22--Offices, Stores, Storag nat hoe business or "|TWO ROOMS end kitchen wiring, #70, monthly Telephone ne sv) | professional off thothiny store, $85. month 623-300), SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 'NEW OFFICES -- In Medical Center ji 211 Simcoe St Available July, Con be finished Early Tenonts PHONE 725-5132 FOR RENT LARGE Modern Store IN Shopping Plaza 25--Apartmente E-ROOM heated apartment. |27--Rea! Estote for Sole METCALF Real Estate Ltd 40 King St, East DIAL 728-4678 GOLFVIEW HEIGHTS wenew homes by §. Jackson & Son Ltd. Close to schools, TCBING Tol, Fa x TT Feat, Hie kitehen, cupboards ' sy ri and tile chen, cu Port Perry arec, new 3 bed room cottage with all con» goed well, lew taken veniences on wooded water oun screens front: lot. Could be easily "enna double garag: winterized for year round live Ing, Range, refrigerator, space heater provided on ad- ditional . contract, Monthly payments $50.79, Immediate SOUTH MEAD possession Private bath Rarking. Sull couple or business people, |¥WO-ROOM furnished apartment | | fac litles, privat bath, near bus, Taal Choose your new home and Prices start os low os | Bast, heated, $40. Adults, "abstainers, Tele: lphe 7, phone 725-1709 after 7, dawrreeof course one N.HLA. ana [downtown Pi Arthur Street, WORTH A LOOK! LLOYD REALTY One and wo hedroom suites from $100 A am tor, 'further detalis and THEN CALL YOUR MOVER HILLSDALE SCHOOL AREA! Price $13,600 $10,500 FULL PRICE | Down Payment $2,500 room and halls broadioomed mes For Rent _ balance of bose- with geod down poyment and arge parking available, rly TRY ON FOR SIZE completely furnished for central te downtown ond move night away c COMMERC 1Al LAND Reasonable TELEPHONE 728-4646 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 23--Wonted To Rent MALE > and boar Oshawa Times FURNISHED apartment working couple, Wanted At ~ WANTED ed. Six seve No smell ua) on wrete ewe Times BY OCTOo galew, preferably w sis @ Oshawa; two sere erences n phone af THREE vote entra misdie = aged couple Must be good cinen reoms Osraws Time Rawr sat wal * ew : aprons P28 FAMILY tee Pea fours Dy Sep 'ernie: » Oxhowe oF sur rounding area. reasonadie ences rec a me Deh Fam, RI CHOICE Bl ILDING LOT ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED aon PARK RD, N » Oshawa 27-----Real Estote For Sole ==" JOHN F. DeWITH| 14 Frank Street Lookir A Te Business women needs @etely 3 opertment in privote et D ene Telephone days, 723-4721 Telephone Evenings WUNTING CAMP res of woods ond bush with 24--Houses For Rent FOUR ore POsIeEs iow ote rR eh weeCor ? ROUSE FOR RENT THREE-BEDROOM FOR SALE Shereern a this level, Beautifully set on | THREE in entien 2 es GMCOE REET NORTH ATTRACTIVE NOR How peovate ettranc tare sp we y * Gast, Meas COMPLETELY *& nee aDRT ent pad my eer, Saee, <ay x "& New? & ay wt: er Sree fa Nea mum ston Brick home with 4 bed. LOOKING FOR A GOOD iN. COME PROPERTY? -- We Nove severol 'Sec, oct now TEACHER eye Temmane nat WEPEE eee tone w " eat Sad CAND SUMMER COTTAGE "BB" BEACH RICE LAKE D. ANDREWS 42 KING STREET EAST 46 Ey --=Real Estate For Sale = |Z7------Keal Estate for Sale Real Estate For Sele Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Avguit 15, 1963 75 driveway, Asking. $1,400, Te storey insul drick hou: bright rooms, modern = m west of Brooklin, Phone itfers, North Shore Realty AREA Ltd, 112 Simeoe North _Telephone 728 3568 Five room brick bungalow, immaculote throughout, pave ed drive, Owner transferred, must sell. Will give imme LIST WITH LLOYD diate possession $2,700. DOWN Four bedroom brick nore Contoct Bill Miller situated on a@ large lot. Huge : family kitchen, modem oll Telephone 725-1186 heot, Delay could mean dis- appointment, Call Ed Drumm W. T. Lamson right now for appointment to Saas ot 728-5123 or 725 | Real Estate Ltd 9345, INCOME HOME -- | KEITH PETERS $10,900 ASKING PRICE | Presently rented out as dur | REALTOR 728-7328 aTREET EAST halt cash. Call Ed Drumm at | Powell St $14,900 tor lex Handy location = for Jowntown, schools--ete_Geod 103 KINC eduction for cash or one 728.5123 of 725.9345 j this 6 roc m ranch style bung shes eB 2 alow with attached garage, CADILLAC AVE enclose zewoy, asphalt $12,600 00 FU Ll PRICE | drive troms, sep a bedroc bungalow | rote d m e lot with gorage. Sit ated very | 86% 19C mm rms se to all schools, Asking | and twindow, Call Earle Ailen adstarntic gown 125-7782 Cali Ed Drumm et r 725-934 block south Park Rd. We ha BRICK BUNGALOW adjacent properties ) a $2,000 DOWN tot m Or w about est 10) ft, and a depth of 210 hree bedrooms, __ finished i. Th : "is: is On e nvest recreation room ord 3 piece ment 3 sh bath in besement, Modern ieage® . . aon #6 son 728.2548 hen with built in stove end over Fe we ot ond Bric 4 vy stodey ved drive. To inspect th : pore it peat ve age, oll heated, poved wey e wer ge rooms, centrally C k she $ t a3 ~ 958. 8192 Low down. payment \ o ' A tered, th Ae ew your "i mronerty w N LUNCH ROOM party wed be $4,200 } eiouees y hed Ove yeors ; Jwner retiring, excellent k j Glengrove 31. © room brick | home with corport, good lend. v scoping and well decoroted, - ' years old, 64 te Cea x He t 623-343 t wk Olive Ave. =~ $9,800 eco ent nomecio! smaller home, low one < toxes $146.29, 2 bedroms 3 runchase @osy to heat. Coll Joe Crow snap Hurry p ford ¢ 3672 orne ow at 28.5123 ; , FOR BETTER HOMES Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited "| BETTER SEE 10! Stmooe Street North Oshawa, Onterio i R. VICKERY OPEN EVENINGS 3 REALTOR ets a pn ta 46 KING ST. W CARL OLSEN Bere SPECIAL VALUE REALT OR MARION STREET '723-1133 xtra kitchen off KING ST. EAST---Snocias tf you ore seeking on excel. +) k home in immac | ent. home, we ocoted n wore ve ' tw t " Tw Orns On My weed Hoor could be rented os fo. |} @ landscaped 70 Postessior U0 Gow asking price | Coll Bob. | eve ° e rv a shut ~ $9,800.¢ Four bedroon windo nd ck ng older style frome home on $12 with $2¢ . wiet street only Ave blocks coveTING everything 8 ROOM BRICK ~ ob Jobnaton ot 723-1 GARAGE evenings 725.936 2>2 Storey, modern kitcher freshly decoroted, canvenient Vitson Burk St. Asking ao St $13,500, One mortgage back @ leroe be | Open to resonable offe ye MiSs i o room, Compile OPEN EVENINGS, CONTACT erry B Bert | Hen. Sin IMMACULATE 3 BEDROOM 133, evenings HOME--Very clean bunge- ioe WIR Gining room, nice | twine room, 2 cor garage, | poved drive, patio end * landscaping, The basement j bes a becutifully terge =recreetion room, ond | the utility orea is pointed } ond tidy, Asking $15,700 ; | mAQ ond trons ohh Coen to offer 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW ; With nice ket, close te j} hook ond churches. Kit. } chen hes Guilt in oven ond counter top ronge. Ask) $12.000. Chen te tome che offer, Oemer moved to Toronto ONE MAN DAIRY FARM Very successtul aperation on ts lovely 80 -- Exce with onl furnace ond Verences, Good wnoGern fociities, in borm cleaner, oand = oor tract. Situcted neor moin highwoy schools «ond Churches, Con be hough? es form any oF Gs @ goine con. cern, Good terms. FARM WITH HIGHWAY FRONT AGi--\Wionderh -- OPROCT 4 fumished summer tome | BHONE BROOKLIN = =os LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. A WILLOUGHBY and >om Lt #/3 bedrolm brick bungalow with car 7?) i Only va years. old, Loaded with extras, Fah wha BOM RESET 8 COWSTATE, ti000, > Privaie, TH. ' large |S, eee garden land, Close to Highway ? gatrlet, Close to stores, schools, bus, 728-788) evenin a 4 bal 1m, COTE Ty Gihows, serviced, B oot Frank | bungalow with ft, fecreotion ies #1800 DOWN or late model cer for fhis/$0 FULL down payment for this six) JONES AVENUE -- Two + bedroim brick 1, year brick bungalow, four-plece bath,/bungalow, o!! heated, aluminum wir 29---Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale reed alr oll heat, Call Sally Wallace,|dows, ete, Good location, Loss fer cash, ir achool, Telephon ing, 90 miles rem Oshawa, Call after é Bim, 7252017, ONT Ac I, from. Taunton Road West, ideal tive-room i finished |tennia, social club or plenic lot, north Only $5 Al $7,000, ASKING peice for twostorey| a0 NHA approved -- breed trom $1,900, TOK Se AIL. paid services, Close to public and|?256297, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377,/ Telephone 726-7248, 108) CHEVROLET. |srove Frigidaire, a0" we No Down Payment Nigh schools, Possession before school] = en ae bedy, peter and + Frigidaire, 40", automa' si : treet, Hires radio. $48 toy, timer, good condition, Dial peat To Approved Credit Buyers | #/8rts, Telephone 728-0569, TEN-ROOM ~ centre hall brick home. SOWMANVILLG, Bi in Street building : "1969 PONTIAC convertibie, automatic.| HOMADR sleeper tralier, 13 fer S225 oF 3855, hily powered, bucket seat, Diplomat|best offer, Apply 935 Athol es Porgy ereeemier morgen ive with white top, Private, Telephone| 72984, tor | 08-4622, WE buy sell and ax ture or anything you have, "ine bey frading Pos? Stores. 4446 Simcoe South and 8) Bond Stree? Basi, mylen, Wit WERCHORT ONE 7 ls RANGE, Frigidaire, @ loch with double vent condition, Telephone 726-3193, even; chrome kitchen Ale! Ae nn Cal Mr, McKinnon, collect Pickering TE | morte: 344), Three bedroom brick bunge of HO 1-090) Toronto, low, oil heat, Southeast Oshy = aRiVATE . ews, Private sale by owner, [goad location, new oll furna | Telephone 725-8503 |ficnmone faaniar BEAUTIFUL sixroom " Woatorey DIME Joseph Bosco Realtor 9@, a Ws CADILLAC on] 182 CHEVROLET, Funes Very good, talr| Batteries, [PRIVATE SALE [Saute aia nine Sata etree aia insvibbrick, weat of Simeoe Street, withi Terms, Call Mr, Appleby at 7is-dsed or quart sealers,' work jew, low Yexea tne low lo daw bai payment TVRM, Jonn = " Dolahood Limited, bad ne tnttehalin, thhe oF eat | 7B 1074. or all detatia call ike Per 0909, FARM FOR TS acres, abundent|otter, Blal tbs) VACUUM cleaner repalra, all maken Joseph Bosco, Realtor, ian t weer, exceliont buliett 20 miles on Waa CHEVROL n mp Frew catimmeten Parte. attectmentes ge 'obourg, Telephone after § p.m, 72% WW i tor a Track, brushes, hoses, guaranteed it #68? DOWN ONE NHA mortgage, 3 bee; _ condition. PCV licence, $2,000! chines, Rentals Wallace Nate an room split level with bullt In stove a relies 48090, ee. Call anytiene, 728-059) refrigerator, Carries tor $78 monthiy close] @RIVAYS™ GAL = ney, Vereen | nage oer ay ern x PSNR 8 FR shopping, schools and. transportation, been bungalow, me oo ten: Wate Gok tebe, good condl:| RANGE: MOPPAT 96 Inch, ivi 0 minutes drive west of Stevenson's road | telly sown. a eent NHAI in Telephone Pa0a7, fet with tables, electric iron mang' fa bee room suite, All in good condition. Dial Tab86a3, ' Feo RULE RICHI" Sik" room" Wrame| UH) OM We YON PICK UP truck, 0 with deep lol, Welking latance. te Soret, Feemwne girer & gem, vate COV "snd Salk Seed ned Wns one shopping centre, bua at door. Payments/o™ location New N-H.A, only $49: monthiy including interest, | HOTROD COU ve er ee usearraea penture a pony i fei H Hurry for this one by calling Ossie Mar-jpul pid rm. KOAY, Wb A The ome Mn 'now TR4T4, Joseph Boaco, Realtor Hanon clerk nas. $280, 'Spor baler 'a BS Bye ed Werk, we) bent waa VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, Like new, Pas-oeg0 TRANSPORT Gosineis Wh Wine ailfers|) ! M Only $625 Down | AREENY ci inate eee (en Mata Or See TORENT Tae HO For Immediate Sale ejervere, ord Trenton tree. riverssti ita PCVROUTHT do Ene anaes Wiles, Lit. Realtors, Castleton, gaaraer|PO0Y: Reasona ery _te raed nenn, Ach. "four burner, In excellent condition, Asking $100, Dial 'ot 62-7022, .. CONVE "goal furnace oll burner, pe Nag thor Good | pipes, 200 gallon ol! tank, complete, $50, mechanically, $180. 1954 $45,| Telephone 251, Telephone. $b. Picering" Beech, &F SOODRIEN HORE Vine Kelvinetor refrigerators, toe » Whitby 468-$071, | vision, Thrifty Budget plan, 72-4543, Wie AUSTIN AWG, six eylinder, all leather | FRIGIDAIRE Feirloarator, We able We Modern N.H.A. three bedroom easy terms, Cali Arthur wey interior, bucket seat, custom radia, hind bi Rxceiiont condition, $135, Telephone condition inside and out, 44.000 mile: bungalow, Specious kitchen, oll heated, Storms end screens, |28---Real Estate Wonted WS oF offer, Whitey G60-s07!, RANGES Honey ay) Timer and deep WAS BUICK twodoor hardiap, In Al Gon-|trver, Good Decorated, 6 per cent morts [WANTED Vireededroom brick bungalow /@illon, $273 oF offer, a n nance, Apely Weooine i r gage in north east section. Telephone atier 4/205 Lupin Drive, Whith over net and taffeta, bustle effect, matt 1A oR ah a il eldest 4 $s a hl ' am, 725-3908. i MEX" Walle" Win spoke wheels, train, long aleeves, Must be seen, Make PRICE $] ] 500 WANTED TO BUY: 2 bedroom brick hun:/Mechanically goad, Telephone 7250075, | reasonabie otter, Dial 720-7188, ' golem north end, Write Box 1%, Oshawal pip WOLKEWAGEN Udelune™ Poulan) TELEVITTON tows tower apeclal, & H. sirue BROOKLIN WE have buyers walling for bungalows) /2>2580 osm 's of Ihe! 1840 MGA White Convertible, We 8F@)ege 17.500, Excellent condition, 91,300, /_*" your home! ats i? . une © + Gaeree Resranelr tb con er é am. dial Leatas STUDENTS A super value, % Joseph Bose, Reaitor| a PONTIAC, Kaoor slandare, na, Vedio, (mately 490 eheets of jeter and twe storey homes in all 655-3157 wo Palen tree sold adie very goed condition. Telephone/'ure inciucing ali channel antenna in seine | OOS ant guaranteed by experts with +@ veara experience, $90, Trio bnitdniesed yephone 770-6781, typing jwhitewalls, dines, $1,998 Can de financed Ec ygghs ed ot) oe one wun WE HAVE BUYERS = |189 VAUXHALL." Goad" condition, Tow! 11) Dundas Street West, 29-----Automobiles For Sale |mieave gow second car, Dial 84 TeETENAL ehesleTMOIa Tape FeONTOR, FOR 1989 CHEVROLET LeiAir ds coor sedan, 4? TRIUMPR io sported ry, Immacy: rattan patio Saba Cocagrenal Bis % ' fandard gear, | . oe tate, Myst sel Between 4 ond 6 amy jeuitdren's we 3. ings ho] 2. 5 Room Bungalows veneers 9 wid gil narptaad eee wih gold, Die! PasaNN8, in the Cadillac. iat FORE Od condition new] tl eHEVROLEYT Impala, door here eglens boat, 3H utchy New waler pump, fvel pum| ang!'® automatic transmission, ¢ cyngor | start, tratier, roe tanke Highland Area istarter, Apply 7) Gibb Street new fees 2. perfect condition i cane ot He ma Was PLYMOUTH sail J ee Bn a 0 SITE | FORA pag SALE {i BEYMOUTH siation wegen, "ERO or] Soa iagmawae wal inv Seer sedan | IGOAL and wood stove, yellow arberlte CALL ay - ~ ~~ }rmetaiiic green, automatic, whitewalls, table, aie chairs, combination radio re i 8? METEOR, 2 door, 6 me radia, powersteering, ee, Only 12,200/eord player, vacuum cleaner, metal tranamission, perfect cond Phone 453 MRS BEAL AT hie -- yout Beat offer, Tel phone Teaee) On rns, Sacrifice at $2,360, Telephone bathtub, All geod condition. 798-112) | 4703, UG THis Ford Turing, parilally Ve |/k MERCURY converiibley BOWSTANOMEMIVN Saw, Taine, Gell, aander, fie ny en Ne Gone, $400 Or Best offer [steering Drakes and windows, town andinew with ecctevariea Coat $590, For sale [reweanene 18!) Gays, OF afler'd B.ms/country, posh Button radio, Dominion/$3@, 44525), i year Mpg tang Cresta, Nour Goer. 723. 2265 jeeitent condi? rhe-sans }Royel master tires, Private, Al condi zr [a pane, fumed Gk nah, |Non. S485 Tevepnone 725S02 PLAYER "SIR Torved oul Hal. geet 11986 GMC, one fon stake frock, Gueliphone 723.0599, wae PONTIAC Parisienne Gonvertibia, VE, Wneelh Two complete sete ef racks, leon, Sleeps enn RUTOMAatC, radia, Good condition ater 4) bridge pole end tarpaulin -- bend hgh A ny aR be mnnd "Tere ae-O42 |telepnone P25-3497 end reaullt motor, Dedy, prone . | rated, woul' ault contracter, ete, vel cmerenai | i siberian oo -- | WANT YOUR i CHEVROLET" 'rapa eee rtTble, for Apply W2 Courcetiette Avenue, Tw REVSTONT ror ya Wriple 4 £0 NMAC Cod ition, romans: /iena, electric eye, used very little, Best [Power steering, power Drakes. backup INS" AUSTIN' Healy," Teo seater, peed offer, Bowmanville 4234732, Mydro te Ve . jeordition. Red finleh. $2,090, Volephare) cece reece ceeepeeeecens ae Jer. Low mileage, AN exiran, One cunen | 72-088 FURNACE, Taree Forced alr onli Rest offer, Fam. to € AmoliN) VALIANT UNO beden wih Tere |e lg ie ee romneved ive, radio eto, under werrant Thee lmmediately, Telephone 725008. rc bie, Ve eaging, eR. After ¢ b_ Telephone yerit BUYING oF selling furniture or anplk S, power i. Ask ie Wil" CADILLAC Bidtrede Govertibie, wo Call Bimer Hampton, 26.206 oF after 3 CALL 728-5123 We specialize in LIST WITH LLOYD lvare North CHEVROLET ak andere shin, OY le Onion, perfect Dacty, new Mene FER, : Apartment 104 ona Dettery, $800 or dest] INO CORVAIR Getne seden, sulomalio SIL apace healer, equipped with ten and "CHEVROLET" Sel Aly, Wrodeor, ra fo VE sulomatic. custom radio |i > Goad Mechanical Gor | gAiLBOA remnationa coder Resale Homes ipower Brakes. Hantyman's chance a8 bn Dg gg Bg painting TAN cash bo ggg i gy ag il Rl full price. TREORS or UF Oshawe Bouleiw onsen? fully equipped. New palat ied, Tele WT SPRIVE Mark" Il) Fed end binek PONE. TSIEN etter Foam STORE Soulament Wh sah ragh | ; i j j | Anish, convertib'e, new condition, Tele) isi? GHW In A-) Gondilion, Rew motor tren' : poate > DE fehone 728-023 : and tires, Telepmone SPM, he ah Bg ee ' m cee werti>: Ce me, two door Rardice YRONOM & am. Tehthes - ' Wit FORD somelnnes Sacra ORE sen Ginete sulle ~~ SOT, SHOW Ca8eR, Otso At mechanicatiy, 1 cetar 'cheats Ther tron a er Aner ¢ ax apply 1 Park Road South, renemission, radia, spotiess: 'Condition, TRO wollen, Cosh $18, Cal MSMR tre mae OCF Sirip, a tast oat, Mm excellent condition Atier @ p.m. telephone 229-0833 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER [wae FONT Barislenne caavertinie! Sa RS TS te ge = = SRST EWROME Kitchen Set, ate places, con sear! 38 engine, radi, fl sists gt teble, feor chairs ane cet eeweor) Tevepnene MS. Afler Gam. dial a. |sgcipmmen Qt Condition, S146 oF jotter, financing 8 mecess iY ne LLOYD REALT Y [ra casa arranged) I oeceaery, 30--Automobiles Wanted bmg om agen ag ® 5 mor " " gy ne oy Cone tion. (OSHAWA) LTD j "VOLVO nS | SALES ond SERVICE 2 JAKE & BILL'S TERRACE | GARAGE GENE RAL RE PAIR on | ESTATES AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE ; 449 Ritson Ra Ss WHITBY Oshswa 728-092 GENERAL ""REPAI s $690 eavict : PARTS AND SERVICE : All Foreign Moke Cars Down if you qualify to one STATHAM NLA, 614% Mortgage S.A, SERVICE ? ite Road and King $13,715.00 full price, cde. 723.4733 ond 723-7712 tached, atteched garages (no é toched, attached gorages ino KELLY DISNEY j slay brick, six room benge- USED CARS LTD lows, plostered, storms ond 200 Dundes Street screens, 60 ff lote, fully WHITBY ~-- 668-589) tandscoped, carries for $79 a Nt and sold monthly interest end princi. ped of x Roods, sidewalks curbs Trade up or down ond sewers al] in and paid | Alwovs top quolity tor, Your choice of ell col [5 ou. Save ene To. wy | SPOT CASH no ome other. home how z "s12.018.00 peng i PAID FOR 723-9421 TILDEN | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS seeecinoastnsicisiitinaieial (An Makes ond Atodels? JOHN A. J, CALL 625-6533 ta Albert Ss. $670.00 down to one mort. Good cleen cars, Trode up wove of Gown, Liens pod off AM 7-9712 or Me MOTOR $ SALES AM 1.2309 314 PARK RD. SOUTH MANDERHILL Real Estate Limited Scerboro. Ontario BOLAHOOD [~ewe'crssine-- REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE | TED 'CAMPIN i 167 Simeone SS MOTORS Office Hea, ? iF am. te 2 pm) | @0? KONG ST.--OSHAWA | MORTGAGES ARRANGED j Gust Bost of Wilson Road) H BOUGHT AND SOLD _ FRAN Res BURKE STREET Near King, this 3 roomed | oe | brick is commect, decorated in| j @xcelient teste, hardwood a ; aie HO 16364 } tHe floors, dled bath, colored | $rxctu Pnished rec re ; toes toed ss ct |. Nels Hyland ploce. Garage ond on extro | ; art coe ote ce | 1750 Donforth Avenue | Ror St'seame tae | $ ALL CASH $ | $544 or 728.3682 i For Clean cars we deal aa or OPEN TO OFFERS ; Gown, Liens poid off, et Seven Day Ad | NICOLS MOTORS LTD. ron, lovely modern [522 BROCK ST. N. WHITEY ona ger THOT: SxS Tee- at be we ooh BILL WHITTICK Aapiedy or 7233598 | MOTORS LTD MASSON ST NEW LOCATION ack, asking only 1250 Dundes St. East this choke 6 both. ot heot, lowe tor SO | Whithy -- Phone 668-5871 = 122", Someone & going to xd Duy im this home, The Home Of Ps aaa vo ne eo at FEO | Good Used 'Cars ¥ FO Seu ' ; tached breezewey' and' ger | 668-8001 - 668-8101 2790 PIANG." Mason" tad Risch, medlom Site, Im excellent condition, S500, Tele LAREENORE Ate" Wreckers want Garg /Pnone_ Memoton See RIN, Prete, Pale, 0 CLOVE aay carriage Ww PREY _. | Re two, large criah, ON Hew mab Tod CARS WANTED -- a Buying @ New Cor? i nen wolfe wall, Sight plecen, stm, Tepaprene Mamntng Sateen? ew Sell your used cor te "Ted eS / Talk "Cash" to the New GENORDN" Gaby Sar keN Gore Fe i Cor Deoler ond "SAVE" . | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723.4494 Res, 725.5574 31---Automobile Repair ACeVvLENG Ke SA Wl oes HOUSTON'S GARAGE mat iT eect tanae, SE hae Oe ij --| and SERVICE STATION [2s SE: Bele Be So TEXACO wovencvecd heh jews ie CON hee PRODUCTS Se om 4? KING ST.-WEST [SCOTT TR We cultearnd wale Grad Som »> 7 habia 23-7822 jee sane [HH RANTANT SSA Wekrcpcs. Analy 3acAricles For Sale id Orcherc View, Ruementie. Tee ""(OCAT TR Coser atin, tells, Ele Ae NS red top guitar with pickup, $@. G68200S QUANTITY @ ei Shanagrenh Fecoen T.V. TOWERS |Site z Sewcata Tootens we Sew AUGUST SPECIAL pees arte -- 40 f Tower Structure joenetvon, $30. 'enaphane "325 with All-Chennel Antenne | "kay BME tnstelled $50 Tennhenr Gees Tasa083 Oshewa T.V. Supply Ltd. Se Ta A ee x) 36) Gibbons Sy: 728-8180 (ERS SSS : Renae Teeee water' te, hana 2 FURNITURE = sessec went : Shon use very ry time Dae Ane 3 Owner s Sale tote titer . hen ee ee coor, Anny ee Station. Mamaton MAI DINING ROOM SUITE tine aaiaw = ania Gidhord =moke, solid eck, tev 2 tor tap coen Telepnene Cal | leother sects. )Beke's Forntore ant Anpilance: Stee, Cost $1,000, | PRaWENVERE cee : ENE cadaa CON Sal Socrifice $500 3 cheQaeAT OTE. COPIOeers, : ee Bar yeoue new and ules. We Sen, se hy RATIOS, ae BEDROOM SU ATES ey See Seen ee Seve Woelest, four eet «MONEST GAN" Fivetore ond Annie Boose thee pase = aces, Nome frends af Siggee a. RANGE Frigidoire electric, 30 inch table top mode! $i7S Ad tomes ke Sew Telephone 725.2731 | Customs end Reody-Mode DRAPERIES Most Reesonebie Prices Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yerd $1.98 SeEIAL. NOW 8 We insta! drapery -- et @ Nominei M. and C Drapery BOP HINcVes. 'your nee. phone Dry Goods Store |, Volley Creek Furniture For your Porgeniggraa'. meee -- & coll ot the stove $33 Sos SY TRIE | (Cantinued on Page 3@