Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1963, p. 5

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{ READER'S VIEWS é | ATTENDING ANGLICAN CONGRESS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 22, oe Coath's Reason = Whitby England Canon 22S | « ° ; | | in Had Is Unreasonable | Rotary Club Guest | Which Tw : To' The Editor, | have no idea if the dog popu. Guest speaker at Tuesday's|- Rotarian President Bob Col-| The Moustache 7 | y t Whitby Jins, showed the club's appreci-) Oshawa Times, jation has dropped but without,luncheon meeting of the ih } C he club's af Dear Sir: research I would guess that the| Rotary Club, Reverend Canonjation of the talk by presenting! 'iis wh! waa te game|friend's car to pick up his own A story on Aug. 20 states that peoplé of Whitby have learned M, S. Fox, held the attention of|the speaker with a token gilt! layed in Whitby Magistrate's! car: Councillor Paul Coath has ques-|that if they do not heed the re-/members with an enlightening and also the local Rotary ban-|( ot nuesday. i eek bb oe ts tioned the need for a.dog con-\quirements of the town bylaw,'talk on his experiences with the ner to be given to the, President William Arthur. Puckrin Gtleucrin call. thet te tock oh trol officer in Whitby because|John Greer will be around to church in India. of the Rotary Club in Whitby Pickering Township appeared| hike oy he : ee Fgh oes the 'only 15 dogs were picked up. in!see that they do Canon Fox, who is from, of England in eouee chased with driving| mises) r e m pre the town in July. This seems to. If we should get rid of the all places, Whitby, England, is)~~~ 7 ale tie Heence a MR : be a rather illogical bit of rea.|"expensive luxury" of our dog| currently attending the Angli- s lhowaver the court couldn't de-| He said the officer then came Se : control officer because he oniy can Congress in Toronto ust in termine if it was him that was|uP the laneway and: said he adap f such reg s{picks up 15 dogs in one month, He began his talk by com ; t th would be arrested for driving suppose if such reasoning\ e i gle driving his motorcycle a | whil his | ded were carried to its logical con-|J suppose we should cut down menting on the hectic pace he time of arrest of his twit bro le his licence was suspended. clusion. the town would go out/on our police department per-|has encountered during his Can- : ther | Crown Attorney Bruce Af+ and hire three or more officers|sonnel "as soon .as' we get adian visit S upl Arthur Puckrin told His Wor- fleck asked Arthur or if he | ' { 7 9 a , hs | Pe i s 2 lif ©. great many complaints|(hrough a month without' any isgenll ib gga: Ngee ship, he didn't tell police at the an veal we police ~ 4 p f lwere receiyed that dogs were robberies or thefts. at the end of this week", he . p : | + pee dhigey eh 8 it we can struggle through a|'old the Rotarians, "Every r10 0 ae eee ie ahr eee The accused replied he didn't { am sure that Mr. Coath is)month or two without. a bad/morning 1 am picked up at 7 hs if he got smart he would|>ut he grew one after, He said aware of the history of dog con-|fire, we should cut down on the 4-m. and the Congress meetings Theft of a Holstein calf from.arrest him ; he didn't know his brother nad itrol in this town and not all of it/fire department too, 1 suppose. usually go until midnight", | picvaning Township farmer.| Co; : i} he one at the time he was arrested: has been happy. In fact there} Come to think of it, Whitby's ge 1 hoes ale ser Sunday. Aveunt 11, vesulied lene Thediy pete a he: Grow Wen eked Rabon ni avs w y ds ir ar t he 'epeded (old many tales of India and), gigi: thee: ' Pring . z ' |have been days when The : sh ani a salons Beer cave tht club a lesson in Hin-|ines of $50 for three Toronto) the court he was in plain clothes|Puckrin why he shaved off his jawa Times ran pictures of dogs|in keeping losses ne R {men arraigned on the charge. vhen he spotted the accused moustache which he said he Iplaying in schoolyards whenva national low. Maybe we should dustani by explaning ge nal g The three, David Fernell 480| come Ha a Ot de tation thenlgtew because his girl friend \they ave be a couple of truc tell vation of such words as, 'Karki', 'y,14, has ; hact.|© ; : | i : ee pati Horta surgeros ig ogee es do - Lg ae and 'Blighty' gag on Pa ya hae cross the highway and enter ie him to h | y 7 é I 5 se 923 Parliame g 2 ' But, in recent years, those;next time the siren goes be Included in his anecdotes) Kenneth Holland. 81 abi bi long Janeway, i sien sipee brother, seid ne | Jones The officer testified he follow.|shaved it off because he wanted a . ies , ~ Mi sibs: aa ts +3 ts | ( P days seem to have disappeared. 'cause it will probably be a small were stories and comments on), lead ee 2 | ( use LEADERSHIP COURSE SPEAKERS TAKE BREAK AT OLC fire anyhow the people, industry, weather, che ed suilly to thel oa the accused and arrested "el he yer ir know his d jonary. Mrs. C. §. Patter- speakers deal 'mainly with No, I don't think Mr. Coath's culture and the difficulty in 0b-) phey told Magistrate Harry whim He said os eee + Shal i ay Mite eel apsedes on Taking a well dc st rved = mi _ yy of Women and themes which provide inspir- PERSONALS easoning js sound at all taining transportation in India Jermyn in court, Tuesday, they han a few -- sl : ehyoy oye "To be quite frank, His Wof. break from their arduous © son 4 he M cKinnon, chair- ational leadership training, a In fact, 1 would not be sur-, On a more serious note the) .ore drunk at the time and it|'ime he saw the accu ey, 5 pei eelp said, I dont believe you keynote speakers at Mrs. John 'Leadership De better understanding of the | Jack Barter spent a few days|Prised to see dozens of kiddies)speaker expressed his dismay|was a very foolish thing fori'"@ laneway and the time hejbut because of the amount of fap ate lagy nett de. . ' >" jin this town take up the cudge!|at the many race clashes and them to do. japprehended him doubt I'm forced to dismiss the , 3 ' ey elopment Committee, relax work of the UCW and a ion a motor trip to the Gaspe! : ree i : . oa R reatenin e ac-| " Women's Bay of Quinte Con-- velo} broader knowledge of the total Peninsula. In Quebee City he}? his behalf. Mr. Greer is not\revolutions and the conditions' «ppe court can't take a light He denied threatening the ac-| charge. rene t left Mrs. P n the Ontario Ladies' Col if eA Ta ; e s a ca . ' es Deed f 4 ae Bunge and discuss the Mission of the Church alled. on a friend, a former,oly a good dog catcher, he is 'n which the Indian people SUr- View of this His Worship cused _,.| Arthur Puckrin's licence was ne Oe Woe ti ne ogram. The -Oshawa Times Photo student at the University of|@ Pretty good dog giver too Vive i said. "Farmers of this country, However, Arthur Puckrin's/ynder suspension because of the ; : Whenever a batch of puppies I have seen the faces Of wor very hard for what they|Drother, Robert, told court it/accumulation of points. Miss Ada Sanda Korean afternoon pr ea bated i. tn ritish Columbia is Fahrn H z : 8 ) lof Quebec City, formerly of|i8 abandoned, dogless boys and|starving people many ages '\|have,"' was he who was driving the mo- ly ir . F aid," It i ton é ' ¥ icer| lVancouver. In Gaspe Jack vis-/sitls in this town can beat a he said," It is not right that If you have money to drink|torcycle at the time the officer) SCUGOG si ; iriwe s be so comfortable rte a supposedly saw his brother. His) R IC 4 it h 'andfather. Robert Path to his door to take their|we should ' then you'll have money to pay SUPE } ; V V HITBY And DI ST tig in" Montréal, he was Pick and many a child got his|while so many others are starv-ithe $50 fines and costs," = licence is not under suspension. | CLEANERS first puppy from John Greer Ing added He said he stopped at the ser- uest of his maternal grand 4 ae s Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West ince Mr and Mrs. T H| This may sound like funny; Rotary Clubs can play a part,' "7 haven't heard of a muchivice station then entered the & Shirt Launderers a Tel. 668-3703 Newton and also uncle and|"easoning too. But it is my opin-| however smail, he continued, in more stupid crime around here|laneway and left the motorcycle|] FREE Pick-up & Delivery Dally Manager: Rae Hopkins ¥ sat aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greg.|!on that if council took their job| correcting this situation, in a long time," His Worship|at the farm house, Then, he PHONE 668-4341 son, and cousins "jas seriously as Mr. Greer, we} Canon Fox, who was also an concluded \he told the court, he left in a might just get lower taxes. It honored guest of Whitby's All) eh Mr, and Mrs. Ear! Ormiston) would be nice to see some|Saints Anglican Church last Sun-| ® "have returned from a very en-'month go by- without having to|day, will remain in Toronto} I 11te ure O] i len joyable holiday spent motoring|pay interest on a debenture or|with the 1,000 other Anglican to the Maritimes and parts of|something tlergymen, until. the Congress the United States. In Shipegon,| No, Mr. Coath. You hang onto|concludes ONE - PIECE CONCRETE ithat dog: control officer. I like |New Brunswick, they' saw the} iC gof lobsters, near Bath-|dogs and I like them at home Study The Covenant rns crc. ater e ne ADDITIONAL WHITBY *#shing and travelled the Mag-| way John Greer likes it too netic iHIl, they veent the Re- STEVE PELESHOK NEWS ON PAGES 3 & schedule the United Church of Canada After a period of thoughtfuljre ord findings under prepared|helps -- "You. can get leaders versing Falls at St. John's andj Whitby worship led. by Mrs. L. F, leaders f you give them the tools with! 5, their return trip stopped in) Richardson President of Pi ee pt of the aang which to work," she urged, She|Quebec City and Montreal Ww *resbyterial, the School was Rev. "Duncan yhite of ' , ~k l ay Church Women meet- Peterborough, Field Secretary = ny packets -- helps} Mr, and Mrs. James Green-, ing at Ontario Ladies' College, for Christian Education in the {0T 8@mes and singing for All/jaw, 214 John, street west, are again undertook the study of Bay of Quinte Conference.|the Christian Education groups.\celebrating their 5lst wedding The Covenant under leadership Speaking on The United The Layman In The Church" anniversary today. Their many of Mrs. J. Y, McKinnon Church. Women and Christian by Georgia Harkness was/friends iwsh them every. happi- Mrs. McKinnon reminded her,Education, Mr. White parodied recommended, ie pamphlets) ness JMMEDIMVE DELIVERY CB ALL YEE audience that once Israel knew "The operation was successful, | 2? Responsible Parenthood and, | P , ;}Planned Birth Control Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gignac a nd ' God's will, they put it first.The,but the patient died' of early) : ; 2 first "ssouatial is Abrabane was medical science, to "The pati-| After lunch keen interest was,family, of Windsor, were guests © FOR YOUR : c he home of Mr, and Mrs lence to God's will, and alent lives' -- The new United|shown in the Korean work of/3t | . oa thing came into his life.|Church Women's voice is heard|Miss Ada Sandall during a ques- a Hamilton, 300 Kent ; ee " @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS Results so often depend on|widely -- though there is stilijtion period. First leading in ajT TT __ me a > SURFACE ON our response to God. Man is not|segregation in the church --| worship period she urged "Fol-| : NON-SUP TREADS 655 3311 free to follow his own wishes|such as the Conference School|!ow After Love' as children) ; 35 AND PLATFORM - while God binds himself; Abra-|today, and later in the year/Play follow the leader. . : ham accepted with gratitude/when the men of Conference! Our leader who is Love takes/ and huthility the new relation-|meet us into ridiculous _ greeny | j : ship, The power of free will was| There are team effects from, Places -- yes, even to go into a) | ; Teft_stil Its value was that itljt however; men and women|{#!-Off country. The hardest : ; hs CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO was willingly accepted. Abra-|really work together and talk| 'hing to face, she said, is your : ham expressed that he wished|together. There is segregation|{"iends saying, "'Why do youl. to make God's will his desire. | yet to be broken down. To build| vagy!" We "flow te aha God made man the one crea-\up the values of United Church } | > a e ry ture in the world' who had Women will be a tragedy if 28 pronto ragga yond eng . : ' fellowship with Him, Jacob and separates men and women the great satisfaction being we : ex pri Laban"s covenant called God to working and planning together./naye followed after Love and witness between two people -- The creation of a church with-| He js pleased : an element of dishonesty, to|in a church was created when é : ' : neon | Answering questions she said : outdo each other -- a difficult women were mot allowed to) ,.. '3 : ' kind of Covenant -- "The Lord work with the men; they form-| Kore Tetoraienmiiaee best inl] Summer Glearance | , . NOW IS THE TIME! watch between thee and meled. their own organization.) rt of Yonsei. inteseaic Used Car Buys : : ; while we are absent" -- thus "Why should I work on the There 1. a 'School of Nareine at eae the feeli that it should not be Boards of the church when Ii there now and it is on 'the list used s a benediction at am already working where the|or over and above gifts There women's meetings -- though we work is being done,"' might be are 26 million people in' South Effective April 1964 the 8% Federal Soles Tex .. . Buy Now and Save! do wish God to watch over us, it asl ed Korea in an area approximate! is not in this manner Women are needed in. thei250 by 150 miles; 10 per cent church, not the United Churchiare Christian : In the pr r setting of con : o way . se call Womer but as elders etc.. The desperate need for used P FORD h nes . n When women a cept heir re-| clothing is now past: for 12 lone 63 . sibility They have @ fe-'vears refugees wore clothes GALAXIE "800 Convertible with nsibility to elect women with from another though kind coun automo great emergency. The love of ritua qua ties wh ch makeliry qt would be understood that God and H js them ideal elders We must adults now long for new clothing able. God saved' His *lect the person with spiritual/o¢ their own nationality. There qualities s of bei till a need for baby and chil. | ---- anche ' t be aware he ™4n or i] n's clothing. which is distri rt, but a part Mr hite said these months buted to all in need, not just 63 CHEVROLET i. of the Covenant group of change have. been exciting. Christian BELAIR 4 door asdon w ston Mrs.' MacKitnon .told her feeling the Holy Spirit is with na hasta audience that she had ju s with it comes a. willingness eturt fror to change. Growth in maturity), ~! : ee of re pans change in Toronto, no duty is paid on '60 PONTIAC them. An individual or mission! srrato CHIEF. 4 door sedon. 2 ede r f if ' = o y | African Methodist Church \ hed yong Sheies Ay The ey ary Must pay duty. Our Church} tone cream with green top. White en, where 80,000 women in the (24 ,| Board doe ay all dahon | : spats © sibility for Christian Education|... a does Bot Approve of aend ing money direct to a cS southern states were represent-| i. now in the hands of the Chris: ountry ed. These womn are called to 4., ¢ = Tt can be sent to Overseas Re- tian Education. Committee, on . eces suffring these days -- it was a.) the United Church| 2! '58 OLDSMOBILE BEAVER great spiritual experience to w n is represented Adoption of a Korean child -- ", &-door sedan, Full power in- ee ' nhe De sy age f Elders interested in Christian) 'he eigen yay largely past -- es power ndows. power feats ecaiowue i Tunda- Education must be on the com-|™any still need help but money Radio. White wolls. Wheel discs. A ; 5 mental -- ry man i he mittee, as well as 'cue could quite often "A used to a local lawyer's car Mio nbad srg cel cin Wists yr fies Gorieg { , nation must know its lay f+ from the Men's Club, and greater advantage. The personal * you enjoy a le bene its 0 f the } ' ' ] regular season sailings! Superb meals, attentive & i they were to know § p r or ane ) -,' contact by lett hi bets rganizations. Plans are act by letter from the child staff, orch immi Him they must know His law. now made for'a growing chal-|i8 cherished, but one-third of the '58 CHEVROLET , orcheatras, dances, swimming pools, selected They. would do no rong to lenging program in the church donation is required for upkeep | 4-door sedan with radio ond stand oT Gan lounges, social hostesses. With Empress 12 x 20 FT. their brother Israelite. If they! trom cradle to grave 'of secretaries who translate andi] 2r¢ trenmission owner of Canada and Empress of England, Canadian did wrong God. would punish! Sar. White sibcuuaol that fees|mail letters " Pacific has ths newest, largest ships on the St. | SINGLE CAR D E L I Vv E R E D them. This new life of obedi.| for eaders attend ng training at The need for nylon stockings eB a i to Europe. And with Empress of pring sige age Way tye oaage eons § hye a atin olin cat oe ee ! Britain, offers an unsurpassed holiday at sea. ' Tod mentees Ae ches ae ited C coos We oon "% a ogre os tt at hie jeraid nell Soden 57. PONTIAC trom Call your Travel Agentorany Canadian Pacific office | Smert, trim ond practice! the 12 x 20 ft. CADET is « terrt- Mes. Mackinnon agsin @ Scckia caus Pox cell ° 'tu Of ind Ge ei © ALL srups Ae | fic velue (shop and compare). Good design, solid construe- ad her audience into 12 discus-| Mrs. W.-C. Ives followed withiyear are used. Little old women nnn-J>0O02277 MOMTREAL-AIVERPOOL Tourist Thrift Season Fare trom +4 95 oe ALL Steet cup. | tion... quality building material supplied throughout. sion groups to discuss anmdiher suggestions for reading/sit afl day and rip; stretchie '57 BUICK oer eee Lh Looks good with ony home, And the CADET is easy to build our time aiso ind als have been raised ur t times of transporting them to 4 If new yard goods are. sent through a bale or to the depot OVER DOOR ; nis 20K. Sweaters, bags are knitted | 4.door hordes. Hove 59 Information and reservations--RA. 3.7224 e EASY To FOLLOW | from supplied plans. ...... ..: ' from them. Some are dyed in {ook et this one. ONLY PLANS : BROCK fering Shows At 7 ond 9 P.M. | three shades of blue, and braid © FREE DELIVERY NOTHING DOWN ... ed into mats; 50 to 75 widows TRAVEL WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 and their families are kept i ' fe a funds in this way is pie lien 4-door hs DODGE ane e "TWO CAR" CADET ' A COLOSSUS : a A profitable evening program | °°'?"* : j , ONLY $499. zt Ss under the direction of Mrs ap aeseaeS SEARS TRAINS/ TRUCKS /GHIPS/PLANES/HOTELS/TELECOMM : o % 8 Ser dammensineael ec tie as UNIGATIOND ss Re, aif NO DOWN PAYMENT e " : oy WORLD'S MOST GOMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYS : a of ADVENTURE & visual aids in the planning off | 'S9 CHEVROLET ue a ONLY $25 A MONTH programs and worship 4-door sedan ely 2 *@ green 4 Saabons DEPENDABLE a i ¢ WHITBY 1947 JEEP & __ : ; ~ 7 ace courn DAY-BY-DAY TRAILER DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 7 BEAVER COLOR 19.000 original miles. Have @ look OSHAWA---WHITBY--BROOKLIN MAN REMAN 4 john 'Kyran Boland, ot Ux. COUNTY TOWN 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY 668-3304 : bridge Township. was convict MOTORS eT "9 LUM ed of indecent assault in .THE GLORY | THAT WAS GREECE... THE LEGEND THAT WAS JASON! Whithy Magistrate's Court |. 701°DUNDAS EAST CADET "Cor end Half" 16 x 20 €. CLIMER PTIRES preeee 4 CML GOMER pete Tuesday, and was remanded in custody for one week while s WHITBY -- 668-4161. i . WITH FRONT ACCESS DOOR oy pre-sentence report was obtain @a ows rave ervice z Some cood desian end Cadet styling & ag sounasce weuie FOR THE FIRST TIME ON THE SCREEN... Str but you herve 80 sq ff. of extra © ROY. BARE , ee for needed storage or workshop NOTHING DOWN BOWMANVILLE ® PAUL ECHEVARRIA 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 on with @ hendy front door $18 A MONTH 96 KING ST. EAST 623-3388

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