THE MARRIAGE of Angela Geraldine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Randall G. Lamont, to Charles Robert Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Gibson, all of Oshawa, was solemnized recently in St. ter of Mr. Stapley, Oshawa, became the bride of Beverly Murray Stir- ling, son of Mr. PERSONALS Miss Karen King and Miss Ruth Manning have returned home from a week's vacation in Bermuda, travelling by air each way. A hurricane swept across the island while the visitors were there and Miss King suf- fered a minor injury tripping over a fallen palm tree, to avoid a falling one. Prior to her recent marriage to Mr. Robert Wright, the for- mer Miss Darlene Christie was entertained at a kitchen and miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Douglas Farr, Gibb street, and Miss Elaine Bailie. Miss Lynn Pierson, assisted by her mother, Mrs, H. E. Pierson, Hortop street, and Miss Joanne Barge, also arranged a kitchen and miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Raymond Eagles, Gibbons street, gave a_ miscellaneous shower and Miss Tuala Sachlas assisted the hostess. The girls! in the Sales Department of Gen- eral Motors presented the bride- to-be with a canister set and the employees presented an electric blanket. Mrs. Alex Christie, Philip Murray avenue, held a trousseau tea for her daughter and was assisted by Miss Elaine Bailie and Mrs. Douglas Farr. Following the rehearsal, the wedding party was entertained at the home of) the bridegroom's parents, Mr. jand Mrs. Ronald Wright, Muskoka street. Mrs.. F. G, Cornish (nee Hardy) Oshawa, a native of Ty-, rone, spent a few days last) week and this week visiting her son, Mr, Sidney F. Cornish, Ty- rone. OSHAWA Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Litster, Sherwood avenue, Oshawa, have returned from a holiday r trip to western Canada, where Harley Stirling of Sackville, = HES New Brunswick, in a recent ceremony in St. George's Me- morial Church --Mary's Studio MARION ROSETTA, daugh- and Mrs, Frank and Mrs |- Mrs. John Barber, Westmore- Paul's Presbyterian Church. --Ireland Studio fiher new baby ey ' 4 JAPHIA TERLECKI Announce Winner Of Scholarship Given By OGHA t winner of the newly- ited scholarship for phy- rapy to be given annually y the Women's Auxiliary, Osh- awa General Hospital, is Miss aphia Terlecki, 18-year-old ter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred i; RR 3, Oshawa Terlecki graduated in from Anderson High Whitby, with an average 73 percent in ten papers, with five first class honors. ux. She is planning to attend the four-year course in physiother- y at McGill University, Mont- Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, hich is undertaking r three years, come. an annual f 500 Ee ee PAMELA ANNE Mrs. Bruce Mahaffey, Osh. | awa, Her great grandparents Two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hickey, He street, Whitby, is Anne whose grand- are Mr. and Mrs Yeo, Whitby, and Brook- the convener of the schol- p committee for the auxil- to a $500 scholarship a year which will be- commitment | | | 'Announce Closing Of Bathe Park Bathe Park is to close Sep- |tember 7, according to a deci- lsion by the Bathe Park Ladies' |Auxiliary at a meeting in the mer land Ave., opened her home for a meeting of the Women's Aux- iliary of First Baptist Church, followed by a pot-luck supper served on the lawn recently. The president, Mrs. Ralph Hop- son, opened the meeting with prayer, followed by routine business, after which Mrs, Ar- thur Howard led the devotional period. The treasurer, Mrs. Ed- gar Anderson, reported a dona- tion of several hundred dollars to the church, raised by cater- Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 [Club House on Tuesday. Re- |ports were received from the |@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 24, 1963 ling this summer, and further jtreasurer, Mrs. lon the bingo, It was decided to mark the closing on the seventh| * lwith treats for the members' |children. | | Mrs. Robert. Bell presented} |gifts to Mrs. Alex Peleshok, for son, from the |Auxiliary. Mrs, Peleshok ex- /pressed her thanks for the flow. ers received while in hospital also. The next meeting will be held) John Fisher,} , land from Mrs. Wilfred Ogden], Tuesday, September 17, and all) @ members were asked to attend.) There are several items to bt) discussed, and the president! jwould appreciate a good at-| tendance. | Games were played at the jconclusion of the meeting and) lrefreshments were served by Mrs. John Fisher and Mrs. William Reed. | BARBECUED CORN Wrap each cob of corn in 2 or |3 slices of bacon and fasten jsecurely with toothpicks. To jcook indoors with an "outdoor" flavor place on an oven rack} about 6 inches from _ heating junit, Broil, turning frequently heat, about 20 minutes farian tty from candidates Ontario County on their demic standing whose intention is to continue her studies injters" that rated high with the!" = recipient will be chosenjan accredited university | | juse in sandwichés by creaming jbutter until soft in other the amount cording to your taste | jmeat. Keep Seasoned Butters Handy, juntil corn is cooked and baconjand handy to have on hand for| is crisp, 10 to 12 minutes. Tojeither family-size or dainty teaor cucumber | cook on an outdoor grill, rotate|sandwiches. They're good frequently and cook over slow'on open face sandwiches and| \% cup blue-y canapes rolls in|Strips and serve them aca-| Salads Cc ------ |mists. You'll enjoy trying them} a il \1 \1 c 2 1 1 1 more flavor combinations your-|, "4 self. * beef. plans to cater for a wedding September 6, were made. Sev- eral members volunteered to as- sist in the Hillsdale Manor tuck-shop, September 23. Mrs. Sydney Winsley closed the meet- ing with prayer. Guests from out of town at the Mohl-Geissberger wedding} ' m/at Zion were Mr. and Mrs, Ed.| | me |Geissberger, Uxbridge; Mr, and! | Mrs. Fred Hug, Bolton; Mr.) ¢ and Mrs. Jack Arnott, London; \ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kreig,! £ Port Perry; Mrs. Donald Le-| Blanc, Schaefferville, Quebec; | Mrs. Douglas Dodge, London Ontario; Mrs. John. Robertson, | Ottawa; Mrs. Harry Cook, Mrs.| A. Knopfel, Mr. James Sherbut jand Mr. and Mrs, C. Stor, all jof Toronto. | sy, Don't wait until it is too late o let your friends know that ou are back from your vaca- tion. It is a pleasure for us tell them through this column.| Just dial 723-3474, extension 18, and your item of news will ap- pear without charge. | SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoskin, |¢ Bride Of Alfred Mr. Alfred Mohl, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Mohi of Schrofen, Switzerland, recently took as his bride Bertha Mar- grit Geissberger, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Hans Geissberger| of. Zion, The Reverend Percy} Page performed the ceremony, n Zion United Church last Fri- z lay evening, August 16. Miss |Oshawa, wish to announce the) jean Yourkevich, Oshawa, sang jengagement of their daughter,|"Q Perfect Love'? accompanied |Cheryl Darlene, to" Richard)py Mrs, Charles Naylor of Osh- John Lewis, son of Mr. and| awa. Mrs. Richard Lewis, Pickering} Given in marriage by her fa- Beach, Ontario. The marriagejther, the bride wore a fuil- is to take place on Friday, Sep-/jength, white peau de soie gown jtember 27, at 7.00 p.m. ®/with a sweetheart neckline and |Northminster United Church. '}jj1y-point sleeves. A bell skirt,! ee : lfull at the back, formed a ARR B12. Vy Oe chapel train and lace appliques : pare MAKE -- YOUR -- OWN VARIETY | For Lazy, Sandwich Suppers Blue Cheese Butter Good with cold meat, tomato Seasoned butters are tasty too,| 4 cup butter eined cheese Spread Worcestershire thinly \, te sau them on hot poon Sliced bread with ce or ; Relish Butter Good With cheese or \% cup butter tablespoons sweet pickle relish Chili Sauce Good with cheese cup -butter tablespoons chili sauce Chive Butter } Good with tomato, cucumber| or meat | % cup butter tables or green onjon meat. Here are some of the "but onsumer Section home econo-| Butter or meat nd perhaps youll develop and bows accented the front. The finger-tip veil was held by a circular crown of seed pearls end rhinestones. She carried a white Bible with a corsage 'of pink sweetheart roses The matron-of-honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. Arthur Dart, Prepare seasoned butters for Gradually sti. ingredients, varying of seasoning at 1 poon chopped chives SIGNING THE Bertha Geissberger Becomes # COUPLE MAKE NEW FRIENDS ON VACATION and Mrs, Donald Wheeler of left to right Mr. onald Toronto, All are ardent lawn Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. bowlers and are seen on the Litster and Mr. Cecil Litster. terrace of the hotel. They are --Canadian Pacific Photograph | ANN LANDERS they visited Victoria, British Columbia, On their way back, they stayed at Chateau Lake Louise, where they met Mr Parents Are Hep To Pyjama Parties Dear Ann Landers: Please| I love my family and I love print this letter for my parents.|Jim, too, Please tell me' if you They don't know the difference -- -- is poop too posses- between a_ party-goer al Woe ts hy ont s wae Wena: party-crasher. Dear Woe: There is a strong Last night I gave a pajama|competitive spirit between your party for eight girls, Aboutjhusband and your father. This 9:30 p.m. five fellows dropped|!S natural but you should at- over to say "hi." We knew all| ©™Pt to reduce the competition che boys and they are respect-|--ot encourage it. able and decent fellows. My| When a girl marries, her hus- parent; knew them, too. They|band should replace her father have a.. been over to the house|as the No, 1 man in her life. at some tne or another. You should have checked with The boy. stayed for aboutJ!m to learn if he wanted to half an hou. and my folks were Hang the pictures. Now he feels present all the time. My folks| Sighted, and with good reason, were very cordial to them, but) Dear Ann Landers; My hand- las soon as they left we got ajWriting is simply terrible. I \blistering parental sermon onjhave been ashamed of it ever |rarty-crashers. since I was in high school. I Please tell my uninformed|!@ve tried to improve it but \parents that party-crashers are|{™, Just a lousy writer and lkids who come to a party un-|iat's all there is to it, So I invited and try to wreck the|'YPe all my personal letters and piace. These fellows were very : notes. well-behaved and we were} and REGISTER --Aldsworth Photography A friend of mine recently happy they came over, Thank|called me down about this. My you a whole lot --Terry and her rother. passed away several friends days ago and I acknowledged Dear Terry and her friends: nhicbedenkd and cards with personal \Sorry, but a party-crasher is typewritten notes to my owe |one 'who shows up at a party stationery. I believe this is a Mohl, Toronto juninvited, Whether the person{cut above those printed and en- oe a ene - angiiutends to wreck the: place or graved cards where you fill in cascades of pink carnations and behave properly is beside the|Your name. May I have your white chrysanthemums, point, He is still a party-/°Pinion?--IIlegible Ika The best man was Mr. Hans|crasher, "+ Dear Ilka: I believe it is far Geissberger of Zion and the! Dear Ann Landers: My hus-/better to send a personally usher was Mr, George Koller/band and I bought a new home|Signed typewritten note of Of Georgetown two blocks from my_ parents, {hanks than a handwritten one 7e0rg . y : / ; which cannot be read. F : Jim had to go out of town on " or the reception at the/pusiness just as we were mov- I agree with you that the en- church the bride's mother re-ling into the new house, so mr|8!aved or commercially printed ceived in a dress of light blue|father, who is very: handy, hung|°@rds are cold and impersonal, lace over white taffeta with|all the pictures and mirrors and|#"d that your method is better. white accessories and a corsage| did a lot of the odd jobs for! Confidential to Trapped Like of pink. roses. Mrs.-Harry Cook!me. |a Rat in a Rat Trap: There is | ; of Toronto received on behalf The bane vo law which can force a man When Jim came home Tinto marriage. The law says a of the 'bridegroom's _parents,|tno y ri 5 Bee ; 5 De S,/tnought he'd be thrilled to see!,, t s a spot on everything set up, But instead wedlock child but i. iS tet Ss . cl lhe was dissappointed, He. said ; match; white accessories and|he had wanted to do those\™andatory that he marry the a green orchid corsage. \{hings himself and that I should -- ' For the start of a honeymoon lave waited for him, ay igh aes : pg bie rege eo x ide Jim has always resented my| Rie ate ack and/closeness to my family and I white silk with black accessor-|fee] he is acting like a spoiled| ies anda corsage of pink roses.|child. Of course he found fault! Jn_ their return Mr. and Mrs./with the way the pictures were Mohl will reside at 67 Parkwood|hung, He pointed out that the Village Drive, Apartment 705, curtain rods were crooked and Don Mills, Ontario. so on, | When you need Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" | jand the bridesmaid was Miss) See \Isabel Rebbins of Oshawa.) |They were gowned alike in blue! FE PRESERVER |Honan silk sheath dresses with) full silk organza overskirts.| To inflate a wading pool in a Their headdresses were peaked, hurry, just use the blower of|covered, semi-hats of matching your vacuum cleaner. 'silk organza, and both carried| Herb Butter with tomato or cucum WI 4 Cup butt 4 leas 1 e Curry Butter Good with chicken or cold Good be \% cup butter \% teaspoon curry powder teaspoon lemon juice Dash cayenne Piquant Butter with cold) ham }! t} I poon hyme* [tablespoon chopped Tangy Butter il cold parsléy Good cheese 1 1 1 meat or | | SHOP D Good heese \Y% cup butter 4 Cup bute tablespoon ed onion i tablespoon lemon juice ¥% teaspoon. Worcestershire % teaspoon prep ad mustard sauce Y% teaspoon celery salt teaspoon prepared mustard: _--_-- -------- tablespoon chopped parsley Horseradish Butter Good with cold beef or corned mut Y% cup butter teaspoons horseradish teaspoon dry mustard tablespoon parsley STOP Ancus-GRrayvDoN SAVE! AT CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE LADIES Ne baby sitter, mo cor fore Mr. Bernard Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Styiist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 LECOFF' are Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Dart, Oshawa, and Mr. Thom- | as Yeo, Port Perry. --tIreland Studio | MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR @ BURSITIS @ SCIATICA 100 King St. E. 728-5156 LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A. Ballet, Tap, Acrot Character, Pre-School, Kinderdor REGISTRATION: Sot. Sept. 7th., 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. INFORMATION: 723-7253 SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. e BUSINESS EDUCATION since 1896 THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS announced today thet it has been accepted into the nationally famous BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. They ore the only member school in the Oshawa area, To qualify for Association membership, a privote busi- ness schoo} must offer a high standard of business education . . . a cirriculum to meet modern office requirements, the most up-to-dote teaching methods, and graduation exom- inations independently set by the Board of Examiners of the Association. Throughout Can- ada only 43 private business schools meet the rigid quolifications for membership in the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION. Mr. Lloyd M. Field, Principal, also pointed out thet each year, thousands of students enrol for B.E.A. Courses, During on average school ycor, between 30,000 and 40,000 final exam- inations ore written by B.E.A. candidates The national aspect of the B.E.A. is pointed out by the following (partial) list of member schools: Fredericton Business College O'Sullivan' Business College The Canadian School of Business Shaw Schools Limited Success Commercial College Limited Saskatoon Business College Limited McTavish Business College Limited Sprott-Shaw Limited FREDRICTON MONTREAL OSHAWA TORONTO WINNIPEG SASKATOON EDMONTON VANCOUVER THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 5212' SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 728-7081