Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Aug 1963, p. 3

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Target Day Plan Is Announced Oshawa Children will partici-| in Target Day August 21, e day on which the Oshawa Civie Auditorium Building Fund will reach the minimim objec- tive of one millon dollars, The announcement was made by BH Kurelo, chairman of the Target day Committee, who said Wendell Brewster, a director of the auditorium and Oshawa Rec- reation Association Director, had been added to his commit- tee It is planned to have a track meet in the afternoon for the permission from the NHL to al low the team to perform after the completion 8 schedule of ames August 19, ao have another date ear- lier for the @uditorium-~ they meet Oshawa gue, Thursday, August 15, Miss Andi Gifford is busy ganizing the Hootenanny, which will be Oshawa's first and will tre starting at 8.30 p.m, August bandshell for the youngsters prior to the evening celebrations which will culmin- ate with the fund going over the top. The NHL ALL-Stars are ten- tatvely scheduled to meet the Oshawa Tonys in a game of softball at the stadium in the evening. Negotiations have not been completed as yet but Cal Gardiner will inform the com- mittee on Thursday of next week a. Reg Martyn is organizing a rt at the evening of Target Day, Mrs. Christine Thomas will head a) committee to organize a tele:| pledge the ng of Target Day when the public at lange! and particularly those who have not been canvassed will have an opportunity to contribute to the fund by pares. 'And by 10 p.m.", says Ter- ence V, Kelly, chairman of the Auditorium Finance Committee, if the date is satisfactory, Only thing holding up the contest is 'the people of the city will have real reason to celebrate". INTERPRETING THE NEWS Macleans Esso| of the Oshawa and District Lea -- 'atl take place at the Kinsmen Cen-| | HOLD INDIAN DAY AT A large number of children in the Bloor + Veteran's road area attended the annual "Indian Day" at Kingside _|Beaverton branch of the 'idian Im) KINGSIDE PARK Park Friday, The park is one direction of the Oshawa : , Recreation Committee, of 24 playgrounds under the Dikawa Tunes Phals Malta Independence Talk Masks By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Staff Writer Duncan: Sandys says Malta should get independence by next May 31. His statement at the end of the unsatisfactory Malta inde- pendence conference in London this week may be a sly use of psychology, More likely, it is just wishful thinking. Sandys and 'several! of his pre decessors as colonial secretary know that the tangle of politi- eal, religious and economic problems in the little Mediter- ranean island south of Sicily have frustrated British hopes for more than 12 years. As the 16-day conference drew to'a close one of the five political delegations walked out, On the final day three others refused to walk in, The fact that only the delega- tion of the governing National. ist party was present for Sandys' announcement gives some idea of the gap that must be bridged before Malta can agree on a new constitution, Possibly Sandys feels a def- inite deadline will spur the Na- tionalists, the opposition Labor} party and the three minor par- ties into greater effors towards resolving their many differ. ences. | lof 1955, has remained surpris- Dilemmas Unied Kingdom, Then for three years the people of Malta were under direct 'British rule, | One major conflict is between) the Labor party and the Roman} Catholic Church which has had enormous influence since St, {Paul was shipwrecked there 2,- 1000 years ago and converted the! jpeople to Christianity | Labor, which. won the election ingly strong in a country theo- retically. 100-per-cent Catholic despite church penalties for those who actively support la- bor. In the main, the party's attitude is more anti-cleric than ani-church, |WANTS TO CURB CHURCH In the present controversy the Labor party, headed by Dom) Mintoff, is demanding a gen- eral election é feels it could win provided there are guarantees making it impossible for the church to intervene as it did when the Nationalists won, last time, Prime Minister Dr, Borg Oli-| vier, whose party controls 26 of the 50 seats, opposes any move to curb chureh influence and is Eastbourne Councillor IE. J. Foran Cites Community Problems Top Donor In this age of salary raises for Canadian legislators (both federal and local), Mrs, Katie Juliette Underhay appears as something of an anomaly, She is, as are her confreres, an unpaid politician sitting on the borough council of a) sea- coast town on the south coast of England Mrs. Underhay has served for) 12 years in the Eastbourne, County of Sussex, council as a Conservative member, Party lines ave drawn even at the local level on the other side of the pond while in Canada, on the surface at least, party af- filiation is nat evident Her only pay, says Mrs, Un- derhay, is "the satisfaction of serving my constituents", She works hard, too, In a recent year she calculated she attend- ed 140 meetings; that's 12 a month or one every 24 days. VISITS OSHAWA MAYOR The veteran councillor visited with Oshawa Mayor Lyman Gif- ford for two hours in his city hall office Thursday, Of her North American tour she has already met the mayors of Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, Banff and Toronto, She was in Oshawa to see her niece, Miss Dorothy Worster of Quebee street, Technically, Sastbourne = is known as a county borough and Mrs, Underhay sits on the coun- ty borough council, "Borough" is roughly synonymous with our term "city" In population (61,000) and geo- graphy (11,350 acres), East- bourne resembles Oshawa There the similarity stops, The borough is right on the Chan- nel coast and takes pride in its sobriquet; "Sun Trap of the South", POPULAR TOURIST CENTRE Tourism, naturally, is its main business and, according to Mrs, Underhay, the popula- tion swells to 150,000 "in sea- son", Hotels and many board: ing houses provide housing for the holidaying guests, Budget for the borough's pub- licity department, with a staff! of eight, amounted to $190,000 last year, An airfield for Eastbourne, long a pet project of Mrs, Un. derhay"s, seems close to be- I g for indep under the benevolent care of the church, The three smaller parties are d to independ alto- BISTORY OF CONFLICTS But recent history of the over- ulated, underdeveloped is. @ does not give much sup- port to this opinion, There have been a variety of gether at this time. e CITY AND DISTRICT Sandys was careful no spell out details of the inde- pendence agreement, It was for the parties concerned to decide, he insisted. INDUCTION DATE SET Harry R. Deyman, of Co- bourg, who was recently ap. But unless they make far pointed county judge for Peter, 'More Tobacco Growers Would Harm Industry' TORONTO (CP)--A judge was told Friday that a writ of man. coming a reality, Ten years ago she was calling for one or 'we will die on our feet', Her prediction: with an alt! wm. J, Foran, of Bowmanville, field many tourists will take @l who gave his 64th donation was light plane or helicopter to the!ine top donor Tuesday at the resort town, She explains thatlshawa Blood Donor Clinic, He road building has not kept pace] way closely followed by Joseph with the standard needed 10 France who gave his 60th do- handle increased traffic, Ad-ination and' C. Clegg and verse traffic conditions could) parmenter, who gave their S7th threaten the financial health Of] and 54th donations, respectively towns dependent on tourism,! Other donors at the clinic she feels lwere TRANSPORT BIG PROBLEM |, 44th donation, D, Iverson, 4th WEG Eis a 4A donation, Alfred Etchells and |, Mrs, Underhay picked local! A 'ox Nathan; 43rd donation, R, jtransport" as a big problem in} ) Mills; a8th donation, Thos, jthis part of the country, in aN-isimmons; 7th donation. Wm \Guto hg a question by Mayor/Hood: ath donation, C, P, Dol- tifford, 4 aoe . s lley: & 6 > > While: stayin in Downsview: ey; d4th donatio, Orville : gle; 29th donation, A, Eadie; northwest of Toronto, for a fewiorth donation, Arthur Stubbins; days, Mrs, Underhay found out : . "ball geht j26th donation, Clarke Hubbell; ow aif icult Paco be to get tO) 24th donation, Chas, Tedd; 2st a bus stop -- If you don't OWN) donation, Rev, FG. Ongley; a on : 20th donation, Hugh Gorin, ; "The money spent OM Cars) 19th donation, M. J, Barker: cunt. bet i il a on the 1a donation, E. Muller; 17th Uy, s pels } j } Clg', N MeA}lis. | (In passing, Mrs, Underhay = i Bisie Siler Prot we ---- her arom that/by and Jack Lee: lth donation ie a Sune faigg dnd R, Erratt and David J, Cox, | tity . 4 provide' 15th donation -- Peter Brem- a public, bus transit system. Itiner, R. Fraser, Peter Grice, on oe gg os she aa78. Lowe Trai), E. Liddle, Mrs, E only jus 'ellar, Stanley Weeks, R. oe peoyaie Pl Bh pone omy A John Alexander and "| Allister Moore, a ee ence each) ldth donation -- M. F, Owen , winter 'At Clinic | | , j t city fathers.) IR. Platt, J, Bolten, A, Lippl, There are 40 councillors and)Harold Cook, J. J, Russell and 10 aldermen, the latter usually | Dr, R. J. Kimmerly; 12th dona- senior in point of time served tion -- F. M, Barnes, C, March, and summer./and A, Warner; 13th donation -- (Take note, all you holidaying! Roy Kenney, Art Meredith, W.! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 3, 1963 3 When two Toronto youths|boxes was put into the shopping pleaded guilty at Oshawa Mag-jbags, Then the two youths left istrate's Court Friday to ajthe bank and got into the stolen charge of armed reeery at , a: tines nek tes 'ana- Sat. abandoned the stolen vehicle and got into a car owned by MacDonakl Instead of going back to Toronto, they drove north, Road blocks had been set up by the OPP, The two accused got through tho first road block, but at the second the police offi- cers had six or seven cars stop: ped in the main strect of Orillia, The car wen' into the passing rial Bank of Com- meree, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck commented; 'This has ail the earmarks of a spine: chilling movie, but it wasn't a movie == it really happened," In addition to the armed rob- bery of $30,528, the youths, Gary Lee MacConnell, 20, of 122 Don Mills road, and lan Douglas MacDonald, 18, of 681 Huron street, admitted unlawful pos-|lane and started to go through, session of an offensive weapon,|MacConne!l was driving at t breaking into a sports goods|time and MacDonald was lying atore on Queen street east, To-jon the back seat, ronto, and stealing two .d8- FIRED AT OFFICER pono th pti oe a ea ha ole nae ahh ion, and stealing an auto e n 8 ou' Op in Toronto, ' the car, but it accelerated and They were each sentenced to/he ad to jump aside as the ve- 10 years in Kingston Peniten-|hicle passe? him, MacConnell tary, MacDonald was given an/fited at shot through the wind: additional two years for break-|shield directly at the officer, ing into a cottage near Beaver-|but he missed, ton and two years concurrent; Then two police officers drew on 15 other burglary counts, |their revolvers and opened fire, four of them in Toronto, MacDonald fired about six shots Ise at the police cruiser from the USED OLD CLOTHES rear window of the car, He & s) to delachment of the OPP. sara|Was kneeling on the back seat that on May 28 MacConnell and) Win on automatic rifle, MacDonald drove to a point} , --_ the ng the Kahl about three miles from Beaver-|CUCKed UP @ st -- ut the ton, where they changed into| (myer Wis acaua ge with the ald clothes and put on straw] eyed " eventually got ahead hats and sun glasses, Then they! ty, \ @ fleeing car, as he knew went into a store, where they : ey = 4 = certain turns, purchased shopping bags, jAs voll police " an rye ee Walking into the Imperial} *" officer armed wit as otgun Bank of Commerce at Beaver-| ied directly at the car and lton, they told the staff it was a/Peppered it with shot along the hold-up, MacDonald stayed at|/eft front window, The car the tellers gates, while Mac.|gverved to the, ant and Mac. Toronto Youths Given Penitentiary Terms The witness said the two ac: cused offered no resistance at the scene, They were C0 operative when interv: and in all his experience it was one of the casiest statements he over had to take, All of the money stolen from the bank was recovered in the shopping bags, STOLE AUTOMOBILE 'Mra, MacConnell, who wae called as a witness for the de fence, said that she was sep. arated from her husband when their son, Gary, was two years old, Gary joined the army when he was 17, but he did not like the army and after some two or three months at Calgary, he and some-other youths stole a car, It was not so much that they wanted to do anything il- legal, but they had beon told if they committed a civil offence, they would get out of the army, Gary was sentenced to one ear's imprisonment in a max- imum security prison at Leth bridge, Mrs, MacDonald said that Tan was the second eldest of a fam- ily of five. He had worked at several jobs since he left school jat 16, He was keen on athletics and won two or three events in the police track meet at the Varsity Stadium, Passing sentence, Magistrate H, W Jermyn said he was sure there was not a person present in court who would have been much happier if the two accused had not been there at all, but were going about their lives in @ normal way, It was not easy to decide what to do with young men brought before the court /Connell went into the manager's \Office, placed a gun at the side|*#PPrehended, ot the manager's head and de: on such grave. charges, manded that he open the vault The manager opened the vault TUESDAY, FORT ERIE ENTRIES , Auguat 5 FIRST RACE -- So Furiongs, olds, maidens, claiming ali $5000, $reeo (8) Be w Wil Leer, Spensive, 110 | | jand the money from two sealed] Trey'a Ace, 1290 Athletes To > and Chinese Cheaver, 110 Round Chance, 113 Pen Drift, 10 Good Ovation. 113 attend the national coaching)113, clinic to be held Aug, 12 to 20.) junder the auspices of the Royal) S#COND RACE -- é\4 For! 'Canadian Legion, at the Ontario {Xe a Oe TeN jlegiate and Vocational Insti-/ Another jtute; Gordon Banks, a. teacher Srekey, 1? at O'Neill Collegiate and Voea-|cureytown, 12 itional Institute and Nancy Mac-/Bive Shutter, 98 ake Course: At Guelph [2 CO es ' » , Le Three Oshawa athletes will ser, "Ronay Talk tte Pantolamine Agricultural College, Guelph, | Rumber Broom, 100 | The athletes are Malcolm /Siveriam, 104 'Turnbull, of McLaughlin Cols quieniy 4 Kay, a medal winner at the /fithermans Luck, Olympic Games held in London senne Flare, tet in 1948, Reward, 107; w All spoon ls Pic a Ple 1 urae French Cartoon 122 Also Eligible: B-Fifinelia 104, A---Aira, W. Von Richthoten en 8--Dew Valley Farm entry SIXTH RACE -- Act ? Furlons, Turt Course, 3» year = old fillies, Allowances, Purse $2800, oy Bride 129 Balklair 128 Barbara 116 Ix R A---Windtields Farm en QUINELLA BETTING [SEVENTH RACK -- One and teenth Milles, dyea: € ') 4 Willow Gowns Farm AnwMra. MH. Wangoner, Mire, @. Keane and entry, wasuccessful forms of govern: Ale Bligivie: Foxy y jborough, will be inducted) damus sought by eight tobacco/as elected representatives, Bilt Veenstra, Allan Heath, C.| The men will take the ad.jRuet, Wu Normanton, liz) Bele Pres: ment and the previous consti- tution was suspended in 1959 after a breakdown in negotia. tions toward bringing about the island's integration into the more progress in the next 10 months than they have in the last 12 years it seems highly! unlikely that Malta will have' independence by May 31. | Thursday, Aug, 15, Judge A. R, Willmott, of Cobourg, chief judge of county and district courts in Ontario, will preside, growers to compel the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobaceo Growers Marketing Board to license them for 1963 production would upset the industry, IN PROVINCIAL FINALS Lawa b lers from Osh and Whitby are taking part in| The Ontario Supreme Court action was adjourned for the Bourgeois, J, Langley, Wil SIX-YEAR TERMS ; sari ' Ailerenda axe clack tet bss liam Wekking and John Morton; Mth donation -- George Fair: year terms, "They are rarely) defeated," says Mrs. hart, Mre. D.. Fletcher, |. T. Under) pic : : hay; "they either retire or woo and J, David Von- In Eastbourne now, eight of the oth donation <= Mre Am 1 |yanced course; while Miss Mac. point ae qe cage as leas prot a esau ines hg Ie Caneaien _ Buddy Edelen, a brilliant/Cindereite, 1 U.S. runner, will be one of the 121 coaches who will staff the feourse, Legion Sports Director va BIGHTN RACE -- One and teenth Miles, Syearolds and up, oneahe all $3900, Purse bina |Boanle Bird Man Fined $25 For Assault After a trial before Magistrate RH, W. Jermyn at Oshawa Friday Julius Pajor, 95 Albert street, was found guilty of assaulting Christopher MacPherson, -- for- merly of 97 Albert street, Pajor was fined $25 or 10 days' im-) prisonment and costs and was) po song age on a $200 bond to! p the peace. ~ i Mir MacPrewvon (oid he coun} SUELerS Bruises that on July 22 he had occasion Ss : te go for a walk on Albert street; A two-car collision which in. for about a block, When he re-| ¥lved a pedestrian took place DEATHS Kitchener --- Thomas H. Kay, 79, vice-president of the Kitche- ner-Waterioo Record since 1950 Albuquerque, N.M.--Oliver La Farge, 61, Pulitzer Prize-win- ning author, historian and anth- ropologist. Pedestrian ® aldermen are Conservatives, |¢ py Geoffrey Dys en, H, J, Schroer, xeoffrey Dyson recently com- jthe others Labor, |Simeson, A, Walker, L. Weeks, 2leted plans to incl wR. ot srereeest Wenzel, A. Taylor. R. Hickey Stee? Burnaby, B.C.; i yards; each war $s three Is Y Sierhnic 4) GOWan of England and Jose representatives who serve three ~ Semple, J. Sierhuis, A.) . the finals of the Provincial S¥omission of written argument |, Lawn Bowling Association play-|0¥ M. M: Green, counsel for un- licensed growers. downs in Belleville today. Both) E, Harris, counsel for the lubs will b a , area clubs will be represented) | aia. told Mr. Justice Camm. Tatapie, 116 iCathy Yates, Ne Others on the internati 1) Abe Sliginte Blector, 120; @ interna' aj q staff from Engl by "ee |Den't Shove, Tits "Sener AR; t mM England are JONN cena, 11a Stand Plem, Was House "| Disley and his wife, the former 12. | 'Olympic sprint star Sylviaa-t. & eve and Wire. F Mareln d h in the men's rinks tournament lyear terms, They come up for anlzeuwen, Lawrence Crowe, ge aig nye be salt for the Corbin Gold Cup in Belle-| Dell Grant that if he were (0/r¢ diection in rotation so thatl yo" womseen -- R. Gambell, ville on Monday. issue the writ, he would be in/oniy onevihird of the entire coun! ws, vs Maracke, J, MeDonald the position of determining hoWlciimen (one from each wa jA. Newetl, R.A. Patterson FOUND GUILTY jmuch tobacco showld be Pretend. in any one wean Rec: G. Sytsma, A, Bogaare, E After trial at Oshawa Magis- duced in Ontario this year. tone are hela ta May. ;Malactiowski, E, Roberts, J trate's Court Friday Benjamin! If the court decided to issue!" aldermen and 'oouncillors| oes a, Hareshom, G. Rea Wilkins, 205 Morningside ay-|the writ, said Mr, Harris, it]wear tricornes and blue robes: Jes Miss H. Whalley and J. S.| enue, West Hill, Toronto, was/should be in the form of a ref-|the robes of the aldermen havel eee | found guilty of three charges of/erence to the Ontario Farmicoiiars edged in fur while the! incest, Magistrate H, W. Jer.| Products Marketing Board. councillors have to make do myn ordered his remand in cus-| The application is one of two with. velvet-edged collars i tody for one week for a pre-|suits brought against the te) he mayor and deputy-mayor! sentence report, jbacce marketing board. Four/wear red robes, those of the! . turned home Pajor used obscene! @t the intersection of Simcoe TENTS STOLEN ae eh a = ane od ne mm, | depaty-mayor a deoper shade Bigamy Case at Will be joined by John econ Gir, Ne language towards him anq/a@"d William streets Friday, Tents, owned by Edward ---- to. restrain the boardigg red. The deputy mayor is Powell, a member of the physi-/A"Rey Wener' Ie seemed to be under the impres.| At 4.50 p.m. Gail Glover, 18,/Dobby and Ron Carroll, neigh-| rom applying its regulations to always the retiring mayor and} Sentence of six months' im,|°! emucation walt of the Unis} ane seein: Sy Waveeer, Ty _ Sheth | sion that he had been speaking|f 802 Glencairn street, wasibors on Crerar avenue were! "ar dirs ald ae ke the term is for one year only,/prisonment was imposed at Osh! Soa' ther a. Rcd under ioSSn. le: Sete Tee an te the landlord about him. |struck by a car driven by Wil-istolen Friday night. In each fir Lt : : ot a pom vs s oc AY Selection committee made up/awa Magistrate's Court Friday}. Mt wishes there / a--c"gaitiey and @, 0. Hickman entry Pajor struck him twice on the 2@™ Conling, of 65 Wilson road|case the canvas was taken and) = Jo een Pro-/of aldermen and councillorsion William James Ward, 2 OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL at Nu Way, carpet end bread. loom hes been @ specialty for 1® yeors . . . with theusend: Sr Oe Se jCheesoman, Geoff Eltiott, Nick! Whitehead, John Savidge, Lie-) ROURTH RACE -- 1 116 Mites, dyear nel Pugh and Peter Radford, on Um claiming all $2580, Purse] holder of the world's record! our interview, 1 for po Me around a tura, Eb NearpPiacaglt og | iott will stay in Canada as he's! St Acre, joining the teaching staff of the amen University of Alberta and Fred | Panchos " A) | Witt, veteran U.S. track per /O* ; Sonality, eee " INearat, 118 |were many more from he U.S / vision in the board's regulations| picks the new mayor, |Ritson road south, Oshawa ribs on his left side. The accused led that when he appeared for senance had been drinking quite heavily. while the borough administers on a charge of going through a south, Miss Glover was walking the pegs left behind. The fam, south on the William street crosswalk when she was hit, lilies, which include four adults and 10 children, had planned a. ler conte) ef production, Acre. age had been cut 40 per cent | Mrs, Underhay reveal jat Guelph, he's that pleased) PIFTH RACE = G2 Fortengs, Syear with the organization. " hens ah SRR, Puree S208, Canadians | Peter Mul jkat s on the staff are tins, a transplanted u ae Rahan th4 Sora Diamond 1) NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. Mr, MacPherson added that' The Conli i there had been previous trouble! struck by rye on wa. between Pajor and himself, --_ | ter H. A, Patte, of 218 Kendal Be vl masgonnl =a rea avenue, Both cars were west. ePherson and said: "I just bound ay the time of i- told hm to mind his own busi- dent. " oe ness Miss Glover sustained bruises 174 MARY ST, CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS Cau P: ERRY 723-3443 DAY OR NIGHT ed at Oshawa Magistrate's! sn Friday on Alistair San-| , 6 Pine street, Aj 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 CONTACT LENSES TATION by APP ig Payment plan uchudes ene manta Merah Periad, PHONE 723-4191 F. R. BLACK OD. 136 SIMCOE ST, NORTH Dawe CALA OR SEE DIXON'S OlL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER S@ YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. |] 723-4663 723-2245 COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION JURY & LOVELL LTD. OSHAWA WHITBY BOWMANVILLE KINDNESS weekend camping trip. Austratian now teaching at the tenane NS 8 AMBULANCE CALLS D jtion are set on a nationwide) County York, on April 14, 1962 | THEID EAD lingford, from McMaster, Bob! . day. hot water with the citizens." crime of this nature. It strikes mess. fo her legs and hands but did é the Canadian team which di Farmers' Mart | 23, *cis.'" af oe many persons ate attend) "= 'can and a half years. $300 damage to the rear fen. ders, trunk lid, rear bumper " - Driver Jailed separate development" © [come to the resort for their Pass, Oshawa's improved en. der gravel deflection and rad-| Millwork and Buildi j : ry hye: x iator of the Patte vehicle. The! Simeoe street verth pani The state-chartered Radi® | "Very hich," she emphasized. |ePOrts, Ritson read north pay. FALSE STATEMEN ode eh word which translates as COshawa's is about 49 conts offs Fines of $25 and costs on yoy nn one oan uae" Gale af 8 paes There are no meters at all on query apples and squashes. "| Seme of the prices in six 6 * gren of Jeheneeebere te. enforced by the local police. Gilbert Amel, RR} LONDON (CP)--Labor MP plums, 9 cents te $1.15; apricots| tld multistorey 1,.Wahanapite, Ont., was fined) Fenner Brockway told the House! 2. as far as government insti- -- woecte te .m able Alan Williams gave) Was hanged 15 tonths ago, Wer twe for 35c; carrots, two that about 10.50 p.m, | Brockway meved a motion|for 19%; potatoes, six quart, 50) land (Reuters)--Part of a movie! | -P the police cruiser, Brooke turned it down on'!d; (barbecued om the spot),) Arabia. More than 3@ persons Im trying to make a right hand grounds the man's alleced ad. $1.15 to $1.75; carnations, 49 were imjured and five amba- this year because of surpluses "everything itself," salaries|/form of marriage and commit: Pe Bena B ™ im 1961 and 1962. isueh as police, fire and educa-jting bigamy at Downsview, | yniversity of British Columbia, |A-Taee 14 The Oshawa Fie Department Ibasis. | Magistrate H.W. Jermyn told! Fat Glasse, now at the uni-idte mn reported eight routine ambu. Mayor Gifford's comment: Ward: "I don't sunpose I need| Cemstty, of Waterloo, Ron Wal.) lance calls were answered Fri- SAYS S. AFRICA "That would keep you ott of emphasize the seriousness of a! Adams 'of Saskatoon, and Bob. APR jerime of thi s Reid and Lloyd Swindells of! JOHANNESBURG (AP)-- c Jat the very roots of society] Vancouy gh wag or In reply to Magistrate Jermyn) not require medical attention The word "apartheid" ids.| pyc GRANTS fwhen it attacks the sanctity of{janeatver. The latter handled : Meation grants depend on th ly " Pajor said he came from Hun-'The 1962 model car driven by er mt. |welk at th ; and had been in Canada for Conling suffered an estimated rica's officiakdom is ¢O& ling the schools, said Mrs. Un. |Games at Sao Paste na eee ® cerned, The white govern [dornay. Because Eastbourne UNDERPASS OPEN. Penal raqae ment now prefers the words inas many elderly people who! Farewell street unders| ; and gravel deflector. . SHORGAS An estimated $25¢ damage; Trading was very brisk at the eseribe its policy of TAC® ipeatth the grants ave low and tance te the city's Industrial' was caused to the left front fen-| Abi : < at the! separation for whites and bidet Park, is open to tratti ' i |Farmers' Market Friday at hi Ceaseguentiy education city ae | F 14 D : . non-whites. easts are high, the city engineer's department | APPLI ANCES or ays accident was investigated by|fruit, home baking, lettuce and = -- = Fevey quoting costs as more than 50/iag has been completed to Ross. An Weyearold Oshawa youth,|Constable William Hayes. jradishes sold well, with cauli-| -- Apartheid is a Afrikaans |POrcest of the borough budget. /land road east. Wayne Stedman Vail. ? Bond); re | flowers a bit slower. Barbecued) wo ion translates a8 every tax dollar) poprery "separateness." Odium at: Parking i age ; : i ing is a problem in East- Appearing for the first time peo path % aaa on weerne just as it is ta Oshawa. | iS Season Were apricots, pea. : ches, Yellow Transparem and) which differentiates only oa the streets: there is a two hour a arar ant timait in the shopping district, ak. | wn beet a Ex Mrs. Underhay says, which is 4 ' * las! quarts were as follows: j « r s : am unemployment benefit, Len cents; peaches, | cently concluded that Me td ee } $1.25 to 1.59; cherri i hs ; a : REJECT INQUIRY © 1.59; sour cherries, $1.65 --. ge Bo gee ond [OxPARd SO We are starting to @ and suspended from driving of Commons Friday that a man Heads of lettuce, two for 25) tutions are concerned. é -- fot one year when he admitted' has admitted committing a mur. Ces: celery, two for 19 cents; | rge of careless driving. der for which James Hanratty| Cabbage, two for 25 cents caulif.| THEATRE ROOF FALLS | NEWCASTLE ON TYNE, Eng! 18, Amell was driving a} signed by 75 members of Parlia-|Cemts te 60 cents. theatre roof collapsed Friday! on Simcoe street north) ment urging an inquiry into the} Corn, 35 cents to 60 cents aj night as hundreds of persons} fast speed. He clocked/ case, but Home Secretary Henry dozen; chicken (fresh), 45 cents| watched the film. Lawrence of} turn, Amell's car knocked down, mission was "spurious" and that/ cents a bunch: Gladioli, 49 cents| lances took them te hospitals. sign and was complete. Hanratty had beea rightly con-| crusty roils, six for 3@ cents; hot) All the injured were treated and | wrecked. |victed, |donuts, six for 25 cents. (released. WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE

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