Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Aug 1963, p. 11

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GIRLS ENJOYING KEDRON KIWANIS CAMP SEVENTY-FOUR GIRLS in the Oshawa area are attend- dng a two-week camp at the Kiwanis sponsored Camp Kedron. The girls' camp will be followed by a similar camp for boys, The camp is under the supervision of the Osh- SEN . awa Kiwanis Club and has been in operation for many years, Tom Cotie, camp direc- torn has been supervising the annual summer camps for 13 years. In the upper photo, a group of the girls attending the camp pose for the cam- a 1 New Shopping Centre Planned Construction will begin short- ly on a million-dollar shopping centre between Oshawa and Whitby on Highway 2, it was earned today. The 16-acre plaza will contain a 20,000 square foot Dominion Store and an 80,000 square foot K-Mart, Seven or eight other smaller stores will be erected in the future as the need arises. Built and owned by Cam- bridge Leaseholds, Windsor, the plaza will be erected on the southwest corner of Kendalwood road and Highway 2, The land was formerly owned by Walter J. Huron, Officials of Dominion Stores Limited and S, S, Kresge Co. predicted today that the plaza renga Sas ta a or cand ar sae a Te Oe She Oshawa --e Times THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1963 SECOND SECTION will be ready for business by next spring, About 75 per cent of the 16 acres has been set aside for parking, Construction will begin on the project as soon as building per- mits ave taken out at the Town- ship of Whitby office, A Toronto solicitor acting for Cambridge Leaseholds said that the permits would be taken "out any day now", ' Contractor for the job is East. ern Construction Co, of Windsor, K-Mart (division of S. 5S, Kresge Co.) opened its first On- tario store in London in March, another in Windsor in May, Next week a store opens in Kitchener and a second Windsor outlet opens Aug. 22, Picnic Held By Customs Dept. Staff The members of he Oshawa AWS RS i : era beside the pool. In the lower picture tots watch swimming instructor Norman Snelgrove. demonstrate the proper methods of life-saving, Mock victim is Carole Rose, ' --Oshawa Times Photo Postal Staff Holds Picnic The annual picnic for em) Girls 10 and Nl Janice' s of the Oshawa Post ice was held recently at Paulynne Park, Over 200 peo- attended and enjoyed a very afternoon, Winners in the various races were as follows: Boys 67 -- Frank Schram, Larry Nantais, Donald Simard Girls 6 and 7 -- Susan Moss, Denise DePratto, Lorraine Schram. Boys § and § -- Larry Norton, Randy Ostle, Gary and Jim Moss (tied) Girls 8 and 8 -- Terry De- Pratten, Darlene Lascombe, Linda Nantais. Bays 10 and Danny Yourkevitch, John Broadbent, Gary DePratte. /Ostle, Theresa Osier, Boys 12 and 13 -- Fred Las. jcombe, Rickey DePratto, Paul 'Sraith, Girls 2 and 18 Dianne Dart, Cheryl DePratto, Joanne Dart Boys -- Terry Ostle | Teenage Girls -- Ruth Bryant ADULTS . Mixed Three-Leg and Mrs, Simard Women's Shoe Scrambie Mrs, Marylin Wiliams Men's Wheelbarrow -- J, Wil- son and T. Williams Women's Sack -- Bev March Attendance Prize Draw -- J Vaske, Mrs. M, Wiliams, Mrs Schram, Joka Broadbent Mr. Rodeo Held By Riders Donald Brooks and Pat Relmes were the high point wit: ners in the monthly redeo held Sanday by the W-Bard, Riders The results of the various events were: Keyhole Race I Brace Lons- berry, John Shoodridge and Dea Brooks; pole dending -- Ted Morrisen, Don Sheltiey and Doan Brooks; barrel race -- Pat Holmes, Don Brooks and Ted Morssea; Rag race -- Don Brooks, John Shoobridge and Pat Holmes. Pickap race I Don Brooks eed Rrace Leasbery; Pat Relmes and Lorne Milne; Dawn Weddap and John Shoobdridze: combination race ~ Don Brooks and Brace' Leasdury; Pat Raimes and -- Mile: Dawa Weddup snd ma Shoodricee: ribbon race ~ Don Beaaks ant Brace Lensberr, Ted Morrison and Bette Law. Peay Express -- Don Brovks and Broce Lensbery: Tea Mor reen and Betts law, Pet Retmes and Larne Milne: girs" sake race -- Pat Holmes Sara and Dawn Wed. aan a rolling . Lorne Maine, Morrsaz PRACTISED ® YEARS VICTORIA (CP) -- Wittam Qares Morestr, 8 senior wencher of the BC Law Soo ety whe practised bere for © years, died Wednesday after 2 lear Mess. He was a Viera alderman fer two prars, an un sxtel provierial §=Preeres- give Comservative candidate anc @ schol beard trastee for 2} years, He retired i 1338. Den Rresks and Ted - UN Diplomats Seek Boycott Of S. Africa UNITED NATIONS (CP--AL rican diplomats at the United Naions are reported working on @ resolution for the UN Security Council calling for a general economic and diplomatic bay- cott of South Africa in an effort te ferce abandonment of the apartheid policy of racial seg. regation, Some of the Africans claimed they could get the Imation se. camty council te adept suck a TeSSlutioan., Some Westera Sources doudied they could. Secretary of State J. Redolph Grames of Liveria and Chie? UN @eiegate Lewis Rakotemailala of the Malagasy Repeblic (for maerly Madagascar) were to Speak t the council im sapport ot complaints by 22 African CoeRIMes arfanst aparthed. Foreign Ministers John Ka- refaSmart ef Sierra Leone and Mongi Sasa of Tanisia apened the debate Wednesday. Both TOR sald the security council should adapt measeres st; oat tn & 1982 ponetal assembly res. etuSen that asked all UN mem. ber Countries te break all dinlo- b, trade, ship and plaae Unks with Svath Africa MOVE AGAINST PORTUGAL Refore the debale en South -TRR PRoIes, the severity eounc:] slapped a hmited arms embargs en Portaral Wednes- Gay and ergeatly requested that NATO nation to yake immediate eps toward granbvar freedom % Rs African territories Ry a vate of 8 ty .8, with three abstentions, the coentil proved nara we eappored by D2 Afroan ana BR amended rz tam am ant Code Marks SpeedUp | Bank Work | Part of a Canada ~ wide plan to streamline bank operations has gradually been put into ef fect in Oshawa over the past & two years AN cheques handed out by Oshawa banks have special coding marks that speed up sorting and release bank em- playees from routine jobs so they can spond more time with customers | A Une of squiggies, some re- sembdling numbers and some re- sembling nothing at all, will be appearing on all cheques when old supplies are used up. One of- markings represents the bank, a second, the particular branch, a third, the firm thal issues the cheque, and a fourth, the amount of the cheque. The set ilast is pat on by the bank after the cheque has been cashed Bank castomers have deen asked to have their new cheques printed under this system when } |joyable outing, Customs and Excise staff held a most successful picnic recent- ly at, Waltona Park, Newcastle, With their wives and families the staff members had an en-| | Following are the results of] GRADE 13 MARKS ARE IN MAIL Results of Grade 13 exam- inations are on their way today to thousands of stu- dents throughout Ontario, Education Minister Wil- liam Davis said Wednesday that the certificates were mailed by department offi- cials to school principals who will relay them to stu- dents, It is expected they will ar- rive in home letter boxes during the weekend or early next week. A total of 37,380 candi- dates wrote approximately 298.000 papers, an increase of 3,966 candidates and 18,- 234 papers over 1962. Lay-offs Up Applicants For Work | The Oshawa office of the Na- tional Employment Service re- ports the number of applicants registered for employment in- creased considerable by the end) of July as various local plants closed down for their annual vacation period. The automobile and allied in- dustries continued to lay off workers as the yearly produc- tion schedules were completed by individual departments, The majority of construction senior citizens, and in the past has made several other donations, Mrs, M. E. Coak- well, centre, worshipful mas- ter of the lodge, and Manor superintendent W. D. Johns, Members of Lodge Heritage, No, 84, visited Hillsdale Man- or, home for the aged Wednes- day and presented several re- cord albums to the residents. Lodge Heritage is a frequent the draws and races: Girls 3 and under -- Linda} Bishop, Erin Hooper, j Boys 3 and under -- Randy Gallas, Kenny Pierson, iGallas, Randy Crowe, | Girls 4 -- Susan Valentine Girls 5 Valerie French, Girls 7 -- Carol Twaites. Girls 8 -- Janice Manning, iShelley Bishop, Bonnie Ross Boys 10 -- Ron French, Bob | Sleep. Girls 12 and 18 -- Betty Sleep, Kathy Twaites, i Three-Legged Race -- Kathy Twaites, Betty Sleep, Janice' Manning, Carol Twaites. Wheelbarrow -- John Man-/ ning, George Valentine, Bill) |Pierson, Bob Twaites, Balloon Blowing (Ladies) Silvia Valentine, Pat Crowe. Ladies Draw -- Pat Crowe. Children's Draw -- Kathy Twaites, Men's Draw--C. Ross, George on Don Hall, John Man- ng. Mr, McEwen, John Randle,! and John Manning concluded) the picnic with a Candy and) Penny Scramble, | Contest | } Board Approves Three Licences | / The Ontario Liquor Control) Board announced this week that approval has been given to the granting of licences to three establishments in the Oshawa rea, The Tee Pee Tavern, Picker. ing Township, was granted a dining lounge licence; while the Cali Hotel, Pickering Town- ship, was granted a dining lounge and lounge licences The Fieetwood Motor Hotel, Oshawa, was granted a dining room Heence, a public house li- cence for men and public house licence for women, and women escorted hy men. their present supplies are ex. | hausted. Markings on the new coded | cheques are printed in ink with high iron oxide content Tae © cheques pass through a ma- = chine which makes the ink maz- metic and electronically sorts © the cheques. Until this imovation, the che ques were sorted by a machine requiring an aperater. The ma- chine and operator could pro- cess about 5,008 cheques a day. The new machine can sort 60, 90) cheques an hour. Squires Have fauay New Counsellor Jerry Powers, who has deen appointed bp the Oshawa Knights of Oolambas as chief counsellor for the Columbian Squires, tovk over his d@aties last' Sanday. Mr. Powers comes te Osh- awa from the Kingston Council 4 Keights of Oslembeas he was a member ef the execetive and very active in eemare bors work, He was a rounseler fer the Knights of Colambes bays' camp at Back- horn Lake and held varions sitions ig the Kingston Osancil The Colombian Squires of have extended sincere] ciation % their past coun- Bed Simcor, who was at the -- ~ = Ss This is an acrial view of the of a S75nen00M brideetennel complex which will Rnk. Montreal Island with site tions. joursiending im his yoar"s workj the south shore of Ge Si. jprojects indicated work progres- sing on schedule. There was a visitor to Oshawa's home for discuss the benefits of plea- PAGE ELEVEN LODGE PRESENTS RECORD ALBUMS sant music in Hillsdale Manor, Others in the picture are, Mrs. F. W. Browne, past-master, left, and Mrs, A. C. Craigie, right. Oshawa Times Phote Boys 4 -- Dale Hooper, Marty] | i Patty Bishop, Christine Gallas.) jing, Swimmer Says Hypnotism Is Proving Help } a. professional marathon swim-/ mer Who admits he has had the); tendency to quit during big' suggestion to overcome his fail-! The results, he says, been tremendous." thon swim around Absecon Is- land last year and again last/shortages of week, H says he will use it be-/cants eccurred, included the fol- fore every race he enters begin-/lowing: men, welders, patternmakers, body experienced farm hands, wait- resses, housekeepers nurses, ning with Saturday's swim at Lake St, Jean, Que. "T was really impressed with) what it did for me," he said) before leaving here earlier this, week, "It gave me the determi- nation and confidence to finish the Atlantic City race." He finished third after com. ing from well back, edging Cliff winner, good supply of construction la- borers, pected to increase shortly, with the harvest season, Tobacco crops = were reported as coming along ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)) well, following a good rain dur-| John Lecoursiere of Montreal is/j '8 month, which created some job races, But the handsome Cana-/onportunities for part - time dian has turned to post-hypnotic/ workers and students, jagain included skilled occupa- "have tions, service and clerical work- jers, as well as factory labor. Lecoursiere used post-hypno-jers. These were generally filled jtie suggestion in preparing for/ from a good supply of available ithe 26-mile professional mara. /applicants, ¢ jployment at the end of July, Of/Parker, of Toronto, this number 8542 were males/costs for travelling 90 ; N Lamsdon of Toronto, a cant eck agge betel ye ge end -/of June of this year was. 4,500 jot whom 2,746 were males, The! \figure at the end of July jyear was 8,597 of whom 6,976 costs were males. but ess available. Farming activities tradesmen were were ex: approach of the tobacco ing the latter part of July. Retail merchants generally dicated business during the! Magistrate H. W. Jermyn, The magistrate also fined the Monday levied fines totalling/ following: Hebron Elson, of Ux- $365 in dealing with 37 Oshawa' bridge, $10 and costs for turning traffic court cases. from the wrong lane; William Eric Ernest Woodward, 563;Graham MacDowell, Orillia, $5 Coleridge street, paid $10 andifor failing to have lighted costs when he was convicted on/lamps; John Woodman, of To- a charge of entering Highway) ronto, $25 for failing to have an 401 without stopping at Drew)operator's licence; Wallace Gor- street. Two other Oshawa men/don Woolhead, of Green River, were convicted on speeding)$5 for failing to have two iden- charges, They were Sammy |tification lamps at the rear of Camillery, 205 Nassau street,|/his vehicle, Se 70 --_ per Robert Hickey, 122 Exeter ow m igaway » €2diroad, Ajax, $5 for not having a George Robert Trimble, T5titignt "iront* headlight" Calle Beaupre avenue, $20 for travel | Ariss, 22 Heatherwood street, ling 80 miles per hour on the| Ajax, $10 for not having a num- same highway. /ber plate front marker; Ambier- Also convicted on speeding Courtney Limited, Cooksville, charges were: Wesley John'350 for driving contrary to spe- Wolfe, of Guelph, $10 and costs; 'cial permit; Maurice Jean Richard Arthur Grand, of To-/Montreal, Que. $20 for over. ronto, $15 and costs; Paul Roy)joad; Roger's Express Incorpor- ea re org Montreal, Que., $100 for A@S not hav: i . hour on Highway 401; John inane peice A to Woodman, of Toronto, $10 andithe following: Milton James costs; Francesco Simone, of To-/Reid, 385 Verdun road, no in- ronto, $10 an dcosts; Rudolph' surance: George William Wheel- of last/Schaffron, of Toronto, $10 ander, of Scarborough, failing to Malcolm Leslie Bruce, of produce a licence; Ralph Stowe, jof Toronto, failing to stop to n | Vacancies listed by employers) Job opportunities where some qualified appli- architectural draughts- salesmen, bricklayers, auto repairmen, steamfitters, and Tt is stated that 10,850 appli. ants were registered for em- The } Scarborough, $10 and costs, Oshawa Traffic Court Fines Amount To $365 avoid a collision; Fred Ray- mond, of Bay Ridges, moving into the wrong lane; Alex Dum seith, of North Orono, no oper. ator's licence; Mack Murray, of Dorchester, failing to produce chauffeur's licence, William Alexander Gauld, of Toronto; Perriman Cartage Company Limited, Paris, Con- travention of licence; Hur! Transport Company Limit Prescott, not licenced; Midwest ern Construction Company, To- ronto, overload; Nello Perzan, Toronto, overload; Joseph Cice. rella, Scarbrough, no licence; John Edward Stott, of Scarbor ugh, no operating licence. Joseph Verschuren, of Pick ering, overload; William R. Mulholland, Bornholm, contra. vention of licence; Cowan Moy ers, Toronto, overload. A charge of passing a vehicle when it was unsafe to do so was dismissed by the magistrate after John Hoffman, of Toronto, pleaded not guilty to the charge. A charge of failing to yield ate stop sign against George John Calbery, of Port Perry, was also dismissed, PEPITONE INJURED baseman Joe Pepitone became New York Yankees' 40th casu- when he was hit on the a arm near the elbow by a pitch] Yankees' 3-2 victory over Kan: sas City, Pepitone, hit by Ca- Bowsfield, was taken te hospi- tal for x-rays which turned out nor, team physicians, said Pep-/ itone likely will miss one or CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes te the following resi- dent of Oshawa and dis- trict who is celebrating her birthday today: Teresa McCafrey, 3 H.R. Deyman | J0#N MEAGHER Is Honored | Business By Police | aS: COBOURG -- Police officersiof Oshawa for 41 years, John NEW YORK (AP) First) alty of the season Wednesday during the seventh inning of the! nadian born lefthander Ted te be negative. Dr. Sidney Gay-| two games, ad TUNNEL COMPLEX FOR MONTREAL Lawrence River as part of the TransCanada Bichwar. A bridge will carry six lanes ef wallic from the south store commaunity of Jacques = |from all parts of the United Michael Meagher died this Counties and Toronto gathered|morning in St, Michael's Hospi- Ss iat the Cobourg and Coun-/tal, Toronto. The deceased, who ; try Club Tuesday evening to/had been in failing health for honor departing Crown Counsel the last year, was in his 63th Harry R. Deyman, QC, who/year, He resided at 29 Aberdeen next month will be formally)street. jelevated to the judiciary 35: yyr Meagher is at the Arm- jecunty court judge of Peter'trong Funeral Home for high |borough county. lrequiem mass in St. Gregory Magistrate R. B. Baxter, mas-the Great Roman Catholic ter of ceremonies, said that/Charch at 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. while all law enforcement offi-'3. Rt. Rev, Monsignor Paul jeers were pleased to hear of Dwyer will sing the mass. In- ithe announcement of the Crown terment will be in St. Gregory's 'counsel as the new judge for/Cemetery. |Peterborough, all felt a sense of] A son of the late Mr. and jess. Not only was Mr. Dey-iyirs. John Meagher, the de- Was Prominent Man man well known for his fairness\ceased was born at Chepstow, j ite doth the prosecuted and the Brace County, Ontario, March i Rors, he was Q man %0'31, 1899 and was married in jwhom all oficers could turn for/Whithy Oct. 20, 1931. advice, He was a man of under Tye deceased came to Oshawa jstanding and sympathy. In Risirrom Chepstow in 1822 and had jPext position, the magistrate (.orated his own electrical ap-] said he knew Judge Deyman' dance retail busines he JOHN M. MEAGHER cational matters he had servég as a member and chairman of the Oshawa Separate Schou) Board. : He is survived by nis wife, the former Dorothy Mary Tab ing and two sons, John R. and Paul G. Meagher, of Oshawa ~ Also surviving are jour oe ters, Mrs. J. Gorman (Marie), Oshawa; Misses Nellie aad Fier ence Meagher, Walkerton and Mrs. F. Lippert (Agaes) @ Washington, D.C. and a broth. er, Frank Meagher, of Oshawa: ne ae : j jwould carry the wishes of all/a) years jpolice officers for his success. | A member of St. Gregory the) (Crown 'counsel John~ Pringle,/Mr. Meagher was a member of QC, Belleville, Assistant Com-ithe Knights of Columbus and missioners L. Neill, H. Graham./had been a member of the from Toronto; nine inspectors) 1944 Intensely interested in edu- from the Criminal Investigation Department, Inspector L nee Tacsome 'de 'Se ise Name Ontario's jErskine, OPP, Peterborough; | |\ChieT Constables Harold Pearse) Bicycle Team Hope, B: Kitney of Bowman- jand W. Mcliimayle of Hastings./Lion, Giacomo Segat, both 20, The new jude 5 pret and Sammy Watson, 18, all of with a set o mals = nom Toronto, and Egidio Bolzon, 26. @esk set by Sct) Erskine. team which will ride in the) j -- weeklong Tour dé St. Laurent] TWOCAR COLLISION The 989<mile race begins at | Vehicles @riven by Aileen Montmagny, Que, and fin- Gibbs, 383 Mary street north ishes the following Sunday at ron Islan@ and Montreal by [Olive avenue, collided Wednes- © competing will be teams from aia lay at Bond and Simcoe streets. Belgium, Holland, England, \Damare was estimated at $125 Switzerland, Austria, Yugosie- | Present at the dinner were/Great Roman Catholic Charch, VM Whitely and L. Needham/Rotary Club of Oshawa since Me} Gilivray of OPP district 8) jot Cobourg, C. Graham of Port ville, S. Baird of Campbelford;) TORONTO (CP) -- Tarcisio trate R..B. Raxter and with a/Of Guelph form the. Ontario cycle race starting Senday. Cartier (foreground) te Char jand Ronald Robert Cyr, 367 Quebec City. iby i. 'yim and the United States. | «CP Wirephote) i URGES BETTER TEAMS -- LETHBRIDGE, Alia, (CP)-- Orville Martini, playing-coach ef the Swiss hockey team, says Canada "better send a profes. sional team to the world hockey tournaments or stay at home" Martini, 33, a native of Calzaz, said that the clubs Canaéa sends to international compeii- tion are not in top condition and are not strong enough overseas. "People will nol believe me when I tell them that Canada gs not sending over her top = players," Martini said in an terview.

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