Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1963, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 14, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN YOUNG OSHAWA DRIVERS IRK VISITORS | The following self-explanatory letter was addressed to General Manager Douglas A, Fisher of the Oshawa @ of C Indian Reserves Policing Hassle TORONTO (CP) Attorney-| Magistrate Boyd dismissed 18 General Fred Cass said Tues)charges under the Liquor Com day the Ontario and federal gov+|trol Act which had been laid crnments have agreed to dis-jagainst 12 Manitoulin. Island In cuss the question of whether/dians by provincial police, RCMP or provincial police! Mr, Cass said there is noth should be responsible for law)iig in the statutes of either gov- enforcement on the province'sjernment which spells out which Indian reserves, police force has jurisdiction on Mr, Cass was commenting on/Indian reserves a written decision handed down! FP, L, Wilson, executive cout earlier Tuesday by Magistrate/sel in. Mr. Cass's department, C, B. Boyd at Gore Bay, on/said that from a legal stand: Manitoulin Island, in whieh he point it is more important that suid ho believes the federal Ina charge be placed under the dian Act takes precedence over|proper statute than that a cet. the Ontario Liquor Control Act tain police force place. it in certain liquor cases involy., Magistrate. Boyd) began ad- ing Indians journing: Liquor Act charges in+ jvolving Indians after the - jon of government jurisdiction 31 Cases Of Polio vas brought to his attention re- cently Turn U In Quebec He said his research led him p back to re British North Amer. vive be ' pes ica Act which "gave the Parla. MONTREAL (CP) = Thiriy-Iment of Canada exclusive juris: one cases of pollo have been} diction rd legislativ rity admitted to. Montreal hospitals! quer tndla ar i a but an official of the city healt tor aaiene -- er epartme say pre 'sinatra pi Fs Is ae He sa qd an amendment to the Indian Act which gives the In. Most of the cases are from) dians greater leeway with re \Quebec's Bastern Townships./gard to liquor does not exclude The Queboe health department/them under the act Tuesday sent a supply of ani The charges he dismissed polio vaccine to Sherbrooke to against the Indians included be+ curb the outbreak ne intoxicated in' a public Dr. Gustave Gingras of the! Piace, having liquor in a place Montreal health department/otherf than" one's residence, said there is no danger of the drinking under age, and selling outbreak spreading here -- be. liquor cause 83 per cent of Monreal: is ers under 20 years of age nave boon vaccinated and the wea: ther is cool now, He said the 31 reported cases--there were five new admissions during the woekend--were afflicted during & heat wave at the end of jast month Race Motions Irk Southern Bishops ty ALAN WALKER | The resolution said the bish TORONTO (CP) « Southern.ops "welcome the responsible United States bishops com jdiseipleship whieh impels many plained Tuesday about resolu jot our bishops, clergy and laily lions passed on racial ixsues atjto take part in such an assem: from a Toronto motorist a closed meeting of 100 Wpiseo. blance and. support them fully." on egy NA ee) eeeded te. vuplexendnia, Va,, sulttagen' biehop "4 . 'anie , 9 te | The bishops decided to sup jexanaria, , sulfr § Yesterday, we took the scenic Highway No, 2 route home fe Picanto wanting to takelin Vinginia diocese, agreed with and passed through Oshawa about # p.m part in civil rights demonsira:|/Bishop Gunn, Although he said We drove through numer: tions against racial segrega.|he voted for the revolutions, his highway tion in the U8 5 |Rishop Chilton sald he did not ee ; Rt, Rev, G. P. Gunn of the/favor personal involvement by but in no place did we meet southern Virginia diocese said/clergymen in the march, so many discourteous drivers ihe decision by the bishops) {The real solution is at the in so short a time, as in Osh» Monday before the Anglican|conference table rather than in] awa, Alihough you apparent. congress opened here was noiithe streets," ly have a speed limit no one unanimous "by any means." ii ac There were several of us|VIEWS WITH ALARM neems to pay much attention who felt the resolution was not Rt, Rev, W, ©, Campbell of to it, Cars cut in and out the way to accomplish any.{Charleston in the Wost Vinginia again dangerously, To give thing."' Bishop Gunn. said diocese, said: "Ll view with & alarm any program whieh the mature adult driver their is better to keep lines of com | 6 \ g ews at would congregate thousands to due, the five cars with which munication openesitting around)» ssoh on the nation's capit | wa were concerned were all conference tables and that sort mat iil he ihe y o peslges ; ' of thing insead ot having t could be the beginning 0 driven by young boys, mass demonstrations, Mass/{haos, However, T sympathize It Is possible that none of meetings don't help anybdy,| With thoxe Who feel compelled these drivers live in Osh and 1 certainty won't be march < iat A ti p Foe . Nine F , ing on Washington," jw! , Clergy te awa one that annoyed us par A them to follow their own eon: ticularly, we jotted down the CALLS 'TO MEBTING sciences,' licence number and I intend The more than 100 members; 8, J, Plournoy, lay delegate getting the address and phon lof the House of Rishops were/from Portsmouth in the souths| ing or writing to them =» but called to the special meeting byjern Virginia diocese, said the it is your city and you should Most Rev, Arthur Lichtenber-jonly march on Washington he} $} ; ' 5 ' ger of New York, presiding/ favors wag the one in 1868 when have the control of these drivers whi The car I refer to drove from a stop street ping and directly onta the highway right slowly that we had to apply-our brake fone -- nine DOUGLAS PFISTER e in Oshawa without stan withau thy as ont Of US, 80 ep fram hitting and rhe to Ke de them had done ' have the eee ¥ $ E ®. R ANGLICAN DELEGATE ean Congress in Toronto, was one of many African delegates wore national. dress to session, Almost 1,000 dele CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS cu PERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT gates from 78 countries registered in Toronto for Congress , Olatunji Olagoke of Thadan, Awa praper expression in who the Wirephoto) session of the been drivir N ' \ t An n the } ' } uo are TAS this yo (AP)-A_ truck blew up rental eveland and injur persons OLEVELAND arrying propane Tuesday at oa truck agency in downtown ( , two firemen least 18 other gas Oshawa s not the t Chief Car bishop of the U.S, Protestant/Confederate General Robert EB biv has already been. planned them, At the next red light, we pulled up be rights mareh on the capital, the . look, and the gir) (with him) made a nasty Then, at clergymen in the mareh itself Folk Festival Nigeria, engaged an an At a detour, we deliberately laughing at ng ahead of u (CP)<--The Mari laug? t gett) head of a . death, with most of town] INTERPRETING THE NEWS 2 Die, 18 Hurt eaunel . 7" chil since 11 o'clock { B hildren since ¢ 0 ringing ast weekend's tive instances of rudeness and dis uesday, Deputy Reeve James) F Pp t l mer H.-R. MeAlister accused/the festival should not be re g Bpiscepal Chareh Lee got far as Gettysburg Noting that a church assem for Aug. 28 in Washington, coin Orillia Feels ing iv} lanne ivil tried to explain what a dangerous thing they ding with a planned civ " driver, a young fellow, just gave my husband a disdainful bishops said participation by the green light, they screeched ! ta & would be a ly } Ny ga nd t i f Christian witness and obed mediately, not allowing ua ta pass and : \ ae ad Al t D d mated discussion prier to the took a feren ! Mi mos ea opening Ang cP erent light » th ' : meet them at a different lig \g are ORILLIA ; posa Folk Festival appears of racing them | Jury Accused near When you have agreeing there must not) be another episode similar to} I 7 k Bl in as ineed for cullen Wt weekend't ee amt Bleak Outlook | In Truck Blast id atthe atar allowing a conference with] | Aa T said atthe ate Absurd Verdict festival. producer. Jack Wall! | r We hope this MeGarvey said: "L beliove! HAMILTON (CP) counei) will agree with me that » coroner's jury of bringing in/peated Ry CARMAN CUMMING verdict Tuesday Cultura IP GooDd vurreck road, bul was continued tn effect un ty, the festival was Downsview, Ontario Such a letter as the above mpress upon the public this allimportar be taken without delay if our city again for children and adults alike City Police have done al! : within thelr power fo pi curb on the increasing cidence of traffic but it is obvious that the sit. ; e t vation ia getiing worse in- . : it stead of better, This Is expec: c : | jally ag in view of the tact a ' that 'traffic violations and oY ' | accidents have Wit an alk | ; ly time high, according to the latest atatistica as released by Sgt, Norman Smyth of the : } Traffic division of City Po 3 : tice Sgt. Smyth has emphasized ' ' it repeatedly that the situation y is bad, as has his superior, Chief of Police Herbert Flin: xg i" tolf, who admitted recen : , "Tt lg obvious from statistics that an important link is missing somewhere sin our law enforcement procedure in regards to traffic offen @ers, despite the fine efforis of a ment to cut down on the number There are two weaknesses in the 1 against the police There is a grave shortage 0 for the Traffic division down on wayward motorists)' mo more than three Population of 63,000 There are too many lenie the Ontario Highway act are terms handed o1 most serious of The miracle of aceident deaths Highway act offences The Police have done al! « tian to Oshawa's grave traffic vie time for a full review of the x of Police Commission cessarily killed or maimed for } Ts it right that Sat, Righway act violations in Magistra fie court instead of a deputy ( Such time-consuming duties work achedule; not onty do they fine points of the law, but they open court for lengthy y ofticer to undertake sv gardless of whether or not parts of t main of patice work Regardless of the sk Smyth in auch prosecunons te place upon him er any other police o violations, ? wnr or uy (whase molarey ut for Careless D t is this wear level. het Smyth sho Preavine and expe g0ema hike an LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND TRERE The Band Room of the Rand of th Memoria! Park has been renovated han the generosity of the famous Rand's et Cal. R. S MeLaughiin ¢ shell in which the Band ream siands to Speaking of Memorial P turned from a Montr sit WP Occasionally for art as is done in Dominion sounds like a splendid Members of the Oshawa ef Cal. R. S. McLaugbiie Pom. te Inspect the beau wm" a ark = ESKIMOS GET END EDMONTON (CP) -- Edie tien Eskimos the West Footba!! Canferer ~ vw an@avy added Hugh Smith, a three, 22 ineup Nm aon with Denver Broo American Leas Rariy far eins of the Nat 228, WINS TENNES TYELD eo these that bring coroner's Juri sumer, scheduled jquired a blackout of some 40 days the felt Bulloc HAD DISAGREED hearing by saving he disagreed with Coroner Sudbury an "'absurd"' ess than an hour has any ries after saving trouble With as sueeessful as anyone coal wish, but rowdyism by element who have no interest in falk mu oe Hever haere rz] Dr. MoeaAlister told. the five. sic t for those who came member jury: "I disagree with to enjoy the weekend.' 1 our verdict, It's verdicts like: M McGarvey said he will es present his view te council at a nl meeting expected to be afte alied hin two weeks Is Post said ced the festival the accompanying * ts resultant public were dis spoiled nia disrepute ape rhe jury had suggested into the death of lineman, that "a he inconvenience. of the to work the area be blacked al ooking an On she ario Hydro {self wa eon. WAS being! brawl fine but and ty and side effects prior ha rut Hiydro officials later narticular job would g g said the' She said "respectable young have people whe would never think of aking a drink in their own home towhk did so in public in The Jury ruled accidental the Orillia. because it seemed the death of Nelson Bullock, 31, of thing to do nearby Rurlingten, who tout Jess a tremendous change Me a 13,000.volt line and fell 4 be made, we cannot)! o the sidewalk from a hyd nother festival here," A doctor testified than 20,000 persons k died fram inter. came to the town of 18,000 for nal injuries suffered in the fall the third annual festival last ather than from electrocution weekend. | . to re b a g ta pole July 16 More Commissioner?! xssman said in Terento he will Dr. McAlister had begun the an Gt ve R, M. Mitehe ueaday who said last week e nquests were belts since gave ? as t a we akin : . h without Junes ar i verd cant say I agree MeAlister said had any ih » Ontario Te said Monda ral Board shoul te aiked f he. pane ame t WEATHER FORECAST -- Continued Cool Weather See the T Hive at Fare ssued by casts ta public weather © ha Observed Temperatures Lew everaight, Aish Twesday Coe Mist SvRepMs re * pe AaCTAXs Hie today, Coo BRLIORS W and Pp era Ont windy © arth world's or those advice af some: supporters Canadian Press Staff Writer Mid Oliveira Salarar years old and de ore ma Through the s shown views of his enpan of At times st five ve assomed most @y his co ere W Salazar } reje gt w ged him te esidency and g¢ S80 OUTLOOK BLEAK Now, with the ¢ ure Surely nd his BR hiea rhe p © Starkast PVISIG lie sket RIENDS He saw UNDRRCUT oa were Edwin J: Hart Tohn MeKenna were to Killed and new agreement could be amor iy hoa agency after a leak deve na valve on the track r persons Who we men the t saw no two is aid t ween the men at ev oped Three othe pe apped PREDICTS: QUAKE however, that LONDON (CP)®G may be the lis Hillman predicts the capita rut is not for Will be hit by a small earth quake "any day now.' The earthquake in Britain 730 Magist ¥ fast -- was in SET DATE NTO (CPW, F. Fee EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4197 by appointment an] FR. BLACK, 0.D. 136 SIMCOE ST, NORTH of the Ontario of Housing 'Author the 11th an Cay OOF Windsor Sept nue Minister { the ie) es PRESERVE WILD United Slates Cex x gishation dAMP GeDp SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES industrial and Commercial The citatiaked rebeble Gay Set Om wet OMe 31 CELINA ST. Corsmes of Apineld 728-9441 ' WE MOVED ' De vee keow BAGOT st, > Rage ACPORA thom We pew sont Mente of the RUC We dave NOrqer De ANE RED Quarmene there, 80 Ee cen yee HARRY MILLEN Real Evere 729.1479 where anrege ene NOW IS THE TINE To Phone 728.4631 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST Shop and Save at MEAT MARKEE T 46 Simcoe N.--.725-3564 909 Simcoe St, N.---728-7041 We Serve Oshawa's FINEST QUALITY Meats at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES !! Red Brand BLADE or SHORT RIB ROASTS th, 53. th. 49. Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS Maple Leaf Skinless WIENERS Red Brand, Boneless bo for 19. Ontaria Field TOMATOES 19. PERFECTION BAKERY PRODUCTS Are Now Available at RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROAST SHEPHARD"S BOTH STORES 46 Simcoe St. N. and 909 Simcoe St. N. Good Firm Heeds CABBAGE Qt. Box SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NOW-Here Are The Bargains You've Waited For OUR "GOOD-BUY" SALE TOMORROW FRIDAY SATURDAY SUMMER DRESSES OUT THEY GO 3.00 5.00 7.00 9.00 REGULAR PRICE to 24,98 SPORTSWEAR SHORTS @ SLIMS @ BERMUDAS e POP-TOPS @ SKIRTS @ JAMAICAS @ LOUSES @ SHIRTS @ DECK PANTS @ SLEEVELESS TOPS @ JACKETS 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 REGULAR PRICE to 10.98 ALL BATHING SUITS CLEARING UP TO '2 PRICE Lots of Hot Weather. te Come REMEMBER WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST oh hae OF SPORTSWEAR IN: OSHAWA ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE GORGEOUS NEW FALL THINGS ARRIVING DAILY--COME SEE! SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- '

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