Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1963, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 31, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 oe | * __ 8 a.mm-to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 20--Room and Board 26--Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale -" ROOM and board, single, for gertieman, Bast, 3,|WAMPYON --sicroom modernized old. ' SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By KR} SCOTT [SOM cae Mare cone Semen lh for "gertiaman, "house ler dungetow with garage" Carpe et wit ' Linehés packed, parking, near General/'eeping privileges, close to downtown. |three extra acres, If desired, very low ¥ : A : , Motors South plant, 728.4763, After 4 p.m. phone 723-7014 jtaxes. Terms te sult you. Act now on this a gee) ak gas, i one, by calling Ike Perry, 728-7377, Joseph ROOM AND BOARD, willing fo share,[OROCK edt ee "Wralih | Basee, Meaney, lunches packed, $15 weekly, with laundry, ¥ " : j sindine ( PARE, $16, Telephone 725-9843, and washing machine, Dla JAK -- Siorey ahd & hal { 7258150, " Accountants Building Trades Mortga [2----Personel a SLR MBE. Bg 3 Siaeanaaaine a am A . $14, PER WEEK. Suitable for men wilh ONE room end kllchen, suilable for cou-(08* furnace. Completed recreation room \ [CHINE YS bull, sidewalks and stoops, |PRIVATE and corporation monies tojiF FOU ha b ' ing to share rooms. Single Beds. Tele/ple, adults, Apply 14) =_ with bar. Paved drive, Treed lot, Many LOGRT HOIMAR, War Geneve, Tee eo brickwork, MeCann, Brookiln.jinan on all types of mortgages; mort) 90% 3, 4 " \ reg } phone 728-3396 or 5.9910. PURNISHED two roan yen! joxtras, Full Baty da Regen an feements of sale pur ba 23 mi mare Foor Midown paymer arries tor , ber phone 729-1241 apse! seen erase, Cretamen, Deynas and Mur|3----Pets & Livestock yo y ; ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen oniy,| "France: ao. roe single oer, {ree parkimonth, Including principal, taxes and (OLD E. DEWAR Aceredited Pub-] MICK CLEANING - Have your hone loch. (See heading "Barrister." : \ : single and to share, lunches packed lf NA very contral, Apply 9¢ Centre Street.' inieres: WAROLO > ' f i . HydroSelicn "a " |HOGS, boorded, trim j desired, Very central, Apply 274 King| lal, 725-0953, mana te Accountant Commercia! Buliding.|-leaned like new by na HPIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Saleliathed, Phone 12% on Street Bast |OSHAWA sever-room semi-detached brick s ft, Oshawa. 728-222) rethed, no dust Free estimates Call ai * Men A shasta aici / ree! Ea NEVER sell | your car or halb-ion | ick. house, ol! neat, oar lumi r » bi Bs woaues GROOKE, CharterealSUAN's. Sharpening an) Rental tag../Aereements, purchased snd soll, Men | SELOING aony. Heit offer. Yelephone| Up untl you see Nels Hyland; 1790ldows. $1000 down Telephone Bowmen . prow oe Sng Osnewe Shopping| 222208 sinssainicninnnacninsn {SOG Mast, 739-7198 | ataatarcae pie tale ahh = : ' 22-Offices, Stores, Storage Irowrine The ben aes jvitle 629-2417 Contre, 720953 | ROOFING, conerete floors flat roof pu or * i AUSINESS OFFICE, 980 64. ft Close te 4 -- Rooms, single | - a Men eha ™ ira, months. Ressonable to good homes, Ap jouble. Television privileues. Free park RANDVIEW MONTRITH. MONTEITH. RIEHL, bers aveciiny ew work 'and, repair Musical Services ply 488 Alber? Street or dial 720-6643, downtown and parking Available Auge ry Weekly lightly rates, 725-9035. G DV Chartered Accountants, sj Stee & BANG, Feel pipe and tiecironie organ} . 4 Wat 1. For information, dial W288188 | ae VILLAGE tes. Bimcos Street North, Oshawa, ta and Construction. Mf tuning and repair, instruments appraised, (PBER MOUND pups, Walk Le y | COMPLETE furnished Teveaeass| Aiax We $0090, Whitty MO S419. l¥ouR LOCAL CHIMNEY "cleaner. 4." Hiddink Alex 942-1664 ies, SIR WEORS. Ot, SIP OREN 'pial ses . ay ' >. (| } PA lee Suiteble. tor ser" eeraiten reer] For your new . "'Kossinger' AI | his |) gas lin Lad & 2 CE . e thi FALE! PRIRDLANDER = and Go, a esdad, breaéin Tacatanes. Free | COLLIE PUPS, four weeks at ears | > OFF E tral. Apply 2 Athol Street Basi | Home in this choice east z arene Sceraner: i tie Ginn 'satimates 729-2007 Optometrist jbred, male end female, $2 ch ele = ' } CHURCH S¥REEY, Ve One large room| end location, give us e call Tan, 7H0737! BULLBORING and excovating, FreelG. H TUCK, RO, Gpmmetrit Picase prone prgosia y Bete | \ FOR RENT jwith. two. single beds, wash basin, pri:| Trades cecepted Rast. 7 . ' r Taylor Br 24 Milk) pay accounts at downtown Dominion r 'to BE ' jvate entrance Central. Quiet, Gentiemen! me EAN GO, Chan estinaes. Cail Taylor Bros, ; ay | PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd | Bvp.| ' | BULLFIGKTER Ror mans. Lae one ag 'a? Kine Street crest Drive, Whitby, 4688612 ank or 74 Burk Street? Diel 125-4507 ge weeks old, registered " Butts A p 47 KING STREET EAST |preterred, Acpiy to above address | Carl Olsen, Regitor hen os hg ctor "5.230 nana 'ie ' ana '08, 1 . . q COLBORNE Street East, ja: F | 299 a Kir ng St West 723. 4133 East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725.2509. 5 5 A er 4, te ie 62) aarts GREATER. , ee as 4%: Furnished) TRY URROWS, chartered! KERMAN Painting and' Decorating FOUR part Spaniel puppies. Free fo Good . HONOR to BE MAIN FLOOR wae ets room, Ritehen facilities, | WILSON one BURR upp ' t 2 ' sulfabie employed li | accaintants, 4 King Street B "ah; Otte} Extovating -- Loading PAINTING and pal ps t hanging./ home Teleohone 723-74 |} aap CANMOT WHEN DID SPAIN "Mk BULL i y Genfieman, 88 week awa: Rosa Hh Wilson, € 3 2 a Telephone 798-3258 i " eo ; Tt ore t os Sand, Gravel 1 # Jensen after $ p.m. 7 BLACK POOOLE, registered stock, good, | Buy> 17 KAS GIVE UP Al CLAIM ANE VILLAGES XN nan ie ar "oo nt T T f ~ WANT YOUR Edmond Burrows, CA 4 ee i EXPERT PAINTING dec na.|tamily pet » weeks old, distemper! | Wo WINGS: ALONG THe J "i a Mil + 725-1186, A RACTIVELY Soa CLANCY'S Accounting Serv And Top Soi AL work sett, IbItsor MBE, 'shot, $125, Dlal 668-5406 WW eoiok ? ANVLAM . Millor at 725-1186, W Comptete bookkeeping sale , Seal 20 St. Law BRAUTIFUL beby rgaies ready ter VARIES . Rn ae T, Lamsor a Estote, Ltd Leticiote ee. Beans Street West, 75 ate . Auto Parts teenie PAINTI "ING. AND 4 RA ron oan FREQUENT: . Se i wees tpn eh OFFICE SUITE Call between 5 and 7 om wUy ¥i te CONTRA ---Sportsman's Co | cated above Kams, cledn,' | SAVE AT WESTERN WALCO Paerbibaks, Stas kira'. pce SAVE #) © 5 at Hominion Tire Store, right, imwmmec ps v | 82 PARK RD SERVICE CENTRE CONSTRUCTION oF pray Fein 3 san ioe See We aed aoa Ul----Articles For Rent |16--Female Help Wented A Poul Ristc Recht 728 NORTH | SO LD Repairs To All Make: ; dial Wek i YS. 668-886: RENTALS Sihgren wo em nesis while. fa FOUR CORNER' 27--Real Estate tor Sele LICENSED MECHANICS | provements, store and offic GHTS 5--Farmer's Column Of All Kinds remne. Apply 309 heats oH Pe even \ jUGre | SIKROOM € € ) t x --me W t ' + dc per bale 28-1945. € ne ; y ondition, walking eu wb Eadie Bile Personal Service mor stier 9 Bim. Telephone HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT WANTED -- wailre : t ng establish axes only $190. Ashi eso 6 CALL 726<01me ¥r "Whitby 668-4412 Mental folding chair be va art teme ile . Ap Ar . ¥ s é able sivath F ' We specialize in E r Yur! nail pullers tar shan id J Stow Realt George Koornneet, 7232 ph. Bosc PLASTERING | MODERN GRILL Seas ac arama MOF) chet ication, chuting | [MANYNB' se periad See PAR9ATG" IEP Ring Se' |SSONS Resale Homes MEGIBBON and BASTEDO, F tee ~ is the Spot. Mighee! prices pale} @UNS, tape recorders, TV sets : % Red Y NITH LLOYD Solicitors ts'. fur . Os ; t B-Qued Chick . ) pried farm stock. Tele tronsistor fr s, tile polish Workwomer pen ¢ . EN ( by Yo! MOVER cg ag toage Simcoe id OM, , 4 Fisch 'an CC} hows ' *~pTON, COtax 62791.) ers, vacuum cleaners, bissell breaks, efc: St . xp n A . ' ch ; cement 0 e . iat ons nee 2430-43 poe . A ¥ jcation acquired ' handwriting Revert, Sastese : Made Bies and Dessert mnce 2023. | shomovoer, portable cooler, [eaten seared, Se aacery tts) Monsoon "eee | weoumn | CUSTOM WORK | Shnaiticesnsten [asamreere ee In Medical Center| Real Exote timed | LLOYD REALTY funds available 6 : ee 345° F . nm speok strapping machine, = wren bn a gr Heri : ~ 40 Kin m. f CLA ANAD Boat, 723-1107 Res, 985-716 A W Oops 728-3 3420 3 DONE by carriages COM. "am joe tamhee hein 211 Simcoe St. S. Dial ng St. OSHAWA) LTD RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS Sa ercisers sewing vachines }HOORKEEPING machine cooreter ate ers and Bolick R RA i sante entt m ST ee oe oe ! huls 3 dg eso ane ag «| SAND, GRAVEL. Plumbing and Heating ASS OR Massaging belts, coffee urns, [working conaifions sand' senerone on Available Jy 1963 Mertesee * ° aul FYPES oF reps t E appliance cort potyee benefits, Aoply Canadian Automo CLOSE TO O'NEILL ortgape foans availa m ' Trim, 304 in t i MANNING F SWARTZ AND RONALD ST( INE FILL E a te : } . ig fete . CAMERA EQUIPMENT---35 lajen a ne ee ee COLLEGIATE _ SCHOFIELD: AKER ae gh athe Pg ogy * penenore "5 ow ¢ W e UNLIMITED cnportunity tor entre ear . se their love : : thes A 407, Resk (5 A " se n NY project : é p38: decor ty. counse we ola lay. 795 2 two t 1 bungalow, br SROOK f RES is the aye ng Street Bas ' ¢ N. ' B RTER PLUMBING ating vie con scree! n » Si ca PHONE 725-5132 truct ecorete é this EXCITING ' 2 3 : ' . Ph x and Eginee pin bes ~ Lic i " = ae } . S tit ondscaped with YEW 6 room brick (with oil kal diag a Mg 8 ding g 725 71 19 ng 85* Simeoe Sirect Se PHONE 28-3901 P a MEN ' TELEPHONE canvascers ov be ex SUITE . drive Asking price ve front) bungolow with tw, Notary Alp ding 3 LJ- Y be t ia aa Bataan ata % ws ne Stree? East, 120 tortgage nies ANYTIME : 6 ee \ edg er . ' 4 wing fc 1 0.0 sete re l n patent ---- Rug-Upholstery Service TER et ee Eine i anahy pig 2 : nie Am te retain | OF MODERN | room 2 with 'ator! Osern © VICTOR BA. TB. Be Cartoge CHESTERFIETDS holstered and 7 cP vellecs s rden sproyer,. see hea *, Denerel housework.) AIR-CONDITIONED | NEAR SHOPPING stone front just off the love ster, Solicitor ar ary ' * JOHN MOVING AND CARTAGE,/ 'ested. Free estimates. See © e awn swe r f > ences. Ret a 3. Write Ade eS | Wy vestibule Hor Sie North 13 yl pg I RP RENT-A-TRAILER | Swvtchen pow aie, "vee (Rr Soo" rete aati Ney OFFICES AVAILABLE | CENTRE y reurtule, Homa, Features GREEN AND KELLY sters, Sole! Pully equi nsured 36 heletertng Charles' Street : RENT-A-TR c fey en t Plas Que roximotely. 1000 sq. ft, " bedroom home with " Preity Seporate + King Si st, Dis - CHESTERPiELDS : . bon : i. -- RVICED BY ELEVATOR ) ~-- large lot -- oil , ' 3 bright bed mre Phones: J. Dressmaking covered it new. Get the beat e Shad aida : 17--Mele Help Wanted : PO ea : he good economical "Ss with: double | cinta BA. KCL. ta s8 pre SSMAKING siterations, pant Roos South, Call 728-8a5). Fr mat : waist ze CAMPING UIPMEN FUEL OIL seletmen wanted, Hill oF ' rm A WiLot ma here. Priced ot $8,( Full price only $187 750.00 =~ a or Whitby Osh th $ 0. wh ; ROWMAN, OAVID L.. Barriste Pia 5 é yh wr SRRANGE mt v y acte Tehte tent heater enie * . 8 Be ELEPMONE $1,500:00 ck N.H.A_ terms, ond immediate tor 4 Simeoe Street S a2 te ' . ' ¢ { e siience .238-0264 ; N men ' . * ~t ' tress x ' Perry Ud, 2 O j @oseession, Don't love tf -- % 7: . SwANG AN. QC, Rarrister Gardening ond Supplies Day rm ' : os T GIBE " . : eee : 123-3474 Beh ah ae FE cost aint Seree Money to Than. Office 1M LOAM, sod manure end evergreens, eine, obligation. Ke ? x p.<o ' ~gotgae = Regt paige TOP LOCATION 3 room aw > Hapine + fencing. Reason /CESTERFIFLDS : . stand ar hy r transter ' three left. -- prices | ne anal s TRRTGWTON, DRYNAN AND 25 * rates. Telephone 725-172 ike new Why par es : creme. Aoety | CH riage william 23---Wanted To Rent | start aoe ,695,00 with | bungalow locoted in North mt RDOCH. Barristers, Seite No 0 a G ovel ore xeas tisfac K an f lo Te « 7 - 00 down, Act soon | Sd. Convenient to schools, a hee 2 c e Loam and Grave ree athresses re hawa TWO large oF three bedroom house, In m ad aw idne ne | Bus service ond shopping Br dein, Sin Street No ' ry ens on. t : ' hree full-tim Cshawa, soult-end preferred ag Boulte) rey a oe 0 Excellent buy for someone prating, 5 Saeege, Saat er Washed Stone, Fill | no Golden Folcon horpening ond Rentals t ll-time anc a ehaolage 'cals. Telephone 7i¥eis mortgoge carries. for a x ' ' ot Sins ony 39800 we : th cash. Fult price $10,000 K._ Creighton ' { wae 22 ng $ shaw ve me nous . ri $98 vcludes prin Loa for } Sales and Service Ds a eae j i Gees schelen bigyel nterest ond taxes ACRIFICE ent les BEATTY HAULAGE | ART'S GU N REPAIR TRAVEL _SALESMEN _ pat BY AUQUST 1S. Telephone ? cLAUGHLIN ; ee 12--Articles Want Dealership ee Mel A ent_ home must be 725-2156 TOM GUN \ TRAILER oo oles ode THREE or four room unturnistes apart] COLLEGIATE AREA | soid soon. S room bungalow Psi, A £ a WANTED TO BUY Propane gas ra st te for t wy su wg a ee a 2 bedroom, two storey with breeze #0) and attached Instruction meoking 17 tt. Deluxe, with toilet [prone 728-06: mc eolees : . 2 'sili = = oot th ----" pan, ve gorape. ei fe ran a. PRIVATE. teact we st nt 1S Standard bit t Ishowa, day ohreus pd ore toe aa tor Sep. with extra roughed in plumb. Be lot would be excellent ny years aa _ ™ em ' TO WRECKING ' m * a amas Yee aa na in t . i or o swir ing pool. 3 tra x - - ' st ; i ai : { Bees peas Ww e Oshawa Tinmves,} bee wa pga so ag Sonus ane e Re E CARN . yey] i vy TE ets ms i ; , = sor ESPONSIBLE She Ao! wD mn + en y ter. ee. 125 Rimeve core. mmo SUBWAY Retour ee EXPERIENCED crane Terrence montage ha am. Naturel field stone | sell quickly > an sho ) "OO rv eayire a house to ren e tric ' , ' ne 723 5 HUMPHREYS gait Se ale ; EV FUN AND FRO LOPES BS TRAILER PARK : SHIPPERS fig eccoag lace i. eeat a oi iey ie vey : un 9 8 Se MAN, Berristers C ; \ a TR CK R y. Please : none ¢ n Se Sreet Ee Osha o) Surewpors Ey on * J: peeve OC: GS 8 Lote Models, Stende Prone 725-688 AND SALES 25.2 BLOOR RU D IVERS THREE or Cherlie Chaytor . 723-7996 B. Of : . tomatics Du o DONEVAN AND FLIESCHMANN . ' . w ¥ Dunlop sc sible trade 'ead be orr 3 Aker 725-0201 ' : P 1 Accessories | LABOURERS " ' etd " OPEN EVENINGS Ti ee 1 Marae | Hall .. 723-1358 ee "oath ae haronre cho... 738-5868 PRES : ; : mediately --- Diol 728-46 : tee 725.0239 a teed UNDAS EAST F SON, PC oe ils Lager tg oe gyro Bhr 0 ga Hoa : LN Ken Morris .... 423-5406 ms - ere ee wenter vv aerial and & rice Ww : . "tt : -- roere ces, 'by September 1. Cail betore "a Kome, sags i (Bowmanville) ae) Ter Nem MORTGAGE MO 2! NEY < ARARTREE > . Vhitby ¢ 668-2866 McCULLOUGH enenacenen oe geet ag oo 360 King St, W. Free Parking Building Trodes AVAILABLE allan, Dy ce Pes ate eee 9--Summer Properties NER LUMBER CO 24--Houses For Rent eee 7 oo Mort de BO So. vw aa) Ba 95 Bookkeepin Sonne vce Tee vax Money To Loon ALL TYPES a ' = ' For Sele or Rent vas £32201 1270 SIMCOE NORTH NORTH. OF ROSSLAND - Low Interest SESS ERE Vectnn Arones | Sma fem oe een Soa ete aeons Cerementis) 720-4608 Esse? ER] OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS eae : 2 Resid } . i. ekiy 3 mm oat t Streets r : DREW B heigpe hs 30S. D272 . me after 4.30 Bm. Dial 728-060.| 'RN " d Dis t -- Oo RESTAURANT AND PROPTRTY. Gon SERV ICE STATION : | i. Pattee ty anc istric Cis, CHARMING 'country house on Wity ercia e ; 5 poco chainean" "eiltien SS on feeson ake, compile? ¥ furnished A, mi 2 ' . . any Dusnens, Rees ¢ fron awa, Whitby doeonae Stearns i Sn Et issoes rete ATTENDANT Scho - e i : S45 sy ste. P > TE 03 : sam Ving, 8100 JANITOR 5 SER RVICE Vacant Land TV TOWERS STURGEON LA ge for rent, five FOR SALE @sr Sout Telephone Te © 537-507 perience as a5 Ss Glee einen pe celle oS 0 39 DAY WEEK RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- Home, S and gol . satin * rooms, ol! heat, heavy w ' Aorgtage Brokers' A : Antenna Repoir TAGES an © 0s the Diack 16--Female Help Wanted c xi aga Apply 262 Conant Street al end , ved Unb: SERVICE MANA to SUMMERLAND TRIO . SS toes ee he, Oe page 25--Apartments £3- 15! bees > iL RAI ' THREE - ROOM unfurnished besement = SECURITIES | TELEVISION Smee sca eee cae Site ee ae A. FOSKETT LIMITED. ype 3 . on » Saws, ONE STOP AUTO en S : ' 2a. 2 Q r a wnished apartment. Pri AND SONS ~ 2 Simoce St. North 728-678 | oe acl ates Mae TT Rene] SERVICE. CENTRE [meee noe ae East. Telephone on : a , , ate ° . Hennitten : | LTD TWO-ROOM apartment, turnished Roofing - ve AVON TERRITORY oper * > ME Space. Apply 15 Albert Street. ~-- : ose V TOWERS See eee sm igay Geers pe sence to them MORTGAGE, La gree ee ee es | OSH, gee sear Soya conomy o elu oe Private oe » w pe NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE om . on 668-5906 LOANS ned ee | SS a re BEAN care he fon peal a = - - neva for feat ment eater Watks. Weeents ies Tokpree|1@----Mele or Fasnale + HOME TERMS ARRANG = ak walle tee Srecttin asa > ve as ~ 5 ARRAN ' nex = Sorgen : ' Helo W -- oo . IMPROVEMENTS Mortga accommodation for Six. RESPONSIBLE young worms Se ones a Ria aay sy . wuombie 7 gust and afer, 33 liar pene > sword t WANTED -- Teliadie women or. Couple Telepne 5 66d fa a: . phone Oshawe j.+ : aie . " % Yee re tor Some and sme doy, One| _ rterwiehonahimaneapitie anne g fin > : 3 3 " se? pase ei Seed . th ae welcome, Three miles north of Row. WMITSY, modern apartment, goed io 1} Artich ' ¢ ' the at t . y Manville, DOTae ce en oom. Avaladie September TED ~--Arhicies For Rent to Re a a -- ne 3 5 : SUPPLY LIMITEL : é : iliearecilsos noremeggh Batol "Diet MSG. FOUR-ROOM apartment, welkcontelne 728 - 8180 hes - Cutlery ~ Glostes WAITRESSES RASPRERRY picterc su, to ae Looe py af en 25 ~ O16U nch Bowls wd Thc ; valabie August 1 eee term Ape evenings between ------ Coffee Urns onpraronce a eee FOUR-ROOM apartment, new stove and shaw: ntoro Well Drilling--Digging : Ton Setvice ors oid. Angly in nerson WANTED | Frigidaire | retrigerat Telephone @ Telephone 728-206) 46 "ELL DISGING Sy Sain ndelabra TAMBLYN'S TAXI DRIVERS | RYE < 800M titarnined "arerimen ss : ' re : f Wert FO Ror a geont's Rentals DRUG STCRI ies sap es hsp Pico ary t are Hae QROS : Men or Woren yore, le y teciiifes, peved park- waa KROONTIE. se 3338 Osh awa Shopping Centre Apply woe Ana ss * "Tereonone ms SMART Vv SPORTY LOE ESE wet errenet oo wipe PEI rom, ¥ . yee nies " 7 , : re ah Pore Read Seeth oh EARN ERCURY TAXI RECENCY = ty Wiitem Rel By ALICE BROOKS 2--Personal TIMES EXTRA MONEY Aivert Street 725-4771 lav 'senuiy tnioed tom sete), FOP oR deeres se ber -- Reon ae "ae Show Conodo's fine ' " ot torther details can] Jackets ay | 'WEK ° 3% ' potsties nb A 2 . Sm) atter § pm. ithey do for -yeat 'rour use te -- be in Ci ASSIFIED pein go er ney mt WANTED THE DIPLOMAT -- how renting, new pew knit jacket fer boys ALL THER hh "Ee ake ee Over 300 items, Fer PHARMACIST «= meae"s SP cRS"SR, Wtisinis, Large needles, 2 strands ANNE ADAMS F ' AATIS } : ' " -- Peally JIFFY! Pat gary the weather -- mane \¢ ' 2 ' ppros CORDOVA ROAD fareeream (tern 727 dit Ts siz 44, ng med in August, lightly #3 -- AL ion a For t time work would inaeh, ah comvendoncie 2 i ved in Indian, summer ELECTROLYSIS : Greeting Cord Co. "ah car Se GM. Agely Apert! Ty five © (coins) forip, ak vecks in ga the ~ : ing St . Ito jer retiredperso : ~ -- |this patter $ » PLASC) pias for contrast, Easy-sew, 723-4641 Ar a ag M |FouRRoom See SON. Fite Alice Re re of Needle prin: ttern 4656: Hat aE j ai nore oman phone 725-3038 f a craft Dept. @ TesIMeNtS cine: 1215, 1424, 16%, 18, 20% LEN PULLAN ~ a ; four-room upstairs apart. add ' "s tax. Printion: z s MS yard ENGLISH TAILOR OR 'YOU TELEPHONE Reply to mer. Ap 287 Weraum Reed nly Pattern Number, Name, 35-ach: jackes 1% pards : : : . 7 oun a ago ey i - FIFTY CENTS (0 cents) ® ; & . me elect d. 1963's Biezest Needicrat ; is nleaee) § SOLICITOR ar a aa " , r smocked < : t 3 mw . ate as at cities, ¢ uits cS ou c C it T a t rtark esoden exec é Us our new Ne add 2 cen tax, Priv OSHAWA TIMES EWVLALIE Ave zie: Thre om sec Catalog' Plus over 200 fresh t0-/p)3} ame, Address 8 sates enlist designs te knit, crochet. sry "oe on of the odvertisemer . -- : . : Afternoons 72877. ew, weave embroider, quilt.| Send order to Anne Adams 1ONS Want Ad LARGE deaaitiing room, unturmiened,| Plus free pattern, Send 35 cents care of ' ' Th 29 meierh kitchen, sectrically " Temes reserves oselty ¢ : * et etts . 7" : ond Sloot sapartiy f ; 'oupen in ms whirls = ented : : . NT v% \ - ; i ni Patier : ; vena ; pi -A r . ' ' tale ax yy veer" SO upies. ; zr eprodute of! adve Ol 4 m c , t Cash : Over 30 tizing metter correctly, but cesume no fiebility of ecvertisemert | 3} oe St $ | SR i lav A am F 1 a sizes, Send # @ry imceeyrecies im ery form ere contained therein. ' Os i roe oy ae eee a Cost They Pay | bay Py Catalog

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