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AUG. 3rd In Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville eds sands have also won lected over the weeks, sat ial » Winner will be announced in Dominion advertisements of week ending Aug bee cards at your friendly of happy Dominion » and more Canadian Canada's most 'ry * In space provided, print your name and address, on each card you deposit, ust 17th, 1963, CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF BONELESS ROUND STEAK «ROAST -- FULL CUT EASY TO CARVE ROUND END RUMP ROAST READY TO SERVE SKINNED AND DEFATTED SMOKED COOKED HAMS PRESSWOOD IDEAL HOT OR COLD SMOKED PICNICS «39°: Everyone at Dominion says: Thanks for pares ~~ 3-IN-A-ROW!" Lb. Lh. WHOLE OR HALF 12-O0Z.PKG 33" SCHNEIDER'S COUNTRY STYL PURE PORK SAUSAGE 1-LB. PKG 59: SHOPSY'S Potato SALAD or COLE SLAW 89: 63: Wednesdey, July 31, 1963 15 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Ore Carrier Unloaded: Under Guard CLEVELAND (AP)---The Ca fadian ore carrier R. Bruce Angus unloaded her cargo and left here without incident Tues: day after Cleveland police pro: vided a heavy guard to discour age trouble makers, The Angus, operated Up er Lakes Shipping Limite ol 'oronto, was the first ) to get the benefit of a special anti-sniping squad organized in the wake of a watrefront inci: dent last May. The James J, Norris, a sister ship of the An- gus, was the target of a sniper's bullet in that ieerdent No one was injured When the Angus moved: into the harbor Monday she was es- corted by two policemen aboard the harbormaster's boat. They jwere armed with high-powered jrifles, Another half-dozen po \ticemen were on shore keeping watch, Two U.S, Coast Guard boats cruised in the area, Police kept people off the pier near Edge- water Park, where the shots ap- parently originated that hit the Norris, Two police cruisers pa: trolled the area noting licence numbers of cars and identifica. tion numbers of pleasure boats were recorded | There has been a series of vio- jlent incidents at Great Lakes }ports arising from a jurisdic. jtonal dispute between the Ca- jnadian Maritime Union and the | Seafarers' International Union, The SIU tried earlier this year to picket Upper Lake vessels here but was barred by a court order | Board Keeps Trying To Get Ship Loaded CHICAGO (AP)--The National Labor Relations Board filed a petition in U.S, district court Tuesday in its continuing effort to force loading of the Cana. dian grain ship Howayrd L, |Shaw, idle in. Chicago since | April 22 The NLRB petition asked the court to cite the Seafarers' In- ternational Union of North America and International Longshoremen's Association Lo- cal 418 for contempt of court, The petition said the two un. ions have failed to load the ship under terms of an injunction is: sued June 14 by Judge James B Parsons in U.S, district court 1, asked fyor a hearing and an jorder that the union obey the in. Junction Elevator workers of Local 418 | have refused to load the ship in isympathy with the SIU which is protesting hiring by Upper |Lakes Shipping Limited of Tor. onto, owners of the ship, of Ca« |madian Maritime Union (CLC) members. Sex Approved If Planning To Marry CAMBRIDGE, England (AP) Sexual relations beiween young jried is not unchaste, an "educa: ltion ministry official says. Dr. Peter Henderson tok a health seminar of seacandary | schoo) teachers Monday nicht he leannot convince himself that young couples having sexual re- tiens before their marnage are immora! Henderson, 39, is principal medical officer of the education ministry, He is married and hag no children. He said i a lyoung couple want ta get man ried but are prevented tempar arily threugh economic er same other reasons, they cannot be called immoral if they have sex. ual intercourse, "I feel it depends a great deal * their state of maturity. Cou- tes must certainly not use mar. ao as an excuse for sexual intercourse, If they do nat sin. cerely plan ta marry then they shoul id not be intimate." Keeler Sake Protection | By Police LONDON (Reuters) -- Chris- tine Keeler today was reported | seeking ce protection ~ the second TM TWO moatas "Pm frightened," the tabloid Daily Mirror quoted her as say- jing at her London apartment, "J iwill not leave here until I get a police guard, And I wan't oper the door ta anyone tonight Miss Keeler, 22, a central fig- jure ia the vi of Dr. Se- Iphen Ward he telephoned lawyer asked him to en. He | e tia ami matice pretecti © wou aid." ' "Tuesd ay Jama azz Sager Aloysius (Lacky) Gorden, 31, }wor a court appeal here against a three-year sentence far as- ne me received paluce guard last month after getting tel ---- threats against 'her ile pahce were investigat- jing' the Ward case,