Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thureday, Auguet 1, 1963 |], ! | egun TELEVISION LOG NEWS IN BRIEF ainammanaea| aya) a CMRRe) oe | | Assault B CHCH-TV Channel Li--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto SUES WEEKLY © M-yearold Jamaican jazz singer 5 SWF hi GAMER w" : ty MN | On Arctic Area | LA | OTTAWA (CP) -- The most= A, > aan YBEN. = ONTREAL (CP)--Actor and/served a High Court writ alleg- ee Se ee Ro nab ou Boies Fairbankijing' maticious prosecution on WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffalo WROC-TV Channe) 8--Rochester|y,-- has launched $250,000|playgirl Christine Keeler Wed: compehensive scientific ag sault on the unknowns of the Canadian Arctic has been set CFTO:TV Channel %~Toronto -- CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie|4amage action against publisher /nesday, Gordon won his appeal 5100 Sarnity Ynent . in motion by the Polar Contly VePamily Theatre V>-Geod Morning Show Sey Thea Weekend With Christine, The/given three.years' imprisonment | YeRockel Ship? : (prvenrneey, r " of mines and teclinical surveya. tere ve Beenie 9:00 AM 2~Capt, Sallordird "By Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, as/foureyear treaty giving each]. ' the bleak wastes of the Aretie &News Ney - The treaty does not affect New P Ss year are using a va nisin sve 8 8M namiy ett na trtiey |. MANDEVILEE, La, (AP) this year an riety os PM, Kiddo Cartoons #-Arthur Haynes Show = =ihere =Wednesday and seized GERMANS FLY IN j ¥ wer LESSON ( WHAT WiLL. k3 en E seorets and to map and char 4% PM, 10:90 AM Sports formed source said the explo.|German fighter planes crossed \ ae A \ j \ <--s They will be moved from one 445 PM, Love Lucy #3----News) Sports time since the war when eight : F A 7" i ) ' at least a dozen aircraft, spe News «i! King Foe ree etree ler 2962 World ricute reerved. John Vader and the Montreal|'Tuesday against conviction and THURSDAY EVE, FRIDAY \ FRIDAY BVENING weekly tabloid Midnight as a re-jsentence on a charge of assault ' nental Shelf Project, Kiddo | Pafdueational Showcase | P-Kiddo action was taken in Superior!Juno 7 CAMERAS : 0 ; , ; scientists an Sellariy Show | deToday Show Five O'clock thew = [noun here | Wednesday. The READY, MAJOR More than 7 n 4:90PM 4-The Big Mac SHOW | p..profersor'y Nideaway [iN the July 29 issue of Midnight; WELLINGTON, Now Zealand INTERESTED IN 'have fanned out from Isachsen: Setreenenr's. Hideeway 4:00 AM FeolRarly Show whieh went on sale two weeks/(Reuters) -- New Zealand and on Ellef Ringnes Island, Yoo! Rear ing Movi ' " an " " " S saaimary Hales , rhe Hen a rave told to Donald Cole other "most favored nation : el aioe li Archipelago, 4 : ae An ee Zealand's preference arrange: OF TL SURE HAVE / . NE. IN A NEARBY of new and impoved equipment é--Metro News d<Bacholor Father }-Sea' Hunt FRI agents swooped down on al fa be ' He HARD TY T TOWN, - i . Scahway Patral Oe ae ments with the Commonwealth \ THE HARI J) to unlock moe of the Aretic's t--$ee Hunt for fut 4:15 PM, p tat! aay SRARES more than a ton of. dynamit this northern area for future : yeavner, fe-Marning Magazine =| as PM, é a : a cache Nine ' ; = q " .. \Y ' ei desolate area 'to another oy a Teed Newe Fee acre funch eT tag A sives were part of a cache lo the English coast for the first \ ' ' variety of transport, including VesBamily Theatre 1100 AM | d=News with Charles LAUNCH ACTION of them landed at the RAF sta- : , Ee een : j 14 4 jcial motorized equipment and % Morning Matines Collingwood LONDON (Reuters)--Lawyers tion, Coltshall on a 10. day 'ey rw : ~ until the snow and ice have» 100 PLM, 100 A.M sult of an article titled Myjing Miss Keeler, He had been q i w : 4--Five O'clock show 71:90 AM Barly show story, published under gopyright SIGN PACT © SOBOLOFSKI, . engineers from the department. Poollarly thew 4--Captain Kangaroe Web of Lite ago, was described as being!the Soviet Union today signed a 2 0 ae ene ee 4:00 PAM, ; i ' ager is $4. Sa uane Sen %--Outdoor Sportaman SEWE TNT treatment in trade and shipping, The project's scientific teame house in a resort section near ; Ways 40 PM COLTISHALL, Norfolk = exploitation 4--Broadway Goes Latin Series Vhe-4t---News; Weather? land 20 bomb casings, An in MISHALL, f f \ THEM, JOHN & 600d : y P-Bay in Court | &2--Huntley Brinkley be used in an attack on Cuba 'News Be-runtiey Brinkley &2--Price In Right 7100 P.M for Aloysius (Lucky) Gordon,|NATO exchange visit = , . ' On ' Ba gone, by dog teams, aa ra \ (Lu i Lice Walter Cronkite ioapet Souean eee Paes. het EN eR : ' ; ont A a a pe 200 PLM, * ; JeNews; Weather rR er : ' tebawva It To Beaver 9 conemain Sever CROSSWORD ¥e. y - : : $1,500,000 and added immeasyrs t--blignway Patrol FeBeven Keys &-Saver-0-On0 _nccnemetnaememn etme mr ners N ™ <f ' ably to man's knowledge at gene cemre! ares eee oueye Dr. Kl : . = tie Canada's last unexplored fron Sahar Masterton 12:08 NOON deBilence Pleane ACROSS 39. Onewith 10. Fist = CETERA = We Na en Wear" Siset . i . \ , a--Cheyenne bigs ho FO 1 PM, | 4, Dull finish anM.E.or 14, Mol+ (OORENIS A AEST This year's operation -- the B-Diverce Court tTennessee Ernie Ford Sr Movie : | @, Disney ELE, degree litying INS ififth since the project was 2130 PM, News:. Weather bag ay deer story 4t;Correct = 20, Fat. J Ba CaCCSee ene ce etalon launched--will involve hydro. Movie Seer 2--Cheyenne Show | Mi,Reserved 43, Go away! mas a |graphie, topographic, gravity, 1s PM é--l'm Dickens -- He's 12, Conatella- Presidential seismic logical and o Neenday Report Fenster | aan sichnaine Of. Thalian sel male, geal gical and oceand- Speaker of the House = 4--Rawhide | 4 1 \ i jgrap fe partes, 4--Falr Exchange a aa 200 PM 18, Explain . Encounters hy iS al ee ' Their jab is to collect int '} the shic' 4:00 PM onciusion of Movie | 'trPanic ) Sting mation which will enable sclens . PoRather Knows Best sense of DOWN Sting View htt dT or E Po ftng a weg ; 8 eV 7 IDenne, Reed ces aaa ee 15, Chinese ee ae a Sie ings AND a uetniled picture ef the Pett 43--Thi . »¥ . nO' Rest " 2, Ry onesel inseo' oaterday WOUR "Ti! | 7 aan sareh tor Te shorty Feito ; TAKE THEM TO { G ~-§ |Shelf, an area beneath the 4--Perry Mason i Search tor Tomorrow |} Checkmate Actor 23, Siamese J = SONI Brinley Sa a tating Along wih | 20. Contain Franchet coin 82, Blather YOUR ROOM ; [BT JAretic Ocean 1,000 miles in wale Guiding Light Flintstones 17. Guido's -- 24, Conjunction 33, Shapes Sy jlength and extending 100 miles 1:00 PLM 63--Troe with Jack note . Throw 25, French 85, Flex jout to sea from the Arotic is. {lands b-Biverce Court acRoute 44 18, Neuter . Anewt tavern 36, ----= UPOR j}300.MILE TRIP } One 10-man survey party al+ General Hospital bers ready has completed a 500-mile va beverage Sucre is ite A nick Fenster a To-My Three Sona 10 PM éScduuse. fone 20, Malt) §& Musicnote 81, Reddish: 2, Boy's 'MICKEY MOUSE Meet the Millers 9:00 PLM, pronoun Lower 26, Former atime #200 PLM, Popeye Sam Benedict 19, Compass house:Gr, 27, Goddessof $7, Dried up Stoney Burke" Seihiesay Matinee Penden Dickens =~ He's point . Region aling 40, Doctrine Sur Mee 5 = : trek over Arctic ice to lear Casedook ay 4 PH og OEE 2 PM . - Be i ) ; 4--twilign? Zone Agta Be S Turns | Uekove That Geb | 21. Biblical legal capital r name | ce) o > {hy seismic means more about Mee Soon sonnet Seip = SET ~ { i the oil-bearing potential of a ne PM Movie Pom ?? Sunset Strip - > uy ; : he shelf near the . ' : . SUNY 22, Strong Cis Zw rs 4 A . section of the she ar Vodirs -Luehy © PM lf yh OM Pease eo 3 Yj centre of the Archipelago, ges Rly a2 with 7 2-The Price ts Right | 94, Largest if Using two special tracked Ve:00 PAM ge one Ce ae continent V/. | 1 _ a ao - ame "vehicles that won't sink if they Vi The PLM, Show Ne Decte g WcHale's Rove 25, Buropean AAS jplunge through the jee, the: S--Jack Paar Show »..Seve e Slack Paar Show 28, Medical party stared its trek last year $2 World of Bod Hope House Party a Oi college 'fy "/A\ y |from Resolute on Cornwallis Ie» pete ' $--Have Gun Will Travel course La a ana . ft , AND WE CAN i WHEN OUR PENGION jland Alfred Hitencace 82 , rt Pgs Bl abbr Ax ge GOING ON & | SEN eS Oe Soe CHECKS COME! | It travelled north from Ree Ma une | accevomien 2, Ooeen's aes a "77%; oH ne | | SiMe NEXT Fy ; aaa jolute over the ice of Wellington Te ive 3 : - | }-Nennesey rise W732 |? Yr e MONTH», ) jehannel to the northern tip of vitae dn. 2 P, 'ies Be em and fatt LAE : Sateeng: git /Grinnell Peninsula on Devon Is Vite Meedd--News, daWhe De Vou Tr 1 eee tetew Su Thue at ogy ' ' land, This year the party com Sports nt , | ee - IFAF, tinued its northern journey te have bk al! 8 PM YS Scanh 28 (A> , : . Isachsen ahd now plans to ap: Met inal 'y ° ' - by , R 3 : 2 K eae " » Sviewpetnt sis ? yy vA ry Sealer an Sports forward: te | (i (i AA va Ee | ye ss as) Raddy hig a ae a . i bb a V4 y id fA a a tw | f 'i 4 ' + ys és * Undnerts oe soe am heme oa | o Close to 4435 LAve |3? \ : : : | ps, ey: --\ &} |Ocean : nacre i ) RE Poenrhye Ay ped Be inhle $5, Forbid LL | AN \ y 3 . ' . A Lavan spe, heat, coer? ' e Show ? te Sho ital YAS ' ' \ Y + | - ; f : y GaNight Maire r+ ae ee 36, Capita ' | | / oy ' /300-mile trek proved it is pos. fear ai eetenan , Nor. é he " , i 4 Bete. ble to travel 'through ey ¥ SN Vo PM. . New 44 4 } ae rd rA wal . . bck TeJack Kingston Show | &d-Vecation Tir LnWreatling * England / ele : a. i ' a ks « frozen Arctic by truck, The trip S-Plerre. Berton eur Nit b--Blerre Berton Hour aay A; > " a whe, Consol was completed without incident Srnoe Sanatives arene, Ob Sed Sarees Theatre Pandy é although othe) = «trucks are : equipped with flotation tanks 1@ jprevent them from sinking, : The oil potential of the sedi. Every. "Goodwill Used Car has been thoroughly safety inspected, reconditioned and mentary basin below the shelf guaranteed, to give 'like-new' driving pleasure mile after mile, For the best value wae acon ona errs See: tor "going" this Summer depend on a "Goodwill" used car from imiles apart, They recorded in. jformation obtained by expled D jing dynamite charges every 10 e jeune along the route of the tre 230 KING ST, WEST, OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 |AIDS OL HUNTERS | "The result of the trek is that : jwe Row have a Bhi CROWDED RED CHINA -- ] S POOLS !!~ f THE BUTLER DEPARTS ANP THE BARON : lal the Actes" Dev Rests Sia a . i SETTLES DOWN, SUDDENLY +++ : « it a wi ee Se re }_ ROWAN ~ ("This information will be of in- cy MY MELON Fae, | TAXE YOUR &G moor ; : , ' , . terest to ail firms COMRADE,OR YOULL 4 OUT SHRINKA ig mF wt Arctic." BLOW ALL MY SOUND ) RANCH!! - ' ~ | > % One important ? WSASPARAGUS SARA / . Sis 2 meena aie eae ' i | P ' survey this year a ee FARM! # CAREFUL } "we, / | - -- | Hell Gate, a 4t:mile channel be- jtween Ellesmere Island and 'North Kent Island, This channel holds the Key to surface and submarine passage through the 'Arctic Archipelage, Location of such a- channel has both commercial and mi itary importane, It would be jused t@ transport oil by surface ship and submarine and as a route for Ruciea submarines armed with missiles. Another party will make a new gravity and magnetic Study 18 an effort to learn about a mysterious magnetic disturk jance on Ellesmere Island dis. covered during the 185839 In. ternational Geophysical Year. SALLY'S SALLIES MUGGS AND SKEETER YOURE COMING WITH 1 ANY ARGON HELP ME HAN) -- work here ean't da it's been dona" BANQUETS hemenssonmennnll itt." siete iy ies, jo

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