RRR gt Qaim ARERR: GRE yt MYM rapt yest oye ogee WOOLWORTH' () CHHEX, Vel a Ratna net Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 x THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 6, 1963 4 » PFS BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! ! | j i | : ) ; Delicious, Fresh Y F it | Ona Ethier and Edward Wilson , -- | cious, Fres Your Favourite 'United in Holy Matrimony eer 7 _PEACH P iE Caramel LAYER CAKE | ' a : Ona Pauline, daughter of Mr,pink satin and Japanese sashes) : ON ; ' and Mrs. Jules J. ©, Ethiertheld by a rose, White flowered | ' } Special Special MMiand Kdward William Wilson,/bandeaux held their tulle veils) se " This Week! € This Week! € son of Mr,-and Mrs. Donald E.jand they carried nosegays of] Wilson, all of Oshawa, were/pink rosebuds and white pom junited in marriage in) Kin g:poms he. f : 8 Street United Church recently The flower girl was in pink) SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS EEK ! ! The Reverend L. W. Herbert) ci, organza over pink taffeta ; i w j;performed the ceremony, Mr.iwith a bandeau of white por > PHONE BAKERY ORDERS -- 725.342) Fred Densham sang. "The}yoms and chrysanthemums and Lord's Prayer', "The Wedding carried a'pink and white nose : ' Prayer" and "O Perfect Love'! oay and' was accompanied by the""S a4 a virgin'was best, RESIDING AT DOWNSVIEW, ONT. organist, Mr Rhyddid Wil man and the ushers were Mr : : : liams Robert Shien' Mi .. ea , Marnied recently in College Evelyn West, is the daughter Given in marriage by herrpomson and Mr SE asa ly Park Seventh Day Adventist of Mr, and Mrs, Lionel West, father, the bride wore a fullicy of Toronto hy arpens" Church, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald) Oshawa, and the bridegroom length gown of white silk or." Allon Just are making their is the son of the late Mr. and ganza over taffeta with petit) A reception was held in the home at Downsview, Ontario, Mrs, R, B. Just noint sleeves. scoop neckline Centennial Hall, To receive, the The bride, the former Wilma ~lreland Studio and lace inserion down the Sride's mother: wore a tur front of the gown and around Quoise blue silk shantung sheatt the skirt whieh swept into a With a matching hat, white ac " chapel train, accented by a self cessanes and a corsage of pink ' a : bow and rose at the waist back. carnations The bridegroam's ae oa y Hor -veill of tulle illusion was Mother was in rose silk organza N WLYW DS held by a flowered bandeau and Over taffeta with a rose flow E E she carried a teardrop boy. ered hat, white accessories and ' ; sethe ' hite corsage of carnations 'cunisi: Wathioan Gwen a Are and Mrs, Frederick Owen quet of Sweetheart roses and & bat ) ofc cently became the bride of and the bridegroom is the son Pinoechia pompoms Q ints ce the bree aned & Rrian Howcroft in a ceremony of Mr. and Mrs, William How Miss Myrna Lesnick on hite ke " ath eae , in the § ition Army Citade croft, all of Courtice maid of honor and the brides a sich "ii sin ge Plea ' 4 . ae oe maids were Miss Dorothy Wil; ™atehing coat, rose hat and a The bride the daughter © Ireland Studio son, Miss Bonnie Kehoe and * hite orchid corsage Miss Dianne Corby, all of Osh: Mr. and Mrs, Wilson are : : Thi lawa, Miss Susan Cooke of Belle; Making their home in: Oshawa ' is ANN LANDERS BUM |uridesmaids, wore strect-iength|ronto, Belleville, Napances New Week Only! ridesmaids wore stre 'n nto, Belleville, Napanee, New veless gowns of t om Yor} Downsview Hamilton : ieee n over taffeta squa Roslir West Hil Willowdale, § : s 3 . : MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER in 'Mental's' the Word a ' i peklin s and b sk ts : nne 1 Wh thy and North Tonnaw ba <---- | Pa ' i OPTICAL HISTORY oe -- ' See Far AND Neor with SAME Glasses Comer y fl ' a 2 : Here is the most amazing offer to you folks who wear or For This Telepathy [fp jgg, White And Yellow Pretty Theme, @ y's : red ee ane, ro hema choice, pl at the t | low price of $17.50! Dear Ann Landers: My wife! yay meen sharine s ae F S ] ki Goh = Different types of people require different kinds of bi- has a friend who, in my erent hag tt bg Se : os or 1@) S l- een up la S Bs : tocals, Discard your old bifocals which may not be suit- » nut. The filber heen talking about it and laugh ' * able to your purpose and choose the pair that will give you a st er in' mentalline our he d att sialon on St. John's Anglican Churehithe flower girl Miss Pamela wie the greatest sotistection, Kryptoks for beginners, Flot-tops telenat \ " al} cht! -- Rowmanville, was the scene of vy. Etobicoke. wore: yellow : ; for old-timers. All glasses are top quality, Get the extra ! : r pair now, Sale positively ends Soturday, August 10, 1943 ven if that letter came fr 4 "4 A r . wedding recently of Ruth sa over matching taffeta : nother city the. situation was ghee Laat ; ; . ee ad m ver be r d. with me when she makes a ne es on Mina Goheen Rowmanville th full skirts a a by but and may never be repoate close enough so that at least N 5. ae it of my wife be] ine ga jabs the fellow to n 8 and en Joseph Solsk tite I addresses : 63 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS @ FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN e ' j ' ix " , . 7 > Oshawa he bride s the daugh . J ed a ng n i rer--and darned fast » 1 Sa¥iter of Mr. and Mrs. Johr er carried e ba ts of : sinawne TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE TEION OAtes Broken Lenses ch ed oo 4 Bogor | Hesetsr : ae Sn eS Our single vision glasses are he ' * bridegroom is the emi Frames ~ repairec ames plac still onty $11.95, AN glasses ear Sammy; Thank vou for Mrs. Andrew Sul of Bowman r.- George Onley of Eto while you wait, Lowest prix comptete with the frame ef your those cheers And now hativille and the late Mr, Walter)» e best man and the BRIDE-ELECT Ww i all PSI. Ox Seed Og gti a they're married yn vu! Sols e tile >, Geulists and Uptome i He ne n te a W hy don't y S ski : g bearer was Master Christo : ments, Regordiess of the pre- ; rest olane group ik about : Reverend F. K Br amp ver Daly of Sudbury. Ushering N st wedding ndsor, Ontario and is inte: Preacetations ot same ies ag a DE 4 ) 3 € mething yn offic Larry Marsh, the were M Wayne Thertall and + ia ' i : nN ae quired, the price remains 93. : The Lord's Pr A c ng toward her master's jo Appointment Needed re Lord's Pray r. Brace Ogden, both of Bow. nouncem er", Wedding Prayer" andi manville she Muna! Cou a eb legree at Brockport, She I just had a UNITS, GROUPS Mr | " , compan . % Sudbiry o oe NY c : al 'ur member of th - u "4 a you were in ater) ~~ AUXILIARIES [mance lasing 'Dutchman' Meter Wotel| Whitey. The brdeclect It te dale, Michigan, Wer tance re and I'm so re The bride ¥ dale higan, Her fiance re where the guests wughter ¢ ar sow vou are OK S.A, HOME LEAGUE ceived ee t vee paing: rawn of white peau n eaksinn ' : ha , degree fram Assumption Un US. Trade-Mark Registered ld sleep, . 1 i : moon lace 3 ts epee Pde. J ane a "versity. where he is now work OPTICIANS ~~ OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS i I were up all, oe ' : USUAL ontn " he ae seine Pass . . e Pp , . Wy Ay ing fer his doctorate. He is a A nk Gee Cae & Se member of the faculty of the 14 BOND STREET, EAST 2nd FLOOR ne shelters. William Saunders praveaite™:, The, fitted bodice WA sling accessories wih a corsage! Nic "ep j Nestern Ontario. Institute ot HOURS: 9 A.M, TO 5 P.M, DAILY ep re bronze chrysanthemums. TI sumpt nive of Near Sanders, Gye Closed Wednesday : Sh ncitor the sick ar ry ty! pa a un c th Techoete ° Shin aio , ripture rf ra . yom"s' mothe Bes 7] 4 pl FLAT. TOP: done?--MEI : ' e . Bilge Nig hee mt av wathed the y t F ath dress of blue ors Saturday 4 % in S PHONE 728-1261 \ : Dear Mel: No friend calls ato S spe ' ial eine 7 'inh te mive Sovenaries and oe pasty goed eo gpl taeatlbe Apa ee is Branches in many principal cities of Canade and U.S, -- Founded 1904 Opinio with } } © ne all x the » cheers for vou Annie old SIDELINE SAMMY se Goheen, Bowmany » Master of Science 3:05 am. to ask mbt TY Dear Ann Landers: | and ere temb CASH & CARRY SALE she get ft $08'| @ FLOWER URNS & VASES 50° **° to goo! off calles vaoo| @ Gyds, Natural Sawn STONE +S 4.50 much matte -- ard " swe' | @ BIRD BATHS eS ey THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS mar atti ands »| @ COLONIAL BENCH 10.00 "" Soar first parasranh "| @ qecenen tr Flower Planters 3.50 2, > FALL TERM © TERRAZO PATIOSLABS 26° Bo . WiO Arreus? @ Volcanic ROCK STONE '2 PRICE quality tor @ Some Sidewalk and Patio Slabs Cheap ! WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES ? Adventeges of @ Buwnes: career: + , Satisfy your thirst sto™N| anso crone [=== | GET GREAT ALE TASTE "eo ONTARIO LTD. 4 THe canapian BROADLOOM T4397 King St. Eoat, 14 Mile East of City Limits a THLE \ Roos "S SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - -'52'2 SIMCOE ST_N 728.70R)