Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, August 1, 1963 § . | SEALTESTS LAST VISIT SEREEIET Mn 2s wed obec ibe a ba tacit ey a | i, BRITISH BRIEFS ? 6 an | n 1 ' ~~ | DTOOKII u : kirk Rescue Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West un ] Tel, 668-3703 : ; > geet aatrne 7 | Down Brampton : O \ i | eae 1 rganizer Dies } ?| g TURE G J P "© year's Jr, left, 10, Brooklin, .K Lotton ee By CLIFF GORDON ' has fares year . J ngggtae Staten ui i By M. McINTYRE HOOD 'abroad next year as volunteers } rooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club)Joe Todd, the other Jr, player 4 . B) ' ' An tri ' | ' Brooklin A or|with the locals, also looked goody}. Brooklin. Ruttan Special to The Oshawa Times to work in developing countries | - mb ey ae Sommer inching up two goals : Heffernan K 1 otton 8.49 LONDON -- Admiral Sir Wil- more than double dae oe i the short handed" Bre 2g te ee agit : oat am Tennz "3 » li an ber for this year. More than | Sealtests at. the Brooklin arena Ken Lotion had a real field 12, Brooklin, Coombes, liam Tennant, B, the last man Hoe heal a ai Wil aa ae ie | as they whipped the Rose Town'day in the middle frame as he RUtlon cecccsseceeeeees 17,18;t0 leave Dunkirk beaches in 900 se sa eavers A. on | crew 17-3 in a regular league|picked up a total of four points! banaitinwate: Lot Finne, 1940 after-marshalling the great well. The government pay ey | Tl Fixture * off two goals and as many| Penaltic sec eae" Ruttan rescue fleet, and the first to the cost < PROPS To Mine fae } 'Brooklin is sharpening its assists Glen Lotton con- gan a me ggg x pee bombard the German when the PLAN NEW LIGHTING SS ~ i sights for the up and coming;tinues to add to his total in the aa leas be ae - "16 43 |Allies - landed in Normandy HACKNEY -- Hackney coun- * & AF F ¥, playoffs as well as fattening scoring race : Finnegan 11.50,. Finnegan "four years later, has died. He elt fe scrapping the street light- ; ' ee ; ig scoring cae oe wal neal gag Moe io yy tgp hon THIRD PERIOD ee the! ine system it pioneered 26 2 The win was a go é ERYE) 0. SB E8 , , i - ' ' ' hie 'ars ago, and replacing it with } * |Brooklin as it keeps them in game against the Sealtests. 18. Brampton, Finnegan 13.51 earners 2 os ve oe 4 - wplacinn peed 3 She . 9 Si ; : any. definite klin, Todd, Ruttan. 3.38 STOCK COMES HOME modern lamp sts § oy eV : pace with the front running We do not have any defin 14. Brooklin, 'VIZES. W . Wil. cost of $954,000. More than 5000 ' Catharines Athletics, who got a information as to just when 15, Brooklin, Armour, DEVIZ, 5, shear ry le q ay lamp columns will be erect: gift win last night at the hands/Brooklin will play the rained Beta cca SMT 6.24 frid Cave, one of Britain's. leac 4 é of the Port Credit Sailors, Portout game in St, Catharines, it 16. Brampton" W. Thompson ing mixed farmers, has bought e Credit failed to field a team for)js scheduled for Monday night G. Thompson ays Tans Romney Fame froin Ne i ONE AT A TIME the game last night in the Gar- but the locals are trying to have : kl y , Zealand, They were reared BURY. ST. EDMUNDS, Sut- + iden City, so the A's got it the it changed as they feel it wil! 17. oe apone, . 1254 from stock sent from Britain, ;,)) Demolition contractors ; easy way. It will be an expen-be suicide to try and drive " 1 hee pao . He is to breed them with his have to demolish a 120-feet high } sive loss for the Port Credithome in that traffic after the 18, Brooklin, ; otton, : flock of Cheyvoil - Welsh Mou chimney by removing the bricks * team however as they may eat = "a a se ArMOUE seeeeeeaesee tee . tain eross ewes to produce one at a time. The tall chimney { loose a goodiy share of the vosted as soon as ¥ a 19. Brooklin Coombes, Me lambs bearing moré woo annot be "felled" in the usual . | bond for mele actions ® vficially Stevenson, Todd ...+++ 13.59 $3,000,000 ORDER way because buildings stand in , le ight's game B . 1 ' ' : bs ; : e In ast n it 4 " ote SUMMARY ... sss 0. Rrooklin, G Lotion, : ABERDEEN. Scotland An the way Armour and Glen Lotion pa : Period Todd. Coombes 14.55 , § the local attack 'with thre : Mirae Penis 8) , . aint order worth more than $3,000 PACT BROKEN ; goals each, Armour had three |. B'pton, W. Thompson ..8.28 Penalties Finnegan ard 900 for nine deep-sea trawlers' nuppieRSFIELD, Yorks -- = Radar. Rare sais Ai snnabalneepesoninshiensasreics Steet \sasistx: also while Lotion had Brooklin, Armour .... 8.35 viiagetrig® majors, 2.44; 14s has been placed with the Aber. p,,., ard Jennings, Leeds Uni+ ~~ : Br li erguson, man i tultar i s ) " A ] s . : aig es : ee serena couecageene ™ Larty Ferguson, Ken fatto {. Brooklin, Ferguson on 14.36, Stevenson 18.21 and Co., by the South African Liberal candidate for Hudders- an aap - $ { ~ Joe Todd and Cy Coombe i babebah "8 'i unt ms firm of Irvin and Johnstor field East; In the past, by a each had a pair of goals while, . ©oombes . ° : net "Tihwe ave i p ge SEA CORE CBRNE ECR = as, . : oe i beam tseper "picked unt 3 Brooklin MAHAFFEY OUT SAME OLD STATION act, the Liberals have not con. ") by Gerry Burrows, Kon Rutan, Coombes, Rutlan -. 1218 pu ADELPHIA (AP)--Phi BIGGLESWADE -- Visiting (ested Huddersfield East and REY } Saas . r i me ay a by Ge jurrows, Ken Ruttan ; Pp : sh A ( --Phil : ad et ea . i d PROP iN SME ARK x . ig ST ry Bu 6. Brooklin. G. Lotto be : si catn . the Conservatives have stoo KiN VIC P RY ' PEEL AND FT T STREETS j ma Don © : -- t itlon 17.49 adelphia Phillies placed pitcher her home town I € en side in Hudderatiald Was ' For the loser was capla Pon, fae "W. 'Thompson 843 Att Mahaffey on the dis after 40 years absence, Mrs. |' Wayne Thompson with two and , rhenanscn 1 i 18.20, Finne, abled list Wednesday. The big Gertrude Massey vs . ndso1 TOTAL DOWN. AGAIN : . bad poy Mike Finnegan with oan 14.31, Ferguson 16:30, Vi. Tighthander, out with a dislo-/ Ontario ge the only i he LONDON Britain's work- i carr . ret » . * N me. There were 2 enailit wr a * cated ankle, is expected to be recognized as unchanged was) ),.. total of 449,219 in July is 2) ; ; : " IRAWING OF PROPOSED KINSMIIN PARK ¢ ' yond 17.0 cCaffey 17.0 ated a ' nc ' ' ty ' STUDENT KEN BOWES' DRA : Ol x andad: aul dit Pit md 17.08, MeCaffey } sidelined about four to six|the railway station It was jUSt! ing lowest for 12 months. For najors, two tol gan and one Second Period weeks, Mahaffey hurt himself as she remembered it 40 years 4), fourth successive month un- $10 000 EXPENDITURES s pach to Ferguson and 7 Rrooklir Armour, while on the mound in the sey: ago employment has fallen by sub- ' alr ween Ken Ruttan oe K, Lotton s..sesssees Ob/enth inning of Tuesday night TRIPLE JUBILEE stantially tore than the normal Brooklin . spot A Ue Visto & Brook K. Lotion ,... 20,game with the Giants at San HARPENDEN Herts -- W. F. seasonal decrease, e he first goal al the 828 mark 9° Brooklin, Todd, Coombes 2.01! Francisco Hawi of. Mecseetion.: la lock * as 'Thompson got h st of Wes OF Aernenaen:: 18 100% TRACTOR AT SEA men O e V e W ill et ton eke: eo tee ae ny forward to celebrating. three, BiRCHINGTON, Kent -- A shortest lived we have ever seen ver jubilees. This month he iractor equally at home on land "ipa heap 1 n any organized 'lebrates 25 years.as Paris' oy sea is: undergoing trials at » To be exact it lasted ju ouncil clerk. Next August, he Birchington. The tractor is . | It ] n even seconds, Bill Armour, the nd his wife will celebrate their scheduled to salt ucrene: ne W 1X- ond flash, from down . Hast iver wedding. About the same channel and then go straight to ngs way, got Brooklin right me he will complete 25 years' work plowing a field near Deal : M cer of the Da Queen back on the road as he started s secretary of Harpenden and Whitby Kinsn ) would me : ipl WB m Dundas street east, Ear) the route with a neat. short District Chamber of Trade DE between $8,500 « $10,000 with.\co ading and ieveuing my hig \ nounced Wednesd hot to the rop wt hand cor PLE Genes atiagee . ATHS a ar dnet Maui yours ¢ rea fo ' k ae Oe toe nota yotinas Large Wekauean faidaedl RUINED CASTLE STAGE hy ; 2 hadiv need i g Ane i my t wih a. pair long with single SLE * WIGHT -- jent trease the town's bad i sh anecel \T "ae assed an amended bylaw at awih a pair along. w he ingle| ISLE OF wi HAT a Anc ®nt By THE CANADIAN PRESS recreational faci sae a al meeting allowing tallies by Burrows and capta ny arisbrooke Castle wil! b he é Fe. N.M Mai.-Gen Club President . G ) vAuth ) ' ihe 2 . 3 . gn near t Glen Lotton. The score stood at) tage for an ambitious produc sicetae ru eK Acoand Wednesday announced the nabling S FE coast "4 J ' ae j-1 at the end of 20 minutes of! ion of Hamlet planned by Isle Wena War ee" muhaienine to intention to develop and equip a mence the ang, MOUs on the tise nd Dg erection of signs ¢Xeiling action wf Wight amateurs. They intend)" iaimed that U.S "re land pal at | a i a f tre AS ned 0 , aya se arahibit In the middie frame Brooklin } ; there for china who claimed tha S. six-acre la ar ae arty Bie d to oth s ¥ appar e yadwa was prohib ts ctrdead homie Aa bicidea tAe o stage the play 1e7 or state department policy contri- Pitt streets, in south wath bya cipal bylaw a ae aoe eee hree or four weeks next sum. ))4 : ; i rk g support has bee well with Brampton and had buted to the. Communist con nto a park ie atace ty Mawar , ee new park \ h < a little late w Laegegiocs ! aM ner -- the 400th anniversary of quest of China r. ( re said ( oject by Mayor V ' ' - ) rem almost running in circle hy» arate Bie BP OS y vile sment of " M a former Kinsir ' : Pig ha at-times, The local crew show Shakespeare's birth Sydney; Australia -- Edward recreational aiea: ¥ e ) ( i . ad wen : Mr ed no mercy on. Jefferson LUNCH ON. DUMP John Ward, .64, fiery Labor ; a completely by tt ib, memb f cou togethe Ketball an ie wea "the losers' cage as they: pep CANVEY ISLAND. 1} vember of Parliament and fore without asking fo 1b suy th park mmittee; M M . pered him almost af will ; aes are t pe 1 mer cabinet minister in the war- port ' yartshore said They pumped. s more big] lem nets be euve y ' STAN Gime Labor government : According to the es Included the omnieted ° e one behind the bewildered] wigan have hey Skee hee Vancouver -- Charles K, dent, the new park could be project w oe oS } Brampton goalie. Meanwhile at ae en ig ne © Guild, 75, a well - known laws open for public use by next quipment for a ayground Jax Wimmers the other end ne the rink Pat 'jalists to a picnic on the Couniver who successfully led the spring : picnic area, baseball diamond Baker was. tonkine 46 a il's garbage dump This WaSiiog7 fight of six provinces "Mr, Gartshore said it is the' to facilitate Royal Canadian Le e mighty fine saves but also hel ho Socialists' reply to a council) against freight rate increases club's opinion that additional gion sponsored Little League was getting some fine protec-| tatement that the dump was so) "porento -- John A. Huston, 76, recreational facilities are one of Bal! and a parking lot In ee aure S tion from his mates who check lean that a picnic could be founder and chairman: of John the community's greatest need Kinsmen are of tt m ~d about the best we have seen veld there A. Huston, Limited, manufac- and it feels an obligation to these facilities should be in us them so far this year. especia ' as rene turers' agents to the drug trade, ! ar this: year, especial SH FAC meet the need xt spring \ ) n x Ajax s Stone Oshawa. ly inside their own end 3 é BIG IRIS aA TORY Coverack, Cornwall, England For months, the 40 club mem ) ashed x te m Tom McLaughlin, Ajax ine iid heitad atavked Att CARRICKFERGUS, Northern) 4 .ohie Rowe, 58, a life-boatman bers 'have been considering th : gehts ib] Breast Stroke; Keith Bilager was entae Wo be a tale eland -- Carreras, Limited, is/ang hero of scores of sea res pare Gevelopment and othe mh rece he Ajax: Billy Jouaenn, | WHY: on amelie Bath teams kcores anning to build a cigaret fac-oyes; from shock following projects to 'give it a goal to Poo Lynda Garritt, Whitby being hes ne 7 99 nan sil "bg wr ynear Carrickfergus,; to cost/hoating accident work towards. When ail pro event of: t Frog Kick: Keith Billinger ve ig es a <i wig " 12,000,000. The factory. to be) ---------------_--__-- posal ken ir nsider iris ' y. g ' silly Johnsi itt : BUnNINg i a4 is | porn dentken a F an nd) A x "the Ae W. rd "pes ~~ that Brampton had ana ng ote ge rk. ent Se us i cies : Y om ands é ' md a cl second wind a § ventually employ 2 wor RUE sage was felt the necessity of another chic rolls ( v to de Scissor Kick: Steve Hewitt,° ' ad ee ane bh a ' ' : YORKTON, Sask, (CP)--The park area was too urgent to cast" Development of the proposed Whitby 70 to 6 Ajax; "Mike Rogers,' Whitby; |e @ Teal run for . Yorkton Enterprise, Saskatche- aside ark is by no means the first tean Laurie Bryant, Whitb However. the superior ma PROTECT VISITOR DEXTER AS CANDIDATE --wan's largest weekly newspa- After several meétings with time the Kinsmen have come vit Relay Free Style: Ajax, Osh ames and strength start CARDIFF, Wales -- Ted Dox-/pet. has been purchased by Town Council and he aid of Whitby's children Som 4 n who are'awa (Whitby disqualified) sg n we final 10 oie rap Two Cleveland patrolmen,. left eariy Tuesday, was un- iter England's cricket ¢ aptain, County Newspapers, a subsidi- hour 7 rs tence Ch alle 4 wt Vv Re y Mec Whitb the Brooklin men controlled the ; ah . FOE wait i Me ee ' Jews © iad tons i en ae oa joy park aad swim-| Oshawa afet kiasses, Oshaw oe ball for the best part of the wilt ng 8 psa gon '- aon neo eS ica be po me ig -- oS Lim fe penny hit ye me : whee seul eRe ; Q i vainder of the game. They did ehabreni . , recurrence of the sniping that | be interviewed as prospective!4 2 : , . . : a NIORS os - uh . Pot he pr : iF , guard with high-powered rifles . " F . Conservative candidate for Gar-/Sale was made Wednesday in a fa , th nar i wale j 'th a Ape mn neir when the Canadian ore cat greeted a sister ship of the diff Southeast story in The Enterprise, no ' Whitby Horton Ajax; Own end but drilled four mare he i »J 1 Norris sade wre given. Th ewspaper : ; =e ; . rier R. Bruce Angus tied up Angus, the James . orri yrice Was given he newspape During n of Ajusu am pbe Whitby ny Je erson {9 make IU173 4 i at' Whiskey Island. on an earlier visit, The ves- MORE VOLUNTEERS has a weekly circulation of 6,- mila e hrid in, B Srewi: Anges Bane gps egg oh a sscorted the vessel into sels are operated by Upper} LONDON More than 500 800. There will be no. staff Mrs. V } x K m Mj Doug Wher Oshawa JUST TALKING . . . This riding on the harbor Lakes Shipping Lid., which 'university graduates are to go change bridge B len k VI . es Aol : me sa the are st: output of! ,, aster's boat. Other police has been plagued by a labo _ two months visiting t iF : Wh gor, goals by a am i 8 men kept a sharp watch 'battle involving two unions w, Mr. aad M og eat >. waltby; year .and is a good indicatio ashore while the Angus, which (AP Wirephoto) of Paim dD Dunbar, Whitby of the way the Brooklin tean a - Me ari B SENTORS Stroke: Campbell Dun They were. short .* ; \ Whitby: Merry. Thompso or last. night's TASTE WHAT'S HAPPENED TO LEMON AND LIME! 2 vo-week Whit MeLan Ajax; Sa Ann Garritt, Whitby. game. Batley. ( rag and Ca si 4 ¢ Hunt na t h OrB ibar, Whitby: well but also got some fine pro ag at intsvil K Ande ve H Ken tection B Armour ¢ : Mr. and Mrs. Tuli Wednesda Aj Whitt his second hat ick of the veg on raan wis. him) Ra CVE or the Brook team and a agi and birthday gree Whitby, doing very well for a lad that ® we: known n Trowbrid . <4 a na M ' ' e e e hosts to many and M Metro Moto cist BEG FOR OPERATION SCUGOG eve, tin lin time! trJ > Mr. and M birthda : ghee CLEANERS So = Wins Ac ui'tal been & Shirt Launderers and Connie, M urns 0 ' aise money for | FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily sd spent last 1 operation. He PHONE 668-434! W. Batherso $ ke : Ho 1 t esult t 2 b hor They a Mr. and M Mr. a Mrs yt . 4 Euctid oe; two Lynn and H and Mr. anc Layton Tr: ) n. Quebec, w and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Visiting Mrs. Hunt's a Treen of Oshawa brother-in-law Mr. a V. Ratherson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mi Hunts also ed M and family of Henry street have La B: 4) returned from a two-week vaca- north and M nd M Roe on spent at Omemee Lode: ) nm Pat Batherso: Pigeon Lake BROCK Evening Shows at 7:00 and 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show ot 8:20 ill = ig re Half Man...half demon... he turned ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE VAMPIRE AND THE BALLERINA" With --- HELEN REMY .. WALTER BRANDI i Recommended, os ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | On 5 »N TOR ris vi ex A rd OG ¥W vO z } \ :) wow Charges : é b« S a badg ! bt é wd fo ' po tr k 'BROOKLIN Driving Range Jean-Marie rn dt ee relatives b a house i "W m bOXES ed and signed by Police Maxime Lavigne » $5,900 equired for trave med expenses al the Tayo ( at Rochester, Minn | | HAVE FUN 9 wt or 25 the family and enjoy o morn- ing, tun Cord Supplied | IMPROVE YOUR DRIVING SMALL PAIL | LARGE PAIL Practice Makes Perfect ™, MINIATURE WITH ALL THE FAMILY Tons Holes, nothing like tor miles around ADULTS CHILDREN . ONLY « cach. Come out, bring afternoon or Ciubs, evening's Bolls and Score $0c 1.00 Try ond See For Yourself Miles North of 6Grookiin On No. 12 Mwy For Further Infotmoation PHONE 655-4413 Juvenile LACROSSE eee THURSDAY 8:30 P.M. Huntsville vs. Whitby JUVENILES WHITBY ARENA "Try TEEM ,,, the lemon-lime taste treat that goes great with every- thing! Go light... GO TEEM every tingling time! Pepsirfola Canada.ltd, makes ice- clear Teem--that's why it's so good! Bottled in Oshowe By . SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. 750 FAREWELL STREET 723-1011 NIGHT! Oshawa Shopping Centre 9 to 11 P.M. JOIN THE FUN! Have the time of your life! Shop then hop to the hoedown- ingest square dance music of them all! | WILKIE RANGER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY! KING STREET W. AT STEVENSON RD, nrelat , AA ' ee) € vi ose of roin

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