4 THE CoHAWA IMB, Wednesdey, July bd 1963 Tim Cox, Stepher h, J and Terry Black edged Bill's Tot t George STEPHEN FUELS last. nights Bown Men's Towt ! na ( series tilt above Fue Fuels Nip Bill's eo oe Lead + erry oat gags The , Bil- WwW owr men m of BOWMA ANVI ven series at the H Game time Driver Leans On Constable Nets $50 Fine BOW MANVILLI e man wa NET THREE MORE A Motorist Fined $10 BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| Acting Crown Attorney H, H.} A Bowmanville man was fined) Brent then stated that it "is alw $100 and given a two-year sub- Ifacet of an officer's tr aini ng toidt pended sentence in Magistrate' s|be able to recognize licence Court here Tuesday, on two/plates and drivers of oncoming charges of driving while his li-| Vehicles." le cence was under suspension, Magistrate Baxter greed Gordon Ronald Kimberly, 22, jwith the opinion of the Crown of 34 Carlyle avenue, pleaded and accepted the testimony of not guilty on the two charges, (Constable Cornell Constable Pat Cornell-told the) "If you khow a car you ca Court that on June 20 he stop-/make certain as to the driver of ped the Kimberly car, knowing |the car," the Magistrate con m and now lead the one game Times Photo liards 10-9 final series by Oshawa OSHAWA DRIVER IRKS MAGISTRATE BOWMANVILLE An Oshawa man who came before Magistrate Baxter Tuesday his car be Q ceeded in ed (Staff) for Albe whose by police some a result of a 1entioned had to bought strate Baxter Do you mean t y those morrew. morning © ja or you am going to order car impounded for month and I just it sold," your another may. order Greene mentioned that he "needed a car for work If to be smart you want 9 i His vou an Worship, As Greer from the ¢ trate Baxter him: "If you slam you'll go to ja After Greene depart Magistrate heaved a and laughed Other that I'm all right pay, retorte v@ Stalked troom caued ed the Sigh than Step? s :) three more th fourth w Ted Dads scored error. Dad and 'ta Covie's The the sixt successive and hat mdent R the Court made e dam Buck Cowle Then Rav Cowle and n himself on Hee folinwine SU BLINDS DRIVER Crombie's dout : : \ ¢ man was ' out for Magis pitch igkgs Court osts second to Ra Lacks Lookout For Water-Skier Boater Fined $20 BOW MANY' ILI F Mag a New here T into th ck or e ditch the road Constabie unsafe b tis Wors wanted MANY BEG DELHI AP) 7.909 300 80 he De } -- Work i fgets ER NAMED RK AP mai gore baden Baxter concurred /\2® @il-star team * half by "the creat Ton d World War = Could Reduce « Milk Price, " Area Man Says on me Pager els CP man of Pickering, Ont., a I "he Toronto Milk P. Association, said tail price of milk ed in Ontario by ut a quart if a producer-cor ied board were to ndustry told a about He provincial ment inquiry commit milk industry that icking milk from pro processing plants tould duced Truckir govern Mg Costs could be having only one tn milk: from farmer a road, instead of three ¢ ampeting tr Mr ollect ickers tors make house deliveries day to every RECALL MOSCOW AP) cammunications two commemoratiy mark the 20th ann Soviet Germe Kursk Bulg t the nov BATTLE The ministry of has } silamps versary of the regiment a tee on the s Hoc key I that there was a -suspension|tended, 'There is no evidence order on Kimberly's licence, that the officer does not He testified that Kimberly;what he is talking about." told him at that time that he; "if there' is no. evidence to jhad not been served with @| show that the accused was not jnotice. . Ithe driver, then I must accep Constable P. C, Harte-Max- ihe evidence of Constable Co jwell then told the Court that|/noej) who is experienced in th te learly in May he had been pres:| matters," His Worshiy aaa : 0 ent in court and heard Kim) Magistrate Baxter found Kum berly state under oath that h°)periy guilty on both charges was aware of the suspension jorder At this point Kimberly awitch ed his plea to guilty on this charge | Constable KNOW st Cornell took the the second charge, which was made on July 13 He stated. that ceeding cast on Hig he saw an automobile thought he recognized beriy's approaching him As the cars drew closer, Con stable Cornel! said, he recog nized the licence number and dentified the driv as Kim berly LOST CHASE He said that he turned chas the car, but ost it after speeds of a ag were reached ar and Kimberly were ater found at the home of Kim} beriy's uncle, he said: The: con:| stable testified that when he at to apprehend Kimberiy the latter started to run away caught by the con he was pro hway 2 when he Kim as to give that he 95 miles to Walt Disney ( presents tempted Sam stam BRIAN TOMMY \ , KEITH "KIRK KEVIN but stabie was Attorney Donald Oshawa then asked) Cornell how far away that he chased Defence Dodds of Constable the car was anv closer than constable | LAST DaY dentifica:) "SEVEN SEAS TO CALAIS" IN COLOR "CAIRO" "Tt never 700 feet replied the "Can you make an that distance? made tion at "No dentifice the car approach At one the ve ight beside me." Dodds asked to the car asured to be window the was point the icence Mr ynstable number e had from the then read his which 220 fee on me court he ast a maximum fine" agree with Mr magistrates send first) but if a man like to send! how-| offenders has a mt ver on one *harge ond yioial m KRISTEN. CORCORAN Sas pa nes Nou TOU wt A Famous Players Theale O For Driving While Suspended | Brent told Court that this Mr Youth Will Pay For Girl's Care TORONTO (CP)--A I7-year-| old youth was ordered Tuesday | to pay for psychiatric treatment| for a nine-year-old girl he mo- jlested and to. continue as "the most serious case oll treatenant himself. suspension" seen, He entence or under ever "Jail ving had ended a Baxter did Brent Magistrate "Many to jail 2 job 1 don't 1 did so once, a similar offence," Kimberly was fined $100 month in jail on and piven a m to jai isne He was warned that on over the riod would) make » SIX months in jail plion of a fine He asked for onth to pay his him fine Fen aya n to give evidence onl a shissnsede Ey | THEY FOLLOWED THE APACHE TRAIL across a land where danger wore a painted face! vase. Pre Cabs Technicolor® Wan YORK CAMPOS KEN Reieaned by BUPA VISTA Darhibetoe Ca. tan, © 196) fat Deaney Presecteane emis: NEW SCREEN EXCITEMENT ! IN TWO BIG FIRST RUN HITS looked out that he Dodds' Mr to Car Corne and stated was unable to read Mr A moment later asked the constable the make of the stable Cor I repiied nell inable Constable he window "RAGE OF THE BUCCANEER" ---- IN COLOR VINCENT PRICE icence Dodds to do so addressed the i] was Mr. Dodds then Court "Your Worship, these cars were each travelling towards each other at speeds of 50 mile per hour, This means thal if Constable Cornell was to iden fy the car, driver and licence number within 300 feet he wou'd have to do so in 2.3 seconds SHE FLED THE VIOLENT ORIENT TO OUR SAVAGE WORLD ~onstable was unaole my licence number tionary vehicle, at 220 RICARDO MONTALBEN - ADDED THRILLER The Screen Thrills to Scenes of Furious Action and Passionate - Thrills ! "FALL GIRL" Sterring JOHN AGAR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT OFFICE RS CONDITIONE Dd pase t perhaps ol ed due to pust Kimbe four cars in the descrip and | pro the circum ve identification plates and the impossible,"" the t ij Las? Day his area which f Kimberly's that \ Pr ces at "AL tion. of pose would be BLAIR GETS POST MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Wren Riair, vetéran Canadian coach nd official, was named general cer of the new Minneapolis n the Central Professiona eague Tuesday, Blat™ appointment was announced at a luncheon attended by officiats 2 GREAT HITS! "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" 1AS JESSE JAMES" DRIVE OUT -* TONIGHT * ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! Thursday @ Friday @ Saturday ] BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 "TOUCH OF MINK" AT 9:05 he Boston Bruins of the Na ional League, owners of the Ria 37, was gen ser and coach last Kingston Frontenacs f Kingston players 'apolis team Uproarious, Roman ew team WEDNESDAY "THIS WEEK THE TOP } RECORDS Admission $0c tic Free-For-All! Dancing 8:30 - 12 p.m. The BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA-ON.THE-LAKE WALTER MATTHAU Meredith Willson's "THE MUSIC MAN" wth ROBERT PTESTON SHIRLEY JONES in COLOR MICHAEL KANE _.. carro. A Un FREE COMIC BOOKS It's Breathless Adventure ALLERT «A Joe! Production al Release FOR THE KIDS! "SAMARI" én COLOR TONIGHT ONLY! "GIANT" "LIZ TAYLOR ROCK HUDSON with GEORGE MONTGOMERY GILBERT ROLAND JOAN O'BRIEN BILTMORE 3° PLUS IST OSHAWA SHOWING OF LISTON-PATTERSON CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT {AWA | LIN THEATRE 723-4972 that} recom: at) not} or the first Nearby lane and assaulted her | rains| two-year nded sentence on the sec-} any two-year} liable and with the! waters and received one | rice Donald Everingham of inearby Cooksville was placed on two years' probation and yas given a suspended sen jtence after he was convicted of jindecent assault Police said Everingham proached the girl and asked her ifor directions because "he was ja stranger in the city," He then led the girl down al in a shed, | CROPS FARE BADLY BANGKOK (AP)--Late increased: salinity in the of Thailand's rice-pro ducing delta country threater a} sharp decline in the natiou' crop this year, according to & government official ap-| taking! | | Hyway, No, 2 1 Block Eost of Liverpool Rd. phere bae.teok SHOW STARTS AT DUSK NOW! GIANT DOUBLE FEATURE ELVIS PRESLEY IN "GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS" ALSO DEAN MARTIN, LANA TURDIER "WHO'S GOT THE ACTION" BOTH IN COLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. INC, SUNDAYS "ALWAKS TWO BIG. FEATURES - PLUS A COLOR CARTOON" PS SSOSCSHSESCOS SG * A Dido de de ded de dndindrcdradrcdiArdadndndudadadadin TOMMY HUNTER Presents: Country Holiday ---- In person -- JIMMY DICKENS JOYCE SMITH BILLY WALKER GORDY TAPP MORRIS BOYLER Wally Traugott AL CHERNEY Tuesday AUGUST 6TH {Red Barn OSHAWA Prices Adults 1.30 Children 7Se FEATURE TIMES 1,30 --- 3.30 -- 5.35 -- 9.40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9,30 Now....meet the most cxtreeraey alae spy in all fiction......... JAMES BOND Agent 007... 1AN FLEMING'S Dr.No (RTT SA TOWER nae LNEITT B. BROCORL! presen LAN nas Dr.No...StAN CONNERY 3 am URSULA ANDRESS JOSEPH WISEMAN JACK LORD sive wary BERNARD LEE sersonpen by tmm® MnIORaR JORANRA RARWOOD and BULLY RATHER Doweted by TERENCE YOURS Mowe Compened by MONTY SORVER Preteen' by RARET LAL TTR sed REET RnRDOOM! Ge PROONCTIONS. UT TECHNICOLOR?® tone te verrngy arent PLALR 27 Air-Conditioned For Your Comfort ENTERTAINMENT THE 7 JAMES BOND TURE! Fil PHONE 728-5731 A&W's famous TEENBURGER --It's Got Everything GET THIS : | REE = Thursday, Aug. Ist All Day FRAY AT Bars TEEN @ BURGER Twist You weit e Meafey tive eeteweeye BURGER FAMMRY, Cer prowdect heer Canada's "TOP FLOP TWIST DISC" The only record you cen play at 33'% or 45! A & W's TEENBURGER TWIST The record's lousy but you gotte admit -- the price is right -- it's FREE WHILE THEY LAST at your Alc W pave. 1327. Simcoe St, N., Oshawa Home of the A & W Rooi Beer and the Burger Family SSS eB SS See ee ek. 4 * halaottcedinlapehvoigsbelimabebmpbaiarigomets:. EAT THIS!