Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 9, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted 18--Male or Female 23--Wanted To Rent EXPERIENCED produce clerk wanted. Help Wanted BY OCTOBER 1 -- Three-bedroom bum ei aad Bassin's Food Market STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS requires oo nwa Wo "se \ Ber pee ae Pctiwriabe _ bein ot Stirs two part. i viding Pre (tate YOUNG English-speaking barber wanted|sentatives, Car an t, Oppor! In alr condi honed shone #108 shop. Tele-|@dvancement, 723-9242, Phone Whitby 668-8078, WANTED -- Raspberry pickers for CLERGYMAN desires larger home re STOCK BOY for sioeal hotel. Reply own| Thursday, Friday and Sunday and fol- Mite 'Sart arcancal anna' Ne handwriting, a hake and Pil Brey meine eed Don Gabriel's, Bowman- evenings 725-4283. Rae ies mivaceaas| WANTED _|24--Houees For Rea work, Repl TAX| DRIVERS THREE-ROOM furnished house ting age, education and for rent, 840, Osh $65 stg Avaliable August 21, Tele SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R 1. SCOTT nece: Te) peso iter 6 pm, 720-9709, Stef BEGGARS AND SELFATORTURERS CARRIES AN YROW SERPENT AS A SYMBOL OF A RYTE IK WHIEK AWey BYTE OFF 3--Pets & Livestock 12 YORKSHIRE pigs, eight weeks old, for sale, Trephone whit toy ns ia Painting and Decorating H 'buliding ng repairs, Fooling.) renis % Fooling!" DODD and SOUTER _ Geraon May, 3 728-0394 Accountants YALE, FRIBDLANDER and CO, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- fees In Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East. al wi SEEMING INDIFFERENCE 4MIS ARAB experie lence 8 Times, THREE IMMEDIATE openings to work PAINTING AND DECORATING ROOFING, co corcrete floors, flat rooting CONTRACTORS ovr specialty. New work and repairs, Large and smal! jobs. L, and H. Roofing and Construction, 72 725-6937, YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chimneys dulit and repaired, gas' lin Ings arene, ee Senet vacuumed, Free 78-7371, PRINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char fered Accountants, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. ALBERT HOSMAR, chartered account ent, 323 Je A Street West, Oshawa, Tele phone 723- WAROLO &. DEWAR, Accredited Pub- He Accountant Commercial Buliding, BRICK CL EANING = Have your home cleaned like new by HydroSelica a PURE DB pups, Painting, Paperhanging ts Lag $25, lomsies. $20, i sliphone Bh Gyptex, Full 'Wall Murals : Spray Painting 107 BYRON ST. S.,, WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 Personal Service IRISH RED SETTER pupples, a ed, eight weeks old, tatooed male $50, female $40, Telephone Ta.as76, 006, Labrador Retriever, registered, Goiden col » 8 months old, had all Needles, oo. lephone 7 728-7272, "SHEPHERDS, puppies, quar 78 King Street West, Oshawa, 7 J, CHONARD coed SRGOKS, |, Chartered Accountant, Suite 20 a Shopping Centre, 725-9953, N cag ray hol Rage accountants, 11 ae reet East, Oste awa; Ronald F. Wilson, CA: G@. CA. 728-7554. BOG CLANCY'S "Accounting -- Service, Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605, : MONTEITH, MONTEITH, , RIGHL, and iy Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 25 Simcoe. Street North, Oshawa, Ajax method, no dust Free Sharpening anil Rental' Lid, 4. CONSTRUCTION For guaranteed home im- provements, store and office remodelling, expert workman: ship, Free estimates, Whitby 668-4412 GERMA ter horses, colts, registered, Cozy J, Ranch Kennels. champion bloodlines, stud services. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662, Save number, MODERN GRILL Bor-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH 725-3887 Plumbing and Heating 5--Farmer's Column WHEAT sirew for sale, 30c per bale. Arthur Branston, after 9 p.m. telephone 728-6065. FARMERS, need tires? Bill your' Dominion Tire representative, 725-6511. of evenings after six, 725-72 CASH on the spot. Highest prices pald on dead and crippled farm stock, Tele wn 20890, Whitby MO 8-413), eo BA dA SAVE AT WESTERN SERVICE CENTRE Repairs To All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West--728-1607 "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" Barristers JA A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lie, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King | beta! Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking 5 725-4716 or 725-4 ALA ~~ PLASTERING New and repairs, stucco, cement work, parging base- ments. Remodelling, Work- monship guaranteed, Free estimates, A. WOODS 728-3420 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE,| }Oshawa, Whitby, Reasonable rates, Fully eupped and insured, 728-366) Dressmaking RESSMAKING | ine. experiencea, iMra Eldridge, 67 alteral reas rates Montrave 725-6476, phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 82721, Margwill's Fur Farm. Licence 245:C-63, 7--Trailers ALL PLUMBING and sn wee' Telephone 725-352) Haro . Stark, lta, Plumbing, heating = "hnenen South hehe ' nq wet ores WHAT RAL 9 we AIAN ort EGYPLIAN WORD MUMMY Wf coMES FROM Wt BIBLES NE HEBREW DM ABIRDY 11--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted Poked jonable 4 Sener KN AND DONALD, Barristers and| Solicitors, etc. 69 King Street East./ Telephone 723-2201. |Gardening ¢ and Supplies EREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND e, DARLINGTON Garden is-| CHESTRRFIELDS counted and 9 arce, Dial Bowmanville 623-3905. MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No wy Public, Bank of Commerce Builid- Ing, S$ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. K./pow hole digging and fencing, Reason: Creighton, QC) G, M. Drynan, QC;/abie rates, Telephone 725-172) 720-8554; G. |. Murdoch, 723-4788, Mort: ------- cane sagen. end agreements of sale bought Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, lots leveled. Loaders, Trucks for hire BEATTY HAULAGE 725-2156 ci|Instruction |PRIVATR teacher, SEN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics Dual Controlled OSHAWA AND WHITBY CALL 728-009) Solict 725-9592, i, DAVID L. Barrister, South, BOWMAN, tor, 3¥a Simcoe Street Residence 778-0264 JOSEPH F. MANGAN, Solicitor, Money to loan, King Street Gast, Oshawa, MeGIBHON and BASTEDO, Borrisiers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street wees 720-7336. Cheries C. McGibbon, Eager | F. Bastedo, QC. ruc V. MACKEY, BA, | Solicitor, Notary Public, funds pt ge la Bast, 723-1) . 985-7163. pte ata x \ and THOMAS A,| IR, Associate Barristers and Solich| 190 King. Street East. resus | Mortgage ios foans avaliable, MANNING FF. SWARTZ AND RONALD) L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan, Henry Biock,! 26% King Street Gast, 723-4697. Resh/ dence, dial 723-4029, QE, Barrister, Office 4a 8232, wudent counsellor, Barrister, By interview Mortgage! Street LOAM, sod manure and evergreens, also refinishing, stock- Guns bought, sold. exchanged WHITBY 668-2497 Surveyors Minden, 728-2532, DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. LAKE SIMCOE -- "4 miles from Osh- |tario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive/ewa, Canal front lot, 80 x 275, two-bed- prints, 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632. jroom cottage, winterized with space heat- . Lb) + jt teleph: Insich i FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Katha RG WeiGk' a0 Loe Goer ae ake Waad TRAILER for sale, ces lights Apply 544 Drew Street, -- Biel Tas [POR RRILERT fears 7 ats as peti I [Rerpautin and framework, Apply 585 iRu al holste Service jAihot Street East, nies se |Rug-UpI ---- -------- | TEE-NEE boat trailer, 800 Ib: A frame CHESTERFIELDS = re-vphoistered and|Very good condition, with winch, Only jre-styled, Free estimates, See our mate-|$!35 Apply 941 Mary Street. \rial for recovering, Dalton Upholstering, |75 Char'es Street. 723-7212. | RENT- "Ae TRAILER _ |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re) Hitch lied covered liky new. Get the best for less itches supplie }at Modern Uphoisterers, 142 Simcoe t °) South, Call 7286451, Free estimates, Moving po a cabin GRRANGE now tr have your rs | a | fela suite recovered while on vacation! MMONTY'S BA SERVICE | No down pay Up to 36 months to} pay, For estimate, phone 728-3281, SIMCOE AT GIBB ubligation, Kennedy Uphoistering Ltd, 725-9131 Febullt, perere like new, Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction ruaran-| 9--Summer Properties teed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up-/ For Sale or Rent holatery Co, 10 Bond West, Dial 725- " O11 | HOUSEKEEPING Cottages, refrigerator,| rangette, boats, running water, Reason: H lable rates. Vacancies August 10 on Sales and Service ___|Mrs, C, Hughes, RR 4, Picton, GRESIIS. i | |GOTTAGES and lots on the Black ART S GUN REPAIR |River, 10 miles north of Uxbridge. CUSTOM GUN WORK Telephone Black River Securities, UL 2-6831 collec' for appointment Rebueing, |BOBCAYGEON -- Pigeon Loke, Buck's making, |Bay, Fine family 3 bedroom = cottage, Ini cely. furnishea on safe sand waterfront jloy three miles east of Bobcaygeon, Three piece Bath, gas range and living room heater, hot water tank, screened veran }dah $7,800, Terms arranged, Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and! a erecaipaian es Ontario! veniences, Full price, $4,300, Low down a V1 Elgin Street ast./ payment, Telephone Orillia 326-6965, |PIGEON LAKE -- Nogies Creek, Bobcay- geon area. Very smart 2 bedroom mod- [TV--Redio Repairs -- jern cottage a3 new inside and out, Nice [GUARANTEED repairs to all mares|Dathroom, new electric HW tank, range |TV radio, car radios. Thompson Blec./ ed frig. All furrishings as new, Screened tronics, 157 Eliiott. 723-9792. Fred. Louis Ss WYMAN, Gc, Barrister, Soll Bad , 'Mortgages penny Alger Buliding, 37 King om Street E 723-4943, Mortgage monies FIRST AND SECOND mortg available. agreements purchased and "OSEPH ©. VICTOR BA, LL.B, Bar./['ch 8nd Hennick, Barristers, 3) ister, Solicitor and syolary Public, g|Stree_ East, 723-7232 Gimcoe North. 723.3446. iD KELLY, ters, on all types of mortgages; mortgages Soe et es ire and agreements of sale purchased '723-2278. Residence Phones M.|Creighton, | Drynan and Murdoch. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, heading "Barrister.") 2 ars Barrister, Solici- MORTGAGE LOANS tor, ec., 134 Simeoe Street North. Office 723-1101, Residence 725-3542. Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% HUMPHREYS, BOVCHYN and HILT. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street Open Mortgages No bonus MYM King Oshawa; = R. No charge for valuations Hum . 3. Boychyn, QC: W. A. Mortgages and Agreements purchased, LLB. Office: 725-1177, Rest Gence: 728-4324 Whitby 668-276), 725-4604, Moneys for.second mortgages Fost service M NHA and other mortgage funds avaliable, F, SWARTZ Bookkeeping BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tex Returns. Statement: prepared, BC Ser- 'vices, 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252, Building Trades 26% King St. East BULLOOZING and excavating. Free Oshawa, Ontario estimates. Cal! Teylor Bros. 26 Hill 723-4697 GENERAL weiding service. All kinds ol) | Rea a hose Strata' eae, own] MORTGAGE MONEY cette 6 nec uee| AVAILABLE ACKERMA Low Interest N Valuations Arranged Residential crest Drive, Whitby. 668-5612. Excavating --- Loading City and District Send, Grovel, Fill And Top Soil Summer Properties Vacant Land Dump Truck Reasonable Rotes Members Ontario Mortgage Broker's Associetion PHONE 623-5756 SUMMERLAND ae _BOWMANVILLE St A. FOSKETT SECURITIES LIMITED AND SONS 112 Simcoe St. North Roofing, Sheet Metal, Paint- Oshawa, Ontorio---725-3568 Sale Hen King PRIVATE ond corporation monies fo loan! expert home repci No job too big or too smell We give service to them alh FREE ESTIMATES 668-5906 or 668-2341 (See verandah, nicely landscaped lot with safe lwaterfront, dock and boathouse, $5,995. OSHAWA ELECTRONICS |Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcay- Guaranteed Parts and Service DAY OR EVENINGS eon. and Minden 738 2532. MILFORD GORDANIER, OTTAGE, 18x 24', with boat and motor, miles from Oshawa, $2,500, Dlel 725- 84 Prop. 728-5286 CY TN. For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satisfaction Paul Cieslar, Prop. 511 Dean Ave, 725-0500 TV TOWERS AND Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6781 TV TOWERS © Economy and Deluxe ------ | |PIGEON LAKE, Tails "Bay, Bobcaygeon Superb 2 bedroom cottage on one acre lot with 140' Jakefront, safe sand. beach, boathouse, Beautifully wooded and land: scaped lot, Cottage is completely winter. "lized with electric heat, HD range and! [trig Modern kitchen. 3-piece bath with) shower, fully furnished, beamed cellings,/ Granite fireplace, Truly a@ fine summer jhome In @ superb setting, Newell and |Mcinerney Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Minelen, 738-2532, $14,500. Terms, Va ACRE lakefront ict, Belmont, 75 miles fror Oshewa $900 for quick nae Owner's persona: sale, Call after 6 p. | 728-8727, STURGEON LAKE -- Biyiheshore, 4 year|--" nid frame cottage, Insulated, very smart! three bedronn cottage 'with breeze-way and garage. Modern kitchen and bath. |Newly decorated throughcut, oi! heat, HD Hydro, picture window, hot water tank, |TV aerial, dock, Completely furnished, 4 jdurner electric range. Choice waterfront |property 'deal family or retirement |home, $8,500, terms arranged. Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and | Minden, 738-2532 WELLINGTON, West Lake, cottage "for| rent, sleeps six, all conveniences, hot and cor water, good fishing. Available Aug ust 10 to 3). $45° week. Telephone 728-8105 STURGEON LAKE, Beehive, Bodcay- geon. Executive's summer home on 101' lakefront with safe sand beach, 3 bed- rooms, modern kitchen fully equipped with range, frig. and washer. Baseboard \Sectric heat for off-season occupancy |Oritied well, Full bath with shower, Fully furnished, all as new. $14,900, Terms Newell and McInerney, Realtors, Bobd-| icaygeon and Minden, 738-2532. SCUGOG LAKE FRONT cottage, three} bedrooms, new heavy wired, good beach, | shade trees, $3,900 Fred Cook, Realtor.| jCau Marion Nesbitt, Nestieton 986-4894, |BOBCAYGEON, Sturgeon Lake, Echo/ |Bay Smart.? bedroom cottage on sand] ibeach lakefront, heavily treed, stone patio, double concrete dock. Knotty pine -- room with red granite fireplace, dinette, modern kitchen, excellent drilled well 3 wire hydro, reasonable cash pay. ment required owne: will assume mort Gage. $8,800. Furnished. Newell and Mc! inerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and Min) den 738-2532 THURSTONIA PARK -- ~ Sturgeon "Tane,| cottage for rent, oe ae for six, Ava'iable arter August 17. $140 month. Telephone Oieae" or_Dunstord 2522 171 Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728 - 8180 Well Drilling --Digging | WELL DIGGING by machine, Bod 728-448 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing, eavestroughing [». Hiddink ing, Decorating, Caulking, Musical Services reo 942 1664. ae ANO, Trees pipe and electronic organ instruments appraised, WILLIAM" KROONTJE, hizteng 'in Sdinch tile, W, Ward, 204 Chest) nut Street West PO Box 329, Whitby, 668-2543 - 668-3809 60 LAKEFRONT LOTS well digging, omoressor work clean-cut and deepen- Da] "a Park Road South, 728-3864, pointing, cupboards, floor tiling, General repoirs of oll 'Optometrist 100 ft. lots $895 up, cottages BILL LEMON, weil "digging. "clean-outs, $1,295 up. 10% down easy ' P 0 , ec compresser work, Phone kinds, No job too big or | smali, All work guaranteed. ©. B. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please 728-072) / terms. Planned subdivision, Financing ot bank rotes. son henge rye Moe' a J r t Rank or 74 Burk Street? Dial 725-4387, Cail us anytime Some sand beaches |2--Personal DIRECTIONS Painting and Decorating P. NELLIS, 19 Colborne E Telephone 728-2061 'S'bensen after 3 p.m. 725-7213, Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results, Cash 6 consecutive doys 3.75 3 consecutive doys 2.2 Count eoch word, initial, Box number ees If not peld wi thin 7 don chorge rote applies. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month... .. Each edditiona! line per month Charge 4.13 2.48 fore or ebbreviction os one word. ; 1Se 8.50 1.60 (Not. opplicable for merchandise edvertisements.) DEADLINES Word ads 5 p.m, day previous Classified Display. . 30 p.m. day previous Births, .memorioms, cords of thenks --- 9 a.m. doy of publication. Lest end Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication. Cancellations end Corrections--8: 30 a.m. dey of publication. REGULATIONS The Oshowa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more thon one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, mor beyond the price chorge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error -occurs, The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossify edvertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display odvertisements, The Times will net be held responsible for more spoce than thet in which the ectual error occupies. The publishers endeovour. to reproduce all odver- tising motter correctly, but assume no licbility of advertisement if eny imeccurecies in eny form ere contained therein. Ad PAINTING and paper hanging. iF YOU have ® drinking probiem, write Bor 333, Whitby, or call 668-3034. "LEN PULLAN -- ENGLISH TAILOR Specialist in garment altere- tions, etc, Invisible mending, dress alterations. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 Removal of superfluous heir, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawe, August 19,°20 ond Z2ist. Phone Genosha Hotel On these dotes for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3--Pets & Livestock FOR RENT -- box siait and beard for riding borse. Lady rider preferred. McClure, 725-1097, }ONE WEIMARANER pup for sale, & months, Reasonable fo a good home. j East on 401 and north to Madoc, tcke new Hwy 62 from Madoc north to hwy sign "Gunter Lake Estates" and follow signs to property or write 3073 Credit Woodlands Cooksville, Ont. 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Silver Candelabra Sargeant's Rentals 725- 3338 jstrawberry Tuan stailion. Telephone Bow-/ shot $125, Dial 668-5406. Round the Clock ee sg Te ye QUIET mare pony eght veers old Times READY TO BUY lelack POODLE, registered s 'Stock, , good! Want Ads ter ery i rn i ri ie aS PROSPECTS lfarnity . pet, ten weeks old. Distemper | $183. /BEAUTIFUL | co budgies. "veady tor Mrs. Good with children. Dial = |trai ining. strain. Eas taning Read | Broad, 114 Eigin Street jeatatogue Monarch Card Co. Dept. 217 Cannon, Hamilton. RENTALS Of All Kinds HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- folding chairs, hand planes, nail pullers, staplers, bolt cutters, tile cutters, caulking quns, tope recorders, sets, transistor radios, tile polish- ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight -bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, baby carriages, C.C.M. " ercisers, sewing machines, Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart, CAMERA EQUIPMENT---35 mm. slide camera, movie projector, slide projector, movie camera, screen, sun- gun, binoculars, GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedae clippers, post hole augers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden sprayer, seed- ers, iawn sweeper, fence Stretcher, post drive, tree pruners, scythes, lawn area- tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, flame gun. CAMPING EQUIPMENT Tents, tent heoters, sleeping bags, liners, oir mattress, Coleman stoves, _ lanterns, coolers, cor top carriers, wa- ter skis, life jackets, out- board motors, STAN'S Sharpening ond Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 12--Articles Wanted epee FAMILY with eight children have fea their furniture in an accident in transit! to Oshawa. Anyone with any used. furni- ture which they could donate, please tele- phone 723-1303. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wonts Cars For Wrecking Parts for sale, ulso scrap iron and metals, ete, bought, Open Saturday ali day. Phone 725-2311---89 BLOOR E. |13--Business Opportunities FOR $) SALE =~ - Wuneh counter near South Genera! Motors, Excellent turn over, | Unlimited potential, 725-9895 or _TAS-0983, BOWMANVILLE store for rent, n King East, Suitable for barber or real estate) office, etc, Write Post Office Box 1114, Bowmanvilie RESTAURANT FOR LEASE 70 sect, new and modern equipment, adjoining motel, CALL PICKERING 942-1995 SERVICE STATION Located on Simcoe St, North IDEAL FOR USED CAR LOT REASONABLE TERMS | Texaco Canada Ltd. PHONE: J. J. BRILL 668-3211 or 725-3642 SHELL CANADA - LTD. Has for yease a high volume Service Sta- tion located on High- way 115. Applicant should have $3,000 to invest, and be prepared to take a saloried training | course FOR INTERVIEW PLEASE TELEPHONE Mr. C. L. Umpherson PETERBOROUGH 743-4138 14--Employment Wanted | DUTCH LADY tooking tor perhtone! house work Telephone 728-7738. i i |16--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED shirt operator. Apply Acadian Cleaners, 29? Bloor West. WANTED -- waitresses, short order cook, and parttime dish washer, Apply Mr. Campbell, Gonosha Hotel. H NEED EXTRA MONEY? $5. and more car easily be earned by showing our fadbuious Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and peighbors. No experience! necessary. Cur exciting, ftull-colored catalogue 'eips you fo ge? plenty of orders. Serd. mo money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free % |17--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED typists and bookkeep- ert, part-time for month-end work, Apply Ing, Box 2, Oshawa Times TTER WANTED -- Lady to come in and care for one child, General Motors hours, Mus! have own transporte- tion, Telephone 728-7410, GIRLS over 16 with neat appear. ance, Part-time, two or more nights weekly, with hourly rate. Apply Jubilee Pavi Non, RELIA person tor. "care of "children. Evenings and eeot free. No clean: ing _Telephone 723-1066. "1066. RELIABLE housekeeper to jive in and - cere for two small children while mother works. Telephone 728-9378, WOMAN to care for two pre-school: chil- dren while mother works. Light house keeping duties, Sday week. Live ouf, Needed by September 23. South East dis- trict, Dial 728-6747, MIDDLE-AGED woman to help care for invalid and small house Good pay and time off, Char kept. Post Office Box 261, Bowmanville, Ont. AVON CALLING! Write today, learn how you can earn with Avon, Write PO Box 512, Oshawa HOUSEK' required for Sepiem-| ber 30, Two school-age children, Live in ana take full charge of home, $100, monthly, All replies confidential, Box 7, Oshawa Times. FULL or part time heip for one. month In 'confectionery, age 20-35, No experi- ence necessary. Transportation supplied. Dial 655-35: MIDDLE-AGED Woman fo take com- piete charge of home and children for Had ag $20. weekly, Apply 95 Albert reet, BOOKKE! iG machine operator, good working tons and generous em polyee benefits. Apply Canadian Automo- tive Trim, 274 Mackenzie Avenue in Alax. WANTED -- Girl, for general housework. Own room, TV. All modern conven- jences, References 'required. Write Mrs. + of our downtown office, arranging rsonal appointments, Only quatitica- tions, pleasant personality and willing. ness to converse with people. Age 16 to 25, Hourly cate pilus bonus incentive, Apply 10 a.m to 3 p.m. Alger Building, 7 King East, Room 34, BODY MAN EXPERIENCED APPLY Uxbridge Collision Service Uxbridge Phone 852-3239 CLERK TYPIST for building supply business, in Oshawa Top wages and benefits, Replies kept in confidence, BOX 1, OSHAWA TIMES Three full-time and five part-time SALESMEN Dealership to qualified ap- plicants, Also senior grade students for temporary sum- mer work, Fuller Brush Co, Ltd, Apply: Tilden Office, 14 Albert St., Oshawa, Friday, 10 a.m, to 9 p.m, OPPORTUNITY _ Young men wishing to be- come Chartered Accountents Minimum Education, Senior Matriculation. For Appointment Telephone -- 728-7527 Monteith, Monteith, Riehl and Co CABINET ASSEMBLERS SHOP ASSEMBLY PERMANENT WORK WITH BENEFITS APPLY H & G DESIGNS STATION ROAD PICKERING ~|SIMCOE and Rossland West' Men or Women _MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 WANTED PHARMACIST For part time work would consider retired person or married woman, Reply to THR rears home te rent Tn Whitby or Oshawa, required by high Oakville, collect, Street, chem teacher, Telephone V15-0836. low available amereneee * » $105 monte ly Call 723-2140, WHITBY -- aw three-bedroom house, Available now Apply 930, Bayview. Tele prene Whitby 668-5673, EEURROOM bored aie uate ne ae yo near is 8! an we' 592 Drew Street, sine' _ MAPLE GROVE -- Five-room unturnish- furnace, large garden, $98, pest og yee September 1, Dial Bows ROOM home, includi ing room and four-piece bath, Loca' North-West area, close to school and wus a ee October 1, Telephone BOX 932 OSHAWA TIMES 25--Apartments TWO ROOMS and kilchen, Heavy du wiring, $70, monthly Telephone 'Tes, private b bath 20--Room and Board 14 PER WEEK. Suilable for men will- irg to share rooms Single beds, Tele- Phone 728-3396 or 725-9910 -|ROOM AND BOARD, single, "Tor gentie- |man, also room for gentlemen to share,| ators South plant 728- 4763, NEAR DUPLATE and bus, clean, "quiet! home. Good meals. Lunches packed, Shift! workers weluome. Gentleman preferred. Tevephone 723-1248, ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen only, single and © share, lunches packed 4 desired. Very central, Apply 26 Kin Street East, comfortable room, packed, abstainers, jood =meals, lunches et . gentiemen, private » entrance, taundr rking, Appl 70e Carnegie Avenue, Mute': ROOM and board, in clean, quiet home, gel ig aon packed. Parking. eiephone 728-3 Nea & Board W. ROOM with breaktast "and dinn by young business quiet home, Write Box 3, Oshawa Times. man, T) board, ; private home, Oshawa or area, by mother and 9S Middle-aged person preferred, Good remureration, Name, 'address, phone' numbtr to Box 943, Oshawa Times. |22--Offices, Stores, Storage pase packed, parking, near General] oentiemen, 728-3120 Coo! | alor, four-year-old boy, also day care for child| THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, Dia! 723-989) OUR-ROOM \F aon a with refrigerator and stove, immediately, Apply 68 Wayne, meni 9, Telephone 725-3938. |THREE-ROOM apartment, partly ture jnished, centra,. Suitable for ladies or unfurnished, a Apart» |GROUND FLOOR apartment, in duplex, j2 bedrooms, garage, $125 monthly, heat eg, | cluded. Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377, |TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, heat jand hydro, Ritson South, Apply in pers |son 27) Jarv's Street or telephone 725. 8584 9 auRK STREET, 217 -- Three-room, selfs contained apartment, stove and refriger- private entrance, Business couple preferred. Abstainers, 725-1754, STEVENSON ROAD NORTH --- Two room furnished basement apartment, Dial 728-6563, eons rarerenenpisesincennecesisicitsgnest REGENCY TOWERS, by Wiltam Red Construction. One and -- two-bed: suites, beaurtitully finished from $100 to $118 monthly For further details COMPLETELY furnished two-room epark ment, neat and cosy. Television antenna, Laundry and parking facilities, Radio, cya eouple. 137 Elgin Street East, | THE WHOLE TOWN'S talking @ about |REGENCY TOWERS, beautiful 69 suite buliding by William Reld Construction, One and two bedroom suites from $100 to $118 monthly. Call 723-1401 daily and 723-2570 after 6 p.m, for further detalis a SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR, T, L, WILSON Me Sucher, 444 Trenton, Montreal 16, "ACCURATE TYPIST with switch board experience required Excellent solery end comp- any benefits, CALL MRS, TURNER Ajax 942-0150 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canado's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, Nov- elties, etc, to friends and rel- atives, Over 300 items, For free, beautifully illustrated catalogue, samples on approv- al and the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. For Sales Department EXPERIENCED With knowledge of dicta- phone and short hand. 5 day week and fringe benefits. Stark Electronic Instruments Ajax 942-2120 For appointment. STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED For head office operations good shorthand and typing skills necessory, Duties will include some clerical and statistical reports. Modern new office with cafeteria. Company paid medical, hos- pital and insurance benefits. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Dunlop Canada Ltd. Whitby Phone 668-3361 | FUEL Bog Braga wanted, full or park, ome, Whitby, Alex, Oshawa, Bow Renal area. Car necessary. Apply i Jack Perry, barry a ae Ltd, 288) Bloor Stree) West, EXCELLENT SALES OPPORTUNITY For young man 22 to 35 years of age for promo- tion. and sale of wuter conditioning equipment, New division of old establish- ed Oshawa Company. Excel- lent future possibilities with salary and commission and other benefits. Car required. Reply 'to BOX 101 OSHAWA TIMES Stating age ond experience PHONE 942-3791 HARDWARE CLERK for local Hardware Store Apply steting oge, qualifica- tions ond references to BOX 9 OSHAWA TIMES ~ FURNITURE AND _ APPLIANCE STORE IN WHITBY Requires an Experienced SALESMAN Salary and commission, Company benefits. Apply in writing stating experience. BOX 6 OSHAWA TIMES MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL DRAUGHTSMEN Required for Current Construction Programme DU PONT OF CANADA TELEPHONE -| 123-3474 26.--Rooms For Rent TFREE furnished rooms, close to shop: ping, on two bus lines. Telephone 725-4178, ONE CLEAN furnished room and garage, Telephone 728-2191, BROCK STREET EAST, 1a -- Single furnishel room for lacy or gentleman, Use of kitchen and washing machine, Dial 725-8159, TWO FURNISHED rooms to rent, one light housekeeping, stove and refr' tor Apply 604 Dundes Street Whitby, 668-3239. OSHAWA BLVD. § SOUTH, 8 -- Nice icely furnished room, breaktast if desired, ast | NEW. OFFICES In Medical Center og 211 Simcoe St. S. Available July, 1963 Con be finished to suit Early Tenants, PHONE 725-5132 |'23--Wanted To Rent |HESESROOH house wanted by four before September 15. Telephone |Sas-svoe after 6 p.m. th Preferred. Parking, Avaliable now Telephone 728-0236, ROOM for nurses or girls, bedroom, 2 new home, near hospital and Gener: Motors. Apply 118 Adelaide East or cull KING STREET WEST, 40 -- Twe rooms, one large furnished bed-sitti rvom and one furnished bedroom, Bi have sinks, vanity cabinets, hot and cold water in rooms. Five minutes from Oste awe eShop: ~ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private hore. Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK RD. NORTH OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS LIMITED Maitland Works Maitland, Ontario QUALIFICATIONS: Education (Minimum) Grade Xi! technical certifi- cote. Experience Desired: A minimum of 4 years droughting experience in ei- ther piping, instrumentation, or electrical assignments, preferably related to general chemical plant work, Electrical draughtsmen must be capable of producing elec- trical power and lighting lay- outs, schematic control dio- grams, and be familiar with the 0.H.E.P, Code, Mechanical draughtsmen must be copable of producing a wide variety of moderately complicated piping or instru- | mentation drawings. Apply in writing stating age, education and experience to: Personnel for your tot. FUN FOR BABY By ALICE BROOKS All babies, these caddle toys, but large enough to be a delight Each toy takes % of a yard of fabric and is made of 2 identical pieces. plus ears, Pattern 7440: PRINTED PATTERN LOOK LEANER By ANNE ADAMS transfer of 819", 914", 14" toys; directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins); for this pattern (no stamps, | | please) to Alice Brooks, care of! |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario) residents add 1c sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1963's Biggest Needjecraft, Show stas smocked accessories Superintendent DuPont of Canada Limited) > Maitland, Ontario 18--Male or Female Help bt sual EXPERIENCED presser or male, tor dry -- gi m ADbly Ph baa] Bloor Wi chan Cleaners, WANTED cucumber as piece work, Ribs gghin ace supplied to and from certain pointe in Oshawa, Call 728-3901, -- it's our new Needlecraft Cat-)2 jalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-you) designs to knit, crochet, sew,/ weave, embroider, quilt. Plus' jfree pattern. Send 25c now! Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay Sea' ->s in the sunlight -- sole ¢o.ail on a dress in which you'll cast a leaner shadow, Sew it in eyelet, rayon, pique, surah, linen, Printed Pattern 4956: Half Sizes 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 2044, 2? i 16% requires 444 yards 35-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (30c.) in coins (no stamps, please) for this Ipatt Ontario residents add c $ Print _ plaialy SIZE, ? ADDR#SS, ISTYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, jcare of The Oshawa Times, Pat- itern Dept.; Oshawa, Ont. PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- jpon inside new Fall. Winter Catalog, ready now! Over 300 design ideas, all sizes. Send 5c. for Catalog. call rs 723-1401 da'ly and 723-2570 after 6 p.m. sg ld i a neces

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