came Ottawa's early lead and nosed out the Rough Riders &5, at CNE Stadium, Above, Argos' Dave Mann (16) dives SEASON OPENS! The East- ern Football Conference sea- son opened last night in Toronto as Argonauts over ARGOS WIN 8-5 for a flying ball, on the To- ronto 20. yard line while Rough Riders Bob O'Billo- wieh (10) and Larry Degraw (15) close in, In the back: ground are Otlawa's Joe Poieier (17) and Pete Quinn Qa', CP Wirephoto Parker Goes Distance But Not Too Impressive "SPORTS MENU 3 } By Geo. H. Campbell nF SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' THEY'RE OFF AGAIN! The Eastern section af the Canadian professional footbal! set-up, swung into serous action last night as Ottawa and Argos CNE Stadium, A h Riders opened the league scheduled, at huge opening-game crowd saw the Roug take an early lead but the Argonautes came from behind with the game's only touchdown, to nose aut an 8-5 victory -- and for the moment, take over the league leadership in the Eastern Conference, The stellar defensive performance put up by each team was one of the game's highlights and it was a real thriller for the fans, even if most of them prefer the wide-open, high-scoring type of action, Alouettes and Tiger-Cats open their schedule, tonight in Ham- ilton. . GREEN GAELS scored another convincing vic- tory in their Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior quarter-final playoff series, last night, whipping the Castrolites right in Long Branch, by a clear-cut margin. The series moves back to the Children's Arena here on Monday night, when barring an earth- quake or similar upset, the Green Gaels should wrap up this series and qualify to meet the winner of the Alderwood-Guelph series, which by all counts, should farn out to be the Alderwood Terries -- rated by many as "the-team-to-heat", even if Brampton Armstrongs did finish the league schedule in full @mmand of first place, The again, here in Oshawa, Wocal lacrosse rooters figure that their Green Gaels @an take it all, there is some lively gutted-stick action in the offing. Tonight in Brook- lin. we look for the homesters to defeat St, Cathar- ines Athletics and thus lav claim te first place in the OLA Senior League, e " CITY & DISTRICT Softball Assoc. Officers met last night and lined up at least a couple of their "City Championship" playoff games. They'll start @n Monday night at Alexandra Park, under the lights, at 8:15 o'clock, with Port Perry Merchants facing the Oshawa Bad Boys. On Tuesday night, Heffering's Imperials will open their series against the Brooklin Concretes, with the first game on the Brooklin diarnond. Oshawa Scagog Cleaners, who qeually hold forth at Alexandra Park on Monday mights, are booked to play their first PWSU Junior girls' softball playoff game here on Tuesday nigt, hence the switch by the City & District teams to a Monday night date. -- . so obviously a * OSHAWA MINOR Softball Association teams @pen their OASA elimination playoffs on Monday Bight. Top four teams, in both the Bantam and Mid- get groups, will contest the right to represent the dity in OASA playoffs. At the conclusion of these younds, all teams im each league will resume their awn League Championship playdewns. Monday Gight's action calls for Bathe Park to visit, Con- gaught Park Bantams and Lake Vista to open their aemi-finals at Nipigen Park. In the Midget, it's North Oshawa at Fernhill and Southmead at Storie Park. All games are called for 6:30 p.m, and all clubs are reminded that/in the event of rain on Monday might, the games are ordered as "a must" for Taes- day, with retarn games booked for Wednesday night. Third and deciding games are ordered for Fridar aight. >. THE ONTARIO LADIES' Open Golf Champicn- abip gets wader way at the Oshawa Golf Qed real @riy on Monday morning and there'll be all kinds of action, watil late Monday afternoon. Numerous com- mnittees of the Oshawa G. C. women mombers, have deen hard at work for the past few weeks, completing ans for various activities to assure this major classic deing an oulsianding seocreas, The 1)tke~hoider Wal be Gecided on Friday. TORONTO (CP)--Jackie Par ker struggled through a jdensed training camp under fir iFriday night then tossed a fourth-quarter touchdown pass to give Toronto Argonauts an 85 win over Ottawa Rough Rid ers in the opener of the Eastern Football Conference season The two other EFC clubs Montreal Alouettes and the de fending champion Hamilton Ti ger-Cats, open their season in a clash tonight at Hamilton Parker, obtained from Ba. monton Eskimos for five play ers and $15,000 cash in the off season, bore little resemblance to the super-quarterhack of the past. The 27,557 Toronto fans at Exhibition Stadium even thought it fitting to give Parker the raspberry early in the game Coach Nobby Wirkowski, a former quarterback himself, re minded a group of listemers after the game that Parker, who injured a knee and ankie in a pre-seasen intra « squad game had participated in only three plays in four exhibition games Actually, Parker had a lot of help in pulling the game out of the fire Argos regained the ball on their own M-yard line late in the game after kicker Dave Mana had been roughed by Oi. tawa rookie Bill Quinter. That started the touchdown marc? and Dick Shatio's té-yvard rua pat them in positian Shatto took Parker's third. down pass from the Ottawa six and stumbled inte the end zone for the touchdown Big Jerry Wilsem scored the ether Toronie points on a con vert and a single from a missed field goal attempt Moe Racine booted a B-vard field goal for Ottawa and a sin. Rie Gm another field goal ai tempt that went awry. Ottawa's wher point was em a single by rookie panter. Rick Black fered a freak injury @® touchdown play and was to a hospital afier the T was turning to ste if Shatte caught the ball and mr leh Kee just locked." he said Now I cant straighten my ex" An Argo doctor said tests would be made ta determine if the feet halfhack would re quire surgery. "We dent kaow what h is." he said. "He mar --" practising again San. v con The Rough brightest spot for the Riders was the Russ Jackson - Whit Tucker passing combination, Tucker, rated one of the fastest men in league continually drifted behind Argo defenders to gather long passes the in wok with its ne only §1 ground, Jack Ottawa had little running aitack yards along the son clicked on 12 of 20 passes for a gain of 207 for a gam of 217 yards Parker, who did himself, completed only a» 22 passes for 112 yards 4iz ® vards Ue ru ning ne of Toronto Leafs Continue Climb Out Of Cellar Ry THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Toronto Maple Leafs are changing the International League northern division race 2st broke a 35 tle in the sev. out of last place within five games of Syracuse Chiefs, the division leaders Toronto belted Columbus Jets 9-3 Friday night Rochester Red. Wings beat the skidding Indianapolis Indians 62: At. lanta Crackers edged Richmond Virginians 32: Buffalo Bisons squeezed by Syracuse 43 and Arkansas Travelers downed Jacksonville Sans 73 The Leafs assaulted three Jet phehers for 15 hits inclading twa homers by Lou Jackson and one by Jim MeKnigh Jackson's second homer, his inta a fouricam battle, palling enth ianing Rochester Indranapeis southern division lead to 34 games over Atlanta when Kon Hamlin crashed a bases-loaded double jn the fourth fe drive 2 ree TRS Marry Fanck and Bob Ham parevs callaborated a hitter as Adanta swept a thr game series from Richmond Dick Smith opened the ninth ming with a home ran te give Raffale As win ever Svracas Joba Sallivan homered fer Ser acust In the fourth and Cinefs made R 28 im the ARR The Herd stampedrd back to be the Score @R a Uree-ren homer by Cit Qoek in the sixth Tee tn wmph ited the Bisons within twe games af Svracace cut m six FORT ERIE RESULTS PART RACE ~~ He Poceegn Mor mae o> Dyeerem,, Conadien foeet Pores Wie + Rey @ Roya titi Al FAETR RACE Fae Pees LW Deen Pus Se wnt OWA @ where Se ONT 1 Ait hae 1, aver earn SB Ace AAD -_Waten Peet Maas. en arowing atm Ree & Greer Ae, Bree Be, Tews -- syran, Prete Ling, Renew Tow a Cowpies Were, 2, 3 or ee De Peg Phd Seen Nee Vert » Rectan =~ Rerere ¢ Eryn Rie Seow Wiese, % ©. 5 ky eee sole, Teeter © 9 tevnere Pon Sern Race me » Anenies werent = Rew Puy Kary. ree Fae thee 2 ant Devers Pe ball 3. Be Ores Aer RS Baveras Pai BI Yee) Paw 4428 ahengence 32 Green Gaels Score Win In Long Branch LONG BRANCH --- Oshawa Green Gaels, again sparked by Johnny Davis, have taken a commanding 2-0 lead in' the best - of » five Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior quarter fi- nals, Davis, who led Gaels to an easy 343 romp Wednesday in the series opener, fired five goals and added four assists as Oshawa whipped the Castro. lites 16-7 on their home floor, Third and possibly deciding game is called for the Children's Arena, Monday night, at 8.30 p.m, Should the Gaels qualify for) the semi-finals, Alderwood Ter. riers or Guelph will supply the/2:@ lead in their best-of-five set, /12.07, and Stinson } opposition, Oshawa was in complete com.) Cluding the winner, with only 35))5 mand, leading 5-1 at the com: pletion of the first period and 94 after the second period, be. fore collecting seven more goals/finals, the favorite Armstrong's 4 scored a 13-6 win over St, Cath: * in the final twenty minutes of} play | Elmer Tran scored four other! Oshawa goals and defenseman' » The Dwight Davies was a two . goal sniper, Larry Ireland, Don Stin:! Power-Pa son Kenny Thompson, Brian "Butch" Brady and Davey Hou:! ston were the other scorers, Stinson and Dave Lough drew five and four assists, respective: ly, Tommy Conlin, Stew Weiler and rearguard Mike Gray, three of the Gaels' top performers, didn't dress for this game be- cause of work duties, Harry Orr was the top shooter for Long Branch, with 'three goals, Brian Keegan, Ed Dym- straz, Bob: Sincinski and Tommy Willams scored one apiece | In the other quarter finals,! last night, Alderwood Terriors outlasted Guelph 10-9 to take a Ron MeNeil scored seven, in. seconds remaining, At Brampton, in the opening | game of the best-of-seven semi: arines Athletics, OSHAWA GREEN GAELS -- goal, Mar) shall; defence, Davies, Hinkson, Lough: forwards, Tran, Davia, ireland, Stinson, Thompson, Arady, and Houston. LONG BRANCH CASTROLS - goal.) cked Cuddy; defence, Omysira, Keegan, Orr: forwards, Mec ski, Willams, Trardy, and Sing Officials Gerry Ravery, and Bil Dixa, of Mimige, Pirsy Macdonald. reary Sinie taki, of Whitby 1 Oshawa: a M 3, Oahawa; Davis (Stinson) 4 Oshawa: Davies (Stinson, treland) § Osnawa: Davis 4 6. Oshawa: Davis (Stinson) ss 102 Penalties' MacDonald $.01, Tran $01, Williaa yn pow gd on Witiams 4, ' s8COND Pens 7, Gahawa: Tran (Lough) Vicks Oshawa: Tran (Thompson) .... Leng Branch: Keegan ASinciskt, Maedonal) ..ciseerss Long Branch: Sineakl \aseresss Oshawa: Tran Long Branch: Orr Oshawa: Grady (Davis) Penalties wnsen 44 Davis, O14, a2, ee te 12.97, Davies Thompson > THIRD PARTY Oshawa: Davies 4 Leng Branch: Omystra (Keegan) Long Branch: Orr (Kk 1) Oshawa: Tran (Lough, Savi) Oshawa: (Stinson, Oshawa Oshawa (Davis, Lough) seen Osnawa: Davia (TAA) ...ceeees Oshawa: ireland (Stinson, Davis) Leong franch: Williams wy Penalties -- Stinson 1.42, Ireland 4 Houston 4.4%, Cuddy 17.10, Lough 19.09, Stason 19,10 and MeCreary 19,17, a %. n n Sy aennnenes nv n we « ? ¥. ireland) ae Stinson Cretan)... Houston 2 nr Bench Picks Up Any Slack If A Yankee Falters Ry MIKE RATHET First. Mickey Mantle gets enth consecutive defeat, Russ |Twins a 53 decision over Bos-|vito, was tossed out at home| Associated Press Sports Writer/ton and dropped the Red Sox'on Bill Oh, how Ralph Houk suffers,/into Sixth place with their sev. fore Bubba Phillips stroked a two-run single and was cut mangled, then Whitey Ford gets Sayder drove in three runs in/down trying to reach third mauied, And Yankees play catch-meif-you:) can with the rest of the Ameri. ean League Since Ford was bombed out at Washington and became Houk's latest problem, Stan Wil./TUn he needed in the second in-/June 37 liams has pitched a one-hitter, Ring when Joe Pepitone singled, yast a three - hitter Ralph Terry a six-hitter and Jim Bouton a five-hitter, The opposition has scored two rans --one earned Its enough to gray hairs drown Bouton came through in a 1.0 victory ever Los Angeles An- gels Friday nighi, recording his 13th triumph and fourth shutout while increasing the Yankees Ai Downing Houk's tura jedge to 8'4 games over the sec ond-pilace Chicago While Sox. The White Sox won the opener of a twi-night doubleheader with Deiroiy 21 on Camilo Carreon's tie-dreaking single, but the Ti. gers stumbled to a 34, 10-in- ning nightcap victory despite having two runners thrown out at the plate an@ another cut @own at third duriag the win- ming rally LOSE 7 STRAIGHT the New York/Baltimore's 71 «victory over Washington Senators and Kan. sas City Athletics defeated Cleveland Indians 5-1 behind Moe Drabowsky's three-hitter Bouton, now 15:5, got the only moved to third on a single by Elston Howard and raced home on John Blanchard's sacrifice fly, That tagged Don Lee with the loss, The victory was the Yankees fourth straight and sent the Angels down to their fifth consecutive defeat Carreon singled home the de. a run with a bases-loaded walk/with a total of 149 points cisive run for the White Sox in the fourth inning of the opener ing a two-run triple off Sena: gian searing after Pete Ward of Montreal tors' reliever Kd Roebuck in the}114 goals broke the doubled and took third on a/cighth wning, Dave McNally gotlestablished by Hank credit for the victory, although/then with the Aguirre, Eddie Fisher got the he needed Dick Hall's retiel Red Wings in 1968, when he Abbott, Alderwood victory, allowing only two hits;help when Washington threat-! scored 87 pitch by loser wild Joel injury after taking over whea Horlen suffered a back in a collision at first base with 48, was Max Alvis' homer that!2¢ other points for his 140 toa Detroit's Norm. Cash the fourth imminag Rocky Calavite, whe homered i" in Doth games, go: the Tigers fielder's choice and a single by/and M assists staried with a walk in the 1Mh Doc Edwards put Kansas City from but ahead to stay in the fourth. Two/Brampten the singles by Al Laplow were the third with 119 points inning of the nightcap wound up throwa oul a; HOMERS ABOUND Don Mincher, Zoilo Versailles and Rich Rollins provided home run suport as Perry brought his record to $8 with his first jvictery in five decisions since Dick Stuan and Can zemski homered for the Red Sox, who were on the way to their 17th loss in 2 games when the Twins broke a 2:2 tie in the sixth on a walk te Earl Rattey and Lennie Green's tri. pie Sayder did most of the dam, age for the Orioles, forcing in mn the sixth inning and crack. ened in the seventh inning, The only run off Drabowsky, gave the Indians a tie after Robby DelGrece had homered for the Althetics, A walk, a Jim Perry's fourhit piching plate as he tried to score on only other hits off Drabdowsky, and a three + homer barrage Don Wert's grounder Cash, who returned 13 in a row at one Brampton gave third . place Minnesota'who had singled dehind Cola. 'stretch Grand-Slam Home Ri On Last Pitch In 9 Ends Craig's String Ry BOR GREEN Associated Press Sports Writer A combination of knitting, hitlinme and hexing did the jed fer Rager Craig Roger's wife tended to her Tkettg, Jim Hickman tended to the Ditting and manager Ca sey Stengel tended te the hex ing. The ond result was croagh vt have Crag cherie "R's ever Oh man over Thal was the veteran rich hander's gratefal comment Pin day night after New Veork Mets hed palied oot a 74 victory aver Chicage Oebe mm the leet the eet. appre rate' personal {came wire het <iyeiched bark fe Apri 7 tTreak equated the Natiwnal' Leagwe recerd and wae win ore wt the malt leager mark 7" Ta ew it's a went Thal abies wa Craie ated bit regwiet wntiwm Nea MM. ter Na Win Wicerst araiet came from ay 4 Hickman, who Ait a grand s homer on a 32 pitch wit score tied and two men oat in the detiom af the ninth CROSSES FINGERS Casey got his hand i. ioe When Onb relief packer Lindy NecDaniel was winding ua fer the climatic 32 pitch, OF Casey gestared wildly in the Met dag owl, waving bis crossed fingers at the pitcher im the Classi baschall sign of "patter on the hex" And whe & was all going on Mrs. Craig sat mm the stands nerveesiy Knittme away al a fervent rate i kwew 1 conldal xf She sami. "2 had te have some hier te eccepy me. Se i breach! wy teeter akwe Pivewhere, OCimcwnati Reds chased wm five waearadd rans ani beat the first-place Las Angeles Dotcors 84 while soc emiiiMace San Prancisce Giants Manket Philadelphia Mhilties 44, catine the Dodger margin st 2 #0 @%g games. Milwaukee Braves; boar St. Louis Cardinals $3 and Pittsburgh Pirates and Housten Cams spit a Gongieheader that lasted more than 74 hours, The'Arthars, Rrampten Pirates won the secand game, |Davis, Oshawa ™4 in 11 innings after Housten had won MA in 1 LOST CLOSE GAMES Craig, the victia @f seven shaveuts and leser of eigit one. Tan decisions in bis 38 lesses vhis season, Aad a 32 margin going inte the eighth, but a trite by Billy Wihams and a sacrifice fy be Ren Sante ted Im the ainth, Joe Hicks started "of fer The Mets with a one. eat wiagie and Al Moran doubled hee te third WHA two oat, Tica Barkeess, Batting fer Craig, walked Then followed Casey's dex wad Mickman's hR. The less was tagged on Cad starter Paal Tath, whe decame a father fer the frst time just a few hours be. fore the game BASEBALL SCORES AND STANDINGS | R TRE ASSOTRATER PRESS Avorstoen Leaner wh AR -- a WR RH Mw SR Wy! "a Sh 347 HQ Me AR TR MM aR we RD uN" ABT Pete WR AM D4 | BadhMoon i aR Tritay's Rexults trtyat 2.2 Chicane Ratanere 7 Wastingten 1 Rane: Ofte 5 OCivocinnd 1 Reeten 3 Mennestta 5 New York 2 Lax Angeles 8 Prehebic PChers Today New Vork, Para G64) at Las Gaace GHD OO larry 23) a GOs 4 Wrong Migneewia Ra eres 1 erntand lave Angries a Vetret cage, Debuschere @4) Hetimer (3) at Min. Kaet (788) or Stange' Raston ACWMA a) Rakanore, Rederts C1) at ashingten, Danks (8) () Cxnommat Kansas Gite. Segui (6-4) at Oleveland, Latman' (82) (NX) National Leacur lax Angeles 8 & 22 -- Seq Francisca = &4 38 3. Lanis a8 ae 8 SY Be me 3H IVg ASS wy 33 3 my TMadeinhia Milwanire Patstorrh Rowstan New York Friday's Resalts Mousten 74 Pamsbargh §7 Chacage 3 New York 7 San Francisce 4 Pimiadsiniia @ St. Lewis 3 Milwaukee 4 Las Angoles 4 Cincimnati & Prebatie Pitchers s) Las Angeles, Drysdale (2.12) at Cimon, Parkey G7), N San Francisca, Marichal D at Philadeipha, Reanneti ww) 87 Libs St. Laas, Bardee (9) Milwaukee, Lemaster (6-7) a Rousten, Noatiehart (64) at Pittsbargh, Car@well GIR, N. Ciicaga, Jackson GND at New York, Giscee (28) tartraatianal f B2228 bade BBEEY Inthanapals ANama Arkansas Dalambus Jacksonville aeons sseen 48283 Results tanta 3 Richmond 2 Arkansas 7 Jacksomuilie 3 Rachester § Indianapolis 2 Seracast 3 Baffale 4 Terante 8 Calembas 3 Games Today Richmond at Arkansas, N Rochester at Butiala, N Qvracese at Oolembes, N Torame at RX. Avamta at Jacksonville, N Freehan's bouncer be.) ~ aa MacNBIL, JUNIOR LACROSSE SENSATION Ron MacNeil Is Scoring Champ BRAMPTON ~ -- Ron MeNeil.\0'Keefe, Guelph af Alderwood, captured the in: Brown. Guelph dividual scoring point race I yey @ i the Ontario Lacrasse Associa." a7, Soon jien Junior series, this season Denny, bbe Kowalski, Mimico Alderwood collecting Contin, Oshawa old mark i Johnny Davis Haw, Brampton defunct. Whithy Stason, Oshawa 5] 4 a] 3 1 | MeNeil, whe set a now Cana. Hodge. record 12 M . aM ay uu NR Rx, 48 he uw aN 2 ™ w " « * a a a a 3 2 Orr, Lang Rranch b Galt Youngsters Tourney Champ. ANCASTER, Oat, (CP)-Galt Americans won Ontarie's Dis. trict 1 Little Dasedall Qaly one point back of the ChwmaMonship Friday aight, de Mash was Oshawa's @Uag Ancaster $2 own Joha Davis, with 117 points, Five Ancaster errere and made up of M goals and 2 .cigm Galt bits gave Galt the assists, Davey Laugh of the WR, their fourth consecutive ia Gaels was the lnap's top assists Re tournament, man with Tl, finishing Th. He Galt plays Stittsville, Ottawa scored 27 gaals. Tammy Conlin Valley Gteholders, ia 9 sudden Was the next highest Oshawan, death semifinal game here te Coalia, a part-time performer, fight because af his work duties im 'The win meet (Huntsville, plaved only 1Wilham ret Menaee Games, amassing 38 points on'for the Oatanie crown, }22 goals and 34 assints for, 16th spesitien, Julie Kowalsk) af the Flash Song' Takes Greenwood Feature Mivaicn «Mounties was = the TORONTO (CP)--Fiash faatared | MeNeil, who performs with the Alderwood Terriers, added jAlderwood team-mate Wally Hate! fimishec im the rannct-ap Position 18 poinis with 48 goals! Den Arthurs! peanan twinning Armsirongs was the G&A Ms 114 Me ®& MIM & 30.2118 NSW iKeegan, Long Rranch $8 31 111 NecCaaley, Rrampton. i) 32 188 Leagh, Oshawa wn Fave, St. Cath & |MacDoaald, Lon Sa 'McNewl, Alderwood Rateel, Alderwood league's mast penalived player won the $ $2,008 tret at with 383 minutes TOP 3 SCORERS Greenwood Raceway Friday aight, trotting the mile DA Flash Song paid $8.88, 93.40 and RM § 'Lawse paid $2.0 $2.28 and -- horse Lalhwater Frest re taraed $2.78 ¢ R: ~~ WN OX \2 SSS OS Chain Link--13 Gouge PER 200 FEET 36" 0... SIMD 4 0... SUP Plein Chein Link 14 Gouge PER 200 HET ee Se 43" @ Budget Terns @ 6 8 Tanta % Bey Ask ADA" aan Smoot Gelerment payment plaA & BUILDING SUPPLIES Lid. IDS SUATTE W PON Tee Qpen Bel) 7 om. TH 6 amt THD am.