Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1963, p. 16

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} 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Augen 9, 1903 BIRTHS 32--Articles For Sale MUST SELL, 12 cuble foot Norge retrlb- erator, -- lar freezing compartment, - and Janet (nee Dry- Saxe ong 'announce the arrival he ' Whale son, Brealey John Richard, 6 Ibs, 0 ons, on Wednesday, Ai e Oshawa General Hospital. A prother wash st 7, 1963, for Keren, Special thanks to Or. Spregge and fourth floor steff. CLAPP -- 'and Phyllis (nee Clark) pleased WY erneunes. the arrival of file daughter, Catherino Ann, on Thurs: » Auguat 8, 1963, at Oshawa General al, A sister for Randy and Cindy, CLARK -- fan and Claudia (nee Mann- tag) are happy to announce the birth of a: Derrick Alexander, on August 65, 'at the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Lor! and Shelley, A special thank-you fo Dr, R, J, Kimberley, RD = Larry and Diana (nee mentite! are hai fo announce the birth of thel on Satur- ir ter, 7 Ibs. st 3, 1963, at Oshawa General) gv Hospital, First grandchild for Mr. and we Frank Gillard, Alax, and Mr, and Mrs, Gordon McBride, ny RKIN = Barry and Linda are happy (a "aarouces the arrival. of their son David Jettrey, 7 Ibs, 10 ozs,, on Saturday, August 3, 196%, at Oshawa General Hos. pital, A brother for Katherine. HOSKIN = Jack and Sharon (nee Wik fiams) are ploased to announce the ar- rival of thelr son, Todd John, % nds, Hassett hats eB om tal, jal thanks Andres and statf of 4th floor, GON, Daughter, Twine or Triplets, you will want to tell the whole town about the latest arrival in your home, An- orispers) Viking washer with lint filter and pump, Both In excellent condition, Apply 446 Adelaide West, GENERAL Electric refrigerator, very condition, $75) Siri used 6 p.m 725-2 7. @, le "Brothers", new, only 2 years old, $60, Dial ew good [and SEWING machines, new and used, guar- anteed, Singer, Bina and others, $10 and up. Your Elna dealer, 726-239), ACUMINUM Windows, doors, awnings and siding, Pree estimates, Discount lAluminum Products, Call anytime 8 9, | 668-8606 BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances, One location only, . Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, KITCHEN chrome sel, red ond grey, In Lov teeta space heater, Telephone RANGE, electric, 4 Inch, Frigidaire, $40, Apply 130 Agnes Street, Ont, BOAT, 2 #, piywood, 3 hp motor, Price 250, Spur Station, 78 Bond West, dial 725-0930, 33--Market Basket PICK Your own raspberries, 18 cents a pint on Anderson Street Whitby Lot 22. Mr, Kuenen, Telephone 668-5955, PILL your deep freeze: with delicious frull for winter, We deliver fresh blue berries at wholesale price, Call 725-750 after 6 p.m, APPLES yellow transparent $2.00 per bushel, Bring containers, Algoma Or chards, Thickson Road North, Va mile north of Taunton. Road. Bouncements are accepted atil 9:00 a.m. for publication the same day for @aly $1.50, Just telephone 723-3492. 34--Lost and Found COST -- "Black Boston Bulldog, female, DEATHS JACKSON, Zula May Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Ontario, Wednesday, August 7, 1963, Zula May Tonkin, beloved wife of the late George Jackson and dear mother of Myrtle (Mrs, 8. Rennie), Markham, Or. G. Harold, Union, New Jersey, U.9.A. Marguerite (Mrs, Arthur Brock), Patricia (Mrs. Clayton Love) and J. &. (Ted), all of Port Perry, sister of Mrs. Marlette Words, Wyoming, New York, U.S.A. In her 89th year, Resting at McDermott Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry for serv: fee on Saturday at 2 p.m, Interment Pine Grove Cemetory, SPENCER, Richard Henry Al his home, Port Perry, Ontario, on Thursday, August 8 1963, Richard Henry) Spencer, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Spencer, and dear brother of Flossie and the late George, John, Steniey and Pear! (Mrs. Walter Manns), tn Wis 75th year, Resting at the chapel of MeDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, for service on Monday at 2 p.m. interment Pine Grove Cemetery, LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement and floral requirements: for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 North, Monday, "Queenie" fag and col lar, Reward 728-0623, hound, Walker and Blue Tick, sett ear, J. GO. 655-4678, Collect $. H, Phone 728-1550 or vicinity of Woodcrest and Stevenson Road LOST =" in" Whiiby" Township, a@ male Tatoo on} By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times, LONDON -- A_ government committee investigating the problems of immigrants from Commonwealth countries said in its report that it was shocked at the conditions revealed and call- ed for immediate action to im- prove their housing. This: report was presented to the government by the Com- monwealth Immigrants Ad. visory Council, And it shed more light on the problems of bad landlords and overcrowded houses, already highlighted by the Peter Rachman -- scandal which has been receiving major publicity in the national press, The council states that it Is alarmed by its discoveries, and stresses that acticn should be taken at once, rather than be- ing deferred until perfect hous- ing standards are attainable. SOURCE OF TENSION The council's report declares: "Bad conditions and the ex- ploitation that can go with them (provide an obvious source of ee tensicn," Probers Shocked By Exploitation | The council has decided, how- ever, that it would not be desir- able to propose specially favor- able treatment for immigrants, The only change in the law is believed necossary affects the 1961 housing act. The Council wants local authorities to be able to demand that houses oc- cupied by more than one family should be registered soon, rath- er than after a delay of three years as laid down by the Act, RECOMMENDATIONS The report makes the follow-| ing recommendations; More hostels for single men; increase of the present gov- ernment grant of $15 a bedroom a year to encourage councils to provide hostels; | More conversion, of older houses; More liaison officers to com- bat overcrowding; A drive to reduce misunder- standing and hostility, The council adds, however, that it would require to have more evidence before recom. mending the removal of the present controls on immigration! from Commonwealth countries, | | BRITISH BRIEFS |S6--Lege!_ Gebis contracted in my name by anyone, or and after this date, August 7, 1963. Barry N. Foster OBITUARIES 1, Barry Nelson Poster, 398 Bruce Street, will not be responsible for any MRS, ZULA MAY JACKSON In failing health for the past year, Zula May Jackson, died Wednesday, Aug. 7, view Lodge, Whitby, She was in her 89 th year, Born..Nov, 11, 1874, at Fuller. ton, Ont,, the deceased was the Idaughter of Rey, and Mrs. BE, A, /Tonkin, After teaching for number of years at Zephyr and Scugog Island, she was married to George Jackson, and lived for ashort. time on Scugog Island, A résident of Port Perry since 1901, Mrs, Jackson had been IN MEMORIAM MEMORIALS MARBLE ond GRANITE Designing, Corie, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co.| 1435. King Street East | 726-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENT FLAT MARKERS im Designs For Any Netd 152 Simcoe St, $. Oshawe 723-1002 728-6627 Office Evenings ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) 32--Articles For Sale BOAT, 18 H. with cad tno motor), $19 Neeeds little fixing, Idea! for fishing. Can be seen, 11! Mary Street. RANGER, 17 gauge, single barrel shot GEA, New, Telephone 723-1906, hs B. F. GOODRICH STORES -- Tires, Batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision, Thrifty Budget plan, 725-454. BWUYING or selling furniture or appl ances. Cal Elmer Hampton, 263,228 Bo A RE TELEVISION tower special, @ Ff. struc ture inctucing all channel antenna = in- stalied and guaranteed by experts with) © vears experience, $90, Trio Telelvision, revephone 778-478). munity, She was for 50 years the primary superintendent and tea- cher in the Methodist and Jnited Church Sunday School and was. amember of the church choir, Another great in- terest was the Womans Mission. ary Society in which she served as President of the Oshawa Presbyterial as well as the Pre- sidency of the local society. She | very active in Church and Com. | iwas also President of the Wom- an's Association She was Regent:of the Scugog Chapter of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in jwhich Chapter she was a Char. ter and life member. and Chairman, Her husband pre-deceased her in 1931, Surviving are, a sister, Marietta (Mrs. Fred Woods) Wyoming N.Y. and three daugh- ters, Myrtle, (Mrs. S. Rennie), (Mrs. A, Brock), Port Perry, Patricia, (Mrs, Clayton Love), {Port Perry and two sons Dr, G Harold, Union, New Jersey and J. E. (Ted) Port Perry surviving are eight grandchild. jren and nine great-grandchild- jren, Resting at the McDermott- |Panabaker Chapel, Port Perry, |for Service Saturday, August 10, at 2 p.m, Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. FUNERAL OF MRS, ELLEN L. CAIRNS The memorial service Mrs, Ellen Louisa Cairns, at Fair- For 15 years Mrs. Jackson yj, served on the Port Perry Board] or which cost-$10,500, used § : : 8 , uc: of Education, both as member|ticn hoses instead of the usual Markham Ontario, Marguerite for) 152) By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- Britain will need lat least 10,000 new teachers in |the next four years to staff uni- iversities. and colleges of ad- vanced technology, and to help Commonwealth Universities This is double the number re- quired during the past four years, says the Association of University. Teachers, LIMIT BET SHOPS LUTON, Bedfordshire -- No jmore betting shops are to be al- jlowed in the central area of jLuton at present, Rejecting an japplication for a new one, the licensing committee chairman jsaid there are already suffi- jcient to meet the demand, | RESCUED ANIMALS | ABBOT'S RIPTON, Hunting- }don -- Lord de Ramsey, 53, and |his' daughter, the Hon, Sarah |Fellowes, have been awarded medals by the RSPCA for gal- lantry in the rescue of animals, |They helped to rescue pigs and horses from a fire, STREET CLEANER | BRENTWOOD -- Brentwood's janswer to the problem of dirty jstreets is a new giant-sized mo- vacuum cleaner, The clean- | j brushes, and is fitted to a truck. NOW WINE DRINKERS LONDON -- Holidays abroad are making Britain into a na- jtion of wine drinkers, Last lyear, 20,700,000 gallons of wine were imported, 78 per cent more than six years ago. Thoe most |popular wines are light Europ- ean wines and heavy Common- Also| wealth wines. GIFT TO CATHEDRALS LINCOLN -- James: Spilman, 83, a non-churchgoer, left $150,. 000 each for the upkeep of Lin. jcoln and Canterbury Cathedrals jin his will, He was a retired farmer and a bachelor, Accord- ing to his friends he never jwent to church, but loved the Cathedrals HONEST PARKERS BEDFORD -- Bedford motor. EUIOY wmmer camping wih" tents,| Agnes street, Oshawa, who diedjists are so honest and trust. sieeping Dags. ground sheets, lanterns, stoves, picnic lugs, coolers. Best prices in town. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West. ROSS RIFLE WANTED Telephon Oshawa 725-8183 VACUUM cleaner repairs, afi makes Free Parts, Ss Brushes, 'Doses. guaranteed redullt ma ehines. Rentais Wallace Vacuum Serv lee. Call anytime, 728-059). WOUSEBOAT, Finregias runabout, 25 hp motor, boat, trailer, 3 hp to 25 hp motors, Doats. Pressure systems. Suppties. 723-7088. ». fi TLOYO baby carriage, Tike new $0) Baby scales and sterilizer, $4; also 25 i. hot water tank, insulated thermostat tuded, $2. shower stall complete with fixtures, $20. Telephone == aaflernoons 720-2483. REFRIGERATOR-freerer combination, Westinghouse, largest size, modern 30° Westinghouse stove, four elements. Eve wings after 6 p.m. telephone 728-2745. POR SALE . f° cubic foot deep freere. Telephone (20-5388 PANG, pinyer $40; Cedar boat, S18. Dm 725-7284 after 6 p.m. RQUA Luna tank, WF audi He, minsivel single stage, Goudle hose; African violets, pink, Dive and white, Telephone 725-2445. FWO brush fioor polisher, good condition, SS After 3 pm. Pap, ANYONE wishing used restaurant equip "rent may have fhe same by paying for tris, advert Nsement, .. Dial Whitby 663-3520. SCOTT, Jia No cutboard motor, good con . 5 ? 8 ~ Ville 423-2000. > FRIGIDAIRE retrigerater, TES * te S138, * 728-9279. LISFT MOLDED piyaced "Runabaut™ with traiier, Telephone 728-7264, cubic #. at Tuesday, Aug.. 6, strong Funeral Home Thursday The service was conducted by/are put on their honor to pay! pay) "trust the motorist" scheme, In this the motorists Rev, H. A, Mellow, minister of|their parking fees into slot ma- Northminster United Church, In- terment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were H bread, G, Ireland, J. Ireland, H. Mahaffy, E. Rahme and C. Littlefield, FUNERAL OF MR, F. T. LAVIGNE The memorial service for Frederick T. Lavigne, tal Wednesday, Aug, 7, Armstrong Funeral Home to. day, High Requiem Mass was sung in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church by Mon. P. Coffey. In- terment was in St. Gregory's Cemetery, The pallbearers were Emile, erman, Rheal, Roger | Boucher | Scuba Divers Find Whit- and Gerard Pitre and Aurelle chines, WOMAN BEST PLOWMAN IPSWICH, Suffolk Mrs, Mary Robinson is the champion plowman in the Suffolk farming village of Capel St. Mary, near jIpswich. She beat all the male ;competitors at the annual plow- ing match with a deviation of only an inch in a furrow plowed 144g 8CToss the full length of a field, Evangeline road, Oshawa, who} died in Oshawa General Hospi-/ SMOKING BAN LIFTED HARLOW, Essex -- Harlow in his} council! . + 46th year, took place from the sit samake have voted to per- noking again in the coun- cil chamber during public ses- sions, despite pleas that the council should set an example for the anti-smoking ban it is promoting, The ban was im- posed in June, 1962. N.Y. Woman Dies After 2-Car Crash SARNIA (CP) -- Mrs, Ella N.Y. died 10,000 Teachers Four-Year Need Corsie, 57, of Orchard Park,| SAVING THE LAND SHERINGHAM, Norfolk -- A 350 feet sea yroyne is to be built at Sheringham to prevent the sea front from being un- dermined by the sea, The new groyne and repairs to other de- fence works will cost $60,000 2000 MAY GET JOBS BARRY, Glamorgan -- The borough council of Barry has signed an agreement with a pri- vate development company for the development of an 18-acre industrial site on the outskirts of the town, The scheme is ex: pected to provide employment for 2000 people, SHORT OF DRIVERS LONDON -- London Trans- port has called an emergency} meeting with busmen's leaders to discuss the growing shortage of drivers on central London's services, The services are 2000 drivers and 1160 conductors be- low sirength, GRANT FOR OXFORD Federal Uranium Contract Signed TORONTO (CP) -- Rio Al- gom Mines Ltd; announced Wedesday it has signed a uran- jum contract with the federal svovernment that will permit its Milliken Mine at Elliott Lake, Ont,, to remain in operation un- til July 1, 1964, Robert H. Winters, president, said the contract was signed with Eldorado Mining and Re- fining Ltd, a crown agency, "within the framework of the uraium stockpiling policy re- cently announced by the federal government," The company announced last May that the Milliken mine would close at the end of July this year, The new date of July 1, 1064, is the termination date of the government's program, Woman Claims Abducted sTOCcKs . Press (Quotations in cents unless marked %, B--Odd lot, xd--Bx-dividend, . xr---Ex- rightsn xwifx-warrants, Net change Is rom previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS VW Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge Abitibi © 843% 4% 3% Alta Dist 100 300 300 300 Alta Gas w 400 800 705 785 ~-15 LaMarsh Says Pension Plan 'A Good One' By ROD CURRIE LONDON (CP) -- Judy La: Marsh, Canadian minister of health and welfare, said Thurs- day her talks so far with British officials confirm that Canada's proposed pension plan is 'a good one," She told a press conference in O" "Qby The. Canadian Stock Alg Cen Algoma Alumint Alum: 44 Alum 2pr 204 210 200 50 25 100 pr 244 Stock pr 0 A Atlas 610 100 220 100 100 425 a 10 44 Site 1) 9 30 Auto BI ank Mont 255 $62 62% 62% [ ae z 0065 $16% By Greeks LONDON (Reuters) -- Mrs, Betty Ambatielos, a central fig- ure in London demonstrations last month against Greek Queen Frederika, alleged here Wed- nesday that she was deported from Greece after being ab- ducted earlier in Piraeus and bundled onto a London-bound plane at Athens, "I was kicked and thrown on to the plane, my shoes came off-my watch was broken, my handbag went -- everything went,"" she said, Mrs, Ambatielo, a Commu- nist, had been in Greece since July 29 to see her husband who is serving a life sentence for anti-government activity during the Greek civil war, He has been in prison for 16 years, Greek authorities gave no reason for Mrs. Ambatielos' de- portation, Mrs, Ambatielos, London schoolteacher, was involved in a scuffle outside a London hotel between a group of demonstrat. ors and Queen Frederika when the latter Was on a visit to Brit. ain to attend the April wedding of Princess Alexandra, During a later visit by King Paul and Queen Frederika to London Jast month Mrs, Amba- tielos tried to throw herself be- neath the wheels of Frederika's car to call attention to her hus- band's plight. BOOST WINE SALES Sout Africa sold 2,181,349 gal- lons of wine to Britain in 1962, an increase of 10 per cent over the previous year, OXFORD -- The University of Oxford delegacy for extra- mural studies has received a grant of close to $150,000 from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation! for the establishment of a resi:| dential centre, This is the first! European grant by the founda.-| tion ina field other than agri- culture, WAR ON BARNACLES LONDON -~ British scientists) are taking part in a world-wide! campaign against barnacies, They want to find the best me-| thod of keeping them off. ships! and underwater installations. GIFT OF VACCINE | LONDON -- The treasury has| sanctioned a gift by the minis-/ try of health of $174,000 worth of Salk poliomylitis vaccine to! 15 Commonwealth countries and colonies, This is surplus stock piled up since the use of Sabin vaccine by mouth has reduced/ the demand for injections of} Salk vaccine, j COUNCIL VIGILANTES | MIDHURST, Sussex -- Mem.-| bers of the parish council at) Easebourne, near Midhurst, Sussex, are turning themselves into vigilantes to catch hooli-| gans who are damaging equip-| ment provided for children on Oshawa General Hospital|worthy that three more carithe loca , i in her 'Sith! parks are to be included in the| ; Buying Bold. Mech of '|year, took place from the Arm-/town's jthis equipment has been ren. [gered unfit for use by the van-| idals, | | Bottled Milk | j TORONTO (CP) -- The price jpaid to 10,000 farmers in On- jtario for milk destined for the jbottled trade will increase 3.7 iper cent Sept. 1, an official of j\he Ontario department of agri-. loulture said here Thursday, The cost to dairies will rise 19 cents per 100 pounds to a |base price of $5.29, C. M, Meek, jdirector ot the department's Nuidwnilk division, announced. |_ Prices in different Ontario districts vary above and below the base price, he said, but the! 19-cent increase will be prov- ince-wide. | Kenneth Gordon of Borden) iCompany Limited said the} change may result in increases ian the retail prices of some Canada House that because of the division of authority be- tween the federal and provincial governments it is impossible to enact a scheme along the lines of the British plan, But she ad- mired the 'flexibility' of the British system which packages old age, disability and other pensions into one plan, Miss LaMarsh, who also will study welfare in West Germany, Holland, Sweden and France during this tour, said she would like to see old age pensions for women at age 60 instead of 65, "But being the only woman in the cabinet I haven't convinced some of my colleagues yet,"' she said, 'They haven't said 'no'. but it isn't in our planning yet." REVEALS STRATEGY Asked by a woman reporter how she got along trying to in- fluence the otherwise all-male Canadian cabinet, Miss La- Marsh said: 'i've thought of re- sorting to tears, But I find it is best to speak softly, so they have to strain to hear," One difficulty in the pension plan was that of fitting it in with proposed provincial plans, There will be a federal-provin- cial meeting on this in Septem. ber, The white paper proposed in- creasing the basic pension to $75 from $65 for everyone and adding a contributory plan re- lated to. income, Miss LaMarsh said she wants to remove pensions from the realm of politics where they "lurch" back and forth as each party tries to "outbid" the other at election time, Clairton w Coch Con Big w cn MS Con Gas n Crown Tr Crush int Dist Seag D Magnes Dom Tar Du Pont Falcon Fam Play Fed Farms 190 300 2s 0 150 Po 1202 252 Fand Chem Hardee Hawker-$ HBC Husky 238 $00 895 inland Gas 1800 int Bronze = 215 210 250 350 int Nickel Inter, PL int Sti P Jetferson Ne Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge $21% 853% 925% 839% 39% $464 46% 90 90 21% 53Va 258 21%-- % S3Vam Ve 25Va wm Va 9% Mam Ve 9 Yu S9¥e 9% Me $102 102 102 9760 3760 3760 45 435 435 1S Ve 69Ve 69a Vo 3. 83 $53% 53% 5 490 490-490 $504 50a 504 465 465 «(465 305 305 $26% 26% 925 $19 19 $234 23Va $544 544 Ld $224 224 22V4 $1034 103V4 10314 m= Vs Ww 7? OW oe $20 2 28 $264 264 264m Va $90 «90 $86Va 86Ve $94 9% 9M 00-975 «375 378 $10% 10% 10% » Ww W 6 65 16% 16% o 4 veWV 6M 61% $10% 10% $62 61 $134 iv $50% 50% vu 7% 7 25 $38 $55ve S5\0 v $12% 2M 1+ $17Ve 17Va 17Ve 5 35 375 90 190 190 $5 5M 4 Wat Vo Ma 4% 13% 2 VW 41M é S10% 10M 10% 92 9e 00 245 4S SS 14 BW Dae Ww $0 OUD 250 «685 Milt: Brick Mont Loco Moore Nat Contain Nat Drug Nat Dr pr Nat Groc Noranda Bk) NW Util pr 125 Ont Steel Pac Pete Page-Here Phantom Pow Corp Price Bros QN_ Gas Siw 210 QNG swt 100 Reichhold 200 100 500 ns 220 16 $60 ais 00 200 420 5 3s § $5 -\ $55 4 60 S13% 13% 13% 360 360 «(360 300 = 300 300 24 126 1+ $84 24 B4-- 40 465 465 465 209 $185 Se e+ Sise 1s 15% 30 6} OUD S46 MA Wa-- yee | ee SM 11% 1% S19Ve 19% 192 90 190 190 +10 ba 9Ve ee Ve $80 80 $34% MMe Mite + Me oe © @ 300 00 300 13. | WwW stock Rothman Royal Sayvette Trans PPL Union Ace Vie G@ Tr Walk GW Webb Knp WCoast vt West ind Alminex piven argo Gr Plains Home A HB Ol ®@ Medal Nat Pete Northeal Northid Permo Provo Gas Ranger Sarcee Stanwell Triad OW Union Oil Un Olls Decalta Accra Agnico Anacon Anglo Hur Arjon A Arcadia Avnor Bankeni Bethim Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Bouzan Brajorne Brunswk Camilo Camp Chib Cc Tung C Austral Cassiar Chib-Kay Con Shaw C Bellek € Discov C Halll ¢ Marcus ¢ Morrison Con Nichol Cop-Man Coulee Cowich Craigmt Croinor Crowpat Cusco D"Aragon De Cour Deer Horn D'Eldona Denison Dicknsn Dome East Sul Ei Sol F'west T Frocoeur Giant YK Gunnar Hard Rock Harmin HW of Lakes Hollinger irish Cop Saws 7100 300 200 aa 200 295 200 100 $8 8 zw§ Sl4R 14 100 $57 250 7% Ms Bank 10 $73. 73 73 = $55 7 $470 815% net Higa Low a.m, Ch'ge, ™ 295 295 $i 5 Set $16Va 16a 16a 440 440 (440 $20Ve 20Ve 20% 55) 55? 41a 470 $60V2 60Ve 60a 6 65 65S $13% 13% 13% $290 299 29 = Ve 15% x5 74 ™M% IW 8 = Ve Ava 7 89 + 7" 70 70 0 913% 13% 19% oso © © = OILS 1000 1500 2500 250 800 V4 100 1300 300 231 600 46 4180 ons 20 2400 20 «(+3 aw R 9 688 90 +2 17% 17% 1% 425 425 425 (+8 400 400 s $144 14% 1+ 355 355 355 23) 23) +29 43Va 45Va -+2V2 3 13 2 #0 120 «115 120 +5 MINES 2150 2000 4000 2 2 RK $00 900 1200 1359 gsgesees 322s 100 370-370 o © & % % MeV mH oN We WM Wh 41 a2: + -! +1 % % --! 4 4" | a 2 7? --V Wo VW2 +2 Ye 17% 17% +' 1 aR va 1M ww Wh % " 3 6 + v Saves 1000 1166 1000 200 1000 1225 5925 77: 500 Macdon Marchant Marcon Maritime Todav"s Toronto Stock Market Listings '1 Net High Low am, Ch'ge 25a 25Va 25a Ve » "a + l +" 770 +65 216 216 216 60 123 (123 123 7% 17M Wee % % 0% +8 7 ? 7 BY BY Wa VW 500) 66M 8 Oe 100 815 81S 81S 5 so 8 68 8 200 000° 42 900 0 200 275. 275 3 00 277 Sil Miller Siscoe Steep R Sunburst Teck-H Temag Thom & Tormont Trans Ree Tribag Un Keno Upp Can Viclam $00 1000 500 2200 300 350 2000 Weedon 4500 West Mines 300 Willroy M25 Wiltsey 43500 Windfall 2500 Wr Harg = 2220 Yellorex 500 Zenmac Zvlapa ee) 200 193 193 100 175 70 $00 25 6 6 6 mt " ™ hv $184 18% 4 a 2 415 4S 415 3 Ww 16Va 16a 16a +1 4 al Ml me 3% 1% We 000 42 a2 a2 38 918 2S oS 3 8 3 5 ve 5 9M vs 8 Bo Mv = 75 +8 % 4 B " + n 7 7 =e i) 1 " 4 + 4.6 6 12a VV 129 +1 2 8 =? 4 2 wa- 77 7 2 nv +2 10 1) " 3 22 93 4200 4200 400 10Va 10Ve 10a 75 WS WS Ve 16a 4 44 80 ) ER 2Va 2 35 a +5 18a +2 "4 =! 80 ? 2 =v 3s B Sales to 11 a.m; 662,000. COMING EVENTS BINGO U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, 7:30 AUGUST 10 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50 ' JACKPOTS ONE GAME $ 150 SHARE THE WEALTH You Mailed to Cano - CAN HAVE a THE Wherever You Are It Will Be Just Like A Letter From Home... When The Oshawa Times Arrives Each Day... BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS AND YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES aaa MRR a a be am | NOME ADoReEss che snes VACATION RATES o j CIRCULATION DEPT. -- OSHAWA TIMES | 86 KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO "| i . | Evidence Of Arson in hospital here|milk products, but was unable Degin. Thursday shortly after a two-jto name specific items. GANOE! eh targa awe an) FIGHTING ISLAND, Ont/8t crash which injured four) 'The price paid farmers for Cat rack. Dial 62572. |(CP)--Sandwich West Township)her Americans at the inter-/milk for bottling is set by a * SONSHINE, @ Dorner, electric Tenge, 456; Police Chief Harold Lucas said|Section of Highways 21 and T/formula based on the farmers'| Se Se SS) Set Ot Eve boom sculee/ Thursday scuba. divers examin.|'" Lambton County cost of living, and rises when- * upeies ceca Ganesan ie cian ing a burned-out cabin cruiser! Mrs Billie Pribvle of Dayton/¢ver there is a 19-cent increase 'Sears, and thee Basra laa Ye may have discovered clues/Plains, Mich. was reported injin the formula base price. Se Taster GEES Stel ee arene. fair condition Thuratay wight The last change was in Octo- * BOAT, 14 f. Nipissing Cedarsivin, SS he e said the pieces of evidence|with multiple facial Jacerations|ber, 1958, when it rose 18 cents ee et oe en OP Fitound by the divers have beenland shock. Her husband, Gar-jto $5.10 1 yg go gee forwarded to the crime labora-/rett, 67, was in satisfactory con-/ anyhre yoo dave. The cay/tOry of the attorney-general atidition with cuts and possible VISITS IRELAND ae. oe Smacee, Srreet Toronto for examination iminor internal injuries. BELFAST (CP) -- Princess' eo Sg No bodies were found in the) Also in satisfactory condition) Beatrix, heir to the throne of the) 7 en Geant. sonoma shallow channel through this}were Mrs. Corsie's husband, |Netherlands, will visit Northern] Detroit River island. seven/John, 57, with a possible legilreland in September. Among chairs, single beds com-/™lles south of Windsor wherejfracture and undetermined in-jthe places she will visit is Car- * seen, ee semithe charred hull of the 28-foot/ternal injuries, and their son,jrickfergus, where her ancestor ---- otmee] cabin cruiser was found Tues-|John, 22, with multiple contu-/William ef Orange landed in day. siong and shock. 1690. . ideal for 4. THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL BE MAILED TO YOUR VACATION ADDRESS AT THE REGULAR CARRIER RATE OF BS? vn wen JUST CALL 723-3474 THE CIRCULATION DEPT. 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