Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1963, p. 9

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ANN LANDERS »»Dear Ann Landers: My hus-| band and 1 have been martied four years, We have a two- year-old son, The problem is| tantrums -- not the boy's, but his father's. If Woodrow can't find what he is looking for he pulls every- Dad's Tantrums Worse Than Son's if we don't send our children to them for one month every summer, They send the kids gifts galore and phone long dis- tance every week just to talk THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 31, 1963 9 - ak Sian Aithan iin ihn i itin Alain i nin Hi ti itil THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW A really good day! Both busi- mi ness and finances should go well --especially if you put forth best efforts in the A, M, Long- pending projects shouid reach happy culmination now, and It's also a good period in which to make long-range plans. Ex- to them, Frankly they overdo it My parents are just ees pects some good news from afar. 'FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, a tendency which all Leoites will have to control during the next twelve months, This new year in your life also promises much in the way of domestic, social and roman- tic happiness, and there is a likelihood that a short. trip} taken this month could prove) highly enjoyable. Travel, inci-| dentally, will also be favored: next January, June and July. If single, there is a chance for hew romance between now and at a high peak between mid. December and the end of/ March, 1964, CIVIC HOLIDAY FOOD BARGAINS ee OS or ik isn dit alli Shim itn di ii Mindi aa wr ee 6. nN thing out of the drawer and leaves it on the floor. Several months ago he broke his toe kicking the furniture. This spring he sprained his wrist punching a dent in the car be- cause it was out of gas. Last week when Woodrow got hold of a shirt with a loose button he tore the collar off and left the shirt in the refrig- erator so I wouldn't miss it. Woodrow left for work this morning without speaking be-| cause I washed a theatre stub in his shirt pocket, I don't know how to deal with his posite, They tive nearby, but'your horoscope indicates that if, we don't see muc th since the beginning of the year, They have never offered to sit you made constructive plans with the Kids or even takenifor job advancement and an im- them out for an cone, i tus, then I want our children to Hike scientiously, the next two both sets of grandparents the| months should bring, if not com- same, We hate for them to beiplete, at least partial, fulfill. "bought on the one hand and}ment of your aims, Further) ignored on the other. What do boosts along these lines are in-| you suggest?--Double 0 March. Do not be reckless in' +.Dear O: You are not going to intervening months, change either set of grandpar.|= oe ents so don't try, MAPLE CLEANERS And you can _ forget about | d getting the children to like | $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA temper, Can you suggest some-|both sets of grandparents "the |] Cosh & Carry = 5 i Service yep ai ; . 4 'i | Us thing?--Molly. same,"' All people react to the ae PiekeUp or Gabveny ] "Your Family's Friend" Dear Molly; Deal with him as| treatment "they receive and| PHONE 725-0643 A child born on this: day will be a born leader; would make/ an excellent executive or teacher, | et your Family Food Market 45 Years in Business in Oshawa ice cream provement in your financial sta- seeps followed them con- | | | | CARPET 282 King W. BROADLOOM you would any child who has|Coaching from the sidelines is| tantrums, Take all sharp ob-|& Waste of breath, Hjects out of his hands and if- --ttrns_»_<1» nore him. Woodrow needs professional help but if you suggested it he'd probably have another tan.' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON RD. S. Open Every Night Till 10 P.M. HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY FOOD -- Simply drop off your written order the dey before, we will be gled to fill it for you for your holiday trip. BREAD""™ BUTTER ™*" EGGS" RAID BUG KILLER SUGAR""™ BLUEBERRY PIE*"™ LOTS OF HOT WEATHER STILL TO COME 9 trum, GERTRUDE'S ..Dear Ann Landers; I read where the woman from Atlanta bride is the daughter of Mr, | who was named "Secretary of and Mrs. Nicholas Strynatka, |the Year," said a good secre. Oshawa, and the bridegroom |tary limits her personal calls is the son of Mr. and Mrs, |to necessities and emergencies, | John W, Kaine of Tamworth, |She put it this way: '"Remem- ' --Ireland Studio) ber, when you are in the office) ----~--~-m| wour time belongs to your em-/ | ployer." ce I've been working here for three months. I, too, believe a | secretary's time belongs to her jemployer, but what can I do when an older woman wastes at least two hours of my day? She babbles incessantly, g0s-/ WED AT ST. In a recent ceremony in St Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church, Sylvia Margaret Strynatka became the bride of Keith John Kaine, The CHILD GUIDANCE Don't Permit Your Child To Go Into Empty Houses Shabby incessantly, gs By GARRY C, MYERS, Ph.D.that they would. usually do so troubles, reporting in detail As editor of a children's mag-/With the knowled and ap-|doings of her bridge club, dron- azine, I read m a submitted Proval of their parents ing on and on until I could story about ch . who. while| If you live in a town or vil-|scream, I don't want to tattle wandering about, usually ina lage, or near the outer limits/to the office manager yet this remote area, enter a vacant or)! a big city, you know of/bore reduces my productivity deserted house and explore it/humerous vacant houses into|about 25 per cent, What can I with a variety of expe ces (Which children from so-calied|do?--Fruss-Trayted .. Sometimes the house is referred good homes go to explore and ..Dear Fruss: Have a ready to as haunted have fun," phrase and rehearse it aloud so I must have examined 50) Let's hope none of these chil-;you can say it easily. Here's @uch stories within last dren are yours, Often you no-/a sample, "Please save it for year, tice that many windows have! later. I'm terribly behind right In a few of these - been broken, lights on the now."" Then continue to work, parent may be with tt dren Oroken down--usually done by) If you repeat this five or six exploring. In most |times (using precisely the same to. Youngsters "just for fun", ries, the parents knew all about) TEACH CITIZENSHIP words) she'll get the picture the matter and, and leave you alone. presumably,|" As you and your children may approved see one.or more vacant houses}>;Dear Ann Landers: Leo i - . -- not far from your home, you tell. me how to maintain a S SRMISSION ' 4 pe Tan cnd ypgar me story Dave an opportunity to guide healthy balance between the in which the child "even the these children in wholesome) possessiveness of my husband's! parent, had sackired permission "itizenship, Do try to get over| family and the indifferent atti. of the owner to enter the vacanti*? them by precept and exam- tude of my own parents. house ple that they never should enter) The possessive in-laws live Not one of these stories was 22% such house, ever go. onto! out of the state, They are hurt accepted, of Course, as jt /its Porch pr wander about it seemed to me immoral te have throw a ston anything else any child read or near pat it as oan aia PERSONALS revealing no. regar If you can find the owner of rights of the owner of the house, he might be glad to Why so many will , SO With you and your child to/ John street, arrived home on stories for cyildren, supposing) (00k through the house. When/Sunday after attending the fu- they were interesting, without be your child, you observe! neral of a friend of the fam- any concern about the probable (er children prowling about jly, Mr. Robert S. Tate of Pon- effect on ideals and character, '2 Place or see 'shattered win-|tiac, Michigan TI can't understand dows in this-house, you have an As the writers. some of them °PPOrtunity to call to his atten. 24-02. LOAVES 35° vu 53° 242 89° REG. ee seach 99° at" 77° mm AGS SPORTSWEAR 170. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FINAL 3 DAYS | TOMORROW e@ FRIDAY @ SATURDAY | 63" nt ABP 2 3 89° Be BOP ORANGE JUICE BIRDSEYE FROZEN FROZEN PEAS ""™" CORNED BEEF """"™"" LUNCHEON MEAT """"™"" CANNED HANS """""™ 'ww 1.65 BEEF and IRISH STEWe = 2 me" 75° 300 PREMIUM GEM MARGARINE """~ "" 4xc. 89° SUMMER DRESSES 5.00 Regular to 10.98 or Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Strong, Meat Manager: Mr, Mitchell Glecoff Cottage Rolls wy is"ssc tee 59° A number of friends arrived parents, are probably cross-section of a! ts, sume that most cl 'n wouk act about the way childrea do na a in these rejected own t Nw > FASHION FOCUS Cool and carefree, this easy. geing shit is im A new per- Manentivy shirred arne] jer eey which bdelics $ look = Drip proof, i: s er candeligh. a good T as. Rie " Bang 4 at home, from the time Friday evening te celebrate y ur child begins to toddle, you their 10th wedding anniversary. undreds and A: four-piece orchestra provided tion how wrong it was for an one to be so destructive ae h us not to d for fun. You dancing which was followed by prned abo! proper right next door or nearby If you see him at four or: six deliberately rt ¢ stone at a car you would seize before he could inson,"" Whenever im, regardiess S ring such would treat the matter serious and decisively ow c lig' and paddle hi perty, 2 eoaur . } ; of course, you would also try was his first visit to Canada to teach your child from his!and with his. parents and bro- areful of his ther early S to be c es and 0 great regard fo other persons PARENTS' QUESTIONS: Q Are most pa 3 he rights pe Ev Parent Teacher. "Having once abdicated te ch of their power, they m me t0 regain it ang five money and many gifts. Mr. and y "Jack Rob. you observed $ age, .de. has been visiitng his parents, you Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly Sr., »'s| Jeanette, since they came here honalien, veghioa earniyou've been on a trip ustly and judiciously" visitors. There's no charre Y- at the home of Mr, and Mrs Gerald Strong, John street, on @-imusic for round and square ms a barbecue, Mr, Robert Fowler 'Y\ addressed the couple who were presented with a purse of thanks s and for the happy ® Mrs. Strong expressed Atifor the gift ™ evening Kr. Frank Kelly of Glasgow ly|Montrave avenue, and is re- turning to Scotland today. This and sister, Kevin and Mfisix years ago. He was also re- of united with another brother, Mr John Kelly, whom he had not seen for 11 years. tT All your friends and neighbors may be at the cottage but they & still like te know what is going on the social scene. A' Simple way is to telephone the social department, The Oshawa stiTimes, 723474, ext. 18 if er had ENROLL NOW FOR you real dividends - YOUNG PEOPLE --- IF YOU HAVE HAD YOUR HOLIDAYS__THEN PUT THE BALANCE OF YOUR SUMMER TO GOOD USE! AT THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE You can still teke Typewriting - Business Machines - Bookeeping - Spelling - English Mathematics - Attend either 9:00 till 11:00 and teke up to two subjects - Tuition 20.00 per month or attend 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and teke up to five subjects - tuition 35.00 per month. One month of concentrated effort will pay Complete details. Over one hundred enrolled now! OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH BUSINESS TRAINING Just diel 725-3375 for OSHAWA, ONT. SLIMS. @e JAMAICAS e@ B SKIRTS @ BLOUSES e 7.00 Regular to 16.98 7.00 Regular to 24.98 a "T'* SHIRTS 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 IN MOST CASES THESE PRICES ARE LESS THAN HALF THE REGULAR PRICE ERMUDAS @ SHORTS POP-TOPS @ SHIRTS ALL BATHING SUITS REDUCED ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE -- A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LUCAS BRAND Breakfast Bacon """™,,. 59° Smoked Wieners 3 is, 1.09 Chuck Roasts Beef "ss, 45° Beef Stew *""™ uw. 59 7 Chicken Backs """ 3,,, 25¢ ROUND STEAK or ROASTS LEAN RUMP ROAST BEEF vu. 89* u 89° FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES @ Fruit Manager: Mr. Leo Gallagher ® FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY FROM ALL PARTS OF THE GLOBE EATING PLUMS ""~™'=:; 29° Cardinal GRAPES ">:'"%" 19° CELERY """"'~ 2.2% No, 1 -- LB, FRUIT BASKETS MADE UP TO ORDER FOR YOUR SICK FRI ANNIVERSARIES, BIRTHDAYS, ETC. ESPECIALLY CREATED §Y OUR FRUIT' MANAGER Specials In Our Clothing And Health Aid Department Mrs. Zenia Glecotf, Manageress Visit our Clothing Dept. before emberking on your Holiday Trip -- We heve whet you need in Women's Lingerie, Children's Clothing, Baby Needs. Men's Shirts, Slecks, Underweer ete. _ CHILDREN'S BATHING SUITS "Stor 1.90 MS for 220 MS FoR eee BATH TOWELS 'V8 Mower Ones 1c. snc rox BS® CLAM DIGGER SETS """™""S "Sx. 2.39 Girl's BEACH COATS special tach S90 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES sca: ror 15° _ @ WE CASH PENSION AND PAY CHEQUES @ BOOST YOUR COMMUNITY MERCHANTS, THEY BUILT -- cry

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