oN A MAIN Pee PRET NRE RRM PRT EY FOREN RIT GRY AL lhe tiny ee yep yey a We" 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tueedey, August 6, 1963 Ajax High School Grade 13 Results Dies When Car Hits Crane PICKERING (Staff) -- A 24- year-old Uxbridge man was kill- ed Monday night when his car Authors 71, Latin Compo-;smashed into a crane being Uxbridge Man [1ST SINCE CONFEDERATION Parliament Changes Divorce Procedures MOSCOW (AP)--The Britishjat which Khrushchev foreign secretary, the Earl of|pected to preside is ex- Lord Home and Rush are ex- Pickering Boy Dies In Lake Near Minden MINDEN A 15-year-old, RR 3, Pickering boy drowned Saturday when he fell from a |boat in Big Bob Lake near here | Traynor had epilepsy andl jee and Michael; sister, Ray- olice believe that he may lave lene, calfered a seizure, He was the) A Requiem Mass was sung son of Mr. and Mrs, James|at 10 a.m, Tuesday at St. Fran- Traynor of Old Forest road, |cis de Sales Church, Pickering, He is also survived by broth-|Interment was at St, Francis de ers, Frank, Earle, John, Doug-'Sales Church Cemetery, DANGER WORE A PAINTED FACE! Home, and U.S, State Secretary! i - Dean Rusk flew to Moscow to-|pected to meet Khrushchey for) Fae ' marae gg: Ag day for historic nuclear test ban/talks on future steps in relaxing/\"'° oe r. ; ; ; : : ; cen (boat about 200 feet from shore signing ceremonies and vital ex- cold-war tensions after the sign- oe Peasy ploratory talks with Soviet Pre-|ing. {Allan Smith, 17, of Haliburton AJAX --- The following are the Grade 13 examination re- sults for students at Ajax High School, Armstrong Composition 66, Stephen ) English Composition 77, English Litera. ture 70, History 88, Botany. 73, Zoology 57, Latin Authors 53, Latin Composition 59, French Authors 60, French Composition 50. Patrick Colgan Composition 74, English Liter. ature 74, Algebra 85, Geometry 90, Trigonometry 82, Physics 86, Chemistry 92, Latin Authors 76, Latin Composition 76 Ray Cooke -- English Compo- sition 63, English Literature 50, Algebra 69, Geometry 51, Trigo. nometry 66, Physics 59, Chem. istry 68, Latin Composition 63 Phyllis Cameron English(Latin . : Composition 63, English Liter-jsition 73, German Authors 75,|used for bridge construction on ature 57, Zoology 75, Latin Auth-|German Composition 67. Brock road, Pickering. ors 65, Latin Composition 65,) Lynn Ohrner -- mngiiah o ' Lie og ape "gt French Authors 76, French/position 64, English Literaturejtin's Hotel, died at the scene o : spay © : Camposition 84, Spanish Authors/62, Algebra 66, Chemistry 74,]the accident, jAnve s tigating| mier Khrushchev RUSK STAYS ON lan wer Oke tape A 81; Spanish Composition 67, (Trigonometry and Statics 61,/police said Yeomanson was) 'phe foreign policy chiefs were, Rusk has been invitedt o stay time and tried to rescue him Mary Gail Clapham = --En-|Physies 538, Chemistry --76,/driving south on the Brock road) accompanied by parties of toplon fora few days as Soviet Fore) m 4 , glish Composition 59, English/French Autors 65, -- Freneh|when he struck the Ontario) aqyisers and specialists in East-leign Aiiniatar Gromvko's wiest| The body: was located about Literature 57, Algebra 69,|Composition 70 County bridge work equipment./West relations, Rusk's party! The talks are expected {o con |four hours later, Geometry 59, Trigonometry and| Diane Raveney' -- English) The accident occurred at 10.10/also includes a bipartisan dele-jcentrate on the non-aggression Statics 61, Botany 65, Zoology| Composition 70, English Liter-/p.m, between the 4th and Sthigation of Senate leaders, lnact Khrushchev wants. NATO|Could be found around the Paris |76, Latin Authors 62, Latin Com-jature 72, History 64 ,Algebra 52,/Concessions, Yoemanson was! Among the array of interna: and the Warsaw Pact alliances roadblock, -- English|position 51, y Chemistry 58, Latinialone in the car at the time. -- English 'aney CONTINUOUS FROM 1:30 TODAY AT 1:30 - 3:30 :35-7:40-9:43 Zoology 50, +e tional -figures expected for the to sign Some Western observers here | Faye Collins -- English Com.|Authors 65, Latin Composition! Coroner was Dr. J, 0 Ruddy| signing ceremonies Monday aft. French President de Gaulle's,expect Rusk to sound out position 68, English Literature!59 _ lof Whitby. Investigating officer|ernoon was United Nations Sec refusal to sign such a treaty| Khrushchev on the possibility of 64, Algebra 71, Geometry 69,) Marina De Streeruwitz an En: was Constable Len Bissell of the/retary-General U Thant, appeared to doom this project.|settling for a formal declaration Trigonometry and Statics 65,/glish' Composition $2, English) Whitby Detachment of the OPP.| The ceremonies in the Grand But President Kennedy and W,/of non-aggression made inde- Physics 60, Chemistry 93,\Literature 50, Algebra 53,)--- Kremlin Palace are to be broad.| Averell Harriman, U.S. test ban pendently by both military alli- French Authors 75, French Com-'Geometry 55, Zoology 50, 'east over a Soviet-bloc televi. negotiator, have indicated a wayiances, position 80 Spanish Authors 72, Spanish » hookup and to Western En- ' ce Elena DePaolo English|Composition 69, German Auth. Chartrans Into pa They will be followed by a | . . rope Composition 61, Algebra 64,/ors 82,.German Composition 81, | iP hah k | . a lavish reception in the Kremlin French Authors 58, 'rench , . > eMIINENTeS ' i PRIVATE STUDY STUDENTS F ] V aA are ene ») 4 alia s Reg Daze -- English Compo-|Composition 63, Italian Author The following private study| Ina $ la sition 65, English Literature 52,/52, Italian Composition 59 students were successful ia} Default WEDNESDAY PPP PPLE PPP PPD PPE Algebra 80, Geometry 70, Trig Carol Dowden English vassing the subjects listed be. , ry . . THE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- onometry 73, Physics 63, Chem-|Composition 63, English Litera Chartran's Men's Wear moved DU-KAN ES istry 69, Latin Authors 72, Latin/ture 57, History 54, Botany 55 into the finals of the Bowman PLUS THE Composition 69 Zoology 62, French Authors 60 Pier DePaola -- English Com.|French Composition 58 ville Junior Men's League last night without throwing a pitch ADMISSION 7Se position 53, English Literature! Jill Henshaw -- English Com William 56, History 68, Botany 52, Zool-|position 68, English Literature Authors 95 or hitting a ball They won the final game of DANCING 8:30 - 12 low June V Composition ature 80 Anderson 67, English English Liter Beattie -- French French Composition Composition 51,, French Authors/Ogy 60, Latin Authors 70, Latin ™ -- sy "eee 33 Freeh Composition 53 Composition 82, French Authors Reickhbiee * a Be eeigscs John Eastham -- Algebra 52,|78, French Composition 78 pi eagles Geometry 53, Trigonometry 54,|_ Kerry Hemenway -- English), Alfons Cybulska Physics 60, Chemistry 62 Composition 68, English Liter. Authors 76, German Alex Ferguson Knglish|ature 60, History 50, Botany 53,|"0" 52. Composition 61, English Litera-/Zoology 71, Latin Authors 57 96g merens ture 51, Algebra 50, Geometry|Latin Composition. 58, French O'S, ane 60. Chemistry 52 "Authors 58, French Composition Elfriede Haunsberger ag Ger Adrian Francey English) 68 t ee Composition 72, English Liter-| Tilly Koenderman p Pomuon si oar ature 50, Algebra 59, Geometry/Composition 50, English tan Aaunsverge 61, Trigonometry 57, Botany 65,jature 63, Algebra 61, Botany 61 i Zoology 67, latin Authors 55,|/Zoology 68, Latin Authors 50 Latin Composition 70 : Latin Composition 60, Frenc Michael! Girvan English| Authors 51, French Compositio: Composition 84, English Litera-/58 ture 83, Algebra 69 Geometry) Elizabeth Kusiar 1g 66, Trigonometry 63, Physics 72,/Composition 59, English Liter Chemistry 69, French Authors/ature 61, Botany 56, Chemistry 76, French Composition 64 51, Latin Authors 80, Latin Com Edward Kellett -- Physics 51.jposition 42 Leonard Kosurko English} Rosemary Linck Composition 72, English Litera-/Composition 67, Eng! ture 66, History 61, Algebra 64,jture 50, Algebra 72 Geometry 57, Botany 76, Zool-j74, Physics 63, Ch ogy 63, French Authors 64, --_-- French Composition 64 Graydon LaForce -- English Composition 61, English Liter- ature 50, Botany 33, Zoology 50, Richard Maltby English Composition 69, Botany 51, Zool- ogy 57, French Composition 52 Mario Martinelli English Composition 76 Algebra 53, French Authors 51, Italian Auth. ers 51, Italian Composition 51. Gary Newitt -- Botany 51 Geoffrey Owen English Composition 59, English Liter.' ature 50, Algebra 79, Geometry | 69, Trigonometry 81, Physics 62, | Chemistry 73, French Authors 61, French Composition 53 George Oxenholm -- English Composition 53, Botany 53, Latin | Composition 51 Lawrence Patterson--English Composition 51, Algebra 51, Geometry 60, Chemistry 52. James Pike -- English Com-| Position 66, English Literature 56, Algebra 66, Geometry 72, Trigonometry 76, Physics 57, Chemistry 56, Latin Authors 50 Latin Composition 51 Gary Robert -- English Com- Positi 53, Algera 51, Latin n 31 Ronald Sloan -- English Com- sition 51, English Literature/ Agebra' 75, geometry 66, ometry 85, Physics 2 remistry 55, French Authors French Composition 50 Kendall Taylor -- English tion 78, English Liter. | Physics 64, Chemistry ogy 56, Latin Authors 50, Latin)63, Algebra 50, Botany 60, Zoo! 98 their semi-final with Frank's --- German : "\Variety Store by default when Composi the latter were able to field only six players at game time. An exhibition game was played for the benefit of the spectators Chartran's will play the win ner of the series involving Ellis Shoe Store and Sam's | IM aus The BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA-ON.-THE-LAKE -- Latin Auth- man - Er riist Liter. , ¢ uthors on 39 May McBean tion 60 ja Varty -- English Com | ion 51, Latin Composition French Composition 63 -- German German. Compos) English Com HOUSEHOLD HINT Place a large tray near the} roning board to hold small ar-} sh Litera that have been ironed Geometry|These can then be carried to emistry 70,!drawers and shelves in one trip meet JAMES BOND &. the most A > extraordina « gentleman Spy in all fiction!... \ r on English Hyway, No, 2 1 Block East of Liverpool Rd Phone 668-2692 ticles fl e FEATURE VIMES; 1:30 - 3:30. 5:35 . 7:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:30 PO ROOOO OH OOOOH OOOOOO SLOSS | Conditioned « bod Thing A For Comfort DRIVE OUT * TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! | Tonight thru Wednesday BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 -- STOOGES" AT 9:05 Hide Your Whiskey ... Lock Up Your Women... HERE COME HELLIONS IN COLOR This is wer? These are enimies ? THIS iS FUN! "THE BEST oF ENEMIES" IN COLOR With With DAVID NIVEN RICHARD TODD BILTMORE 1° 2 Big Comedy & Action Hits! The Carry-On Gang & ALL COLOR SHOW DOORS OPEN AT 6:30 P.M, English Com h Literature Geometry 64, | Physics 78 » Authors on 65 zlish Com. Literature Geometry 70. Physics 67 tin Authors 67 x ai v. _ A NORMANDY PROOUCTIONS A COLUMBIA PICTURES. RELEASE Relox in the Comfort : OSHAWA Of Your Own Cer at The Oshawe Drive-in! DRIVE-IN THEATRE we & s. -723-4972 Children Under 12 Free! Audie Murphy Bate npoesition 7 Geometry M4 French Authors Composition 66 Linda Royle position 60 etry 30 - English Algebra 52 Chemistry 62 M4 French IN "DENTIST ON THE ! "BATTLE OF BLOODY BEACH" -- English Cam Algebra 34 .Geom- Botany 64, Zoology 58 TOMMY HUNTER Presents: The fine "Excello" filter that silkens and lightens every puff!...it's the right smoke! Plus the naturally light, mild Virginia tobacco! ... it's the light smoke! Country Holiday ---- In person -- JIMMY DICKENS JOYCE SMITH BILLY WALKER GORDY TAPP MORRIS BOYLER Wally Traugott AL CHERNEY Tuesday AUGUST 6TH Red Barn| OSHAWA Prices Adults 1.50 Children ?Se INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED HIT JUST AS IT WAS SHOWN IN THE MAJOR CAPITALS OF THE WORLD! WITH 42 INTERNATIONAL STARS? DAY Buand 02 Be Boat by CORMPLLS VAR Revers br BOD Contery far LECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH 1 hades Ton DARRYL F. | THE Matinée tastes right all day ALMEYDA ITY ZANUCK'S eeete ae yea Thar: (MOGNGT OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 PM. The lighter smoke i