WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St, Weat ' Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel, 668-3708 Youth Loses Licence For Careless Driving made an attempt to stop the aceused and later positively identified him in the Ajax shop- ping plaza When Blizzard took the stand he admitted he was squealing his tires but he said he was not driving over the speed limit Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn told the «accused, "T think Pearce and Petrie take thelr citizenships more seriousty than you do." "You have a driver's licence and apparentiy don't know how His Worship told the Charles Petrie, of Whithy, who was a triend at 3 Perry street His Worship he wag just getting out of his car when he heard a ear approaching at a very high rate of speed, He said he could determine this by the sound of the car's engine I was very surprised to. see the car make the corner," said Petrie, "because it was travel ng al-auch a rapid speed." When he went around the the Crown witness said six children AJAX (Staff) -- A 2M yearold) Robert Pickering Township youth Frank Riigzard, was fined $0 and costs, in Ajax Magistrate's Cour, when he was convicted before Magisirate Harry W Jermyn of careless driving Lesiie Pearce, who appeared at a Crown witness, testified he was standing on Perry read Ajax, when he saw a car come down the road at a very high rate of speed Mr. Pearee accountant with Sia-Rite pumps in Ajax. told the court, the ae cused was driving to 60 MPA ON the suddivision street Riizzard just shook his head during Pearce's testimony "¥f there had been aby dren on the streets," Pes eaid, "they would not have had a chance." LONDON SNAPSHOTS Beefeaters Bar who is an vyner there were five Or an the street." He cantiaued fown but he simply ad me at a high but T got a good He " e said Pal to vse it," aceused He fined Riizvard 88 and casts and suspended his licence for one year on the conviction Im not trving to be vindie His Worship said, "I'm the people of Clase "T tried to wave wen! rate of jook al hom chil, spee ~ tha a Petr Ajax tive," trying to protect cms community," Port Perry Man Told To Look Into Mirror he shar phoned y afer the ee he | Thursday, 134, of Searborough, 1$20 and costs or three days for j failing to vield the right of way Two Kidneys 'Drivers Fined Hatch In Traffic Court | Successfully | more an act of Providence than) CHICAGO (AP)--A_ 24-year at negligence," and promptly/old accountant is alive and) dismissed the charge. iworking full time nearly 16) For failing to produce an in. months after his two diseased surance certificate Douglas kidneys were replaced with a) Rrokenshire of Lindsay was/Single kidney removed from an fined $50 and costs in Whithy Unrelated dead man, Magistrate's Court, Thursday, | The case, reported Thursday Sergeam: Gerald Robinson {a the current Journal of the told Magistrate Harry W, Jer American Medical Associatioa, myn, Rrokenshire had been Tepresents the longest recorded ven two weeks to produce the !ife-sustaining survival of a kid certificate and had failed to do Rey transplanted from a person Mu after death to an unrelated per.) strat Onawn. wea tine' ai Price, Yield Shown!" On Treasury Bills total of $73, after he was con vieted, Thursday, of failing to produce an operator's licence OTTAWA (CP)--Government having insufficient. Tights, Not 9) aay treasury bills sold this hay ne insurance, and not hav weook: $116,000.60 at an averane ne a licence plate on the front ce and vield of $99.139 and of Nis vehicle. 3.43 per cent (last week $99,156 Town Constable and 3.41) 'Calin tne | cour 18d.day Dills> $30,000,000, av RIVER VOMNS thr age price and vield $98.234 and $3.60 per cent (last week $98.258 and 3.58) In Whithy Magistrate's Court, John Victor Allen was fined ¢ i Allen was involved in a two jear collision on July 12 with a jear driven by Roy Fells, 20, of 130 Palace street, Whitby, at the intersection of King and Colbourne streets, Corporal James Barter told Magistrate Harry W, Jermyn, that the accident was a result of Alien failing to yield and an estimated $230 property dam age was incurred on the ve hicles Also in Whithy Court a charge of having defective brakes was dismissed agains; an Oshawa man, George McVeeters MecVeeters. Was involved in a rearend collision July 12. at Athol and Dundas streets eansed by a fanit in the brake nr Gary Wir he had ne days to aD 9) os rectified ed ye: not been tie accideny rate Jermyn The son with chronic kidney disease The chief difficulty in trans- planting. kidneys, or other ts- sue and organs, between unre- lated persons is that the recipi- ent develops a response which --_ his body to reject the raft, ern patient's kidney function! jhas been relatively stable tor| ithe last five months but is con Sidered poor, the researchecs) isaid, He has anemia which) makes blood transfusions neces. sary. However, they said the pa tient remains active and is rel) atively well, "Although the prolonged sur vival of this Kidney . . . is e2- couraging, it does not neces isarily signify a specific and uni. versal approaeh to the solutioa/ of the problem," ' they said THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Auguet 2, 1963 5 Parents Take Blame In 35 Drownings TORONTO (CP)--The drown-) ing deaths of 35 Ontario children) in June was blamed Wednesday) lon parental neglect caused by uncomfortable weather, Malcolm McMartin, water safety director of the Canadian jRed Cross, said the children| jwere all between 7 and 15 years' land represented about half the! lmonth': 'Ss drownings. i Only seven drowned last! iJune, 'Twenty-six children were 1a the 12 years-and-under unsuper- vised category which indicates the parents were probably try- jing to beat the heat and were not watching their children closely enough," Mr. Martin said, With figures for July still in- 'complete, Ontario waters have iclaimed 191 lives, The final to- tal will likely exceed 200, Mr, Martin said, Water fatalities for 1963 will pass last year's 148 mark but may not exceed 1960's 221 idrownings, BANANAS TOP CROP Bananas make up 57 per cent jof Ecuador's exports which also SCUGOG CLEANERS was rd of since & Shirt Lounderers FREE Pick-up & Dolivery PHONE 668-4341, Tried To Get Girls Into Car Fined $50 doy will be picked up on TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collection on Monday, August Sth. Garbege normally collected on this William 0, McBride, fine! tude Panama hats. OLDEN GATE RESTAURANT TAKE OUT and FREE DELIVERY PHONE 668-8321 668-8687 Golden Gate Egg Roll .15 Beet Chow Mein . 1.15 Tuesday, August 6th, TOWN ENGINEER GGrant or Wil wa drove +e then be father, na Wh Thursday tea ing A Scarborough x Grant, nd Casts § stopped One-Stop DECORATING SHOP by's . wh answer on pedes a nested drove was after ue ! accu Away a sea Town of Whitby NOTICE RE WEEDS Chicken Chop Suey 1.00 Sweet & Sour Spare-Ribs Sweet & Sour Chicken & Pineapple 1.50 95 man, Ted a a suse G n Whitby . Diced Chicken & Vegetables Almonds 1.35 Breaded Shrimps .. 1.25 Barbecued Pork Fried Rice ..... 3S Shrimps Egg Foo Yong .95 arose afte emptied three acoasions his Along Magis Citizens ore hereby notified thet WEED CONTROL is the responsibility of the County of Ontario. All compleints should be directed te THE COUNTY WEED INSPECTOR, Call telephone No, 668-3582. Please do NOT call the Works Department or the Town Engincer, ® Custom Dreperics ®@ Breoodionm end Rugs ® Wellpeper end Moreh © CLL, Points ond Vernishes @ Fle-Glere Colorizer Point: DODD & SOUTER Decor Contre VOF Byron St, S., Whithy Phone 668.5862 nm on Way To Tower SURVEY SURPRISES Pupils af Milburn School Sea eat ened July 6 and Ry M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times arg To y wished ¢ aS noon visit to the Tox @on, the Nationa Tate Gallery Fauseams and > found by pickets, and that ther were tamed Reefeaters at wt incivitian ce the picket line at th and explained they were slaging a Sanday strike decause of a a pate with @ wages and hour srke ef guide places wader ¢ treasary Sp of the country dergh Castle and Pa Ratyroed House were ¢ phe @aReTr Righiseers Wha Spas admission. The wanders ard their assistants threaten te go @a sirske every Sunday, wsaalk whe Dingest dar he week for wisiters, wat? thelr claims are sertied, GOoP YEAR FOR. Rr ant The state-owned Ry pean Alrwaxs om mere than whiee im De Mom of J pears te de hea ever financia last year, the ¢ @ tess. In fac wf WR, Bs af sere, Years amoanrd 94.3290.9. The profit im Max tes wear was 8590.0 COTPATALARN'S ATS S@eU Seen aM he CAMA awe MORE PUBLICITY The Natoma) Fe Wars Ware por the gan derarer faTwMers Teeaixe wee and these ©? Lg te enter Awa dren wader age HOMARKET FOODS LTD, POR THE FINEST IN FOOD ce iene 2 AND FREEZER SERVICE pipe Rosier fe 668-5875 - wags "cathe 333 BROCK ST. N, WHITEY ma asked her ride. She re t bul he pe re was cidents happy » 2 AYEPAARE told Ma Jermyn, she had bees Graham's Park afternoon able pay ' » eowrt Desa' a atix 4 from W. S.Mertia Meyer Tewn of Whitby taken ¢ | a Magistre he had been the war SLQMs ste she Use Rusk To Stay A Few Days In Russia SHINGTON (AP) Srat Rusk wil] yemain in ft ale sign al oe Affleck can k vay these pills and drinking at Ure same time." Richard then faced Magistrate saia@, "I am very have Mercy On come back nev Bry You ney de Ness PL. AN FOR ROVERC RAFT ary ne PROASICT » mae man TREStene' 36 the PASUTX . 2 ermrn and s clei i x neve Ot yoa apair sacsing the saxponded sen ence, Magistrate Jermyn said ways Yoa should take yourself aside The POSS ang look in a mirror and sav ORANRE] ROOT aaye mercy on me Mr TeLWwar SPoOKecmah p chard > a ward Have rege be.) mew forza of transport, British sacs ts Drive In Restaurant possiiny ef hovercraft beng Keith I axe eae a on be) Ra TORS Rave Won x test-han to talk w th Premier K ¢ about poss bie # Ras West ALTOOMENT e@ Rask'ss maain This CHAIN LINK FENCING 36" $10.97 42" $12.79 per 100" roll 6-FT. T-BAR KEEP COOL! ! THIS SUMMER -- WARM NEXT WINTER INSULATION BATTS ==: 9.19 Smoller tote Diesen | Combination WINDOWS te Your MEASUREMENTS UP TO 30 UNITED INCHES (Width plas hem@ht) In lots ot five or more $9.65 - 3O0¥2" ~ 70 in. $10.65 70%2"-100 in, $12.95 100% im. Up $15.75 Lots of loss then 5 add « dollar por window. Patio FIBRE GLASS SHEETS FIRST GRADE Just 42c f. 34" x 96" $9.52 in lots of 25-$8.95 ' Midsummer SALE OF ALUMINUM DOORS AND $ MANY OTHER QUALITY ITEMS- VISIT CASHWAY & SAVE! SSS "| Cashway Lowers Prices Again ! "a" x4 x8 Sanded Firply scr: FACTORY Sac GRADE Jost 3.12 Per Sheet YOU'LL SAVE BIG MONEY ON THIS BIG MILL FIRPLY! aperaied frova Polkstene." > TREAT FOR CHILDREN at mate Regument a mm Aug CMMANCT who helped the Red Twenty the War girs from Arr =i' * The " Para AMershat & ae as nes >» Oares, WOTROTE Dev SK aa Dave ana Normand NIPSe-GQeek holdar at the expense of Trades Agspoiat a Pre s mE ane at dD. ® Lisasted $ MAAC, APTA' zal HHOAATeA Whe sak , 1, West as SD of eeu a Th Sacre J ny Wigheae 2 » Kereth Ragers of Whitty 2 re exer - * : at CANADA'S Quality DOOR <= FULLY per 3q. foot eae . Pe whate ot The nr and Some. The testan reapen # rer tT the name of "The al Ne 4 and 18. % Then wees af Parser PaTatreners m. A DEMPMATR a Sar "U Thant Sends Word ie Borneo and ha nae be Yee RN B.C. Fish Strike my End Sunday VANG Re * bringeng Charges & agains shake from Vee farm wes from PMA Po Mere WAS an STV RAM TTS Tree mrs Wye Teens ward nz given, Py PMNS PRS these ene Rae CANNY Mee BLIND GIRTON ner " VER « "1 QUALITY 210 LB. GRANITE RED - GRANITE BROWN ASPHALT sop CMR < Presiden wha prerens SHINGLES Other Stock Colors $6.55 per square 14.75 * FARMER'S * * STEEL * * ROOFING * ats (9D teot CINE per carton) ak agreed rei wh r ones are | fenght 7 (0 ton per carton) 2" Red Cedar Picnic Tabies aa tivh $3.39 per carton Aluminum Combination DOORS 26" x66" Pné@ast CRRA Thar Sagres wm TLecenpeny : Br ger ty attems ar. RAMA das Whe, Che Yn > Pow Sree wr Bex Rreeres an Bat Pee were ten Perks oi Ree he end of ber Fw RAs MAP Tae, Wwe wet Det Or TAP B hem ghar markings 'har STII RBIS weitey eness @f Nant EVM kh eM The the Walhy CEDARGRAIN SILICONE SEALED ASBESTOS onxunn $16% en GRADE Marsier Sahatinr Ta The hits «ee Phe Te MISES Me Thirst anh Wam Feria" ey '> wheth Ye Tiree NER wipe ory bes Thee bed asm Gecvied > ex Warn a cre wv! TnGeresia, Wala Philos « wee depres ey De ila hie cw wheYhen fhe Wr. White --" res Wy acheter aed NM aN ee hee > Wow x de REVERSE TRAP TONMETS . a OR ALL 3 FOR -- SAVE AN EXTRA 3% AJAX YARD ON THOMPSON ROAD JUST OFF HIGHWAY NO. 40] PHONE 942-1221 Brooklin Yard CORNER HIGHWAYS 7 AND 12 PHONE 655-3313 ee one ae merits wt Rett wrt ntl Hailty gloved 26" x 26" .. 20° «x20... SO" x30"... se" x 38" .. 23.65 § Se" x 3°" 24.77 8 | Like A Free Price List? THERE IS NO OBLIGATION! CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Write Hood Office: BOX 330, MALTON det FN bn orn Meni T> Rayan = east Rawr par ot Rr Ph & Hee Oe 3 FOOT BATHTUBS . Tree BRS WOT aye OWE + he wants a nett $ 88 % Bemnantee ye Pres Weresrasel a Rerpetl Z ten divers, wrerms, screen, closer, wintichoin ond atl herrthwarre inchadind aT PORCELAIN BASINS Prrndtiain Bring Gee 'emily Prearee Eres, Omen 'GRADE STAMPED for 3, 7 2x4's--8 SPRUCE $8 fn whed frock th 4 tor hou jobs Tep ~--. SUS POLYETHYLENE NOD Foot Rotts %" 1%" 'WINDO Rediver a $1487 $17.88 $24.97 329.37 N.HLA, SPAR VARNISH WATER PIPE + beg $8.85 9. Al $20.71 | Eveming Shows ot 7:08 ond 8:20 Lest Complete Show at $:20 --- " " " zy" x Oo" and =x 670" SPECIAL RACES WOR. AVG. Sth 12 NOON backer bord end nails included ELECTRIC 7" CIRCULAR SAW Full 8.0 Amps 3,000 vpn. 1 Your Wenenty Compme Elsewhere 29/8 Sat Sroriee Dores CMR, Approved green my Pry nye ™ Pulhle Reveth Reem Races OQron Drily 7 tm P PM. SAT. end HOLIDAYS 12 AM OPM SUNDAY nvr bern heer pifrrrnnty: 4 onaenufiettanesx Navel ADDRESS Tew OR RR PLEASE TRINT en ---- 9 a> 6 PM, MID ~-- BOON FEAT avTrRaCriow SATORD.Y ma TINRE ONLY Tet THREE STOOGES IN "STOP, LOOK AND LAUGH" wee anh Gernann wero ~ TAMILS RARTWRY oe wi MNT war wre BI CAREFOULY, Thank You