THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 91, 1963 25 Diary Linked -- NEWS IN BRIEF his family announced Monday, TELEVISION LOG were uEY wn CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| OUR BOYS INTER CHPTEO THEM CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton ARREST ESCAPEES WGR-TV Channel 2--Bullalo WBEN-TV Channel {-Buttalo BERLIN (AP) -- Commuist border guards Monday night WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bulfalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester | or actod four persons trying to CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto CKVR-TV ¢ 'hanne WEDNESDAY EVE 5:00 P.M, Vie-Family Theatre 9--Kiddo 8--Early Show 4--Five O'clock Show $:30 P.M, 9---Professor's Hideaway 7--Barly Show 63--Quick Draw McGraw 3~Buliwinkie 6:00 PLM, The Lawman News | 3=Threa Stooges 2--Sea Hunt 5 PM, @-Bucaneers wiz 6:30 P.M, 11-9-8-3----News; Weather and Sports 6:45 P.M Ve-Family Theatre o6--News, Sports O2--Huntiey Brinkley 4--News. with Walter Cronkite 7:00 PLM, %--Donna Reed Q----Jetf's Colle 6 --Seven-0-One 4~--Hennesey 3-~The Flintstones 2--Death Valley Days 71S PM J--News, Weather 7:30 P.M, 9--Gunsmoxe &2--The Virginian yeWagon Tra Paris Theatre CBS Reports 14S PLM, Mr, Fixe? #:00 PM, V--87th Precinct #3---My Three Sons 4--Cancer Today and Tomorrow | 2--Rocket Ship ? THURSDAY 7:00 A.M 7 Educational 71230 AM, | Showcase 1}---F eK #-Big Mac Show F 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain 9:00 AM, The Morning Movie ~* 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2~-B'wana Don 9:30 AM 2--Bachelor Father 7--E Kangaroe Profes: THURSDAY. EVE, $:00 P.M amily Theatre ado Barly Show ive O'clock Show $:20 PLM, ara Show Master of Ballantrae 3~-Yogi Bear 2--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 PLM, Lawman Metro News 10:00 A.M ae 4ighway Patrol %--Kiddo Cartoons 2--Sea Hunt 4~--Calendar Harry Reasoner 02--Say When 10:30 A.M Morning Magazine 2--Play Your Hunch ?.Day in Court } Love Lucy et 11:00 A.M 9 Morning Matinee 8-2 6:15 PLM, Broadway Goes Latin 4:30 PLM. 1)-9-4-43-2--News; Weather and Sports 6:45 PLM, amily Theatre News Huntley Brinkley 4--News with 2 ' ] 7---Jane Wyman Show Walter Cronkite ° + 14 7:00 PLM, eave It To Reaver tighway Patrol New entrai dennesey v's Hideaway 1 $--Barrie|escape from East Berlin, West iBerlin police said Tuesday, The 'four had lowered a cable from the fourth floor of a house near the wall when a Red patrol dis- covered the attempt, BLAST INJURES 20 | MADRID (Reuters) -- Twenty |persons were injured Monday-- fa woman and a young girl ser- iously -- when a plastic charge jexploded in the courtyard of se- curity police headquarters here, jan information ministry spokes. j}man said. 'Witnesses said crowds jof people ruhed from the build. ling into the street after the ex- {plosion, | WAS CAR DESIGNER RREMEN, West Germany )(AP) -- Carl F, W. Borgward, ;German car designer and man- jufacturer whose firm went bankupt in 1961, died Sunday jnight following a heart attack 'CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, River of canal; N.Y, forgetful- 3. Pulling ness power of 6. Book of locomotive maps 4. Term of 11, Direction endear- sign ment; abbr, 12. Rubbish: 6, Female al. sheep 18.Girl'sname 6, Oll of rose 14, ---- aback petals ¢. Barge 8:30 P.M, 9--Movie Going My Way @3--Front and Centre 4--Dodie Gillis 9:00 P.M, 1--Surtside Six 62---Kraft Mystery %--Stoney Burke i--AAy Three Sone ¢3--Dr. Finlay's (dumb- founded) 15. Dry, as wine 16. Most rational 17. Private teachers 7. To come to pass 8. Similar 9, Mimics 0, Dispatched 16, Turt 18, Stress 19, Pagoda Theatre #3--Ben Casey 4-The Beverly Hillbillies 9:30 PM %--Our Man Higgins 4~The Dick Van Dyke Show 10:00 P.M. Vi---The P.M. Show ®2---Eleventh Hour J--Naked City 63--Newsmagarzine 4--Circle Theatre 10:38 P.M, # Rifleman @3--Expiorations 1:00 PLM VWWA8-7-6 43-2 News Weather, Sports This P.M, Metro Final Viewpoint Wd PLM. 7-4--Late Show Sports joe Crysdale Night Metro 1230 PM. Vi--Norm Marsha %--Plerre Berton Hour @2--Tonight Show @--Midnight Jone 3--Movie--Men Against Speed Casebook 4 Twilight Zone 20 PM, Lueky Lively One jale's Navy 10:00 PLM ne P.M. Show Jack Paar Show $.2-- World of Rod Hope Premiere with Fred Astaire 6--Altred Hiteheock y Capt. Bob and Mickey Mouse Club 3-- Su Jack Kingston Show | %--Plerre Berton Hour €--The Detectives sapicion 20. Devised, as ornament He was 73, The Borgward con- cern rated as one of the coun. try's biggest car and truck manufacturers' before' it folded, When bankruptcy was declared, Borgwaml's firm was $52,250,- 000 in the red. PRINCESS ANNE CAMPS LONDON (AP) --. Princess Anne, 18 is on ac ing: trip in Britain with her on ol of girl guides, Buckingham Palace announced Monday, There are about 20 girls in the First Buck- ingham Palace Company of the Girl Guides; The girls come from all ranks of society, some of them daughters of palace em- ployees. BUY INFIELDER MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Mil waukee Brayes announced Mon- day night the purchase of in fielder Lou Klimehock from Denver of the Pacifie Coast League and the recall of out fielder Ty Cline from Toronto of the International League 20, Taxt 21, Pales- tine plain 28. Derives 24. Recline 25. Spread grass to dry 27. Shell for peas Yesterday's Answer 36, Let it stand: tooth's $7, Cows crown 39. Make . Brazil timid weight 40. Triple, . German travelers' river ald 29. Declare $1. Senior Point on anew word 22. Animal's 21> At 8 {9 jlo fur 26, Positive 'J YY, electrode 27. A sprite "A 28, Dog's tidbit 29. Classified corrects 4 proof $0, One who GY 82. Dispas- sionately 85, Inquire 38. Untied 39, Desert plants 41. Setting 42, Made of cereal grain 44, Squander DOWN MICKEY MOUSE _/ AF THEIR RADAR'S AS GOODAS OURS, THEY CAN'T MISS, "© King Fentures Syndicate, inn, 1968, Warid rights reserved." T..1 THOUGHT MAYBE \F T COULD MAKE NANCY JEALOUS ENOUGH YOU'D f BIT BREA LIP AND. 1 AM? TT..1M SORRY: THER! Pose THINGS I TOLD YOU, NANCY | THERE, JUST 1© SQUEEZE! THEN TWO SQUIRTS OF Alz FPREGHENER.. guaranteed, to give "'like-new" Every 'Goodwill' Used Car has been thoroughly safety inspected, reconditioned and driving pleasure mile after mile. For the best value tor 'going' this Summer depend on a "Goodwill used car from THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 DONALD DUCK WITH YOUR GREAT HEIGHT, YOU ARE STILL, MASTER OF FRANCES HEAR Y, ; thee otto AND ALL'S = eS> gg ea oa / | You PROMISED To SUPPORT \_ME IN LUXURY~-WITH A oF STAFF OF SERVANTS =) =e. ry" ei Vas V4 on "IP TULLOOK AT THE \ OTHERS LATER ~ IMTOO BUSY et RIGHT NOW _-- |S Ce 5, MUGGS AND SKEETER THE LONE RANGER ~ JULIET JONES THERES NO GLIARD MERE NOW, TONTO, MAKE FOR THE CASTIES $07 Kine Partnces Se miscnie Tew 3 SHOT THE MASKED MAN / 2 hme Pemince Ny nticate iw 00h Word Cats vemmrent. J GET YOURSELF ANOTHER Me DOOR MAT, LONA. FROM i >, A MERE ON IN YOU TREAT ME LIVE A MAN, OR... OR AE? GET | WO LOOK AT ME... TALK TO , | ME... LISTEN TO With Poet Lord Byron VICTORIA (CP)--A diery be lieved linked with the of Thompson, a third-year student at Victoria Collegé, found the 15-year-old book in the home of his grandfather, Maj, H, C, Holmes, can creed ie pear inside Augusta Leigh, Byron's half' sister, Bynon was accused of hav a love affair with Augusta, @ the ensuing public scandal drove the poet out of England, never to nelum, although he corres with Augusta 4 a friend, Byron's fam: ily drew a veil of secrecy over the whole matter, The small diary--about size and thickness af a pack playing cards -- may unlock some of the mystery, a Whether ar not it was written by Augusta, Prof, McOrmond believes it probably was owned by her, and certainly was writ ten by someone remarkably ws ng with the poet and his works, Positive identification is con) plicated by the fact there are virtually no personal references, im the whale book. In addition, Prof, McOrmond has been un: @ole to find locally any samples of Augusta Leigh's handwriting or signature, Bee Breeding | Ground Seen In South BC. | ABBOTSFORD, B.C, (OP)-« \British Columbia's Fraser Vals jley and Vancouver Island may become a major orm ground for bees, if tests plan by an Ontario honey producer prove successful, Canadian apiarists now im: port their bees from the United States, mainly Florida, Califor- nia and Alabama, D, H, Oldershaw, B.C.'s in spector of apiaries for Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, says Vie Mesiey of Kemptville, Ont,, hopes to breed bees in southern B.C, and move them north in the spring, Nuclei for building larger col jonies in the Fort St, John a Dawson Creek area, they wou be returned to southern B.C, each winter. = Mr, Oldershaw says Mr, Mes ley hopes to set up 1,000 oe ies in the northern Peace Ri¥ district this spring, oe | Tf the plan is successful it wil open up a new industry in pack. aged dees and nuclei, " $657,300 for hees ee ee United States in 1962. A The Fraser Valley has be. come popular for winteriig |Peace River bee colonies be j cause of its milder climate, Mrt |Oldershaw says, | "Honey production in the val. jley is unpredictable and. unsat+ |isfactory, But the entire valley jcould become a breeding ground jtor bees to be sent inte north jern Yoh WILL REFUSE VISAS .. . LAUSANNE, Switzerland -. . (AP)--Otto Mayer, chancellor af the International Olympic Com. mittee, said Tuesday that Kenya jintends te refuse visas for the jSouth African delegates to the jOctober Olympic meeting in |Nairobi, Mayer said he received jthe information by letter from |Reginald Stanley Alexander, |Kenya's member, Alexan: jder wrote that Kenya authorities j@bjected to the South African jgevernment's apartheid (race separation) policy. PHONE 723.4641 GENOSHA HOTEL @ King beatae Syme ain RINKERS CLEANERS "THE BEST IN TOWN" Phone 725.1191