THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK eekly Summary Of Stock Mark gtngse tttotlet+t o <28cE,e-35s is- 285 ; sizes? £ + $s ze zs + - TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES ------This Week 0 py Tg Pest joerg Ves : Stock Seles High Low Close Ch'ge, High Low Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low T changed totalled Husky Oil 4280 ™ SM } + 1} We VW year to date are 499,809,544, Quotations In cents ve By The Canadian Press nd M 975) 746) 2 20M 180 100 Mass-F 1615S 14 3M Nae Ve 1% By The Canadian Press 'ed by 321 to 31) on Horne Pt 4528 160 180 160) +10 890135 Captain a0 15 08 " the Toronto Stock Exchange this week, Issus une H Smith pr 00 $420 420 424-1 44 alle Cariboo 3000 Sw 19). 4 nies gd lan Cassiar ah +" Volume for the ek was 9,123,165, down trom Hur 2660 $644 430 644+ Ve 66 SAM 1 the previous week's 11,538,361, Total sales for the me 0 v0 +4, m9 0 ? ein ia te areas eS i wr . WEEK's MOST ACTIVE TORONTO $ KS 7372 $22% 22% 22 7 $5% 54 --------This Week ---------- 43 oo 04 684 B4 Stock Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 1125 460. 40 400 INDUSTRIALS HN te ie ab aC Pow 114798 $23 2) UM Me 2M yaoo 86 Stee) Can 21559 21% Con Gas 19022 $li\4 10% 1) me 10% 135 Cdn Brew 16R68 $104 10 le Ve Nile 0470 OLS Northcal 700 430 CO) Yan Can Be85ixets 3 =3 550 4 § 100 $104 10\4 W041 400 35M Se : 1700 240 290 235 2 oa ue oc! 4085 325 85 310 Ki Sensor an0st0" ans 18 Na tee te tee ame stl Setelite 200218 2) 8a ek we sie 1 a ew 190 85M SS NM 1250 190 170 70 8 2468170 WORR BENCH . . L ten ials 1ST S16 164 1 + 1G A 'GARAGE aren Industr Wn howe eee ae 10°8*2|-@ : 4390 355 335 385 +10 55 tan : A and ® Le com Sm HO 20 3 mh 105 91. 100 28 200 " : Abiier wu a at ata MA Game: We AOE ae Abitibl_ pr m5. a oa Herbie 7760 08 290 900 ee 14 aa" waren ' 1h VOW 104 I : Al H : a DINING Dist vt 9 : ) po ce : 100 $209 20 ' » 1 ue f ga its aia oe Ne 2 105 $37 37% Ble Ve Alle Deinit 1 tt "4 ; \e " " w 40 810834 1ORN 108% -- M4 110V2 10708 wre ek ee le on iY } is 149 19 Mat or 107 w=1¥q_ 108Y9 106 2607 $17 a te 8G 5875 $30 bad be a i Teel} G 71S +5 975-780 450 $12\0 12% 1281 13 2405 8214 2% NG Be +1 3 Tv ah woo 5460 $8 he Tet eM 1400 84 ¢@ 6' ON + "S Ve a + &% mei?" ~ + Algoma 4842 52% $358 1% eS FH Ma 5 Fa al ae wn: Shs Alumini 4% pr 2895 $3994 39\e Y $93! e----% Be Sul of ; os $30 'a ¢ y , uv 05 24 21) 28 2 Hy os ase "ca we © @ +h iS Alumint VAST $264 25% mie eT a aie iy r ¢ wh i S au _ Eureka 2 22. =* 337 + ++, > =3 a2 - Lis =F = at a =e i - + -72.. s+ ja Nat Cen 211 $22 212 2% we mM IP 5S = = = i i ° S5s5*s Alum 2 pr 840 347) 466 50 Analog 200 105 105 105 +10 " $25 3 Anthes ine A OS irs 4 + aI ue My Anthea pr =: 100 $103 --- "a Argus 94 $12 2 8M 44 240 240 20-320 Geco Mines Arg 8 or 580 351% 3% # ener 7S $26\ 26 %%--- Argus 250 pr 115 $50% 50 50 --% SS 50 m Leaf Gard 28 $4) 4) 4} 3 Argus 260 pr 225 Lent mill Arg C pr wo 4 Ash Temple 275 ot aN = . 100 "st jen Ce 1020 SQF br i Atlan Acc 2% pr 400 -% 2% Metro. St ' { All Sugar 4095 $174 16 M+ a {etre ser Atl Sug A $234 2394 D4-- a Milt Brick M 205 BLUEPRINTS ALSO SUPPLIED FOR BRICK CONSTRUCTION 10 "aso" a ie 33 7 #» 5 Planning and Design', price $1.00 and is tax free. This new ais) te Ge G14 oh 30 Pa 800 HOME DESIGN No. 189 prints for this design No. 189 edition includes information : 1 ie wae Hh 0 jon tee sr House: 1,020 Sq. Ft. cost $15.00 for the first set and on Financing in Canada, iS 8832 53M 'araet iin 5 0 Garage: 289 Sq. Ft. $5.00 for additional sets. They Building Construction De. Raat A 0 $0 "a 1 th . us yy ny ey ry Beauty and efficiency are re available in Canada by tails, Landscaping, Color Se- oo es aM 4 : Mm 2% Wa 978 $56\4 S53 SSla + 4 SPA SON Yukeno a 4a -combined in this attractive return mail, (Ontario resi- lection, Interior Decorating, fs 0. 490 as 45 $26 25¥0_ 36 a ts aM St as Zenmne ea home to make it one of our dents must remit 3 per cent Furniture Arrangement, Cus- $52. SOM Sou 53 $0 th hw eas a as hae Zulapa 00 Me al wD most popular designs. The Sales Tax). Now available at tom Designing, etc,, plus over bow Stan ee yi 3980 8366 Va we u floor plan ineludes a spacious this Newspaper Office (or 100 popular and new designs 700 Sila We svt 10 ; "hoe bs Bae living room with fireplace, from address below) is the to choose from, Also included i NW Util pr VPS $82 oe aa 88 , > Oils large built-in book shelves, latest Design Book entitled in this book are full details 18a 1819 -- Me 2 NOL and P10 84 Sa -- M4 22500 4 rs and a nice dining room with 'Canadian Guide to Home on how to order blueprints. ee cele ae bee tom ed te a , es access to the veranda, Of par- a su & © ® Ogiivie 4350 $12 124 Bee ee t ' ste 105 ayn ou ssa su + MM Ont Loan 44s $5 ee SM +2 ticular interest to the house- The Building Editor ; 16 $1062 106¥9 1062 --T!2 108? Ont Stee! iy 33M Setex, zi2 2 2 Faraday 21% Ma 2 Fiwest. Te =*zF th = L*. - + 944 sis + SF a & i RY 380-50 450 Oshawa Times, 4 3 $92 V ' te kitchen with snack bar, and S625 $9614 \ Pat 240 60 RY Fie convenient access to all areas Oshawa, Ontario. ; aogier 1 Page-Hers » " ou OM nt 20 $110 0 + 2} Parker M + 6500 4% WWM +2 L ten of the house. -Construction as h i a C Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book ' 509102 10 2 2 Poine \ M+ ve Ball § 9 8980 $25 shown is brick veneer with 6 100. $13%6 : , Pembina $494 49¥2 ala + Ve 7430 GS 450 455-10 aw "ove wood accent but blueprints is- of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" 1% 32 2 Penmans 34 Ne Ba He hat har har Bale a clude complete constructional Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance | Bulle' Prod aus anata 280 26 _ pow Corp tte ame a Fe "s 40 8 "em details for building in all payable to The Oshawa Times) Burns 1615 $834 BMA } Price Br 835% Mes r*) ¢ and BD brick Nl f CH-189-F i if Burrard A 250 97% 7 7M Premium 00 135 130 135 +5 3 1 > Cal Ed 020 310) 184 ee & rick or ail frame. is QNG ™ % ? \ C r ? y ? : Cc and D as 44 37% MH M+ t m-) Calvert 4m 9 e 4 for FRAME, CH-189-B is for NOMO ccccccccnccesenccccececsccgcencecccesncceoseecocecs Cabol Se ey ee QN Gas pr 255 102\9 100 102 hala \ Leite 4300 30148 ' Camerina 4120 215 900 1S +8 BRICK. Cal Pow 4490 $224 200 2214 +1145 24M 2 oe 2 eS oe Se Ae ' toe am or - > M ; "ye ry 30 q it 4 Standard Builders Blue- BOE i ivinicihivcadesdisesiisissannsaans la geek cans ae a Rac a 9s as. cas s Bey a © Dein M168 40 370 aN - Con tmer ma 2 oR at of Renied, A Ma MM Tanta ¥ 39725 137188180 aS Dein wis a 18, ne a c 2 4 +8 eichhold 405 912% Whe 12442 L c 9 y \ Can ev a be D Sug 3M KM IMB 2 Reid Litho pf 9S $519 Sia. Sia Ht we Wee tad 2h ceuse wees 3 4 Can Folls A $9 38 " 1 3 » 8 © Cl Fndey ta ae ae 8S. Revenue pr 2 ty b= a ; cee = Cl iE ae $a9\2 O94 A Rob A pr 200 2 Macassa CLl Pete ba " o * ne Can Malt $3 8S AS OD Rothmane ; Macleod = SS FY! Enarter Oi Aaa Pita aan ° Charter Qi 2 © Pack A 2a 8 «@ Royal Bank \ - Madsen ~! © Pack & ae 4 Royalite pr » Magnet € Dragen a0 9s w + By ROGER C. WHITMAN can Pern Ti Se a St Cem A 00 SRM : eokrehe ad io C Bast Cr oO kaa CSL 0 OS StL Corp 190 Re Malartic C West Pete 1146 100 14 VS wd Can Wire B 4 4. 4 i StL Co A pr 45 $1028 102% 10% ' Maralgo : N DewPal 7m * = : St Maurice so 4 Marboy \ Dome Pete 13% 8134 14 De 0 woo UM OU SOUNDPROOFING WALL number printed on the contain-/Or dissolve a half pound of| C Aviation 10% 104 10% | 1790 re QUESTION: How can [jer showing the total insulating| chip glue in a quart o fhot wat: con Sren $104 10 10 2 sei Ste 20 ; ; Marchant 200 8 mM os oN Dynamic _ sound-proof a wall on a cement value when put in place in theler and paint this solution onthe Con Br B pr $53 ve 52 3 rl Arte Matremt 12S) OS a a 2 ry Ms 2 0 FO run Mente | 1a . "RY j Cc Br Ak A 0 " ; \ eee ' > Ru glab? house; the greater "R" num-jer and paint this solution on the cok, Gre ott aie ar Shawin Apr ave 4% Mcintyre 0 40m Ou ORD Stew Glacier ' JP ot oe 5 +1 Gr Plains M4 Tad ¥ . -. Ss a 4 20% 1984 20% + wife is the large combined SS $96 : Ont Store F . yey) G252-Ser s.tgste zaestisBss s.828er2.Sct . 258528 2.852 scsks ages sz ANSWER: Best way would ot ing ging sine, inechotingiuncetenes of the rug. COAL B we. Mo 20 20s 10 ~ = vd 590 + t S ina ns be to build a false wall on one|Yaue. Vse at lea or! ea wie Shel . ie? ys ome. Oil inch furing strips put down out Your attic floor, following man-| SOAP ON SHOWER WALLS Cte iS pr 00 S37 Saw 3? 3a : as as as * YA wore a Bate Bo WN oto das tae Moa et % contact ri wall, |ufacturer's recommendations as . © Chem IMS 30% 9 M+ 114 8 Simpson: 4354S B+ : ® of con with present wall.) h QUESTION: We have a cer: ¢ Cun wh. an a ae ae a 130 290 20 290 0 and using insulating paneling.|'* ereae thickness and cover-|amic tile shower stall, How can C Colllerien 9300 $9% 914 P02 Sa: "0 ama Rell Or acoustical tile or wall cover.|#S® Per Dag. the deposit left by soap and wa- CCM C er mM ee mY PE a lary ing can be applied; consult| sy IPpPERY ter spatters be easily removed? ¢ Dredge or ar x your tile dealer as to recom-| RY PAINTED STEPS) ANSWER: If the deposit is a 6G mended type and installation' QUESTION: We had our| i ged can a0 eatracti Ihome painted on the euteld not a heavy one, try using a CGE pr 300 3 Se : Sse gem lgether with the {rent mad: vear{elaes cleaning wax, or a cream CO See A." 200 83 get # 40 Satta 204 a tn VAPOR BARRIER e front and reariclean-up wax made by a nation- € Hydro Car 1590 $16 wmow 100 $254 254 2+ Ve ae 25 ? ; Northid ce . jsteps. Althoug hthe painter Wasially known manufacturer; or Cc imp ak eek sek VP =% bs ' , : > c : ' , be ¥ i . -- 1 Is necessary egerecon about this in advance,/a quick stain remover for tile: € ind Ges pt sane. 331 ; aa Ne Wie tae ita 2 amey Bamelt © install a vapor barrier when|the steps were very slippery|whatever product is used, fol: cn. 257% $164 16 ' . 6 M7 62 Tt "a % 1 oY Permo insulating the attic floor with)during the winter. What c be! Ay et ig used, fol Cc "Marc 101 430 | 430 70 $84\e A462 MM --Ia ua "Moh Se w ® Petrol poured-in minera! wool ins uldone to remedy this sit ote Siow label directions carefully. CPR 1g HM ar, : Bk 2% 2 alle A save Prairie Oi! eat Gee Uist cham i el] ANSWER: "Higacen" palasleeae oo Creremee cae Ser ene re i i fa, Tee | heen ; 7; AD » "Shi * nai » ' 8 » 0 ANSWER: Most. decidedly ajare now available at large paint|powder and kerosene (be cate) Sav Yin A awhtwn's and we Mn Ho So Nias vapor barrier should be instal-/stores for this purpose. Theyjful of the fire hazard): apply a Sey ue 3a OM | Tea te te en a heres. h ' i os . A icker: 5 $3) * ranss Ma rr oly og the insulation (to-|were originally made primarily/fairly thick layer and allow to Nes 305 310% Whe ; Tank VPPL'aMs "te Py am Ae crm ; : Spooner ai a e warmer area). ' jfor use in factories to prevent remain for about a half-hour; 3) (1? ; Turnoull pr en wees pax ' ae aan R Stanwe!! a Asap nen a of -- accidents. Repaint the steps/then rub the tile with the paste min ee ». tia) a "he y Trans Can Seat t n on oan an in-|with this type paint; or use the and wipe off. Wash with a de- as * U Core 8 $2644 Mt Nortngte MS MS +0 QS MS Triad Oil Sat ion insulation value./standard paint, adding sand to tergent and. hot water to re- ; Vendomat ce ts we ss se Me pecan ao ; x today's insulating) the container before the paint is'move the odor of kerosene. : [ u = gg Ah ot Meee enitin, enblied or sprinkling sand over/Move than one treatment may a s . : SUCSithe wet paint su be necessary if t itis a Og «agp mtbr yen ch -- seuss heavy one." a 7 Ce ware Un gee te ee Obaaka Windfall ae * i) resistance SLIPPERY HALL RUG ' - : : | mien, «. asa » san) CLEANING RUSTY TOOLS 30 stars wove 1e7%9 = ¢ Me we +R cin ae THE HOME |hooked rug in our entrance foy-|, QUESTION: Some of my hus: Corby ain ta we oe W Paciti aio su Ne ws fed a | A Producti ler. The rug slides easily, and band's tools are rusty. How can) C ass is a) 4 o ™é BA cae ry sy en ye +4 4 | uto on WORKSHOP eros eae secur inireattsiem cen set Ue] WS fin te G'S | there anyway to treat the rus) *N gee, rustremov. * ela Prosss ae Poe a. | In Change-Over ito prevent its sliding arouna so|, "NS * ae a rast remov. ee, me 125 $108\4 108 1084 + M4 verdad e ee ow ldiections. "These are "widely RE ely we eee fs : VY | ronowro cr) -- canadian | ANSWER: Several prepara- available at hardware and oaien 55 $500 44 SON Fie Sse " = Sy jmotor . vehicle preduction 'ceased this week with all six tions are available at variety/stores, Or use No. 1 steel wool) Tae tak hel ke 2. jand housewares dealers for! and turpentine. When not in use,| 200. 819% 12 ie tt go nas W I | Sie arene eu hed big tools should be given a thin coat. ase tse on ag ' a es ncrease reapers hoy begs ma i s on i ; mode! inadereide of the rug. Or plastic eet Pe wived with Dosco 500 wee as Ry 'THE CANAGIGN FRUAot statisticn seid the. dole erer/chaneeyeet, Wale mesh material is available atjan oily rag. Rust-preventing Average weekly wages inj® month was attributed almost' proguction reported by the many variety and floor cover. ri ilable at l manufacturing industry rose to/entirely to higher prices for po- ; ing dealers, to | sop allel caer ag ligne $90.26 1 Pt faces, hogs. lambs and eggs, Canadian Automobile Chamber aoe Ua Gok Ge eave he ee, for wrapping Soon Ake go ay | pot Pn The index is based on the pe- of Commerce last week was sofa eae Bhat reported Friday, Average "ied 1935.39 equalling 100. 3,507 units with only «wo of the hourly earnings were unchanged DEBT INCREASES FRONT-END at $1.05 while the average work week lengthened te 4l. _ 'The total debt of the 10 prov. rrow load of pot Exevieite \ 100 ms from 4. NOUrS snces and northecn territories ¥ of potted quis 250 i reached $4,064,891,000 on March trucks, with 498 produced by your lawn and a tiny a. 2 _ = a "3 SHIPMENTS UP 31 last year--a 10.8-per-cent 2m Ea ' 4 213 by International | : x» & Shipments of roiled carbon|crease during the 1961-62 fiscal) ee arms 200 : mm 8 8 8 steel products in May rose 12,¢/year. The figure represents di-| Harvester, For per cent to 522,627 tons from/rect debt less sinking funds, The Production te date this year a0 man Oe "~<a a 484,954 a year earlier, January-|total direct debt rose to an aV~ ig estimated at 387,200 unite ALL CARS ! Foundtn ise ff : 'May shipments were up 19.6 perjerage $219 for every Canadian! mpared with 321,02¢ in the Wor $2 29 -- e324 25 wooo SS SS cent to 2,355,976 tons from 1,970,./from $201 a year earlier, Au : riinatrs 7 3 M5 in the first five months of/previnces except Alberta and corresponding period last year 1962, 100 i Me 274 a4 + ; v . - ~- seor ye we a Be Py erie Columbia increased their --made up of 326,282 cars 7 A it. ; . JOHN BEAN ras Be te fy | = CARRY MORE FREIGHT jg frcks compared with 8 S Aa " i 4 z Revenue-producing rail freight} ig -- STRIKES a Car jon by : a p se J ' : . carried to and from United) T r department say 5 week Sane a Dept., "Visualiner"' | ns 300 $615 ; : dcop 0 8 8 8 States lines in February totalled) there were 63 work steppages ae pneodrny bg herigiee | ee, Venawa, tury name eS Bouzan lee eS 10,760,852 tons or 43 per cent/June involving 7,320 workers)" pondil ried ee de Po a 134 a8 wr 2 2 2 5S 2% more than a year previous.| with a time loss of 78,400 man.|the COrmeapQnGag, Be CIAL . 3000 24a Mls Mia 3 There were 8.960.643 tons loaded|days. However, the number of Year in bra bate | wa MS Fe as 32 in Canada for shipment to the|man-days lost represented only' American Meters wil ¢ ; 5 : ; ee reid U.S--52 per cent more than a/0.07 per cent of the estimated 18,465 (12,906); Chrysler IDE REALTY ree Pick-Up and Delivery Service H 25.307 'A year earlier--and 726,275 tons--|total working time of non-asri-| (nil), 46,354 (23,688); Ford -. 7" Me or 23 per cent more--received| cultural wage and salary work: (2,796), 88.070 (80,828); General 335-3 _--* ° 14 Ran BR a 2 9104 17% Wat Long Point y L) 8 @e Oad '4 Meda! - 3g%zs7Es28 L 3 bist -t2BxidezF, 225585,88a0r5 =szeegeee's grst-ti it et a 41iss s-~se * +i se tgsttlte, rf Bs -822.33e2s + * czz ~ g2gaiee? sae8s> 8s we orem 344 348 265 255 245 ; GENERAL GENERAL ,« 2a Be Rais 400 380 s frem U.S. lines, ers in Canada, In May, there Motors nil (ald, bye : ' ° a ee s were 44 work stoopases involv- $91): Studebaker nil , 4 @ LLOYD CORSON, President TIRE po AL Wire Po m us FARM PRICES RISE ing 6,214 workers and a time' (4.722). Li] gg : The index ,of Canadian farm) joss of 30,300 man-days. . eeeid ane errant OF OS 14900 195 : 100010 : ~ : prices for produce rose to 250.1 : during July. A peg "y -- HAWA = wl x 3 8. in June from 44.6. in May but RESERVES RISE 000 ($21,000,008) ee PHONE 723-1121 $34 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 ¢@ Ni 100 100 200 : ai ; t. fs the comparison aver a full year, LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit-/ treasury announced 4 ! 85055 | S51 See : was a decline from the 272.8|ain's gold and convertibie cur- figures | stood it m oe ta ae me eee reached June, 1962. The bureau'rency reserves rose by £7,000,-/ ($2,928,000,000) July 31,