Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Aug 1963, p. 15

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RR aS be ea Sa CE a RES [elaine To Rent |26---Roome For Rent _|27 Reel Estate For Sale "prick and kitchen, suitable for ¢ cour) THREE or Apply 14) Churen Street ames ree ire ONG F ate my ot | ple, adults, one ius, bares ¢ ne. CLEAN furnished room in 'quiet home| ¥ to 282-0374, A a THREE-BEDROOM house, fear public school, references, by September 1 Same m 4961, crvvvmwenmemmm | 7990928, Oshawa area, aingle or double, y FURNISHED Apply 10 Arthur) Can before Street or telephone 723-4845, FOOMns. WANTED: Six or seven room "house 'with furnace, for family of six, no small chil: dren, by September 1, Garage {tf possible. Write Box oO a Ti ee FWO fem: hospital and north G tewny girls only, Telephone 7280260, FOR RENT - furnished room pecenneh weeping 'priviieges, close After 4 pm. - Telephone p74, FURNISHED Iwo rooms, _ private trance: also iarge single room, free park: for house s desire ® riment, furnishes, for Sem bedroom 4 tember |, Write Box $08 Oshawa Times i, by BY SEPTEMBER 1 or October dusiness woman, Small bungalow, Osh- awa; Vicinity Shopping Centre, After 7 pm, PEO 24--Houses For Rent WORYW OF ROSTLAND -- hee 'bet pied large Bo FOOT, double, Television privileges, Free park teach in dai ing, Weekly ar nightly rates, 729-9035. enily @ home fecetion Avalon. septemoer" 1S." $35. cuyRen STREET. WH Ong larav Foam _iwith twa single beds, wash basin, prt fox 944, Qenawe Times. WHITEY" -- New three bedroom vate entrance Central, Quiet, Gentlemen preferred, Apply to above address "house Avallagle now Apely 980. Bayview, Tele prone Whitey dere, COLWORNE Sireat Baul, Vid: Furnished) single upstairs foom, kitchea tactiities, 25---Apartments suitable employed gentieman. $8 week:| THREE or fourroom Telephone 728-3258 | ment, Appot 28? Verdun Road. REAR SOUTH GM" two furetaned lheh Weavy ey 'coma. heat and water Separate meter. | YW ROME Sis, "t fepnene wes Sult- couple; $45, monthly, Dial eee | | KING STREET WEST, 4 -- Two! ADELAIDE YeRract "Modern two vane ean Taree" (OTATNOS dedrenm apariment: room and one furalshed bedroom. oul, refrigerator eS \" have sinks, vanity cabinets. het and cold] Riewen ana water in foams, Five minutes from Osh ° awa Shopping Centre, Apply above. REGENCY "TOWER by Wiltam Red . aN Construction, One and twobedroom feo Lda ng teat suites, Beautifully fintahed from #100 to (Ts ee or ole 18 monthly For further details eat 8 Mast taht dally and 729-9570 after & p.m Ty ne gorge 4 - thas renting, new pital ll N one and bedrooms, Tele oc niral Dial es phone San 4S oF wv Gido Street, Apt)" ane For gale auK ROG aaarieweal caNANRRE eae eel Estate| rigerator, stove, Avaliadle August 191,000, DOWN == Teleprone 725-2938 ol neat garage. GIMCOR Norin, close to four corners, Rolanste Tierney bachelar and 3 room apartment, Tetrig. | Realte erator, stove, private dplece bath, pri gage CASH buys ware entrance. 229-1932 and dance - " BULALIE Avenue. 254: Three room see ond Hoor apartment, newly decotated, | 20% oe wate entrance and bath, Avalianle now Estate: Ltt Afternoons MTN? $800, DOWN CARGE™ bed-sifing" room, -- unfurnished, N89" Gsnawen pe i, Hs Kitchen, electricalty equ! Wn Goreee. Sones onditianer, washer and dryer, prh e8"'¥ A gg 4 Ow e wate bath. to sult witow eel' ae , oe fagy. Dial 223.208 or apply 20 Mary Of ae . : baths street ROXBOROUGN Avenue, 2). large ded aiting room, kitchen, refrigerator and slove, close te north GM. private en trance, $83) monthly, Apply above ad adress ATTRACTIVE three - room apartment stove and refrigerator, private entrance parking. Anp'y 1420 Simcoe Stree? North Teiepnone 923-4404 PATRICIA AVENUE, apartment, ah pece batr teachers Dial 7 NEVER sell your car or halt rien Blak nt wp until you aee Nels Hyland, 190 Danforth Avenue, Terente, HO 1.6964 PoNTIAG" INN Rooms, single or readioam threven TV qutlet, hot a? Ade housekeeping downtown, Suit! $? weekly eco a Close to new!y des ron: o. hy a ville, Q Bowr fe this 23 FOR SALE Good building lots in the Village of Port P erry Apply to furnished Basement and cupboards, 3 cee roerns, upstelra, pr Apply $19 Ritson raished $42 montrly Port Perry WANT YOUR | HOME SOLD CALL 728-5123 We specialize in Resale Homes List W THEN CA LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD, THREE-ROOM apartment, waturnished pullin cupoards. Parking 8 2 Prefer working couple Tetenrore 72).2098 FOUR-ROOM apartment Avenve Teleprone 2280-2020 ee ye "SFREEY, $F -- Central location nturnshed rooms. Retrigerater hve og wenetian Dilads, Heer cewer ine: ee sie $44 month 26--Rooms For Rent Se ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | Aveileble in privete home. Cott between 3 end 7 am 82 PARK RD. NORTH 27---Real Estate for Sale PRIVAVE. S\earee lg a coon Quagelen. Extra ream ER... Comhperey Vormed asd sree' Nee gecoratea aide and ey. wily fenced and ladsceped, Fu price ws we SDNNO Gown. Ore @ per cent open mort Toe ae Ed ORCHARD HEIGHT, Subdivision NEWCASTLE Wolking distance to stores. school ond only 15 © to Oshawa. You save $3,000 on your new home. Service red CALL JOHN F. DeWITH, REALTOR 14 FRANK ST., BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623.3 "RICE LAKE COTTAGE" MIMOY 1 Crompwe! TH Li You = 5 eyo R MOVER wen 395 Oniy erinutes trom Oshawa S lege # on tondsoaped locke front bet, boot Rouse seo RQ end fishing bremecbete Poootiiocn down == See tia now "88° Beach et ony $600 EXCLUSIVE AGENT LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. EAST 72 WHITBY PROPERTIES DN0.00 DO' WA ™% now © AS ed aad Pers OO each. Easy DIAL ' 72 $} OWN medvooms, haree & mr basement, sts $4,000.00 3 acres om Rewsierd Rood goed gordon wma INCOME PR S.ren qpertmest be aS 2 wat 2 dedeoema. Fimeshed recregtor to bot water Soatevard NROT NG tarmmer onfoemaner oo!) Aacey Mk OLIVE HOWE REALTOR 228 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Audrey Moore $a3-4 OPERTY $36,000.00 > 2 dec AR anor we 633-2033 one? . ar 4 Brer.ngsa co 408 WHITBY CLASSIFIED TAR ARNRe BE ares SANT ews = <a tT Sree Ges5 WHILE ear od . 2 =~ SRAM PF wey ced RWDwe « cee RENTAL SERWICE AND SALES jhouse, jdows. RNISHED bedroom, two beds, near direct rueitae NW 10 minutes dowa:| Buena Vista: jand many others Higin Street Bast: Hfisen. 8 Realtor, 728-2077, to downtown, | [AGAR w= Storey and & "hall, "igas furnace, er iwith bar jextras ira: wy central, Apply % Centre Street.) gown payment s jmonth, including principal, sevenroom sem oll Neat garage, $1000 down, Telephone tle 623-2417. aluminum witty Bowman Centrally located, Suit gentleman, Phone) JONBS AVENUE -- Ywo bedrolm brick joungalow, gil heated, aluminum wite dows, efe, Good location, Less for ¢ash, elephone 728-7243. iN AND OUT of the lly, "gormmervilie Beatrice Street, $2,900, $3,200. Taunton, $2,000. For full partieulars,|® 725-0297, Joseph 2.800. Sally Wallace, three bed: modern Kitehen with range, New Completed recreation room Paved drive, Treed lot, Many Full price $9,200. Bopsananie Carries for $72, per taxes and Orns, ter st, » Alex: Lac aal Five New Bungalows Now Being Built Off Stevenson Road Compare the Value! This price of $13,500 can't be beaten, Clay brick, stone tronts, Extras include; mahog- eny precision-built ~ kitchen cupboards, double stainless stee! sinks, built ranges, coloured bathroom = fixtures with ceramic tie You're ins vited ta inspect one of these homes today in WS EE RR ga ORR aA NR Q UR ERR ln ARNON. gy Rt ie me ep anna A URES Oey ee 27--Real Estate For Sale LOVELY old elght-room house, modern teed, on treed lof in village of Whitevale, handy to city, Terms, Phone Toronto) 994-0532 0 ACRE "FARM, Good roomed. nara| home, Barn 30° x 40°, All workable land Only $9,000 with $1,000 down, Don't miss this bargain, Cal! Mr. Rankine at 725-6544 @: 720-2482, John A, J. Bolahood Limited swaReor STREET Threededroom \ Avaiianle $ hes 3. Aals ing $12,100, Private sale, no agents, Dial Mara. Brick home In SICROOM Wo-storey" walking better than average condition idigtance from downtown, close to Yehoals 3 only $150, Asking only $11,000 with tea! anes down = payment. Contact George Kaarensst, 723-2859. Joseph Boaco Realtor, Ten iieeeo -- "lew BUNGALOW, has to be gold teday for $12,000, $4000. down Three large bedrooms, walkout base ment, attached garege. King Street Basi, Telephone 726-7600. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR. MOVER SUBURBAN LIVING $'1,900 Three bedroom walk out basement well water on tap. large and beautifully scaped. Call to-day Bil! ston 728.1066 bungalk Dei ohn Call Bill Millar et 725-1186; W. T, Lamson Real Estate Ltd JOHN A. 2 BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD INSURANCE 167 Simcoe St, $ ce Mra, (9 a.m, to 9 pom 3AC BOUGHT & > MORTC Ls) ARRANGED soul BURKE STREET Phone 5.6544 WHITBY t ask 25: ST ONLY TO SELL GUIDE REALTY 723-1133 OVELY HOME ih @ most my within Welk the Hoapetel foo fornily 2 bath wry horn WAS Sean me eack Cal! Gordon Tric $11,900 FULL. PRICE $1,500 DOWN Three bedroom with larg tion na ent now ot 728-1 Lu ALTY LIMitt 101 SIMCO OSHAWA reo € \ p OYt RE COTTAGE BARGAIN in @ One year Flere's Vale ed, three Hydro TH § WEEKEN k for fur- ther details 364-5500 742.4234 Bowes and Cc Reultors, Peterd sobbed or write KS Lit 4 TBY BUNGALOW Front. x two biecka from! yee 27--Real Estate For Sale |#1.000 BOWN" ana take ov yments of] $80 per month buys twebedroam older home, olf heat, Telephone Whitby be ween & and. 9 pany. 660 0, 29---Automobiles For Sale JXWALL; good sondition, salt . Goad second car, Dial 7 PODGE, 5.300 eralnal "alles, me i Bee and al a ject, best offer. |; Telephone @si64 ae iM) Pontiac, or 'anne, Immacu! condition, ue omy Must be 4 Phone Pieker LU m2 HODGE station Wagon, 1954, radio, new motor and tires, , Rough? new, $435 or offer, Telephone" 25 i0i4 ine WiraaNaTioNAL "Yon plekup truck, Good cand jew palnty 'eal tires, Full, year ya ** apeed. ti | YQWR OWN HOME FOR AS LOW AS $40.09 A MONTH Choose from various plans, styles and sizes. in York's Prefabricated Permanent Homes Visit YORKTOWNE Displa Centre or write for HOM LITERATURE YORK PREFABS 2020 Jane St. (just south of Hwy, 401) Toronta, Ontarie al | | ii Ix laa ormoekiies For Sale 11955 OLOSMOBILE hardtop, Power siee Must sell, $295, Whitby RR iar CHEVROLET deluxe, "perfect motor, body and tres, radio, nol Ma gear, Sela, $95, Wohi tay vee CHEVROLET Impai be don mest ree Re wr cHaveoL ey era eG evlinder, toy mai leage, Fully equ K.......4 ia PONTIAC™ automate 'ec very Wee, super. Fully equi |28----Reol Estate Wanted pie euevnoce na "Tein FWO-OR-THREE bedroom house, Under] der, i Very pba gondition is9000, Whitoy Oshawa Rg ogg ve bat ephone bh: tate lowest cash price, all le % ' Tr -- oy ar i otters: Hugh Grits Fle Mg eynoutt ' cries, new white! ha, in perfect condition, After ? call) WE STUDEBAKER" Champion, co i rive, rebullt motor, \\ me and Brakes, el lean interior. Vee on e. Shin Biyhy Yous. Vetephone Waitiy "tabanne geet tive goo trea. acrities, + Ms = ne i) i} 4 VOLAWAGeN, ; vadio, white walls, Hs Sey, 8 oe ihm vue condition, Telephone 728008 105? CHEVROLET Biscayne, "Wwe dard, alx cylinder, red and white, @&) + cond) $200, After Spm! ie CHEVROLET, wach, automatic, &! [oylinder, condition, inside, outsid iNew palat, Alas" Accept trade, 723-228) 1988 METROR Niagara, Two-tone dive and) boa six cylinder, Rea tor selling, ners * PR or make otter. Tele) 24. te ephoie 1933, ay ty e offer 38 eHEVROLET, ahneylinder pasiy ition, Wi accent! $: XN bad WETEOR Nisgara sedan, VE over i gaa aa '9 Street, Bowmanville @, tour parrel carburetor, Completely we e |Gousben Mechanically perfect, 668-985. f 1842 PONTIAC Parisienne station wager 1 ylandard, fadio, blue and Telephone 728-1242. SENERAL REPAIRS L MAKES OF CARS > . RVICE Ve automatic, power steering and brakes, ow mileage, tid Colborne East, 725.1834 1954 FORD, two aoor, Va, white walls adio, Telephone 725.2638 194? MORRIS Minor, excellent condition: WSS Chevrain. sedan, good running order Telephone 722 38. 954 OLOSMOBILE Super 8 green and white. Apply 14 E Teleprone 223-1272 1952 CHEVROLET coach, transportation S$ or beat offer, Telephone 725-0300. THY CHEVROLET, Heodoor jedan, needs work, $143 or best offer, Dial 723.208 WS MERCURY, four door, Diack, red terior, radiq, efe. Goad throughout prane Neweastie 438) BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN _, MOTORS KING ST, ~-- OSHAWA ust East of Wilson Read) P23.4494 Res. 725.5574 M.G, B.'s Toronto, HO 1-6364 Nels Hyland 1750 Danforth Avenue _ VOLVO SALES end SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL RE PA R end AUTO ELEC RI A "TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Makes and Models) : : 553 SPOT CASH PAID » FOR Trede up SALES cm TH {A 1957 MERCURY UR-DOOR VARDTOP Ths 2 wil 7 ~) r~ > > }- Oshawa ? D921 t ' $ ALL CASH . ors we deol up or Liens poid off MOTORS LTD. $22 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY _ 668-8001 - 668-8101 HOLIDAY SEASON Clearance t 32 For Clean ¢ Pour ONE 668-4908 NICOLS Aner 6 Dodd's SUMMER CLEARANCE 1963 AC ADIAN 1961 RAMBLER - mere Mer 2-coor Two-tone Pant Qas saver 1958 NASH RAMBLER Deluxe fourdeoo, equinped with foldmg dec seets macuiate condition WACQNOM Cor _ idee! 1960 VOLKSWAGENS (2) Bord rehiedie transportation with om eve to the pocket DQOK 1960 FORD fr, m Sea Qe PROG wath MORSASSIOA, we wy wep de Xctepr Twe-door Geen shed Pv DAIS ae a semadie offer ww 1959 FORD Black twe-chor with Se Bc whPEMDH Pees, horey for He 1959 CHEVROLET BL AIR THR wae equa TOMSTMAPAM, radio, A reo? Pree Fauaar Teor BS379? PECTS 1959 METEOR Wine, two-door, @ wonderd PRE with | bode onda Ke 1959 CHEVROLET BSTAYNE Far cer 2 shop green CORE Wh TROT Mere Boren 4Chexcolet sik cali. oer eare SR Merion' ensmasian. Lcence 538032. Tia Cot COP De PePOae! on sere FD Set wor adios NO DOWN PAYMENT Meas BApPioved Terms 2 Sut your » dwn D> Slaabn sa tare. 959 VAUXHALL F WAN Di MAPA IS QUR DOOR 1955 OLDSMOB a Te =a =~ pe ws Ask See KTR MORGAN LEN BURTON ADK MORGAN MOTOR HARRY DONALD a4 SALES Dinah Cone shin ephone 723-9421 Isalon,| 81" two tone @ " 1 ead-5083 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 2, 1963 18 *|92--Articlon For Se For Sale ae ey TEaDICTAE hardiop, town and cpu , Fadia, 'Metallic blue. A real Dergein. (8 H cash, Whitby 668-2497. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN, good runni aitien, S380. _Telephane Whitby hae READY to Goi 1955 Oidsmobdlio Iwodoor Wet lavtoratic with radio, Extra tres, $280, IMO MO convertible, "Wik cellent gonditien, Phone pias a basin' and Apply first he raaine east # ah south service equipped, ex as ras}, 'niche = |32--Articles For Sale A siNGER™ iulamals aly "bea Tan , Makes oes FORD hait-ton truck, 8228 oF Wighe) Bowmanvilie 423500 of ee poe Wanted -- rere. 'Nit onc went i Wreck ry a! prices pald, Wentworth Want. Astle 100° CARS WANTES Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 '31---Automabile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION TEXACO | -- PRODUCTS 67 KING ST, WEST | 723.7822 __|82---Articles for Sole Qver FILFRO coffee maker, Sunbeam minella,| TYPEWRITERS, aaders, cashiers, dupil pabdy bottle sterilizer, bunting bag, man's) caters, chequewriters, cg ye Se lwinter overcoat site a2 lady's winter OT@® Nundred new and used. We bu goat size 14 girl's spring Goat vet and Stil, Tent, service, Hamilton Oitice Baie. three-piece winter coat site 3 clothes erent, V3? Brock South, Whitay, we with py 3 AMPLIFIER" 20" watt "cutpull Whines! COWAN sash relisher, as new, Never Used A ANIa! | Sateiliie speakers, microphone, complete with) moter ane aiso suitable for pudlic address system. / ton 2" cabinet planer Reasonable. 72e3ae? round head sectional feed rollers BVISION tower spec & A siruc fr fence pasta: + inctocing all channel oar 3 and qveranteed by % experience, $80. Trio Didi tsion, "Samana" waa tents a one 28 Sa. tops. and Macko Lum enveY Senves round sheets, lanterns, stoves, plenic lugs, coolers, Best prices ia tm goed con Pat Dominion mien Tire Store, 42 Bond West. i "Rosy Re WANTED Telephon Oshawa 723-0183 " -- Plywood boat, 35 Np Evinrude r and tralier, $38, Telephone te wes BOAT WIN Wibeare eg 30 electric Port Perry Bid, PETERBOROUGH" Veh cedar sirip Hii. Also 12 hp riding tractor equipment, TAN, paclin tal nal i yeart. Caesarea, Blackstack REFRIORRATOR, BS pal = we. fe weed fey ee $0. or est otter rook tin pings ee vacuum. ONG fear" od and f Thies convert | mrantns, $90. Spm, V sany iat oie Phone ne GOAT, . x \ motor, electric Ry aa x * oxtraa, $800 oF on Apply 205 + Lupin Drives wie Roving oe ell failure OF apple tak' Simat fcmpuse, "mates or Bai.ges. cate plana, a Nahe Be d "condition, 5 Years ol, RES, WRitdy 645-2088. eva, Dial ew viet kalves and chip surnames tsar tecad South seeping bags # GALLON hat water tank @iton, $2. Apply 142 Greate & inch tally even and storage drawers, Ex Rowe Street set gray * Nausanene condition, Telephon erectric and clock Q oven, tw cetient CHROME isingte bedroom a A Condit kitchen w * gow $ pieces ather meter, alse hen Din ater ¢€ SAHIN hema FIBREGLASS boat, Must se te ws mone 2280005. Sow My ne Peay ge sole, alse match hoy heat go worn once Dal Ne Bae te hg VACUUN "cleaner F -- table, 2 7 peas os bore * 5 4 mares. Parts, a Soren fanteed redullt ma chines, Reatag ging el Vacom Sere > Cah anytiene, 720-089) al SIMPLICITY washer, Wenger fee © GO-KART © West Bend engine, lke Telephone 728156. " Pew, Gard mochanically. Telephone Pick COAL Rarnace in . Sal . aaa Peo ec ys -- ti org MNS & MESS afer wk Am save ag i. hat ----neremenrenenecnrennns wanes Tem Shes Darrel Soh HEAT WAVE, a2" four burner tones WHA ¥ wire, 8 Gord condition, Telephone SODRICN STORES ---- Tires, Why -- . long Wedding" Greaes WarA Teasonanty, Cal anytime ™ wes. NEAT WAVE furbormer _ im famby FRIGERATOR . Brocktin aoed cond! fr be wrt) "excellent ter by Friday, August $ aid " Pee vacuum cleaner, Ker eae, ant fear pO nore by a shar, Fitlery, Tele Brotners wie per aries, elec tah don Drvshen, Boat NOSES iY Can cab (he moter) eat fer Faking. = cACe, WR sek wo leree sie wh afer 6 Bim, tak wath geese, per Origanal price 2172. : rer eatetvent 1 SoMaae, TA Gent conden." TF41e me Street West. Telephone GRADE © and 10 books, green sym se > 7 4 AR reaemede Cal Wainy =~ ast ne ue oF a ~~ i eee > oad. Telephone TELEVISION, Ihinch AgmiraL tok, Te and Appliances Medel, good qonditien, 83 Telephone Baw. Tee "ees Canada" Seosahore te WE Re Sel Gnd Scchares Uaed Gore hire Dore of Tomas tere er amythee yoo ae Ria) fort and warmth pro Trediee Pest Stores, 446 Simrcee fireplace, aii cast haus ae 2 Bona Street East, 733-2672 ay best offer 'St eo teare eater, eae ied @ectric, = reave eaty waver SEP LING beat offer We ber 8 Ce Blake's Fy Sere, Kine Sree' add oan weer cota he \@ed ty & _ Bra MOD wR. Ace a one hand awa Alin ani Make offer, Dial 7251401 alter oe: winters We antiver, tosh mie omoinle pace Cal a * v chen ary ve a te Y nett Ml homko's BOA Sarena are Mm rie tag Nan es twe ring your by 608-4006. Da Pell Malena " re tgpnttaa ct 7253523, papers, Cost: Budgie bi -- Tieweny"*, yy m creuaaa 3 as [May July 90. Telephone 72 Doctor Called To Keeler's Apartment LONDON (AP) -- A doctor Niwas called to Christine Keeler's j Apartment today and she was reported sleeping deeply under sedatives. Her lawyers said she was | 'very distressed" by the lines of Dr, Stephen Ward, near death in hospital after taking a mas. sive overdose of drugs : Miss Keeler, 21, was the star jwitness at the Ward trial on vie charges and the girl at the jdottom of the sex-and-security iscandal that rocked the British government, She has been liv ing at the apartment of her friend, Paula Hamilton . Mar. shall, "Christine is not very well," Paula told reporters, | "T called the doctor last t and he gave her sleeping file "The doctor came again at 3:30 a.m, teday and gave her an injection to help her sleep, "She is now under sedation and still fast asleep." Miss Keeler's lawyers con. firmed. the doctor had been called in because of "her state at distress," Christine Thursday called off a trip to Copenhagen where A was scheduled to start filming her life story -- The Keeler Story. It was then widely assumed that she was too 2 j soctupset by Ward's conditian te jeave the country at this time. MRA MONEST Cals Fornitare and Apph ances, Name Orends at Magest dis roms ancehere We carry Restenic amt Beverty mattress feraivare Benes. Your aaah GR . dealer, Contact we Street Bast. Var 2 hoes daly, 0.2 » Re Burmese on K REFRY y-enaaighbe ORS * anges * St hoes se. mn Si: Sepa Sery i wae frome 2 oe > yet, Set ew art aenpHters. Tame See PR qrerpers wes Porm, TS Aew. Seve atrets Poe RANGOON (AP) -- Gea, Ne Win's headlong plunge inte so- plalism has dealt a fatal blew to private enterprise in Burma. The general's military regime has nationalized banks, imports, exports, the rice trade and ma. jer industries this year, Says ene businessman: "The army has shown #8 is in dead earnest abant nationalization. h S moving ahead with a greater speed than we had thought pes. sie." The government has bought out virtwally all trade and in. ceras owned by ony Valley Creek Furniture 728-440) T.V. TOWERS AUGUST SPECIAL oO Gt the store Ww A pan es Sas. Stee] Brothers, Oppen. bomers, Bag, Asiatic, Barma Out and Angie Barza Tin _ Many fareiga experts fear the ationalzation drive cead Tm the economy irreparabdly fer years to come Private im@asinal production has fallen 38 per cent. Unem ployment ja these Cencemns Aas risen 3 per cemt, and is ex. pected te climb. Mere than 188 factories have givaR BOTice they will Clase sean, Says one manatacterer: "We have treable getting raw materials and spare. parts fer @ar maachines, The Banks will me bond us a cont, We have te Tate wader rigid contrels Worth hate bape af conditions ze. * Oshawa 3D Grows: ». ~ gad Reo x Made 'DRAPERIES Drapery "Fobeics 2 $2.93 ie Pree Per vor Plunged Into Socialism pohly rn ready oo gk PLANS TOTAL CONTROL Ne Win, in an address te dan messmen this year, announced the government would every branch of the under "letal state control" by 1964, Nationalization has not brought about aay decrease m prices of household Hems. The government, for instance, stil makes a profit ef 408 per cont @n a hettle of pewdered matied muk concentrate sold r through "people's. stores," Stricter cantrels en correptian have brought some progectian meTeases JR state-owned facto. ries, But these gains are offset by bureaecratic inefficiency, wastefalness and mismanage- ment army annewarea & wil set wp 13 textile mills, a tile andbrick factory, a paper mill, @ coment plant, a paint mane factaring company, and &@ fe& Wizer plant to spar indastria? eXDAROOR Odservers note that watil the PANS are canned eet, predacheg wil] remai precar. oesty Jew for the economic and political health of nonalignd Barma Dry Goods Store COMING EVENTS For vor dec Srey Moos ve ada 23.7827 74 Ce na Sheet Oshawa BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOCIATION ST. JOHN'S HALL Gorner Bicor end Simeve FRIDAY, AUG. 2nd. 7:45 P.M 22 Gerees $B ond $10 S~-$42 Jackpots _Sharg The Wealth WANT TO BEA SATURDAY SKIPPER? BUT POUR NEW HOaT Noe US & 1@WLST, LARISORED RK mi yes Ak RAL RK AR RE x Be x ik & x x xX AEA LA & Rx® x. tent : *. x x xe R RR LOAN TRE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA x & x x x ASE RRR OK x x Siow x 2 a - ST. GREGORY'S SMMCE STREET ADMISSION Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Want Ads MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY, AT 8:00 P.M. AUG. 3rd AUDITORIUM NORTH 30 CENTS CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED

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