Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Aug 1963, p. 1

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( THOUGHT FOR TODAY ) 'As they mature, women want more permanent waves; men want more permanent hair. She Oshawa NWS @ Second Class Mall Post Office r" WEATHER REPORT Showers this evening and early Tuesday. Mainly cloudy Tues. day, continuing cool, . ' 10 Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1963 operas end for payment of Postage EIGHTEEN PAGES VOL. 92--NO. 194 British Patrols Hunt Guerrillas From Indonesia join the forthcoming Malaysia federation linking their territor- ies with Malaya and Singapore. Subandrio said he believed Britain--by permitting only four observers from ach. of the three countries--was trying to sabotage the Manila agreement, It is understood Indonesia, which has territorial claims in northern Borneo, wanted to send 30 observers, Police Study Fingerprints Thant. Creation of the federa- tion is expected to be delayed a few days, In Jesselton, North Borneo, about 10,000 persoos chanting "we want Malaysia" gave a rousing reception to a UN team which arrived there today, The mission was led by the deputy director of the UN office of personnel, American Lau- rence Michelmore, and his dep- uty, George Janacek of Czecho- slovakia, | | JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reu- |ters)--Indonesia will refuse to jaccept any findings of- the United States Malaysia assess-| ment team in Sarawak and North Borneo until "the prob- jlems of observers" has been In U.K. Holdup jsolved, Foreign Minister Suban-| dno said today | LONDON (AP) Scotland |Yard's experts today studied 15 Rig eee igelh = ore MM sages sets of fingerprints found at the believed Britain was trying to farm hideout used by the Great sabotage the Manila summit Grain Robbery gang 10 days agreement on Malaysia earlier|*8° They hoped the prints] this month by limiting the num- ber of observers in the north. ern Borneo territories. KUCHING, Sarawak (Reu- ters)--British patrols hunted In- donesian-based guerrillas in this Borneo territory today as the United Nations continued its mission of assessing the popu- lation's views on the Malaysian federation, A patrol of Indian Gurkha tribal fighters clashed Sunday with the guerrillas, killing one of them. A British Army spokes- man said guerrilla losses now totalled at least two dead and probably six wounded. Last Thursday, a British pa- trol exchanged fire with a band of about 60 guerrillas in the Katibas River Valley area in. side the Sarawak border with Indonesian Borneo. A_ British lieutenant wounded jn the fight died Sunday. Malaysia celebrations in Sara- wak will be cancelled until UN teams have assessed the views of the people on the planned federation of Malaya, Singa. pore, Sarawak and North Bor./ neo, The UN team announced that its inspection schedule will end Aug. 31, the original target date CLOTHING AND BOOTS worn by three men killed in a pulp mill boiler explosion Sun- ' | The prints were found in the; l i Malaya, Indonesia and the|buiidings at isolated. Leather- for the birth of the federation.|Philippines agreed in Manila slade Farm, Oakley, the gang's! Tt will then have to evaluate|that a UN team should assess! pideout 18 miles from here ial information gathered, and re-)whether the people of North Glas-gow . London mail train port to Secretary - General U|Borneo and Sarawak want tolwas held up. ; i In the 11 days since the gan --estimated at about 20 men sional the mail train, men and two women have been nace exploded at a pulp and) oe = a sonnh -- total paper mill here, Spraying the USE 1N MONOPOLY? . jmen with a caustic, hot chem.) Other possible clues included: Be ee Monopoly set, a card) mil were burned Fila. the astronauts on thelr way coe a" Ba ne Php oh os ee allge eg a than $1,300,000.000 has ney Brie en aos wih seven-storey building that en- Apollo spaceship blasts off to-/been earmarked for Saturn de- their banknote loot whit they rons ay yond oy anes ward the moon iate in this dec-/velopment in this fiscal vear waited in thei hideo t "ty he Rayonter (Cenees) ade, the launching will climax/Estimated cost for each launch. their petaw og asa eer the most expensive peacetime/ing of the 360-foot vehicles, in-) 2. A house 'in a respectable } venture ever undertaken by cluding booster price, is $100,-/district of west London where, 2 man. 000,000, jdetectives were told, a group of Estimates of the total cost! For fiscal year 1964, the space|!2_ men began holding night range upwards from $20,000,000) agency has requested $800,000,.;meetings behind darkened. win- 000 with some sources predict-/099 to construct test facilities, |dOwS last March, ing outlay of $40,000,000,00, : eenstrection eg 3. Five men sought for ques- 'The price tag was underscore /penditure in the next few years\ Tomes DecaUse they have been last week when the National wit! be at Cape Canaveral There tpsent from their homes since! the robbery, 3._A_ trail of 5 banknotes in |St. Helier, Jersey, one of' the __|Channel Islands | WOODFIBRE, B.C, (CP) --) j US. 'Moon Shot ee Costly Venture CAPE CANAVERAL, (AP)--When the three - man)More ancouver, The nine men were huried jthe walls of the building. One jman was found unconscious in ja pool of hot chemical, Another) |was:thrown 40 feet and smashed] against a concrete wall, Boots and clothing were scattered jaround the building, Cause of the explosion was not known, Officials said the plant, lemploying 35@ men, would be the largest contract it has VET! port negotiated, North America atuhditninten ee isc through gaping holes blowen in ~ Cette Bik Tilers day at Woodfibre, B.C, 20 miles north of Vancouver, are examined, Six other men zane FOur Engineers Dead In B.C. Plant Blast of this area, Injured were Wil- --|Four boiler plant engineers diedjliam James, 19; Tony Zwierko,/said Malm, u I three) sunday when a boiler and tur-/41; James Fortier; Allen Dewey/clothes off and their skin peeled 19, and John Humber, James, Zwierko and Fortier were in critical condition good condition, Carl "Maim, chemist, said the men were cov- Limited's ered with black liquor, a m.x-jinto the building shortly before large plant in this nearly iso-/ture of sodium hydroxide and/the explosion because the steam lated community 20 miles north)sodium sulphide. It is a sticky,/pressure had dropped from the ? jtar - like substance that buras|normal 560 pounds a square linch to about 460 pounds flesh and hair on touch, Progress WASHINGTON (AP) -- The} Alliance for Progress, President) that in|brother-inlaw, St. Laurent, lial known as "black liquor," |hospital with severe burns and] W, W, Breintenbach, president Five other employees of the/other injuries. Dewey was injof the company, said the piant jfair condition and Humber in had an excellent safety program assistant plant/just happen." Monks Boost Acts Against S. Viet Nam termined to burn himself to death as a against regime of President Ngo Dinh Diem, a Roman Catholic, Four monks and one nun have committed fiery suicide to press Buddhist demands for religious equality and government re- forms, The' government denies Buddhist charges that their re- ligion is being persecuted, Buddhist delegations shuttled back and forth between Saigon and Hue, 400 miles to the north, to co-ordinate the anti-govern- ment movement in the two cen- tres, About 17,000 demonstrators, mostly young people, crowded around Saigon's main pagoda Sunda,, They cheered anti-gov- ernment speeches by the fast- ing monks and waved banners accusing the government of bar. barism. Police stood watch but did not interfere with the 12-hour dem- onstration, the biggest the Bud. dhists have held. START HUNGER STRIKE The monks announced they had started a 48-hour nunger strike and asked the crowd to join them for one day, Youths in the gathering shouted assent, In Hue, 5,000 persons iurned SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) -- Buddhist monks con- tinued a 48-hour hunger strike in Saigon today and university students boycotted classes in Hue as the Buddhists stepped up their campaign against the government, Authorities sought to head off further outbreaks, but another young monk was reported de. 600 RCs Call For Greater Foreign Aid EDMONTON (CP) -- More than 600 Roman Catholics from across the country issued a cal! for greater Canadian foreign aid as they wrapped up a na- tional Catholic social life con- ference Sunday. They endorsed a recent state- ment by External Affairs Min- ister Paul Martin that Canada's | foreign aid policy should be ex- panded and said they "believe Canadians desire to see their country make a substantial and even sacrificial contribution to needy countries," were injured in the blast, --(CP Wirephoto) "T tended some of the men," "We cut their ike a grape." is Tieu Dieu, one of two monks thée/who committed suicide by fire last week. The monk's son, Professor Doan Van An, attempted to de- liver a funeral oration but broke down, The Buddhist struggle appar- ently was drawing support from Roman Catholics as well as Buddhists among the faculty and students at Hue University, The school was reported closed today as some 600 students went on strike and announced they would boycott examinations scheduled for today. Students and faculty mem- bers united in protest against the government's firing of the university's Catholic rector, The rector, Rev, Cao Van Luan, is regarded as a moder- ate on the Buddhist issue and is believed to differ with Arch- bishop Ngo Dinh Thue, a brother of President Diem, ASK "KINDNESS" Roman Catholic leaders in Saigon distributed a new pas- toral letter by Archbishop Paul Nguyen Van Binh, calling for "understanding, moderation and kindness" during the Buddhist crisis, Many Catholics fee] thet faith has come under attack as Among the dead was out for the funeral of Rev, Thich a result of the Buddhist dispute, Impetus for the resolution came from an address earlier by Rt, Rev. F, J. Smyth, direc tor ofithe Coady Institute at An tigonish, N.S. He said Canada had the second-highest stand- ard of living in the world but its contributions to needy coun- tries were the second-lowest of 12 contributing countries, Foreign aid is an obligation 'of international social justice, he said, Lack of concern about two- thirds of the world living in pov- erty, is the most flagrant social sin of the century, Meredith Ole Miss OXFORD, Miss. (AP) -- The white people stared stiffly ahead, without expression, The few Negroes in the audience watched sombrely from shall, 'but sometimes these 'things ler and McKay were called Proposing a conference | on peace and world affairs, Msgr, Smyth said; 'Let us not become obsessed -with trying to hold the country together with bi-culturalism and the rest." The world conference was not made a resolution, to look at the other. Together, under the tall oaks, they sat in awkward silence and watched eon neither had ever seen be- fore. James Howard Meredith, a Viewed (The New York Times says Latin America and the Except for a tew stolen glances, neither group seemed Aviation Incorporated received the $934,40,000 plum. for initial developrient and production of the Apollo craft's two major sec- tions, the command and service modules. The command module will house the three astronauts en route to the moon and during the return trip. The service mo-/ dule will contain propulsion, power and other supporting equipment Earlier, the space agency signed a $387,900,000 contract with Grumman Aircraft Engi neering Corporation to develop the third section of the Apollo ship, the lunar excursion mo- dule which two of the pilots will) ride to the lunar surface while! the main body of the ship orbits! the moon Both contracts cover work un. ti) mid-1965. 300,008 INVOLVED The Apollo effort is so wide spread that it cannot be han- died by a handful of compan- ies. The space agency estimates that more than 20,000 firms and 300,000 people eventually will be involved in the project, That's about $2,000.000,000 a vear in sal- aries alone. While North American, Gram- man and their subcontractors work on the lunar ferry, @reds more firms are develop. jug the hundreds of thousands of parts for the gigantic Satum V rocke? which in two minutes will consume 2,108 tons of fuel to provide the power that wil! sian | AUDITORIUM PROGRESS $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 > | 4 A suitcase anda briefcase jfound stuffed with 100,900 | ($302,700) in a Surrey wood last Friday : ome Harcharn Kler, 34; Barry. M« 5. A second-hand black Aus./Kay, 34; Lawrence St. I tin-Healey sports car, found in/and Jurgens Albert Muller closed indefinitely The dead were identified a Mounting Unrest On Israel Border TEL AVIV--Unrest is mount/® parking lot near London Air. ing again along the Israe] arm Port where it had been left by istice frongiers, Four arabs|@ dapper man and a piump,! Pope Urges Peace aoe reverted xitiee Sunday in fe gate woman Who spoke * skirmishes on the borders with/wWith what police were told was the United Arab Republic, Jor. ""an unattractive London ac. In South Vietnam dan and Syria cent," One Arab infiltrator was USED £ NOTES killed and another wounded in an encounter with an Israeli £83 Army patrol north of the E tian-held Gaza Strip. Israeli officials said an Is- Pope Pau! has appealed 3 ($2,505) in cash -- all in Dinh Diem to seek SyP 5 notes -- the day after robbery, Police found the car Sunday raeli Arab working for Egypjnight after giving country-wide/death raeli intelligence and two infil-/publicity to its registration num. |crimination by the governmen trators from Jordan were killed ber and to a description of the well-informed Vatican qu in Clashes with Israeli patrols, |couple. MUTEAT ¢9 500,000,000 in grants--outrightiance, A Washington dispatch/other motions ranging in topic VATICAN CITY (Renters) with economic and social pro-| (The new group will be know 0 gress. The couple bought the car for South Viet Nam's President Ngo 8 internal the peace and understanding in his hore Tuesday. Kennedy will/® country where five Buddhists) meet with Alliance for Progress! have burned themselves t0lvicitors an in protest against dis~/gon B Johnson will address the] arters Siates, said, Ngo is a Roman Catholic. PASS MOTIONS Delegates ended their three- meeting by passing five Kennedy's master plan for help-| United States will make a ma- ing Latin American nations, is)jor attempt this fall to stream- two years old and has receiyed/ine the leadership of the alli-/day slight man of 30, became the first Negro to graduate from the University of Mississippi in its 1l5-year history, Without inci- § u gifts--and loans from the United|says an executive committee/from the future of the family States, There are mixed views/will be set up largely on the|farm to labor-management rela-|dent, he received what some on how well it is doing, pattern of the Organization for] tions, jare calling the $5,000,000 dip- The 10-year program, now two Economic Co-operation and De-| Delegates agreed farm|!oma, that being the estimated years old, is a U:S.-Latin Amer-|Velopment, through which the/8roups, co-operatives, sOver TS Seatanie Wy tak te ook -- years , i SLs # a + 3 iU,S, s ican undertaking aimed at re-|United States has channelled)/ment and industry musi com-| Meredith at Olee Mie |post-war ai > ibine to obtain st i |keep piacing poverty: and stagnation| Post-war aid to Euope. lee bane pom hy just ON oredith received a bachelor's jas the Inter-American Develop-|. Professor Gerald Clarke, act-/@egree in political science, |ment Committee and will be in-/!2S dean of the department of} The scene Sunday bore no re- tended to turn the aliance into/Cconomics, St, Patrick's College|/semblance to the night be ent- truly co-operative enterprise,| University of Ottawa, said that/ered last Sept. 30 in' an explo- (Planners insist the alliance 2 the past 10 years average/sion of violence and death, Few must cease to appear merely farm income decreased about/people at the graduation were as & new framework for a one.' Per cent while all other in-/ aware of the remaining 16 mar- jcomes increased about the same/shals standing inconspicuously sided United States aid pro- " grams, and must give Latin Percentage. on the fringes of the crowd, A long weekend of second an- niversary observances climaxes d Vice-President Lyn-| 'Organization of American Given Degree In a shaded glen, just a short distance from the scene of last year's riot, about 2,500 whites and 40 of Meredith's family and friends looked on quietly, What were they thinking? The clue? were few. Perhaps the conversation overheard between two white women was characteristic; "Well, I'm glad he's gone." "There'll be others." "Well, let's hope it'U all be quieter," Both women spoke with an air of sad resignation, And what were the Nogroes thinking WIFE IS PROUD Mrs, Meredith, the wife of the first Negro graduate, said she was "happy, proud and re- lieved." Moses Meredith, a tall, sol- emn man whose fa' was a slave, said of his son's gradua- tion: "I'm proud just to see 9 man get an education, That's all he ever asked for." Meredith has insisted his gra- duation does not represent pro- Bress, pointing out: "T still need three carloads of marshals fol- lowing me." jAmericans direct responsibility | The Kennedy administration's |), planning and executing pol- Plan Public On Taxation EDMONTON (CP)--An inten!would be to kee Sive program. of educating the jin balance in ¢ public en taxation matters was tinuing changes proposed today by the Edmon- the "patch-work ton Chamber of Commerce' If the which saw it as a means of/tained, the eliminating political expediency told, there should be a Jong list ity." from revenue-raising, of changes leadin : In a brief to the royal com Simplification. mission On taxation, the 1890 One of these ch member chamber said it has be re nal always been politically unpopu- personal inco jar with most Canadians to sug-/cent from 89 per cent gest lower corporation taxes,) Such a move would result in a exemptions of dividends from revenue loss of only $10,000,000 personal income, or a lower'a year, compared with the $49,- rate of tax for individuals in . that now give it) to $300 from $250, " effect. i commission was of tax could be political popula jtax revenue."" Urged To Teach P the structure/000,000 lost by increasing per- he face of con-/sonal exemptions for each child | "Surely the only possible ex- present tax basis is re- cuse for such unreasonable rate, = to equity and) «The royal commission was also asked to examine the tax ld policy pertaining to co-operative duction in the top rate of organizations. The brief wond- me tax to 50 per ered whether a lighter tax joad/ on co-ops is "justified in every case, Considering our free en-/youths sought for 10 days on terprise system, and the loss of/charges of the armed robbery jices, the story says, Belgians Clash Over Seascape OSTEND. Belgium (AP)--|}° Dutch- and French - speaking || Belgians clashed Sunday, The/j trouble started when a caravan of 500 cars and 30 buses filled with Dutch-speaking Flemings demonstrated against the |French character of the sea-| front. | Counter-demonstrators pelted, the caravan with smoke bombs, "esa tomatoes and potatoes. y tore Flemish ff from -- vehicles --- 0 arrests or injuri reported, peli gsc | Vehicles in the caravan car tied posters reading "the sea.| = side is Flemish territory" and |tist on what the program has jJaccomplished in the last two lyears with the help of U.S, as- sistance includes these figures: 15,000,000 people fed, --140,000 homes, 8,200 class- jreoms, 700 community water) systems and 900 hospitals and health centres built. 4 --160,000 farm credit loans is- sued, --4,000,000 books published, Police Capture Two Youths In Bank Holdup PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- Two r jof a Red Rock bank were cap- tured by provincial police early th extremely high income brackets The opposition to such suz- gestions, said the chamber's _ LATE NEWS FLASHES today. "No Flemish, no money." brief, "appears tm be largely due t ignorance . . . of the in- fluence that taxation bears on the economy of Canada as a whole," The Canadian tax structure has become a "patch - work Liberal To Make Gas Probe Vote Issue TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario Liberal Leader John Winter- meyer said today he is prepared te make the Northern Ontario Natural Gas investigation a major election issue. He said in an interview he is Suspicious that the Robarts quilt" through the tug-of-war) Svernment will try to withhold a report on the investiza- between tax collectors and tax.) "0n until after the Sept. 25 provincial election. payers, the brief said, and it is) Youths Punch Two Policemen segue to rebuild kt out in the open where taxpayers can tare Hel aad cas TORONTO (CP) -- Seven youths and teen-agers happening punched and kicked two policemen to the ground during a This would include an end to, Draw! following Saturday night dance in suburban Scar- traditional budget secrecy, Pro.|. borough. Constables Gary Hodgson and Walter Metcalfe posed {ax changes should be] Were treated for body cuts and bruises. Police said rocks, bottles and chunks of wood were thrown at the officers when they attempted to place two youths in a police wagon. made public "well in advance of intredaction to Parliament" and The youths had been fighting. then sent to a Committee of the! House of Commons for detailed |} The pair, Daniel Jones, 18) The Flem were protesting |and Jimmy Bridgeman, 19, were the fact yg 8 res- |Spotted by a motorist walking/taurants, theatres and stores on jalong a road east of Nipigon. the 36-mile Belgian coast cater |The motorist informed provin.|to the public in French, pooiamcrny ~ picked up) \ Wy |Bridgeman and Jones shortly! after. | 62 P Killed. } | The Canadian Imperial Bank! eople )of Commerce in Red Rock was ; ieee} |robbed of $45,000 on Aug, 9 by. 67 Said Missing woe gas NAKA, Okinawa (AP)--A po-|i dale a? ».ilice checklist today showed ale, forced te epen the bank's!y0) €: cersons were known vault, said he recognized thelsla and' 67 missing in the| om jpair. A search was begun for sinking of the Okinawa fe the robbers in dense bush COUN) gat Midori Mara off Nah: s.. try in the Red Rock-Nipigon nog," amend | jarea 60 miles east of here, and) "an air and sea search by US| | sag at ar teens pepe for nelicopters and surface craft ond iapgagi mes & Mage and Okinawan vessels con- * > tinued After a few days police gave) Police said 271 passengers and) HAZLETON, Pa., -- Rescue three were safe, Rescuer holds $200,000 examination prior to enactment. Another recommendation was jthat the department of finance! 'appoint a group of senior pot sonnel to keep the tax stractare junder constant study, The i | | Small Arsenal Taken From Store MONTREAL (CP) -- Thieves breaking inte a war sur- plus store early, today stole 115 rifles, 90 revolvers, a quan- tity. of ammunition and six portable wireless sets. They Grilled through @ wall from a restaurant. . $50,000 u ip hope of finding the suspects crew were aboard when the in the thick bush, saying it was' Midori Maru left Naha and 142 like looking for a needie in alwere rescued from the stormy hay stack. The heat and swarms waters. The ferry was --making of black flies also hampered the the run to Kune Island, 50 miles isearch. ; itp the west, worker at Jef cups his hand to mouth as he shouts down 33l-foot hole -to three coal miners who haye been en- tombed since last Tuesday, One miner shouted that all 4 cord in left hand with which food and drinks were lowered to men. Moments after picture was made the cord snagged and broke. Workers said heavier cord will be used on TALK TO TRAPPED MINERS next try, Drilling of 6-inch hole will be used on next try, Drilling of G-inch hole beran Saturday and reached. men late last night. (See story Page 2) (--AP. Wirephoie) '

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