14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, August 24, 1963 | __ MOVE GIANT STAGE | EDMONTON (CP)--The Jubi- LEFT AT GATE Jee Auditorium here is getting BIRTHS CAMBRIDGE, England (CP)jone of the largest movable Mathematicians at Cambridge|stages in Canada. By late Aug- COLLIS -- Murray and Marjorie (nee| University tried to forecast the|ust a $4,000 renovation job will Hatton) are happy to announce birthiresult of a horse race by feeding|be completed and it will provide ote eee ott nt New Mouniinformation into an electronic|the auditorium with equipment Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Special thanks|computer, All the mtahematical|that can transform the orch- to Dr. A. Eisen. Proud grandparents are ide ' estr: it into a 1,000-square-foot Me. id Mra Max Collis, Oshawn, and dy could decide oa that the a 'a pit into qu Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hatton, England, | winner would be a horse. stage. OWENS -- Sidney and Jean (nee Tel | ford) announce the arrival of _ their) daughter, Mary Dorothy, at the Steven- N son Memorial Hospital, Alliston, on Fri- day, August 9% 1963. dock) are happy to announce the arrival/Church, Tuesday, August 27 at 2 p.m of a baby son, 8 Ibs. 8 ozs., on Monday,|Men's, women's and children's used clioth- August 19, 1963 ing. Unit 5. t litt cae oreaey. Many thanks to Dr. Sprieae THERE'S quick cash waiting for you! and nurses of 4th floor. when you advertise your miscellaneous} items with a high powered Oshawa | J A \W A HALL jh Twins or Triplets, you iB s 3 : ai want ao tell te whole town 'about|Times Classified "Ad. Dial 723-3492 to- : ival i h . An-iday to id in the big reader- Seuamnats aro secepied wit Séilae, tera' ne aniem crates. : SATURDAY, AUG, 24th oo 7:30 P.M. URIE -- Norm and Shirley (nee Mad-|/RUMMAGE SALE, Albert Street United B | N G 0 a.m. for publication the same day for only $1.50. Just telephone 723-3492. LIONS BINGO | 20 GAMES $10 A GAME DEATHS \Wednesday, Aug. 28th 4 GAMES OF $20, $30. 8:00 P.M. $40, $ GOYNE, F. Jay | sini JACKPOTS Entered into. rest at the family resi-| JUBILEE PAVI ONE GAME $150 Friday; 'Avguat 2, 1800" F. oe yat|Watch Tuesday's Paper} SHARE THE WEALTH beloved husband of Orpha Buchanan, son of. Mrs. Mabel Disney, of Oshawa; e ther of. Mrs. Earl Armour 'ilene) OPEN BARREL RACE Toronto; Mrs. T. F. White (Amy) Osh-! awa; Ed Disney, Oshawa, in his 56th year, Resting at the pitbeaibey J Funeral at ] Home, Oshawa, with memorial service | , August 26, | a Peis near pwd Usin cone. GOODWOOD } ie INTERNATIONAL CARTWAYS seglahosms Mey (ust off Highwoy 47) At Memorial Hospital, capitan alerd s ' 22, 1963, V Baker, aleve "alte ot facie!" Deen in her Saturday, August 31, 3 p.m. 7ist_ year. Resting * Neri sos Noh Roomate we Shane $50 FIRST PRIZE nm Monda st 26, af 2.30 p.m. In- 'eronant Harnplon Ceretery. Foters!. bri AND POINTS vate. in lieu of flowers donations may be sent to the Ontario Heart Foundation $3 ENTRY FEE Be ee was : WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE At the Oshawa General Hospital Sal- rday W 1963, beloved husband or Mary "in he'soa veer) BINGO --- MONDAY, AUG. 26th | | , Mrs. Mikie Corupe] e | of St. Catharines; Mrs. Steve Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize | so < } ¢ Osh 3 Mr Jom Sevaneit then\ ot Gebece). weer. sae 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 50 and 53 che Harr al! of Oshawa and Wil- co of Wattoy, Uhielesn grandchildren, 1--$150 Jackpot (Must Go) eat ac Resting at the Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less a's} 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 Foie am nlerint Os sk REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS OR LESS eo $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 | ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES i yours 'ealevea totter oF NORTH OSHAWA artg : or Ones. Mrs. RED BARN 8 'onto, Mrs. H. Pee ~ pa Ma es goaaeatnry agnor set ocr Kemet! --- Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ong Funeral Home, Oshawa service mn the cope! Te} = ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM. | ee eee Nees 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL commenc no Sunday. Mr. James Young gun FREE - ADMISSION -- FREE KUSHNIR, Mrs. Harry Kushnir Entered into rest at Oshawa General 20 REG. GAMES RAIN TOTAL $300 Hospital en Saturday, August 24, 1963, tre late Harry Kormiri moter of wrs.| SNOWBALL 56 NOS. -- $130 -- $30 CON. G. Paplick (Josephine) of Toronto; el A. 'Tevon (Marie) @f Oshawa) Mire Plus $10 Each Horizontal Line. See Michess oh Port Hore, In her om Regular Jackpot 62 Nos. -- $100 -- $20 Cun. | SHARE THE WEALTH KRANTZ. Waiter Hanson Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen- ' Friday. August 23, 1963, of Ella Davidson De- year, For further particulars please cal! the Armstrong Funeral Home. Phone Taestrt GOOD PARKING EXTRA BUS SERVICE MORRIS, George Thomas NO | CHILDREN, PLEASE _ Entered int tin the Osh; enna cc rola Hopital on Friday, 'August 2 ws | BREE "ADMISSION. ~ FREE Seorge jomas Morris, loved husband Sor WE eae eno ads KINSMEN BINGO a La) i. tars: Ereanor Wanien una mir. Pater wit KINSMEN e's aia son, in his year. Resting at the 109 COLBORNE ST. WES j Armst Fi Hom D memorial service the" chapel Pty TU ESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK Y, st 8 tomb : Dehews" Union tameliry theremeon $150 Jackpot -- 'ee each line plus NICHOLAS, Dorothy PI $50 Full Card eA! Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvii on 5 ---- $30 Games; 2 -- $250 Jackpots riday, i" i" bse "in her seth 'year, elares wie or 20 -- $20 Games wen jel Lt Glenys ire. Clark). Oshews, Rest JACKPOT NOS. 58 & 52 ng at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-| EARLY BIRD GAMES vill 1 | dey os bo. inewad Seema --EXTRA BUSES-- Saas 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS ~ -- LOCKE'S FLORISTS = foal requrenants er "at" QSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS OSHAWA SHOPPING 24 HOUR PRONE SERVICE A FALL FORECAST FASHION IN MEMORIAM | dear son and brother, William Kevin (Billy), who passed away August 25, 1962 He was a flower too great for earth, Sent here but for a while; | God for a few months gave him lite | And took him with a smile. Lovingly remembered by Mom snl Dad, Wendy, Michael and Debby. MEMORIALS MARBLE and GRANITE | Designing, Carving, Lettering | | Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street East 728-311) RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive : MONUMENTS , FLAT MARKERS » In Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings ULASSIFIED | ADVERTISING | : (Continued from Page 13) "NOTICE TO CREDITORS {N THE ESTATE OF JAMES MCcALPINE, DE- CEASED. All persons. having claims x . iptliet' the Estota OF Somes PRINTED PATTERN M225 sizes 10-18 McAlpine, Iote of the - City of Oshawa, in the County | MOVE LIGHTLY into fall in with the impact of i . I e Li 4 all i » impact of important of Ontario, laborer, deceased, | the Skimmer with a pliant accessories. who died on the 4th doy of August, 1963, toust file hale Shape underscored by a back printed Pattern M225 is claims with the undersigned belt. In Printed Pattern M225 available 'in Misses' 4 10, before the 16th of Septem. |the fit is easy -- the front 32, 14 16 and 18. Size 16 re ber, 1963, after which dote -|Smooth and relaxed; the back quires 4 yards 35-inch fabric. the assets of the Estote will |!oosely belted. It's. a. transition send ONE DOLLAR for print be distributed, having re- |design by famous sportswear eq Pattern M225 to The Oshawa gord only to claims so filed. |Creator Stella Sloat. Note the Times; Pattern' Department, unique' pocket detail -- the belt Oshawa, Ont, Ontario residents ina" this 22nd of August, /seems to come from inside the add 3c. sales tax. Please print . |pocket. Note the side-paneled plainly YOUR NAME, AD LOUIS S. HYMAN, O.C., jeffect -- a most slenderizing DRESS, - with ZONE, STYLE 37 King Street East, jline. For September and on, NUMBER and SIZE. ' Oshawa, Ontario. | Choose cotton, Dacron, ottoman, - Next Week -- Watch for a Solicitor tor the jr double-knit wool. It's smart Prominent Designer Pattern by Executrix. |by day, elegant for evening. Rembrandt. : ' Weekly Summary Of Stock Market --- TeRenty WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES y $s js Week Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High t low High Low gr Ch'ge Sales High Low Close ---- High" Low Declines outnumbered advances by 388 to 282 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. changed fotalied 186. Volume for the week was 9,696,657, the previous week's 11,474,573. year to date are 530,705,979. WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press High Low Close ch'g Ch'ge High yr $22%4 22% 2244 + Sou wZ-wSko Sue NaVaSs=BRsssrss = S QN Gas 63 w. 2090 325 50 210 $22% 22¥2 224+ % pall _ 5% pr 1145 $25 7200 7900 1040 300 295 295 +95 467: 9 9 300 32 Home Oil A 3636 $11% 11% ims. % aANANNDAANADNAN oe 18 8 184 slow 'om Sow "ea Taw 8 300-33 2 5v FOREIGN shebang month that some senior minis- ere should quit their posts to take up party work. All the central cabinet minis-| ters and states' chief ministers, | }as well as some other state, ministers, offered their resigna- jdays of bitter debate and at- tacks by opposition members against the Congress Party and Nehru reggie tadlan Cabinet | Shutfle Seen * ? Imminent NEW DELHI (Reuters) -- A look was in. store for the Indian cabinet today following Prime Minister 'Nehru's conclu- sive defeat of a parliamentary] f! non-confidence motion against his government Thursday. A major cabinet reshuffle was GN Cap B wt 1230 150 : , former Congress Party president and now an in- party entrusted who S with deciding which members censure Pha ge olga of his cabinet and which chief|:. ministers should remain in of-| Wog Gas vt 1669 $17%% Nehru| dependent, --, the courtry with con- Hard C 309 rd Carp pr 309 $25 In a slashing counter-attack, Observers believed the 346-to- 61 defeat of the non-confidence|Nehru told Parliament Commu: motion, first in the history ofjnist China. was "gloating" over ;| Nehru's government, would en able the prime minister to go about the party reorganization| economic progress, but said fe from a_ position of increased! agreed |failed. to move fast enough on The victory followed fourlthe road to socialism, -|the non-confidence motion. ' among top ranking minis- ters of Nehru's ruling Congress It was decided earlier this}