Price $17,900 with terms. | BOWMAN and TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK | SPECIALS are offering items to assist you in your shopping for home and family needs for those who work. and those on their way "BACK-TO-SCHOOL." Join the many happy fomilies who read and use Times Clas- sified Ads to fill various shop- ping needs and to solve many problems. This Term Make It Easier For Your Child RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. "SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH PAINTING SPECIALS Oils . . . including land and sea scopes, choracter studies. Portraits . . . have your por- trait pointed now, Ideal for Weddings, Christmos, or thot special gift. MOTHERS . . . SEND YOUR CHILD BACK TO SCHOOL | "SAVAGE SHOES" PROTECT GROWING FEET. GIVE YOUR CHILD PROPER © FITTING SHOES In School. Now ... At Brown's Lumber, you can have your child's desk and bookcases custom built to your specifi- cations. FOR AN ESTIMATE SEE US NOW. GENERAL REPAIRS | 723-9421 | BUYING OR. SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cors we deal up or CALL CLARK 668-5910 OR APPLY 325 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE Brown's Lumber and Supplies Ltd. 436 RITSON RD. N. | 725-4704 TELEPHONE 625-5941 down. Liens paid off: NICOLS MOTORS LTD, | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 1962 Volkswagen Deluxe Model Heater defroster, Blaupunkt radio, Thoroughly recondition- ed. FULLY GUARANTEED $1545» | SABYAN 'Motor Sales Ltd. | 334 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa Telephone 723-3461 Your Authorized Volkswagen Dealer |30--Automobiles Wanted | NEVER sell your car or half-ton pick+ \up until you see Nels Hyland, 1750 Hanforth Avenue, Toronto, HO 1-6364. | 100 CARS WANTED _ Buying a New Car? STEP SMARTLY Back-To-School "FROM SAND BOX JUKE BOX Yes, we have Buster Brown, Packard, Eager Beavers for the: Little People -- Cros- ley for the Teens -- Pedwins for the young men. BRING THEM ALL TO Collins Shoes 119 Brock Street S WHITBY Dial 668-3476 Open Friday Evening Till 9 P.M. Sell your used cor to 'Ted"* Talk "Cash" to the New i Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS Res, 725-5574 | 723-4494 FIX UP YOUR HOME FOR - OUTDOOR LIVING PATIOS ENJOY OUTDOOR LIVING MORE. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH US TODAY. THIS SUMMER ... .... HAVE THAT PATIO 30c PER SQ. FT: Call.Us For A Free Estimate HAMBLY CONCRETE PRODUCTS HIGHWAY 2 AT THICKSON RD. 668-4159 HAIRSTYLES FOR STUDENTS ~ SCHOOL BELLS WILL SOON RING ! Young Ladies, from the tiny tots en- Always top quality BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. ~ NEW LOCATION 1250 Dundas St. East Whitby -- Phone 668-5871 The Home Of Good Used Cars GIBSON 145 Brock Street South Call Ted Coates 668-5823 or 655-4737 TERRACE ESTATES WHITBY tering the first kindergarten class to the Young Miss in High School or Uni- |: versity will be anxious to make a good 'first' impression and maintain "lasting" good looks for classroom and recreational or social engage- ments. These Hair Stylists are offering the latest Fashions in easy-to-care-for and attractive Hair-Dos for the young $690. "Before You Buy Miss in Schools and Colleges. Ready for school with a new hairstyle from VINCENT OF ROME HAIR STYLISTS INTRODUCING:-- MISS NIKI Formerly from Montreal. ializing in TINTING, BLEACH- ING, CUTTING, STYLING ERMANENTS, COLD WAVE AND MANICURE. ALSO: naitbrrg mai \ TINTING, BLEACHING, Fi ly f Ott y cializing in: a CUTTING STYLING PERMANENTS AND COLD WAVES. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SPECIAL COMPLETE PERMANENT $6.50 BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHITBY--PHONE 668-8591 POR SALE -- Choice lot. Paved street. Clase to schools, shopping and churches. Several shade trees. Hedges on three sides. 668-2784. SEE" BOB'S SPECIAL BACK TO SCHOOL COLD WAVE PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS ... $4.50 UNIVERSITY and HIGH SCHOOL SLUDENTS: 6.35 50 ADULTS i pew 9650 ANN'S BEAUTY SALON 263 NASSAU STREET Telephone 723-9471 Open 'Daily from 9 A.M. to 7 P.M, Seturday to 5 P.M, BICYCLE repairs, used bicycles. Guaran- 'eed work. Pick up, delivery. Gi Purdy, 1700 Charles Street, Whitby. 663-5685. again! We are proud to pre- sent this very attractived | 6 room ranch bungalow with attached garage nestled on on the side of a hill and fea- turing Hollywood style kit- chen, built-in stainles steel range and oven, finished re- Creation room, beautiful cera- mic tiled colored bath ond vanity and much, much more for only $18,500. Your in- spection is our pleasure! Down if you qualify to one N.H.A. 614% Mortgage $13,715.00 full price, de- tached, attached garages (no esmis) some ravine lots, solid clay brick, six room bungqo- lows, plastered, storms and screens, 60 ft. lots, "fully GUARANTEED landscaped, carries for $79 | Excellent Value monthly interest and princi- | : pol. Roads, sidewalks curbs | at $895 aoe seit in habs paid SABYAN © Motor Sales Ltd. ours. Save on the Tax, buy now. Some other homes as 334 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa low as $12,015.00. with Telephone 723-3461 $690.00 down to one mort- gage Your Authorized | Volkswagen Dealer Let's Go Back To School rc With A Hairstyle by URSULA URSULA, owner-operator FAYE REAY -- Hairstylist Specializing in Hair Treatments, Cold Waves Bleaching and Tinting HELEN -- Assistant Open for Evening Appointments Tuesday's, Thursday's, Friday's HAIRSTYLING BY URSULA 112 SIMCOE ST, NORTH TELEPHONE 723-7421 New paint, seat covers. Thoroughly reconditioned, FULLY |FOR RENT: Three-roomed self contained apartment, main floor, $55. Apply 209 Brock Street South, Apartment 5, 668-4977 Available Septem- Apply apartment, central. ber, Telephone 668-3784 Monday. 216 Centre Street South weekend. SMALL APARTMENT, private entrance, THE SALVATION ARMY Thritt | Store suitable for teachers or young couple./"equires good used clothing for all ages Close to down town and school area. Junior sizes preferred. Furniture is also Phone 668-4577 needed. For pick-up, please phone 668- Susan Ds snerticed een | 2002 or 668-3556. FOR RENT. y armiedrx TWO furnished rooms "gmail kitchenette Boats, Canoes, Car Top with stove, refrigerator. Suitable for Boots, Outboord Motors, couple, young or elderly. 305 Perry Street. 668-4470. Boot Trailers, Tents; Stoves, Lanterns, . etc. FOR SALE: Used wringer washing 'ma-| chine in working condition. Telephone Tent Trailers Troilers. 668-4186. FOR SALE: Viking refrigerator, 12 cubic| feet, large freezer, new condition. Apply! |129 Perry Street, Whitby, Apt. 2. | WI LDE [WANTED TO RENT -- Three or four- RENTAL |ORESSMAKING: Suits, coals, dresses, siterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting SERVICE AND SALES ja specialty Mra. Toms, 668-2372 | 1415 Dundas East SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Prompt son on Walter Werd, Chestnut Whitby 668-3226 ~--|itrast weet, wnitey, 640-2000. 6 room bungalow with base- ment workshop 'plus a fron- tage of 510 feet on King St W. makes this an excellent buy for o multitude of uses, Taxes only $246. Owner's bogs are packed to leave country and wants on immiedi- ate offer Coll Tom Huzor 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings Financial Trade Bid, 187 King &. &. ond Cabin roomed, self-contained furnished apart- jment or flat for September and October.| | Enquiries. 668-2374, AM 7-9712 MANDERHILL Real Estate Limited Scarbore. Ontario