Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Anguat 2, 1968 - oe > 5 2 z= isf 223s i if ii $e i H iff i 3its "fit 3ift! Feo e22 iis q6 H = Hy the chapel on Saturday, August 3 at | am. interment Trent Valley Cemetery, Hast Ontario, MEAGHER, Entered The blonde lady is named denn Michael tate rest in St, Michael's. Hosp Melba Ogle and she models simulated leopard bikinis dur- Jann Michael Meagher, @ Dorothy Mary Talling meg the lunch hour at a Les SDA and dear father 1 of Brother > FASHION WITH MEAL Angeles restaurant, Customers who ogle their melba, also purchase items worn by Mel- ba, and ather models showing off scanty wearing apparel. FORT WILLIAM, Ont, (CP)-- Rev, Dan Mclvor sorted through a half-dozen flutes in his desk drawer,: picked one out and layed a few bars of an Irish ig, "Pretty lively for a man whose death has been an- nounced twice," he said as he put the flute away and made a minor adjustment on his hear- ing aid, "But it was different music during my 23 years in the House of Commons, . . .. And I guess I sounded off still an- other way in the United Church ministry." Then "Reverend Dan" re- laxed in the booklined office of his home in Fort William and reminisced about old times, He's around 92 years of age-- a possible birth certificate error was never corrected, One of seven sons who, he said, were "never rticular about dates," Mr, Mclvor once wrote to his native Ireland for his birth record, But it was never confirmed whether he re- ceived from County Tyrone his own record or that of a brother leaving his own birth date at an uncertain 1871 or 1873, Five years ago, as they left Ottawa, \Mrs, Melvor said "he's really Restauranteurs and merchan | $7." disers alike say business has [REWARDING WORK never deen better. | Stroking his raffled white ca all hair, he told of days since his (AP_Wirephoto) /poyhood in County Tyrone, of Mra, J. Garman (Marie), Oshawa, Neb Fiorence of Walkerton, Ontario . F. Lippert (Agnes) Washington.) rank of Oshawa, In Nis 65th year.) Funeral Home Mass fn wy a Augu Cernetery. a Columbus Crapel ses Had Hosts Of Friends Funeral orrangement ond floral requirements fer all occesions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Ry JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP)--First it was ithe Profumo affair, then the iKeeler affair, Today Dr, iStephen Ward has the affair all to himself, What ill-starred fate led this 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6535 |S-yearold osteopath to a vice conviction that--as he confided IN MEMORIAM ito police--would be the ruin of TR Sentaten oe We val his life? August 2, 1062 How did he become a sort of are waranty © Siena Goes jman in the middle in a gro- Loving) by Gaughter/tesque circus of corruption that Laue, tortniaw Maurice and GTEREM/ canced common folk to fear ee ee moral rot in high places? Charmer, healer, lotharioe, art- jist and hailfellow-well - met, | Ward even in youth had hosts jot friends and cultivated a so- cial grace that out-matched his skill as an osteopath, a "bonemanipalater" as he put memory of 8 bs Darling of the smart set, in. j@efatigable pursuer of women, . | Ward's double life eventually be. eur aching hearts we knew = | Came a whirl that could encom: wee. inass in a single night the ele- son Dom gance of Mayfair society. and the embrace of a shoddy Bays- eor tw Water prostitute, Then came the wre pamet bomb : . naaioer, Rater, Uettainly the litter car. pie phe ~ Aaa casses on the stage of this ue drama is almost Elizabethan in MEMORIALS jes profusion," says The Even. MARBLE ond GRANITE SRRBRINA -- th loelhe meres & @ > Jraanr Fenaren|, whe passed it Ef ee oF 1! Hy i | Hing Standard \POLITICIAN RUINED "An able politician ruined. A jprime minister pilloried hy members of his own party, A middle-aged property tycoon in hell, or South America. A So- vier diplomat in a mental asy- bara . . , and Ward himself car. ried oat @a a stretcher." This incomplete relicall in. ielades former war minister John Profeme, whe hed te Par Wament about Christine Keeier, with whom he shared bedroom favors with Yevgeny Ivanov, the attache now said te be in a Ryasman asylem Ogiequay has deen heaped on the name of Peter Rachmaa em overland whe died last No- Ofce Evenings 4 vember at 43. He had lived with Keelet and Marilyn (Mandy) Rice-Davies--dath proteges of CARD OF THANKS Ward--whea each was 16. Some say Rachman is stil alive-- BONIOR -- Te fale of Me Be hence Soath Amer#ica % © San Se oO eee Prime Minister Macrnilian's fom vege at Mies, Pe ke 7 al career almest foun. ever the chaas---when 2 eure: of concoRerce fom the Ree. 3 yon, we he nar a On Y calied the Profteme af. Qvrase Amaoiwnce Serve, Gorve Me fair--and people said Keeler wort * sare. R. C, Dorman, WORM ZO Gown in History as the tart whe teppled a preanier. -- The tanya Re «6B: Ward was the Only one whe went te ell. And a fete caanTeied fiw of being mm Whale 2m PAT? OA the jmMaral earmaags ~ @f Christine and Mandy Protesting Ris immocente af the changes, Ward admitted he Was 2a lweral Man don Mat 'tained KR was in "variety" ra. sd 2, ther than freqeency that bis (CP) -- Tene ce affairs @ifereg fram thease ef other men Sen of a Cherch of Bapland airzerne ChROR Whe died in IN), Renhen rein highway a Ware mae hag brothers ng Plane w% 2nd Tru Sisters SPM est " rs. a tae of his chdhead at Tarqaar and watohes. far swift. Riended preparatary schoal snowing cars, clocks their speed Ry the age of 20 be had shown a measered stretch and/a nateral talent fer sketchiar-- yadins a meter patreWwaan and an even heomer talemt fer BR Mes a sunpected gpeeder_|wonieg attractive gitls--dm his @me sack case this message scholastx pragress was Grier ar- Qshawa Monument Co. 1433 King Street Eost 728. 3212 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dign- hed ond Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS tn Designs For Any Need 132 Swecoe St. S$. Oshewe 723-1002 728-462? Spot Speeders From Aircraft PIERRE, 5D <= %® keep oat wp af yoo ay W averd a speeding Docket Seah Dakota ss relayed te Ve wes 'Your speed has cteched: br ase ef aitorah Year vethicle was traveling at @& miles an dour, The speed Bent fer this sere is miles am mat, Speed is a contribating factor im 1 pet com ff al accdants Teparted to ws. Aas peat Griving % posted Emits aed changing coméiters. The Be poe save map be poor Rigtway patrel chic? Callen P. Wa, we was Ieee pressed far South Daketa % faliew Mm erage, Be knocked aroard at beer varions jobs = Brain and the continent and thea, heined by a relation, went Ge Unhed Sates where br stodied for five pears at Kivkscilie, Ma. and de TARE an WiITapaAth Dering service wth the Raval Arm NMedical Oars im the See ond Ward War be did a htrh in India and Chedms tw have treated Meten@as K. Gandhi--try, af his Pamaes pationts--fer a stil? neck Rack in Lander, be resumed tr peseta, Nebraska and Yowa gn) "S Practice, which prospered planes, says "we hare te ENCOURAGED SKETURING the spee@ers massed be the Garte, the Grenk @rreers people who fall 2 stay =a" fi Possthic same name@ranmar is Ienlee@_ bt Ward Chas beve tteated Sr Instem, Churchill, whe encveraged bis Even In Youth, Ward | |sketching and - painting, King} Peter of Yugoslavia, actresses Ava Gardner lizabeth Taylor, actors Sinatra and Danny Kaye and numerous peers and diplomats He sketched many of them and in 1960 the Queen's fine-art dealers, Leggatt's, gave Ward an exhibition--the first living artist shown by the institution since it was founded in 1920. He drew several members of the royal family, including Prin. cess Margaret, and several prime ministers, including Mac. millan and John Diefenbaker But Ward was no snob, hav a simple division for peo whether high-bora or low-born-- either he liked them or he didn't He was completely at ease when he mingled at Lord As tor's stately home with Chris. ¢ tine, the call girl, Profumo, the minister, and others of varying @egrees of success and sophis, Ueation Mr. Justice Archie Marshall was later to comment that Ward's powerful friends did not speak up for him in his "ex. tremity." George Gale writes in The Daily Express what js fre. quently heard: ". . . We all "how he pursued a course hard work and kindness that jbrought him prominence in pe jtitical and missionary fields | "Perhaps the most rewarding lexperience I've had in public ilife,"" be recalled, "happened jsome 30 years ago, when I was jnew at the Lakehead, i "As a young minister, 1 Suspect, rightly or wrongly, that There were five brothers on one en pair age e ws 'S team--who, after five minutes Ful, couic et De aul guy af lay y 7 |MARRIED IN 1949 pa grea ee Saucon be Ward was married briefly in) 4 visit to their home showed IMS to Pat British beauty queen, and pro ite eat fessed a real 2 tine Keeler, Even the prosecu-/meal because your sons have a tion at his trial conceded they/tough game tonight." apparently lived together as brother and sister: boys At one point in the trial, five/ina," maintained their he said. "Later, brunettes 3 a row del dock se irony a ad the prisoner'siteld me almost unbelieving, supreme /it's tight yet, pith It that t a goassiped parent unconcern Aged around 2% and 21 looked Biba ger, almost childlike, y eld com ments werd made among spec. tatars about} their youth being repaid for kindness." they prompted him te go into poli- ties ceached several hockey teams./ Reverend Dan Had Long Interesting Career of the Commons for Fort Wil- iedividend, liam in 1935 'afyter dabbling! only briefly along CCF hnes" and was re-elected successively in 1940, 1945, 1849 and 1953, In 1937, he said, he presented to the House the first resolution for old age pensions, Later, he hammered away incessantly on the need for pensions for hand}. capped, His long-time associate, the late C, D, Howe, marked: power to walk into any dopart- ment and make a request with probability it will be granted," "That was somewhat exag- gerated," Mr, Meclvor = said, 'But I don't feel my public life Was unsuccessful, I never made the Senate, nor ever wanted to, but I was named Chief Sky of the Ojibway Indian tribe here," MANY TESTIMONIALS That was an honorary title he received during one of the nu- merous testimonials tendered him at the Lakehead, In 1958 the Montreal Star took one of these testimonials for a funeral oration nad printed a glowing eulogy. Thirty years earlier a church paper had started off one of its announce- iments by saying Mr, Melvor had died in his sleep after a busy Sunday. | Of both obituaries, Mr, Me. jIvor said simply: "They're try- ling to put me away and I'm not ready to go yet," One incident he likes to recall jwas a mock trial to which he was committed, as a minister, jafter "arrest" for riding a_bi- cycle on the sidewalk hore. The jjury, all members of his con- igregation, sentenced him to jride a new model T Ford, with iwhich he was promptly pre- sented, He was ordained a Presby- terian minister in 1908 following jhis graduation from the Univer. lsity of Manitoba, He served lchurehes in the Manitoba cen. itres of LaRiviere, Killarney, Aaines, a former they had only soup and bread/Souris and Norwood before . pre He prevailed upon the/coming to Fort William as a ection for Chris-/ mother to accept $10 "for a real/United Church minister in 1927, Never fully retired--he still preaches "Throughout the game, the occasionally--Mr. Mclvor lives Stam-iwith his wife in their modest At one point in M . the/home where he tends his garden of Ward's "stable" -- dlondes, youngest skated owards me,iand does household chores "just @ a redhead--sat in'clutching his belt: "Look sir,' he/to keep the hump off my back." | An editorial clipping re preaching Finance Minister "Never since have I fet so Gordon and his newly anst:tuted Melvor's General unemployment in the desk, He glanced at it, amiled Lakehead area, he said,/and sidestepped the final ques- T's stn visits hospitals and budget lay oa Mr, ition lities today? once re- "Reverend Dan has TORONTO 1) A.M, STOCKS padian Press axchange--Aug. 2 ts unless marked % . s 11 Net Stock --s fates High Low a.m, Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS vata" 4 a5 2 23 2228 252 2522 300 300 Dt s27ec 27% 270 se We ee = e sey nT SHY Sa Se "a 4 SAC TM NUM Ss - 23x 82¢E% - #2 & & Sovee 104 1 Ole OX 104 3 WR OM Neat «» ers YOO 338% SSIS SO 10M 10M Ve WS We De Wet 1909120 10 1 43 CO ® 3o4 GW yw Dom Stores 255 $158 15st xi Dom Tar 2010 S17 1 A OBITUARY MRS, ANNIE BE, FOGG Following a lengthy iiness the death occurred Thursday, Aug, 1, at the Oshawa General Hospital of Mrs. Annie Eliza. beth Fogg, of 274 William street east, A daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Henry. Russell, the de- ceased was born in Toronto and hved in Hastings prior to com- ing to Oshawa five years ago. Predeceased b husband y her , Albert Fogg, in 1958, Mrs, Fogg is survived by a sister, Mrs, Hettie Russell, The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home te a Saturday, Aug. 3, follo y interment in Trent Valley Cemetery, Hast- ings. Rev, A, Woolcock, rector of St, Mark's Anglican Church, will the services, LIVE IN BILLS Basutoland's 11,716 square miles of hills and mountains suppert a population of some 700,000 Basute tribesmen, PLAYS WITH SATAN Glamis Castle, Scotland, is said to shelter the ghost of Earl Baerdie, doomed to play cards with the devil for eternity, Today's Stock Stock Sates High Low a.m, Ch'ge Falcon Fam Play Ped Farms Mit Brick Noreanda NO NGas Nor Phone NW UN pF Pac Pete Page-Hers Pow © orp Price Gros Gr Plains Home A s 8 100 190 29) $554 SSY SSMU -- % 290 $184 104 x8W 200 3975 (975-375 76a 76) % wo 190 5 19 " =" at S 1» " 995 20 190 $i4 450 $64 6% 66 74 Va 41Ve 41¥e S10 lac 104 3 100 235 BS BS 4 2S 30 30 Siéla 16a ee 350 350 (30 eo =O 39% 9 $WX RM BW = a oe SIR Ga OM S2%Me We WY ---- ve) YO TS We + S20 2We Ble 38 as 0 34 " as 40 Ss Ss 3 S3S\ee SSeS Save Vie We 2 WH We 27% 7% Wath ee WR WR mw YP PD 4591004 108 108 + 3 OS OS US US " as a3 31% VY VY VA SHH WR We % & 8 ONG 27 S42 AW Megat wh City =) RS SOUT Whe WR 7 OM O48 ~~" 2 » 43 aa 3 Market -- Stock Black Bay Bratorne 23353 ss8223282..35 bagzescde¥s252- 68s -- + et fb Zoe. se=ge % a ---- * S38 s8zE=2 b 4 3 ++ see se 55°=*95= +539 83-8, es8 ESegcceghc~25-2828 +1 sbelcbzezie! 802, 8t2eit: ES agaxeds " & 2 < 3.8 .%248 68 38~g~8 8228 6 3 t + : a 6089283 208ietbecese2éec828222 tones, 5 .s.8355 eoees 5 .s.8556 -Ligi eee Be ptages F.s.%52258~ tzhth Bas, i "2 24 4 4842.58.28 ttis eF gutiieigsteztatecdiy Fa a 98925 43588=~4833~58 222%, Ges 43s822-4s¥8.58 28 LL 8 stl 5347 z zs 3 285.828 se58-%2_30922 il stissistsstex? i £5085. 5c3se £_%83.328s8 + i ifs rhaps with this in mind, defence counsel James Burge later advised the jury "Don't get the impression that these girls were completely in mocent young things and the ac. cused a denraved old man "She might anpear soft to you but however soft she might ap- pear to you there may be a hard Httle heart ticking away jaside." 'Co-Operation Offered France If Pact Signed INCLUDES BOLDFACE Day Lead kennedy rap WASHINGTON (AP) --Presi- @ent Kennedy has indicated the United States has offered France more nuclear coopera: tien if R agrees te the Ruckar test ban treaty. "But we have received no Te * sponse fram the French govern ment, other than the remarks of Gen, de Gaulle at his press COR- 2.07 ference," Kennedy said Monday, de Gaulle viet agreement to Bann all clear tests except wader gr He said France woeld cor RaQ th evelopment of Rs own ae. "4 dear striking force US seerces said, however that Kennedy this to de de Gaale's final w At Kemneds's press confer ence Tharsdar, he was asked @ the United States has consid ered giving France some af the | US neckar weapons secrets ander that France migm stop @wR tests. BRITAIN AIDED Te receive American naclear Cemtra asuistance wader the Atomic Ba. De ergy Act, France mast domen Strate sebstantal mecitar pre? gress @n its own. Se far, entry ? Britain has received the US ther nackar ad Be Kermmedy said be consid. ! ers France alse te be a macikear power "in terms ef the Atomic Heeger Act" Te fact, he neted That when the U.S. promised Polaris mis sMes te Rriain, te be Place' ua. te @er NATO, R offered a sizailar prepesal te France. NR was re- yooied Kenneg@y said there has bron Shine BECRAT cCeaperatinn with France, Re cited as an cxamplr the French alrcrat? with US missiles which are based Gormaany "for the @ofence of the alianoe." Re sni@ The US. amd Rotten © have been im tooth with French awtherines "oa tee, The seieres' Briain and the United States cam best be protected im a test ban." eee in Ore? are. Kemmedr's IWS BR Other mayor Ianics thet came wp at his press conic MOD ¥ Srudded . the American, British and Sepa hoy @oesnt conser _ You ,United States intends te con- Vanee esting Reclear weapons wuaderground, (Sach tests would met be banned by the treaty Cia Rights--Indic iS policies on civil x costing Aisa heavily in politi age amd popularity m However Rieal part %® the same Mailed to 3s Communist governmen' ar agreement 2 2 US, recag mach as ef a meti nos @id not Mates recar. hinese troap car of India's fren. wat af Pe The US. hapes be a Rarea a direct con t sar as of Mm BEY actions Indicate that in a hare weeld be @enied at this time" (hima -- The crowing papala. ¢ Oemmenist Chima, the sarracnaed br COUNTS, | OTTATITATION ef Rs govern f ene Sale St Hees and Peking's advecacy ef wat t adeance the Comme MN CRNST Pose "Aa menacing sit The Rk & mate." CON TIME CAN HAVE To as. THE Wherever You Are Ht Will Be Just Like A Letter From Home . .. When The Oshawa Times Arrives Each Day ... BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS AND YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES 'aan ' circu | WOE nn siss eens nnnes eins 545565544045 o0ka nan ddaanenascanee LATION DEPT. -- OSHAWA TIMES 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO j caressa Lscrerauinersoc ete Tee ETT EE Oe ee re VACATION RATES PesshRy Bat Chima w danrerans we Paced the seceund Than wma any wi "I Gent really see m time" that a sum. : wand serve 2 a PUrpHnse Latia Amorica--Er s Shela be Sumanit-- he uy use x Treaty--The Senate 1 ater caretal cemsieratinn, will wre I ratty The agrecmnent tp bam focker tests Im the arr phera, goer space and under water, "it waald be a great mis take met 2." ' Unferground Tes -- The There. pew nition "at site. fer America can be poaceial." & 2 COmmMM eR there is The neces m Latin my Binion, rey TIM am SS Sees se see THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL BE MAILED TO YOUR VACATION ADDRESS AT THE REGULAR CARRIER RATE OF 45° c= won JUST CALL 723.3478 THE CIRCULATION DEPT. OR COMPLETE THE ATTACHED FORM eee Le eee ee) ht i ss 4 Se Ree ee Sees setae seeee SHOP BARRING qo. oo ani n na nensncnnsasssesese ORDER YOUR VACATION SUBSCRIPTION HOW

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