Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 25

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24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 21, 1963 BIRTHS ULASSIFIED JACKSON -- In loving memory of my @ear mother, Rose Jackson, who passed @way suddenly, August 21, 1961. My heart still aches with sadness My eyes shed many a tear, God only knows how | miss you And wish that you were here. CLEM FUZZEN FRUITGROWER at SHOPPING CENTRE | MARKET, ifs been ionely since you left me, FRIDAYS Home has-never bee. the same. | | Mum, the world would be like Heaven Just to see your face again. --Joan. JACKSON tn loving memory of Rose, who pessed away on August 21, 1961. Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise, With one accord our parting hymn of praise; We stand to bless Thee, 'ere our wor- ship cease, 'Then, lowly kneeling, wait thy word of peace. Walter. MANNING -- In loving memory of Ar- thur Manning, who passed away Aug. 21, 1962. --Lovingly Marie, son-in-law, Gerald and grandchil- @ren David, Yvonne, Miriam and Audrey. MANNING -- In loving memory of my dear' husband, Arthur James Henry, who passed away August 21, 1942. Where hast thou been this year beloved? What hast thou seen? What visions fair, what glorious life? Where hast thou been? Lord of *he living and the dead, Our Saviour dear, We lay in silence at Thy feet This sad, sad year. Lovingly remembered by his Clara Ruby. wife, PICKERING -- In loving memory a @ear husband and father, John Robert Pickering, who passed away, August 21 1962 God knew that he was suffering, That the hills were hard to climb, So He closed his weary eyelids And whispered "Peace be thine in the beautiful hills of God, the valley of rest so fair, Someday,' we know not when, We will meet sur loved one there. Lovingly remembered by wile and remembered by daughter, | |34--Lost and Found | |GIRL'S junior size bicycle, lost vicinity jof Ebenezer Church last Tuesday. Re ward. Telephone 723-3661, | |36--Legal 1 will not be responsible for any: debts contracted In mv name by anyone on or jafter this date, August 20, 1963, without! jmy written consent. | --Mr._James |. Carroll, 995 Moward Stiwas in her 95th year. She was CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER The Corporation of the City | Of Oshawa hereby invites of- | fers for the purchase from it |. of the following lands: 1, Lot 7, Plan 599, on the | south-west corner of Con- | ent and Myers Streets, having a frontoge of 57' cnd a depth of 132° 1034". All of Lot 6 and the northerly 30°7" of Lot 7, j Pian 6f]5, on the ea of Wilson Rood (North-east corner of Wil- son Road and Adeloide Avenue). The property has a frontage of 812" and a depth of 110'. Zoning is RIB which permits a single. family dwelling. SOBANSKI -- In loving memory of a} @ear husband and father, Alexander So We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds, For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. \f all this world were ours to give We'd give it, yes, and more, To see the face of father dear Come smiling at the door. --Lovingly remembered by wife, ricia,- children and grandchildren. MEMORIALS MARBLE. and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 1435 King Street Fast 728-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS In Designs. For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshowa 723-1002 728-6627 Oftice Evenings Pat- who passed away August 21, | Sale of these lots is subject | to the opproval of the City Council ond the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the Province of Ontario. Further porticulars of these | lends maybe obtained at the Assessment Department, City Hall Offers for the purchase of the above lots may be made on forms provided for that pur- pose by the City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, Oshawa The closing dote for tenders is 5.pm. DS.T., Monday, August. 26th, 1963, and oll offers sholl be sent. to the City Clerk, City Hall; Oshawa, in a sealed envelope clearly marked "Tender for Lond" end shall be accompanied by @ certified deposit cheque poyoble to The Corporation of the City of Oshowo for on omount equal to 10% of the amount offered. The Corpor- ation of the City of Oshawa reserves the } any or all offers whether such offer is the highest or not. right to refuse City Clerk. Today's Stock Market Thomas Grigg, and one brother, Frederick, both of Simcoe, and eight grandchildren. Funeral service will be con- ducted by Rev, J. K. Moffatt in the Armstrong Funeral Chap- el Friday at 2 p.m., with inter- ment in Oshawa Union Ceme- ey 7 MRS, M. L, JOHNSTON Mrs. Mary Louisa Johnston died Wednesday, August 21, at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, after a prolonged illness A daughter of Edward and Amanda Smith, Mrs. Johnston predeceased by her husband Mr. Andrew Johnston, after 70 years of marriage She was connected with the Baptist Church. Her hobbies were knitting, fancy work and floral arrangements. Mrs. Johnston is survived by two daughters, Mrs. C. Wood (Vera), of Oshawa, and Mrs. J Wilde (Lila), of Whitby, and one son, Delbert, of Whitby, nine grandchildren and 23. great grandchildren. The funeral service will be jconducted by Rev. D. Scott, of {Faith Baptist Chutch,; in the W. iC. Town Funeral Chapel, Whit- iby, Friday at 2 p.m. Interment jwill be in Groveside Cemetery Her grandsons will be the pall- bearers. | MR. STEPHEN MELCH ; Stephen Melch, 489 King istreet east, Oshawa, died sud denly at Oshawa General Hos- pital Wednesday, August 21, at the age of 50. Born in the province of Gaii- cia, Ukraine, he came to Can- ada 41 years ago and had re- sided in Oshawa since then. He married the former Nena She- lenkoff in 1933. Mr. Melch* was formerly em- ployed by Wacko Real Estate and was a member of the Uk- jrainian Business Men's Ciub He was also a member of St. Mary's Ukrainian Greek Ortho- dox Church. ; He is surviyed by his wife; his mother, Mrs. Pearl Smolen- uk; one son,' Boris; one bro- ther, Peter, and two: grandchil- dren, Peter and Robin Melch. 'Mr. Melch is at the Arm- strong Funtral Home for Mass to be conducted by Rev. P |Zaparyniuk in St. Mary's Uk- jrainian Greek Orthodox Church Friday at 10 a.m. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- tery. Prayers will be said in the funeral home Thursday evening at 8 p.m. WELCOMED SLAVES Chatham, Ont., was the north-| ern terminus for escaping lL. R. BARRAND, /jAmerican Negro slaves before ithe American Civil War. {Thomas and Lillian Scott, of |Manvers, died in Orillia Hos-| pital Tuesday, Augunst 20, in} .M, STOCKS Net : 17 Net Blinor ¢ DVERTISING voy The Canadian Press Stock Sales HighLowa.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge UCL == Sterne sid Biker Se nge--Aug. t 9% 19% Gr Plains 100 $12' 12% 124+ Ve powell) of Whitby are very happy fo an- P 23) eters i taex oseek me & a. eee un ™ tag bs Nowe 100 Slit 11%. 11% eo ain Fy oer pg (Continued from see 1-000. lol, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex-| GNesp B w400 145 140. 140 --10| HB OG allt, S14 ate 144 + Ve Rhonse Bilzebeths Oe sor te ' ig 4 ts, Net change Is vt 260 $17 17. (17 Medal 1000 350.350 Paul. rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net ng Gr Weg z ey day, August 20. A little sister for 32--Articles For Sale from 'previous board-lot closing sale.) lic EE ag Pome 00 ot Load Berrie a \ 1500 48 47 48 +N LAWRENCE -- To Owen and Rose (nee|ioies¢ cain Furniture and Appl n * 300 175. 175.178 Place 0 Ouellette) the gift of a daughter, Robynn|HONEST, Cars, lutte) biggest dit! stock Sales High Low am. ch'ge| Hardee | 900 175 175 15 oy perk ee Lynnette, on August 17, 1963, at the Osh- counts anywhere. We carry : Hard C pr V5 $25 25 25 Ranger 1000 ui = a] a awa General Hospital, and Beverly mattress furniture lines. INDUSTRIALS Husky 400 $6 6 --WVel Sarcee 1000 10 os Pe et |i Saee) |e Se ee ateor are Naoey ee orc ita arrival ore Bi deen ic hears. daly: 9.30 - reg me 2 AB. gee og > il % ci cUR bea iia 1s ee Wiburne 100 04 ee a FN of a baby girl, Lynda Marie, 7 Ibs. 4 0z8.+/0 39. Telephone 728-9191. a Ga mss 7 oF Imp Tob pr 500 $6% 64 6u-- | Wsfates 252 620 $00 40 +20 t the Oshawa General Hospital, August! TM. Telephone after 5] aj B pr 25$107% 107% 107% Ind Accep 2100 $224 224 22% W Decalta 1450 114 113 «113 1 47,1963, A_ sister for Laurel. Special] 1962 os Les aieon Bee iso $52 S2% 52% -- Ye] fat UN 788 $23%4 23% 23% thanks to Doctor R. K. Miller and the)F ™ - Alumini 125 $26% 26% 26%-- Ya} Inter PL 225 $80% 80% 802 +Ve MINES furses on the fourth floor. BICYCLE Girls CCM, lunior size, A-l con- aon a 25 $39%4 39% 39% int St! P 1800 350 345 345 --S ' dition, $25, Apply 190 Winona Avenue after) 20m {7 25 $174 17% 178 inv Syn A 50 $50% S0% 50% + Val Accra 500 56 56 86 2 WELCH -- James and Francine (nee|5 o'clock Arg B pr x10 $52 522 Labatt 225 $16% 16% 16% Advocate 580 655 650 650 +5 West) are happy to announce the arrivallWe buy, sell and exchange used furni-| Arg Cc P pr 400 $8% 8% 8% Lakeland 1125 395-395 395 Agnico 1500 55 55 5S ae ter, Sherry Lee, § Ibs. 11 O28+ltyre or anything you have. The City! Ati sugar 200 $164» 16%» 16%-- Ye) LOnt Cem 400 250 245 250 +8 | Akaitcho 1500 85 83 83 --2 Sunday, August 18 1963, at Oshawa Gen-lrraging Post Stores, 44 Simcde Street] Autotad A 300 215 160 160 --S5| Laura Sec 780 $6% 16% 16% AGH Larder 500 17 17 17 =} ital. Special thanks to Dr. C. nd 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671.) Autofab B 900 $30 25 30 ~--3 | Lau Fin 6% 250 $20% 20% 20% Anacon 1400 25-21% 25 Sorgen and 'stait on alt floor. eal Bank Mont 80 $62%% 62% 62% Leland 100 $435: 435 435 --18 | Arjon me we ee -- USED hampster cages fsever aetpm:| Bank NS. 136 $69%% 60'4 6l4-- %4| Lobco A 245 $7% 7% 7¥-- Ve] A Arcadia 1000 42a 428 42V4-- Vo sans Sean, Sa altar aa | Sree a ee em On ee ae TM Ale ee ee a Md | 1 ass-F 415 op ooh wan ee we BOAT, Sea Scamp, white aluminum, eed sf 1300 $00 200 300 Molson 8 400 $29% 29 2 --1 Bankeno 500 42 42 42 the latest arrival in your bow Starreratt, Venetian blind white, steell Br "Tank pr 710 $719 2136 2196 Molson B. 400 $298 29. 29 ~--1 | Banktield © 500 14% 14Ve 14a + Ve nouncements are accepted until 9.00}5 y' 34, Apply 67 Cadillac North. 723) pa oil 237 «7 Noranda 190 $3634 365% 36% Bethim 100 465 --5 a.m, for publication the same day for| 4124, BC Forest 200 $19 1 12 -- | NO NGas 250 $108 194 19¥4 c, Malert ss a # + only $1.40, Just telephone 1212092 |COMBINATION coors, wooden, complete, BE Fuck BI sa si. 286 Ont Loan" 350. $52% SI 52% Cassiar 100 Silva 1% 1+ Ve Wilh Nerewere, TORR ceca BE Phvsis p 10$101% 10194 10194 + Ye] Ont Steel 2575. $21 21 +1 | Cent Pat 2000 115 18 115 --3 GO HUNTING with hunting supplies from) Big prod 50 $25¥2 25/2 25V2 Oshawa A «50 $33.« 33,33. + Me] Coch WIM 1700 500 490 500 +15 EATHS Dominion Tire! Guns, ammunition, cloth-| Bien, 100 $8% 8% 8+ Vel Overland pr 250 $8% 8% 8%-- | Coin Lake 3000 2 2% 2% ing etc. Best prices in town. Try Do) ci Engry 7250 $229 2278 22% Pow Corp 100 $9 9 9 -- Val Con Shaw 5500 40Ve 40 40 minion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. _| ¢ pack B 100 $62 62 62 +1 | Price Bros 33 834 A 304 + M4) Cusco mo WATER soflencr, Sovereign, fully ) 9% 9% We+ %) QN Gas 00 le Me Tam Ve 'Aragon gure le reer Regine General Hos- Bee cour ching ea Apply 4¥6| Brew Pa $l0% Yrs TI Ve] GN Ges pr 115 $971 Br 7 1 | Deer Hom 2000 466s as 5 iitiam ' 728-8719. C Br A pr 50 $51% S1%@ SI%4+ Val Qng 63 wis . *00 325 jenison pital, Tussdays Avavel fusbend of Lottie| acelsige West. Telephone 10 $71% 71% 7WV2-- Yel Dicknsn 1010 640.640. 640 aint, husband of Lottie CBr Alm A 7250 $8%4 8% 8% Royal Bank 110 $7 V Wenteeck' Mctimoyie. and dear father of CBal A w 100 175 175 175 --S Royalite 100 $11%e 11% 11% + Ye} Dome 400 $33% 33% 33% Mrs. A. C, Woolcock (Ethelwyn), Wind-|Telephone 728-7966 | === sss} Coal B w 100 180 180 180 Salada xd = 50 «$9494 Elder 500 91 ON Seta Geese et OO ae Gate eo ew Tae" pte Se ee pee Be ee y b Comstock's Funeral ', aye, He} C Imp Bk 213 $61 2 V av fase" potarbereiah. interment Little 6B-I236. seg c "a6 pr 100 $1194 171% 1134 -- Can 4 ped yt rit a on Aelag bi Me 2 =] +M% RUT eT 3 2 = 'exaco V fa gam Ve u! Lake Cemetery, Peterborough. FOUR panel doors, 30" x 78", all attach- Siar Ca Gl LE OMA. tab Hie Ihe tee Wal Gunter 100 885 885 885 +5 GRIGG, C. Theodore (Ted) ments. New condition. 725-4277.. _! Ciairtone ae Tr Can PL 265 $29 2 29 LL Lac 125 165 145 16s Suddeniy, 'at Oshawa General Hospital, VACUUM py e ee ince aie Clairton w 200 270 270 270 Rela i pr ey tie = Po ' eect nd a bi hag -! on Tuesday, August 20, 1963, C. T. (Ted) | Sears, $30; and flor lolisher, 0 '| Con Baks zs $7 - re J Seacaiom 100. 90 age 4 piper 40 251 250. 251 Grigg, beloved ee eased ggg tie ee anti oe eae] Con 4 By oe a as "Al Walk GW 270 $55¥2 55¥2 55¥2 Majtrans 1000 3 3h 3% FO av ng aes charles D. C. (Chuck)| MOFFAT retrigerater, 9 cu. ft. self de! Con Bldg w a5 sek ok os WCoast Tr 150 $ldve 142 14¥2-- Val Malartic 2400 74 74 74 Brown (ANA) and ena eso resting at[rostingy Kenmore washing machine,| Con M S 250 Slive oli 116 WCoast vt 250 $13% 13% 13% Maneast U 1100 4¥2 4% ave Grigg. The later Mr, Grigg Home. 'Ser-|ringer: Kenmore stove. Practically new.| Con Gas new = eg aK w West Ind ss 55 SS +10 Martin 1100 . 64 4 +2 Meena ae ereriday, Avgust 23|APRYY06 Quebec Street. | Corby vt 7s Stig 'gu, lege ve| Weston B 100 $l8 18% 1812+ %| Matatch 1000 BY 8% Be Vie Se eee ' KENMORE washer, 2 years old, A-l con-| Coronation oy et ©) West A wis 399 880 880 880 --25| Matigmi 225 805 805° 805 | 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery. |KENMORE 7 2y Coron. w 225 155° 155 «(155 2 , ' 8. p.m. dition, $100 or best offer. Whitby 668-5412. Dist Seag xd 150 $49% 49% 49% -- % A ee 10100 sia " : | UE Bee I os wie aks ee en eer Bie Bir e oe OILS New alger 'nom 9 3 Pe seat ale ts, Mary Loulsa Smith,|creniturer' aad 'Simcoe South, 729-771. a a $0 3 mm --2 Sea Nowe site sat dee dae a | M : " |e aren f i > peeved dear molner ot Mis, c. wu.u| CAMPING taller, collapsible, EE Fed Gram "25 S605 oils vik + Va] © Dein 100990 S| Me ee ke (vera) of Oshawa; Mrs. J. Wilde (Lila)|siteps four, reasonably priced. Phone} Fors cao" singing 176 | 176 Con Dev 2500 450 445 450 tecund. cant Wik te un and Delbert ot Whivy. Resiiiy a: sn] 728-8726. Mistthee Bienen bas ccomnaseensaecrinny Ea) es 50 $282 282 28-- a) Cent Del 210 750 750 750 Newer Lt a Fi W. C. VYowne Funeral Chapel, Whitby,/ELECTRIC range, 40" table top, Moffat.) Frosst A 725 $19 #9 9 | Duvan 15900 7 7 7 1 NoreAcene 1900 144d for service in the Chapel Friaay, AUgu>:/Good condition, $25. _Telephone 725-4645. _ Globe A 200 $10% 10% 10% + V! a Pete pr 100 300 ~~ sie) : Hormatel 314 310 310 310 23 at 2 p.m. interment Groveside Ceme- GUITAR Gibson flat-top. A-) condition. Grafton A 250 $11 Won | Glacier 8000 9 --- N. Goldert 2000 22 22 «22 --| tery. Reverend v, scott. |Complete with Instruction course. Sac] Orchan 00 279 279 a7 +4 | jritice $125. Telephone Whitby 668-9069 | Pamour 200 125 (125:«125 +1 | MELCH, Stephen latter 5 o'clock. Patino 205 60S 60S 605 +5 to rest in Oshawa Wednes-|-------- ng wheei,| Pato 100 350 350 350 | dag mupust Zi, 1963, Stephen. Melch, rah Mir hg age a gk Wil oor Pax Int 1500 18 +18 418 -- Va joved husband of Nena Snelenkott, father ly very good cor i tw me Be | ot Boris, brother of Pevers son of Mrs,|72°-2990, 0 RRS on AL GRIGG MRS, GEORGE STEWART Preston 1400 835 825 835 | pnuk, Oshawa, in is S!I\VACUUM cleaner repairs, a mai | . . . 4 S. os 4% oh urdex 00 Pearl Smoienuk, in his Sist i il makes.| MR. C, T. 1G * i f Purd 1500-8 «688 year. Resting at the Lage | pride Sho se ot Al attachments| 'The death took piace sudden-; The death took place at Osh- Quemont iw i136 ne Le . » Ushawa, with mass in St. brushes, hoses, guara '3 shaw et ral i a i = adiore va Unison er Greek Orthodox Churchy/chines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Ser-|ly at Oshawa Gene ral Hospital, awa General Hospital Tuesday, Rexspar 2500 20 20 20 +2 Frigay, August 23, at 10 a.m. Iniermeniivice, Call anytime 728-0591. ss | Tuesday, August 20, of Charles| August 20, after a long illness} Rio Algom 360 $13% 13¥e 13% al Oshawa Union Cemetery. fina. 'thyrs-|14 FOOT cedar strip 7' Evinrude motor.| Theodore (Ted) Grigg, 342 Col-lof Mrs. George Stewart, 506 Ce ae oe ee Sey, 8 Pa Chae eld Avoly SU? Elon Wer, |borne. street east, Oshawa. Dundas _ street west, Whitby Satellite 3000 15Va 15' 15Va+ Va | ee - Se j i q as e . Sherritt 200 278 278 T, Jean Victoria [TELEVISION Tower Special, 40 ff. struc} Born in Paris, Ont. he was) Mrs. Stewart, who was 61, Silvmeq 1000 23-2323 tn Orillia Hospital on Tuesday, August|!ure including all channel antenna in-ia son of Thomas and Sarahiwas born in Aberdeen, Scot-| $ii Miller 1100 26 25¥e 26 -- Ve y rts ~ has: ; \ y y 20, 1962, in her 40th year, youngest daugh-|saled and glsranteus DY exMelevision,(Gtigg and received his educa-liang She was a daughter of the Starrett. 3510 10Mh 1008+ Ve ter of the late Thomas and Lillian SCO!) enone 778-6781. jtion in the parish, public and|iate Daniel Robertson and Annie| sturgeon 500 25a 25Va 25¥e+ Va of Manvers; dear sister of Mrs. H. Bull Jira cA sas ili cH lhigh schools He was prede- Fen 2i00 182180180 41 | (Luella) of Port Hope, Mrs. L. Ransberry| TRAILER, hornernarts, --_ -- Pete ng ron ; IS. first wif § ha 6 Robb. She was a member of the!- Temes gM a (Neta) of Orono, Mr. R. Scott, Bob). of sn gochey rk Apply sf hooray by gg gy Rone Be e a Presbyterian Church and of the| Thon. 100 §§ 85) se \ ' + 2 ' Penge aby iers aoe seer gag reba ue antennal =. |mer Marion L. Creighton, Sons of Scotland. | Tribag 1600 165 160 164 is OA iat cd ABD gp chug DINING room suite, 7 piece, 18h centUryiMfarch 20, 1952. He married] : : Tundra 500 87 «87 OF deceased by two brothers, (Bill) of Osh-/ mahogany. Like new. Telephone 725-3769.| 10! ie Swallow in Toron.| Mrs. Stewart is survived by| vespar $000. 15 48 18 a awa and Nathaniel (Sandy) of Columbus. | ---- ;|Miss Jessie Swallow in n-| Violam 5400 216 210 210 7 Funeral trom Barlow Funeral Home,/BOAT. Eeterboro, 15 ft np with hygrevieito' in August, 1954. jher husband; one daughter, West Mines 500 325 325 325 8 Oropey Thursday, August 2 at 2 O'CIOCK. | a ipment 725-4050. | As a young man Mr. Grigg|Mrs. H. McKenzie (Rosiland);| w sur! i125 17% 17% 179+ V2 Interment 2' cRae's Cemetery. pt anh cit hte innate ARS MORE SADE LEE ORT OEER, Os, de S ange beg 4 POE . Wilt 4300 18 16% 18 RANGE, Norge, 36" with timer and deep/served his apprenticeship and/two sons, Ray mond, of Toronto, Windtelt im at a ; Good condition, $75. Call 7258228. |hecame a licenced embalmer.jand Bill, of Whitby; three bro-| yYaie Lead 1000 8 8% 8-- te LOCKE'S FLORISTS aE Soe TTT HEROES : : ; F went ond. (eee 'af tidy SONS Serene was associated with funeral/thers, Daniel, Andrew and Har-| Zvlapa 2000 26 25S ner rranget a 4 ton, p or} ; + " y i eines floral woquiterveents wd ian jhomes in Stratford and ye pk and two sisters, Bella and) gaies to 1) am: 389,000 eecasions PREST.OLITE welding equipment, seo\ford before coming 'to Oshawa/Annie, all in Scotland, She was OSHAWA SHOPPING or best offer. Telephone 723-2408, jin 1928 with the Luke Burial|/predeceased by another daugh- her 40th year 3 |Company, ter, Mrs. J. Smith (Margaret). Sag CENTRE -- Market Basket 7 . | She is survived by four sis- arkert Bes | For the last 28 years he was| ; : | pete hcnec t ---- | Barge Ruel aes | e ' e' 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE or " |. The funeral service will bejters,) Mrs.. H. Bull (Luella), of APPLES -- Melba, bushel $1.75, basketlon the plant protection staff of|noiq in the W ac toon Fa } ' ey 728-6555 4 cents. Bring containers. 9 Varcoes|conoral Motors. He was an ad-| eld in the W. C. Town Funeral/port Hope, Mrs. L. Ransberry| Road North. Telephone 725-0357. | aa r Si Ts. st t Unitea|\chapel, Whitby, at 2 p.m.|(Neta), of Orono, Mrs. M. Gat- POTATOES and dill pickles, bushel orjherent of Simcoe Stree Thursday and will be conducted nd Mrs. T. Ab-| , chell (Ruth), a 3 bag, wholesale and retail, Apply Spe-/Church and was a former mem-|, hey y ' , | ciallzed Growers Association Ltd. coraeribar of the Masonic Order, |0Y Rev. Hunter, of West Hill./pott (Mary), of Oshawa, and] Taunton and Stevenson Roads North of) y7. i. . vived by his present Interment will be in Groveside|one brother, Bob, of Toronto. | CLARK -- In. loving memory of ajOshawa Airnort. 72-2901. |e aS SUE he Stra' tee | Cemetery, |She was predeceased by two/ @ear son and brother, Jim Clark, who sean sar |wife; one daughter, Mrs. Doug-/ " ib | passed away August 21, 1962. } PEACHES las M. Brown (Ann), and one} jbrothers, Bill, of Oshawa, and) A silent thought, @ secret tear | ann. Chatios (Chuck) both of MISS JEAN VICTORIA SCOTT) Nathaniel (Sandy) of . Colum-| Keeps his memory ever, deer. | Qual fruit, grown: end jn.' ae : Miss Jean Victoria Scott,|bus | iy_ missed by Dad, Mother, Don,| ey ke 8 Oshawa; his mother, Mrs. »|bus. : : | Sa nd Davis. Y i" . pocked by youngest daughter of the late} Funeral service will be held jfrom the Barlow Funeral Home, | jOrono, Thursday at 2 p.m, with) interment in McRaes Cemetery. | COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $150 IN JACKPOTS __Door Prize $15 __ ens Ge | Sing along with the happy | folks who have discovered what a Want Ad can do. TO - NIGHT LIONS BINGO 8:00 P.M. JUBILEE PAVILION Jackpot Nos. 54, 54 EXTRA BUSES FREE ADMISSION OSHAWA Monster BINGO Th 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 1 -- $150 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 55 | $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME Door prizes _ Red Barn, Oshawa $1.00 MONSTER BINGO |EXTRA BUSES Over $500 NO BINGO A ST. GREGORY'S ADMISSION | SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st AT 8:00 P.M. SIMCOE STREET. NORTH CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED JAYCEES- ursday, Aug. 22nd JACKPOT PER FULL CARD IN 53, 58 ADMISSION in Prizes UGUST 24th AUDITORIUM 50 CENTS HORSE SHOW | Fair Adm BLACKSTOCK FAIR Saturcay, August 24th Grandstand Performance DANCE AT 9 P.M. AND RACES ission 75c Roy Godfrey's Orchestra GRANULATE REDPATH SUGAR "5 IGA TOMATO JUICE MAPLE LEA CANNED HAM CHUM..2° OFF DOG FOOD FANCY PEAS FANCY GREEN GIANT $1.27 $1.00 $1.39 if $1.00 TINS GF. 48 02 1% LB 3 LUNCHEON MEAT NIAGARA JUBILEE OR RED HAVEN FREESTONE i PEACHES CALIFORNIA, JUICY VALENGJA'S ORANGES size 163 3 doz. 1.00 U.S. NO. 1 GRADE--JUMBO SIZE CANTALOUPE 6-QUART BASKET 99: | each 29c es SAVE EVERY DAY AT LGA CHOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE! _ LEG 0' LAMB SHORT cuT = mg OR HALF e LOIN 0° cen ROAST, CHOPS STEW FRONT 0' Wun uae MAPLE LEAF MAPLE LEAF SLICED IDE BACON ,, 79° WIENERS ,,45° _ SAUSAGE "2!t2" 45° SKINLESS BETTY CROCKER 16-0Z. CAKE MIX ANGEL FOOD PKG. DIAL SOAP .. 49° 3 BARS 39° Facelle TISSUE 2°: 55 Domestic Shoriening 'x. 33° FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 21, 22, 23, 24 FREE GIFTS! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EXTRA BONUS TAPES 10 ACQUIRE GIFTS FASTER Hope IGA Store Bilsky IGA 9° "sox, Motor City IGA "Shawn Dyl's IGA ee OSHAWA. HOSPITALITY--ON SALE THURS. FRI. SAT. APPLE PIE EACH 39° SUNBEAM FROST N' SERVE SHORTCAKE ' vcr 30° IGA CANDIES °° 2...;.49° BLACK DIAMOND COLOURED MILD CHEESE 'or 49° TURKEY CHICKEN OR BEEF sine Frozen YORK PIES 4 *.:: 89° 1-LB. PKGS. ~ Maple Leaf LARD 2 ;..: 39° WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES WITH FREE $6. 00 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE KING SIZE CHEER DETERGENT 20c OFF KLEENEX TISSUE REGULAR OR CHUBBIE WITH FREE $4.00 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE YORK PEANUT BUTTER KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES WITH FREE $2.00 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE : TobleRite 16-0Z. JAR 12-0Z, PKG. coloured 2 Tulip Margarine 1-1. rks. Sliced Bologna !2-0z. pks. frozen Old South oe Ont. No. 1 grade Grapefruit Juice 2 'tins | Carrots 3-Ib. cello beg m COURTICE, ONTARIO BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY CUBERT STREET OSHAWA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE Beckstead IGA South End IGA College Hill IGA i. Lansdowne IGA conte Taney rn NO 5p citar te i

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