Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Aug 1963, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Sunny and cool today. Clear tonight, Saturday cloudy with occasional rain, THOUGHT FOR TODAY The person who watches the clock will always be one of the hands Ce fee ae "on EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1963 ROBARTS NAMES DATE FOR ONTARIO ELECTION VOL. 92--NO. 192 US, Canada Agree On Warhead Control OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-, But Canada will share contro], The statement said the agree- ter Pearson announced today|in any use of the warheads, he)ment provides for 'the applica. that Canada and the Uni added jtion at all times of the most States have reached agreement) "When the stockpiles are es-|Stringent safety measures." i on the conditions under which/tablished the warheads will re-! Finally, these nuclear war- t Canadian will acquire) main in United States custody,/heads cannot be used opera-|; nuclear warheads and for this purpose small units|tionally without the authoriza- Mr, Pearson said the arrange-/of United States custodial per ition of the Canadian govern-|; ments relating to custody and/sonne! will be stationed at the|ment," the statement said. control of the warheads "'satis-;Canadian storage sites, at bases "Joint thus ifactorily protect Canada's na-| which will, of course, remain sured, : tional interests d conformiunder Canadian command and! Mr, Pearson said the agree- with the tion Canada has! control,' Mr, Pearson's state-|ment was reached "as a result, taken internationally the non-/ ment said of negotiations begun three weap-| "With custody remaining with|Years' ago and resumed by the forces <S NSS TWO WOMEN suspects in Britain's great train robbery cover their heads with a coat 5 Formally Charged In U.K. Train Robbery LINSLADE, England -- Fiveja London florist shop, were,first charged at the police sta hooded figures were hustledjcharged with receiving £1,190) tion, 'merely said: *'No." into a small country courthouse/in stolen banknotes, The two} The court hes was taken in this tiny Buckinghamshire; women were said to be sisters.jup with police evidence, When village today and formally; Mrs, Emily: Clark, the/the suspects were asked if they charged with. te : part in/Bournemouth widow who tipped had anything to say, there was SRR S . wh as they are escorted to court ters, are charged with re- in Linslade, England, today. ceiving 1,190 pounds ($3,332) The women, said to be sis- in stolen bank-notes is as- control pos ROBARTS i Said of nuclear } | | press both was seein a to | The nun's publ and on about 200. miles held two n ast week ' 7 at ater, caer m hour de i The la charged co) u g known. red t Tu i not try to e troops r said. "J goda but dic : /awaited announcement House Dissolved, Election Sept. 25 TORONTO (CP) -- Premier) He will be seeking to extend the Robarts today called an Ontario! Progressive Conservatives' rule, general election for Wednesday,)/which earlier this month Sept, 25, jmarked its 20th anniversary. The premier made the long:| It is four years and almost at a|four months since the last elec. Queen's Park press conference, |tion, when former premier Les- during which Lieutenant, Gov-/!i¢ Frost led the party to a to- ernor Earl Rowe signed a writ|{al of 71 seats in the 98-seat formally dissolving the 2th On.|house, The Liberals took 22 and tarlo legislature, jfive went to the CCF, since be- The premier told reporters|SO™*® the New Democratic that with important federal-pr S| Party. vincial conferences ahead "it is| DC®ths, resignations and by- imperative that we be left in} elections have altered the stand: no doubt that we gpenk forthe) NE, AM, seven gale were va people of Ontario. dissolved, The standings at dis- Mr, Robarts said he had con-| solution; Conservative, 62, Lib: sidered a provincial eleciion in) late spring, But following two} eral 24, NDP 5, 4 There will be 108 seats at federal elections in less than &jstake in this election, following year "and the inconclusive re-/the addition of 10 new seats in sults of the last federal election|the Metropolitan Toronto area in held in April and the period of), preliminary redistribution ap- instability and uncertainty/proved at the last session of the which followed in its wake, it legislature, was decided that in the circum-| 'Mr. Robarts has been promier stances the late - spring election/for jess than two years, taking jwould have an unsettiing effect) over the leadership of the party jon our economy and would be/Qct, 25, 1961, after Mr. Frost jviewed with disfavor by OUT/resigned following 12 years at people, jthe helm, Mr, Robarts was The Progressive Conservative;sworn in as premier the follow- government's forma! termiing Noy, § jwould have come to an aut] Since then he has shuffled his ;matic end next June if allowod/ cabinet drastically to bring jto. run its full course. lyounger blood into the govern- ; It will mark the first time/ment, Of the 21 cabinet minis. that Premier Robarts, 45-year-|ters who took the oath of olfice old lawyer from London, Ont.,/after the 1959 election, three are has led his party in an election.jdead and seven have resigned, MOST FAIRLY NEW With the exception of Welfare | P olice Seek Man Minister Louis Cecile, who has held a portfolio since 148, one In Alleged Attack of the present ministers was in EGANVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- the cabinet before 1953, {Provincial police today combed), The most recent. resignation, the bush in the Golden Lake In.j*hat of Travel and Publicity ldian reserve area 12 miles west/Mfinister Bryan Cathcart, jot here for a reserve resident brought a quick shuffle of three jwho allegedly attacked two po-!Maler portfolios in the cabiaet licemen after shooting at his/°M!Y three days ago. iwife, | Eight byelections have been Police said the man resisted| held since the 1959 general elec. \Constables Patrick Mulhall andjtion. Conservatives were re |W. R. Bell and escaped when turned in two under Mr. Frost, jthey tried to arrest him Thurs-/Continuing the party's record of day as 18 years without a byelection Eganville is 20 miles south of/!oss, but in six since Mr Ro- Pembroke. barts took over the leadership jthe Liberals. retained two of | ' where Buddhists monk's body iANIZED apparently th building led the SMM SUICIDE DRC "| The b money * he both re connection robbery, Police said them: "I deny the deny. be U.S. Closes Door On Tax Changes \ nd Boal admit any Hensley asi \ the Wi + he meric jeliver g . f abe . war Diem m weeks The notes part « . Reliable re 100 detectives \ London area the gs were b 1a Three Fleeing BRAZZAVILLE, . Congo Re-| public (AP)---The Congo Repub- lic's army today announced ap-| pointment of Alphonse Mas- samba - Debat, described by) friends as a moderate leftist, to; head a provisional government for the Congo Republic, Massamba - Debat, 42, takes) over from Fulbert Youlou, the! jrepublic's only president since gained independence from) iFrance three years ago. But Massamba - Debat was named "chief of government," or pre- mier, not provisional president.| Youlou resigned Thurs. iday and turned the government! jover to the army after rioting) and mounting charges of cor- were aboarg/ruption and high living against was returning Mim and his ministers. | The capital, a city of 136,000 'population, returned to normal INR lissemination of nuclear ons."' the United States, the arrange.|Present Canadian government! JOHN In a prepared statement, the/ment does not add to the num.|*fter taking office" in April. | prime minister U.S.|bers of governments having nu-} The agreement sets out the) iwill retain custody clear weapons at their inde-|conditions under which nuclear] s stockpiles pendent disposal." warheads 'will be made avail- R C sh jable" for Canadian forces en- 1ver Ta ae jgaged in North American de- jfence as well as those as- Viet Nam ( ities jsigned overseas with NATO, | Probe Sheds | The weapons systems -- the icarriers for the nuclear war-| had jheads -- ate the Bomarc anti| ® s Britain's great tra } police when Boal and Cowdery/a muttered exch between Get Martial Law Jaircraft missile and the Voodoo! Little Li ht receiving part of the millions of offered her three months rent/the two Boals that was inaud uterceptor in Canada, and the pounds in loot n advance for a garage, went/ibl in the seats at the _° : Honest John artillery rocket ; One of the meh charge into hiding back of the court SAIGON, South Viet Nam --jold nun Dien Hien, Severaliand the CF-104 low-level jet) QUEBEC (CP) -- Little evi- robbery 308 "I don't want to.say anything) The two women 'o- President Ngo Dinh Diem's gov, thousand Buddhists gathered in bomber, both stationed in Eu-/dence throwing light on the the charges. But a detective about it at all," Mrs. Clark. told/duced the police ernment 'clamped mar law|front.of the railway station.) rope. causes of the sinking of the Tri- told the court that Boal had told reporters as she left for a secret' demanded they did not on two major Vietnamese cities Two hundred soldiers drove to) Details of the agreement were/tonica, in which 33 seamen him during questioning: "I an dress, "It's all. very frighien-jsay they i stolen, today in the wake of anot the scene in fire trucks. not released, /died, has been heard in the first silly to get involved with this, I ing." This was the account given by Buddhist suicide by fire--the USE TEAR GAS "ueeipsaeee ---- two days of the Admiralty Court should have known better." : The police were taking every) Detective Inspector John Hens-'third this week When the demonstrators re- % hearings into the rg of the The five suspects, 'two of|/precaution not to spoil their/ley in court: Mantial law was imposed on fused disperse the troops S t A doomed vessel and the Roo- them sisters, appeared before|case, They draped hoods over; He said he. called at Mrs. the central Viet Nam capital of scattered them with tear aa. ena ors gree nagh Head on a fog-shrouded a magistrate in this town 2,372) the five suspects lest they claim/Boal's home at 1:15 a.m. Thurs- Hue, where the latest burning) Roads leading into the city were |St. Lawrence River, rsons 42 miles northwest of/at their trial that newspaper/day and said he planned to/occurred early today, and on closed. T t B P Capt, William Haddock of the lon, It lies four miles from photographs of their faces/search the house. the coastal city of Nhatrang,) A Buddhist nun named Dieu es ee an act Roonagh Head continued the Coseecinn, oe rf gang at might prejudice a jury The It you are looking for where Vietnamese troops Quang burned herself to death! testimony Thursday he began mall train from 'Gasyow'eisii0 =" minste Rearing and" Te|vou" You are Hound io ind Ws gueUed,,%.,O8. demonstraton Thursday in a similar suicide (age Pffative its ay, bears and three youne i : a sh 4 VE you. mu are t nd i," with tear gas. she was the first woman sul- . ropes and escap ed with} vealed: : said Mrs, Boal All Vietnamese in Hue except! cide in the current religious con. |Northern Ireland were subse: 600, ($7,800,000) in cur-| Boal and his wife Rene, pa-) She produced a packet of "er Pag t Bg y sti = sa at Gdansk taiee Wat tc aa, ee ee servants and troops were WASHINGTON (AP) --The quently questioned. = The ee als gg se and Alived Pilerim co-ithey come trom vey toa a ae ordered to stay indoors. sulcide took/Chairmen of three key Senate} The seamen, speaking' with women were ordered owners with Mrs. Boal of a gay bery, I hope I am lyed Tension reached a new 0% northeast of commatees agreed today that) thick brogues, answered "I til Aug. 24 while the cov little florist shop at East Mole My h . when . eee "7 " ; . 7 a > w I t/don't know," or * I can't re wide hunt continued for ey south of London money) to me 1d." monk | hich eu ieu bt said . she nesses 2 re uliding up a strong es meas f * and confederates Roger John Cordrey, ar-| When he pi, Rimself_ to death at protest the and effective case for ratifica- reel gi apps ot The amount of th one rested with Boal Wednesday grim's ' Hensles Hue's b seizure of a cof- tion of the limited nuclear test/*hing was going to happen" to covered rose today, with a p0-lcioht in the south coast resort told. her ' » the fifth z the body of an- ban treaty. most of the questions asked. Mice announcement that it town of Bournemouth after a receive who committed sui-/ Chairman Richard B, Russell, One sailor, William Malcolm. talled £141,000 ($493.000) street fiebl 'qith detertive "la in Hue Wedne of the armed services commit./son, 18, said he had been steer- FIND SUITCASES Cordrey and Boal were told h N est st s came as tee said government diplomatic, ing the Roonagh Head for the This morning, two with robbing the tr ae | dor Freder. milMary and scientific spokes.jfirst time when the freighter stuffed with money w ny "with others left his difficult men "make a_ very | strong/collided with the Tritonica at 2 in a- woods southwest Boal's wife and Saigon where he was Case." But he added that he is'a.m, July 20 about 45 miles don Pilgrims were charg i for two years keeping an open mind until al] downstream from here Police and detectives ceiving a total of £1,910 in stolen he ervers said his re. the evidence fs in, a te Badiaaas Ween ae The Georgia Democrat said lg gage Bdge ¢ was "impressed that the ame & cas | it to. Witnesses are aware that there tha kane and regime in re. 87e military disadvantages" in adherence while maintaining they are more than offset by other factors in U.S. favor. Senator J. William Fulbright, rkansas Democrat who Is irman of the foreign rela- S$ Committee, said in a sep- e interview that he believes treaty is "'picking up votes" as the hearings proceed, on the base of "a very effective" pre- sentation . | 25 People Killed ight '*' In Burning Bus nied the by Diem, Tieuw Dieu also said his ride Was r ' ar ther arrests we there was r net was tight PATROL HARB Authorities Going To Sault SUDBURY levelled sts by Die powerful sister . i Ngo Dinh Nhu Mrs, Nhu has sa 'Atha: dissident I ti in protes (CP) Three soners who broke} ards outside > nig' be " jit ieved to be } lt Ste, Mari ng members soners m Sault Burwash RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil > (Reuters) -- Twenty ~ five per. sons were killed and 14 injured today when a bus caught fire n Lagoasanta, about 40 miles rth of here ty persons bus a from a party. Ciifford Berry, 18, !- P and Regin- Sault Ste masking re s. She advocates e the government use for t them, "INE Ste. fadus- here and ¢ matory, esca aS they ay the : a where they wer a tle used ha to spend the Boal's wife, and Mary P Far the said secur- moe AS apt from adminis that the 1 remain on outstanding nadian issues sold to Ar ans during the period ending Dec 1965 ne tA » Kennedy all of etermined AUDITORIUM PROGRESS ferry and Duguay were ndcuffed together and Dubois had a handcuff attached to his wr t Sarawak Protest arawak 3 5 (Reuat-) The mot squad, carrying clubs nd stood shoulder said. the two ught the prison. , e not rmed/f he danger of the) getting inte prisoners') i U.S. Ready To OK ji Observation Plan GENEVA (AP)--The United i today it is prepared Khrushechev's ound observa. the @ sides of the ard against Jail officials $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 , $50,000 persons were their a iw «othe when they asts « h sides of om pasts on both row tain t ) disarm te on the arre t r FOR DISCUSSION Pe. S 3 ine Ane FRENCH TROOPS TAKE a 3.900 i gt worked out. on operation of such a system] cups along 'the road lthe UN team ithe Moderate Leftist New Congo Chief jtheir own seats and won two for. mer Conservative ridings. The j}government retained two ridings iby slim margins. |_ The Conservatives have culed jOntario since George Drew led fa minority government io vic- jtory in 1933 after nine years of Liberal rule. y hav today after a three-day general solute cae sn oer strike against Youlou, Workers/tions since and been led by the returned to their jobs. Stroctsjiate T. L. Kennedy, who took and shepe wore rage ge eer briefly a ne when Mr. Mass ~Debdat, rew became ral Conserva- of sme, tet ngpen oe is Youlou,|tive leader, and tien wa Started as a schoolteacher, A ; former member of the National| po", ae see geod Assembly, he was Youlou"s min-jiast Je R he fu: ister of state in 1961 and then|crranicca crmms "whrch brake minister of development until -- tek cae ue erent June, 1983. Youlou fired himiihe appointment of a one-man and tried to ship him off to Pa-| oval commission. While the ris as ambassador to France,.o nice nays le but Massamba-Debat refused oT anes = Joy yer Massamba ~ Debat also willlworig: links with the govera. -- post of minister af de. ment, several of its recommen- Wik ate ais canueces dations have been implemented, over Radio Brazzaville that it Ateut the time its report was . brought down, former Attorney- was dissolving the National As. General Kelso Roberts was sembly. It said seven technic. moved to the department of ians will serve as ministers in}ianas 'and forests the provisional government. as

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