14 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 31, 1963 2 Suits Begun Against Ont. Tobacco Board | %.~.\ yi 3:IN-A-ROW TORONTO (CP) -- Two suits \ 6) OR SPELL DOMINO against the nOtario Flue-Cured sss Tobacco Growers' Marketing '3 Roard began in Ontario preme Court Tuesday in at ; ' tempts to nullify 1963-64 to- 4 baceo production and markets ing regulations, The board decides which farmers are to grow tobacco each year and sets acreage quotas for each. This year, fol Jowing 1942 overproduction, the hoard {is attempting to reduce crop acreage by 40 per cent » It ruled that no acreage quo $ tas be given farmers not és. 5 tablished as licensed produc ers} BS prior to May & Plaintiffs before Mr, Justice Campbell Grant were eight to baceo farmers from Brant, Ox: tord and Northumberland coun ties who have been refused ap- proval to sell their 1963 crops.|b & In one suit, William A, Broda,|** James Puskas, Ervin Robbins ' and George Sebok seek an in 8 junction to prevent the board from applying its regulations to their farms These four, with Glenn H,) Atkins, Richard Clahs, John} Kartavicius and Cornelius Van belois, ask the board be com pelled to license. them for 1963) and grant them acreage and marketing quotas Mr, Justice Grant heard only the first action Tuesday, ad journing the other until Friday M. M. Green, counse! for the growers, said board regulations passed May 24 were retroapec- : oo ¢ tive, Growers who hoped to F produce tobacco in 1963 had to : begin seeking In March is ' } oe He said the board had a closed-door policy... Hig clients had invested $208,900 H. F. Harris, counsel for the 3 : * marketing board, said this ; : sy year's cut in tobaceo. acreage 8 had been made in the hope of selling the entire 1963 crap Women's Plight : Given Airing At Conference " & Ni : DOZ. ccmmraacos ce S good-humored airing at Tues day's session of the conference of the Canadian Institute on Public Affairs, and shared dil! EXCELLENT FOR EATING OR PRESERVING ing with what appears to be mis-/ directed educational systema in Africa Both were spotlight stealers from the main topic of the ses sion--the inner conflicts of the human mind and apirit--a prod : QT, BOX ing of the human "id" led by Kaspar Naegele, -- of sociology at the University of British Columbia Prot. Naegele, Germandos CALIFORNIA NO. 7 FIRST OF THE SEASON - ONTARIO GROWN with. degrees from McGill, Yumbia and Harvard and Shag erly om the staff of the vane sity af New Brunswi ck, intr duced the "plight of ponen" gy C for c tanie during hi is far-ranging ad- dress and asked "Isn't it important that we cominge afferent wane wnt' SWEET, SEEDLESS, JUICY, EASY TO PEEL ONTARIO NO. 1 BRADFORD GROWN e did not want wai vo a come jess. feminine yoy pb LTR should be same way to ¢ ahee | LARG E LARGE ate the feminine life in a mo 1350's coherent way than at pres ent. . C d SIZE Cc Doz 36's Dealing with education -in newer African countries Prot Thomas Balogh. British econo mist, said that under colonial re gimes education had been can ducted in British and French traditions with little regard to the real needs af the country KELLOGS SPECIAL = HEREFORD SPECIAL eancerned; and, because of the sade oes east. aniy the "well-connected families in the African socia 02 j structure could take advantage c Ww x Ke ss , The result, he said, is that the SPECIAL educated African tends '© 4 CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE FUDGE BAYVIEW azriecukural labor, and fin d permeate ie ' aaa We { , oTINS &2) salames in terms of the mas«< PKG TINS c manual iat of the peonle. In effeet, it mean "a freemnzg of th olonial ~ me coenalle ATTUSO SPECIAL PANTRY SHELF SPECIAL mold wePay Bost SPAGHETTI o MACARONI: 37: LIGHT TUNA SOLID 4: 1.00 Bill Passed SWEET RELISH & SWEET MIXED SPECIAL ORANGE - PINEAPPLE - GRAPE - FRUIT PUNCH SPECIAL Without Tak WORK PICKLES s¢ 29: ~LINCOLN DRINK ee 1,00 OTTAWA (CP)--A bell te erease the remuneration of t Pari ang LEAVER SPECIAL BAYSIDE members of amen? senators was passed without de - e by the Commons and ap STEM : eved in principle by the Sen 10 O : sre Teast d PIECE TINS F is expected to Cll es The measure receive 'imal appreval in baw Gee ce ne ema TSO _ SPECIAL LANS ater a was Wha She in the Cammons ate consideration of the bill was , Py Cc government leader W.. Rass Macdonald. whe explained the provisions and answered a few Queshons Senator Macdonald said the senators will receive a lower in erease than the MPs--33.000 an cia coumareg wo fe fe "ONLY AT DOMINION" Ving expenses. MPs and sena rs all receive a total ef $1@~. 1.) ©; #8 at present NEW SIZE RICHMELLO RESH RIC Re added that the +9 ex : ee FRESH RICHMELLO Saceve sar co INSTANT HAMBURG: BUNS . SLICED RAISIN eas Teceive a = COFFEE ° oy | 29 | LOAVES C ire 32@ allowance $8 ®. ( f 2 i.4.0 ¢ WIENER ROLLS -- BREAD RICHMELL SPECIAL