Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Aug 1963, p. 1

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yea RR! eg Sh By ret gee imag HF Om ' ' ee yg 5 THOUGHT FOR TODAY WEATHER REPORT i i Partly cloudy tonight and Wed- spital; V ds of the : eg : Bay gg other nesday with a few scattered friends of the patient, ; showers and thunderstorms mostly late Wednesday, Sag Shown = 2 Peace Talks In Foreign ii | = we Await NATO Reserves es a Conference OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's; However, the $79,700,000. spe- foreign exchange reserves|cial repayment to the Interna: . : : sagged by $190 400,000 during! that the net loss to Canada's ; . : MOSCOW American andjto abstain from nuclear weapon|the United States insist on cons July to $2,501,000,000, Finance)'oreign exchange reserves as @ British foreign policy chiefs told/tests in the atmosphere, outer|ferring with their NATO Allies Minister Gordon announced tv-|result of ordinary dealings was F the Russians today negouations|space and underwater -- was before taking up the matter | | day 1$110,900,000 on Premier Khrushchev's pro-|signed by the foreign ministers/with the Russians again Mr, Gordon said the greater; The net drop was the Largest . posal for an East-West non-ag- | Monday, Soviet Premier Khrush-| Rusk sounded a cautious note part of the decline in Canada's|since the official holdings fell] 4 gression pact will have to waitichey called it the 'first sprouts) Monday, saying the treaty official holdings of gold and U.S.|by $114,600,000 in April, 1962 to! Bey . until the NATO allies have dis-/of international confidence" and|"does not ond the threat of nu dollars from the end-ofsJune fig: $1,594,800,000 ' a cussed it, diplomatic sources!said his government "would do| clear war,' He added that it wae ure of $2,691,600,000 occurred on Officials said that with a said everything in its power for these Impossible (to gauge its sig+ July 18 and 19 immediately shanp onthly juctuations. in ; U.S, State Secretary Dean sprouts to develop and gain in nificance-as a reading of fatrer after President Kennedy's an-ithe exchange reserves can be Rusk also made it clear that) strength." weather to come, nouncement of a proposed U.S. expected at times when the matter does reach the And Lord Home and Rusk : tax on American purchases of| The Canadian dollar's ex. @ ' bargaining stage, the .United|/ made similar pledges but neither, West Germany is holding out foreign securities change value Was pegged at 92% States will push for guarantees|!aid any special emphasis on)/against signing the treaty, ap A significant part of the| U.S. cents May 3, 1962, The gov : for Western interests in Berlin, particular Kast-West issued re: parently _ determined to get change in the reserves, quoted ernment is committed to draw 4 these sources. disclosed maining to be settled more U.S, and British support in terms of U.S, dollars, alsojing on Canada's vital exchange Rusk and British Foreign ee, poy ny stcWest Comm sage ae -- -- j 79,7 tial re serve ve ; : Secre a ome were repeated hs call for an East-West|Communist East Germ ¥. was 8 ore 108,908 partial repay reser » Ce prove m it dropping' BRITISH FOREIGN Secres Premier Nikita Khrushchev at day before start of ceremonies limited nuclear test ban ] ee te on geo is "e res peehen hs cal fer 04, Bet Wen core oer asin ane tional Monetary Fund of an\ The 'repayment 10 the Inter. tary Lord Home meets Soviet the Kremlin in Moscow Mon- leading to the signing of a agreement, (AP Wirephoto) [rgints to Soviet Foreign Maiais-/te peoples that the militarily/new suppor' . emergency joan made last June/national Monetary Fund was the ter Andrei A. Gromyke in talks| most powerful states... have. lm Bonn, Karl Guenther von that followed the signing Mon: jreac hed agreement among Hase, chancellor Konrad Aden+ to ease Canada's then foreign'first made on a special $300,000 exchange crisis 000 joan to Canada n day of the partial nuclear test-/themselves with the aim of/auer's press spokesman, did his : ee ee X1 Ee '@) 1ers va e al . be - agreement evading thermonuclear war," |best to scotch any idea that the announcemet of the seaead | crowd of bout 500 ap.; The talks here are not likely| West German government ie Arms Embargo U.S, tax on American purchases soled the Big Three foreign|/t@ go far on the non-aggres-|about to sign the treaty -- de Aap of foreign securities put down) ministers enthusiastically when/80n pact because Britain andspite pleas from Washington, %, ee o> saltatnemeactliieet S At ® ward pressure on both the Ca T n ee 11 i : eo uva ie r they left their morning conter:| -- On nadian dollar exchange rate and ence in the Soviet foreign min:| id rica on the exchange reserves as Ca }.stry Pr r R t nadian uthorities sold U.S. dol: SANTO DOMINGO: (AP)--An; tured the towns of Fort Liberte,| Bosch, elected successor to the| second term, extending until Western newspaper men could emie S equ Ur ed In U. N. rs from the reserves to pro invasion by a small foree of ex-| Derac, Trou and Limonade Trujillo dictatorship, had barred! 1967, after a rigged election in} not recall the last time ordinary tect the pegged rate on the Ca the use of his 'country as al 1961 Russians applauded British and i " iled soldiers on the north coast Theit mmediate. objec Hl 4 n A : 8 adian dollar sig i threatened y itie aining base for Haitian exiles To protect h egime uva:} American statesmen in such a ne - of neighboring Hat ireatene é as Ca Haitien. Haiti's} training base for aitiar " UNITED NATIONS (AP) \' The pressure stemmed from the : i : ' f yoo vy _ Nes ip. Seen a] lespite his own threat to invade! Her has built \ ' I y resolution calling for a general , he verro me of voodoo-' second-largest city 18 miles west) Gespite Ms own ' has built up a civilian mil] wa Bes g ' _ mene rallithe prospect that less Amer scan jpreaching 4 ator (Fran. of Fort Liberte Haiti last April, when diploma-! itia of about 5,000 and a force) The test ban treaty--pledging arms om Bat ED SEatnet South Af-/capital would be entering Can leois (Pana Doc) Duvalier today tic relations between the two! of 5.000 terrorists known as the! * HALIFAX (CP)---The provin-icussed" at a federal-provincial rica Was expected to be put be-/ada to offset. Canada's ba 8 Divalier overnment ack.) APPEAL FOR AID countries were severed ron Ton Macoute, Creole for cial premiers have added unem:| conference, fore the UN Security Council to-/ofpayments deficit. on current nowled od the lannine and Gi \t nightfall the el re Verna said the rebels had no| bogeymen. An elite guard. pro Official Visit ployment to the list of top na-| One source anid it ia conceives Tisteieis ab the: vesslution trannacuons pared an appeal for intervention 1 Cap Haitien st as SOV"! ties with Cuba or any Commu:} tects Duvalier tional issues they want to dis-ble that 'the matter could be Th ati} resolution ---' Mr. Gordon's statement saidiny the Organization of American) erement hands ang fOr A nist group, He said they ex Haiti's 4,000,000 Negro people cuss with the federal govern: raised at the tax conference, Ghana, Morocco and perhaps the greater part of the declinelemie. | ng iD. Raeuidy.| wniled front to halt the inve ected to form a military-civils; al ways. impoveris hed have} T Fi ] d ment expected to be held In Ottawa in cubarge Git t0rc0 be th At a 9 * t bole cnr July 18 and Haiti's ambassador to the OAS, an provisional government in) reached new depths of « anamic| 0 in an Pensions and the most crucial| Novomber, Or, if Ottawa sees s e Sou 4-19 just before the U.S. announce charded that the invaders onane Renorts » : here said. north Hait depression under Duvalier issue of allethe division of tax;tit, it could be the subject of to give up her apartheid policy) ment that it would exempt fram the Dominican Republic.. American families re evacu Duvalier, a M-year-old Ne economic aid was cut off phe fields and revenues between the! special session of race segregation, which the) new Canadian bond and stock which shares the isiatid of His. ated to Cap Haitien from the) country doctor, became presi-| year and the United States «| By Macmillan two levels of government -- al Ibnation council has been de-) ssues from the proposed tax paniola wit United States - owned Dauphin} dent of Haiti in 1957, Since then. pended diplomatic ready are scheduled for full de SEEN DUAL PROBLEM bating since last Wednesday The exemption would be ac. Haitian: exile sout Santo Sisal plantation on the orders of! he has survived strikes. violence. when Duvalier remained in of LONDON (AP)--Prime Minis-\bate in Ottawa this fall \ nemployment was described Informants said the resolution corded on the undertaking that haninno said at least $00 vrmed, te Duvalier government, The) and a dozen plots against his) fice after expiration of his con ter Macmillan flew to Finland) A statement. issued Monday)!" the premiers' statement as "a would have the council Canada would not take advant:iman trained for suer we | plantation lies near the invasion) life, He gave himself an illegal' slitutional term oday unflappable as ever aad after the first sesion in the two.| Matter involving federal respons Strongly . deprecate Sout RUCITNA Wars | ak tae = : : ee ot 3 a sibility and policy, as well as 1, ng deprec Outni age of the concession to build fare landed at Fort Liberte at) Spot at Fort Liberte, abou apparently content to take time day" premiers' conference he Tel provincial jurisdiction" Africa's policy of apartheid up its foreign exchange re-'3 am. Monday and quickly cap-| Mes west of the Dominican lout from his political troubles, |said the problems of unemploy- 2, Call on South Africa to serves border > With much to occupy him aij/ment and the way assistance is). ")S eg "ty = oe abandon that policy and free) In essence, the Canadian un- A news source in Port au rres BS ] home, the @year-old British) given the jobless 'should be SETS nary us is the poet's a persons interned, imprisoned or/dertaking amounts to an agree- : Prince said little was known in eader headed off on an eight) la gb ne age Gogo em restricted for opposing it, ment not to increase the coun- " public there except that a rebe AREUSS 6 conference ;day official visit te Finland and! » ? 3 Call on UN members to. try's 's exchange Deserves, w force apparently was fighting Pr tests |Sweden Walkout Sparked jamadects with renetiams. 2 boycott South African goods and| - _---- : : the Haitian army in the north n a Parliament has just recessed at the end of today's conclud- refrain from shipping any equip- - Haitian censorship barred cor i after its most turbulent sa By China Speaker ling session. : ment that could be used tor the Light Plane Crash ; | respondents from sending out By .THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) first number, Other personal, since the. second: world War, PEKIN( Monday's statement revealed ; y's s manufacture of arms to South Africa 4. Call on UN members to q Iw % of stop the sale or supply of arms QUESNEL, B.C, (CP) -- Po- q Gen. Leon Cantave, chiet of Negro and white itions to South / es srforme » Charles still i aad i rn 2 of "' he any Raining yj lice said Monday they haye ' ' the Haitian armed forces for ered in Washington for a is-| performérs Ray Charles and/still involved in throwing off a Thani to keep the situation un der review and report by Oct » news by cable Arrests were made in Pine' ties on hand included authors the Ward. ~ Profumo « Keeler af Eg gE al pages yg ore 7 that Prime Minister Pearson Kills Four Peo le . & Port au Prince is 40 miles Bluff, Ark., Gadsden, Ala., and James Baldwin and Harry Goljfair is simmering with the) Past Suropea' J -- ngona has invited the provinces to a p * south of the invasion site New York City Monday while) den; former heavyweight box. threat of new disclosures and] eenenentons walked out of a meeting in Ottawa Sept, 10 te ' : ite leaders thy! ing champion Joe Louis: andthe prime minister himself is/™&ss rally here today when the| ai ccuss he proposed ' federal jmain Communist Chines ¢i pension plan " x we lenge »y. Speaker made a fierce attack on , . been told four persons were in ; oe five months in 1957, led the in ve strategy conference on! Joey Adams, president of the/ditect challenge to his. leader eet . , are % This is an outgrowth of the ft} pped plane) & sht American Guild of Variety Art.) ship Soviet policie a & oat - equippe a vasion under the banner of the \ MS ; ii aes viv ' The occasion was to honor the Ottawa conference on municipal which crashed into the Fraser| : Nationa! Democratic Unior 'wenty = one Negroes and a ists His departure. could not -- 02 official visit of Prime Minister) loans legislation 10 days ago, At Diplomats were uncertain) Vver Pegi eittiag a Paul Verna, a fort tian| white woman were arrest : ny ta Brower ho the | surface seem WOFSC! Abdirashid Al Sheremarke of/that time, the provinces wanted . r Aine Rint sy ev refuset > hite le . 3 ig ime. ~mil » whether the trade boycott could aboare . : : ai represent th } Bluff after they refu ( ead : rights |timed Mac millan, however, ap the Somali Republic, more information on the pension ae oe ade boycott « RCMP said they. were told tions ee mocratic Ur , leave a hamburger stand demonstration. was jailed, Offi.;pears confident he has the situa P seven Votes necessary " Sin. hays 3 WK by sansa egiote : e of » Orecs Rac | ir for adantios Sy eenn wate St -- bsg ntified island off-t ; In Gadsden the arrest of 14 _ ¢ a s8 at Raci al tion in hand Chinese have been engaged in a} Ottawa's plan calls for salary. They expressed belief the rest Prince G "aire RC when they was used as a Staging area for Negro teen-agers seeking serv wi a . ¢ arene a atin Certainty, a strange bush has/pitter ideological dispute, inten-jrelated pensions, financed 3 t rine e a . in . $ - te reat the leade erie pinber falar . | . of the resolution might get as! took off in the W and S Log ime. invasion ice at_a white lunch counter, oen! tN aha oe Nene fation aver his most vocal crit-!sified by the East-West nuclear by employee-employer contribu: many as nine votes ail burl eine Commany plane from thell Dominican sid an brought to more than 800 the . ger OF Norwica, Conn and seer ies within the ruling Conserva: test ban treaty, tions, to be paid on top of the | t ™ All ging pe mM the ie nctratar * "pn al bine i those of Britain and France ite Sa anerations neat here i total arrested there since June denied it ors. Police officials tive party during recent weeks Chinese Premier Chou En-laijexisting flatrate pension paya- pea sccneian ; i 10 in anti-segregation protest denied it Ma acmillan is in the mood forjand Foreign Minister Chen. Yi/dle to everyone aged 70 and Man Woman Tickets in Brooklyn chained xperiment, There is increasing} watched the walkouts from the/over, The flat-rate pension is fi. . as actos ; r at a cor speculation he will soon reshal-/platform of Peking's great hall/nanced by taxes, bed n ; ) 4 r Gh 40 iy emselves together at a con Rul in i xX ected ee su ct a t ere they Bt Q Inquest Friday | fle his embattled administration./of the peoples Premier Lesage of Quebec: als Shoot Selves sted atlant ic discrimina In Stratford ~ on Avon he nas} Stepan. Chervanenko, Soviet t)ready has said he wants no part Russa and the Communist) Proposal on Police worked nearly an called a byelection for Aug, 13) ambassador to Moscow, was the) of the federal plan--that he will . ° hour to cut apart the half-dozen Into Death Of te fill the vacancy caused by/first te leave the hall soon after jpreceed next year with provin- B ] t SEs ce Man Dies hained pickets, The demon the resignation from Partiament/he read a handout text of a jeial legistation on contributory n * . ec T1C F raters were among 20 arrested of John Profumo, the disgraced! ane by Peking"s Vice-Mayor) pensions, Ontario also has beer sinaciinine span . om : ST. CATHARINES CP)--An. in separate parts of the city Stephen Ward war minister isharply critical, VANCOL VER (CP)--Mr, A nj merger of the BCI and the B« 'ade suburban Thorold ma An integrated variety show ; io 2. G. Beane ay. vee eee eee : : tied in hospital here today © fore a de segregated 3 audience LONDON (Renters)}--A post . British Columbia Supreme Cour i : : b shotgun wounds police said were! in Rirm m, Ala., was halted' mortem examination was cat -- > -- Ege ages . . g {SOUNERTICLOG BE ie toby the se of part of a ried out today on Stephen Ward, a m stey of aut hority is secking a Ea a ' spite makeshift stage Monday night 80 yer ar « ald society asteopath ' sta aroceedings on the Lett : ane rist e ee whe died from an averdose of The utility is the B.C. Hydro jg ment pending appeals. The iy \ the oH » yp SHIPT SITE drags last Saturday after being and Power Authority that BC Power Corporation, parent : : The show . was he ad on & in a coma for four days uled non-existent ff the BCE seeking to have wooden platform built on An inquest into his death wi ourt judament the giant atility's assets handed ball held at Miles College, @ pe held Friday hief Justice back to it vately endowed Negro institu. q : It was. presented by the rican Guild of Variety Art ww? fur for a civil i : to raise funds for & CIV cian of his sensational trial mpaign. The site was : Ward, central figure in a sex h si Shift ta the college after the y ' & Mepind siren, Darla a colle Audit ~ seandal that rocked the British Ward died without ever know had been convicted on hy ned " ce charges at the conclu th t NEN AOA og en the as c opened the exp < he enti re day wa tiny $ the tr ny ; ation of the _Biex » up im argument over rvany Aug x t r hydra authority is J . he jurisdiction of th ; a \ ity that may apply the basement trying to help) cuy saic Pye -- hit t vent, was convicted last ure t } a "iy t rium could not be used because ay and thus go on 10 living On the iy are The chief justice s that t \ » yg Oto . Ratsua DBiast U ' t was being painted and reno ea Ags OF ( ist r heer, - f aid the ake ak app S , sarnings of Christine Kee 21, ormation of the Hydro auth r tice Rutlan reserved phe Dp babu on {7S te tHe; Vecee yj, and Marilyn Rice-Davies, 18 ty the following year out af a de \ an the power corpora PRESIDENT DUVALIER are ' SAME SHOlgy : Pallorm canapse bay ad \ further chapter in the Ward ard tice hnn . aging his , contention that authority "a a ahuny Mathis was singing Bis cava opened today with the dis n the words af its counsel asure by a Londen Rnewspaper <a ead" and its application rd had written 24.000 AUDITORIUM should be wiped out be ° ™ autobiography be Re said be hoped to have his V the strain of Ris eight-day PROGRESS decision teday and added that trial forced him te stop, . the 5 t the eit # nes er ta eee ee = . . st ARTE DP AUTORIOGRAPRY alin » Te earaph quoted back in business as a privately , , "at sto000 pn At National Meeting »2835 Bui M. M "MeRar ane, coun f tches by Ward and other $900,000 s me 8 arney-general, in NM he esteapath's estate @ the court if that REG Py) rogram shaped in broad gen-! problem is going fo require re. ™m b $20,000 -- $80,008 sien the government wil Hy és temnenis te ro : Le Ottas . traint aaa nates rem more after legal cosis were $700,000 45 People Caught, $600,000 Knifed To Death BOGOTA (AP)--RBandits stati.) worked o i Staten ieee nage eeeblicaiptatearese! t MPs az ped of te » Landon Daily Express re 3 dragging ig tostig fram ve ' a . ment sive the party in power Ward ast friend," had made ucie aught wn an ambush on oul s i mak _ mmenda * nd mabie" pered a Aur ine she $400,000 ia suniry read in Caldas pmore tv ' te c MSA A t ment (state), a Colombia | Rovernment spokes man ueTr F » stati . ae . Mm e if ake e S The spokesman said the ban-.im i » th YY n 'ai oor ata * : election 2 ast ak's ad.' helmed tenher + =< 5 dits ambushed tree trucklonds|calied for. the issuing af a mar, Ore wene--divided iceeneet of Partament. for a) walk around as on their SUSPECT IN ATTACK a. passen ; al seed 2s ses . " = . _ c » victims} man : pln a. reasonable" an 5 vy vbora Tabara, af Caire, inte the state police station in wrapped im a Manket. Police $100,000 i : e farmhouse {OUT , ' ' : \ Dp AS SA mae the tane rn har al af three suspects in South Rend, Ind. by Trooper = romoved his jothing after eee ini . : ape \ ' Sarg . a . . . toh ' . . tnapping af Mary Helen Norman Wedew, whe captur ae ss pease . " . : ve ave had 2 Q % : : > of 6M W. 116th ea Taber im the med of a S ure because ef its $50,000 . arvivers @ been opers , youth section that the Quebec and reasonable time rise Street, Cleveland, is brought canal nea" Gary. Taber is may "AAAI AOE renee on

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